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AMX Mod X Team Member
Join Date: Jun 2004
Old 09-24-2005 , 20:30  
Reply With Quote #2



AMXX 1.8 or higher only.
  • CS
  • CS:CZ
  • DOD
  • TFC (untested)
Language Translations:

If you would like to translate the language file for a language not already translated or you want to fix a problem with a language that it translated incorrectly, please do so here:

Change Log

[2008-07-21] v1.4.239
  • Compatible with AMXX 1.80 or higher only.
  • Fixed issue where the spectator meter would display in the spectated player's language rather than the spectator's language.
[2007-08-24] v1.4
  • Added CVAR to aid in debugging; allows meter to run when only one person is on server. Set badcamper_debug to 1 if using this.
  • Removed BugBlatter's "Monster Mod" support. Rationale being that players could crash your server by typing "meta list" in their console when using it.
  • All snarks are now killed at the end of each round, if using Snark punishment.
  • Fixed discrepancy between documentation and code. Changed "badcamper_announce" CVAR to default to 3, as per the documenation.
  • Fixed issue where HLTV was counting as a player, thus affecting when camping is checked.
  • The camp meter will now affect bots that camp. Oh, and if your bot camps, you need a new bot or better waypoint files.
  • Fixed discrepancy between documenation and code. Changed who can camp (based on objectives) when not on a map with a bomb site. Changed from everyone can to only Ts can.
[2007-APR-03] v1.3b
  • Fixed issue where screen would go sideways if health reduction punishment was used.
[2007-APR-02] v1.3a
  • Fixed dumb bug that kinda broke everything else.
    Note to self: Don't make changes right before releasing.
[2007-APR-02] v1.3
  • Compatible with AMXX 1.71 or higher only.
  • The 'csx', 'dodx', or 'tfcx' module has to be enabled, depending on what game mod you are running.
  • Added DoD (tested) and TFC (untested) mod support.
  • Made more code optimizations.
  • Defuser's meter will now be paused when bomb is being defused.
  • Planter's meter will be more accurately paused than in previous versions.
    Previous versions would pause the player's meter for the full time it would take to plant the bomb, even if they stopped planting in the meantime.
  • Altered method of specifying admin immunity from define to CVAR.
  • Replaced badcamper_immunity CVAR with badcamper_immunity_flags.
  • Fixed overlapping "so and so is now camping" messages.
  • Added option to allow spectators to see players' meters. Default is to show the meter.
  • Fixed meter not always obeying "based on objectives" team. (thanks sasdad and arkshine!)
  • Fixed issue with ATAC 3.x whereas the health reduction could cause a player to get TAs.
[2006-MAR-12] v1.2
  • Compatible with AMXX 1.70 or higher only.
  • The 'fakemeta' module needs to be enabled.
  • Fixed issue where round end cleanup would not be performed if the round was restarted as opposed to ending normally.
  • Auto-detects if you're using the supplied "Monster" metamod. If you are using a different version of "Monster", reverts to less fine control over snarks.
  • Removed need to recompile if using this plugin in a game mod other than Counter-Strike.
  • Removed need to recompile if using the "Snark Attack" punishment. Now, if you indicate to use "snark attack" as a punishment, but you don't have "Monster" installed, you'll get errors in your log files.
  • Disabled meter when there is only one person on the server. This is useful for when you want to sit on your server while waiting for others to join.
  • Implemented more accurate way of detecting if the map was a bomb map.
  • Optimized the code to use less CPU usage.
[2005-DEC-10] v1.1
  • Added "Snark attack" punishment. Requires "Monster Mod" to be installed.
  • Changed "Slap" punishment to increase in power as the meter gets higher. Note that when slapped, the player may actually get slapped far enough that it would lower the player's meter.
  • Added "badcamper_money" CVAR to specify what percentage of money to take away at 100% when using the "money reduction" punishment. Defaults to 10% as was the case before the option was introduced.
  • Added "badcamper_damage_reset" CVAR flag that specifies the meter(s) to reset when a player is attacked. Defaults to both attacker and defender having their meter reset as was the case before the option was introduced.
  • Replaced "snore" punishment with "sound" punishment. The type of sound can be defined by a new CVAR, "badcamper_sound". There are two types of sounds, "snore" (default value) and "heartbeat".
  • Fixed bug where if a player's meter was 100% and the blind punishment was being used, when the player attacked or was attacked by another, the blind player would stay blind instead of regaining vision immediately.
  • Added "badcamper list" command that lists available punishments and indicates which are currently active (active as per the badcamper_punish CVAR).
  • Added "badcamper_announce" CVAR flag to indicate how to announce that a player is camping and then when the player stops camping. Will announce the name of the camper at 90% and then again when the meter gets below 80%. Options are to print as chat, as a HUD message, both, or neither.
  • Fixed bug where the CVAR 'badcamper_allow' had no effect, thus if set to a value higher than 0 a team would still never be allowed to camp.
[2005-SEP-24] v1.0
  • Initial release.

Original design inspiration, many concepts, and code came from the great AntiCamping Advanced plugin originally written by SpaceDudes, rewritten by xHomicide, ported to AMXX by rex, and tweaked by [SWE] RaWDeaL.

Specific Features:
  • display meter after a specific percentage
  • check team with current primary objective
  • money reduction punishment
    • thanks to Isobold for the idea and initial code
  • allow camping when x players left alive on your team
  • admin immunity
  • allow the meter to start immediately
  • blind punishment
  • snark attack punishment
  • multiple sound options
  • meter reset options
  • camping announcement
Previous Versions (unsupported)
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Last edited by Brad; 07-21-2008 at 11:24. Reason: new release
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