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-   -   [Guide]Step by step to running Zombie Mod on your CS:GO server! (

ASCIISyaeZ 08-23-2012 15:00

[Guide]Step by step to running Zombie Mod on your CS:GO server!
Before we begin, i would like to point out that i'm no expert when it comes to hosting servers, creating mod or programming/coding, i'm just an average joe with a great passion and love for Zombie Mod series and is here to guide you through step by step on how to get it to run on your own server for Counter Strike : Global Offensive(Own your own computer only, not remote servers). Please note that like i stated above, im no expert, so do not expect me to be able to solve any errors that you might encounter mid-process of following this guide, i would try my best to help however. All the content linked and stated here belongs to their rightful owners, i take no credit for any of the files provided in this guide. So without further ado, lets begin!

For this guide, you will need..
- SteamCMD for CS:GO Dedicated Server Operation
- Zombie:Reloaded latest snapshot
- gamedata file
- CSGO Zombie Models[FIXED]
- Hotfix for CS:GO Zombie:Reloaded
- SDK Hook for CS:GO
- Latest snapshot of metamod and sourcemod for CS:GO
Thanks to Franc1sco

Step 1 - Installing CS:GO Dedicated Server
In order to run Zombie:Reloaded on CS:GO, you will first need to download a small executable file called SteamCMD.

After downloading it, place it in a folder somewhere in your computer

Example : F:/CSGOserver/steamcmd.exe
Run the program and it should now start downloading the necessary files, after that's done, Steam> prompt should appear, this is where you type in commands, for CS:GO Dedicated Server installation, you will first need to login your steam account by typing in
"login <username> <password>" or "login <username> <password> <steam guard code>" if you have your security set for steam, you can retrieve the steam guard code from the email linked to your steam account.

Example: login asciisyaez password P52FY
After a successful login, type in

app_update 740 validate
And the file should now start to download the necessary files to run your server. After that is complete, just type exit to close steamcmd. The files for the dedicated server should be located in your folder under

../steamapps/common/Counter-Strike Global Offensive Beta - Dedicated Server/
After you have made sure that the files are there, we can now proceed to step 2..

Step 2 - Installing Metamod, Sourcemod & SDKHook
To run Zombie:Reloaded on your server, you would need to have the latest version of both Metamod and Sourcemod, you can find the snapshots for Metamod here and Sourcemod here

Download and extract both mods and place them inside csgo folder, under the folder name addons, if it doesn't exist, create it. After you are done, it should look like this.

inside addons folder, there should be metamod folder, sourcemod folder and metamod.vdf(important)
to get the metamod.vdf file, simply create a text file and name it metamod, and change its extension to vdf (Check online if you don't know how). inside the text file, it should contain this line

        "file"        "../csgo/addons/metamod/bin/server"

Make sure that you have sourcemod.vdf inside your metamod folder as well or sourcemod would not run properly.

After installing sourcemod and metamod on your server, you also need something called SDKHook
download the file and extract the contents inside csgo folder.

We have now completed the installation of the server and sourcemod, now we can move on to install Zombie:Reloaded on your server!

Step 3 - Installing Zombie:Reloaded(Zombie Mod)
First you would need to download 2 files, the main zombie:reloaded build as well as the latest snapshot patch. Both which can be found in rhelgeby's snapshot server

Download as well as the patch that's above it (as of the creation of this guide its "")
After downloading, extract the main build into your server's csgo directory, followed by the patch, overwriting any files that is asked for.

With that, you are pretty much done with the installation of Zombie Mod! Except it does not work on CS:GO...

Step 4 - The Fix
Model fix
Now that we have installed the mod, it is time to fix it so that it works on CS:GO(well for the most part).

So the problem when porting a CS:S mod to CS:GO is, the models doesn't work. For that, you have to download the CSGO Zombie Models[FIXED]
and specify the new file directory for these models.

After you have downloaded the model file take the files from FAST and SERVER folder and place it inside your server's csgo folder.
Now you would need to specify where the new zombie models are located.

To do this, go into your addons folder and open sourcemod>configs>zr>models.txt, here you would have to modify the "path" parameter to the path of the new zombie models
for that, you can refer to this text file.
For lazy bums or reference, here's mine

// ============================================================================
//                              ZOMBIE:RELOADED
//                            Model configuration
// See Model Configuration (3.5) section in the manual for detailed info.
// ============================================================================
// Attribute:  Description:
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// name    Name of model file, without extension.
// path    Path to model files. MUST end with "/".
// team    Model type:
//              "zombies"
//              "humans"
// access  Access type:
//              "public"        - Everyone can use the model.
//              "admins"        - Model can only be used by admins.   
//              "hidden"        - Model is excluded from public random selections.
//              "motherzombies" - Model can only be used by mother zombies.
//              "group"        - Use group authentication.
// group    If access is "group": A SourceMod group name. Otherwise blank ("").

"name" "zh1fix"
"path" "models/player/mapeadores/kaem/zh/"
"team" "zombies"
"access" "public"
"group" ""

"name" "zh2fix"
"path" "models/player/mapeadores/kaem/zh/"
"team" "zombies"
"access" "public"
"group" ""

"name" "zh3fix"
"path" "models/player/mapeadores/morell/zh/"
"team" "zombies"
"access" "public"
"group" ""

These are just to specify the general directory of where the files are located from my understanding, for the individual models themselves, we would have to edit another file located in the same directory
called playerclasses.txt.

This file is much more complicated then the last one, i do not understand it much at all, what i do know is it is used to control various numbers regarding the zombies and humans, such as HP, knock-back, speed, jump and most important of all, the path of the models. To simplify things, i've removed a few entries behind and leave only 3 main zombie type, Zombie_Classic, Zombie_Fast & Zombie_Mutated since there are only 3 zombie models available for CS:GO, from what i know setting "enabled" to "no" still cause error for the unused zombie classes so i decided to just take them out of the equation :), for each of the 3 zombie types, you would have to refer to the previous text file for the model path and change the parameter accordingly

Example: "model_path"            "models/player/mapeadores/kaem/zh/zh1.mdl"
The human model path doesn't need to be changed since its using the default models from CS:GO.
For those who are extremely confused with this part, feel free to download my playerclasses file, i have made some modifications to the numbers for each zombie type so feel free to set them back or change it to your liking :D

Finally you would need to set the download path for your zombie models else your zombies would appear purple, This is done by editing the downloads.txt file located in csgo/addons/sourcemod/configs/zr/

// ============================================================================
//                              ZOMBIE:RELOADED
//                          Downloads configuration
// See Download List (3.6) section in the manual for detailed info.
// ============================================================================
// * Each uncommented line will be used as a file path for clients to download.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Defaults:
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------


Zombie no weapon fix
In CS:GO, they introduced a new weapon called the Zeus x27, its cool and all but the problem is, it takes up the same slot as the knife, thus causing issue where people who purchase it and turns into a zombie would lose their ability to attack. Thus in this fix, i would guide you on how to restrict this weapon on your Zombie:Reloaded server.

First, you would have to open this file called weapons.txt, it is located in the same directory as the models and playerclasses text files.
Once inside, you would see many weapons that are available, however since this file is created for CS:S, it doesn't include zeus x27, so for that we have to add in our own.

Scroll down till you find the entry for "Knife" and insert this just after the } closing

                // General
                "weaponentity"                "weapon_taser"
                "weapontype"                "All, Projectile"
                "weaponslot"                "2"
                // Restrict (core)
                "restrictdefault"        "yes"
                "toggleable"                "no"

                // Knockback (module)

                "knockback"                "10.0"

This file can also be used to restrict certain weapon, gear or grenades from being purchased in your server, just set the "restrictdefault" value to "yes".

Once again this is another text file that is written for CS:S, it is located in "../csgo/addons/sourcemod/gamedate" and its called plugin.zombiereloaded.txt, you can find the version that works for CS:GO here

Another problem that might occur is somtimes the zombie would appear as a human, so for that we would use this hotfix plugin provided once again by Franc1sco
Get it here

I have heard many people complaining about knockback issues with zombies, i personally can't really tell what the problem is but since Franc1sco has once again provided us with another file that would address this issue. Here it is

Object pushing and physics
In order for pushing and object physics to work properly, you would have to set a few cvar inside your server.cfg file, located under ../csgo/cfg/, if it does not exist (Probably isn't), just create a text file, rename and change its extension to "server.cfg", inside this file, you can specify some cvars that would be run on your server, as well as the name of your server and much more.

Here are some parameter that would enable object pushing to work "properly" on your server feel free to mess around these settings to any value you see fit. (Check step 4 for more details on Server.cfg)

sm_cvar sv_turbophysics 1                  //0 to disable pushing, 1 to enable it
sm_cvar phys_pushscale 5                  //How easy is it to move objects around, shooting or pushing
sm_cvar sv_pushaway_force 50000      //How strong the push is
sm_cvar sv_pushaway_max_force 500000  //Max push force
sm_cvar sv_pushaway_min_player_speed 75 //No idea, just found it and put it in anyways :D

More fixes to be added in the future, be sure to post your fix for various issues and i'll add it into this section.

Step 4 - Running the Server and Configuration
For this part, i'll be honest with you. I have absolutely no idea what to do since CS:GO now use a different way of configuring your server's cvar, instead of just server.cfg to configure everything, there is now a file called gamemodes.txt that handles that, and instead of just launching the map you want in the launch parameter like "+map zm_lila_panic_v2", you would now have to first create a map group inside the gamemodes.txt's substitution file known as gamemodes_server.txt. Then to launch the server, you would need to specify +game_type 0/1 and game_mode 0/1, sounds confusing? i know right. So if anyone could post a guide on how to configure this part please do so and i'll add it into the guide.

With all that being said, i did however manage to get my server up and running with the only way that i know, only follow through this part if you are desperate to just get the server "working" and test out the hard work you put in to create your server.

First you would need to configure gamemode text file, to do so, create a text file at your server's csgo directory and name it gamesmodes_server.txt, from there, you would copy and paste everything from the gamemodes.txt file into gamemodes_server.txt, but change the first line of the code in gamemodes_server.txt to "GameModes_Server.txt" instead of "GameModes.txt"
(gamemodes_server.txt overwrites any settings inside gamemodes.txt)

You would need to change a few vaules under the Casual category
To change the max players for your server, set "maxplayers" to "25" or something, current player limit is 25 if i remember correctly, probably gonna be increase to 64 in the near future.

Under "convars", you would be able to change a few values, such as number of bots, to remove bots from your game, change bot_quota to 0 (do not completely remove these convars or they would take the default settings)

Next you would need to modify the map group to your zombie map rotation, as loading a map that is not specified in the map group would result in an error and clients being unable to join your server.

To do so, we would take 1 of the existing mapgroups and change its map list. (Much easier this way, you can try creating your own mapgroup, i had problems with it so i just went with editing the existing)

find the word "mapgroupsMP" under Casual again, you should see 3 map groups

                                                "mg_bomb"                ""
                                                "mg_hostage"                ""
                                                "mg_dust"                ""


The one i chose to use is "mg_bomb"
After choosing the mapgroup, we would need to state the maps that are included in this mapgroup
For that, scroll approximately to the center of the text file and look "mg_bomb", now all we have to do is change the maps inside mg_bomb to the zombie maps like so

                        "imagename"                "mapgroup-bomb"
                        "nameID"                "#SFUI_Mapgroup_bomb"
                        "name"                        "mg_bomb"
                                "zm_atix_helicopter_mini_go_pf"                ""
                                "zm_battleforce_panic_csgo_pf"                ""
                                "zm_impossibru_desaturated_v2"                ""
                                "zm_lila_panic_csgo"                ""
                                "zm_officesspace_csgo"                ""
                                "zm_playtime_v2"                ""
                                "zm_skyhigh_overgrown"                ""
                                "zm_stab_forest_panic"                ""
                                "zm_stab_heat"                ""
                                "zm_stab_town_panic"                ""

For the zombie maps, you would need to download it from somewhere, i got my maps from plaguefest's server, and simply move the files inside my game's csgo map directory to my server's csgo map directory, and viola you have all the maps you've downloaded.

Now when that's done, you would have to change the mapcycle.txt and maplist.txt to have all your zombie maps as well, feel free to remove the regular maps already inside.

Next, you would need to change your server.cfg file under ../csgo/cfg/ (If you have followed the previous steps you should have this file already, if not just create your own)

Inside this file, you can set the name of your server, the rcon password and many more. Here's a very minimalistic one i use for my server

hostname "[SG]Zombie Mod! ::FastDL::" //Change this to change your server name
rcon_password "" //For accessing to the server using client
sv_password ""  //Set this for a private server

sv_allowupload 1
sv_allowdownload 1

mapcyclefile maplist.txt

mp_join_grace_time 15
sv_cheats 0
sv_lan 0
exec banned_user.cfg
exec banned_ip.cfg
sv_pure 1

sv_region 255

sm_cvar sv_turbophysics 1
sm_cvar phys_pushscale 5
sm_cvar sv_pushaway_force 50000
sm_cvar sv_pushaway_max_force 500000
sm_cvar sv_pushaway_min_player_speed 75

Finally, to start your server. Create a bat file in the folder where srcds.exe is (Its 1 step back from csgo folder)
and name it whatever you want but change its extension to .bat, after that right click on it and choose edit. Inside you would need to set your server's launch parameter

Here's mine

srcds.exe -game csgo -console -usercon +game_type 0 +game_mode 0 +mapgroup mg_bomb +map zm_playtime_v2
When you are done, run this bat file to start your server. Make sure to type in sm plugins list when the server is fully loaded (When VAC Secure bla bla bla appears) to check if sourcemod and zombie mod is loaded successfully, if everything shows up you are golden, get into the game and get some people to test out the server for you! Good luck!

If your server is running stable, you might wanna check out this page for some addons you can add into your server to spice things up, Do note that all or most of them are created to be used on CS:S so it might not work correctly or even work in CS:GO.
Some that i've tested and working are

Allow Flashlight  //Flashlight won't work otherwise
Unlimited Ammo //Spam bullets to your hearts content, with need to reload

You can also include other plugins for Sourcemod such as rtv and such, they are all included with sourcemod, just drag them out from the disabled folder in the plugins folder (Do note that rtv requires mapchooser to work)

Known Issues

Sound Error
My server is constantly being flooded with an error message that says something about UI/hint.wav is not precached(), and some other errors related to sounds. The server runs fine however.

If you have a solution please PM or post it in this thread.

Map not changing
My server seem to be unable to automatically change map after set number of rounds of say 10 or 15.
The timeleft command ticks down the number of rounds until the last, where it just keep repeating "1 round more till map change" but doesn't actually change the map. I've tried setting time limit of 30 instead, but the server just crashes when it does change map. The only way to change map for my server now is to use RTV or manual vote or changelevel.

Map downloading
Another problem with my server is the file size limit, whenever a client who doesn't have the map tries to download a map with the file size bigger then 16mb, it gives and error and the client is unable to connect to the server.

Solution: Add sm_cvar net_maxfilesize 100 to your server.cfg to increase the limit. Thanks to Weksos

john2010 08-23-2012 16:56

Re: Step by step Guide for ZR on CS:GO - Need help testing first!
It works fine dude ! good job !

Please, when you post the fix ?

RoSTeX 08-23-2012 19:40

Re: Step by step Guide for ZR on CS:GO - Need help testing first!
Did you solve a problem with knockback on the ground?

ASCIISyaeZ 08-24-2012 04:36

Re: Step by step Guide for ZR on CS:GO - Need help testing first!
I did no self fix, all i did was take the fix exisiting in this forum and apply it on my server, however im still bugged with 2 problems though, first being a weird error message about UI/hint.wav not being precached, i can't even find that file inside my server and i tried disabling the hint sound in server and it doesn't seem to do a thing

john2010 08-24-2012 04:39

Re: Step by step Guide for ZR on CS:GO - Need help testing first!
But you have fixed !ztele I don't see the fix on the forum.

ASCIISyaeZ 08-24-2012 06:04

Re: Step by step Guide for ZR on CS:GO - Need help testing first!
Finally got the server to run again after updating, please connect to my server to do some test play, so that i can check what error messages occur, thanks!

RoSTeX 08-24-2012 06:18

Re: Step by step Guide for ZR on CS:GO - Need help testing first!
Can you show me where you get fix file? Im already lost here...

ASCIISyaeZ 08-24-2012 06:31

Re: Step by step Guide for ZR on CS:GO - Need help testing first!
most of em are here

RoSTeX 08-24-2012 07:03

Re: Step by step Guide for ZR on CS:GO - Need help testing first!
But this dont solve problems with knockback for me

TnTSCS 08-24-2012 10:38

Re: Step by step Guide for ZR on CS:GO - Need help testing first!
The version I have fixes the sound errors (since CS:GO doesn't have the sounds CS:S had)... I edited the source and recompiled it... however, issues of knockback still exist.

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