- UAIO - Ultimate All In One Admin Menu v1.51 UPDATED 08-07-06
- Old Thread Content
- Bug Reports - What We Need From You:
- Suggestions/Requests
- [REQ] Unlimited time as a menu choice
- [REQ] Jedi Grab
- [REQ] Commands available from server console
- [REQ] Support for FULL steamids in the config files
- [REQ] Being able to use RCON with UAIO
- uaio with mapchooser.amxx
- UAIO need help with admin
- UAIO need help complie
- Admins By Name
- [REQ] beta version
- UAIO for other mods?
- Welcome message for clan tags
- [REQ] get rid of the includes...
- [REQ] AMXX Admin System
- Adding Commands
- Suggestion: Custom command length
- [BUG?] uaio_cexec
- Uaio_backup.cfg - bug?
- Removing commands from normal players
- Upcoming Release Notes
- [BUG] Arena vote : wrong weapons list
- How do I remove that stupid message?
- [BUG] transparrent menu items
- UAIO v1.51 released!
- Admins wont add
- admin nick support?
- UAIO Intagrated with amxmodmenu
- How do I add myself as admin?
- uaio help
- Bind Issues?!
- bind issue #2
- Unussual admin problem
- Does any one know UAIO for The Specialists?
- [Bug] Menu doesn't work [DELETE]
- [BUG] Admin manager does not work.s
- regarding UAIO Admin Menu
- showing rules
- map menu need help
- Delete Options
- LAN admin...
- [BUG] Buggy Command
- Admin bug
- uaio menu problems
- [Req] Find Them
- [Req] OutBound
- curious about next update...
- Uaio_menu
- UAIO ADMIN Problem!
- [BUG]?? Client Name Announce.
- UAIO Menu
- [BUG]with admin activity
- seer mode
- UAIO Gravity menu problem
- [REQ] admin_slash like plugin
- uaio help
- Pauseing uaio?
- Czero
- Small Question about the hud and say msg ..
- [BUG] every1 has admin
- How do you set up uaio
- Uaio help
- uaio_admin.amxx bad load
- Make Command Unusable
- Problem with Map Vote Menu
- [bug] admin activity
- I don't have admin in game, but it's all right in the cfg file!
- From "uaio_" to "amx_"
- No set time for a command
- UAIO Setup help
- Logs
- Conflict between uaio and amx
- Help with admin manager
- disable messages
- Error Messages
- [Request] Uaio work with basic AMXX admin
- AUIO not working right?
- [Request] CSDM Compatibility
- Run time error 10
- Need some help
- UAIO plug-in
- add admins with password
- uaio_groups problem
- How to got command every round
- Need help adding admins
- minor problem would like a solution tho
- UAIO-Players (not admins) can get guns
- Take out the port on add admin by ip
- Group Help
- UAIO spectator wallhack
- Take Away Grande Drop
- How do I enable the rest?
- uaio_cexec help?
- adding a new group
- UAIO teleport
- Option to choose everyone
- Need Help
- Help the noob :D
- admins dont match in console
- small problem
- Need Help|Adding Admins By Name
- Team switcher doesn't work
- Command help!
- UAIO Problem
- Log Admin usage help
- Idle Kicker
- wont load?
- Remove player announce?
- UAIO for TFC
- adding custom commands
- SOS Need help
- [REQ] uaio_addadmin
- Need help with motds...
- Need help with announcments connecting and disconnecting
- Taking z flag permissions in voting
- cz
- Admin
- Need help with uaio
- Turbo on certain maps
- how do i add maps to the uaio map list
- UAIO and AMXX 1.76
- uaio_groups not loading
- Instructions on Installing UAIO -- READ ME FIRST BEFORE INSTALLING
- How do I use commands?
- warning and clan recruitment command
- cloaking commands
- Theirs something wrong with misc.
- UAIO Download?
- Invisible Mode
- Seer Mod
- Hide Activity
- uaio_menu Help
- UAIO model managment
- UAIO log...
- loading problems
- uaio/cz/ded server
- Disabling UAIO's map management
- Not loaded properly
- Help the noob
- [ES] UAIO in Spanish
- Admin issues
- UAIO admin help!
- uaio_admin.amxx does not load
- about UAIO Command!!
- Seperate?
- New AMXX install
- lock weapon
- joining message removal
- uaio compatable with amxx 1.8.0?
- Hide the message
- Two Questions..Models and Join Message
- Problem With the UAIO
- [Issue} Admins commands/Admins
- Simply can't figure it.
- Help
- uaio help
- Invisiblity code bugged
- UAIO Question
- Help with UAIO.
- How to make Admin.htm load up on screen
- MOTD Help Please
- HX?
- I need help but i think i'm really close!
- Compiling issues!
- Unknown Command ....I need help please
- mod help
- Changing the "HEY! I just joined and wish to die!" Message?
- Public Vote
- uaio
- roll the dice mod
- The all seeing eye
- Grenade Glitch/Error
- Change Map
- Is it possible to totally hide the uaio menu (uaio_menu cmnd) from users?
- uaio_admin.amxx bad load >:O
- Having problems with UAIO......
- How do I add a vote command
- Revive problems
- some questions
- Adding models
- All Weapon Crash
- Weapon creation question.
- Help please
- I must be a big noob
- Question
- Question
- Unban
- Seer mode in newest uaio not working?
- since new hlds update
- Gravity Changes and Non-Admin Voting
- UAIO Admin Alert Help
- UAIO - Ultimate All In One Admin Menu
- Unable to add UAIO admin via IP
- what are the server console commands?
- Console Commands
- UAIO menu help
- amx_pause
- 1. Give All weapons to Everyone = server crash. 2. revive = respawn + a dummy
- UAIO Admin ip problem..
- Uaio "groups failed to load"
- Halp? Please?
- Hi all please if you can help me come really need it
- banning
- admin rights problem
- UAIO does not individually affect T/CT
- [bug] Suicide Player
- event.inc errors = Invalid Player ID 0
- 3 teams?
- Exploit
- Need some help.
- noob with plugin issues
- 2 flashbangs..
- Just trash....
- uaio_cexec and commands with parameters
- I've tried everything for this admin problem !
- Please give me a plug-in I need you?
- Grenades drop
- uaio_admin - German Translation
- [!!!HELPPP!!!] Hello i search for this Ultimate Sounds!
- Join Message
- >> ATTENTION!! admin problem people <<
- I want to ask
- !!!NEED HELP!!!
- admin with name xxx' has no effect for anything
- .
- UAIO-few question
- uaio_weapon problems
- How to make ur self admin on lan with evrytheing on UAIO
- Convert CSS skins to Cs 1.6
- Hey!
- Help me please
- Please HELLP
- How to edit the order of uaio_menu?
- Tried Everything unable to Add Admins in UAIO