- Plugins, quantity, quality
- Read before posting new plugins. - Updated 9-5-14
- Banned Concepts
- HomeFree v0.7
- Italy Chicken Killer
- Deathrace (v2.3)
- Call an admin via irc aka ReportCheater v1.51
- Voley Ball Mod [ 1.1 ]
- CashMod | V0.0.7
- [DeathRun] Triggers & Entities Fix v1.4.1 [UPDATE 21/03/11]
- [CS|CZ] Team Semiclip 3.3.1 [5 Jun 2017]
- Lagless soldier rockets for TFC
- SQL Log Admin Connect
- Call Admin MySQL
- Last Visited
- Call Admin IPB
- Jailbreak Last Request
- Mix Selection 1.0
- VIPSystem
- Vote Kick (With custom Reason) [Updated]
- SentryGun_AI
- JailBreak Mod
- Lambda Core Addons
- Weapon Modifier v1.56 (Damage, Recoil, Speed and more...)
- CSDM - Display (for Deathmatch Plugins)
- Modern warfare 2 Mod v1.3.6b
- One Weapon Deathmatch [OWDM]
- [Kz/Hns] Double Duck Stats
- CSDM Style Gun Menu
- [DoD] Team Semiclip 2.0.0 [09-20-11]
- SurfMod v1.4 by m0skVi4a ;]
- JailBreak Gang System
- Bag-Tag Mod
- CSDMsake (CSDM for CS 1.5) - CS 1.5 Deathmatch!
- AGM + AimGlow v2.0.2 [24/04/2020]
- 3D.rank System
- SnowWars MOD beta
- JailMod - Soccerjam Ball Menu v 3.0
- [AMXX] Calculator v1.2.0
- CS Rally 3.0 by mabaclu
- Aim Practice v1.0
- Box System
- Miniduels! + Top15 + Stats!
- Deagles' Map Manager v3.25Beta
- Crossfire EuroHL Plugin - noob lamp filter
- GasRun! v1.02.4 - A mod for CS 1.6 (Updated 03-18-12)
- JailBreak - FreeKiller List API
- DeathRun Frostnades (disable traps)
- Commander Status - API (29.03.2012)
- Half-Life GunGame
- 2D.Rank System
- [HL] Weapon Factory - Weapons And Items Spawner
- Server Restart with Nuke Effect [Update 10.4]
- Half-Life 2 Health and Armor Stations
- Admin Prefixes V4.0 by m0skVi4a ;]
- [HL] WeaponMod Spawner Config Editor
- Brass Knuckle Frags w/ API
- jk_botti_ai_control (Half-Life)
- WARZZZ 2.4 [Needs Update !]
- Challenge Mod v0.6 [SaveXP]
- sXe Injected Managner (Read Please)
- Rubaka Mod
- [HL] Stacionary Guns Frag Counter
- Rate of Fire Fix
- Private Message
- Sniper Crosshairs
- Extra Bullet in Chamber
- Custom Sniper Scopes
- Basic SkillPoints v2.0.2 SE with API [FVault & SQL]
- Grenade_Game v1.2
- Fast typing event
- Block Advertising
- Shock Rifle (From UT2004) -> WEAPONMOD - HL
- Command Vote v1.01 - n0br41ner
- Played Time: Extended (Last Update: 7th June 2016)
- Simply Hide'N'Seek
- Recoil Fix
- [Deathrun] Semiclip
- End Round Sounds with Musical Genre v1.0.1
- Hud Chat Admin (rewritten)
- Spawn view effect 1.0.0 - Golden Eye 64 like spawn view effect
- Online Map
- Roulette
- UT -> FlakCannon
- Death Sprite Effect (like CSO)
- He-Grenade Game 1.1
- Crash ballistix (v2.0)
- [CSO] Hidden Mod(Update v3.5-3/10/13)
- Bunnyhop Skillpoints Mod (1.0.6 - 17.07.2013)
- Alternative Redirect Menu (Updated 03/10/2013) v0.0.8
- CS Pug Mod (4.0.2) [22/12/2021]
- Sven Co-op administrator icons for AMXX
- [CS 1.6] Riot Shield [Call of Duty]
- Rock Paper Scissors v1.0 BETA by Rejack
- Bunnyhop Racers Mod (1.1.7a - 24.07.2013)
- Low health breathe
- [CS|CZ] FriendlyFire Custom Damage
- AntiRoxx 5 (05 jan 2014)
- Advanced VoteBan v1.0.0
- New Lobby - Chat System
- WallBug Stats[ 0.1.0 | 30.07.2013 ]
- [CS|CZ] Free Ammo
- God Mode On Reload
- [TFC] Advanced Spy Disguising
- Basic Points Stats v1.4.0
- [Score API Sub-Plugin] Score & Deaths Changer
- O.S.K - One Shot Kill (Whole new deathmatch style!)
- Amxx Set Admins Menu
- HLDS XMPP Client beta v2
- Elimination Race (1.0.2 - 01.04.2013)
- Server Clean Up [0.1 beta]
- CS Teams Editor
- qServerinfo [MYSQL] - (v 0.6 / 26-01-2014)
- Bomb Site Helper
- Burst Rate of Fire Fix
- Deagle Holographic Zoom
- Team Score
- UltimateSurf v0.1.0 beta (25th September 2013) - tonykaram1993
- UltimateAdmin v0.0.2 beta (28th September 2013) - tonykaram1993
- Arrows Generator
- Ultimate Bans v1.9 [12 Jan 2014]
- Plant and Carry [ 18th Nov 2013 ]
- WallBangs Helper
- Sprint - Run Faster [Double-Tap System]
- Ace announcement
- Opengl Detector
- Cache-Cache Remake v1.0.2
- Steam Community Nick (1.0.4 - 21.12.2013)
- Custom Rank Info (1.0.3 - 24.12.2013)
- Diablo Mod v9 Demonic by FORMOZA
- Go fish - card game
- [CS|CZ] Team Identify Helper (Update 1.1)
- Decoy Grenade (1.0.4 - 05.01.2014)
- Advanced Experience System
- [Extra Item] Superpower KameHameHa (From DragonBallZ TV Show) updated v1.5
- Hostage Creator (Work In Progress (77%) - New Version Coming)
- MultiJump TF2 Scout Style v1.0.2
- [CS/CZ] Edo Tensei (Reanimation Jutsu)
- Demo HUD Fix
- (A little bit) Advanced Calculator
- LevelMod 8.0 with knifeskins. [ML Support]
- Group/Website Inviter v1.0
- Dragon Ball Mod 1.4 [Heroes vs Villains] (21 january 2016) [Added Beta]
- [ASA]: Advanced SQL Advertisements - UPDATE(19/5/2016)
- Web Live Chat v1.4
- Ultimate Chat + Addons
- [CS1.6|CZ] Steal C4 Mod [v1.2]
- DM Team Balance
- Call of Duty: Cranked (CSDM / GunGame Addon) (1.0.0 - 26.03.2014)
- [WEAPON MOD]Ultimate AWP
- [SC] Sven Coop 4.8 Fun Plugin
- Sven Coop 5.20 Advanced Experience Mod(v1.4.5)
- Killed by (CS:S / CS:GO) effect
- [Extra Weapon] Tarus Raging Bull Revolver v1.3
- [CS1.6|CZ] Restrict Weapons Extended [ v1.1 ]
- Zombie: On the run v2.3 (UPDATED 18/5/2014)
- Rage!!! v1.3
- [CS1.6|CZ] Number Quiz v1.2
- ProSurfers (1.0.0 - 20.05.2014)
- Random Weapons Mod
- Realistic Fire Selector (burst options)
- Bomb Status [ V 1.7 ]
- Unlimited Team Changes[ V 1.3 ]
- [CS:1.6/CS:CZ] Counter Strike Bank v1.3
- Zombie Escape V2 (2.0.4 - 22.06.2014)
- Database ORM (MySQL Data Wrapper) v1.1
- Balanced Sniper Reload
- Zombie Escape V2: Shop (1.0.0 - 04.07.2014)
- AMXX Lottery (Plugin/API)
- Random Hostage Models & Voices
- Weapons War v7.5 (26 Weapons)
- ELEMENT|Live Weather with windage cvar. (Updated AUG 14TH 2022.)
- Weapon Menu Creator [ V 1.0 ]
- switchblade
- Bomb Objective Manager[ V 0.2 ]
- Advanced Say Commands(v1.2) + Api
- [FreezeTag Mod]
- Just Capture The Flag: [Addon] Quake Live Sounds
- Entity Resources Replacement[ V 1.4 ]
- LaserDome Mod
- [CS1.6|CZ] Improved Jetpack+Bazooka
- [FSG] Flameshooting SG550 v1.4
- Conservation of Momentum fix 1.0.1 - Elevators fix
- Weapon Preferences v1.3
- ZP50 Connect Respawn
- Amxmodx: CSBTE Lite
- Mortal Kombat Trilogy AGGRESSOR mode and bar
- User Tag Prefix
- BrainBread Stats
- Show Time!
- Showing your legs
- [TFC] Nail grenade bug fix
- Auto Plugins Adder[ V 0.0.4 ]
- Server's Map Information
- Precache Kit
- [TFC] Teleporter arrows
- UltimateJailBreak v0.1.2b [Days + LR + Shop + VIP + Commander + ..] (21st March 2015)
- Stay On Feet v1.63 [Mod]
- Peacezones
- Hook Wars v1.1
- Knife CFG Detector
- Reaction Test V1.2 [Updated 29.5.2015]
- [TFC] CTF Flag Timer
- ProKreedzEx v2.4.7.0482
- Give the Bomb!
- [ESF:EVM]New Cell Special Attack(absorption)
- [ESF,EVM]EvilContainmentWave
- NightDM by Hartmann
- AMXX Minigames
- Entity Kill Association (Deathrun Real Killer)
- Slots Machine
- Automatic Command Executor
- Drag Mode v1.0
- Objective Reset + Timer Control [V 0.1]
- Diversant
- Hide and Seek: Developer Mode [3.5.1 Stable]
- End Round Sound and Play List
- Squad DeathMatch - from BF3 Gameplay mode
- OciXCrom's Admin Chat - 2021 UPDATE!
- Galileo v5.9.1-925 (a feature rich map voting plugin) | Last Update: 2018-07-16
- Multi-Mod Manager v1.1-release_candidate1.hotfix1 | Last Update: 21.01.2016
- [D7] Spawn at last place v0.4.2
- Armoury Manager
- Always-Usable Impulse
- Maps shedule
- Motd Say 0.3 - ( 11 September 2016 )
- Guess Who Mod
- Style C4 Timer
- [Sven Co-op] Static.cfg restoration
- SvenCoop Zombie Scenario : Survival 1.0.4
- CSstatsX SQL
- [BB] Addon: Ammo-Pack System v2.2 [API Shop, nVault Saving, AP Rewards and more!]
- [BB] Ammo-Pack: Shop Items
- Knife System v2
- Extended Weapon Menu
- [CS 1.6]20 and 10
- Obscura Cam (New 3rd Person) [v0.7]
- CS:GO Weapon pack (CS 1.6) [v1.2]
- [TFC] Show Infection
- SF Warn Menu
- Bazooka Wars (DM) /stable version/ [Gameplay]
- [CS 1.6] Zombie Scenario: Survival (RENOVATED!)
- Game Messages & Sounds Manager
- Nade Semiclip v2.7
- Custom C4 Explode (Sprites And Sound)
- Ultimate Fire in the Hole [Messages|Grenade Trail|Grenade Glow|Sounds]