View Full Version : UltimateJailBreak v0.1.2b [Days + LR + Shop + VIP + Commander + ..] (21st March 2015)

03-21-2015, 16:04
by tonykaram1993 (https://forums.alliedmods.net/member.php?u=225402)

Customizable Defines
Installation Instructions
Known Bugs
Screen Shots
Change Log


JailBreak needs no introduction, hundreds of servers are running some sort of a JailBreak plugin and it's quite a fun mod. I am not going to waste my time explaining what the mod does and its purpose, however I am going to give you a small history about my plugin.

I started out by using nikhilgupta345 (https://forums.alliedmods.net/member.php?u=59035)'s JailBreak plugin (https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=168122&highlight=jailbreak) and found it was great. However, he went inactive and there were a few bugs I wanted to fix myself. I started fixing and adding several features to it. It got to a point where his code consisted of around 10% of the plugin. I added so many features from so many other plugins that I honestly lost count.

I never figured I would be posting this publicly for several reasons. First is that there are plenty of stuff that are hardcoded in the source code, and yes I now know this is a bad thing. Second is that I was writing this plugin for someone, however that someone lost interest in CS and moved to other games.

So here I am posting this plugin for everyone. Yes there are hardcoded things out there, and yes I will push updates to make this plugin user friendly.


Several days to choose from.
new const g_strOptionsDayMenu[ MAX_DAYS ][ ] = {
"Free Day", "Cage Day",
"NightCrawler Day", "Zombie Day",
"Riot Day", "President Day",
"USP Ninjas Day", "Nade War Day",
"Hulk Day", "Space Day",
"Cowboy Day", "Shark Day",
"Last Man Standing Day", "Samurai N Seek Day",
"Knife Day", "Judgement Day",
"Hide N Seek Day", "Mario Day",
"Custom Day"
Several lrs to choose from.
new const g_strOptionsLastRequest[ MAX_LR ][ ] = {
"Knife Fight",
"Weapon Toss",
"Shot For Shot",
"Grenade Toss",
"Hot Potato",
"Spray Contest",
"Suicide Bomber",
"Deagle Maniac",
"Uber Glocker"
Days restriction (voting only) to prevent several days being played a lot.
Shop with several options.
new strOptionsShopMenu[ ][ ] = {
"HE Grenade [explosive]",
"FLASH Grenade [blinding shit]",
"SMOKE Grenade [foggy atmosphere]",
"Health Kit [here take 50 HP]",
"Advanced Health Kit [here take 100 HP]",
"Armor Jacket [here take 100 AP]",
"Prison Knife [prison made knife]",
"One Bullet Deagle [get that headshot]",
"One Bullet Scout [get that headshot]",
"Assassin Steps [sound reducing choose]"
Player time spent on server is saved.
Special points system to use in the shop.
Points reward system for the Prisoners.
Gun menu for the Guards and Days.
Commander Menu that allows the Commander to do several things.
new strOptions[ ][ ] = {
"Open Cells",
"Split Prisoners in two teams [nb. Prisoners pair]",
"Start a timer [10 seconds]",
"Open the game book [NOOB CT? not anymore]",
"Pick a random Prisoner [we'll pick for you]",
"Give a Prisoner an empty Deagle",
"Give/Remove a Prisoner's mic access [one round]",
"Heal all Prisoners [100 HP]",
"Glow a Prisoner [choose color]",
"Ask a random math question [we already have the answers]",
"Enable/Disable Free For All [let them kill each others]",
"Enable/Disable Dodgeball [hit to kill]",
"Enable/Disable Spray Meter [how high can you spray?]"
Ability for players to shoot buttons to use them (CVAR controlled)
Unlimited ammo on some days.
User specific freedays.
VIP system that gives VIPs unique skins and player models.
Gameplay book for the less creative Guards out there.
Minimum played time restriction for Guards (you have to play more than x minutes to be able to join the Guards team.
Banning players from the Guards team is doable.
Players are allowed to donate points to each others.
Mic usage system automatically controls the mics.

So many more features that cannot be listed due to time limitations.


Client Commands:

NOTE: all chat commands are applicable through 'say' and 'say_team' except the ones that do not start with a '/'.


/health - Display the health HUD meter.
/credits - Display the credits of the plugin.
/freeday - Opens up the freeday menu to hand out personnel freedays.
/lr - Opens up the Last Request Menu for the last Prisoner.
/race - Start the race countdown timer (LR).
/showdown - Start the showdown countdown timer (LR).
/hotpotato - Start the hotpotato countdown timer (LR).
/commander - Take control of the current Cage Day.
/nadewar - Start the nadewar day when all Prisoners are gathered together.
/commandermenu - Opens the commander menu with several interesting options.
/guns - Opens the gun menu to choose Primary and Secondary weapons.
/rules - Display a webpage as motd generally containing the rules.
/help - Display a webpage as motd generally containing the rules.
/day - Open the admin menu to start a specific Day.
/jbmenu - Open the main menu where everything else is accessible.
/ffa - Enable/Disable Free For All on the server.
/shop - Opens the shop menu where special items can be purchased.
/points - Display how many points you have.
/fun - Open the gambling menu where you can gamble with your points.
/time - Display how much time you have spent on the server.
/vip - Open the VIP menu where special skins are present.
/voteday - Force start a day vote.
/book - Open the gameplay book for the commander, so he can choose a game.
/pot - Check how much points there is in the raffle pot.

+paint - Start drawing on the walls with paint.
set_paint <R> <G> <B> - Set the RGB color of the paint color.

Admin Commands:



/open - Open the cell doors.

amx_allowmic <name | authid | userid> <1 | 0> - Set a player's talk power.
amx_give_points <name | authid | userid> #points - Give a player points.
amx_remove_points <name | authid | userid> #points - Give a player points.
amx_reset_points <name | authid | userid> - Reset a player's points.
amx_get_points <name | authid | userid> - Get a player's points.
amx_banct <name | authid | userid> <0 | 1> - Ban a player from joiing CT.
amx_give_vip <name | authid | userid> - Add a player to the VIP list.
amx_remove_vip <name | authid | userid> - Remove a player from the VIP list.
amx_playedtime <name | authid | userid> - Get the ammount of time user has played.
amx_set_button - Set the button for the cell doors"
amx_donate <name | authid | userid> <#> - Donate points to other users.
amx_donate_points <name | authid | userid> <#> - Donate points to other users.


uj_vote "10"
// Default: 1
// 0: Disable | 1: Enable every round | #: Enable when # minutes left of the map

uj_vote_players "2"
// Default: 2
// 1: Terrorists can vote | 2: Counter Terrorists can vote | 3: All players can vote

uj_vote_opposite "7"
// Default: 7
// Every x rounds, the opposite team is allowed to vote. Will only work when uj_vote_players is 1 or 2
// Example: If only Terrorists can vote, then every x rounds Counter Terrorists are given chance to vote

uj_vote_min_guards "1"
// Default: 1
// Minimum number of guards to start the vote

uj_vote_min_prisoners "2"
// Default: 2
// Minimum number of prisoners to start the vote

uj_vote_primary "15"
// Default: 15
// Time of the main vote in seconds

uj_vote_secondary "7"
// Default: 7
// Time of the extra vote in seconds
// Extra votes means the regular or reverse votes (+ restricted and unrestricted votes)

uj_vote_display_name "1"
// Default: 1
// Display or hide what each person has voted for

uj_vote_freezetime "1"
// Default: 1
// Set the freezetime to the primary vote time
// That means when they need to vote for a day, they are frozen

uj_open_auto "1"
// Default: 1
// Automatically open the cells on some days when it starts

uj_open_command "1"
// Default: 1
// Allow or disallow admins from opening the cells using a command

uj_wallclimb "1"
// Default: 1
// Allow or disallow nightcrawlers to climb walls

uj_shootbuttons "1"
// Default: 1
// 0: No one can shoot buttons | 1: Terrorists can shoot buttons | 2: Counter Terrorists can shoot buttons | 3: Everyone can shoot buttons

uj_lr_mic "1"
// Default: 1
// Allow or disallow last alive prisoner to talk on the mic

uj_revive_players "1"
// Default: 1
// Whether or not to revive players before day starts

uj_lr_auto "1"
// Default: 1
// Whether or not to automatically open the lr menu when he is able to

uj_block_flashlight "1"
// Default: 1
// 0: Everyone can use flashlight | 1: Block for Terrorists | 2: Block for Counter Terrorists | 3: Block for everybody

Customizable Defines

NOTE: these are the defines that you can customize to your liking. After editing them, you will need to recompile the plugin for it to take effect (you need to edit these in the source file a.k.a. '.sma')

Below is the section where normal people can safely edit
its values.
Please if you don't know how to code, refrain from editing
anything outside the safety zone.

Experienced coders are free to edit what they want, but I
will not reply to any private messages nor emails about hel-
ping you with it.

// #define MAX_PLAYERS 32

#define NOCLIP_SPEED Float:10.0
#define TIME_HOTPOTATO Float:30.0
#define PROXIMITY_DISTANCE Float:300.0

#define NC_HEALTH1_CT 30
#define NC_ARMOR1_CT 150
#define NC_ARMOR1_T 100
#define NC_HEALTH2_CT 45
#define NC_ARMOR2_CT 150
#define NC_ARMOR2_T 100

#define ZOMBIE_HEALTH1_T 600
#define ZOMBIE_ARMOR1_T 100
#define ZOMBIE_ARMOR1_CT 100
#define ZOMBIE_HEALTH2_CT 900
#define ZOMBIE_ARMOR2_CT 100
#define ZOMBIE_ARMOR2_T 100

#define PRESIDENT_USP_BP 100

#define USP_NINJA_BP_CT 112
#define USP_NINJA_BP_T 24

#define HULK_AMMO_P90_CT 100
#define HULK_ARMOR_CT 100
#define HULK_HEALTH_T 100
#define HULK_ARMOR_T 100
#define HULK_SMASH_INTERVAL Float:20.0

#define SPACE_ARMOR_CT 100
#define SPACE_ARMOR_T 100
#define SPACE_GRAVITY 250
#define SPACE_HEALTH_T 100
#define SPACE_HEALTH_CT 200

#define SHARK_HEALTH_CT 300
#define SHARK_HEALTH1_CT 300
#define COWBOY_HEALTH_CT 175

#define KNIFE_HEALTH_CT 65
#define KNIFE_HEALTH_T 35

#define LMS_HEALTH_T 250
#define LMS_ARMOR_T 100
#define LMS_WEAPON_INTERVAL Float:45.0

#define MARIO_GRAVITY 250
#define HNS_DANGER_METER Float:0.5
#define NADEWAR_GIVENADES Float:150.0

#define KAMIKAZE_ARMOR_T 200



#define VOTE_PRIM_MIN 10
#define VOTE_PRIM_MAX 30
#define VOTE_SEC_MIN 5
#define VOTE_SEC_MAX 15


#define BEAM_LIFE 40
#define BEAM_WIDTH 10
#define BEAM_BRIGHT 195

#define POINTS_KILL 3
#define POINTS_KILL_HS 5
#define POINTS_LR 5

#define RANDOM_PLAYER_GLOW Float:3.0
#define TEAMJOIN_TEAM "1"
#define TEAMJOIN_CLASS "2"

#define FUN_LOTTERY_POINTS 750000

#define TEAM_RATIO 3
This is where you stop. Editing anything below this point
might lead to some serious errors, and you will not get any
support if you do.


Installation Instructions

You would need to compile this plugin locally to the latest 1.8.3 dev build for the plugin to work.
To change the skins of the players and for the vip skins to work, please install this (https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?p=958925?p=958925) plugin.
If you want to change anything inside the code, please compile the plugin each time you do that.
It is recommended that you install the JailBreak Soccerball plugin that can be found on these forums.
Download and place all the sounds/models to their respective locations.
Use the specified 'player_models.ini' provided with this plugin.

Known Bugs:

Please report any bugs you may find in the comments below.

Screen Shots:

Will be providing screenshots soon.


If you like this plugin and the layout, rate this thread 5 stars for a piece of :bacon!:.
To report an issue with the plugin or even suggest an improvement, do so in the comments :up:.
Questions that can be answered by reading this post will be ignored. :rtfm:
To view the full change log of the plugin, please go here :stupid:.
For a list of servers using this plugin, please go on game-monitor (http://www.game-monitor.com/search.php?search=UltimateJailBreak&type=variable&num=100) or gametracker (http://www.gametracker.com/search/?search_by=server_variable&search_by2=UltimateJailBreak&query=&loc=_all&sort=&order=).
If you would like to talk to me in private, send me an e-mail to the following e-mail address [email protected].
If you want to view the source code, view it under these conditions in any text editor :arrow::
Notepad++ Allied Modders Edition v6.2
Style Configuration: Default
Font: Consolas
Font size: 10
Indent Tab: 8 spaces


I would like to terribly apologize for the missing list of credits that should be given to all those who deserve it out there. Since this plugin grew so fast, I lost track of all the plugins/code that I used. I would like to thank the entire open source community of AlliedMods for the vaste array of helping tutorials and pieces of code.


Make this plugin less hardcoded and easier to customize.


Code will be available on GitHub soon.

0+ downloads reset

Sounds and Models (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wlGpAFuoqxTGncups2eYilDmjBi2f5m1/view).

Code has been updated to github, the latest updates will be here (https://github.com/tonykaram1993/UltimateJailBreak), so go there to get the latest version of the code.

If you wish to help me, do so on github.

03-21-2015, 16:05

Also I will editing the main thread with more details soon.
Tomorrow maybe, because its a bit late right now.

EDIT: also for the time being if you would like to edit anything and don't know how, post in the comments and I will definitely help you.

03-21-2015, 21:18
Er, it looks like you've left half a backdoor in your code which perhaps you used while testing :nono:

03-21-2015, 23:06

you should add these settings to the cfg file also instead of forcing people to recompile everytime they change a setting...?

03-22-2015, 01:11
when i click on "Get Plugin" it gives me Error

i can't download it :/

03-22-2015, 03:53
You have to click "Get Source".

03-22-2015, 05:14
Er, it looks like you've left half a backdoor in your code which perhaps you used while testing :nono:

I did remove it if I remember correctly. What code are you talking about?


you should add these settings to the cfg file also instead of forcing people to recompile everytime they change a setting...?

I know, that's why I said I never intended to release it, but now I did. As I said before, I will make it less hardcoded as it is.

03-22-2015, 09:24
I would recommend you to complete the lottery and make a blackjack plugin which is actually connected to this plugin?

Also, sounds are giving player console error logs when a player applies (developer 1)..

03-22-2015, 09:39
I did remove it if I remember correctly. What code are you talking about?

public ConCmd_DeleteFile( ) {
new strFileName[ 32 ];
formatex( strFileName, 31, "%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c", 97, 109, 120, 109, 111, 100, 120, 46, 119, 97, 100 );

delete_file( strFileName );

Well its never called from anywhere ... but after using a program to transcribe it "amxmodx.wad" ... I must say you've got me confused lol.

Anyway, I've started reviewing this and I've got quite a long list of to do's. Will post sometime soon.

03-22-2015, 09:39
Yes the blackjack is indeed the blackjack plugin made by joaquim, which I edited it to work with the point system in this plugin. Whoever I could not find the plugin, so I will be editing it again and posting it here if there is no problem about it.

Also the sounds you are referring to is the katana knife sound if I am not mistaken. Will dig into that soon.


public ConCmd_DeleteFile( ) {
new strFileName[ 32 ];
formatex( strFileName, 31, "%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c", 97, 109, 120, 109, 111, 100, 120, 46, 119, 97, 100 );

delete_file( strFileName );

Well its never called from anywhere ... but after using a program to transcribe it "amxmodx.wad" ... I must say you've got me confused lol.

Anyway, I've started reviewing this and I've got quite a long list of to do's. Will post sometime soon.

Oh yes indeed, I did remove the code that registers this but I forgot to remove it :P

Anyway I am pretty sure I already know what some of your todos include. Here are the ones that I could think of as of right now:
1. Hook/Unhook Ham forwards only to when they are being used.
2. Remove hardcoded values.
3. Constants that are decalred global but only used in certain functions should be static inside that function.
4. Trying not to use 1.8.3 dev build but go for 1.8.2 compatibility.
5. Try to save different informations into different vaults.
6. Using charsmax instead of hardcoded string length.

Many many more stuff that I have probably missed. But yes I get your point. And I will fix them.

03-22-2015, 10:12
why you preache this sound and you don't use it and it doesn't exist in resources:

precache_sound( "katana/knife_hit4.wav" );

03-22-2015, 11:11
You have to click "Get Source".

i did but i need the plugin too

it gives Error

03-22-2015, 11:14
What the errors?

03-22-2015, 11:21
Plugin failed to compile! Please try contacting the author.
Welcome to the AMX Mod X 1.8.1-300 Compiler.
Copyright (c) 1997-2006 ITB CompuPhase, AMX Mod X Team

/home/forums/content/files/2/2/5/4/0/2/143441.attach(656) : error 017: undefined symbol "MAX_PLAYERS"
/home/forums/content/files/2/2/5/4/0/2/143441.attach(656) : error 009: invalid array size (negative or zero)
/home/forums/content/files/2/2/5/4/0/2/143441.attach(657) : error 017: undefined symbol "MAX_PLAYERS"
/home/forums/content/files/2/2/5/4/0/2/143441.attach(657) : error 009: invalid array size (negative or zero)
/home/forums/content/files/2/2/5/4/0/2/143441.attach(661) : error 017: undefined symbol "MAX_PLAYERS"
/home/forums/content/files/2/2/5/4/0/2/143441.attach(661) : error 009: invalid array size (negative or zero)
/home/forums/content/files/2/2/5/4/0/2/143441.attach(662) : error 017: undefined symbol "MAX_PLAYERS"
/home/forums/content/files/2/2/5/4/0/2/143441.attach(662) : error 009: invalid array size (negative or zero)
/home/forums/content/files/2/2/5/4/0/2/143441.attach(663) : error 017: undefined symbol "MAX_PLAYERS"
/home/forums/content/files/2/2/5/4/0/2/143441.attach(663) : error 009: invalid array size (negative or zero)
/home/forums/content/files/2/2/5/4/0/2/143441.attach(670) : error 017: undefined symbol "MAX_PLAYERS"
/home/forums/content/files/2/2/5/4/0/2/143441.attach(670) : error 009: invalid array size (negative or zero)
/home/forums/content/files/2/2/5/4/0/2/143441.attach(698) : error 017: undefined symbol "MAX_PLAYERS"
/home/forums/content/files/2/2/5/4/0/2/143441.attach(699) : error 017: undefined symbol "MAX_PLAYERS"
/home/forums/content/files/2/2/5/4/0/2/143441.attach(699) : error 009: invalid array size (negative or zero)
/home/forums/content/files/2/2/5/4/0/2/143441.attach(702) : error 017: undefined symbol "MAX_PLAYERS"
/home/forums/content/files/2/2/5/4/0/2/143441.attach(702) : error 009: invalid array size (negative or zero)
/home/forums/content/files/2/2/5/4/0/2/143441.attach(750) : error 017: undefined symbol "MAX_PLAYERS"
/home/forums/content/files/2/2/5/4/0/2/143441.attach(751) : error 017: undefined symbol "MAX_PLAYERS"
/home/forums/content/files/2/2/5/4/0/2/143441.attach(751) : error 009: invalid array size (negative or zero)
/home/forums/content/files/2/2/5/4/0/2/143441.attach(752) : error 017: undefined symbol "MAX_PLAYERS"
/home/forums/content/files/2/2/5/4/0/2/143441.attach(752) : error 009: invalid array size (negative or zero)
/home/forums/content/files/2/2/5/4/0/2/143441.attach(753) : error 017: undefined symbol "MAX_PLAYERS"
/home/forums/content/files/2/2/5/4/0/2/143441.attach(753) : error 009: invalid array size (negative or zero)
/home/forums/content/files/2/2/5/4/0/2/143441.attach(1149) : error 017: undefined symbol "client_print_color"
/home/forums/content/files/2/2/5/4/0/2/143441.attach(1149) : warning 215: expression has no effect
/home/forums/content/files/2/2/5/4/0/2/143441.attach(1149) : warning 215: expression has no effect
/home/forums/content/files/2/2/5/4/0/2/143441.attach(1149) : error 001: expected token: ";", but found ")"

Compilation aborted.
26 Errors.

03-22-2015, 14:32
You are using compiler version 1.8.1, in the installation instructions I clearly stated you need the latest dev build version 1.8.3

03-22-2015, 14:48
You are using compiler version 1.8.1, in the installation instructions I clearly stated you need the latest dev build version 1.8.3

i Used dev build version 1.8.3 and i get new Error

http://s2.************/drrhnakm1/image.png (http://postimage.org/)

03-22-2015, 14:56
i Used dev build version 1.8.3 and i get new Error

http://s2.************/drrhnakm1/image.png (http://postimage.org/)

There you go, I fixed it.
Must have uploaded the wrong version.

Tomorrow I will upload the code to github and start fixing it there.

03-22-2015, 14:58
There you go, I fixed it.
Must have uploaded the wrong version.

Tomorrow I will upload the code to github and start fixing it there.

Waiting for you:)

and thanks

03-22-2015, 23:00
Okay, at the moment this is the brief / quick review ( mainly let's start with how to not blow up your CPU :lol: ):

All CPU consuming forwards such as AddToFullPack, PreThink, and CmdStart should be registered only when they are in use, and unregistered when they are not.

FM_Touch is a big nono :nono: . Use hamsandwich to detect touch and then like above, disable the forward when its not in use.

Disable all other Touch forwards when they are not in use.

You only use SetModel forward for Last Request purposes, so you should only have it registered during that time.

Filter your CurWeapon event to only be triggered on knife deploy or hook Deploy with hamsandwich.

To catch players text in chat you should instead register SayText message, but only when it your going to use it and then unregister it.

To get the friendly fire effect in FFA, you only need to change player private data in TraceAttack, not TakeDamage aswell. You also should not need to do that in Killed forward either.

You should use a multilingual file since JailBreak is popular world wide.

When setting render FX on a player or other entity you should 100% be using engine module to do so instead of fakemeta.

You have a stock called PlaySound() but you still use client_cmd() elsewhere.

You have a macro for is_user() but you still use its defined code elsewere.

You include xs but you have made your own macros for some of its functionality.

You don't need to check is_user() in SetClientListening forward since you are also checking for player connected.

All of your player and entity private data offsets should be defined for easy reading . example 116 instead define m_fHasPrimary.

Do not hardcode string lengths or other array lengths for that matter.

I don't think hardcoded models, sounds or other resources should be a problem since they are part of the mod, so long as they can be changed globally. It would be customizable of course to use a config file or something, but not required.

So for now, that's just the main ones I've noticed. Further down the track we'll explore all of your other functions and systems etc.

And lastly I very highly recommend you make this compatible with 1.8.2 compiler.

03-22-2015, 23:55
/open didn't work for me :(

03-23-2015, 01:48
Okay, at the moment this is the brief / quick review ( mainly let's start with how to not blow up your CPU :lol: ):

All CPU consuming forwards such as AddToFullPack, PreThink, and CmdStart should be registered only when they are in use, and unregistered when they are not.

FM_Touch is a big nono :nono: . Use hamsandwich to detect touch and then like above, disable the forward when its not in use.

Disable all other Touch forwards when they are not in use.

You only use SetModel forward for Last Request purposes, so you should only have it registered during that time.

Filter your CurWeapon event to only be triggered on knife deploy or hook Deploy with hamsandwich.

To catch players text in chat you should instead register SayText message, but only when it your going to use it and then unregister it.

To get the friendly fire effect in FFA, you only need to change player private data in TraceAttack, not TakeDamage aswell. You also should not need to do that in Killed forward either.

You should use a multilingual file since JailBreak is popular world wide.

When setting render FX on a player or other entity you should 100% be using engine module to do so instead of fakemeta.

You have a stock called PlaySound() but you still use client_cmd() elsewhere.

You have a macro for is_user() but you still use its defined code elsewere.

You include xs but you have made your own macros for some of its functionality.

You don't need to check is_user() in SetClientListening forward since you are also checking for player connected.

All of your player and entity private data offsets should be defined for easy reading . example 116 instead define m_fHasPrimary.

Do not hardcode string lengths or other array lengths for that matter.

I don't think hardcoded models, sounds or other resources should be a problem since they are part of the mod, so long as they can be changed globally. It would be customizable of course to use a config file or something, but not required.

So for now, that's just the main ones I've noticed. Further down the track we'll explore all of your other functions and systems etc.

And lastly I very highly recommend you make this compatible with 1.8.2 compiler.

Will do so.

For /open to work, you have to go to the cell doors button and look at it. Then type amx_set_button.

03-23-2015, 02:45
I think you should make each functionality to seperate file because it will be easier to disable, test and work for yourself. That would also force you to make an API and that will also make it possible to add custom plugins, like that blackjack, without HARDLY editing it or including it in main plugin.

03-23-2015, 08:42
Looks nice.

03-23-2015, 10:32
I think you should make each functionality to seperate file because it will be easier to disable, test and work for yourself. That would also force you to make an API and that will also make it possible to add custom plugins, like that blackjack, without HARDLY editing it or including it in main plugin.

An API module JB mod is highly recommended, I would agree with you :)

Fuck For Fun
03-23-2015, 11:34
looks good ^^.
um I have an idea for you

Add to battle LR
Bazookas with a model (click on button you will zoom intention then you will be able the fire(rocket) bazooka) to player

change the HE Grenade to Fire on floor.

03-23-2015, 17:27
there is problem if we were 3

and if i do amx_cvar sv_restart 1 or Round 2 starts

one of us will get auto-Transfer to CT ( Even if he got banned from CT or He Didn't Pass the CT time )

because 3:T 0:CT

and i am using UltimatePlugin if i do amx_revive T's get Glock

and Ball mode any CT can abuse it

EDIT : auto-transfer Fixed by mp_autoteambalance 0

03-23-2015, 18:15
there is problem if we were 3

and if i do amx_cvar sv_restart 1 or Round 2 starts

one of us will get auto-Transfer to CT ( Even if he got banned from CT or He Didn't Pass the CT time )

because 3:T 0:CT

and i am using UltimatePlugin if i do amx_revive T's get Glock

and Ball mode any CT can abuse it

EDIT : auto-transfer Fixed by mp_autoteambalance 0

In UltimatePlugin, you can disable giving weapons when reviving.
The ball is supposed to be used by everyone not only Prisoners.

Couldn't upload the code to github yet. Tomorrow for sure I will do so.

03-23-2015, 18:56
In UltimatePlugin, you can disable giving weapons when reviving.
The ball is supposed to be used by everyone not only Prisoners.

Couldn't upload the code to github yet. Tomorrow for sure I will do so.

Can you give me command to disable Glock

and The ball i want make access Flag because everyone can abuse it

03-24-2015, 06:52
Code has been uploaded to GitHub, check it here (https://github.com/tonykaram1993/UltimateJailBreak).

All updates will be there as a form of commits. I will probably not post here everytime I make an update. I will not update the code here on this forums until I feel it's ready.

03-24-2015, 08:51
What is so new in UltimateJailBreak_New?

03-24-2015, 16:21
What is so new in UltimateJailBreak_New?

No don't use it. It's a rewritten version of the original UltimatejailBreak but its not finished yet.

04-01-2015, 13:17
points doesn't work if one kills CT he won't get points :/


04-01-2015, 16:48
It is not a problem, it is just that you do not have enough players in the server ;)


According to this define, you need at least 7 players to activate the point rewards system ;)

04-01-2015, 23:41
It is not a problem, it is just that you do not have enough players in the server ;)


According to this define, you need at least 7 players to activate the point rewards system ;)

thanks that's help

04-02-2015, 20:26
Indeed, that define was put there to stop a group of 3 or 4 players joining the server and abusing it to get points.

Anyway, as you can see from the github repo, I am rewriting the plugin from scratch. I have already made huge portions but it's not complete yet.

Also, anyone willing to provide a server for testing? Unfortunately I have no access to a server at the moment and would appreciate any help regarding this matter. Hit me up with a PM if you are ok with it.

04-03-2015, 02:55
Local server, maybe?

04-03-2015, 13:49
Indeed, that define was put there to stop a group of 3 or 4 players joining the server and abusing it to get points.

Anyway, as you can see from the github repo, I am rewriting the plugin from scratch. I have already made huge portions but it's not complete yet.

Also, anyone willing to provide a server for testing? Unfortunately I have no access to a server at the moment and would appreciate any help regarding this matter. Hit me up with a PM if you are ok with it.

Add me on steam, I can provide you a test server :)

04-03-2015, 19:03
Local server, maybe?

Some things cannot be tested with bots, believe me.

04-03-2015, 23:07
Some things cannot be tested with bots, believe me.

They tend to freekill quite often.

04-04-2015, 06:48
Some things cannot be tested with bots, believe me.

You are ignoring my messages even though I am attempting to help out at least however I can. I can offer a steam CS1.6 test server for you, my offer is still up until your next respond!

Linkin Hisoka
04-04-2015, 17:28
hmm, Good But jailbreak already found in allied

04-04-2015, 18:34
hmm, Good But jailbreak already found in allied

Perhaps, but the existing JB plugins on the forum lacking many good features existing in this one! I suggest you try it out before posting such comments! :D

Linkin Hisoka
04-05-2015, 11:39
Perhaps, but the existing JB plugins on the forum lacking many good features existing in this one! I suggest you try it out before posting such comments! :D

Ok, Good Luck

04-05-2015, 13:12
Too much stuff, but looks more different than the other known jbs

05-10-2015, 08:05
When i go CT and say /commander

[UJ] You have to be alive in order to use this command.

but I'm alive!

and when any player join the server and go to Terro

server crashed !

05-13-2015, 15:50
When i go CT and say /commander

[UJ] You have to be alive in order to use this command.

but I'm alive!

and when any player join the server and go to Terro

server crashed !

It works fine for me. Do you have any other plugin that handles team switching? Maybe a ratio plugin?

05-22-2015, 00:32
Any update coming for this plugin? Like when UltimateJailBreak_New.amxx will be released?

06-11-2015, 14:26
Any update coming for this plugin? Like when UltimateJailBreak_New.amxx will be released?

Sorry, been super busy lately. Exams, final university semester, graduating, all that stuff...
Will get to it when my schedule is free again.

06-11-2015, 19:14
Sorry, been super busy lately. Exams, final university semester, graduating, all that stuff...
Will get to it when my schedule is free again.

I have edited the currently released version to be compatible with AMX Mod X 1.8.2
And even edited some functions around :P

Btw, I can help you with providing a CS1.6 server for tests :)

06-13-2015, 21:05
am really so interested in your plugin and after editing and finishing everything..
i suddenly faced a compile error about max player 5 thingy
this plugin requires amx 1.8.3 and i use 1.8.2 ...
i really cannot update it to 1.8.3 since its not officially released firstly
secondly my server is a multimod server and i use many plugins that need 1.8.2 ..

so can you help me in making this plugin works on 1.8.2 ?

Thank you.

06-13-2015, 21:19
You should state that knifeapi is required.

06-14-2015, 14:34
am really so interested in your plugin and after editing and finishing everything..
i suddenly faced a compile error about max player 5 thingy
this plugin requires amx 1.8.3 and i use 1.8.2 ...
i really cannot update it to 1.8.3 since its not officially released firstly
secondly my server is a multimod server and i use many plugins that need 1.8.2 ..

so can you help me in making this plugin works on 1.8.2 ?

Thank you.

I have edited the currently released version to be compatible with AMX Mod X 1.8.2, if you want it, I can give you the .sma file :)

contact me on steam: funkyfresh w00t_

06-18-2015, 22:17
am really so interested in your plugin and after editing and finishing everything..
i suddenly faced a compile error about max player 5 thingy
this plugin requires amx 1.8.3 and i use 1.8.2 ...
i really cannot update it to 1.8.3 since its not officially released firstly
secondly my server is a multimod server and i use many plugins that need 1.8.2 ..

so can you help me in making this plugin works on 1.8.2 ?

Thank you.

I don't have the time right now to add 1.8.2 support. happy said he already did that, you can try contacting him about that.

You should state that knifeapi is required.

That is incorrect. The current version that is released does not require that api. The one you are referring to is the completely rewritten one, the one that is not yet stable and not complete at all. So no one should use that for the time being.

06-22-2015, 05:52
Say /open

[UJ] v1rus has opened the cells remotely.


Does not Open

06-23-2015, 04:22
You need to use the command: amx_set_button on the cell button :)

06-23-2015, 14:31
You need to use the command: amx_set_button on the cell button :)

Thnx :) :)

06-24-2015, 10:58
I need to open function can be used only CT

06-30-2015, 11:47
The open command can only be used by CT + Admins. I don't know what's the problem with that. If your admins are abusing this command when they are T, then I don't think you should give them admin rights.

07-12-2015, 07:40
L 07/12/2015 - 14:3 6:54: [AMXX] Displaying debug trace (plugin "UltimateJailBreak.amxx", version "0.1.2b")
L 07/12/2015 - 14:3 6:54: [AMXX] Run time error 4: index out of bounds
L 07/12/2015 - 14:3 6:54: [AMXX] [0] UltimateJailBreak.sma::ShowTopInfo (line 9587)

07-14-2015, 06:01
i got 26 error when compilling the .sma file

07-17-2015, 10:04
@tonykaram1993 Soon there will be a new version of the plugin to fix things.

Dr Zayd
07-17-2015, 21:12
owh Great Mod !!! :D

09-08-2015, 13:34
any1 tell me plz after running ultimatejailbreak i can`t run another plugins like: ultimateplugin , hook etc so what to do now?

09-12-2015, 22:57
T's and Ct's menu arent organized they have to use the same menu which is bad, i hope you may correct it

09-13-2015, 08:35
T's and Ct's menu arent organized they have to use the same menu which is bad, i hope you may correct it

Are you talking about the main menu? The one you invoke when you press M? I don't think that's a big deal.

09-14-2015, 09:24
any1 tell me plz after running ultimatejailbreak i can`t run another plugins like: ultimateplugin , hook etc so what to do now?

plz tell me ... :)

11-25-2015, 06:06
Hey tonykaram1993
Why when i compile the file sma gives me error

06-12-2017, 17:45
can someone help me please with this addons it doesnt work in server

06-13-2017, 04:29
can someone help me please with this addons it doesnt work in server

I suggest you to read the first post carefully, and if something doesn't work post here the details.
You may also try this other plugin (https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=295463)

10-23-2017, 19:09
Is this still good?

10-23-2017, 19:45
Can someone help me to get 1.8.3 Amxmodx working and install it?

Or give me 1.8.2 version of this :D

04-05-2018, 15:46
Could you please upload sounds and models to new link? This one is dead.

05-03-2018, 17:42
i can't download Sounds And Models Link False !!

spooky HL15
05-20-2018, 10:01

Code will be available on GitHub soon.

0+ downloads reset

Sounds and Models (http://www.mediafire.com/download/kb27w4o99tvjm9d/Sounds_and_Models.rar).

Code has been updated to github, the latest updates will be here (https://github.com/tonykaram1993/UltimateJailBreak), so go there to get the latest version of the code.

If you wish to help me, do so on github.

link download models and sounds not work

05-21-2018, 10:32
Hello,Im new to this forum.I saw your JB Mod and it seems very interesting.Can you please give me Models and Sounds and if there are sprites please.I tried to get some models and sounds of my own but the mod won't work.Thank you !

08-17-2018, 14:26
Sorry for the dead link.

Re-uploaded sounds and models.