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SourceMod Plugin Approver
Join Date: Aug 2010
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Old 10-02-2019 , 21:00   [L4D & L4D2] Prototype Grenades (1.48) [30-Apr-2024]
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  • 20 different types.
  • Customize lots of options in the \data\l4d_grenades.cfg file.
  • Customize which types to allow and which grenade they work for.
  • Menu to change the grenade type. Can be used in combination with the key changing method.
  • Players can equip a grenade and hold SHOOT (LMB) + SHOVE (RMB) keys to change grenade type.
  • Bots can use Prototype Grenades. Requires external plugin.
  • Random grenade type when picking up or client preferences to save selected type for each grenade.
  • Adding new grenade types should be easy so feel free to suggest ideas.

  • Lux - Naming the plugin, code stocks and reviewing code.
  • Dragokas - Various bug reports and new Russian translations.
  • KRUTIK - Russian translations.
  • asd2323208 - Simplified Chinese translations.
  • fbef0102 - Traditional Chinese translations.

Grenade Types:
  • Molotov:
    - Bomb: Explosive grenade. Detonates on impact.
    - Cluster: Shoots out multiple explosive projectiles.
    - Firework: Firework crate explosion. L4D2 only.
    - Smoke: Smoke screen to hide an area.
    - Cluster Fire: Shoots out multiple small fires. L4D2 only.
    - Flak: Shoots up sparks igniting nearby enemies.
    - Airstrike: (L4D2 only, requires "F-18 Airstrike" plugin). Flare to signal Airstrike destination.
  • PipeBomb:
    - Black Hole: Pulls enemies in toward the center.
    - Flashbang: Blinds Survivors and Special Infected on detonation.
    - Shield: Reduces damage to Survivors inside the area.
    - Tesla: Electrocutes enemies inside the area pushing them back.
    - Bullets: Shoots out multiple bullets.
    - Glow: Glow through walls for a short time.
    - Weapon: Creates a weapon on detonation. Choose types via plugin config.
  • VomitJar: (L4D1: these types are split between Molotov and PipeBomb)
    - Chemical: Acid puddle on the ground to damage enemies.
    - Freezer: Freezes enemies inside the area of influence.
    - Medic: Heals - only works on Survivors.
    - Vaporizer: Dissolves enemies within the area.
    - Extinguisher: Extinguishes fires from the ground and players, can remove Boomer vomit effect and Spitter Acid (L4D2).
    - Anti-Gravity: Makes enemies jump up and slowly fall down.

Public Commands:

PHP Code:
// Type: [1=Bomb, 2=Cluster, 3=Firework, 4=Smoke, 5=Black Hole, 6=Flashbang, 7=Shield, 8=Tesla, 9=Chemical, 10=Freeze, 11=Medic, 12=Vaporizer,
// 13=Extinguisher, 14=Glow, 15=Anti-Gravity, 16=Fire Cluster, 17=Bullets, 18=Flak, 19=Airstrike, 20=Weapon]
sm_grenade // Opens a menu to choose the current grenades mode. Optional: force change with args, usage: sm_grenade [type: 1 - 20] 

Admin Commands: (requires "z" flag)

PHP Code:
sm_grenade_reload    // Reloads the settings config.

// Type: <1=Bomb, 2=Cluster, 3=Firework, 4=Smoke, 5=Black Hole, 6=Flashbang, 7=Shield, 8=Tesla, 9=Chemical, 10=Freeze, 11=Medic, 12=Vaporizer,
// 13=Extinguisher, 14=Glow, 15=Anti-Gravity, 16=Fire Cluster, 17=Bullets, 18=Flak, 19=Airstrike, 20=Weapon>
sm_grenade_spawn     // Spawn grenade explosions. Usage: sm_grenade_spawn <type: 1 - 20>
sm_grenade_throw     // Spawn grenade projectile. Usage: sm_grenade_throw <type: 1 - 20> 


Saved to l4d_grenades.cfg in your servers \cfg\sourcemod\ folder.

PHP Code:
// 0=Plugin off, 1=Plugin on.
l4d_grenades_allow "1"

// Turn on the plugin in these game modes, separate by commas (no spaces). (Empty = all).
l4d_grenades_modes ""

// Turn off the plugin in these game modes, separate by commas (no spaces). (Empty = off).
l4d_grenades_modes_off ""

// Turn on the plugin in these game modes. 0=All, 1=Coop, 2=Survival, 4=Versus, 8=Scavenge. Add numbers together.
l4d_grenades_modes_tog "0"

// Grenade Mods plugin version.

1.48 (30-Apr-2024)
    - Fixed physics objects not being pushed or broken if set within the config.
    - Fixed random rare crashes on map change. Thanks to "JustMadMan" for reporting.

1.47 (21-Apr-2024)
    - Added data setting "effect_types" for the "Extinguisher" type to set if the grenade can remove fires, boomer effect and Spitter acid. Requested by "blackbread183".
    - Fixed duplicate messages when equipping a grenade.

1.46 (22-Nov-2023)
    - Fixed not pushing the Witch. Thanks to "HarryPotter" for finding and fixing.

1.45 (07-Nov-2023)
    - Fixed the "Bullets" type damage becoming extremely high. Thanks to "HarryPotter" for finding and fixing.

1.44 (15-Jun-2022)
    - Added data setting "effect_freeze" for the "Freezer" type to set how long Survivors and Special Infected are frozen for. Requested by "weakestL4D2enjoyer".
    - Added data setting "damage_bonus" for the "Glow" type to set a damage multiplier while affected by the "Glow". Requested by "weakestL4D2enjoyer".
    - Changed the "BlackHole" type to not throw Survivors or Special Infected unless they are on the ground.
    - Changes to fix warnings when compiling on SourceMod 1.11.

1.43 (02-Feb-2022)
    - Fixed the "Medic" type not following the "targets" data settings. Thanks to "NoroHime" for reporting.
    - Fixed being able to select the "Airstrike" grenade type if disabled when using M2 to change types. Thanks to "KadabraZz" for reporting.

1.42 (29-Oct-2021)
    - Changed "Medic" grenade type to allow healing all targets specified, no longer only Survivors. Requested by "Dragokas".
    - Fixed "Bullets" and "Freezer" types not excluding the tank correctly.

1.41 (29-Sep-2021)
    - Changed method of creating an explosive to prevent it being visible (still sometimes shows, but probably less).

1.40 (19-Sep-2021)
    - Fixed users without access to the "sm_grenade" command from having different grenade modes when picking up grenades.
    - Thanks to "Darkwob" for reporting.

1.39 (25-Jul-2021)
    - Fixed index errors (replaced using "m_iHammerID" with a variable array). Thanks to "Elite Biker" for reporting.
    - L4D1: Fixed the "Airstrike" potentially showing in the menu.

1.38 (16-Jun-2021)
    - Added new grenade type "Weapon" to spawn weapons and items when the grenade explodes.
    - L4D2 only: Added new grenade type: "Airstrike" to call an Airstrike on the grenade explosion position. Requires the "F-18 Airstrike" plugin.
    - All translation files updated.
    - Config file updated.
    - Requested by "Darkwob"

1.37 (04-Jun-2021)
    - Now tests if clients have access to the "sm_grenade" command to restrict Prototype Grenades to specific users. Requested by "Darkwob".
    - Use the "sourcemod/configs/admin_overrides.cfg" to modify the command flags required.
    - Data config change: "Tesla" and "Black Hole" types no longer create a shake on explosion.

1.36 (10-Apr-2021)
    - Fixed not resetting gravity from the "Anti-Gravity" type when a client died. Thanks to "Voevoda" for reporting.

1.35 (27-Mar-2021)
    - L4D1: Fixed client console error about unknowing particle "sparks_generic_random" and "fireworks_sparkshower_01e" when using the "Flak" type.
    - Added "Flak" type "damage_type" config key value to specify which enemies catch on fire instead of stumble.
    - Changed "Flak" type damage to Blast instead of burn for Special Infected. Thanks to "sbeve" for reporting.
    - Data config "data/l4d_grenades.cfg" updated to reflect changes.

1.34 (04-Mar-2021)
    - Fixed affecting special infected ghosts. Thanks to "Voevoda" for reporting.

1.33 (23-Feb-2021)
    - Fixed errors caused by the last L4D2 update. Thanks to "sonic155" for reporting.

1.32 (15-Feb-2021)
    - Fixed healing with full health when players are black and white.

1.31 (30-Sep-2020)
    - Fixed compile errors on SM 1.11.

1.30a (24-Sep-2020)
    - Compatibility update for L4D2's "The Last Stand" update.
    - GameData .txt file updated.

1.30 (20-Sep-2020)
    - Fixed not working in L4D1 due to various L4D2 specific things not being ignored.
    - GameData for L4D1 updated to fix "CTerrorPlayer::OnStaggered" not being found when detoured by Left4DHooks.

1.29 (18-Sep-2020)
    - L4D2 only: Added new config keys "damage_acid_comm", "damage_acid_self", "damage_acid_spec" and "damage_acid_surv".
    - These control the "Chemical" type acid puddle damage. Thanks to "SilentBr" for requesting.
    - Data config "data/l4d_grenades.cfg" updated to reflect changes.

1.28 (10-Sep-2020)
    - Fixed "Glow" type not causing any damage. Thanks to "simvolist777" for reporting.

1.27 (01-Sep-2020)
    - Fixed "Glow" type not instantly removing on player death. Thanks to "piggies" for reporting.

1.26 (27-Aug-2020)
    - Fixed "mode_switch" option to block keybind control when using "2" value. Thanks to "Winn" for reporting.

1.25 (15-Jul-2020)
    - Added more checks to prevent gravity reset error. Thanks to "Voevoda" for reporting.

1.24 (14-May-2020)
    - Fixed grenade types not detonating on impact due to accidental deletion in 1.23 update.
    - Replaced some "point_hurt" damage calls with "SDKHooks_TakeDamage" function.
    - Support for compiling on SourceMod 1.11.

1.23 (10-May-2020)
    - Added better error log message when gamedata file is missing.
    - Added random grenade spin when thrown if Left4DHooks is detected.
    - Extra checks to prevent "IsAllowedGameMode" throwing errors.
    - Fixed grenades not sticking if enabled, unless they hit a client.
    - Various changes to tidy up code.
    - Various optimizations and fixes.

1.22 (01-Apr-2020)
    - Fixed "IsAllowedGameMode" from throwing errors when the "_tog" cvar was changed before MapStart.
    - Fixed not precaching "env_shake" which caused stutter on first explosion.

1.21 (03-Mar-2020)
    - Fixed 2 particles missing from being precached. Thanks to "foxhound27" for reporting.

1.20 (29-Feb-2020)
    - Fixed conflict with "Detonation Force" plugin. Thanks to "hoanganh81097" for reporting.
    - This will also fix conflicts with any other plugin detecting when a grenade projectile is destroyed.

1.19 (04-Feb-2020)
    - Fixed dissolve from "Vaporizer" type potentially causing godmode zombies.

1.18 (03-Feb-2020)
    - Fixed conflict with "Bile The World" plugin. Thanks to "3aljiyavslgazana" for reporting.
    - Plugin now compiled with SoureMod 1.10. Recompile yourself or time to upgrade your installation.

1.17 (13-Jan-2020)
    - Fixed players "semi-falling" when colliding the grenade. Thanks to "Dragokas" for reporting a fix.

1.16 (05-Jan-2020)
    - Added additional checks to prevent OnWeaponEquip errors. Thanks to "Mr. Man" for reporting.
    - Added Traditional Chinese translations. Thanks to "fbef0102" for providing.

1.15 (29-Nov-2019)
    - Added "messages" option in the config to disable hint messages as requested by "BlackSabbarh".
    - Fixed "preferences" option "0" not resetting grenade type when players take over bots. Thanks to "Voevoda" for reporting.

1.14 (24-Nov-2019)
    - Added Simplified Chinese translations. Thanks to "asd2323208" for providing.
    - Fix for potential godmode zombies when using LMC.
    - Fixed error msg: "Entity 157 (class 'pipe_bomb_projectile') reported ENTITY_CHANGE_NONE but 'm_flCreateTime' changed.".

1.13 (11-Nov-2019)
    - Added option "0" to "preferences" in the config to give stock grenades on pickup.

1.12 (10-Nov-2019)
    - Fixed breaking client preferences after map change due to last version fixes.

1.11 (09-Nov-2019)
    - Small optimizations.
    - Fixed breaking equip on round restart.
    - Fixed "Shield" type not working. Thanks to "fbef0102" for reporting.

1.10 (01-Nov-2019)
    - Changed the way grenade bounce sounds are replaced to prevent plugin conflicts. Thanks to "Lux" for the idea.
    - Optimizations: Changed string creation to static char for faster CPU cycles. Various string comparison changes.
    - Now only supports "Gear Transfer" plugin version 2.0 or greater to preserve random grenade type preferences.
    - Removed 1 frame delay on weapon equip from previous version of supporting "Gear Transfer" plugin.
    - Fixed "GrenadeMenu_Invalid" PrintToChat not replacing the colors. Thanks to "BHaType" for reporting.

1.9 (23-Oct-2019)
    - Fixed "Freezer" mode not preserving special infected render color. Thanks to "Dragokas" for reporting.

1.8 (23-Oct-2019)
    - Changed "Bullets" mode projectile sound.
    - Maybe fixed invalid entity errors again, reported by "KRUTIK".
    - Minor changes to late loading and turning the plugin on/off.

1.7 (18-Oct-2019)
    - Fixed handle memory leak.

1.6 (18-Oct-2019)
    - Fixed invalid entity errors reported by "KRUTIK".
    - Fixed L4D1 errors reported by "Dragokas".
    - Fixed not completely disabling everything when the plugin is turned off.
    - Now prevents ledge hanging when floating in Anti-Gravity.

1.5 (17-Oct-2019)
    - Added 6 new types: "Extinguisher", "Glow", "Anti-Gravity", "Fire Cluster", "Bullets" and "Flak".
    - Added command "sm_grenade" to open a menu for choosing the grenade type. Optional args to specify a type.
    - Added "mode_switch" in the config to control how to change grenade type. Menu and/or key combination.
    - Auto display and close menu with "mode_switch" when selecting a different type via key combination.
    - Changed L4D2 vocalizations from "throwing pipebomb" or "throwing molotov" etc to "throwing grenade" when not stock.
    - Changed grenade bounce impact sound.
    - Cleaned up the sounds by changing some and adding a few missing ones.
    - Feature to push and stumble Common Infected now works in L4D1.
    - Fixed wrong Deafen offset for L4D1 Linux. Fixes "Flashbang".
    - Fixed wrong OnStaggered signature for Linux L4D1. Fixes staggering clients.
    - Fixed "Freezer" type not following the "targets" setting.
    - Fixed "damage_tick" to function for most types. Values smaller than "effect_tick" will use the effect tick time.
    - Thanks to "Dragokas" for the menu ideas and reporting problems in L4D1.

    - Required updated files:
    - Config: l4d_grenades.cfg
    - Gamedata: l4d_grenades.txt
    - Translations: grenades.phrases.txt.

1.4 (10-Oct-2019)
    - Added Russian translations. Thanks to "KRUTIK" for providing.
    - Fixed OnNextEquip errors. Thanks to "KRUTIK" for reporting.

1.3 (10-Oct-2019)
    - Added support for "Gear Transfer" plugin. For persistent grenade types when "preferences" is set to random grenade mode.
    - Changed "Vaporizer" to inflict full damage on Common instead of range scaled. Original functionality before 1.1.

1.2 (10-Oct-2019)
    - Fixed OnWeaponDrop errors. Thanks to "BlackSabbarh" for reporting.
    - Some optimizations.

1.1 (08-Oct-2019)
    - Added "bots" in the config to control if bots can use Prototype Grenades. Requires external plugin.
    - Added "damage_special", "damage_survivors", "damage_tank", "damage_witch" and "damage_physics" in the config to scale damage.
    - Added "preferences" in the config to save a players selected mode, or give a random grenade type. Persistent with dropping.
    - Added "targets" in the config to control who can be affected by the grenade effects.
    - Changed "nade" in the config to use bit flags, which allows all grenade modes to work for all grenades.
    - Fixed map transition breaking the ability to change grenade modes.
    - Fixed over-healing when a player has temp health.
    - Fixed sometimes detonating immediately after throwing.
    - Fixed sounds not stopping when reloading the plugin during an active grenade.
    - Updated data config, plugin requires new version, or effects will break: l4d_grenades.cfg.

1.0 (03-Oct-2019)
    - Initial release.

  • Download the .zip and extract the files to their respective folders in your servers \addons\sourcemod\ folder.

Updating from 1.4 or older:

New updated files required:
  • Config: l4d_grenades.cfg
  • Gamedata: l4d_grenades.txt
  • Translations: grenades.phrases.txt.

Current Translations: English (en), Russian (ru), Simplified Chinese (chi), Traditional Chinese (zho).
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Last edited by Silvers; 04-30-2024 at 10:00.
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