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Bug: Napalm Grenades do not work

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Old 07-05-2010 , 15:20   Re: Bug: Napalm Grenades do not work
Reply With Quote #11

Originally Posted by rhelgeby View Post
Isn't that, I don't think. I haven't had any *reported* issues about this on my server.
KyleS is offline
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Old 07-05-2010 , 16:04   Re: Bug: Napalm Grenades do not work
Reply With Quote #12

Yeah and that change has been around before the last patch hasn't it? Maybe not.

Edicts and entities are confusing in Source. Ask the users having problems about their graphics cards/OS. Could be mac users not realizing that there may be bugs on their side, and it's not the server.
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Old 07-05-2010 , 16:23   Re: Bug: Napalm Grenades do not work
Reply With Quote #13

Originally Posted by daleGEND View Post
Are you using the latest dev build?
would not matter mine is an old scrip I made from before zr existed.
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Old 07-05-2010 , 16:51   Re: Bug: Napalm Grenades do not work
Reply With Quote #14

Originally Posted by zeroibis View Post
would not matter mine is an old scrip I made from before zr existed.
What are you talking about? You are clearly confused.

It's not a graphics card problem, this is the case for EVERYONE in our server. I have a PC. It also doesn't make the zombies slow when they run like it should so clearly it's not working. Why don't you load upload your latest dev build and test for yourself. Also everyone could see the nades perfectly fine in your latest stable release, it's something about 751 that is causing this problem to happen.
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Last edited by daleGEND; 07-05-2010 at 17:02.
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Old 07-05-2010 , 17:40   Re: Bug: Napalm Grenades do not work
Reply With Quote #15

Ok then that confirms something got messed up in the code. We'll look at it.
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Old 07-06-2010 , 17:07   Re: Bug: Napalm Grenades do not work
Reply With Quote #16

Napalm works for me on zr-dev 751e80204026bf on my linux test server. Fire and smoke.

What about mac players, and windows servers?
Richard Helgeby

Zombie:Reloaded | PawnUnit | Object Library
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Old 07-06-2010 , 17:49   Re: Bug: Napalm Grenades do not work
Reply With Quote #17

I'm using a Windows Server. If you would like to use a windows server for testing, please use: password is stayout. Use it as you like, PM me for rcon. It has bare minimum plugins on it. So if it's working for Linux, it seems you didn't make this plugin Windows friendly . You can run around, shoot, throw non-napalm nades and take no damage as humans all you would like .
Bor3d Gaming - A Mature Online Gaming Community

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Last edited by daleGEND; 07-06-2010 at 18:20.
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Old 07-06-2010 , 18:59   Re: Bug: Napalm Grenades do not work
Reply With Quote #18

Tested with my own windows test server. Napalm works there too. Check your setup.
Richard Helgeby

Zombie:Reloaded | PawnUnit | Object Library
(Please don't send private messages for support, they will be ignored. Use the forum.)
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Old 07-06-2010 , 19:50   Re: Bug: Napalm Grenades do not work
Reply With Quote #19

Originally Posted by rhelgeby View Post
Tested with my own windows test server. Napalm works there too. Check your setup.
Did you check my windows server so it isn't my imagination? Here are my config files:

// ============================================================================
//                    Zombie:Reloaded Class configuration
// See Class Configuration (3.7) in the manual for detailed info.
// ============================================================================
// Attribute:               Values:     Description:
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// enabled                  yes/no      Enables or disables a class.
// team                     number      Specifies what team the class belongs to:
//                                      0 - Zombies
//                                      1 - Humans
//                                      2 - Admin mode classes (incomplete feautre!)
// team_default             yes/no      Marks the class as the default class in the team.
// flags                    number      Special class flags (bit field). To combine multiple flags
//                                      use a sum of the flag values. Available flags:
//                                      1 - Admins only
//                                      2 - Mother zombies only
// group                    text        Restrict class to member of this SourceMod group. Leave blank for no restriction.
// name                     text        The class name used in class menu.
// description              text        The class description used in class menu.
// model_path               text        Path to model to use. Relative to cstrike folder.
// alpha_initial            number      Initial transparency setting.
// alpha_damaged            number      Transparency when damaged.
// alpha_damage             number      How much damage to do before switching alpha.
// overlay_path             text        Overlay displayed at the player.
// nvgs                     yes/no      Give night vision.
// fov                      number      Field of view value. 90 is default.
// has_napalm               yes/no      Allows player to throw napalm grenades. Humans only.
// napalm_time              decimal     Napalm burn duration. Zombies only.
// immunity_mode            number      Sets the immunity mode.
// immunity_amount          decimal     Sets the immunity value.
// no_fall_damage           on/off      Disables fall damage.
// weapon_profile           text        Weapon profile to use, for ammo control and weapon restrictions. Humans only.
// health                   number      How many health points to give.
// health_regen_interval    decimal     Sets the regeneration interval. 0 to disable.
// health_regen_amount      number      How much HP to give per interval.
// health_infect_gain       number      How much HP to give when the player infects someone. Zombies only.
// kill_bonus               number      How many points to give per kill. Zombies only.
// speed                    decimal     The player's run speed.  0.0 is the default run speed.
// knockback                decimal     Force of the knockback when shot at. Zombies only.
// jump_height              decimal     Multiplier of the players jump height. 0.0 means no jump boost, 1.0 is normal.
// jump_distance            decimal     Multiplier of the players jump distance. 0.0 means no forward jump boost, 1.0 is normal.

    // ------------------------------------------
    // Zombie classes
    // ------------------------------------------
        // General
        "enabled"               "yes"
        "team"                  "0"
        "team_default"          "yes"
        "flags"                 "0"
        "group"                 ""
        "name"                  "Classic"
        "description"           "Zombie Pawns"
        // Model
        "model_path"            "random"
        "alpha_initial"         "255"
        "alpha_damaged"         "255"
        "alpha_damage"          "0"
        // Hud
        "overlay_path"          ""
        "nvgs"                  "no"
        "fov"                   "90"
        // Effects
        "has_napalm"            "no"
        "napalm_time"           "10.0"
        // Player behaviour
        "immunity_mode"         "0"
        "immunity_amount"       "0.0"
        "no_fall_damage"        "yes"
        "weapon_profile"        ""
        "health"                "2500"
        "health_regen_interval" "0.0"
        "health_regen_amount"   "0"
        "health_infect_gain"    "250"
        "kill_bonus"            "3"
        "speed"                 "75"
        "knockback"             "6"
        "jump_height"           "1.1"
        "jump_distance"         "1.2"
        // General
        "enabled"               "yes"
        "team"                  "0"
        "team_default"          "no"
        "flags"                 "2"
        "group"                 ""
        "name"                  "Mother zombie"
        "description"           "Original Zombie"
        // Model
        "model_path"            "random"
        "alpha_initial"         "255"
        "alpha_damaged"         "255"
        "alpha_damage"          "0"
        // Hud
        "overlay_path"          ""
        "nvgs"                  "no"
        "fov"                   "90"
        // Effects
        "has_napalm"            "0"
        "napalm_time"           "10.0"
        // Player behaviour
        "immunity_mode"         "0"
        "immunity_amount"       "0.0"
        "no_fall_damage"        "yes"
        "weapon_profile"        ""
        "health"                "5000"
        "health_regen_interval" "0.0"
        "health_regen_amount"   "0"
        "health_infect_gain"    "500"
        "kill_bonus"            "5"
        "speed"                 "75"
        "knockback"             "6"
        "jump_height"           "1.1"
        "jump_distance"         "1.2"
    // ------------------------------------------
    // Human classes
    // ------------------------------------------
        // General
        "enabled"               "yes"
        "team"                  "1"
        "team_default"          "yes"
        "flags"                 "0"
        "group"                 ""
        "name"                  "Normal Human"
        "description"           "Default Counter-Strike settings"
        // Model
        "model_path"            "default"
        "alpha_initial"         "255"
        "alpha_damaged"         "255"
        "alpha_damage"          "0"
        // Hud
        "overlay_path"          ""
        "nvgs"                  "no"
        "fov"                   "90"
        // Effects
        "has_napalm"            "yes"
        "napalm_time"           "0.0"
        // Player behaviour
        "immunity_mode"         "0"
        "immunity_amount"       "0.0"
        "no_fall_damage"        "no"
        "weapon_profile"        "default"
        "health"                "100"
        "health_regen_interval" "0.0"
        "health_regen_amount"   "0"
        "health_infect_gain"    "0"
        "kill_bonus"            "2"
        "speed"                 "0"
        "knockback"             "0"
        "jump_height"           "1.0"
        "jump_distance"         "1.1"
// ============================================================================
//                              ZOMBIE:RELOADED
//                            Weapon configuration
// Check the weapon configuration section in the manual for detailed info.
// ============================================================================
// Attribute:               Values:     Description:
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// weaponentity             text        The entity name of the weapon refered to. (Don't change this)
// weapontype               text        The type of weapon it is. [List types, separate by ", "]
// weaponslot               number      The slot index the weapon resides in. (Don't change this)
// restrictdefault          yes/no      The default restricted status of the weapon on map start.
// toggleable               yes/no      Enable weapon to have restrictions toggled mid-game.
// ammotype                 text        Ammo entity that belongs to weapons. (Don't change this)
// ammoprice                number      Price of ammo for this weapon.
// knockback                decimal     The knockback multiplier for the weapon. ['0.5' = half knockback | 2.0 = double]
// zmarketprice             number      The price of the weapon in ZMarket. [Default: CS:S buymenu price]
// zmarketpurchasemax       number      The max number of purchases allowed per spawn for the weapon.
// Notes:
// * Omitting and option will disable the feature for the weapon.

"weapons" // Counter-Strike: Source weapons
        // General

        "weaponentity"        "weapon_glock"
        "weapontype"        "All, Pistol"
        "weaponslot"        "1"

        // Restrict (core)

        "restrictdefault"    "no"
        "toggleable"        "yes"

        // Weapon Ammo (core)

        "ammotype"        "ammo_9mm"
        "ammoprice"        "100"

        // Knockback (module)

        "knockback"        "1.1"

        // ZMarket (module)

        "zmarketprice"        "400"

        // General

        "weaponentity"        "weapon_usp"
        "weapontype"        "All, Pistol"
        "weaponslot"        "1"

        // Restrict (core)

        "restrictdefault"    "no"
        "toggleable"        "yes"

        // Weapon Ammo (core)

        "ammotype"        "ammo_45acp"
        "ammoprice"        "100"

        // Knockback (module)

        "knockback"        "1.1"

        // ZMarket (module)

        "zmarketprice"        "500"

        // General

        "weaponentity"        "weapon_p228"
        "weapontype"        "All, Pistol"
        "weaponslot"        "1"

        // Restrict (core)

        "restrictdefault"    "no"
        "toggleable"        "yes"

        // Weapon Ammo (core)

        "ammotype"        "ammo_357sig"
        "ammoprice"        "100"

        // Knockback (module)

        "knockback"        "1.1"

        // ZMarket (module)

        "zmarketprice"        "600"


        // General

        "weaponentity"        "weapon_deagle"
        "weapontype"        "All, Pistol"
        "weaponslot"        "1"

        // Restrict (core)

        "restrictdefault"    "no"
        "toggleable"        "yes"

        // Weapon Ammo (core)

        "ammotype"        "ammo_50ae"
        "ammoprice"        "100"

        // Knockback (module)

        "knockback"        "1.1"

        // ZMarket (module)

        "zmarketprice"        "650"


        // General

        "weaponentity"        "weapon_elite"
        "weapontype"        "All, Pistol"
        "weaponslot"        "1"

        // Restrict (core)

        "restrictdefault"    "no"
        "toggleable"        "yes"

        // Weapon Ammo (core)

        "ammotype"        "ammo_9mm"
        "ammoprice"        "100"

        // Knockback (module)

        "knockback"        "1.0"

        // ZMarket (module)

        "zmarketprice"        "800"


        // General

        "weaponentity"        "weapon_fiveseven"
        "weapontype"        "All, Pistol"
        "weaponslot"        "1"

        // Restrict (core)

        "restrictdefault"    "no"
        "toggleable"        "yes"

        // Weapon Ammo (core)

        "ammotype"        "ammo_57mm"
        "ammoprice"        "100"

        // Knockback (module)

        "knockback"        "1.1"

        // ZMarket (module)

        "zmarketprice"        "750"


        // General

        "weaponentity"        "weapon_m3"
        "weapontype"        "All, Shotgun"
        "weaponslot"        "0"

        // Restrict (core)

        "restrictdefault"    "no"
        "toggleable"        "yes"

        // Weapon Ammo (core)

        "ammotype"        "ammo_buckshot"
        "ammoprice"        "300"

        // Knockback (module)

        "knockback"        "0.8" // Remember that there are 8 pellets in 1 shot.

        // ZMarket (module)

        "zmarketprice"        "1700"


        // General

        "weaponentity"        "weapon_xm1014"
        "weapontype"        "All, Shotgun"
        "weaponslot"        "0"

        // Restrict (core)

        "restrictdefault"    "no"
        "toggleable"        "yes"

        // Weapon Ammo (core)

        "ammotype"        "ammo_buckshot"
        "ammoprice"        "300"

        // Knockback (module)

        "knockback"        "0.8" // Remember that there are 8 pellets in 1 shot.

        // ZMarket (module)

        "zmarketprice"        "3000"


        // General

        "weaponentity"        "weapon_mac10"
        "weapontype"        "All, SMG"
        "weaponslot"        "0"

        // Restrict (core)

        "restrictdefault"    "no"
        "toggleable"        "yes"

        // Weapon Ammo (core)

        "ammotype"        "ammo_45acp"
        "ammoprice"        "300"

        // Knockback (module)

        "knockback"        "1.0"

        // ZMarket (module)

        "zmarketprice"        "1400"

        // General

        "weaponentity"        "weapon_tmp"
        "weapontype"        "All, SMG"
        "weaponslot"        "0"

        // Restrict (core)

        "restrictdefault"    "no"
        "toggleable"        "yes"

        // Weapon Ammo (core)

        "ammotype"        "ammo_9mm"
        "ammoprice"        "300"

        // Knockback (module)

        "knockback"        "1.0"

        // ZMarket (module)

        "zmarketprice"        "1250"

        // General

        "weaponentity"        "weapon_mp5navy"
        "weapontype"        "All, SMG"
        "weaponslot"        "0"

        // Restrict (core)

        "restrictdefault"    "no"
        "toggleable"        "yes"

        // Weapon Ammo (core)

        "ammotype"        "ammo_9mm"
        "ammoprice"        "300"

        // Knockback (module)

        "knockback"        "1.0"

        // ZMarket (module)

        "zmarketprice"        "1500"

        // General

        "weaponentity"        "weapon_ump45"
        "weapontype"        "All, SMG"
        "weaponslot"        "0"

        // Restrict (core)

        "restrictdefault"    "no"
        "toggleable"        "yes"

        // Weapon Ammo (core)

        "ammotype"        "ammo_45acp"
        "ammoprice"        "300"

        // Knockback (module)

        "knockback"        "1.0"

        // ZMarket (module)

        "zmarketprice"        "1700"

        // General

        "weaponentity"        "weapon_p90"
        "weapontype"        "All, SMG"
        "weaponslot"        "0"

        // Restrict (core)

        "restrictdefault"    "no"
        "toggleable"        "yes"

        // Weapon Ammo (core)

        "ammotype"        "ammo_57mm"
        "ammoprice"        "300"

        // Knockback (module)

        "knockback"        "1.0"

        // ZMarket (module)

        "zmarketprice"        "2350"

        // General

        "weaponentity"        "weapon_galil"
        "weapontype"        "All, Rifle"
        "weaponslot"        "0"

        // Restrict (core)

        "restrictdefault"    "no"
        "toggleable"        "yes"

        // Weapon Ammo (core)

        "ammotype"        "ammo_556mm"
        "ammoprice"        "500"

        // Knockback (module)

        "knockback"        "1.0"

        // ZMarket (module)

        "zmarketprice"        "2000"

        // General

        "weaponentity"        "weapon_famas"
        "weapontype"        "All, Rifle"
        "weaponslot"        "0"

        // Restrict (core)

        "restrictdefault"    "no"
        "toggleable"        "yes"

        // Weapon Ammo (core)

        "ammotype"        "ammo_556mm"
        "ammoprice"        "500"

        // Knockback (module)

        "knockback"        "1.0"

        // ZMarket (module)

        "zmarketprice"        "2250"

        // General

        "weaponentity"        "weapon_ak47"
        "weapontype"        "All, Rifle"
        "weaponslot"        "0"

        // Restrict (core)

        "restrictdefault"    "no"
        "toggleable"        "yes"

        // Weapon Ammo (core)

        "ammotype"        "ammo_762mm"
        "ammoprice"        "500"

        // Knockback (module)

        "knockback"        "1.0"

        // ZMarket (module)

        "zmarketprice"        "2500"

        // General

        "weaponentity"        "weapon_m4a1"
        "weapontype"        "All, Rifle"
        "weaponslot"        "0"

        // Restrict (core)

        "restrictdefault"    "no"
        "toggleable"        "yes"

        // Weapon Ammo (core)

        "ammotype"        "ammo_556mm"
        "ammoprice"        "500"

        // Knockback (module)

        "knockback"        "1.0"

        // ZMarket (module)

        "zmarketprice"        "3100"

        // General

        "weaponentity"        "weapon_sg552"
        "weapontype"        "All, Rifle"
        "weaponslot"        "0"

        // Restrict (core)

        "restrictdefault"    "no"
        "toggleable"        "yes"

        // Weapon Ammo (core)

        "ammotype"        "ammo_556mm"
        "ammoprice"        "500"

        // Knockback (module)

        "knockback"        "1.0"

        // ZMarket (module)

        "zmarketprice"        "3500"

        // General

        "weaponentity"        "weapon_aug"
        "weapontype"        "All, Rifle"
        "weaponslot"        "0"

        // Restrict (core)

        "restrictdefault"    "no"
        "toggleable"        "yes"

        // Weapon Ammo (core)

        "ammotype"        "ammo_762mm"
        "ammoprice"        "500"

        // Knockback (module)

        "knockback"        "1.0"

        // ZMarket (module)

        "zmarketprice"        "3500"

        // General

        "weaponentity"        "weapon_scout"
        "weapontype"        "All, Sniper"
        "weaponslot"        "0"

        // Restrict (core)

        "restrictdefault"    "yes"
        "toggleable"        "yes"

        // Weapon Ammo (core)

        "ammotype"        "ammo_762mm"
        "ammoprice"        "750"

        // Knockback (module)

        "knockback"        "1.8"

        // ZMarket (module)

        "zmarketprice"        "2750"

        // General

        "weaponentity"        "weapon_sg550"
        "weapontype"        "All, Sniper"
        "weaponslot"        "0"

        // Restrict (core)

        "restrictdefault"    "yes"
        "toggleable"        "yes"

        // Weapon Ammo (core)

        "ammotype"        "ammo_556mm"
        "ammoprice"        "1000"

        // Knockback (module)

        "knockback"        "0.9"

        // ZMarket (module)

        "zmarketprice"        "4200"

        // General

        "weaponentity"        "weapon_g3sg1"
        "weapontype"        "All, Sniper"
        "weaponslot"        "0"

        // Restrict (core)

        "restrictdefault"    "yes"
        "toggleable"        "yes"

        // Weapon Ammo (core)

        "ammotype"        "ammo_762mm"
        "ammoprice"        "1000"

        // Knockback (module)

        "knockback"        "0.9"

        // ZMarket (module)

        "zmarketprice"        "5000"

        // General

        "weaponentity"        "weapon_awp"
        "weapontype"        "All, Sniper"
        "weaponslot"        "0"

        // Restrict (core)

        "restrictdefault"    "no"
        "toggleable"        "yes"

        // Weapon Ammo (core)

        "ammotype"        "ammo_338mag"
        "ammoprice"        "1000"

        // Knockback (module)

        "knockback"        "1.8"

        // ZMarket (module)

        "zmarketprice"        "4750"

        // General

        "weaponentity"        "weapon_m249"
        "weapontype"        "All, Machine Gun"
        "weaponslot"        "0"

        // Restrict (core)

        "restrictdefault"    "no"
        "toggleable"        "yes"

        // Weapon Ammo (core)

        "ammotype"        "ammo_556mm_box"
        "ammoprice"        "1500"

        // Knockback (module)

        "knockback"        "1.0"

        // ZMarket (module)

        "zmarketprice"        "5750"

        // General

        "weaponentity"        "weapon_knife"
        "weapontype"        "All, Melee"
        "weaponslot"        "2"

        // Restrict (core)

        "restrictdefault"    "no"
        "toggleable"        "no"

        // Knockback (module)

        "knockback"        "10.0"

        // General

        "weaponentity"        "weapon_hegrenade"
        "weapontype"        "All, Projectile"
        "weaponslot"        "3"

        // Restrict (core)

        "restrictdefault"    "no"
        "toggleable"        "yes"

        // Knockback (module)

        "knockback"        "6.0"

        // ZMarket (module)

        "zmarketprice"        "300"
        "zmarketpurchasemax"    "1"

        // General

        "weaponentity"        "weapon_flashbang"
        "weapontype"        "All, Projectile"
        "weaponslot"        "3"

        // Restrict (core)

        "restrictdefault"    "yes"
        "toggleable"        "yes"

        // ZMarket (module)

        "zmarketprice"        "200"
        "zmarketpurchasemax"    "1"

        // General

        "weaponentity"        "weapon_smokegrenade"
        "weapontype"        "All, Projectile"
        "weaponslot"        "3"

        // Restrict (core)

        "restrictdefault"    "yes"
        "toggleable"        "yes"

        // ZMarket (module)

        "zmarketprice"        "300"
        "zmarketpurchasemax"    "1"

        // General

        "weaponentity"        "item_nvgs"
        "weapontype"        "All, Equipment"
        "weaponslot"        "5"

        // Restrict (core)

        "restrictdefault"    "no"
        "toggleable"        "yes"

        // ZMarket (module)

        "zmarketprice"        "1000"
// ============================================================================
//                              ZOMBIE:RELOADED
//                           Plugin configuration
// Check the plugin configuration section in the manual for detailed info.
// ============================================================================

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Zombie-Related Server Variables
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// Amount of time, in minutes, zombies have to infect all humans.
// Default: "5"
mp_roundtime 8

// Allows players to move items with their 'use' key.
// Default: "1"
sv_turbophysics 0

// Multiplier for how easy props are moved ['1' = No push]
// Default: "3"
phys_pushscale 3

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Ammo Reserve Settings
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

ammo_50AE_max 800       // deagle
ammo_762mm_max 800      // scout, ak47, g3sg1, aug
ammo_556mm_box_max 800  // m249
ammo_556mm_max 800      // galil, sg552, famas, m4a1, sg550
ammo_338mag_max 200     // awp
ammo_9mm_max 800        // mp5navy, tmp, glock, elite
ammo_buckshot_max 800   // m3, xm1014
ammo_45acp_max 800      // ump45, mac10, usp
ammo_357sig_max 800     // P228
ammo_57mm_max 800       // p90, fiveseven

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Notes
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// All notes are generalities, exceptions will be noted in appropriate place.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// * All units of time are assumed to be in seconds.
// * ...
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Format:
// <Cvar description>
// Default: "<Default value>"
// <Cvar> "<Value>"
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Description:
// "<Simple description> [<Specification> = '<Meaning>' | ...]"
// OR
// "<Simple description> [<Flag>: <Value> | ...]"
// Specifications:
// These are specific values that the cvar can be set to.  Used to illustrate
// the scale of a cvar, min/max values, etc.
// Meaning:
// The description of what the specification does.
// Flag:
// Includes any of the following:
// * "Dependency"  - Means this cvar relies on another cvar to be enabled.
//                   E.G. Has no effect until its dependencies are enabled.
// * "Delimiter"   - Separate each item by this given character.
// * "Override"    - Means this cvar overrides another if enabled.
// * "Recommended" - Means another cvar is recommended to be enabled if this
//                   one is.
// ...
// Value:
// The value of the flag.  Usually a referenced cvar.

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Log (core)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// Enable logging of events in the plugin. Fatal errors are always logged.
// Default: "1"
zr_log "1"

// A bit field that specify what event types to log. See logging section (3.3) in manual for details.
// Default: "2"
zr_log_flags "2"

// Enable module filtering. Only events from listed modules will be logged.
// Default: "0"
zr_log_module_filter "0"

// Don't log events triggered by console commands that are executed by the console itself, like commands in configs. Enable this command to avoid spamming logs with events like weapon restrictions.
// Default: "1"
zr_log_ignore_console "1"

// Always log error messages no matter what logging flags or modules filters that are enabled.
// Default: "1"
zr_log_error_override "1"

// Print log events to admin chat in addition to the log file.
// Default: "0"
zr_log_print_admins "0"

// Print log events to public chat in addition to the log file.
// Default: "0"
zr_log_print_chat "0"

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Config (core)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// Path, relative to root sourcemod directory, to models config file.
// Default: "configs/zr/models.txt"
zr_config_path_models "configs/zr/models.txt"

// Path, relative to root sourcemod directory, to downloads file.
// Default: "configs/zr/downloads.txt"
zr_config_path_downloads "configs/zr/downloads.txt"

// Path, relative to root sourcemod directory, to playerclasses config file.
// Default: "configs/zr/playerclasses.txt"
zr_config_path_playerclasses "configs/zr/playerclasses.txt"

// Path, relative to root sourcemod directory, to weapons config file.
// Default: "configs/zr/weapons.txt"
zr_config_path_weapons "configs/zr/weapons.txt"

// Path, relative to root sourcemod directory, to hitgroups config file.
// Default: "configs/zr/hitgroups.txt"
zr_config_path_hitgroups "configs/zr/hitgroups.txt"

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Permission settings
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// Use group authentication instead of flags to access admin features. Generic admin flag is still required on some features.
// -
// Default: "0"
zr_permissions_use_groups "0"

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Classes (core)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// General

// Re-display class selection menu every spawn.
// Default: "0"
zr_classes_menu_spawn "0"

// Display class selection menu when a player spawn for the first time.
// Default: "0"
zr_classes_menu_join "0"

// Automatically close class selection menu after selecting a class.
// Default: "1"
zr_classes_menu_autoclose "1"

// Player is assigned a random class every spawn. [Override: zr_classes_default_*]
// Default: "0"
zr_classes_random "0"

// Time limit to change human class with instant change after spawning. Time is in seconds. Use 0 or negative to disable.
// Default: "20"
zr_classes_change_timelimit "20"

// Save players' class selections in server cookies and restore when connecting. [Override: zr_classes_default_*]
// Default: "1"
zr_classes_save "1"

// (Not implemented!) Admin-only class assigned to admins on connect, if any. ["default" = Default human class | "random" = Random admin-only class]
// Default: "random"
zr_classes_default_admin "default"

// (Incomplete) Admin-mode class assigned to admins on connect. Do not confuse this with admin-only classes. ["random" = Random admin class | "" = Class config default]
// Default: "random"
zr_classes_default_admin_mode "random"

// Human class assigned to players on connect. ["random" = Random human class | "" = Class config default]
// Default: "random"
zr_classes_default_human "random"

// Zombie class assigned to players on connect. ["random" = Random zombie class | "" = Class config default]
// Default: "random"
zr_classes_default_zombie "random"

// Zombie class assigned to mother zombies. ["motherzombies" = Random mother zombie class | "random" = Random regular zombie class | "disabled" = Don't change class on mother zombies]
// Default: "motherzombies"
zr_classes_default_mother_zombie "motherzombies"

// Allow players to select zombie classes.
// Default: "1"
zr_classes_zombie_select "0"

// Allow players to select human classes.
// Default: "1"
zr_classes_human_select "0"

// Allow admins to select admin mode classes. (Not to be confused by admin-only classes!)
// Default: "1"
zr_classes_admin_select "0"

// Speed method to use when applying player speed. Do not touch this if you don't know what you're doing! ["lmv" = Lagged movement value | "prop" = Speed property | "command" = Modified command attributes]
// Default: "prop"
zr_classes_speed_method "prop"

// Overlay

// Allow players to toggle class overlay.
// Default: "1"
zr_classes_overlay_toggle "0"

// List of commands to hook that players can use to toggle class overlay. [Dependency: zr_classes_overlay_toggle | Delimiter: ", "]
// Default: "nightvision"
zr_classes_overlay_togglecmds "nightvision"

// Default class overlay toggle state set on connecting player.
// Default: "1"
zr_classes_overlay_default "0"

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Weapons (core)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// General

// Enable weapons module, disabling this will disable any weapons-related features. (weapon restrictions, weapon knockback multipliers, etc)
// Default: "1"
zr_weapons "1"

// Restrict

// Enable weapon restriction module, disabling this will disable weapon restriction commands.
// Default: "1"
zr_restrict "1"

// Restricts zombies from picking up weapons after the round has ended but before the next round has begun.
// Default: "1"
zr_restrict_endequip "1"

// ZMarket

// Allow player to buy from a list of weapons in the weapons config.
// Default: "1"
zr_zmarket "0"

// Requires player to be inside a buyzone to use ZMarket. [Dependency: zr_weapons_zmarket]
// Default: "1"
zr_zmarket_buyzone "1"

// Allow players to rebuy their weapon setup. [Dependency: zr_weapons_zmarket]
// Default: "1"
zr_zmarket_rebuy "1"

// Allow players to automatically rebuy their weapon setup on spawn. [Dependency: zr_weapons_zmarket&zr_weapons_zmarket_rebuy]
// Default: "1"
zr_zmarket_rebuy_auto "1"

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Hitgroups (core)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// Enable hitgroups module, disabling this will disable hitgroup-related features. (hitgroup knockback multipliers, hitgroup damage control)
// Default: "1"
zr_hitgroups "1"

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Infect (core)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// General

// Number of humans to infect as mother zombies (when infect timer is up) in proportion to number of humans on the server. ['0' = Always one mother zombie]
// Default: "5"
zr_mzombie_ratio "0"

// Choose another human to infect as mother zombie if the first zombie(s) can't infect anyone after this long. ['0' = Disabled]
// Default: "0"
zr_mzombie_reinfect_time "90"

// Number of additional humans to infect as mother zombies (when re-infect timer is up) in proportion to number of humans on the server. ['0' = Always one mother zombie]
// Default: "0"
zr_mzombie_reinfect_ratio "0"

// Continue infecting humans every 'zr_mzombie_reinfect_time' seconds until someone else is infected. (not by this feature) [Dependency: zr_mzombie_reinfect_time]
// Default: "0"
zr_mzombie_reinfect_persist "1"

// Counts down to the first infection(s) of the round.  Countdown is printed in the middle of the client's screen.
// Default: "0"
zr_mzombie_countdown "1"

// Teleport mother zombies back to spawn on infect.
// Default: "0"
zr_mzombie_respawn "0"

// Freeze mother zombies upon infection for this long ['0' = Disabled]
// Default: "0"
zr_mzombie_freeze "0"

// Minimum time from the start of the round until picking the mother zombie(s).
// Default: "30.0"
zr_mzombie_min_time "30.0"

// Maximum time from the start of the round until picking the mother zombie(s).
// Default: "50.0"
zr_mzombie_max_time "50.0"

// Prevent a player from being chosen as mother zombie two rounds in a row.
// Default: "1"
zr_consecutive_block "1"

// Disallow zombies from using a flashlight. [Recommended: Enable zombie attribute: 'nvgs']
// Default: "0"
zr_flashlight_block "0"

// Force player to drop all weapons on infect, disabling this will strip weapons instead.
// Default: "1"
zr_weapons_drop "1"

// Effects

// Disabling this will disable the fireball, smoke cloud, and sparks in a more efficient way.
// Default: "1"
zr_infect_explosion "1"

// Spawn a fireball effect around player on infection. [Dependency: zr_infect_explosion]
// Default: "1"
zr_infect_fireball "1"

// Spawn a smoke cloud effect around player on infection. [Dependency: zr_infect_explosion]
// Default: "1"
zr_infect_smoke "1"

// Emit sparks from player on infection. [Dependency: zr_infect_explosion]
// Default: "1"
zr_infect_sparks "1"

// Sound, relative to "sound" folder, to play from player on infection. ['""' = No sound]
// Default: "npc/fast_zombie/fz_scream1.wav"
zr_infect_sound "npc/fast_zombie/fz_scream1.wav"

// Emit an energy splash from player on infection.
// Default: "1"
zr_infect_esplash "1"

// Shake player's view on infect.
// Default: "1"
zr_infect_shake "1"

// Amplitude of shaking effect. [Dependency: zr_infect_shake]
// Default: "15.0"
zr_infect_shake_amp "15.0"

// Frequency of shaking effect. [Dependency: zr_infect_shake]
// Default: "1.0"
zr_infect_shake_frequency "1.0"

// Duration of shaking effect. [Dependency: zr_infect_shake]
// Default: "5.0"
zr_infect_shake_duration "5.0"

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Damage (core)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// Prop Damage

// Block bullet damage to props.
// Default: "0"
zr_props_block_bullets "0"

// A list of classnames (including partial names) that won't be affected by zr_props_block_bullets. [Delimiter: ","]
// Default: "weapon_"
zr_props_block_bullets_ignore "weapon_"

// Block blast damage to props.  Very effective in stopping cade bashing via grenade.
// Default: "0"
zr_props_block_blast "0"

// A list of classnames (including partial names) that won't be affected by zr_props_block_blast. [Delimiter: ","]
// Default: "weapon_"
zr_props_block_blast_ignore "weapon_"

// Hitgroup Damage

// Read hitgroup damage control from hitgroup config file, disabling this allows all zombie hitgroups to be shot.
// Default: "1"
zr_damage_hitgroups "1"

// Block Damage Types

// Block friendly fire.
// Default: "1"
zr_damage_block_ff "1"

// Block blast damage inflicted on self or teammates.
// Default: "1"
zr_damage_block_blast "1"

// Suicide Intercept

// Intercept suicide commands only after the first zombie has spawned.
// Default: "1"
zr_suicide_after_infect "1"

// Intercept suicide commands attempted by zombies.
// Default: "0"
zr_suicide_zombie "1"

// Intercept suicide commands attempted by mother zombies.
// Default: "1"
zr_suicide_mzombie "1"

// Intercept suicide commands attempted by humans.
// Default: "0"
zr_suicide_human "1"

// List of client commands to intercept as suicide attempts. [Delimiter: ", "]
// Default: "kill, spectate, jointeam, joinclass"
zr_suicide_cmds "kill, spectate, jointeam, joinclass"

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Overlays (core)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// How often to update overlays on players. [0.0 = Disabled]
// Default: "1.0"
zr_overlays_update_time "1.0"

// Minimum DirectX level allowed for overlays (mat_dxlevel).
// Default: "80"
zr_overlays_min_dxlevel "80"

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Round End (core)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// Show specified overlay to players depending on winner when the round ends.
// Default: "1"
zr_roundend_overlay "1"

// Overlay, relative to "materials" folder, to display when humans win the round. [Dependency: zr_roundend_overlay]
// Default: "overlays/zr/humans_win"
zr_roundend_overlays_human "overlays/zr/humans_win"

// Overlay, relative to "materials" folder, to display when zombies win the round. [Dependency: zr_roundend_overlay]
// Default: "overlays/zr/zombies_win"
zr_roundend_overlays_zombie "overlays/zr/zombies_win"

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Account (module)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// Reset player's cash each spawn.
// Default: "1"
zr_account_cashfill "1"

// Amount of cash to set player's account to. [Dependency: zr_account_cashfill]
// Default: "12000"
zr_account_cashfill_value "16000"

// Attacker receives amount of cash equivalent to the damage that was inflicted.
// Default: "0"
zr_account_cashdmg "0"

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Visual Effects (module)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// Lightstyle

// Change lightstyle (brightness) of the map.
// Default: "0"
zr_veffects_lightstyle "0"

// Lightstyle value. ['a' = Darkest | 'z' = Brightest | Dependency: zr_veffects_lightstyle]
// Default: "b"
zr_veffects_lightstyle_value "b"

// Sky

// Change map skybox.
// Default: "0"
zr_veffects_sky "0"

// Skybox file, relative to "materials/skybox" folder, to change map skybox to.  This file is automatically downloaded to clients. [Dependency: zr_veffects_sky]
// Default: "sky_borealis01up.vmt"
zr_veffects_sky_path "sky_borealis01up.vmt"

// Sun

// Disable sun rendering on map.
// Default: "0"
zr_veffects_sun_disable "0"

// Fog

// Enable fog rendering on the map.
// Default: "0"
zr_veffects_fog "0"

// Enable blending of the primary and secondary colors depending on the direction you are looking, if disabled only primary color will be used. [Dependency: zr_veffects_fog]
// Default: "0"
zr_veffects_fog_blend "0"

// Primary color of the fog. [Dependency: zr_veffects_fog]
// Default: "100 100 100"
zr_veffects_fog_pcolor "100 100 100"

// Secondary color of the fog. [Dependency: zr_veffects_fog&zr_veffects_fog_blend]
// Default: "50 50 50"
zr_veffects_fog_scolor "50 50 50"

// A vector (given by three space-separated numbers X Y Z) which points from the secondary fog color towards the primary fogcolor. [Dependency: zr_veffects_fog&zr_veffects_fog_blend]
// Default: "1 1 1"
zr_veffects_fog_angles "1 1 1"

// Distance from player to start rendering foremost fog. [Dependency: zr_veffects_fog]
// Default: "25.0"
zr_veffects_fog_startdist "25.0"

// Distance from player to stop rendering fog. [Dependency: zr_veffects_fog]
// Default: "1500.0"
zr_veffects_fog_enddist "1500.0"

// Ragdoll

// Remove players' ragdolls from the game after a delay.
// Default: "1"
zr_veffects_ragdoll_remove "1"

// The ragdoll removal effect. ['-2' = Effectless removal | '-1' = Random effect | '0' = Energy dissolve | '1' = Heavy electrical dissolve | '2' = Light electrical dissolve | '3' = Core dissolve | Dependency: zr_veffects_ragdoll_remove]
// Default: "-1"
zr_veffects_ragdoll_dissolve "-1"

// Time to wait before removing the ragdoll. [Dependency: zr_veffects_ragdoll_remove]
// Default: "0.5"
zr_veffects_ragdoll_delay "0.5"

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Sound Effects (module)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// Voice

// Modify sv_alltalk to obey zombie/human teams instead of t/ct.");
// Default: "1"
zr_voice "0"

// Allow everyone to communicate via microphone at the end of the round. [Dependency: zr_voice]");
// Default: "1"
zr_voice_roundend_alltalk "1"

// Only allow humans to communicate, block verbal zombie communication. [Dependency: zr_voice]");
// Default: "0"
zr_voice_zombies_mute "0"

// Zombie Sounds

// Time between emission of a moan sound from a zombie.
// Default: "30.0"
zr_seffects_moan "30.0"

// The probability that a groan sound will be emitted from a zombie when shot. ['100' = 1% chance | '50' = 2% chance | '1' = 100% chance]
// Default: "5"
zr_seffects_groan "5"

// Emit a death sound when a zombie dies.
// Default: "1"
zr_seffects_death "1"

// Number of sound commands allowed within the time span, or total limit if time span is disabled. ['0' = Disable sound command limit]
// Default: "4"
zr_seffects_command_limit "4"

// Time span for sound command limiter (in seconds). ['0' = Disable time span check | positive number = Time span]
// Default: "10"
zr_seffects_command_timespan "10"

// Ambient Sounds

// Play an ambient sound to all players during gameplay.
// Default: "1"
zr_ambientsounds "0"

// Sound file, relative to "sound" folder, to play as ambience.  This file is automatically downloaded to clients. [Dependency: zr_ambientsounds]
// Default: "ambient/zr/zr_ambience.mp3"
zr_ambientsounds_file "ambient/zr/zr_ambience.mp3"

// Length of the ambient sound. [Dependency: zr_ambientsounds]
// Default: "60.0"
zr_ambientsounds_length "60.0"

// Volume of the ambient sound. [1.0 = Max volume | 0.0001 = Not audible | Dependency: zr_ambientsounds]
// Default: "0.8"
zr_ambientsounds_volume "0.0001"

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Anti-Stick (module)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// Automatically unstick players when stuck within each others' collision hull.
// Default: "1"
zr_antistick "0"

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Knockback (module)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// Zombies will be knocked back when shot by humans.  Knockback multipliers may be applied based off hitgroup location and weapon used.
// Default: "1"
zr_knockback "1"

// Allows knockback multipliers depending on weapons, values set in weapons config file. [Dependency: zr_knockback]
// Default: "1"
zr_knockback_weapons "1"

// Allows knockback multipliers depending on hitgroups, values set in hitgroups config file. [Dependency: zr_knockback]
// Default: "1"
zr_knockback_hitgroups "1"

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Spawn Protect (module)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// Player will be protected from infection when spawning into the game late.
// Default: "1"
zr_spawnprotect "1"

// Amount of time to protect player. [Dependency: zr_spawnprotect]
// Default: "10"
zr_spawnprotect_time "10"

// Speed of the player during protection. ['-150' = Half | '0' = Normal  | '300' = Double | Dependency: zr_spawnprotect]
// Default: "300"
zr_spawnprotect_speed "300"

// Alpha of the player during protection. ['255' = Fully visible | '0' = Completely invisible | Dependency: zr_spawnprotect]
// Default: "0"
zr_spawnprotect_alpha "0"

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Respawn (module)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// Respawn players after death. [Recommended: (Enable) zr_zspawn*]
// Default: "0"
zr_respawn "0"

// Time after death to delay player respawn. [Dependency: zr_respawn]
// Default: "1"
zr_respawn_delay "1"

// Respawn player as a zombie. [Dependency: zr_respawn]
// Default: "1"
zr_respawn_team_zombie "1"

// Respawn player as a zombie if player was killed by the world. [Override: zr_respawn_team_zombie]
// Default: "1"
zr_respawn_team_zombie_world "1"

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Napalm (module)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// Ignite grenade in mid-air after player throws it. [Dependency: Human Attribute 'has_napalm']
// Default: "1"
zr_napalm_ignite "1"

// Minimum water-saturation before flame is extinguished. ['0' = Disabled | '1' = Feet | '2' = Waist | '3' = Full submersion]
// Default: "0"
zr_napalm_douse "3"

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Jump Boost (module)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// Prevent players from using forward jump boost multipliers to bunny hop.
// Default: "1"
zr_jumpboost_bhop_protect "1"

// The maximum horizontal velocity a player can achieve before bunnyhop protection kicks in. [Dependency: zr_jumpboost_bhop_protect]
// Default: "300"
zr_jumpboost_bhop_max "300"

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Volumetric Features (module)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// Enables volumetric features.
// Default: "1"
zr_vol "1"

// How often to update player positions and trigger events, in seconds.
// Default: "0.5"
zr_vol_update_interval "0.5"

// How often to check for delayed events, in seconds. Use lower values for more precise delays.
// Default: "0.5"
zr_vol_trigger_interval "0.5"

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ZSpawn (module)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// Allow players to spawn into the game late.
// Default: "1"
zr_zspawn "1"

// Override spawn team when spawning by means of ZSpawn.
// Default: "1"
zr_zspawn_team_override "1"

// Spawn player on zombie team when spawning by means of ZSpawn. [Dependency: zr_zspawn_team_override | Override: zr_respawn_team_zombie]
// Default: "0"
zr_zspawn_team_zombie "1"

// Block players disconnecting and rejoing the game using zspawn.
// Default: "1"
zr_zspawn_block_rejoin "1"

// Put a time limit on the use of ZSpawn.
// Default: "1"
zr_zspawn_timelimit "1"

// Time from the start of the round to allow ZSpawn. [Dependency: zr_zspawn_timelimit]
// Default: "120.0"
zr_zspawn_timelimit_time "120.0"

// Spawn player on the zombie team AFTER the timelimit is up. ['-1' = Block ZSpawn | '0' = Spawn as human | '1' = Spawn as zombie | Dependency: zr_zspawn_timelimit]
// Default: "1"
zr_zspawn_timelimit_zombie "-1"

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ZTele (module)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// Allow zombies to use ZTele.
// Default: "1"
zr_ztele_zombie "1"

// Allow humans to use ZTele before the mother zombie has spawned.
// Default: "1"
zr_ztele_human_before "1"

// Allow humans to use ZTele after the mother zombie has spawned.
// Default: "1"
zr_ztele_human_after "1"

// Time between using ZTele command and teleportation for zombies. [Dependency: zr_ztele_zombie]
// Default: "3.0"
zr_ztele_delay_zombie "0.0"

// Time between using ZTele command and teleportation for humans. [Dependency: zr_ztele_human_(before)/(after)]
// Default: "3.0"
zr_ztele_delay_human "0.0"

// Max number of times a zombie is allowed to use ZTele per round. [Dependency: zr_ztele_zombie]
// Default: "3"
zr_ztele_max_zombie "3"

// Max number of times a human is allowed to use ZTele per round. [Dependency: zr_ztele_human_(before)/(after)]
// Default: "1"
zr_ztele_max_human "1"

// Automatically cancel ZTele if player moves out of a set boundary. [Dependency: zr_ztele_(zombie)/(human)[_(before)/(after)]]
// Default: "1"
zr_ztele_autocancel "1"

// Maximum distance, in units, player is allowed to travel before teleport is cancelled. [Dependency: zr_ztele_autocancel]
// Default: "320"
zr_ztele_autocancel_distance "320"

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ZHP (module)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// Allow player to toggle real HP display as a zombie.
// Default: "1"
zr_zhp "1"

// Default ZHP toggle state set on connecting player. [Dependency: zr_zhp]
// Default: "1"
zr_zhp_default "1"
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Old 07-06-2010 , 20:36   Re: Bug: Napalm Grenades do not work
Reply With Quote #20

Napalm does work, but apparently it's affected by another bug; humans being applied zombie classes. I noticed that I became classic zombie as human. So, this napalm "bug" depends on bug 208 to be fixed first.

Since you only have one human class, specify explicit default human class by setting zr_classes_default_human to "Normal Human". That should hopefully work as a workaround.
Richard Helgeby

Zombie:Reloaded | PawnUnit | Object Library
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Last edited by rhelgeby; 07-06-2010 at 20:43.
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