Thread: AutoCMD
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Old 08-13-2005 , 03:34   AutoCMD
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AutoCMD 0.11 by Avalanche
suggested by MC-Olivenoel of the AMXx forums

Create the directory: addons/amxmodx/data/autocmd

autocmd_delay <seconds> (def: 0.1) - how fast the commands will be run, 0 is as fast as possible, otherwise 0.1 is minimum

autocmd_start <filename> - starts recording a sequence and saves it to filename ON THE SERVER
autocmd_add <command> - adds a command to the current sequence
autocmd_stop - stops recording the current sequence
autocmd_load <filename> - loads the sequence and executes all the commands with autocmd_delay delay
autocmd_tele_save - saves your position in the sequence, when loaded will teleport to here
autocmd_tele <x> <y> <z> - teleports self to xyz
autocmd_list - lists all sequences saved on the server
autocmd_view <filename> - displays the commands in a sequence
autocmd_remove <filename> - removes a sequence from the server

Save godmode and noclip:
autocmd_start godlynoclip
autocmd_add amx_godmode avalanche 1
autocmd_add amx_noclip avalanche 1

Run godmode and noclip:
autocmd_load godlynoclip

Why should you use this instead of making a config file and using the exec command? There are a few reasons:
- The sequence is saved on the server so you never lose it and so other admins can access your sequences
- Your commands can be executed with a custom delay rather than all at once
- You can easily add a commands to teleport to where you are standing
- I don't know, I didn't think this plugin up in the first place
Attached Files
File Type: sma Get Plugin or Get Source (autocmd.sma - 2051 views - 9.8 KB)
No longer around. Thanks your support, everyone! As always:
3000 PTS
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