View Full Version : [BUG] every1 has admin

11-14-2006, 15:31
i was running a war3 server and i need the 1.50 version dedicated server. thiis bug is an exploit that it doesnt matter what version ive found out. is if you find out the the server is running uaio_menu, that you can access it thru typing uaio_menu without having the admin. what you get without being admin is small just some vote commands but its annoying cuz you can change the gravity. ive tried it out on numerous servers.

11-14-2006, 18:33
no you messed up your admin file. My clan head did the same thing and it took me 1 month or so to convince him what was wrong.

11-14-2006, 20:12
Actually that isn't a bug. It's the default setup for uaio.
To change that so public users can't vote is to change this in the file uaio_groups.ini:

; Groups for Vote-Command Access

group "grp_vote_public" "vote" "abcdf"

Change to:

; Groups for Vote-Command Access

group "grp_vote_public" "vote" ""

Save it, restart server, and no one should be able to access voting unless you are an admin.

11-16-2006, 14:43
in uaio admins there is a line configs/uaio/uaio_admins

; Default Access (For non-admin players) -- Only Change Groups (If Required)!
; Do Not Remove!
; This Default Public-Admin IS Required, Remove Flags from Groups in uaio_groups.ini
; To Restrict Access to Commands by Public Players!
admin "default" "grp_vote_public grp_good_public grp_evil_public grp_misc_public"