View Full Version : UAIO (Ultimate All-In-One Plugin)

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  1. UAIO - Ultimate All In One Admin Menu v1.51 UPDATED 08-07-06
  2. Old Thread Content
  3. Bug Reports - What We Need From You:
  4. Suggestions/Requests
  5. [REQ] Unlimited time as a menu choice
  6. [REQ] Jedi Grab
  7. [REQ] Commands available from server console
  8. [REQ] Support for FULL steamids in the config files
  9. [REQ] Being able to use RCON with UAIO
  10. [BUG] MOTD
  11. uaio with mapchooser.amxx
  12. UAIO need help with admin
  13. UAIO need help complie
  14. Admins By Name
  15. [REQ] beta version
  16. UAIO for other mods?
  17. Welcome message for clan tags
  18. [REQ] get rid of the includes...
  19. [REQ] AMXX Admin System
  20. Adding Commands
  21. Suggestion: Custom command length
  22. [BUG?] uaio_cexec
  23. Uaio_backup.cfg - bug?
  24. Removing commands from normal players
  25. Upcoming Release Notes
  26. [BUG] Arena vote : wrong weapons list
  28. How do I remove that stupid message?
  29. [BUG] transparrent menu items
  30. UAIO v1.51 released!
  31. Admins wont add
  32. admin nick support?
  33. UAIO Intagrated with amxmodmenu
  34. How do I add myself as admin?
  35. uaio help
  36. Bind Issues?!
  37. bind issue #2
  38. Unussual admin problem
  39. Does any one know UAIO for The Specialists?
  40. UAIO
  41. [Bug] Menu doesn't work [DELETE]
  42. [BUG] Admin manager does not work.s
  43. regarding UAIO Admin Menu
  44. showing rules
  45. map menu need help
  46. Delete Options
  47. LAN admin...
  49. [BUG] Buggy Command
  50. Admin bug
  51. uaio menu problems
  52. [Req] Find Them
  53. [Req] OutBound
  54. curious about next update...
  55. Uaio_menu
  57. UAIO ADMIN Problem!
  58. [BUG]?? Client Name Announce.
  59. UAIO Menu
  60. [BUG]with admin activity
  61. seer mode
  62. UAIO Gravity menu problem
  63. [REQ] admin_slash like plugin
  64. uaio help
  65. Pauseing uaio?
  66. Czero
  67. Small Question about the hud and say msg ..
  68. [BUG] every1 has admin
  69. How do you set up uaio
  70. Uaio help
  71. uaio_admin.amxx bad load
  72. Make Command Unusable
  73. Problem with Map Vote Menu
  74. [bug] admin activity
  75. I don't have admin in game, but it's all right in the cfg file!
  76. From "uaio_" to "amx_"
  77. No set time for a command
  78. UAIO Setup help
  79. Logs
  80. Conflict between uaio and amx
  81. Help with admin manager
  82. disable messages
  83. ML Bugfix (FILES ATTACHED-UPDATED 1/7/07)
  84. Error Messages
  85. [Request] Uaio work with basic AMXX admin
  86. AUIO not working right?
  87. [Request] CSDM Compatibility
  88. Run time error 10
  89. Need some help
  90. UAIO plug-in
  91. add admins with password
  92. uaio_groups problem
  93. How to got command every round
  94. NEED HELP !
  95. Need help adding admins
  96. minor problem would like a solution tho
  97. UAIO-Players (not admins) can get guns
  98. Take out the port on add admin by ip
  99. Group Help
  100. UAIO spectator wallhack
  101. Take Away Grande Drop
  103. How do I enable the rest?
  104. uaio_cexec help?
  105. adding a new group
  106. UAIO teleport
  107. Option to choose everyone
  108. UAIO CONFIG HELP!!@#!@!
  109. Need Help
  110. Help the noob :D
  111. admins dont match in console
  112. small problem
  113. Need Help|Adding Admins By Name
  114. Team switcher doesn't work
  115. Command help!
  116. UAIO Problem
  117. Log Admin usage help
  118. Idle Kicker
  119. wont load?
  120. Remove player announce?
  121. UAIO for TFC
  122. adding custom commands
  123. SOS Need help
  124. [REQ] uaio_addadmin
  125. Need help with motds...
  126. Need help with announcments connecting and disconnecting
  127. Taking z flag permissions in voting
  128. cz
  129. Admin
  130. Need help with uaio
  131. Turbo on certain maps
  132. how do i add maps to the uaio map list
  133. UAIO and AMXX 1.76
  134. uaio_groups not loading
  135. Instructions on Installing UAIO -- READ ME FIRST BEFORE INSTALLING
  136. How do I use commands?
  137. warning and clan recruitment command
  138. cloaking commands
  139. Theirs something wrong with misc.
  140. UAIO Download?
  141. Invisible Mode
  142. Seer Mod
  143. Hide Activity
  144. uaio_menu Help
  145. UAIO model managment
  146. UAIO log...
  147. loading problems
  148. uaio/cz/ded server
  149. Disabling UAIO's map management
  150. Not loaded properly
  151. Help the noob
  152. [ES] UAIO in Spanish
  153. Admin issues
  154. UAIO admin help!
  155. uaio_admin.amxx does not load
  156. about UAIO Command!!
  157. Seperate?
  158. New AMXX install
  159. lock weapon
  160. joining message removal
  161. uaio compatable with amxx 1.8.0?
  162. Hide the message
  163. Two Questions..Models and Join Message
  164. Problem With the UAIO
  165. [Issue} Admins commands/Admins
  166. Simply can't figure it.
  167. Help
  168. uaio help
  169. Invisiblity code bugged
  170. UAIO Question
  172. Help with UAIO.
  173. How to make Admin.htm load up on screen
  174. MOTD Help Please
  175. HX?
  176. I need help but i think i'm really close!
  177. Compiling issues!
  178. Unknown Command ....I need help please
  179. mod help
  180. Changing the "HEY! I just joined and wish to die!" Message?
  182. Public Vote
  183. uaio
  184. roll the dice mod
  185. The all seeing eye
  186. Grenade Glitch/Error
  187. Change Map
  188. Is it possible to totally hide the uaio menu (uaio_menu cmnd) from users?
  189. uaio_admin.amxx bad load >:O
  190. Having problems with UAIO......
  191. How do I add a vote command
  192. Revive problems
  193. UAIO MOTD
  194. some questions
  195. Adding models
  196. All Weapon Crash
  197. Weapon creation question.
  198. Help please
  199. I must be a big noob
  200. Question
  201. Question
  202. Unban
  203. Seer mode in newest uaio not working?
  205. since new hlds update
  206. Gravity Changes and Non-Admin Voting
  207. UAIO Admin Alert Help
  208. UAIO - Ultimate All In One Admin Menu
  209. Unable to add UAIO admin via IP
  210. what are the server console commands?
  211. Console Commands
  212. UAIO menu help
  213. amx_pause
  214. 1. Give All weapons to Everyone = server crash. 2. revive = respawn + a dummy
  215. UAIO Admin ip problem..
  216. Uaio "groups failed to load"
  217. Halp? Please?
  218. Hi all please if you can help me come really need it
  219. banning
  220. admin rights problem
  221. UAIO does not individually affect T/CT
  222. [bug] Suicide Player
  223. event.inc errors = Invalid Player ID 0
  224. 3 teams?
  225. Exploit
  226. Need some help.
  227. noob with plugin issues
  228. 2 flashbangs..
  229. Just trash....
  230. uaio_cexec and commands with parameters
  231. I've tried everything for this admin problem !
  232. Please give me a plug-in I need you?
  233. Grenades drop
  234. uaio_admin - German Translation
  235. [!!!HELPPP!!!] Hello i search for this Ultimate Sounds!
  236. Join Message
  237. >> ATTENTION!! admin problem people <<
  238. I want to ask
  239. !!!NEED HELP!!!
  240. admin with name xxx' has no effect for anything
  241. .
  242. UAIO-few question
  243. uaio_weapon problems
  244. How to make ur self admin on lan with evrytheing on UAIO
  245. Convert CSS skins to Cs 1.6
  246. Hey!
  247. Help me please
  248. Please HELLP
  249. How to edit the order of uaio_menu?
  250. Tried Everything unable to Add Admins in UAIO