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Galileo 1.1.290 (a feature rich map voting plugin)

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AMX Mod X Team Member
Join Date: Jun 2004
Old 09-12-2008 , 13:56   Galileo 1.1.290 (a feature rich map voting plugin)
Reply With Quote #1

Galileo 1.1.290 released 2009-FEB-26

This is a feature rich map voting plugin. It's intended to be used in place of any other map choosing plugin such as Deagles' Map Manager and AMXX's very own mapchooser.

Here is an incomplete list of optional features this plugin can provide:
  • Ability to "rock the vote".
  • Map nominations to be used in the next map vote.
  • Runoff voting when no map gets more than 50% of the total vote.
  • Weighted map votes for players with customizable admin flags.
  • Unique map cycle when the server is empty.
I highly recommend you review the well-commented galileo.cfg to see all the options you have with this plugin. It's located in the attached ZIP and in the "Options (CVARS)" section of this thread.

Table of Contents

Options (CVARS)
Installation Files
Change Log
Previous Versions (unsupported)


You can receive support for this plugin within this thread. Non-Steam servers are not supported.

If you are posting in this thread because the plugin or a feature of the plugin isn't working for you, please do all of the following so that we can more efficiently figure out what's going on:

If you have access to your game server's console, type the following in the server console:
  • status
  • meta list
  • amxx plugins
  • amxx cvars
If you don't have access the your game server's console, join your server and type the following in your game console:
  • status
  • rcon_password your_rcon_password
  • rcon meta list
  • rcon amxx plugins
  • rcon amxx cvars
Paste everything from the status command *except* the player list.
Paste the entire result from the meta list and amxx plugins commands.
Paste *only* the CVARs that contain "galileo.amxx" in the last column from the amxx cvars command. They will be grouped together.

Server Commands:
  • gal_startvote [-nochange] Forces a map vote to begin and the map will be changed once the next map has been determined. If the "-nochange" argument is supplied, the map will not be changed by Galileo, which is useful when you have a different plugin handling the actual changing of the map.
  • gal_createmapfile filename Creates a file that contains a list of every valid map in your maps folder. The filename argument indicates specifies the name to be used for the new file. It will be created in the .\configs\galileo folder.

Client Commands:
  • say nextmap Displays, to all players, the next map that will be played. This is a replacement for AMXX's command of the same name. When using end of map voting (CVAR "gal_endofmapvote" set to 1), this command will return "[not yet voted on]" if the map vote hasn't started yet and "[voting in progress]" once the vote has started. When the outcome of the vote is determined, this command will return the map name.
  • say currentmap Displays, to all players, the current map name.

Optional Client Commands (if features are enabled):
  • say recentmaps Displays a listing, to all players, of the most recently played maps. Requires CVAR "gal_banrecent" to be set to a value higher than 0.
  • say rockthevote | say rtv | say rocktheanythingvote Registers the players request for a map vote and change. The player will be informed how many more players need to rock the vote before a map vote will be forced. The anything argument can be any "word" up to 20 characters. Requires CVAR "gal_rtv_commands" to be set to an appropriate value.
  • say nominations | say noms Displays, to all players, a listing of maps that have been nominated. Requires CVAR "gal_nom_playerallowance" to be set to a value higher than 0.
  • say nominate partialMapName | say nom partialMapName Attempts to nominate the map specified by the partialMapName argument. If there are multiple matches for partialMapName, a menu of the matches will be displayed to the player allowing them to select the map they meant. Requires CVAR "gal_nom_playerallowance" to be set to a value higher than 0.
  • say cancel mapname Cancels the nomination of mapname, which would have had to be previously nominated by the player. Requires CVAR "gal_nom_playerallowance" to be set to a value higher than 0.
  • say mapname If mapname has been nominated by the player, will cancel the nomination. If mapname has not been nominated by the player, will attempt to nominate it. Requires CVAR "gal_nom_playerallowance" to be set to a value higher than 0.

Options (CVARs)


// Galileo Configuration File
// $Revision: 286 $ $Date: 2009-02-18 21:49:33 -0500 (Wed, 18 Feb 2009) $
echo Executing Galileo (GAL) Configuration File

// Allowing an extension of the current map's time limit will add an  //
// "extend the map" option to map votes which, if the option wins,    //
// will increase the time limit by a predetermined amount, letting    //
// players stay on the current map longer.                            //

// Specifies the maximum number of minutes a map can be played, if it 
// has been extended. A value less than mp_timelimit will not let the 
// map be extended.
amx_extendmap_max 90

// Specifies the number of minutes a map will be extended each time 
// the "Extend Map" option wins the map vote.
amx_extendmap_step 15

// There are two standard HL1 map related commands that you may not   //
// want to function normally, if at all, when using this plugin, so   //
// as to avoid conflicts of map voting procedures.                    //

// Indicates how the standard HL1 "votemap" command should function.
// 0 - disable
// 1 - behave normally
gal_cmd_votemap 0

// Indicates how the standard HL1 "listmaps" command should function.
// 0 - disable
// 1 - behave normally
// 2 - behave the same as the "gal_listmaps" command (galileo default)
gal_cmd_listmaps 2

// Banning recently played maps means that the last several maps that //
// have been played can not be nominated or otherwise placed in the   //
// map vote. This ensures that a map can not be played over and over  //
// again at the expense of playing a variety of other maps.           //

// Specifies how many of the most recent maps are disallowed from a 
// map vote. A value of 0 will disable this feature.
gal_banrecent 3

// Indicates the style in which the recent maps are displayed when a 
// player uses the "recentmaps" say command.
// 1 - all maps on one line
// 2 - each map on a separate line
gal_banrecentstyle 1

// Rocking the vote is a way players can indicate their desire to     //
// start an early map vote to change maps. Once enough players have   //
// rocked it, a vote will begin.                                      //

// Indicates which say commands can be used to rock the vote. 
// The flags are additive. A value of 0 will disable this feature.
// 1 - standard "rockthevote" command
// 2 - shorthand "rtv" command
// 4 - dynamic "rockthe<anything>vote" command (allows a player to type 
//     any one word (i.e. no spaces) that starts with "rockthe" and ends 
//     with "vote". Some examples might be: "rockthedamnvote", 
//     "rockthesillylittlevote", or "rockthefreakingvote". The total 
//     length of the word can not be longer than 31 characters. That 
//     leaves 20 characters for creativeness once you factor in the 
//     lengths of "rockthe" and "vote")
gal_rtv_commands 3

// Specifies the number of minutes after a map starts that players 
// have to wait before they can rock the vote. When a single player
// is on the server, that player can rock the vote at any time, 
// regardless of this setting.
gal_rtv_wait 10

// Specifies the ratio of players that need to rock the vote before a
// vote will be forced to occur. When a single player is on the server,
// that player can rock the vote and start an immediate vote.
gal_rtv_ratio 0.60

// Specifies how often, in minutes, to remind everyone how many more
// rocks are still needed, after the last rock has been made.
// A value of 0 will disable this feature.
gal_rtv_reminder 2

// Nominations can be used to let players nominate maps they would    //
// like included in the next map vote. Depending on how many maps     //
// have been nominated, it is possible that not all nominations will  //
// make it into the next vote.                                        //

// Specifies how many nominations each player can make.
// There is a hard cap defined, MAX_NOMINATION_CNT, that is set to 5
// in the SMA.  It can be changed, if needed.
// This CVAR needs to be set equal to or less than the hard cap.
// A value of 0 will disable this feature.
gal_nom_playerallowance 2

// Specifies the file to use which holds the names of the maps, listed 
// one per line, that players can nominate. Use * for all maps in the 
// server's maps folder.
// You can specify a relative path before the filename, relative from
// your gamemod folder (i.e. /addons/amxmodx/configs/mymapcycle.txt).
gal_nom_mapfile mapcycle.txt

// Indicates if the ./amxmodx/configs/galileo/prefixes.ini file should 
// be used to attempt to match map names if the player's entered 
// text doesn't match any.
gal_nom_prefixes 0

// Specifies how many of the nominations made will be 
// considered for use in the next map vote. 
// A value of 0 means all the nominated maps will be considered.
gal_nom_qtyused 0    

// Runoff voting happens when none of the normal vote options receive //
// over 50% of a given vote. The two options with the highest vote    //
// counts will be in the runoff vote.                                 //

// Indicates whether to allow runoff voting or not.
// 0 - disable runoff voting
// 1 - enable runoff voting
gal_runoff_enabled 1

// Specifies the number of seconds the runoff vote should last.
gal_runoff_duration 15

// Weighted votes allows admins to have their vote counted as more    //
// than a regular player's vote.                                      //

// Specifies how many votes a single admin vote should count as. 
// A value of 0 or 1 will disable this feature.
gal_vote_weight 2

// Specifies the standard access flags needed to have weighted votes. 
// You can specify multiple flags.
gal_vote_weightflags y

// Ending a map on a new round after time has expired, for round-     //
// based mods, is a much nicer way of ending the current map than the //
// standard HL1 way, which is to suddenly end the map the second time //
// runs out.                                                          //

// Indicates when a map should end when time runs out.
// 0 - end immediately when time runs out
// 1 - when time runs out, end after the current round
gal_endonround 1

// By showing the status of the vote, you allow players to see how    //
// many votes the various choices received.                           //

// Indicates when the vote progress should be shown to a player.
// A value of 0 disables this feature.
// 0 - never
// 1 - after player has voted
// 2 - after the vote ends
gal_vote_showstatus 1

// Indicates how to show the progress of a vote.
// 1 - as vote count
// 2 - as percentage of all votes cast
gal_vote_showstatustype 2

// Server restarts could be due to a benign reason or could be due to //
// a map that just crashed the server. In any case, you can specify   //
// what happens when the server restarts.                             //

// Indicates which action to take when it is detected 
// that the server has been restarted.
// 0 - stay on the map the server started with
// 1 - change to the map that was being played when the server was reset
// 2 - change to what would have been the next map had the server not
//     been restarted (if the next map isn't known, this acts like 3)
// 3 - start an early map vote after the first two minutes
// 4 - change to a randomly selected map from your nominatable map list
gal_srv_start 0

// Some people like to stick to their defined map cycle unless a vote //
// is started in the meantime. Other people like to always have a     //
// vote near the end of the map to decide what the next map will be.  //

// Indicates whether there should be a vote near the end 
// of the map to decide what the next map will be.
gal_endofmapvote 1

// Paginating the map listings displayed from the gal_listmaps        //
// console command will prevent players from getting kicked when you  //
// are listing a large number of maps. When paginated, the listings   //
// will only display a portion of the total map list at a time.       //

// Specifies how many maps per "page" to show when using 
// the gal_listmaps console command. 
// Setting it to 0 will not paginate the map listing.  
// Pagination will be in the style of the amx_help command.
gal_listmaps_paginate 10

// Primary voting is what most people generally think of when they    //
// think of starting a vote for a new map. It's just your standard    //
// map vote.                                                          //

// Specifies the number of maps players can choose from during the vote.
// The number of maps must be between 2 and 8.
gal_vote_mapchoices 5

// Specifies the number of seconds the vote should last.
gal_vote_duration 15

// Specifies the file to use which either holds the names of the maps,
// one per line, that the vote will be filled with or is used in the 
// map group feature to specify how many maps to use from each group.
// You can specify a relative path before the filename, relative from
// your gamemod folder (i.e. /addons/amxmodx/configs/mymapcycle.txt).
gal_vote_mapfile mapcycle.txt

// Indicates whether the maps being added, after nominations have been
// added to a vote, should have unique map prefixes from those already 
// in the vote.
gal_vote_uniqueprefixes 0

// The vote expiration countdown begins display a timer, to players   //
// that haven't voted, when there are 10 seconds left in the current  //
// vote. The timer counts down from 10 to 0, at which point the vote  //
// will be over.                                                      //

// Indicates whether a vote expiration countdown should be displayed.
// 0 - do not show the countdown
// 1 - show the countdown
gal_vote_expirationcountdown 1

// When the player's choice is announced, everyone on the server is   //
// shown what every other player's selection was.                     //

// Indicates whether to announce each player's choice.
// 0 - keep the player's choice private
// 1 - announce the player's choice
gal_vote_announcechoice 1

// You may have a lot of maps but only a few are sure to attract a    //
// lot of players. When the server is empty, you may want the server  //
// to change to those maps.                                           //

// Specifies how many minutes to wait, when the server is empty, before 
// changing to an alternate empty-server map cycle. 
// A value of 0 disables this feature.
gal_emptyserver_wait 0

// Specifies the file which contains a listing of maps, one per line,
// to be used as the map cycle when the server is empty.
// You can specify a relative path before the filename, relative from
// your gamemod folder (i.e. /addons/amxmodx/configs/mymapcycle.txt).
gal_emptyserver_mapfile emptycycle.txt

// There will be words spoken during certain events to reinenforce,   //
// in a player's mind, what is happening. You may choose to mute any  //
// that you would rather not have spoken.                             //

// Indicates if any sounds should be muted during the various events in
// which they'd normal be spoken.
// The flags are additive. A value of 0 will not mute any of the sounds.
// 1 - "get ready to choose a map"
// 2 - "7", "6", "5", "4", "3", "2", "1"
// 4 - "time to choose"
// 8 - "runoff voting is required"
gal_sounds_mute 0



File Locations:
  • .\scripting\galileo.sma
  • AMXX 1.8 or higher only.



File Locations:
  • .\configs\galileo\galileo.cfg
  • .\configs\galileo\prefixes.ini
  • .\data\galileo\
  • .\data\lang\galileo.txt
  • .\plugins\galileo.amxx
  • You need to disable "nextmap.amxx".
  • You need to disable any other map choosing plugins, such as "mapchooser.amxx".


A lot of time and effort went into making this plugin, making features just right, making sure there were no bugs, making sure it was easy to use. If you are glad I made this plugin, and are able, I'd appreciate a token donation. $5, $10, or whatever works for you.

Thank you! It means a lot to me.


Installation Files

Attached Files
File Type: zip galileo_1_1_290.zip (29.8 KB, 54434 views)

Last edited by Brad; 12-12-2010 at 12:37. Reason: added 'support' verbiage
Brad is offline
AMX Mod X Team Member
Join Date: Jun 2004
Old 09-12-2008 , 13:56   Re: Galileo (a feature rich map voting plugin)
Reply With Quote #2


Language Translations:

If you would like to translate the language file for a language not already translated or you want to fix a problem with a language that it translated incorrectly, please do so here.

Change Log

[2009-02-26] v1.1.290
  • Added a check for valid map when populating the various map listings from map list files.
  • Fixed error whem empty server map file doesn't exist. (18)
  • Fixed issue whereas Galileo would set the time limit to 0 in the course of it's regular activities but then sometimes not reset it to the original time limit afterwards.
  • No longer tries to print menus in color if the game mod doesn't support colored menus. (41)
  • Fixed possible RTV exploit by introducing a delay before a single player can RTV after a map change. It's the lesser of either 2 minutes or the value of gal_rtv_wait. (26)
  • Added additional information to comments for gal_nom_mapfile, gal_vote_mapfile, and gal_emptyserver_mapfile in galileo.cfg.
  • Changed default for gal_nom_prefixes from 1 to 0. In other words, the prefix functionality will be turned off by default.
  • Will no longer overwrite an existing menu. This means if a player has another menu open when the map vote starts, they won't see the map vote until the other menu is closed. It also means that, after a player voted and if the server is showing the vote progress, if another menu overwrites Galileo's, the progress won't be shown again until the other menu has been closed. This only affects people that show the in-progress vote status.
  • Now obeys a setting of "0" for gal_endofmapvote. Would previously erroneously present a vote regardless of the setting.
  • New CVAR, gal_sounds_mute, to indicate if any of the sentences spoken during various events are muted. See galileo.cfg for more information.
  • Added code to handle automated version info from SVN. This is of no consequence to anyone but me really, but I wanted to include it in the change log since it actually involves a change to the code.
  • Removed benign code that was prepped for feature utilizing standard maps of each mod. There is no longer any plans to add any information regarding standard maps as I see no use for it.
  • Removed the following language keys:
  • Fixed the "vote filler groups" feature that was previously working incorrectly. (36)
[2008-SEP-12] v1.0.255
  • Initial release.

Previous Versions (unsupported)


It is highly recommended that you use the latest stable release of this plugin.
The versions listed below are old releases that are no longer supported and may contain bugs.

Attached Files
File Type: zip galileo_1_0_255.zip (25.0 KB, 7768 views)

Last edited by Brad; 02-27-2009 at 09:58.
Brad is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2011
Old 02-11-2011 , 20:38   Re: Galileo (a feature rich map voting plugin)
Reply With Quote #3

Hey man j downloaded but missing galileo.amxx can you upload :s
AMX Mod X Plugin Approver
Join Date: Oct 2005
Old 09-12-2008 , 14:06   Re: Galileo 1.0.254 (a feature rich map voting plugin)
Reply With Quote #4

Sexy plugin. And It works very flawless.
Arkshine is offline
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Old 09-12-2008 , 14:13   Re: Galileo 1.0.254 (a feature rich map voting plugin)
Reply With Quote #5

Congratulations on the release Brad. Finally!

For those of you who have any doubts, this is by far the most comprehensive map voting plugin available.
jsterling is offline
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Old 09-12-2008 , 14:19   Re: Galileo 1.0.254 (a feature rich map voting plugin)
Reply With Quote #6

Originally Posted by arkshine View Post
And It works very flawless.
Originally Posted by jsterling View Post
It should work flawlessly after all, it's only been what... 1 year and 3 months in the making? Yes, finally!

Thank you both for all your help beta testing it. I truly appreciate it!
Brad is offline
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Old 05-22-2019 , 20:33   Re: Galileo 1.0.254 (a feature rich map voting plugin)
Reply With Quote #7

Originally Posted by Brad View Post
It should work flawlessly after all, it's only been what... 1 year and 3 months in the making? Yes, finally!

Thank you both for all your help beta testing it. I truly appreciate it!
I get the following message when I write rtv

Creation of failed vote; no maps were found

I do not know how to create the map file
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Old 09-12-2008 , 14:24   Re: Galileo 1.0.254 (a feature rich map voting plugin)
Reply With Quote #8

1 question, if the only people in the server at the time of the vote is bots, do you skip the voting and just keep the normal next map or does it still go through the voting steps?

Looks nice either way
ProjectYami Laboratories

I do not browse the forums regularly anymore. If you need me for anything (asking questions or anything else), then PM me (be descriptive in your PM, message containing only a link to a thread will be ignored).
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Old 09-12-2008 , 14:29   Re: Galileo 1.0.254 (a feature rich map voting plugin)
Reply With Quote #9

Originally Posted by YamiKaitou View Post
1 question, if the only people in the server at the time of the vote is bots, do you skip the voting and just keep the normal next map or does it still go through the voting steps?
Galileo still goes through the motions, and since each option would have 0 votes, since bots can't vote, Galileo would just pick a random choice.

Originally Posted by YamiKaitou View Post
Looks nice either way
Thank you.
Brad is offline
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Old 09-12-2008 , 14:32   Re: Galileo 1.0.254 (a feature rich map voting plugin)
Reply With Quote #10

Originally Posted by Brad View Post
Galileo still goes through the motions, and since each option would have 0 votes, since bots can't vote, Galileo would just pick a random choice.
That is even better than going with the standard next map. I shall be installing this sometime this weekend then
ProjectYami Laboratories

I do not browse the forums regularly anymore. If you need me for anything (asking questions or anything else), then PM me (be descriptive in your PM, message containing only a link to a thread will be ignored).
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