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AMX Mod X Team Member
Join Date: Jun 2004
Old 09-12-2008 , 13:56   Re: Galileo (a feature rich map voting plugin)
Reply With Quote #2


Language Translations:

If you would like to translate the language file for a language not already translated or you want to fix a problem with a language that it translated incorrectly, please do so here.

Change Log

[2009-02-26] v1.1.290
  • Added a check for valid map when populating the various map listings from map list files.
  • Fixed error whem empty server map file doesn't exist. (18)
  • Fixed issue whereas Galileo would set the time limit to 0 in the course of it's regular activities but then sometimes not reset it to the original time limit afterwards.
  • No longer tries to print menus in color if the game mod doesn't support colored menus. (41)
  • Fixed possible RTV exploit by introducing a delay before a single player can RTV after a map change. It's the lesser of either 2 minutes or the value of gal_rtv_wait. (26)
  • Added additional information to comments for gal_nom_mapfile, gal_vote_mapfile, and gal_emptyserver_mapfile in galileo.cfg.
  • Changed default for gal_nom_prefixes from 1 to 0. In other words, the prefix functionality will be turned off by default.
  • Will no longer overwrite an existing menu. This means if a player has another menu open when the map vote starts, they won't see the map vote until the other menu is closed. It also means that, after a player voted and if the server is showing the vote progress, if another menu overwrites Galileo's, the progress won't be shown again until the other menu has been closed. This only affects people that show the in-progress vote status.
  • Now obeys a setting of "0" for gal_endofmapvote. Would previously erroneously present a vote regardless of the setting.
  • New CVAR, gal_sounds_mute, to indicate if any of the sentences spoken during various events are muted. See galileo.cfg for more information.
  • Added code to handle automated version info from SVN. This is of no consequence to anyone but me really, but I wanted to include it in the change log since it actually involves a change to the code.
  • Removed benign code that was prepped for feature utilizing standard maps of each mod. There is no longer any plans to add any information regarding standard maps as I see no use for it.
  • Removed the following language keys:
  • Fixed the "vote filler groups" feature that was previously working incorrectly. (36)
[2008-SEP-12] v1.0.255
  • Initial release.

Previous Versions (unsupported)


It is highly recommended that you use the latest stable release of this plugin.
The versions listed below are old releases that are no longer supported and may contain bugs.

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Last edited by Brad; 02-27-2009 at 09:58.
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