View Full Version : Fake Forwards

03-15-2009, 18:53
Your plugin has many forwards?
with this example you can create forward like register_forward of fakemeta module.
I know that other way is CreateMultiForward but this can be a another option.

#include <amxmodx>

Fake_Connect = 0,

new Array:g_fakeforwards_type
new Array:g_fakeforwards_num

public plugin_precache()
register_plugin("Fake Forwards", "1.0", "ReymonARG")

g_fakeforwards_num = ArrayCreate(1, 1)
g_fakeforwards_type = ArrayCreate(1, 1)


// We need to register the call for the forwards
public plugin_natives()
// Librery

// Natives
register_native("register_fakeforward", "_register_event")
register_native("unregister_fakeforward", "_unregister_event")

public _register_event(plugin, params)
// Are correct the params? return
if( params != 2 )
return -1

static type, g_callout[33], forwards_num
type = get_param(1)
get_string(2, g_callout, 32)

// Here We create the Forward.
switch( type )
// So some forwards have diferent out, so we need this to create diferent styles.
case Fake_Connect: forwards_num = CreateOneForward(plugin, g_callout, FP_CELL)
case Fake_Disconnect : forwards_num = CreateOneForward(plugin, g_callout, FP_CELL)
case Fake_ChangeName : forwards_num = CreateOneForward(plugin, g_callout, FP_CELL, FP_STRING)
case Fake_PutInServer : forwards_num = CreateOneForward(plugin, g_callout, FP_CELL)
default: return -1

// Can create the forward? Return.
if( forwards_num == -1 )
return -1

// Save the type of the forward and the num.
ArrayPushCell(g_fakeforwards_type, type)
ArrayPushCell(g_fakeforwards_num, forwards_num)

return forwards_num

// Well i think that this dont is good, But i will try to better this part.
public _unregister_event(plugin, params)
// Its param = 1 ? return.
if( params != 1 )
return -1

static i, fwd_id
fwd_id = get_param(1)

// Found the forward and delete.
for( i = 0; i < ArraySize( g_fakeforwards_num ); i++)
if( ArrayGetCell(g_fakeforwards_num, i) == fwd_id )
// Delete forward

// And items.
ArrayDeleteItem(g_fakeforwards_type, i)
ArrayDeleteItem(g_fakeforwards_num, i)

return 1

return 0

public client_connect(id)
static i, null_id

// Well this is the mechanism to exec the forwards.
for( i = 0; i < ArraySize( g_fakeforwards_num ); i++)
// If item type is Fake_Connect ?
if( ArrayGetCell(g_fakeforwards_type, i) == Fake_Connect )
// Exec the forward.
ExecuteForward(ArrayGetCell(g_fakeforwards_nu m, i), null_id, id)

public client_disconnect(id)
static i, null_id
for( i = 0; i < ArraySize( g_fakeforwards_num ); i++)
if( ArrayGetCell(g_fakeforwards_type, i) == Fake_Disconnect )
ExecuteForward(ArrayGetCell(g_fakeforwards_nu m, i), null_id, id)

public client_infochanged(id)
static oldname[32], newname[32], i, null_id
get_user_name(id, oldname, 31)
get_user_info(id, "name", newname, 31)

if( !equal(oldname, newname) )
for( i = 0; i < ArraySize( g_fakeforwards_num ); i++)
if( ArrayGetCell(g_fakeforwards_type, i) == Fake_ChangeName )
ExecuteForward(ArrayGetCell(g_fakeforwards_nu m, i), null_id, id, newname)

public client_putinserver(id)
static i, null_id
for( i = 0; i < ArraySize( g_fakeforwards_num ); i++)
if( ArrayGetCell(g_fakeforwards_type, i) == Fake_PutInServer )
ExecuteForward(ArrayGetCell(g_fakeforwards_nu m, i), null_id, id)

And Example for recibe the forwards.

#include <amxmodx>

#pragma library fake_forwards

enum Fake_Forwards
Fake_Connect = 0,

native register_fakeforward(Fake_Forwards:type, const out[])
native unregister_fakeforward(fwd_id)

public plugin_init()
register_plugin("Forward Recive", "1.0", "ReymonARG")

register_fakeforward(Fake_Connect, "fw_client_connect")
register_fakeforward(Fake_Disconnect, "fw_client_disconnect")
register_fakeforward(Fake_ChangeName, "fw_client_changename")
register_fakeforward(Fake_PutInServer, "fw_client_putinserver")

public fw_client_connect(id)
server_print("Client %d Connecting", id)

public fw_client_disconnect(id)
server_print("Client %d Disconnect", id)

public fw_client_changename(id, const newname[])
server_print("Client %d Change name to %s", id, newname)

public fw_client_putinserver(id)
server_print("Client %d Connect", id)

Fell Free to correctme.

03-16-2009, 01:17
Seems kind of pointless, instead of just having your original plugin do it, you're going to have your plugin and this additional one to achieve it.

Sure it would be alright for a server with plugins that all/some use these "fake forwards" but it still does not seem that logical.

Also you should be using CreateMultiForward because otherwise it really is pointless as the "fake forward" would only be sent back to the original plugin and not multiple.

Perhaps you could give an example in where it would really be helpful.