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Subplugin Submission Infection Countdown Manager (ALL zombie mods supported)

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Old 11-02-2022 , 21:42   Infection Countdown Manager (ALL zombie mods supported)
Reply With Quote #1


(ICM) v1.0.0
ICS v1.0.0
By Shopkeh

TABLE OF CONTENTS - Jump to Bottom

While I was learning the basics of the Pawn/AMXX and seeing that there was almost no enough functional, multimod
supported and bug free combined countdown script for zombie mods, I decided to write my first plugin (not just my
first Pawn plugin, but my very first one ever) and publish it here.

I hope that this one will be useful and that it will reduce countdown plugin requests to a minimum.

Countdown before the infection start, customizable plug-in with which you can change a variety of things such as: (D)HUD
colors, effects, how will message move and in what direction, screen fade, screen shake, durations, timings, sounds etc...
This is particularly aimed to the server owners that have a little to not enough understanding of the code itself and just want
to change everything trough the config file.

SUPPORT - Jump to Top
This plugin supports various zombie mods such as:
Supported time delay from the round start till infection is up to 20 seconds. For example, in your zombie mod config file
if you change the delay to be 15 seconds, the countdown plugin will automatically adapt to that delay and will start the
15 seconds countdown on the next round or map.

Plugin also supports both .WAV(E) and .MP3 files for sounds and if you want to add more time for the countdown, you
can do that very easily by adding new countdown sounds. Do that by following the pattern of already existing sounds in
the script and adding a new one just like that, save and compile again!
new const countdown_sounds[][] = // You may use both files (.WAV(E) and/or .MP3) at the same time but make sure they'd a right format and duration {                                        //  because between those two files a longer countdown sound will continue to play over a next countdown sound.     "events/zp_countdown/cd_0.wav", "events/zp_countdown/cd_1.wav", "events/zp_countdown/cd_2.wav", "events/zp_countdown/cd_3.wav",     "events/zp_countdown/cd_4.wav", "events/zp_countdown/cd_5.wav", "events/zp_countdown/cd_6.wav", "events/zp_countdown/cd_7.wav",     "events/zp_countdown/cd_8.wav", "events/zp_countdown/cd_9.wav", "events/zp_countdown/cd_10.wav", "events/zp_countdown/cd_11.wav",     "events/zp_countdown/cd_12.wav", "events/zp_countdown/cd_13.wav", "events/zp_countdown/cd_14.wav", "events/zp_countdown/cd_15.wav",     "events/zp_countdown/cd_16.wav", "events/zp_countdown/cd_17.wav", "events/zp_countdown/cd_18.wav", "events/zp_countdown/cd_19.wav",     "events/zp_countdown/cd_20.wav" }

Now, to make the plugin work for a certain version of the zombie mod that you're using, check out these lines:
/* Uncomment below (remove "//") depending on which zombie mod you're using. If you're using ZP v4.3, ZPShade, ZPA and other edits of the original ZP mod by MeRcyLeZZ, leave everything as is. */ //#define ZP_50 //#define ZP_SPECIAL //#define BIOHAZARD

VERSIONS - Jump to Top
I uploaded two different versions of the plugin:
1. Infection countdown manager (ICM) - zp_inf_countdown_mng.sma
2. Infection countdown simple (ICS) - zp_inf_countdown_simple.sma
The first one is the more customizable one which I made the way I did to learn and practice some of the basic functions.

The second one is for those that want a countdown plugin that is more simpler and works well without additional
unnecessary CVARs/options/configs as the first one but also has the support for the mentioned zombie mods.

Make sure to compile your copy of the plugin(s) locally and it's highly recommended to update your AMXX build to a
newer version such as this or this. For more help with upgrading, go here.

For more information on how to compile a plugin locally, visit this thread and instead of the plugin mentioned there, use
the plugin(s) from this thread.
Same goes for the include file. Don't forget the dhudmessage.inc if you're using AMXX v1.8.2 or lower.

There's the "zp_inf_countdown.txt" file that's needed to be placed in the following folder directory:

If you want to use ICM, there's another file (config) named "zp_inf_countdown_mng.cfg" that should be placed in the
following folder directory: ...your_directory/cstrike/addons/amxmodx/configs

Don't forget the countdown_resources.zip. Resources folder "zp_countdown" should be placed in the following folder
directory: ...your_directory/cstrike/sound/events

CVARS - Jump to Top
1. Infection countdown manager (ICM) - CVARs:
zp_countdown		"1"	// "1" - plug-in ON, "2" - plug-in OFF
zp_cd_dhud_msg		"1"	// "1" - Use DHUD or "0" - HUD message
zp_cd_hud_clr_R		"230"	// HUD color RED >= "0" - <= "255". Min value - 0, Max value - 255
zp_cd_hud_clr_G		"180"	// HUD color GREEN >= "0" - <= "255". Min value - 0, Max value - 255
zp_cd_hud_clr_B		"25"	// HUD color BLUE >= "0" - <= "255". Min value - 0, Max value - 255
zp_cd_hud_font_effect	"1"	// HUD font effect. "0" - none, "1" - blinking, "2" - letter by letter
zp_cd_hud_y_effect	"1"	// Coordinate Y effect. "0" - none, "1" - Y will move from down to up in a specific order, "2" - from up to down
zp_cd_pos_y_move_type	"1"	// Coordinate Y move type. "1" - Y will move depending on the HUD Y effect from the upper CVAR. "2" - Y will move randomly on the Y scale 
zp_cd_hud_x_effect	"0"	// Coordinate X effect. "0" - none, "1" - HUD will move from left to right in a specific order, "2" - from right to left
zp_cd_pos_x_move_type	"0"	// Coordinate X move type. "1" - X will move depending on the HUD X effect from the upper CVAR. "2" - Y will move randomly on the X scale
zp_cd_hud_colors_effect	"1"	// HUD color effects. "1" - random colors, "0" - static color defined with the CVAR below this
zp_cd_screen_fade	"1"	// Allow screen fade? "1" - yes, "0" - no
zp_cd_fade_clr_mode	"0"	// Screen fade color mode. "1" - random colored screen fade, "0" - static color (set the color from the below CVAR)
zp_cd_fade_clr_R	"175"	// Screen fade color RED >= "0" - <= "255". Min value - 0, Max value - 255
zp_cd_fade_clr_G	"0"	// Screen fade color GREEN >= "0" - <= "255". Min value - 0, Max value - 255
zp_cd_fade_clr_B	"0"	// Screen fade color BLUE >= "0" - <= "255". Min value - 0, Max value - 255
zp_cd_fade_clr_amount	"75"	// How strong (visible) will screen fade color be? >= "0" - <= "255". Min value - 0, Max value - 255
zp_cd_scr_fade_type	"1"	// Screen fade type. "0" - static color, "1" - visible to invisible, "2" - invisible to visible
zp_cd_scr_fade_duration "0"	// Screen fade duration. "0" - shorter, "1" - longer screen fade
zp_cd_scr_fade_timing	"5"	// On what second will screen fading start? >= "0" - <= "20". Min value - 0, Max value - 20
zp_cd_screen_shake	"1"	// Allow screen shake? "1" - yes, "0" - no
zp_cd_scr_shake_timing	"3"	// On what second will screen shake start? >= "0" - <= "20". Min value - 0, Max value - 20
zp_cd_snd_zero		"1"	// Sound after the coundown end? "1" - yes, "0" - no

2. Infection countdown simple (ICS) - CVARs:
				// "1" - ON (default), "0" - OFF
zp_countdown		"1"	// Plugin ON/OFF
zp_cd_dhud_msg		"1"	// DHUD ("1") or HUD ("0") message?
zp_cd_snd_zero		"1"	// Sound after the countdown end?

CHANGELOG - Jump to Top
1. Infection countdown manager (ICM) - CHANGELOG:
v1.0.0 (2.11.2022.)
*First public release

2. Infection countdown simple (ICS) - CHANGELOG:
v1.0.0 (2.11.2022.)
*First public release

I did test my plugins but if I missed anything and if you find something that doesn't work right report the issue here.
Just make sure that it's definitely an issue because it's easy to get confused and make a mistake for some CVARs.
So make sure that you didn't overlooked/missed something.

The lang file is very short so if you want you can translate it to your language and send it here, I'll update
the thread and give you credits.

Also, if you have any suggestions, ways to improve these plugins, optimise etc, feel free to respond to this thread.
I'm not sure about adding new stuff, because I think this is enough as it is.

CREDITS - Jump to Top
  • MeRcyLeZZ and his ZP mod that actually made me start to make progress with writing code.
  • Dels, for his plug-in from where I used some logic for a task and the timer.
  • Every person from whom I learned some useful coding/scripting stuff (there were a lot of plugins).

DOWNLOADS - Jump to Top

To download the Countdown Manager, click on the zp_inf_countdown_mng.sma below in the attached files.
To download the Countdown Simple, click on the zp_inf_countdown_simple.sma below in the attached files (+121 views).

To download resources - zp_inf_countdown_mng.cfg (not needed for ICS), zp_inf_countdown.txt and
zp_countdown sounds, click on the countdown_resources.zip below in the attached files.
Attached Files
File Type: sma Get Plugin or Get Source (zp_inf_countdown_mng.sma - 212 views - 12.6 KB)
File Type: zip countdown_resources.zip (165.1 KB, 192 views)
File Type: sma Get Plugin or Get Source (zp_inf_countdown_simple.sma - 106 views - 4.6 KB)

The best countdown plugin for every zombie mod!

Last edited by Sh0pke; 07-01-2023 at 14:10. Reason: Added forgotten defines for multimod support in simple version plugin
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Old 02-11-2023 , 16:10   Re: Infection Countdown Manager (ALL zombie mods supported)
Reply With Quote #2

Very good plugin indeed, works perfectly. Encountered only one issue that I solved in seconds - u have to change the name of the lang txt to zp_inf_countdown.txt (currently it is zp_inf_countdown_msg.txt) otherwise the plugin won't be able to read it and will display mdl not found instead of the countdown - that or change inside .smaa the dictionary name, but is easier just to change the lang txt name; afterwards reupload the resources download
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Old 02-13-2023 , 14:16   Re: Infection Countdown Manager (ALL zombie mods supported)
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@AlexK1dd I was making sure I put everything in order and with correct names but it seems I mistyped the lang file. I feel bad for everyone that didn't know how to change that and maybe thought that the plugin doesn't work. I even put that file name on the thread but not in the directory. Thanks for the feedback. Fixed.

The best countdown plugin for every zombie mod!

Last edited by Sh0pke; 02-13-2023 at 14:29.
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