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Quake Sounds

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    Plays Quake and other sounds based on in-game events.
    Reason for Unapproving:
    Taken over by Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr (dalto inactive)
    Old 07-28-2007 , 19:55   Quake Sounds
    Reply With Quote #1

    Quake Sounds

    Current Version: 1.8

    This plugin plays Quake sounds. It currently has two separate sound sets, a normal set and female set. The sounds which are played and the events which trigger sounds can be configured. It allows users to have individual sound settings and saves these settings across sessions. It also displays localized text messages for each event. You can add or remove sound sets from the additional sound sets. This plugin currently supports Counter Strike:Source, Day of Defeat:Source and Half Life 2: Deathmatch.

    Planned Features:
    • Add more event sounds as requested
    sm_quakesounds_version: The version number
    sm_quakesounds_enable: Enables the plugin
    sm_quakesounds_announce: Enables the plugin announcement
    sm_quakesounds_text: The default text setting for new users
    sm_quakesounds_sound: The default sound setting for new users
    For full descriptions check the cfg/sm_quakesounds.cfg file

    1.8: Fixed array out of bounds, autoloaded cfg, added volume control
    1.7: Added join server sound and menu exit choice
    1.6: Added event sounds framework, changed sm_quakesounds_enable behavior, added german translation from -<[PAGC]>- Isias
    1.5: Added support for late loading and more translatable strings
    1.4.3: Added support for HL2: Deathmatch
    1.4.1: Changed the way disabled sounds were handled
    1.4: Added flexible kill settings and the ability to add/remove sound sets
    1.3.1: Fixed bugs in sound and text preferences, array out of bounds error
    1.3: Added more sound settings and moved them to the config file
    1.2: Bug fixes around setting and saving text display preferences
    1.1: Allowed the attacker and victim name to be used in the text
    1.0: Added localized text messages and more configurability
    0.96: Improved DOD:S support, fixed the announce cvar.
    0.95: Added support Day of Defeat:Source, better error handling
    0.9: Added progressive sounds and switched to emitsound
    0.8: Added cvar to control announcements and updated menu
    0.7: Added teamkill, cvar control and more
    0.6: Made user settings persistant
    0.5: Added configuration file for sounds locations
    0.4: Initial Release


    German, courtesyt of -<[PAGC]>- Isias, XG1|AleX
    French, courtesy of HO!NO!
    All others are still needed


    Copy all the files to your mod directory(cstrike, dods, hl2mp).
    Attached Files
    File Type: zip quake sounds1.8.zip (1.68 MB, 159954 views)
    File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (quakesounds.sp - 46290 views - 22.8 KB)

    Last edited by berni; 09-11-2009 at 14:31. Reason: Removed cvar
    dalto is offline
    Veteran Member
    Join Date: Jul 2007
    Old 07-28-2007 , 22:05   Re: SM Quake Sounds
    Reply With Quote #2

    SM Quake Sounds FAQ

    Q: I want to add sound sets but I don't know how to do it.
    A: That is because I provided absolutely no documentation on how to do it.

    Q: So, can you tell me how?
    A: Well...OK
    • The top of the addons/sourcemod/config/quakesoundlist.cfg file has a section called "sound sets". Inside this section are 5 places to have sound sets. First add a short name of your sound into one these.
    • Next you need to add a line to each of the sound keys in the file using that short name that has a path to the sound file relative to the sound/ directory.
    • Next you need to go the addons/sourcemod/translations/plugin.quakesounds.txt file and add a key for your sound set.
    • Lastly, don't forget to add the sound files to your server.
    • If all this sounds confusing than just look at the standard and female sound configurations and do the same thing for your sounds.
    Q: What if I want to have more than 5 sound sets.
    A: Then your players will hate you for making them download that many sounds. But, if you REALLY want to do this then you will need to edit the script or send me a note and ask me for a custom copy.

    Q: What if I want to remove one of the existing sound sets?
    A: Just change the sound set data to ""

    Q: I want the DOMINATING sound to be played at 5 kills instead of 4.
    A: That is not a question, but I will pretend that it was and answer it anyway. In the addons/sourcemod/config/quakesoundlist.cfg there is data for "kills". You can change the values to whatever you need to.

    Q: What does "config" "9" mean?
    A: It means play the sound and display the text to everyone. Here is a complete description of how to set that feild.
    The field now works as follows
    0: Off
    1: Play sound to everyone
    2: Play sound to attacker
    4: Play sound to victim
    8: Print text to everyone
    16: Print text to attacker
    32: Print text to victim

    You need to add the above values to get your value
    If you want to play sounds and text to everyone 1 + 8 = 9
    If you want to print text to everyone but only want sounds to play for those involved: 2 + 4 + 8 = 14

    Q: Your version numbering scheme is really confusing.
    A: It makes perfect sense when you consider that I have changed the versioning scheme three times without any announcement. The current versioning scheme as of version 1.3 looks like this x.y.z. A change in x is called a major release. A change in y is a feature release. A change in z is fix or minor upgrade. Changes in z never require updating configuration files. You can just overwrite your quakesounds.smx file.

    Q: I was looking at the changelog and I noticed that you are always fixing bugs. Wouldn't it be easier just to write the plugins without all the bugs?
    A: Yes, but then I wouldn't have anything to do to pass the time.

    Q: Doesn't all this configuration seem overly complicated? Couldn't we make it simpler?
    A: Probably.

    Q: I installed the plugin but it will not load.
    A: Make sure you installed all the files. If you open the distribution you should be able to just drop that into your cstrike or dod folder.

    Q: I made sure to copy the latest copy of all the files but it still doesn't work.
    A: Check your server logs and addons/sourcemod/logs for errors and then post into this thread.

    Q: I want to use your plugin with a mod other than CS:S, DOD:S or HL2DM, will it work?
    A: I have no idea. If you post what mod you want it to work with I am glad to check it out. I might need your help to test it though.

    Q: I was playing on our server earlier and we had this one guy get like 25 kills in a row and profanity came up on the screen and played over my speakers! How do I make it stop?
    A: There are two ways to fix this problem:
    1. Stop letting your players get so many consecutive kills.
    2. Change the addons/sourcemod/configs/quakesoundlist.cfg and addons/sourcemod/translations/plugin.quakesounds.txt to play/display whatever you want.
    Q: I set sm_quakesounds_who to 3 but everyone is still hearing the sounds. What is going on?
    A: sm_quakesounds_who, sm_quakesounds_female, sm_quakesounds_min_kills and quite a few others have been deprecated between 1.0 and 1.4. They have been replaced by more flexible configuration in the addons/sourcemod/configs/quakesoundlist.cfg file.

    Q: All the text displays are in English. I hate english! Why don't you have more translations?
    A: That is because I only know english and as of 1.4 nobody has bothered to submit any translations.

    Last edited by dalto; 08-08-2007 at 21:57. Reason: Updated the FAQ with new mod support info
    dalto is offline
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    Old 06-14-2017 , 10:17   Re: SM Quake Sounds
    Reply With Quote #3

    This is my config file, I am not getting sounds like multi kill or double kill or triple kill. What to do ?? please help and thankx in advance.

    "sound sets"
    "sound set 1" "standard"
    "sound set 2" "female"
    "sound set 3" ""
    "sound set 4" ""
    "sound set 5" ""
    "standard" "quake/headshot.mp3"
    "female" "quake/female/headshot.mp3"
    "config" "17"
    "headshot 3"
    "standard" "quake/hattrick.wav"
    "female" "quake/female/headshot.mp3"
    "config" "17"
    "headshot 5"
    "standard" "quake/headhunter.wav"
    "female" "quake/female/headshot.mp3"
    "config" "17"
    "standard" "quake/perfect.mp3"
    "female" "quake/perfect.mp3"
    "config" "9"
    "standard" "quake/humiliation.mp3"
    "female" "quake/humiliation.mp3"
    "config" "9"
    "round play"
    "standard" "quake/play.wav"
    "female" "quake/female/prepare.mp3"
    "config" "9"
    "standard" "quake/humiliation.mp3"
    "female" "quake/female/bottomfeeder.mp3"
    "config" "9"
    "killsound 1"
    "standard" "quake/dominating.mp3"
    "female" "quake/female/dominating.mp3"
    "config" "9"
    "kills" "3"
    "killsound 2"
    "standard" "quake/rampage.mp3"
    "female" "quake/female/rampage.mp3"
    "config" "9"
    "kills" "5"
    "killsound 3"
    "standard" "quake/killingspree.mp3"
    "female" "quake/female/killingspree.mp3"
    "config" "9"
    "kills" "8"
    "killsound 4"
    "standard" "quake/monsterkill.mp3"
    "female" "quake/female/monsterkill.mp3"
    "config" "9"
    "kills" "10"
    "killsound 5"
    "standard" "quake/unstoppable.mp3"
    "female" "quake/female/unstoppable.mp3"
    "config" "9"
    "kills" "13"
    "killsound 6"
    "standard" "quake/ultrakill.mp3"
    "female" "quake/female/ultrakill.mp3"
    "config" "9"
    "kills" "14"
    "killsound 7"
    "standard" "quake/godlike.mp3"
    "female" "quake/female/godlike.mp3"
    "config" "9"
    "kills" "12"
    "killsound 8"
    "standard" "quake/wickedsick.mp3"
    "female" "quake/female/wickedsick.mp3"
    "config" "9"
    "kills" "10"
    "killsound 9"
    "standard" "quake/impressive.mp3"
    "female" "quake/female/wickedsick.mp3"
    "config" "9"
    "kills" "15"
    "killsound 10"
    "standard" "quake/ludicrouskill.mp3"
    "female" "quake/female/holyshit.mp3"
    "config" "9"
    "kills" "22"
    "killsound 11"
    "standard" "quake/holyshit.mp3"
    "female" "quake/female/holyshit.mp3"
    "config" "9"
    "kills" "18"
    "first blood"
    "standard" "quake/firstblood.mp3"
    "female" "quake/female/firstblood.mp3"
    "config" "9"
    "double combo"
    "standard" "quake/doublekill.mp3"
    "female" "quake/female/multikill.mp3"
    "config" "9"
    "triple combo"
    "standard" "quake/triplekill.mp3"
    "female" "quake/female/multikill.mp3"
    "config" "9"
    "quad combo"
    "standard" "quake/multikill.mp3"
    "female" "quake/female/multikill.mp3"
    "config" "9"
    "monster combo"
    "standard" "quake/combowhore.mp3"
    "female" "quake/female/multikill.mp3"
    "config" "9"
    "standard" "quake/teamkiller.mp3"
    "female" "quake/teamkiller.mp3"
    "config" "9"
    "event sounds"
    "join server"
    "sound" "admin_plugin/actions/joinserver.mp3"
    "config" "1"
    DJAYJOBS is offline
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    Old 07-28-2007 , 23:09   Re: SM Quake Sounds
    Reply With Quote #4

    Nice job.
    Sourcemod Plugin Author and Plugin Approver
    "The correct way is MAXPLAYERS + 1"
    I will not take bugs/new idea reports over the forums. Please use the issue list.
    ^BuGs^ is offline
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    Old 07-28-2007 , 23:29   Re: SM Quake Sounds
    Reply With Quote #5

    New version 0.6. Added support for persisting user settings.
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    Old 07-29-2007 , 03:22   Re: SM Quake Sounds
    Reply With Quote #6

    Would be cool if it would be possible to disable with downloading quake sounds "female" and to disable "female" in the menu! quake. Also it would be desirable to edit quantity downloading and working sounds.

    It would be desirable all it to have possibility to do on a server.

    Last edited by Kaschenko; 07-29-2007 at 03:34.
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    Old 08-05-2008 , 01:45   Re: SM Quake Sounds
    Reply With Quote #7

    how do i swich from male to female
    sniperkills is offline
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    Old 08-05-2008 , 01:55   Re: SM Quake Sounds
    Reply With Quote #8

    Originally Posted by sniperkills View Post
    how do i swich from male to female
    Type !quake or "/quake" while in the server and it will give you 3 options.
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    Old 02-13-2024 , 16:04   Re: SM Quake Sounds
    Reply With Quote #9

    Originally Posted by ^BuGs^ View Post
    Nice job.

    Hello Where can I deactivate the teamkill mode in the cgf?? At the moment you can hear every hit of teamkiller but not the other sounds? Greetings Old_Chap
    Old_Chap is offline
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    Old 07-29-2007 , 04:00   Re: SM Quake Sounds
    Reply With Quote #10

    Thank you for this, I've been procrastinating doing this forever.Though personally I disable quake sounds in servers I play in.
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