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  1. Plugins, quantity, quality
  2. Read before posting new plugins. - Updated 9-5-14
  3. Banned Concepts
  4. HomeFree v0.7
  5. Italy Chicken Killer
  6. Deathrace (v2.3)
  7. Call an admin via irc aka ReportCheater v1.51
  8. Voley Ball Mod [ 1.1 ]
  9. CashMod | V0.0.7
  10. [DeathRun] Triggers & Entities Fix v1.4.1 [UPDATE 21/03/11]
  11. [CS|CZ] Team Semiclip 3.3.1 [5 Jun 2017]
  12. Lagless soldier rockets for TFC
  13. SQL Log Admin Connect
  14. Call Admin MySQL
  15. Last Visited
  16. Call Admin IPB
  17. Jailbreak Last Request
  18. Mix Selection 1.0
  19. VIPSystem
  20. Vote Kick (With custom Reason) [Updated]
  21. SentryGun_AI
  22. JailBreak Mod
  23. Lambda Core Addons
  24. Weapon Modifier v1.56 (Damage, Recoil, Speed and more...)
  25. CSDM - Display (for Deathmatch Plugins)
  26. Modern warfare 2 Mod v1.3.6b
  27. One Weapon Deathmatch [OWDM]
  28. [Kz/Hns] Double Duck Stats
  29. CSDM Style Gun Menu
  30. [DoD] Team Semiclip 2.0.0 [09-20-11]
  31. SurfMod v1.4 by m0skVi4a ;]
  32. JailBreak Gang System
  33. Bag-Tag Mod
  34. CSDMsake (CSDM for CS 1.5) - CS 1.5 Deathmatch!
  35. AGM + AimGlow v2.0.2 [24/04/2020]
  36. 3D.rank System
  37. SnowWars MOD beta
  38. JailMod - Soccerjam Ball Menu v 3.0
  39. [AMXX] Calculator v1.2.0
  40. CS Rally 3.0 by mabaclu
  41. Aim Practice v1.0
  42. Box System
  43. Miniduels! + Top15 + Stats!
  44. Deagles' Map Manager v3.25Beta
  45. Crossfire EuroHL Plugin - noob lamp filter
  46. GasRun! v1.02.4 - A mod for CS 1.6 (Updated 03-18-12)
  47. JailBreak - FreeKiller List API
  48. DeathRun Frostnades (disable traps)
  49. Commander Status - API (29.03.2012)
  50. Half-Life GunGame
  51. 2D.Rank System
  52. [HL] Weapon Factory - Weapons And Items Spawner
  53. Server Restart with Nuke Effect [Update 10.4]
  54. Half-Life 2 Health and Armor Stations
  55. Admin Prefixes V4.0 by m0skVi4a ;]
  56. [HL] WeaponMod Spawner Config Editor
  57. Brass Knuckle Frags w/ API
  58. jk_botti_ai_control (Half-Life)
  59. WARZZZ 2.4 [Needs Update !]
  60. Challenge Mod v0.6 [SaveXP]
  61. sXe Injected Managner (Read Please)
  62. Rubaka Mod
  63. [HL] Stacionary Guns Frag Counter
  64. Rate of Fire Fix
  65. Private Message
  66. Sniper Crosshairs
  67. Extra Bullet in Chamber
  68. Custom Sniper Scopes
  69. Basic SkillPoints v2.0.2 SE with API [FVault & SQL]
  70. Grenade_Game v1.2
  71. Fast typing event
  72. Block Advertising
  73. Shock Rifle (From UT2004) -> WEAPONMOD - HL
  74. Command Vote v1.01 - n0br41ner
  75. Played Time: Extended (Last Update: 7th June 2016)
  77. Simply Hide'N'Seek
  78. Recoil Fix
  79. [Deathrun] Semiclip
  80. End Round Sounds with Musical Genre v1.0.1
  81. Hud Chat Admin (rewritten)
  82. Spawn view effect 1.0.0 - Golden Eye 64 like spawn view effect
  83. Online Map
  84. Roulette
  85. UT -> FlakCannon
  86. Death Sprite Effect (like CSO)
  87. He-Grenade Game 1.1
  88. Crash ballistix (v2.0)
  89. [CSO] Hidden Mod(Update v3.5-3/10/13)
  90. Bunnyhop Skillpoints Mod (1.0.6 - 17.07.2013)
  91. Alternative Redirect Menu (Updated 03/10/2013) v0.0.8
  92. CS Pug Mod (4.0.2) [22/12/2021]
  93. Sven Co-op administrator icons for AMXX
  94. [CS 1.6] Riot Shield [Call of Duty]
  95. Rock Paper Scissors v1.0 BETA by Rejack
  96. Bunnyhop Racers Mod (1.1.7a - 24.07.2013)
  97. Low health breathe
  98. [CS|CZ] FriendlyFire Custom Damage
  99. AntiRoxx 5 (05 jan 2014)
  100. Advanced VoteBan v1.0.0
  101. New Lobby - Chat System
  102. WallBug Stats[ 0.1.0 | 30.07.2013 ]
  103. [CS|CZ] Free Ammo
  104. God Mode On Reload
  105. [TFC] Advanced Spy Disguising
  106. Basic Points Stats v1.4.0
  107. [Score API Sub-Plugin] Score & Deaths Changer
  108. O.S.K - One Shot Kill (Whole new deathmatch style!)
  109. Amxx Set Admins Menu
  110. HLDS XMPP Client beta v2
  111. Elimination Race (1.0.2 - 01.04.2013)
  112. Server Clean Up [0.1 beta]
  113. CS Teams Editor
  114. qServerinfo [MYSQL] - (v 0.6 / 26-01-2014)
  115. Bomb Site Helper
  116. Burst Rate of Fire Fix
  117. Deagle Holographic Zoom
  118. Team Score
  119. UltimateSurf v0.1.0 beta (25th September 2013) - tonykaram1993
  120. UltimateAdmin v0.0.2 beta (28th September 2013) - tonykaram1993
  122. Arrows Generator
  123. Ultimate Bans v1.9 [12 Jan 2014]
  124. Plant and Carry [ 18th Nov 2013 ]
  125. WallBangs Helper
  126. Sprint - Run Faster [Double-Tap System]
  127. Ace announcement
  128. Opengl Detector
  129. Cache-Cache Remake v1.0.2
  130. Steam Community Nick (1.0.4 - 21.12.2013)
  131. Custom Rank Info (1.0.3 - 24.12.2013)
  132. Diablo Mod v9 Demonic by FORMOZA
  133. Go fish - card game
  134. [CS|CZ] Team Identify Helper (Update 1.1)
  135. Decoy Grenade (1.0.4 - 05.01.2014)
  136. Advanced Experience System
  137. [Extra Item] Superpower KameHameHa (From DragonBallZ TV Show) updated v1.5
  138. Hostage Creator (Work In Progress (77%) - New Version Coming)
  139. MultiJump TF2 Scout Style v1.0.2
  140. [CS/CZ] Edo Tensei (Reanimation Jutsu)
  141. Demo HUD Fix
  142. (A little bit) Advanced Calculator
  143. LevelMod 8.0 with knifeskins. [ML Support]
  144. Group/Website Inviter v1.0
  145. Dragon Ball Mod 1.4 [Heroes vs Villains] (21 january 2016) [Added Beta]
  146. [ASA]: Advanced SQL Advertisements - UPDATE(19/5/2016)
  147. Web Live Chat v1.4
  148. Ultimate Chat + Addons
  149. [CS1.6|CZ] Steal C4 Mod [v1.2]
  150. DM Team Balance
  151. Call of Duty: Cranked (CSDM / GunGame Addon) (1.0.0 - 26.03.2014)
  152. [WEAPON MOD]Ultimate AWP
  153. [SC] Sven Coop 4.8 Fun Plugin
  154. Sven Coop 5.20 Advanced Experience Mod(v1.4.5)
  155. Killed by (CS:S / CS:GO) effect
  156. [Extra Weapon] Tarus Raging Bull Revolver v1.3
  157. [CS1.6|CZ] Restrict Weapons Extended [ v1.1 ]
  158. Zombie: On the run v2.3 (UPDATED 18/5/2014)
  159. Rage!!! v1.3
  160. [CS1.6|CZ] Number Quiz v1.2
  161. ProSurfers (1.0.0 - 20.05.2014)
  162. Random Weapons Mod
  163. Realistic Fire Selector (burst options)
  164. Bomb Status [ V 1.7 ]
  165. Unlimited Team Changes[ V 1.3 ]
  166. [CS:1.6/CS:CZ] Counter Strike Bank v1.3
  167. Zombie Escape V2 (2.0.4 - 22.06.2014)
  168. Database ORM (MySQL Data Wrapper) v1.1
  169. Balanced Sniper Reload
  170. Zombie Escape V2: Shop (1.0.0 - 04.07.2014)
  171. AMXX Lottery (Plugin/API)
  172. Random Hostage Models & Voices
  173. Weapons War v7.5 (26 Weapons)
  174. ELEMENT|Live Weather with windage cvar. (Updated AUG 14TH 2022.)
  175. Weapon Menu Creator [ V 1.0 ]
  176. switchblade
  177. Bomb Objective Manager[ V 0.2 ]
  178. Advanced Say Commands(v1.2) + Api
  179. SLAG
  180. [FreezeTag Mod]
  181. Just Capture The Flag: [Addon] Quake Live Sounds
  182. Entity Resources Replacement[ V 1.4 ]
  183. LaserDome Mod
  184. [CS1.6|CZ] Improved Jetpack+Bazooka
  185. [FSG] Flameshooting SG550 v1.4
  186. Conservation of Momentum fix 1.0.1 - Elevators fix
  187. Weapon Preferences v1.3
  188. ZP50 Connect Respawn
  189. Amxmodx: CSBTE Lite
  190. Mortal Kombat Trilogy AGGRESSOR mode and bar
  191. User Tag Prefix
  192. BrainBread Stats
  193. Show Time!
  194. Showing your legs
  195. [TFC] Nail grenade bug fix
  196. Auto Plugins Adder[ V 0.0.4 ]
  197. Server's Map Information
  198. Precache Kit
  199. [TFC] Teleporter arrows
  200. UltimateJailBreak v0.1.2b [Days + LR + Shop + VIP + Commander + ..] (21st March 2015)
  201. Stay On Feet v1.63 [Mod]
  202. Peacezones
  203. Hook Wars v1.1
  204. Knife CFG Detector
  205. Reaction Test V1.2 [Updated 29.5.2015]
  206. [TFC] CTF Flag Timer
  207. ProKreedzEx v2.4.7.0482
  208. Give the Bomb!
  209. [ESF:EVM]New Cell Special Attack(absorption)
  210. [ESF,EVM]EvilContainmentWave
  211. NightDM by Hartmann
  212. AMXX Minigames
  213. Entity Kill Association (Deathrun Real Killer)
  214. Slots Machine
  215. Automatic Command Executor
  216. Drag Mode v1.0
  217. Objective Reset + Timer Control [V 0.1]
  218. Diversant
  219. Hide and Seek: Developer Mode [3.5.1 Stable]
  220. End Round Sound and Play List
  221. Squad DeathMatch - from BF3 Gameplay mode
  222. OciXCrom's Admin Chat - 2021 UPDATE!
  223. Galileo v5.9.1-925 (a feature rich map voting plugin) | Last Update: 2018-07-16
  224. Multi-Mod Manager v1.1-release_candidate1.hotfix1 | Last Update: 21.01.2016
  225. [D7] Spawn at last place v0.4.2
  226. Armoury Manager
  227. Always-Usable Impulse
  228. Maps shedule
  229. Motd Say 0.3 - ( 11 September 2016 )
  230. Guess Who Mod
  231. Style C4 Timer
  232. [Sven Co-op] Static.cfg restoration
  233. SvenCoop Zombie Scenario : Survival 1.0.4
  234. CSstatsX SQL
  235. [BB] Addon: Ammo-Pack System v2.2 [API Shop, nVault Saving, AP Rewards and more!]
  236. [BB] Ammo-Pack: Shop Items
  237. Knife System v2
  238. Extended Weapon Menu
  239. [CS 1.6]20 and 10
  240. Obscura Cam (New 3rd Person) [v0.7]
  241. CS:GO Weapon pack (CS 1.6) [v1.2]
  242. [TFC] Show Infection
  243. SF Warn Menu
  244. Bazooka Wars (DM) /stable version/ [Gameplay]
  245. [CS 1.6] Zombie Scenario: Survival (RENOVATED!)
  246. Game Messages & Sounds Manager
  247. Nade Semiclip v2.7
  248. Custom C4 Explode (Sprites And Sound)
  249. Ultimate Fire in the Hole [Messages|Grenade Trail|Grenade Glow|Sounds]
  250. HTTP:X