View Full Version : [TF2] PropHunt Redux (v3.3.3, 2015-07-12)

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10-13-2013, 15:20
TF2Items 1.6.4 or newer (https://builds.limetech.org/?p=tf2items) is mandatory if you don't want your server crashing.

Check out the new Server Installation Guide (http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=266709157)
It's more in depth than the one in this post.

PropHunt Redux
http://tf2.rbemrose.com/images/prophunt-256.png (http://tf2.rbemrose.com/images/prophunt.png)
Logo by FacundoCabanne (https://www.behance.net/FacundoCabanne) (DeviantArt (http://facundocabanne.deviantart.com/)) who also did the Mann vs. Tank logo

Hide as a prop from the evil Pyro menace... or hunt down the hidden prop scum.

This is the continuation of DarkImmortal and Geit's PropHunt 1.93.

Source Code (https://github.com/powerlord/sourcemod-prophunt) available on Github. New versions tend to be developed in branches and then merged back into master when they are released.

Like my work? Now taking donations (https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=4A96UCUTQXF82).

TF2 Wiki Entry (http://wiki.teamfortress.com/wiki/PropHunt)
GamingMasters PropHunt forum (http://www.gamingmasters.org/forums/prophunt.97/)
Global Statistics (http://www.gamingmasters.org/prophunt/index.php?page=players) (players, map balance, props etc.)
Steam Group (http://steamcommunity.com/groups/PropHunt)
Mapping Guide (http://www.gamingmasters.org/showthread.php?p=37892)
Server Installation Guide (http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=266709157)


Mandatory: Team Fortress 2 Server, running at least MM:S 1.10.x stable and SM 1.6.3 stable.
Mandatory: TF2Items (Link (https://forums.alliedmods.net/forumdisplay.php?f=146), 1.6.2-270 or newer (https://builds.limetech.org/?p=tf2items) required)
Mandatory: Add Observer Point. Prevents server from crashing if a map has no observer point entities.
Mandatory: PropHunt Redux plugin
Mandatory (for updates): PropHunt Data Pack (Link (https://github.com/powerlord/sourcemod-prophunt/releases/download/v3.3.3/PHDataPack-2015-07-12.zip) or download the attached PHDataPack zip) - Contains translations and map configs
Mandatory, one of: PropHunt Map Essentials Pack (Link (https://github.com/powerlord/sourcemod-prophunt/releases/download/maps/PHMapEssentials.7z), FastDL version Link (https://github.com/powerlord/sourcemod-prophunt/releases/download/maps/PHMapEssentialsBZ2.7z)) OR PropHunt Sounds Pack (Link (https://github.com/powerlord/sourcemod-prophunt/releases/download/maps/PHSoundPack.zip)) and individual maps (https://forums.alliedmods.net/showpost.php?p=2048443&postcount=2) - Contains maps and required sounds
Optional, Recommended: SteamTools (Link). PropHunt Redux uses this to set the game description if ph_gamedescription is set to 1.
Optional: SteamWorks. An alternative to SteamTools. Not available in PropHunt 3.3.x or below.
Optional, Recommended: DHooks (Link: 2.0.x (2.0.3 as of this time) recommended (http://users.alliedmods.net/~drifter/builds/dhooks/2.0/) for SM 1.7.x), 1.9.0 recommended (https://forums.alliedmods.net/showpost.php?p=2179295&postcount=218) for SM 1.6.x). PropHunt Redux uses this to switch teams on round change. Fixes a bug where teams are sometimes spawned in the wrong spawns.This dependency will be removed in PropHunt Redux 3.4.0.
Optional: TF2Attributes (Link). Used to allow instant changes of ph_airblast and to block the impact sound if ph_disablefalldamage is set to 1.This dependency will be removed in PropHunt Redux 3.4.0.
Optional: Opt-In Multimod isn't yet finished. Its .inc file is attached. This is disabled by default in 3.0.0 and newer.

Compile Requirements

If you want to compile your own copy of PropHunt, you need the following files:

tf2items.inc (http://hg.limetech.org/projects/tf2items/tf2items_source/raw-file/6be9e1739568/pawn/tf2items.inc) - TF2Items include
steamtools.inc (http://hg.limetech.org/projects/steamtools/raw-file/tip/plugin/steamtools.inc) - SteamTools include
If DHOOKS is defined, dhooks.inc (https://bitbucket.org/Drifter321/dhooks2/raw/6faad15ef267c42ef32cd9bac9856b108f68088f/sourcemod/scripting/include/dhooks.inc)
tf2attributes.inc (https://forums.alliedmods.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=116849&d=1435897597) - TF2Attributes include
morecolors.inc (https://forums.alliedmods.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=135162&d=1404315734) - Provides colored text in messages sent to users.
If OIMM is defined, optin_multimod.inc (attached to this post)
SteamWorks.inc - SteamWorks include (coming in PHR 3.4.0)

Known Bugs

Gscramble: RED players will sometimes appear to not have a prop skin if they were teamswapped by GScramble. This will fix itself when setup time starts. This is on The List™ of things to fix in PropHunt Redux 3.4.0.
Conflicts with: Plugins that modify player wearables. Note: This may be fixed now as we completely block wearables for props using TF2Items.
Some servers are reporting issues where the round sometimes doesn't start. 3.3.4 fixed one potential cause of this, while will fix another.

What's new since 2.09? (The highlights)

TF2Items is now a mandatory requirement
Plugin name and configuration filename changed.
Flamethrower self damage/fly effect has been reworked so that it works the same for all users regardless of their cl_cmdrate setting.
ph_propmenu no longer accepts 1 as a value. If you want everyone to have access to the propmenu, set ph_propmenu to 0 and set the propmenu override to "". This is to work around a change in SourceMod 1.5.
New propreroll command, override, and ph_reroll cvar. Allows players to reroll their prop once per round. Defaults to admin kick flag. Set propreroll override to "" to allow everyone to use it.
Weapon system has been updated to allow replacing weapons or removing all their attributes. Requires TF2Items
Updated prophunt_config that makes a number of weapon changes.
Prop names, offset, and rotations were updated and moved into prop_common.txt
Lots of new map configs.
Attempts to fix players not being unfrozen at round start.
ph_enable can be used to both disable and reenable PropHunt... the plugin is no longer unloaded when disabled.

What's new since 1.93? (The highlights)
Everything in the previous section, plus...

Now ships with an updated prophunt_config that includes all of the game's weapons.
All map prop lists have been updated. Among other things, all props have corrected offsets so they no longer stick through the floor (except chimneys).
New maps: ph_cchotel_b3, ph_hanger18_b7, ph_hilltop_a2, ph_manorground_a3, ph_target_final, ph_tundra_b5, ph_watermill_a1
propmenu now uses the SourceMod overrides system.
The game timer system was rewritten. Now shows the first 30 seconds as Setup time and blocks the normal "Control point is now available for capture" sound.
Automatic team balancing is no longer being done. This means you must have an autobalancer configured, even if it is just mp_autobalance 1 and mp_teams_unbalance_limit 1
SteamTools is required to change the game description as SDKHooks no longer supports it on TF2.


Download and install MetaMod: Source and SourceMod if you haven't already. We recommend MetaMod: Source 1.10.4 or newer and SourceMod 1.6.3 or newer.
Download and install TF2Items. We recommend TF2Items 1.6.0 or newer.
Download and install any optional dependencies. We highly recommend installing SteamTools. DHooks is also handy, but not mandatory... and Valve occasionally moves the vtable PropHunt uses around.
Download and extract PHDataPack.
Download either PHResourcePack and extract it, or download the Sounds Pack and specific maps you want to host from the next post. If you have a fast download server, make sure to download the FastDownload versions of the maps as well and put them on your FastDL server.
Ensure your server and arena config are as barebones as possible. (Also check mp_idledealmethod is not set to 1; only 0 and 2 are compatible)
mp_autoteambalance 1 is recommended as PropHunt Redux no longer balances the teams by itself. Alternately, you can use a different team balancer plugin.
Install the attached prophunt.smx plugin.

We highly recommend just installing the latest DataPack

Updating from 3.2.x to 3.3.0

Download and install the updated translation file, prophunt config file, props common file, and map configurations:

prophunt.phrases.txt goes in addons/sourcemod/translations/
prop_common.txt goes in addons/sourcemod/data/prophunt/
prophunt_config.cfg goes in addons/sourcemod/data/prophunt/
ph_campsite.cfg goes in addons/sourcemod/data/prophunt/maps/
ph_nightclub.cfg goes in addons/sourcemod/data/prophunt/maps/

Updating from 3.1.x to 3.2.0

If you want to install DHooks, unzip it into the addons directory (*not* the game directory).
Download and install the updated translation file and gamedata manually:

tf2-roundend.games.txt goes in addons/sourcemod/gamedata/
prophunt.phrases.txt goes in addons/sourcemod/translations/

Updating from 3.0.x to 3.1.0

Download and install the updated PropHunt Data Pack. This includes an updated translation file and PropHunt configuration file.
If you want new maps, download them from the map list in the next post.
Update the prop_menu.txt or props_allmaps.txt files as you wish.

Updating to 3.0.0

ph_propmenu_flag is no longer supported. Instead, use the SourceMod Overrides system (http://wiki.alliedmods.net/Overriding_Command_Access_(SourceMod)) for "propmenu" and "propreroll" to control access to those functions if the appropriate cvars are set to 0.
ph_propmenu 1 is no longer supported. Instead, use 0 and set the override for propmenu to ""
TF2Items is now a mandatory requirement. This was necessary so we could expand the weapon modification system.
SteamTools is recommended as SDKHooks can no longer set the game description.
TF2Attributes is optional, but you only need it if you want to change ph_airblast on the fly.
The plugin now creates a configuration file: cfg/sourcemod/prophunt_redux.cfg. Set your cvars there instead of in server.cfg.
Download and install the updated Prop Data Pack.
If you want the new maps, install the updated Prop Resource Pack.
Optionally, delete addons/sourcemod/data/prophunt/prop_names.txt. It is no longer used


prophunt_redux_version - Version
sm_prophunt_stats - Stats Enabled
ph_enable - (Default: 1) Enable the plugin
ph_propmenu - (Default: 0) 0 to allow anyone with the "propmenu" override ("c" flag by default) to use it; -1 to disallow all access; 1 to allow all users to use it.
ph_propreroll - (Default: 0) 0 to allow anyone with the "propreroll" override ("c" flag by default) to use it; -1 to disallow all access; 1 to allow all users to use it.
ph_airblast - (Default: 0) Allows players to airblast. Takes effect on round change unless TF2Attributes is present.
ph_antihack - (Default: 1) Enabled the PH antihack system. Should be left on unless you have conflicts with other plugins.
ph_gamedescription - (Default: 1) Set the game description to PropHunt Redux? Requires SteamTools.
ph_preventfalldamage - (Default: 0) Set to 1 to prevent damage from falling. TF2Attributes is not required for this, but it being present will prevent clients from playing the "thwack" sound when they hit the ground.
ph_propmenurestrict - (Default: 0) New in 3.1.2. Set to 1 to force manually typed propmenu commands (i.e. "propmenu models/props_gameplay/cap_point_base.mdl") to validate props against the props in the prop menu. Default was 1 in 3.1.2 and 3.1.3.
ph_setuplength - (Default: 30) New in 3.2.0. Amount of setup time in seconds. Minimum is 30, maximum is 120 (2 minutes). It is recommended that you use either 30 or 60.
ph_propmenuusenames - (Default: 0) New in 3.3.0. If set to 1, displays prop names instead of paths in Prop Menu.
ph_multilingual - (Default: 0) New in 3.3.0. If set to 1, prop_common.txt will support multiple languages. Off by default as the default prop_common.txt only contains English.
ph_burningblockspropchange - (Default: 1) New in 3.3.0. If set to 1, will block Prop players from changing prop models while on fire. This fixes an issue where changing models removes fire and jarate visual effects.


ph_switch - Switches you to RED and respawns. Restricted to admins or users with a ph_switch override.
ph_pyro - Switches you to BLU and respawns. Restricted to admins or users with a ph_pyro override.
propmenu - Menu to select props between all props available on the map along with pyro and ghost. This command isn't enabled by default.
propreroll - Switch to a different random prop. Only usable once per round. This command isn't enabled by default.
ph_stats - Bring up the PropHunt Tracked Stats page.

Note: The changelog may list beta changes for versions newer than the attachment in this post... a lot of these changes need testing before being made public to avoid breaking things.

3.3.3 update 1

DataPack update

Fixed team switch not working after PASS time update.
Fixed the Masked Mender not being blocked.


Fixed a crash with DHooks SetWinningTeam that required a code change.
New gamedata file to go along with the above fix.
New PHDataPack

Updated for new weapons.
Added configurations for new maps.
Updated ph_nightclub configuration for ph_nightclub_v2.


Fixed a bug where propmenu or propreroll would refill a prop player's health.
Reworked the Last Prop weapon hiding code to fix timing issues.


ph_propreroll 1 should actually be working. Somehow the fix wasn't present in the 3.3.0 release
Recompiled using SourceMod 1.7.1
Updated PropHunt DataPack

Fixed issue with translation strings on Stats servers.
Fixed configuration file sounds for Valve's updates
Added files for ph_petitcourtyard, ph_blockfort, ph_bigbutt, and ph_gorge


SourceMod 1.6.3 or newer is now mandatory. This is due to breaking changes Valve made in the Random Number Generator that will force everyone to get the same "random" prop.
Removed support for the ReadGameSounds extension. This extension has been deprecated and its functionality is in SDKTools as of SourceMod 1.6.1.
Checking for props having weapons starts as soon as Setup starts. This is to deal with timing issues with blocking Prop weapons that occasionally happens.
New Canteen/Spellbook blocking code for props. Yes, again. It actually seems to work this time! Now if we could only find out why TF2Items doesn't block them properly...
Fixed r_staticpropinfo hack detection not running during Last Prop mode.
If a prop had the server's last player index (i.e. player 24 on a 24 player server), they could still take drowning damage. Fixed.
Changed more timers to use userids instead of client indexes. Should fix more corner cases where a player disconnects and another player connects and it tries to operate on them instead of the disconnected player.
tf_weapon_criticals is now forced off. This is only a cosmetic change as SM 1.5.3+ correctly work with weapon self-damage when random crits are off and we block crit damage anyway.
Fixed two Handle leaks.
Preliminary support for multi-round maps.

Officially, PH supports either 2 or 3 round multi-round maps. 2-round maps will not switch teams until both rounds are played (over four rounds, both teams will hide on each map part once).
3 round maps will continue to switch teams every round.
Warning: Arena doesn't reset doors properly on multi-round maps if RED wins by time running out, so make sure you're manually closing doors on round-start (I recommend using a trigger and calling it from all team_control_point_round RoundStart inputs.) (Note: I'm still investigating this)

Added ph_burningblockspropchange, an option to block props from changing their prop while they are on fire, jarated, or bleeding. This is because these effects are not shown on players after a model change. This defaults to on.

Prop Menu will not close if it is used and blocked by this command. This means the user can immediately use it again when they stop burning/bleeding/dripping.
I'm sure some players will complain about this change just like they did about the removal of the new scattergun.

New map config file option: setup. Not required. This can be set to anything between 30 and 120. It will override the ph_setuplength cvar for the current map. Going lower than 30 or higher than 120 will make PropHunt use the ph_setuplength cvar instead. This is intended for larger maps that may need more hiding time, but remember that it's pretty boring just standing around waiting...
ph_propmenu 1 and ph_propreroll 1 now work properly again without having to use overrides for them. (This is done by manipulating the overrides system for the propmenu and propreroll commands directly.) I recommend using these values, because they show up in...
New command: ph_settings / ph_config. Player command to show a player the current server's PropHunt configuration. Shows up in the console for the server console, shows up as a menu when used by a user (any button exits).

if ph_propmenu or ph_propmenu is set to 0, players will be shown whether they have access to it or not.

New cvar: ph_propmenuusenames. This updates the Prop Menu with the names of the props instead of their model path. Off for compatibility reasons by default.
New cvar: ph_multilingual. Defaults to 0. If set to 1, will support additional languages in prop_common.txt. This is used in the "You are now disguised as" prompt and the Prop Menu list if ph_propmenuusenames is set to 1.
WARNING: This adds an additional Handle for each item in prop_common.txt (somewhere around 250), so don't enable if you have plugins that use a lot of Handles as the server has a hard maximum of 16535.
This uses the same format as Translations (https://wiki.alliedmods.net/Translations_%28SourceMod_Scripting%29) do.
"name" is treated the same as "en" for backwards compatibility. prop_common.txt currently uses "name" so that the updated file will continue to work on PHRedux 3.0 and newer.
It will fall back to the server language if a user is using a language not present, then back to English if the server language isn't present.
Any languages Sourcemod supports (http://sourcemod.net/translator/index.php?go=translate&op=export_langs) can be added to it with the appropriate language code.

DHooks: Fix for TF2 sometimes unloading the GameRules object when only 0-1 players were left on the server. We check at round start to see if we're hooked.
Fix for Prop Reroll Override sometimes not being reset when the value of ph_propreroll was changed from 1 back to 0 or -1.
Slight changes for Opt-in Multimod support.
Updated PropHunt DataPack

The Fortified Compound has its damage adjusted to match the Huntsman.
The Classic is stripped, just like all sniper rifles.
The Back Scatter is replaced with the stock scattergun.
Other weapons have been added to the config file with appropriate damage adjustments.
ph_crater no longer has a bad prop in its prop list.
ph_nightclub config file added. This is the v1 version.
ph_campsite config file added.
ph_harvest_event lost its health kit and ammo kit props. This is because holidays and Pyrovision change those models around on real maps.
A lot of missing props have been added to prop_common.txt.


Fixes single-target sounds (like CPBonus) not working if they have a "game" section in the prophunt_config and ReadGameSounds isn't installed. Fix is no longer relevant in PHR 3.3.0 beta 7 or newer.


Now requires morecolors.inc to compile. Builds posted on this site will be compiled against this version (https://forums.alliedmods.net/showpost.php?p=2128587&postcount=390).
Now requires dhooks.inc to compile. Current builds are compiled against this version (https://bitbucket.org/Drifter321/dhooks/raw/acf0920b8d3957382a3fb478c61cab0dba28ef64/sourcemod/scripting/include/dhooks.inc)

DHooks is a new optional, but recommended dependency. It disables the manual team switching mechanic PropHunt normally uses at round end and instead activates automatic team switching (i.e. TF2 switches the teams, much like it does on Payload maps). This fixes a timing issue PropHunt was having.

Bugfix: Props are given their weapons for 0.1 seconds before they are stripped at the start of a round. This is to prevent RED players from being given the wrong viewmodel for first-person view. This is ONLY done at round start to prevent issues with visible weapons (note: RED cosmetics are always stripped.)
Bugfix: Fixed some issues with the TF2Attributes optional dependency. It should no longer throw errors when you change ph_preventfalldamage or ph_airblast.
Bugfix: The Flamethrower self-damage logic now checks if a prop is alive during last prop mode. This should fix some rare issues where it was tossing errors.
Prop Hunt Redux now checks if a model exists before letting you manually change to it via "propmenu modelname" and tosses an error if it doesn't. Requires new translation file.

Prop Menu Restrict (ph_propmenurestrict) is now off by default due to the above fix. Note: it doesn't update your existing config file so you have to edit your prophunt_redux.cfg to disable it if you created a new config file since 3.1.2.
Stats-tracked servers now have access to ph_propmenurestrict.

All color codes were moved into the translation file to make it easier for servers to customize the translation colors. Translation messages can now use any colors defined by morecolors.inc.
The pregame timer no longer causes the announcer to say "Mission Ends in 10 seconds" and doesn't start announcing the count until 5 seconds before setup begins. Unfortunately, the siren at the end of this timer can't be fixed as it's hard-coded in the client code (We know this thanks to the Source SDK 2013).
New command: !phstats. This brings up the PropHunt main stats, used by stats tracked servers. Used to be (and still is) registered as !help
New cvar: ph_setuplength. Number of seconds that setup time should last. Default is 30 seconds, valid values are 30-120. Note to map makers: Your maps "round" time includes 30 seconds of setup time for compatibility reasons with PropHunt classic.


Regression fix: Bleed weapons no longer cause their owners to take bleed damage when they use them. Bug was introduced in PHR 3.0 beta 1 or so.
Regression fix: If a prop player is detected as having a weapons, we now attempt to strip their weapons instead of just blindly re-running the Equip timer. Bug was introduced in PHR 3.0 beta 1 or so.
Canteens and Spellbooks are now blocked twice since some servers were reporting the first method wasn't working.
New prophunt_config.cfg file (PHDataPack updated)

Fortified Compound has its damage adjusted to match the Huntsman.
Gold Botkiller Sniper Rifle Mk.II is now banned like all other sniper rifles.
proper_name attributes were fixed for several weapons, although to my knowledge said attribute is deprecated and not actually used.
DataPacks are now named with the date they are created so you can tell if there's been a new version since the last time your downloaded one.


Changed team switch time from 0.1 seconds before bonus time ends to 0.2 seconds before bonus time ends. This is to prevent a rare condition where teams weren't swapped prior to the next round start.
Optimization: mp_bonusroundtime is now read as a Float (it has the above value subtracted from it, so it had to be converted to one anyway).


PropHunt Redux now removes its game description during map changes and reapplies it after config files are executed. This is to fix an issue with MultiMod servers.


Reset the Last Prop status on round start in addition to round end. This is to fix situations where it "sticks" into the next round for unknown reasons (or after map changes).
Player models are now removed before teams switch as another attempt to fix the "Pyros all appear as props!" bug some people see in high latency situations.
PropHunt Redux now waits to see if the current map is a PropHunt map before loading its prop configurations. This should reduce memory usage on multimod servers when PropHunt isn't active.
Prevent the "Now disguised as X" and "Please wait while RED hide." messages from displaying multiple times on round start.
New prop keyvalue: skin. This is to change a prop's skin to one other than the default. Untested, so it may not actually work.
Standardizes where player-specific values get reset so we can make sure they're always reset when a player spawns.
New cvar: ph_propmenurestrict. Defaults to 1. If set to 1, this restricts the propmenu command with args (i.e. "propmenu models/props_gameplay/cap_point_base.mdl") to only allows props that actually appear in the menu. THIS CVAR IS IGNORED ON RANKED SERVERS because ranked servers will always force this behavior on.
New file props_allmaps.txt that contains a list of props that appear on all maps. By default, this file only contains the control point prop.
New file prop_menu.txt that contains a list of props that appear in the propmenu on all maps. By default, this contains the pyro and ghost models.
New system to restrict weapon replacements to certain classes only.

The Reserve Shooter is now replaced by the stock shotgun for Pyros and allowed again for Soldiers. It was blocked for both classes.

This is to fix a 'Native "GetEntProp" reported: Entity -1 (-1) is invalid' on stats2.inc line 173, which was preventing Pyros with the Reserve Shooter from having their kills logged.

Fixed compilation issues in stats2.inc due to to missing constants in prophunt.sp. Apparently, these have been around for a while.

Changing teams (during pre-round or via ph_switch/ph_pyro) will reset the Please wait and Now Disguised As status so that they display again after switching teams.
A successful propreroll or propmenu will reset the Please wait and Now Disguised As status so that they display the new prop name.


Fix 3 Handles being leaked on map change.
PropHunt Data Pack updated with these changes:


The new Festive items now have the attributes of (or are blocked like) their normal versions.
The Wrangler and Festive Wrangler are now blocked... they're pointless since sentry guns are blocked.
The Short Circuit is now blocked. I could have sworn this was already blocked, but apparently not... and now it's basically a free way to kill Scouts without having to know where they are (seriously, it only takes 5 metal?). This now also means that all Engineer Secondaries are blocked.
The Scorch Shot and Manmelter had their self damage lowered to be in line with the other Pyro flare guns. Seriously, why would you use the Manmelter in PropHunt anyway? I'm considering raising the damage on the Manmelter, but...
The Spy's Sappers are now listed under PDAs for completeness.

Added ph_snowworks config file.


Skipped due to SG-Gaming.net using that for private modifications. And yes, I'm publicly shaming them for using this version number because now I have to skip it to avoid confusion.

3.0.0 final:

Last Prop logic now only fires if the flamethrower damage will kill the pyro, preventing the damage sound from raping the last prop's ears.
PropHunt Data Pack updated with these changes:


Phlogistinator is now allowed again.

Added ph_amazon config file.

PropHunt Resource Pack has been replaced by the PropHunt Map Essentials pack (upload is happening now).

3.0.0 beta 14:

Updated Last Prop Logic to use a different method.

3.0.0 beta 13:

Fix for the Last Prop logic firing more than once.
Fixed some off-by-one errors that may have prevented the One And Only effect from playing.

3.0.0 beta 12:

Flamethrower fix using OnGameFrame / 3 which seems to be close to the TF2 default cl_cmdrate on clients.

3.0.0 beta 11:

Attempt at another flamethrower fix cl_cmdrate using a SourceMod timer. Didn't work as timers can't fire fast enough to work for this.

3.0.0 beta 10:

Attempt at a fix for flamethrower jump and self-damage because crit calculations for flamethrowers are now based on the client's cl_cmdrate as of a recent update. The method in this version ended up still being based on cl_cmdrate.
PropHunt Data Pack updated with these changes:


Replaces the Eureka Effect with the stock wrench instead of just stripping its attributes. This was necessary because hitting G to teleport still worked (whoops).
Crusader's Crossbow is now replaced with the Syringe Gun instead of outright blocked.

Added ph_crater config file

3.0.0 beta 9:

Fixed a regression of beta 4's cvar reset fix. This was brought about by the round-end changes introduced in beta 5. Whoops.
PropHunt Data Pack updated with these changes:


The Amputator and Solemn Vow should now be replaced with the Bonesaw instead of completely blocked.
The regular Frontier Justice is no longer replaced by the stock shotgun because people were complaining about it.
Fixed a bug with the Festive Frontier Justice (which wasn't blocked when the normal one was) doing more damage than intended... it was doing 20% more damage than the non-Festive FJ before it was blocked (the 20% damage increase was introduced in 2.08)
Added a new section for multi-class Melee weapons. None of these weapons are currently blocked or replaced, but the section is included for completeness.

Added ph_laboratory config
Updated ph_manorgrounds config for version a4.

3.0.0 beta 8:

Block all wearable from spectators and dead players. This is intended to fix the "spectator miscs show on props when they're being spectated" issue.

3.0.0 beta 7:

Block spellbooks on the last prop

3.0.0 beta 6:

Always remove prop models on round change. This is a (failed?) attempt to fix issues where players see Pyros as props.
PropHunt now handles all full-team changes and not just if the props win.

3.0.0 beta 5:

ph_enable changes no longer take effect until round change.

3.0.0 beta 4:

Fix cvars being reset when they weren't being stored in the first place
Fixed "SendConVarValue" errors for bots on server... they don't need the HUD timer location fix anyway.

3.0.0 beta 3:

Opt-in Multimod is no longer compiled in by default, meaning you no longer need optin_multimod.inc.
New cvar: ph_staticpropinfo. Default: 1. If set to 1, periodically checks if a client has r_staticpropinfo set to 1. Previously, this was part of ph_antihack. Requested by Fearts.
Timers are now disabled between rounds. The control point is refreshed at the end of setup time and every 55 seconds afterwards.

3.0.0 beta 2:

Fixed an issue where items with 1 attribute modification weren't actually being modified... i.e. adding "airblast disabled" to a flamethrower.
Fixed an issues where changing a weapon but not its classname or attributes would cause the weapon to not be changed. I don't know why you'd ever do this, but...

3.0.0 beta 1:

Added command propreroll, which allows props to reroll their prop once per round.
Added cvar ph_propreroll, which controls which players can use the propreroll command. Default is 0 (admins only, uses propreroll override).
Fixed an issue related to SourceMod 1.5's changes to overrides which was causing propmenu and propreroll to be activated by people who should have been blocked.
Antihack system now checks the client's r_staticpropinfo cvar and will kick them if it is set to 1 or can't be read.
Prop offset and rotation have been merged with prop names into prop_common.txt. This file is read once every map change.

Offsets and rotations in a map's config file override the versions in prop_common.txt
prop_names.txt is no longer used.

Valve's sentry-building block code doesn't actually work, went back to killing them on spawn.

3.0.0 alpha 3

Now removes particles from props before changing their prop to a different one. This is mainly to fix an issue with propmenu and the Ghost prop.
Last Prop wasn't being cleared on round end, which meant that all Scouts had their weapons when they spawned.
Added weapon option: "replace". Takes classname:index:quality:level:attribute1 ; value1 ; attribute2 ; value2" as its argument.
Added weapon option: "addattribs". Takes "attrib1 ; value1 ; attrib2 ; value2" syntax
Default weapon list changes

Frontier Justice is now replaced with the stock Engineer Shotgun.
Eureka Effect has its attributes stripped
Phlogistinator has its electrical fire effect added back.

New map: ph_courtyard_v1_5
New optional dependency: Read Game Sounds.
"broadcast" and "game" sounds are now treated as synonyms. If Read Game Sounds is present, the plugin will use it in preference over the teamplay_broadcast_audio event, which should make certain server owners happy.

3.0.0 alpha 2

Added weapon option: "stripattribs". Set to 1 to strip all attributes from a weapon.
Default weapon list changes

Phlogistinator has its attributes stripped.
Fix for maxhealth being broken in alpha 1

New cvar: ph_antihack - Allows you to disable PropHunt's antihack system if it causes issues with other plugins. This should be left on by default

3.0.0 alpha 1

TF2Items is now mandatory
Rewrote the item blocking code for props.
It's now possible to block props from getting specific items if they're the last prop.
Default weapon list change: Bonk Atomic Punch is now blocked. This time for real.
Players are now healed to their max health for touching the control point rather than to a fixed amount.
Unfreezing players is now delayed 0.1 seconds after round starts. This supposedly fixed players get stuck frozen.
New cvars: ph_airblast - Controls airblast instead of being compiled in. Off by default.
Overhauled what changing ph_enabled does. Should play more nicely with multimod servers now. Also, it no longer outright kills the control point and round entities... hopefully multi-round will be available later on.
Touching the control point now plays the announcer's "I'm giving you a bonus" clip.


Fix for stats.inc related code... binary file provided here has no changes except version bump.


Fixed an exploit that allowed players to unfreeze by changing classes prior to Setup starting.
Pre-Round now only covers from from when teamplay_round_start fires to when arena_round_start fires, rather than counting from the end of the round.
Respawning during Pre-Round will freeze you.
Round Over now covers from round end (or the start of the map) to Setup end of the next round. It used to cover from the end of the map instead of the start... this is an attempt to fix the freezing issue mentioned by VoiDeD earlier.
All players are frozen at the start of pre-round. RED players are unfrozen when pre-round ends. BLU players are unfrozen when pre-round ends if the map config has "freeze" "0". All players unfreeze when Setup ends (but that's how all the 2.0x versions work).
Removed ph_stripsetbonuses since said set bonuses went away.
Internal changes to how velocity is looked up... now uses GetEntProp.
Updated prophunt_config.cfg (and PHDataPack)! The changes this time around include:

Loose Cannon has been removed. Not sure how this escaped the ax before, and now it's been buffed...
Frontier Justice (normal and festive) has had its damage boosted slightly so its not a straight downgrade from the Shotgun.
Respectless Rubber Glove has had its damage removed... I don't think that worked, but I'm removing it just in case. (Seriously, who added that and why?)
Restriction on Jumper's Jeepcap removed.


PropHunt now generates a config file: cfg/sourcemod/prophunt.cfg. This is a breaking change because it means any existing setting for ph_propmenu will be ignored. Make sure to update this configuration file after it's created. I've attached a sample config file, too, if you want to edit it before putting it on (but be aware it matches my server's settings not the default)
Fixed issue where function for fixing BLU players was passed a client index when setup time started; the function expects client userids. This may fix issues where BLU players were not unfreezing correctly.
Switched function for fixing RED players to use userids to prevent errors when a player disconnects before the timer fires.
New Cvar: ph_gamedescription. Default 1. If set to 1 and SteamTools is installed on the server, it changes the game description to PropHunt. ph_adtext is ignored if this is set to 0.
New Optional Dependency: TF2Attributes. Required for the next two CVars.
New Cvar: ph_stripsetbonuses. Requires TF2Attributes. Defaults to 1. Strips all attributes that are set directly on players. Mainly for set attributes, such as the Milkman Scout health bonus and Attendant Pyro speed bonus, but could affect attributes set by other plugins. Has no effect on attributes set on weapons.
New Cvar: ph_preventfalldamage. Requires TF2Attributes. Defaults to 0. If set to 1, prevents all players from taking fall damage. Set to 0 by default for compatibility reasons.

2.06 (2.05 was skipped due to version conflicts):

Fixed issue with tf_arena_round_time not being forced to 0.


Really fixed team_control_point master not having names on ph_devilscanyon and others.


Failed fix for team_control_point master not having names on ph_devilscanyon and others.


Fixed PropHunt automatically disabling the TF2 auto-balancer.
Explicitly hooked PropHunt's timer's OnSetupFinished instead of the teamplay_setup_finished event. Fixes issue where Setup time was cut short on some maps (such as ph_kakariko).


Plugin changes:

PropHunt no longer does its own balancing. You should use mp_autobalance 1 or a third-party team balancer.
ph_propmenu_flag is gone. Use the SourceMod Overrides (http://wiki.alliedmods.net/Overriding_Command_Access_%28SourceMod%29) system for "propmenu" instead, although be aware this only works if ph_propmenu is set to 0. You can also override ph_pyro and ph_switch using their respective command names.
All canteens are removed from Scouts, not just the original MvM one. They are also not removed from Pyros like they used to be.
Calling propmenu from the server console or rcon no longer causes PropHunt to stop working.
Prop offsets now work from propmenu instead of being random.
The first 30 seconds of the round now show up as Setup time. This means players can now tell when the round will start.
The game now ends at 0:00 instead of 0:01. Also, teams are not switched until right before the next round starts.
Announcer no longer tells you the point was unlocked.

1.93 (08/01/13):

Fixed prop not visible to self in thirdperson
Coincidentally might have made thirdperson movement smoother

1.91 (26/11/11):

Fixed SpeedBoost not functioning at all.
Fixed SpeedBoost interfering with being slowed, zoomed, charging and other speed-changing conditions
Fixed Users sometimes not always getting a prop due to having "Respawn on Loadout change" checked.
Removed the "Class Blocked" message

1.9 (20/11/11):

Extensive configuration options added:

Weapons self-damage
Weapon removals
Weapon nerfs
Class restrictions
Default Class

Added checks to prevent players with no weapons.
Normalised translations
Added a check to prevent 'ERROR' props from bogus map configurations.
Speed bonuses now persist over weapon changes
Speed bonuses are now capped to +25% of the classes base speed.
Fixed Weapon Nerfs being based on the currently active weapon as opposed to the weapon fired.
Reverted to old-style weapon self damage
The Control Point Bonus will no longer heal the incorrect amount in some cases.

1.8 (11/09/11):

Removed cowmangler and family business
Various bugfixes and cleanup

1.7.14 (25/06/11):

Removed following weapons:

The Solemn Vow
Bazaar Bargain

Nerfed the following weapons:

Liberty Launcher to the same level as the other Rocket Launchers
Tomislav to the same level as the other miniguns
Reserve Shooter to the same level as the other shotguns.
The Detonator to 95% of normal damage.*
The Splendid Screen to 75% of normal damage. *

* - Subject to change.

1.7.12: (13/04/2011)

Brass Beast and Iron Curtain do 75% of normal damage.
Removed Crusader's Crossbow, Amputator
Fixed Lugermorph being usable in some cases.
Re-added Soldier/Demo Sword

1.7.11: (29/10/2010)

Removed Sydney Sleeper
Nerfed BlackBox
Gave a 5% damge boost to the huntsman
CP will now heal scouts to 150 health. To allow set bonus scouts to benefit from their items.
Fixed an issue where named items would override items nerfs & restrictions

1.7.10: (18/08/2010)

Handles bug fix
Changed version format

1.79: (31/07/2010)

Reduced minigun self-damage to 3 per shot
Fixed Engineer's with The Gunslinger only being healed for 125 points on the CP.
Nerfed The Frontier Justice to 85% damage, 5% higher than the normal shotgun.
Mapcycle is no longer automatically set to arena_mapcycle by the plugin
Plugin will now unload before making changes to the server if it is loaded on a map without a configuration file.
Added ph_propmenu_flag (default: "c") to control the admin flag used for the prop menu, supports multiple flags.
Fixed an error being output if the plugin was unloaded and RTL wasn't installed/running.
STATS: Fixed an issue where survivals would not be logged.
STATS: Fixed issues with Death logging
STATS: Added extra detail to Death & Survival Logging
STATS: Fixed an issue where names with UTF-8 characters would not be stored correctly on MYSQL
STATS: Numerous Improvements/Bugfixes

1.78: (04/07/2010)

Added ph_adtext - Default: GamingMasters.co.uk - setting "" disables advertisements
Removed PH Rush Support
Increased syringe gun self-damage to 4
Changed the "Disguised as..." message so it uses "Clean" names which are defined in data/prophunt/propnames.txt
Added a ResetCvars Routine that attempts to reverse the changes that PropHunt makes when it starts (It resets the cvars to their default), making it usable in conjunction with other mods/stock gameplay.
Disabled Shadows on props
Increased the rocket launchers and minigun to 75% damage
Increased BackBurner and Pyro Shotgun to 85% damage
PropLock will now be disabled when you attempt to strafe left or right
Last-Prop Jarate now only lasts 15 seconds
Engineer buildings are no longer solid
If RunTeamLogic is not present the plugin will no longer failstate.

1.77: (07/06/2010)

Fixed ph_propmenu cvar >.>

1.76: (07/06/2010)

Fixed an issue where a heavy with Natasha equipped would get their shotgun removed instead of Natasha.
Fixed an issue where medals and other misc items would not be removed
Fixed an issue where halo particle effects would show up on a prop
Fixed an issue where DMG_DROWN from a trigger_hurt did not effect the props
Fixed an issue where props with particle effects (The harvest ghost) would not have their particle effects removed when the player died.
Hence restored the ghost to the admin prop menu
Changed the prop menu command so it can now be fully disabled (-1 = disabled, otherwise the same values)
Increased the damage on the rocket launchers by 5% to try and prevent the weird 1 damage issues.
Fixed cvars not being reliably overridden, specifically mp_idledealmethod.

1.75: (04/06/2010)

Airblast is now 25% less powerful
Prop Shadows no longer appear
Huntsman now does 20% less damage
Backburner now does 40% less damage but crits from behind
Returned all shotguns with full ammo
Pyro shotgun does 25% less damage
Pyro shotgun has 2 shells with infinite ammo
Soldier/Heavy Shotgun do 20% less damage
Minigun now does 30% less damage
Increased per-shot self damage on the minigun
Heavy Limit of 2
Restored Engineer shotgun at the same 0.8x damage modifier as the other classes with shotgun as their main weapon (Heavy, Solly)
Removed Natasha
Nerfed Direct Hit and Rocket Launcher to 0.5x damage
Flaregun now does 5 self-damage
Fixed the broken Jarate
Improved Teamswitch Logic
Changed code formatting style
And a bunch of undocumented fixes and changes.

1.74: (15/05/2010)

The hat removal code now hides badges as well, and only affects RED (thanks Geit :))
Removed all shotguns (same glitch as pyro)
Restored engineer pistol with much greater self damage per shot
Restored standard minigun (no natasha), increased self damage slightly.
Optimisation: replaced a block of strcmp calls with a trie (self damage code)
Fixed a glitch where people could spawn as a fully equipped scout after the last prop.

1.73: (08/05/2010)

Now using TF2_RegeneratePlayer in place of GiveNamedItem and the new built-in native TF2_AddCondition in place of TF2_AddCond - will not work on 1.3.2 snapshots - only 1.3.2 stable and newer snapshots of 1.3 and 1.4. - gamedata/prophunt.games.txt and data/tf2weapondata.txt are now redundant.
Restored airblast and backburner
Removed pyro shotgun (seemed to be doing full spread damage no matter what range etc.)
Prop Menu no longer restores health.
Removed Ghost - broken particle effect.
Added code for a new Prop Rush gameplay style suggested by Geit, currently waiting on some help from Valve before it will be enabled/usable.
Recoded around Valve's latest changes:

Rotation is now client-side, with full 360 degree accuracy.
Burning props no longer highlight the invisible scout - instead the flames appear around the prop itself.
Hidden voice icons :)
(And no more invisible props of course :P)

1.66: (21/04/2010)

Reverted to old movement code
Reverted to full damage on the huntsman
Fixed mp_teams_unbalance_limit notifications appearing in chat.
Fixed propmenu not reading admin flags properly.

1.65: (08/04/2010)

Fixed timer error spam during the pre-round phase resulting in severe lag spikes.

1.64: (07/04/2010)

Accidentally left in some code which made scouts semi-visible in 1.63 D:
The propmenu now performs red/alive validation after selecting an option as well as before being displayed.

1.63: (07/04/2010)

The new attachment system is now only activated when not moving - turns out a lot more than just jumping will trigger the wobble effect :P

1.62: (07/04/2010)

If mp_idledealmethod is set to 1 (i.e. move to spectator, then kick) it is now forced to 2 (i.e. kick). This fixes the bug introduced in 1.6 where players would be kicked at random if it was set to 1. If you want the mp_idledealmethod 1 functionality, there are plugins that duplicate this with it set to 0 (AFK Manager (http://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=79904) is one example).
Props now parent to the 'head' attachment point, resulting in flawless movement and rotation. No need to keep switching PropLock on and off to line yourself up now :) (When jumping it reverts to the old system for 1 second to combat an annoying 'wobble' which made lining up double jumps awkward.)
Slightly increased Huntsman damage - damage was at 70%, now 75%.
(Stats-enabled version) Now using BuildPath for the MOTD file location (supports SM being in locations other than addons/sourcemod).

1.61: (22/03/2010)

Fixed bug introduced in 1.6 where spectators could be spawned on RED, rendering BLU unable to win.
Flaregun no longer does damage to pyros.

1.6: (21/03/2010)

Another bunch of maps :)
Added engineer (minus sentry) and medic (minus blutsauger and medigun/kritzkrieg)
New mouse controls (LMB = toggle version of old RMB camera lock; RMB = first/third person toggle)
Fixed server lag which would develop over time without a mapchange, due to stacking PreThink hooks on every player spawn.
CP Bonus now extinguishes players in addition to filling their health.
Increased tf_arena_max_streak (team scramble) to 5
Increased mp_waitingforplayers_time to 40.
Added prop menu for admins (/propmenu) - all props available on map along with pyro and ghost.
Removed backburner.
Nerfed Shotgun (Pyro only) - clip size reduced to 2, unlimited ammo to compensate for auto reloading.
Nerfed Huntsman - 30% damage reduction to prevent 1-hit KO from bodyshots.
Added team balancing code which runs directly after the teams are swapped. For a difference of 1 player, it favours BLU.
Fixed 'remember last weapon after death' exploit.
Added cvars: ph_propmenu (enable propmenu for all players, default 0) and ph_enable (enable prophunt itself, default 1).
Various minor optimisations


Added several new official maps!
Added new and improved jetpack, without the DukeHacks requirement.
BLU is now permanently Jarated when there is only one prop left.
It is no longer possible to freeze your prop while moving, which fixes many exploits.
Completely refactored the code to be much lighter and more optimised. It's about 20kb/500 lines shorter now.
No more OnGameFrame - prop movement now runs on PreThink, and the CP Bonus is handled by a Touch hook.
No more DukeHacks - moved everything to native SM and SDK Hooks.
No more Hooker - the game description change is now done by SDK Hooks.
No more reloading between rounds - the race condition and entity index bugs are now fixed properly.
Replaced #define WHORE with IsDedicatedServer()
Replaced #define AO with a hostname check.
Fixed exploit where BLU demoman (and perhaps other classes) could become invisible and get all their weapons.
Shortened hud text spam time.
Fixed bug where props would sometimes get their prop stuck on them while spectating after death.
Fixed a number of race condition bugs.
Entity indexes are no longer relied upon for certain prop related functions.
Fixed significant random timer bug (broke everything and eventually crashed the server) due to incorrect usage of KillTimer over CloseHandle.
Fixed a number of inefficient operations in PreThink which caused noticeable lag and server fps drops.
PropHunt now works out of the box on listen servers.


Due to huge demand from Shinkz, Natascha is no longer permitted and Sniper with everything but Sniper Rifle has been added along with Demoman+Eyelander. Can be toggled with #define SHINX.
(Stats-only) !statsme now prints your stats to everyone rather than duplicating !rank functionality.
Various bugfixes and minor improvements.


Fixed unstuck translation
No changes to mp_timelimit
Automatically unload on non-prophunt map
Airblast disabled sound is now at full volume.
Pyro assist speed bonus is now also +100.
Fixed unstuck making you get stuck in the control point.
Attack2 is now only disabled when using the flamethrower.
sm_prophunt_stats for stats-enabled versions.


Cleaned up code.
Reduced mp_bonusroundtime to 5 and adjusted other code appropriately.
Added speed boost for pyros - +100 for a kill, +50 for an assist. Speed is reset each round.
Disabled lock/unlock sounds by default - #define LOCKSOUND. Keeping the pyro airblast "disabled" sound.


Players are no longer slain at round end (thanks toazron1).
Added announcer "mission begins in x seconds" sounds for hiding time
Fixed unstuck making you actually get stuck :P
Added a check to ensure Hooker is included before trying to register the game description hook.
Added HL2 sounds to M1/M2 on props and airblast on pyros.
Removed unnecessary debug messages.
Removed pyro prop - control point is the new global prop.
Returned Plugin_Handled on all commands.
Added map config files :D
Added an option for mappers to have a logic_relay fired when hiding time ends.
Prevented slaying between rounds, but kept in slaying when the plugin is reloaded manually.
Fixed sound preloading issue.

1.0 - Initial Release (code cleanup; otherwise equivalent to 0.0.6)

Special Thanks:

DarkImmortal - For creating the original TF2 plugin this is based on
Bluepanther - Providing the Original Inspiration to code this.
Geit - Official PropHunt Goat, Technical support during semi-private beta, PR, Mapping guru
LordVader! - The First Non-GM provider of PropHunt.
Jocker - Italian Translation
Asherkin - Maker of both TF2Items and SteamTools
All the communities that help us test changes.
All the Map Makers out there who make this game mode possible.
And sorry to anyone we've forgotten - many little copy+paste snippets have gone into PropHunt.

And to help the forum search engine: prophunt prop hunt hide and seek hidenseek hide 'n seek

The necessary stats.inc for global statistics and prophunt.smx with statistics compiled in are available on request to trustworthy communities. Contact Geit for more information.

10-13-2013, 15:23
Modifying weapons

Weapons are controlled by addons/sourcemod/data/prophunt/prophunt_config.cfg

They are located inside the "items" key.

Weapons are identified by their item definition indexes (https://wiki.alliedmods.net/Team_fortress_2_item_definition_indexes).

The valid keys for each item are:

"name" - This is the item's given name.
"item_name" - The translation phrase used for the item's name. This key is not currently used.
"propername" - 1 if the "name" field is the item's printable name. This key is not currently used.
"damage_hunters" - Multiply a weapon's damage by this amount. In-game example is "0.8" on the backburner, which lowers it to 80% of normal damage.
"self_damage_hunters" - How much damage does a Hunter take from this weapon when they use it? If this isn't present, the default is 10 damage.
"removed_hunters" - If set to 1, remove this weapon. Despite the name, this can remove the weapon from Props (for Last Prop mode).
"addattribs" - Add attributes to this weapon. Syntax is "attrib ; value ; attrib2 ; value2". values are float values. In-game example: The Panic Attack has "424 ; 0.5" to change its clip size to 3.
"replace" - Replace this weapon with a different one. I recommend only replacing the weapon with a stock weapon. Format is "weaponclass:itemdefinitionindex:quality:level". In-game example for The Eureka Effect: "tf_weapon_wrench:7:0:1" which replaces it with a stock quality level 1 Wrench.

"replace_onlyclasses" - For multi-class weapons, apply a "replace" only to specific classes by adding up these values:

Scout: 1
Sniper: 2
Soldier: 4
Demoman: 8
Medic: 16
Heavy: 32
Pyro: 64
Spy: 128
Engineer: 256

in-game example is the Reserve Shooter with a value of "64", which replaces it only for Pyro.


* means the map is included in the PropHunt Map Essentials (https://github.com/powerlord/sourcemod-prophunt/releases/download/maps/PHMapEssentials.7z) download.
Bold text are warnings about the map... many maps with bold text are not recommended.

Sound Pack (https://github.com/powerlord/sourcemod-prophunt/releases/download/maps/PHSoundPack.zip) - Recommended if you are not using the PropHunt Map Essentials download, as it includes the two sounds used in PropHunt by default.

2015-07-12 DataPack has config files for all of the following maps.

New and Updated Maps:

007 Facility (Updated 2015-06-05) (b1 Link (https://github.com/powerlord/sourcemod-prophunt/releases/download/maps/ph_007facility_b1.bsp.bz2)) - Marshii
BlockFort (New, Updated 2015-06-05) (a2 link (https://github.com/powerlord/sourcemod-prophunt/releases/download/maps/ph_blockfort_a2.bsp.bz2)) (Configuration file (https://raw.githubusercontent.com/powerlord/sourcemod-prophunt/master/addons/sourcemod/data/prophunt/maps/ph_blockfort.cfg)) - Marshii
BucketHunt (New, Updated 2015-07-09) (c1 link (https://github.com/powerlord/sourcemod-prophunt/releases/download/maps/ph_buckethunt_event_c1.bsp.bz2)) (Configuration file (https://raw.githubusercontent.com/powerlord/sourcemod-prophunt/master/addons/sourcemod/data/prophunt/maps/ph_buckethunt.cfg)) - Marshii - Joke map where most props are metal buckets
CampSite (Updated 2015-06-08) (a6 link (https://github.com/powerlord/sourcemod-prophunt/releases/download/maps/ph_campsite_a6.bsp.bz2)) - luvedragon
Courtyard (Updated 2015-06-05) (v1_7 Link (https://github.com/powerlord/sourcemod-prophunt/releases/download/maps/ph_courtyard_v1_7.bsp.bz2)) - Marshii
Manor Grounds* (Updated 2015-06-08) (a5 Link (https://github.com/powerlord/sourcemod-prophunt/releases/download/maps/ph_manorgrounds_a5.bsp.bz2)) - Valve/YM/Rexy (Modified by luvedragon)
Nightclub (Updated 2015-06-05) (v2 link (https://github.com/powerlord/sourcemod-prophunt/releases/download/maps/ph_nightclub_v2.bsp.bz2)) - Marshii
Petit Courtyard (New 2015-06-05) (v1b Link (https://github.com/powerlord/sourcemod-prophunt/releases/download/maps/ph_petitcourtyard_v1b.bsp.bz2)) (Configuration file (https://raw.githubusercontent.com/powerlord/sourcemod-prophunt/master/addons/sourcemod/data/prophunt/maps/ph_petitcourtyard.cfg)) - Marshii
Redquarters (New to this list 2015-04-29) (a6 link (https://github.com/powerlord/sourcemod-prophunt/releases/download/maps/ph_redquarters_a6.bsp.bz2)) (Configuration file (https://raw.githubusercontent.com/powerlord/sourcemod-prophunt/master/addons/sourcemod/data/prophunt/maps/ph_redquarters.cfg)) - Combatfetus (Modified by Kibblre) - RED reskin of Headquarters, making it easier for props to blend in

Small Maps:

Farm Feud* (b1 Link (https://github.com/powerlord/sourcemod-prophunt/releases/download/maps/arena_farm_feud_b1.bsp.bz2)) - Archanor
Lumberyard* (a2 Link (https://github.com/powerlord/sourcemod-prophunt/releases/download/maps/ph_lumberyard_a2.bsp.bz2)) - Valve (Modified by Shinkz)
Manor Event (a1 Link (https://github.com/powerlord/sourcemod-prophunt/releases/download/maps/ph_manor_event_a1.bsp.bz2)) - Valve/YM/Rexy (Modified by Unknown)
Maze* (a4 Link (https://github.com/powerlord/sourcemod-prophunt/releases/download/maps/ph_maze_a4.bsp.bz2)) - LabelMaker (Assisted by Geit)
Target (final Link (https://github.com/powerlord/sourcemod-prophunt/releases/download/maps/ph_target_final.bsp.bz2)) - Valve & DR3AM - Some non-player props are not solid.

Medium Maps:

007 Facility (b1 Link (https://github.com/powerlord/sourcemod-prophunt/releases/download/maps/ph_007facility_b1.bsp.bz2)) - Marshii
BlockFort (a2 link (https://github.com/powerlord/sourcemod-prophunt/releases/download/maps/ph_blockfort_a2.bsp.bz2)) (Configuration file (https://raw.githubusercontent.com/powerlord/sourcemod-prophunt/master/addons/sourcemod/data/prophunt/maps/ph_blockfort.cfg)) - Marshii
BucketHunt (c1 link (https://github.com/powerlord/sourcemod-prophunt/releases/download/maps/ph_buckethunt_event_c1.bsp.bz2)) (Configuration file (https://raw.githubusercontent.com/powerlord/sourcemod-prophunt/master/addons/sourcemod/data/prophunt/maps/ph_buckethunt.cfg)) - Marshii - Joke map where most props are metal buckets
CampSite (a6 link (https://github.com/powerlord/sourcemod-prophunt/releases/download/maps/ph_campsite_a6.bsp.bz2)) - luvedragon
Chapel (rc2 Link (https://github.com/powerlord/sourcemod-prophunt/releases/download/maps/ph_chapel_rc2.bsp.bz2)) - DR3AM
Harvest (v2 Link (https://github.com/powerlord/sourcemod-prophunt/releases/download/maps/arena_harvest_v2.bsp.bz2)) - Heyo
Harvest Event (a1 Link (https://github.com/powerlord/sourcemod-prophunt/releases/download/maps/ph_harvest_event_a1.bsp.bz2)) - Heyo (Modified by Unknown)
Headquarters* (b3 Link (https://github.com/powerlord/sourcemod-prophunt/releases/download/maps/ph_headquarters_b3.bsp.bz2)) - Combatfetus
Hilltop (a2 Link (https://github.com/powerlord/sourcemod-prophunt/releases/download/maps/ph_hilltop_a2.bsp.bz2)) - Unknown
Mountain* (a2 Link (https://github.com/powerlord/sourcemod-prophunt/releases/download/maps/ph_mountain_a2.bsp.bz2)) - Austria_Phantom
North Ural* (a2 Link (https://github.com/powerlord/sourcemod-prophunt/releases/download/maps/ph_northural_a2.bsp.bz2)) - Flanker (Modified by Shinkz)
Petit Courtyard (v1b Link (https://github.com/powerlord/sourcemod-prophunt/releases/download/maps/ph_petitcourtyard_v1b.bsp.bz2)) (Configuration file (https://raw.githubusercontent.com/powerlord/sourcemod-prophunt/master/addons/sourcemod/data/prophunt/maps/ph_petitcourtyard.cfg)) - Marshii
Range (a3 Link (https://github.com/powerlord/sourcemod-prophunt/releases/download/maps/ph_range_a3.bsp.bz2)) - Pascal
Redquarters (a6 link (https://github.com/powerlord/sourcemod-prophunt/releases/download/maps/ph_redquarters_a6.bsp.bz2)) (Configuration file (https://raw.githubusercontent.com/powerlord/sourcemod-prophunt/master/addons/sourcemod/data/prophunt/maps/ph_redquarters.cfg)) - Combatfetus (Modified by Kibblre) - RED reskin of Headquarters, making it easier for props to blend in
Sawmill* (a2 Link (https://github.com/powerlord/sourcemod-prophunt/releases/download/maps/ph_sawmill_a2.bsp.bz2)) - Valve (Modified by Shinkz)
SnowWorks (a3 Link (https://github.com/powerlord/sourcemod-prophunt/releases/download/maps/ph_snowworks_a3.bsp.bz2)) - Valve, Equinox
Spooky Harvest* (a3 Link (https://github.com/powerlord/sourcemod-prophunt/releases/download/maps/ph_spookyharvest_a3.bsp.bz2)) - Valve & Unknown
Spooky Ravine* (a1 Link (https://github.com/powerlord/sourcemod-prophunt/releases/download/maps/spooky_ravine_a1.bsp.bz2)) - Valve & Malachi
Switcheroo (a4 Link (https://github.com/powerlord/sourcemod-prophunt/releases/download/maps/ph_switcheroo_a4.bsp.bz2)) - insta (Modified by coffeejunky) - Hidden rooms in hard to reach locations may make this map a bit unfair
Timbertown* (a3 Link (https://github.com/powerlord/sourcemod-prophunt/releases/download/maps/ph_timbertown_a3.bsp.bz2)) - Unknown (Modified by Shinkz)
Tundra (b5 Link (https://github.com/powerlord/sourcemod-prophunt/releases/download/maps/ph_tundra_b5.bsp.bz2)) - Corey_Faure
Watch Tower* (a1 Link (https://github.com/powerlord/sourcemod-prophunt/releases/download/maps/ph_watchtower_a1.bsp.bz2)) - Joshua ‘JoshuaC’ Shiflet (Modified by Shinkz)
Watermill (a1 Link (https://github.com/powerlord/sourcemod-prophunt/releases/download/maps/ph_watermill_a1.bsp.bz2)) - Loc_n_lol (Modified by Unknown)

Large Maps:

Amazon (a2 Link (https://github.com/powerlord/sourcemod-prophunt/releases/download/maps/ph_amazon_a2.bsp.bz2)) - Unknown - Props are largely props that aren't found on the map
Basalt* (a2 Link (https://github.com/powerlord/sourcemod-prophunt/releases/download/maps/ph_basalt_a2.bsp.bz2)) - S.W.A.T.Y
Brawl* (b1 Link (https://github.com/powerlord/sourcemod-prophunt/releases/download/maps/arena_brawl_b1.bsp.bz2)) - Jazz
Canyon* (a1 Link (https://github.com/powerlord/sourcemod-prophunt/releases/download/maps/ph_canyon_a1.bsp.bz2)) - Albatross (Modified by Shinkz)
Concord* (b3 Link (https://github.com/powerlord/sourcemod-prophunt/releases/download/maps/arena_concord_b3.bsp.bz2)) - zephyrak
Cliff Face* (b1 Link (https://github.com/powerlord/sourcemod-prophunt/releases/download/maps/ph_cliffface_b1.bsp.bz2)) - gRiMrEaPeRsco
Crater (a5 Link (https://github.com/powerlord/sourcemod-prophunt/releases/download/maps/ph_crater_a5.bsp.bz2)) - Equinox
Cyberpunk (a3 Link (https://github.com/powerlord/sourcemod-prophunt/releases/download/maps/ph_cyberpunk_a3.bsp.bz2)) - Xenon (Modified by Spykodemon and Shinkz) - Doors have issues on this map
Desolation* (pb1 Link (https://github.com/powerlord/sourcemod-prophunt/releases/download/maps/arena_desolation_pb1.bsp.bz2)) - Jamie "Mr. Happy" Lea
Devils Canyon* (a1 Link (https://github.com/powerlord/sourcemod-prophunt/releases/download/maps/ph_devils_canyon_a1.bsp.bz2)) - Soylent Robot
Goldtooth* (a1 Link (https://github.com/powerlord/sourcemod-prophunt/releases/download/maps/ph_goldtooth_a1.bsp.bz2)) - Chuck "Atrocity" Wilson
Hanger18* (b7 Link (https://github.com/powerlord/sourcemod-prophunt/releases/download/maps/ph_hanger18_b7.bsp.bz2)) - Combatfetus
Laboratory (rc1 Link (https://github.com/powerlord/sourcemod-prophunt/releases/download/maps/ph_laboratory_rc1.bsp.bz2)) - Z3 3V1L Firefox
Kakariko (b1 Link (https://github.com/powerlord/sourcemod-prophunt/releases/download/maps/ph_kakariko_b1.bsp.bz2)) - Beetle
Manor Grounds (a5 Link (https://github.com/powerlord/sourcemod-prophunt/releases/download/maps/ph_manorgrounds_a5.bsp.bz2)) - Valve/YM/Rexy (Modified by luvedragon)
Nightclub (v2 link (https://github.com/powerlord/sourcemod-prophunt/releases/download/maps/ph_nightclub_v2.bsp.bz2)) - Marshii
Ravage* (b1 Link (https://github.com/powerlord/sourcemod-prophunt/releases/download/maps/arena_ravage_b1.bsp.bz2)) - Mehby
Redstone* (a2 Link (https://github.com/powerlord/sourcemod-prophunt/releases/download/maps/ph_redstone_a2.bsp.bz2)) - Colax
Storm* (b1c Link (https://github.com/powerlord/sourcemod-prophunt/releases/download/maps/arena_storm_b1c.bsp.bz2)) - Ikem
Train Set (a3 Link (https://github.com/powerlord/sourcemod-prophunt/releases/download/maps/ph_trainset_a3.bsp.bz2)) - Johnny
Warehouse* (b1 Link (https://github.com/powerlord/sourcemod-prophunt/releases/download/maps/ph_warehouse_b1.bsp.bz2)) - Geit

Huge Maps:

Cargo* (b7 Link (https://github.com/powerlord/sourcemod-prophunt/releases/download/maps/ph_cargo_b7.bsp.bz2)) - Combatfetus
CC Hotel* (b3 Link (https://github.com/powerlord/sourcemod-prophunt/releases/download/maps/ph_cchotel_b3.bsp.bz2)) - Beetle - Low ammo and health, has hidden rooms (which are easy to find)
Courtyard (v1_7 Link (https://github.com/powerlord/sourcemod-prophunt/releases/download/maps/ph_courtyard_v1_7.bsp.bz2)) - Marshii
Farm* (a5 Link (https://github.com/powerlord/sourcemod-prophunt/releases/download/maps/ph_farm_a5.bsp.bz2)) - Geit
Grassland* (a1 Link (https://github.com/powerlord/sourcemod-prophunt/releases/download/maps/ph_grassland_a1.bsp.bz2)) - Mr. Late (Modified by Shinkz)
Medieval (a5 Link (https://github.com/powerlord/sourcemod-prophunt/releases/download/maps/ph_medieval_a5.bsp.bz2)) - DR3AM - Players can get outside the map under the waterfall
Oasis* (a1 Link (https://github.com/powerlord/sourcemod-prophunt/releases/download/maps/ph_oasis_a1.bsp.bz2)) - Tyb00 (Modified by Shinkz)
Other Side* (a1 Link (https://github.com/powerlord/sourcemod-prophunt/releases/download/maps/ph_otherside_a1.bsp.bz2)) - Vincent (Modified by Shinkz)

10-13-2013, 15:41
Mind explaining the changes you made? Also it looks like you removed a few maps from the download. Any reason for that?

10-13-2013, 15:43
Mind explaining the changes you made? Also it looks like you removed a few maps from the download. Any reason for that?

I'm still working on the Changelog. Also, I accidentally linked to the old version of the maps and data files... I've removed the links as I'm uploading new versions of both as I type this.

10-13-2013, 16:33
Mind explaining the changes you made? Also it looks like you removed a few maps from the download. Any reason for that?

OK, I think I've gotten everything except the BZ2 links up now.

The main "feature" of Redux is that its weapon change system is a lot more flexible than Prop Hunts is. You can now switch weapons with other weapons, strip a weapon's attributes, add attributes to weapons...

There are a few other things that got added too, such as the propreroll command (admin-only by default) and incorporating bugfixes that bl4nk had reported in the Prop Hunt thread.

Still, this version is in need of more widespread testing, hence why it is still labeled beta 2.

As for maps, arena_desolation got rolled back to pb1 as the communities I've heard from prefer it to rc1. Also, courtyard_v1_5 got added this release.

10-13-2013, 16:41
I saw you had the options to disable the anti hack system. I think this system is what is stopping me from using Ghost Mode Redux (https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?p=1883875). Is there any way you could just add a work around for this without having to fully disable the system?

10-13-2013, 16:47
I saw you had the options to disable the anti hack system. I think this system is what is stopping me from using Ghost Mode Redux (https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?p=1883875). Is there any way you could just add a work around for this without having to fully disable the system?

I'm not what interaction Ghost Mode Redux has with the PH antihack system.

Really, the only things the PH antihack system does is remove items from RED players... and since 3.0.0 beta 1, it now blocks the r_staticpropinfo client cvar.

10-13-2013, 17:20

10-13-2013, 17:21

Oh right... yeah, setting ph_antihack will disable that behavior, but unfortunately, it also disables the anti-r_staticpropinfo stuff.

10-13-2013, 17:31
Ugh, sorry guys. I forgot you'd need optin_multimod.inc to compile this.

I haven't finished writing / testing that plugin yet, so I just added the .inc file to the first post.

10-14-2013, 06:43
Heads up:

Since SourceMod 1.5 is now recommended, ph_propmenu 1 likely won't work if you have an override set. Because of this, we're likely going to remove 1 as a valid value (but -1 and 0 will remain).

If you want the equivalent of ph_propmenu 1, put this in your admin_overrides.cfg:
propmenu ""

Note that this also applies to propreroll.

-1 will remain working as it does now (allow no-one), and 0 will allow anyone with the proper override to use it (the admin "c" permission by default).

This change will be incorporated into beta 3.

10-14-2013, 19:00
New version: 3.0.0 beta 3

3.0.0 beta 3:

ph_propmenu and ph_propreroll no longer recognize the 1 value. To make them act like 1 again, set their cvars to zero and then the propmenu or propreroll override to ""
Opt-in Multimod is no longer compiled in by default, meaning you no longer need optin_multimod.inc.
New cvar: ph_staticpropinfo. Default: 1. If set to 1, periodically checks if a client has r_staticpropinfo set to 1. Previously, this was part of ph_antihack. Requested by Fearts.
Timers are now disabled between rounds. The control point is refreshed at the end of setup time and every 55 seconds afterwards.

10-15-2013, 09:38
Hello guys from Prophunt,

I am making a Dedicated server TF2, Now I managed to get a server UP! (yeah go me!) for the very first time in my live!

Now I want to install Prophunt for my friends, but every single installation guide refuses to explain in DETAIL how to install a proper Prophunt.

I am using a Batch file to start the dedicated server with the following line:

`TF2\srcds.exe -console -game tf +sv_pure 1 +servercfgfile +randommap +mapcyclefile +maxplayers 24`


The map addons has the entire METAMOD en Sourcemod directories
Also in the Plugins directory is the Prophunt.smx

When I start my batch file I get the following error:

Can someone please help me how to load a proper Prophunt

10-15-2013, 09:51
Hello guys from Prophunt,

I am making a Dedicated server TF2, Now I managed to get a server UP! (yeah go me!) for the very first time in my live!

Now I want to install Prophunt for my friends, but every single installation guide refuses to explain in DETAIL how to install a proper Prophunt.

I am using a Batch file to start the dedicated server with the following line:

`TF2\srcds.exe -console -game tf +sv_pure 1 +servercfgfile +randommap +mapcyclefile +maxplayers 24`


The map addons has the entire METAMOD en Sourcemod directories
Also in the Plugins directory is the Prophunt.smx

When I start my batch file I get the following error:

Can someone please help me how to load a proper Prophunt
Prop Hunt loaded on your server, but Prop Hunt only works with certain maps and cp_dustbowl isn't one of them.

You can get those maps from the PHResourcePack in the first post, or individually in the second post... which reminds me, I need to make a standalone download for sounds in the second post if you go that route.

PHResourcePack included a suggested mapcycle file as well. I think it's named mapcycle-prophunt.txt

Incidentally, I can tell from the error message you're seeing that you're also using an older version of Prop Hunt... the newer version doesn't unload itself (only disable) when running into a map it doesn't support.

10-15-2013, 11:30

Thanks for the advice. Just to be sure I have renewed everything and gotten sofar that I now have an Addons folder under my TF folder:


Now it is VERY confusing as to where the files of the DATA and Resource pack have to go

PHDATApack has a ADDONS folder, so do those underlaying files have to go to the addons folder?

Also the PHresourcepack have a SOUND and MAPS folder. Where must these folders go?
Do I place them in E:\SteamLibrary\D_SERVER2\tf2\tf\addons or in E:\SteamLibrary\D_SERVER2\tf2\tf ?

Also how do I install the TF2 Items? it does not state anywhere where these files have to go.

ps: It is not as self-explanatory as some might state...

ps2: I have downloaded EVERY file you stated in your first post which was needed to get Prophunt working

10-15-2013, 12:00

Thanks for the advice. Just to be sure I have renewed everything and gotten sofar that I now have an Addons folder under my TF folder:


Now it is VERY confusing as to where the files of the DATA and Resource pack have to go

PHDATApack has a ADDONS folder, so do those underlaying files have to go to the addons folder?

Also the PHresourcepack have a SOUND and MAPS folder. Where must these folders go?
Do I place them in E:\SteamLibrary\D_SERVER2\tf2\tf\addons or in E:\SteamLibrary\D_SERVER2\tf2\tf ?

Also how do I install the TF2 Items? it does not state anywhere where these files have to go.

ps: It is not as self-explanatory as some might state...

ps2: I have downloaded EVERY file you stated in your first post which was needed to get Prophunt working

PHDataPack needs to be extracted to the main tf/ directory. PHResourcePack can be extracted to either the main tf/ directory or to tf/custom/prophunt/ (tf/custom/ should exist, but you'll have to create prophunt under it to use this option).

As for TF2Items... it also needs to be extracted to the main tf/ directory. If you install SteamTools, the .dll or .so file needs to be copied to tf/addons/sourcemod/extensions/

Actually, I should create a new Steam Guide on how to set up the server or something.

10-15-2013, 12:24

Awesome! together with a friend we managed to get it working.
Though I am still confused about the TF2 items.

If I see the folder structure it looks like it should be placed in the Sourcemod folder instead directly in the TF folder.

This is a minor question for configuration:

- How can we change the setup timer?
- How can we change the round timer?

10-15-2013, 12:39

Awesome! together with a friend we managed to get it working.
Though I am still confused about the TF2 items.

If I see the folder structure it looks like it should be placed in the Sourcemod folder instead directly in the TF folder.
I was looking in the zip file for TF2Items 1.6.0 hg256 (windows (http://builds.limetech.org/files/tf2items-1.6.0-hg256-windows.zip) or linux (http://builds.limetech.org/files/tf2items-1.6.0-hg256-linux.zip)) which had the addons directory in it. In theory, you could just unzip it and manually copy the contents of the gamedata and extension directories to their respective locations under addons/sourcemod/

As far as I know, TF2Items hg254 or newer is required on TF2Items at the moment due to the changes Valve made back in July... hg256 has some additional checks to prevent badly written plugins from crashing the server.

This is a minor question for configuration:

- How can we change the setup timer?
- How can we change the round timer?

The waiting for players time is set by Prop Hunt itself to 40 seconds. This is to allow additional time for people to download the maps. I've considered removing this and recommending people use sm_cvar to set mp_waitingforplayers_time.

The pre-round timer is always set to 20 seconds. This is set to allow hunters to change their classes or loadouts... because otherwise players may get stuck as Pyros when they wanted to play as a different class. Then again, hunters are usually going to be Pyros... This could be controlled by a cvar, but in fact Prop Hunt is just overriding an existing cvar to set it (tf_arena_preround_time).

The setup timer is always 30 seconds long to give props time to hide. In theory, this could be controlled by a cvar, but there currently isn't an option for this.

The round timer is read from the map configuration files in tf/addons/sourcemod/data/prophunt/maps/. It's different for each map and based on how large the map is. Note that this amount of time includes the 30-second setup time for compatibility with Prop Hunt 1.93.

10-15-2013, 13:12

oh, please (https://forums.alliedmods.net/showpost.php?p=2003786&postcount=557).

10-15-2013, 13:12

Thanks you very much for your time and I am currently working on a readme file for people who make a TF2 dedicated server from nothing, through the use of steamcmd.

Also I noticed I did indeed use an older version of the TF2Items, which made it crash after everyone disconnected.

Also thank you for your anwer on the timers, it seems after a few rounds of play testing these timers did not need any tuning (except for the occasional whiner about the hiding timer for the props).

Sofar we are loving this mod.

there came a question though from one of my friends:

- Is it possible to change what kind of prop you are, or is it randomly selected and you are stuck with it the entire round?

ps: @Leonardo fixed my post with proper tags

10-15-2013, 13:47

Thanks you very much for your time and I am currently working on a readme file for people who make a TF2 dedicated server from nothing, through the use of steamcmd.

Also I noticed I did indeed use an older version of the TF2Items, which made it crash after everyone disconnected.

Also thank you for your anwer on the timers, it seems after a few rounds of play testing these timers did not need any tuning (except for the occasional whiner about the hiding timer for the props).

Sofar we are loving this mod.

there came a question though from one of my friends:

- Is it possible to change what kind of prop you are, or is it randomly selected and you are stuck with it the entire round?

ps: @Leonardo fixed my post with proper tags

In Prop Hunt Redux 3.0.0 beta 2 and newer, there are two options to change props.

The newer method is the propreroll command. This command is only useable once per round and will change the prop to another random prop... although it can be potentially any prop including the one they already have.

To allow anyone to use this command, edit tf/addons/sourcemod/configs/admin_overrides.cfg and add this line between the { and }:
propreroll ""The other option is the propmenu command. This command opens a menu that lists all the props for the current map plus the Ghost and Pyro props (which has no animations so its pretty obvious it's a prop). They can select a prop to become it.

To allow anyone to use this command, edit tf/addons/sourcemod/configs/admin_overrides.cfg and add this line between the { and }:
propmenu ""propmenu also works in older Prop Hunt versions, but you also need to set ph_propmenu to 1 in tf/cfg/sourcemod/prophunt.cfg (if it exists) or cfg/server.cfg.

10-16-2013, 07:01
Oh my, I seem to have encountered an error with how the plugin responds to my server. After disabling it via ph_enable 0 I decided to change map and all of a sudden the gravity is set very, very low. As in if I jump I will never come back down. I fixed that by just putting sv_gravity 800 but right now dropped weapons from dead players are now floating across the sky for some reason :/

Is this because of any conflicting plugin or did I do something wrong while installing it?

Video (Uploading it still but I won't be here to post it once it's done): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DbSbsupAKEQ&feature=youtu.be

10-16-2013, 10:56
Oh my, I seem to have encountered an error with how the plugin responds to my server. After disabling it via ph_enable 0 I decided to change map and all of a sudden the gravity is set very, very low. As in if I jump I will never come back down. I fixed that by just putting sv_gravity 800 but right now dropped weapons from dead players are now floating across the sky for some reason :/

Is this because of any conflicting plugin or did I do something wrong while installing it?

Video (Uploading it still but I won't be here to post it once it's done): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DbSbsupAKEQ&feature=youtu.be

Hmm... try this version and see if the problem still happens.

Incidentally, Prop Hunt should automatically disable itself on maps that aren't Prop Hunt maps... you don't explicitly have to set ph_enable 0.

10-16-2013, 14:36
I have a final problem and that is when maps are changing after a few rounds. I have mapcycle command active when I start my server.

The game it self is ok, but the moment it wants to change maps it crashes and I need to restart the server.

10-16-2013, 14:53
Hmm... try this version and see if the problem still happens.

Incidentally, Prop Hunt should automatically disable itself on maps that aren't Prop Hunt maps... you don't explicitly have to set ph_enable 0.

Alright, that seems to have fixed it! What do you think was the problem?

10-16-2013, 15:37
Alright, that seems to have fixed it! What do you think was the problem?

Prop Hunt Redux remembers the values of the cvars that it changes after configuration files are loaded when it detects a Prop Hunt map is loaded. It restores those values when you set ph_enable 0 or unload the plugin.

Sounds simple enough, but there was one slight hitch: It never checked that Prop Hunt changed those cvars to begin with. So, if you ever set ph_enable in a config file or on a non-prop hunt map, it would happily overwrite those cvars with the last value it knew... or 0 if a prop hunt map was never loaded.

The version I uploaded in my last post changed it to only reset those cvars if a prop hunt map is currently running... but I may make a more robust version before posting beta 4 to the start of the thread.

10-16-2013, 16:07
Thanks for answering!

10-18-2013, 09:38
I never got to test this last night, but this should be the same change as above but written in a bit more sane manner.

It also makes sure that the Prop Hunt timers aren't started if ph_enable is switched to 1 unless we're on a Prop Hunt map.

The latter still needs some reworking, as switching prop hunt on shouldn't take effect until round change.

10-27-2013, 11:57
L 10/27/2013 - 16:14:34: [SM] Native "SendConVarValue" reported: Client 2 is fake and cannot be targeted
L 10/27/2013 - 16:14:34: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "prophunt.smx":
L 10/27/2013 - 16:14:34: [SM] [0] Line 1612, D:\tf2server\plugins\prophunt\addons\sourcemo d\scripting\prophunt.sp::OnClientPutInServer( )

I'm running bots so players are not stuck in spec. mode. Maybe that's why I'm gettings this error ?
I used the plugin from first post.

10-27-2013, 12:01
L 10/27/2013 - 16:14:34: [SM] Native "SendConVarValue" reported: Client 2 is fake and cannot be targeted
L 10/27/2013 - 16:14:34: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "prophunt.smx":
L 10/27/2013 - 16:14:34: [SM] [0] Line 1612, D:\tf2server\plugins\prophunt\addons\sourcemo d\scripting\prophunt.sp::OnClientPutInServer( )

I'm running bots so players are not stuck in spec. mode. Maybe that's why I'm gettings this error ?
I used the plugin from first post.

Hmm, I must have missed one of the IsFakeClient guards for that. Whoops. Unfortunately, since that's an error and not a warning, that means ResetPlayer doesn't get run on the bot.

Try this version.

Dr. Greg House
10-27-2013, 16:32
On a side note, how does the plugin allow team selection. I thought this wasn't possible in arena mode. On a vanilla arena server I only have the option of either "Fight!" or "Spectate".

10-27-2013, 16:32
On a side note, how does the plugin allow team selection. I thought this wasn't possible in arena mode. On a vanilla arena server I only have the option of either "Fight!" or "Spectate".

Team Selection is enabled any time tf_arena_use_queue is set to 0, which prop hunt forces so people don't have to sit out.

10-27-2013, 17:55
Hmm, I must have missed one of the IsFakeClient guards for that. Whoops. Unfortunately, since that's an error and not a warning, that means ResetPlayer doesn't get run on the bot.
Try this version.
Getting the same error after restart:
L 10/27/2013 - 22:51:33: [SM] Native "SendConVarValue" reported: Client 2 is fake and cannot be targeted
L 10/27/2013 - 22:51:33: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "prophunt.smx":
L 10/27/2013 - 22:51:33: [SM] [0] Line 1612, D:\tf2server\plugins\prophunt\addons\sourcemo d\scripting\prophunt.sp::OnClientPutInServer( )

10-28-2013, 13:30
Getting the same error after restart:
L 10/27/2013 - 22:51:33: [SM] Native "SendConVarValue" reported: Client 2 is fake and cannot be targeted
L 10/27/2013 - 22:51:33: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "prophunt.smx":
L 10/27/2013 - 22:51:33: [SM] [0] Line 1612, D:\tf2server\plugins\prophunt\addons\sourcemo d\scripting\prophunt.sp::OnClientPutInServer( )

You sure you are using the version I just uploaded in my previous posts? That code should be on line 1625 now, not 1612.

Even if I somehow forgot to compile the new version before uploading, it would still be on line 1623 in the previous version of beta 4.

10-28-2013, 14:17
You sure you are using the version I just uploaded in my previous posts? That code should be on line 1625 now, not 1612.

Even if I somehow forgot to compile the new version before uploading, it would still be on line 1623 in the previous version of beta 4.
Yes, I tripple checked. The smx gives me that error.
I've compiled the code and now no errors :)

Mapchanges, specator switches, etc. I don't get any errors anymore.

10-29-2013, 11:07
I've got a new beta update that I have yet to test. It's meant to postpone ph_enable changes until the round changes.

This version is marked as version 3.0.0 beta 5.

Edit: I spotted some bugs right after posting this, fixed them, and uploaded a new version. I think I did so before anyone downloaded it, but just in case...

10-30-2013, 13:41
Now that the Halloween event has started, I won't be testing any changes I make to Prop Hunt.

For that matter, I still need to go through the updates to see if we got any new weapon reskins this year.

10-30-2013, 16:36
Players are complaining about Pyro's being shown as props, any fix? Using newest snapshot of SM and tf2items.

Dr. Greg House
10-30-2013, 17:03
Excessive alt-tabbing I guess(?)

10-31-2013, 09:13
I may also add that we're running class restrictions, that might have something to do with it.

10-31-2013, 10:20
I may also add that we're running class restrictions, that might have something to do with it.
Hmm... that's possible.

Actually, I think I've seen this on your server before even on PropHunt 1.9.3.

I suppose I could change when it tries to remove the player's custom model, such as have it do so at the end of the round instead of the start of the following round and see if that fixes the problem...

Edit: Try this version.

Edit 2: No, I spotted an error in that version... need to rework it a bit.

Edit 3: OK, this time it should really work... I've basically changed it so PH is now always responsible for switching player teams, whereas it was only responsible for it if one team killed everyone on the other team before. Let me know immediately if you see issues with this version.

10-31-2013, 12:39
Hmm... that's possible.

Actually, I think I've seen this on your server before even on PropHunt 1.9.3.

I suppose I could change when it tries to remove the player's custom model, such as have it do so at the end of the round instead of the start of the following round and see if that fixes the problem...

Edit: Try this version.

Edit 2: No, I spotted an error in that version... need to rework it a bit.

Edit 3: OK, this time it should really work... I've basically changed it so PH is now always responsible for switching player teams, whereas it was only responsible for it if one team killed everyone on the other team before. Let me know immediately if you see issues with this version.

Going to report back whether or not it worked. Just need the server to fill up.

EDIT: Nope, still broken, people are still looking like props while being Pyros.

11-05-2013, 10:49
I've been hearing reports that spellbooks aren't being blocked for RED players.

So, I made a slight change that I hope fixes the issue. If you still see spellbooks on RED, let me know... I won't have a chance to test this until I switch my test server back.

And, if they're still visible, I need to file a bug report over on the TF2Items forum since this behavior should work to block it...

Going to report back whether or not it worked. Just need the server to fill up.

EDIT: Nope, still broken, people are still looking like props while being Pyros.
No idea what else to do to fix this, seeing as how I'm resetting the player model before the round ends... and for whatever reason, I wasn't seeing this on my test server.

Z3 3V1L Firefox
11-05-2013, 12:00
Hi dont know if it belongs here but i made a map for prophunt https://www.dropbox.com/s/gocusy7ma4u2muj/ph_laboratory_rc1.rar or here http://tf2.gamebanana.com/maps/177328 .cfg is included in rar

11-08-2013, 12:06
Powerlord, spellbook is a weapon, also it has an associated model if using the fancy version, tf2removeallweapns annahilates it afaik. You could also kill it's entity (but youll manually have to find its associated wearable)

11-25-2013, 10:58
Apparently this plugin got Approved at some point.

Hi dont know if it belongs here but i made a map for prophunt https://www.dropbox.com/s/gocusy7ma4u2muj/ph_laboratory_rc1.rar or here http://tf2.gamebanana.com/maps/177328 .cfg is included in rar

I'll have to put this on my server at some point. I take it the only difference between the old config and new config are that the new one has relays and doors set to 1?

Powerlord, spellbook is a weapon, also it has an associated model if using the fancy version, tf2removeallweapns annahilates it afaik. You could also kill it's entity (but youll manually have to find its associated wearable)

In what testing I've done, TF2Items hg258 appears to be correctly blocking spellbooks using TF2Items_OnGiveNamedItem. Not sure why other people are having issues with it.

11-26-2013, 10:59
luvedragon has released a new version of Manorgrounds: ph_manorgrounds_a4 (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BzWhQu3ujrMwZE1ockdaUFg1Z00/edit?usp=sharing). I've also attached the new config file to this post. These will both replace the existing Manorgrounds files in the Resource Pack and Data Pack at a later date.

The specific changes to the map are:

Reopened the shed
Closed the useless balcony area
Changed/removed some health/ammo packs
Moved/added some props
Finally fixed the magical disappearing crates
Only one of the ghosts in the secret room kill you now
Readded the small tree prop
Reduced map time by 30 seconds
Probably some other stuff I already forgot about

While I'm at it, here's the fixed config file for ph_laboratory_rc1 (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BzWhQu3ujrMwaDBIbTl0WS1yaWs/edit?usp=sharing), which should make it into the next PHDataPack update (although I need to double check that it works as intended).

11-26-2013, 11:57
Updated the PropHunt Data Pack (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BzWhQu3ujrMwejNZMEdsVlliYUE/edit?usp=sharing). Changes this time around:


The Amputator and Solemn Vow should now be replaced with the Bonesaw instead of completely blocked.
The regular Frontier Justice is no longer replaced by the stock shotgun because people were complaining about it.
Fixed a bug with the Festive Frontier Justice (which wasn't blocked when the normal one was) doing more damage than intended... it was doing 20% more damage than the non-Festive FJ before it was blocked
Added a new section for multi-class Melee weapons. None of these weapons are currently blocked or replaced, but the section is included for completeness.

Added ph_laboratory config
Updated ph_manorgrounds config for version a4.

With the exception of the Gold Frying Pan, none of the Australium weapons are their own separate weapon... it's just an attribute on the weapon itself. Therefore, no new weapons got added to the block list.

11-27-2013, 19:51
Thanks so much for this. I love PropHunt!

11-28-2013, 03:44
Is this plugin stable / ready for usage yet? I assume its not considering the beta in the name but Id like to create a new server using it.

11-28-2013, 03:46
Is this plugin stable / ready for usage yet? I assume its not considering the beta in the name but Id like to create a new server using it.

Well, it definitely runs, but I'm still tracking bugs down in it... such as one that resurfaced in PH Redux where a spectator's (dead player's?) miscs appear if you're spectating something.

11-29-2013, 20:16
Weird graving issue I'm getting with the current version, where it's completely screwing with gravity even on maps that aren't PH-enabled.

Players will jump, and continue to float hugging the ceiling and never come back down.

EDIT: Apparently it's setting gravity to 0.

11-30-2013, 12:36
Powerlord, I am wondering why in the /addons/sourcemod/data/prophunt/maps folder, why the map config doesn't fully match the actual map name. For example arena_brawl.cfg and actual map name is arean_brawl_b1 or ph_basalt.cfg and actual map is ph_basalt_a2. Most all the configs do not exactly match the full map name and you therefor get a message in boot record like
"'ph_watchtower_a1.cfg' not present; not executing."

11-30-2013, 12:52
Weird graving issue I'm getting with the current version, where it's completely screwing with gravity even on maps that aren't PH-enabled.

Players will jump, and continue to float hugging the ceiling and never come back down.

EDIT: Apparently it's setting gravity to 0.

I know it did this in the earlier 3.0.0 versions, but I thought that was fixed in beta 3 or newer... Basically, Prop Hunt tries to set cvars back to the values they had before Prop Hunt loaded so gravity isn't stuck at 500 when it should be 800 and the like.

Powerlord, I am wondering why in the /addons/sourcemod/data/prophunt/maps folder, why the map config doesn't fully match the actual map name. For example arena_brawl.cfg and actual map name is arean_brawl_b1 or ph_basalt.cfg and actual map is ph_basalt_a2. Most all the configs do not exactly match the full map name and you therefor get a message in boot record like
"'ph_watchtower_a1.cfg' not present; not executing."

Don't confuse Prop Hunt's config files with the game's config files. TF2 always tries to execute cfg/[mapname].cfg on mapchange. If it can't find said config, it prints that message in the console.

As for why the Prop Hunt config files are named that way, it's a holdover from Prop Hunt 1.

11-30-2013, 13:17
so we should not rename all configs in the /addons/sourcemod/data/prophunt/maps folder to exactly match the full map name? It is just wanting the ph_mapname format not ph_mapname_verX ? Likewize if we add a prophunt map, we should not name it exactly but keep current convention I assume

example, say we add ph_name1_name2_verx.bsp to the maps folder, the corresponding config file in the data/prophunt/maps folder would be ph_name1.cfg ....correct?

11-30-2013, 23:28
Hi, I want to expand on the bug that PMAvers described a couple of posts above. I'm using the version last updated on the 27th Nov 2013.

The gravity isn't completely screwed. I check sv_gravity on a non-prophunt map and it's correctly set to 800. If I jump around, I jump around normally. It's the PROPS that have their gravity screwed. Barrels will fly forever if you hit them, weapons from a dead body will just spin around slowly and most importantly, the Demoman's grenades and stickys float instead of coming to the ground like normal behaviour.

The error occurs even if ph_enable = 0

The following is a snippet showing all the mods I have installed on unrealaussies.com servers:
] rcon sm plugins list
autokick is disabled for Agamemnus_uA.
[SM] Listing 32 plugins:
01 "Fun Votes" (1.5.2) by AlliedModders LLC
02 "Zombie Fortress" ( by dirtyminuth (Recode), Sirot (Original)
03 "Rock The Vote" (1.5.2) by AlliedModders LLC
04 "Map configs" (1.1.1) by Berni
05 "HLstatsX CE Ingame Plugin" (1.6.19) by psychonic
06 "Reserved Slots" (1.5.2) by AlliedModders LLC
07 "Basic Commands" (1.5.2) by AlliedModders LLC
08 "Basic Ban Commands" (1.5.2) by AlliedModders LLC
09 "MapChooser" (1.5.2) by AlliedModders LLC
10 "Nextmap" (1.5.2) by AlliedModders LLC
11 "Basic Votes" (1.5.2) by AlliedModders LLC
12 "Fun Commands" (1.5.2) by AlliedModders LLC
13 "Admin File Reader" (1.5.2) by AlliedModders LLC
14 "[TF2] Dodgeball" (1.0) by Damizean
15 "Map Nominations" (1.5.2) by AlliedModders LLC
16 "Melee Mode" (0.4) by chundo
17 "Basic Chat" (1.5.2) by AlliedModders LLC
18 "TF2 Ware" (1.6) by Mecha the Slag, edit by RavensBro
19 "[TF2Items] Give Weapon" (3.1415) by FlaminSarge (orig by asherkin)
20 "Admin Help" (1.5.2) by AlliedModders LLC
21 "Basic Comm Control" (1.5.2) by AlliedModders LLC
22 "Sound Commands" (1.5.2) by AlliedModders LLC
23 "Anti-Flood" (1.5.2) by AlliedModders LLC
24 "SentrySpawner" (0.5a) by HL-SDK
25 "Updater" (1.1.5) by GoD-Tony
26 "Admin Menu" (1.5.2) by AlliedModders LLC
27 "Basic Info Triggers" (1.5.2) by AlliedModders LLC
28 "[TF2] TF2Attributes" (1.1.1) by FlaminSarge
29 "Client Preferences" (1.5.2) by AlliedModders LLC
30 "Player Commands" (1.5.2) by AlliedModders LLC
31 "[DEV] TF2ItemsInfo" ( by Leonardo
32 "[TF2] TFGunGame" (1.2.1) by Tak (Chaosxk)

] rcon sm plugins list
autokick is disabled for Agamemnus_uA.
[SM] Listing 33 plugins:
01 "Fun Votes" (1.5.2) by AlliedModders LLC
02 "Zombie Fortress" ( by dirtyminuth (Recode), Sirot (Original)
03 "Rock The Vote" (1.5.2) by AlliedModders LLC
04 "Map configs" (1.1.1) by Berni
05 "HLstatsX CE Ingame Plugin" (1.6.19) by psychonic
06 "Reserved Slots" (1.5.2) by AlliedModders LLC
07 "Basic Commands" (1.5.2) by AlliedModders LLC
08 "Basic Ban Commands" (1.5.2) by AlliedModders LLC
09 "MapChooser" (1.5.2) by AlliedModders LLC
10 "Nextmap" (1.5.2) by AlliedModders LLC
11 "Basic Votes" (1.5.2) by AlliedModders LLC
12 "Fun Commands" (1.5.2) by AlliedModders LLC
13 "Admin File Reader" (1.5.2) by AlliedModders LLC
14 "[TF2] Dodgeball" (1.0) by Damizean
15 "Map Nominations" (1.5.2) by AlliedModders LLC
16 "Melee Mode" (0.4) by chundo
17 "Basic Chat" (1.5.2) by AlliedModders LLC
18 "TF2 Ware" (1.6) by Mecha the Slag, edit by RavensBro
19 "[TF2Items] Give Weapon" (3.1415) by FlaminSarge (orig by asherkin)
20 "Admin Help" (1.5.2) by AlliedModders LLC
21 "Basic Comm Control" (1.5.2) by AlliedModders LLC
22 "Sound Commands" (1.5.2) by AlliedModders LLC
23 "Anti-Flood" (1.5.2) by AlliedModders LLC
24 "SentrySpawner" (0.5a) by HL-SDK
25 "Updater" (1.1.5) by GoD-Tony
26 "Admin Menu" (1.5.2) by AlliedModders LLC
27 "Basic Info Triggers" (1.5.2) by AlliedModders LLC
28 "PropHunt Redux" (3.0.0 beta 3) by Darkimmortal and Powerlord
29 "[TF2] TF2Attributes" (1.1.1) by FlaminSarge
30 "Client Preferences" (1.5.2) by AlliedModders LLC
31 "Player Commands" (1.5.2) by AlliedModders LLC
32 "[DEV] TF2ItemsInfo" ( by Leonardo
33 "[TF2] TFGunGame" (1.2.1) by Tak (Chaosxk)
] rcon ph_enable
"ph_enable" = "0" ( def. "1" )
- Enables the plugin

In the first plugins list everything is working correctly, in the second, it is not.

Currently the workaround is to place prophunt.smx in the /plugins/disabled folder then add this line in your server.cfg file:
sm plugins unload /disabled/prophunt

I use the plugin from here (https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=69506&highlight=map+configs+prefixes) to make every ph_ map run this line:
sm plugins load /disabled/prophunt

This way your server will operate correctly outside of PropHunt until the author has a chance to look into it.

BIG THANKS to the author for reviving PropHunt, it's heaps of fun to play :)

12-01-2013, 13:49
the latest tf2 updates seem to have "broken" prophunt.

- (Apparently) Pyros get only self damage with the stock flamethrower
- no other weapons seem to do self damage but I've only played pyro so far
- they can't fly

I've used the github version.

12-02-2013, 15:07
Sorry I haven't been replying to this thread in the past few days... came down with a nasty bout of the flu.

Hi, I want to expand on the bug that PMAvers described a couple of posts above. I'm using the version last updated on the 27th Nov 2013.

The gravity isn't completely screwed. I check sv_gravity on a non-prophunt map and it's correctly set to 800. If I jump around, I jump around normally. It's the PROPS that have their gravity screwed. Barrels will fly forever if you hit them, weapons from a dead body will just spin around slowly and most importantly, the Demoman's grenades and stickys float instead of coming to the ground like normal behaviour.

The error occurs even if ph_enable = 0

The following is a snippet showing all the mods I have installed on unrealaussies.com servers:
] rcon sm plugins list
autokick is disabled for Agamemnus_uA.
[SM] Listing 32 plugins:
01 "Fun Votes" (1.5.2) by AlliedModders LLC
02 "Zombie Fortress" ( by dirtyminuth (Recode), Sirot (Original)
03 "Rock The Vote" (1.5.2) by AlliedModders LLC
04 "Map configs" (1.1.1) by Berni
05 "HLstatsX CE Ingame Plugin" (1.6.19) by psychonic
06 "Reserved Slots" (1.5.2) by AlliedModders LLC
07 "Basic Commands" (1.5.2) by AlliedModders LLC
08 "Basic Ban Commands" (1.5.2) by AlliedModders LLC
09 "MapChooser" (1.5.2) by AlliedModders LLC
10 "Nextmap" (1.5.2) by AlliedModders LLC
11 "Basic Votes" (1.5.2) by AlliedModders LLC
12 "Fun Commands" (1.5.2) by AlliedModders LLC
13 "Admin File Reader" (1.5.2) by AlliedModders LLC
14 "[TF2] Dodgeball" (1.0) by Damizean
15 "Map Nominations" (1.5.2) by AlliedModders LLC
16 "Melee Mode" (0.4) by chundo
17 "Basic Chat" (1.5.2) by AlliedModders LLC
18 "TF2 Ware" (1.6) by Mecha the Slag, edit by RavensBro
19 "[TF2Items] Give Weapon" (3.1415) by FlaminSarge (orig by asherkin)
20 "Admin Help" (1.5.2) by AlliedModders LLC
21 "Basic Comm Control" (1.5.2) by AlliedModders LLC
22 "Sound Commands" (1.5.2) by AlliedModders LLC
23 "Anti-Flood" (1.5.2) by AlliedModders LLC
24 "SentrySpawner" (0.5a) by HL-SDK
25 "Updater" (1.1.5) by GoD-Tony
26 "Admin Menu" (1.5.2) by AlliedModders LLC
27 "Basic Info Triggers" (1.5.2) by AlliedModders LLC
28 "[TF2] TF2Attributes" (1.1.1) by FlaminSarge
29 "Client Preferences" (1.5.2) by AlliedModders LLC
30 "Player Commands" (1.5.2) by AlliedModders LLC
31 "[DEV] TF2ItemsInfo" ( by Leonardo
32 "[TF2] TFGunGame" (1.2.1) by Tak (Chaosxk)

] rcon sm plugins list
autokick is disabled for Agamemnus_uA.
[SM] Listing 33 plugins:
01 "Fun Votes" (1.5.2) by AlliedModders LLC
02 "Zombie Fortress" ( by dirtyminuth (Recode), Sirot (Original)
03 "Rock The Vote" (1.5.2) by AlliedModders LLC
04 "Map configs" (1.1.1) by Berni
05 "HLstatsX CE Ingame Plugin" (1.6.19) by psychonic
06 "Reserved Slots" (1.5.2) by AlliedModders LLC
07 "Basic Commands" (1.5.2) by AlliedModders LLC
08 "Basic Ban Commands" (1.5.2) by AlliedModders LLC
09 "MapChooser" (1.5.2) by AlliedModders LLC
10 "Nextmap" (1.5.2) by AlliedModders LLC
11 "Basic Votes" (1.5.2) by AlliedModders LLC
12 "Fun Commands" (1.5.2) by AlliedModders LLC
13 "Admin File Reader" (1.5.2) by AlliedModders LLC
14 "[TF2] Dodgeball" (1.0) by Damizean
15 "Map Nominations" (1.5.2) by AlliedModders LLC
16 "Melee Mode" (0.4) by chundo
17 "Basic Chat" (1.5.2) by AlliedModders LLC
18 "TF2 Ware" (1.6) by Mecha the Slag, edit by RavensBro
19 "[TF2Items] Give Weapon" (3.1415) by FlaminSarge (orig by asherkin)
20 "Admin Help" (1.5.2) by AlliedModders LLC
21 "Basic Comm Control" (1.5.2) by AlliedModders LLC
22 "Sound Commands" (1.5.2) by AlliedModders LLC
23 "Anti-Flood" (1.5.2) by AlliedModders LLC
24 "SentrySpawner" (0.5a) by HL-SDK
25 "Updater" (1.1.5) by GoD-Tony
26 "Admin Menu" (1.5.2) by AlliedModders LLC
27 "Basic Info Triggers" (1.5.2) by AlliedModders LLC
28 "PropHunt Redux" (3.0.0 beta 3) by Darkimmortal and Powerlord
29 "[TF2] TF2Attributes" (1.1.1) by FlaminSarge
30 "Client Preferences" (1.5.2) by AlliedModders LLC
31 "Player Commands" (1.5.2) by AlliedModders LLC
32 "[DEV] TF2ItemsInfo" ( by Leonardo
33 "[TF2] TFGunGame" (1.2.1) by Tak (Chaosxk)
] rcon ph_enable
"ph_enable" = "0" ( def. "1" )
- Enables the plugin

In the first plugins list everything is working correctly, in the second, it is not.

Currently the workaround is to place prophunt.smx in the /plugins/disabled folder then add this line in your server.cfg file:
sm plugins unload /disabled/prophunt

I use the plugin from here (https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=69506&highlight=map+configs+prefixes) to make every ph_ map run this line:
sm plugins load /disabled/prophunt

This way your server will operate correctly outside of PropHunt until the author has a chance to look into it.

BIG THANKS to the author for reviving PropHunt, it's heaps of fun to play :)

Weird, Prop Hunt Redux is supposed to reset cvars OnMapEnd specifically to avoid the issue you're describing... because it's a known issue with TF2's physics not updating to the new gravity value when sv_gravity is changed mid-map.

I'll have to take a closer look at this.

Actually, setting sv_gravity 800 in server.cfg may also fix this instead of unloading Prop Hunt.

the latest tf2 updates seem to have "broken" prophunt.

- (Apparently) Pyros get only self damage with the stock flamethrower
- no other weapons seem to do self damage but I've only played pyro so far
- they can't fly

I've used the github version.

It's possible that I broke the PH config file in the main release... I'll take a look at it when I have the chance.

12-02-2013, 16:22
Sorry I haven't been replying to this thread in the past few days... came down with a nasty bout of the flu.

Weird, Prop Hunt Redux is supposed to reset cvars OnMapEnd specifically to avoid the issue you're describing... because it's a known issue with TF2's physics not updating to the new gravity value when sv_gravity is changed mid-map.

I'll have to take a closer look at this.

Actually, setting sv_gravity 800 in server.cfg may also fix this instead of unloading Prop Hunt.

It's possible that I broke the PH config file in the main release... I'll take a look at it when I have the chance.
oh yeah, I forgot about them. I've updated as you posted it. It's probably the configs.

12-02-2013, 16:24
oh yeah, I forgot about them. I've updated as you posted it. It's probably the configs.

I just checked on my test server and I'm seeing self damage with all pyro weapons I tested (degreaser, flare gun, neon annihilator).

Having said that, the flamethrower doesn't seem to take as much self damage as it used to. This might be one of the issues fixed in the 1.5.3 dev versions.

Edit: There doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to the flamethrower damage amount... sometimes a flamethrower does one amount, sometimes a different amount... it's probably fixed in SourceMod 1.5.3.

12-03-2013, 04:01
I don't remember changing something and prophunt has worked last week.

All I did was updating the data files. Yesterday the pyro self damage and flying was not working. I've updated to beta 7 from github. Nothing changed.

Today I reuploaded the data files, added beta 9, updated to latest sm & mm, unloaded / loaded tf2attributes. Still same issue.
version, plugins etc: http://pastebin.com/wEq3hUrR

I've moved all custom plugins to disabled -> restarted server. Still same issue.
I've also tested with beta 3,7,8,9.

I'm not sure what else to test.
If you or anyone else has the older data pack then I'd test it.

12-03-2013, 05:19
Sorry I haven't been replying to this thread in the past few days... came down with a nasty bout of the flu.
No stress, I'm just happy somebody is working on it.

Weird, Prop Hunt Redux is supposed to reset cvars OnMapEnd specifically to avoid the issue you're describing... because it's a known issue with TF2's physics not updating to the new gravity value when sv_gravity is changed mid-map.

I'll have to take a closer look at this.

Actually, setting sv_gravity 800 in server.cfg may also fix this instead of unloading Prop Hunt.

It's not that gravity is "broken", in fact, I have set sv_gravity 800 in my server.cfg and changing maps multiple times doesn't fix it. Also, note that jumping around the map is normal, the players' gravity isn't affected, it's the ITEMS that are floating around.

To reproduce the error, load up a server on a prophunt map, then change to a standard default map. Pick the Demoman and fire off some grenades and jump around. You'll notice the jumping is fine, while the grenades seem to float forever.

12-03-2013, 13:31
I don't remember changing something and prophunt has worked last week.

All I did was updating the data files. Yesterday the pyro self damage and flying was not working. I've updated to beta 7 from github. Nothing changed.

Today I reuploaded the data files, added beta 9, updated to latest sm & mm, unloaded / loaded tf2attributes. Still same issue.
version, plugins etc: http://pastebin.com/wEq3hUrR

I've moved all custom plugins to disabled -> restarted server. Still same issue.
I've also tested with beta 3,7,8,9.

I'm not sure what else to test.
If you or anyone else has the older data pack then I'd test it.

Not sure what to tell you. Like I said, it appears to be working on my test server (in my signature) although I haven't tested it since putting SM 1.5.3 on there.

Does it still do this with TF2Attributes not loaded? TF2Items is required, but TF2Attributes isn't.

No stress, I'm just happy somebody is working on it.

It's not that gravity is "broken", in fact, I have set sv_gravity 800 in my server.cfg and changing maps multiple times doesn't fix it. Also, note that jumping around the map is normal, the players' gravity isn't affected, it's the ITEMS that are floating around.

To reproduce the error, load up a server on a prophunt map, then change to a standard default map. Pick the Demoman and fire off some grenades and jump around. You'll notice the jumping is fine, while the grenades seem to float forever.
I think I see what's going on... some code was running if ph_enable was being changed, but said code shouldn't have been run if ph_enable was changed between maps. I think I have it fixed in my Github repo now, but I need to do some testing on some other changes I've made.

12-03-2013, 18:59
I don't remember changing something and prophunt has worked last week.

All I did was updating the data files. Yesterday the pyro self damage and flying was not working. I've updated to beta 7 from github. Nothing changed.

Today I reuploaded the data files, added beta 9, updated to latest sm & mm, unloaded / loaded tf2attributes. Still same issue.
version, plugins etc: http://pastebin.com/wEq3hUrR

I've moved all custom plugins to disabled -> restarted server. Still same issue.
I've also tested with beta 3,7,8,9.

I'm not sure what else to test.
If you or anyone else has the older data pack then I'd test it.

I actually am seeing this on my server now, but only for some clients. Trying to find out what's going on now and if it has anything to do with the client's settings (which would just be BS).

Edit: So, it looks like OnCalcCriticalAttack is being called at different rates for different players in SourceMod 1.5.x... this means we'll probably have to figure out a different way to do the flamethrower fly mechanic.

Edit 2: Filed a new bug (https://bugs.alliedmods.net/show_bug.cgi?id=5996) about it. I hope this is fixable, because it'd be a colossal pain to work around.

12-04-2013, 05:29
I actually am seeing this on my server now, but only for some clients. Trying to find out what's going on now and if it has anything to do with the client's settings (which would just be BS).

Edit: So, it looks like OnCalcCriticalAttack is being called at different rates for different players in SourceMod 1.5.x... this means we'll probably have to figure out a different way to do the flamethrower fly mechanic.

Edit 2: Filed a new bug (https://bugs.alliedmods.net/show_bug.cgi?id=5996) about it. I hope this is fixable, because it'd be a colossal pain to work around.
After reading this I've launched my local windows server and tested it.
It's working there!

I also tested if I would get more hp drain with melee weapons if it crits but it always did -10hp self damage.

Metamod:Source version 1.10.1-dev
Build ID: 863:40f95b364a37-dev
Loaded As: Valve Server Plugin
Compiled on: Aug 25 2013
Plugin interface version: 15:14
SourceHook version: 5:5

SourceMod Version Information:
SourceMod Version: 1.5.1-dev+3916
SourcePawn Engine: SourcePawn 1.1, jit-x86 (build 1.5.1-dev+3916)
SourcePawn API: v1 = 4, v2 = 4
Compiled on: Aug 31 2013 06:46:30
Build ID: 3916:ab57f916a1bf

"prophunt_redux_version" = "3.0.0 beta 7"
tf2items 1.6.0-hg258On my linux server I've changed my local rates and fps to some very low values and later also server rates to very low (2) but I could not see any change.

12-04-2013, 09:54
After reading this I've launched my local windows server and tested it.
It's working there!

I also tested if I would get more hp drain with melee weapons if it crits but it always did -10hp self damage.

Metamod:Source version 1.10.1-dev
Build ID: 863:40f95b364a37-dev
Loaded As: Valve Server Plugin
Compiled on: Aug 25 2013
Plugin interface version: 15:14
SourceHook version: 5:5

SourceMod Version Information:
SourceMod Version: 1.5.1-dev+3916
SourcePawn Engine: SourcePawn 1.1, jit-x86 (build 1.5.1-dev+3916)
SourcePawn API: v1 = 4, v2 = 4
Compiled on: Aug 31 2013 06:46:30
Build ID: 3916:ab57f916a1bf

"prophunt_redux_version" = "3.0.0 beta 7"
tf2items 1.6.0-hg258On my linux server I've changed my local rates and fps to some very low values and later also server rates to very low (2) but I could not see any change.

It may be related to the client's cmdrate.

12-04-2013, 18:41
OK, I've been working on a fix for the Flamethrower damage and jump in a separate branch (https://github.com/powerlord/sourcemod-prophunt/tree/flamethower-fix) on GitHub and now I need people to test it.

So, here's Prop Hunt Redux 3.0.0 Beta 10.

Things I need feedback on:

1. If you see any weirdness where players take damage as if they were using the flamethrower when they aren't. I'm pretty sure I got this sorted out via OnPlayerRunCmd and a SDKHooks WeaponSwitchPost hook.
2. If the flamethrower self-damage isn't right. I had to tweak how often this happened because OnPlayerRunCmd fires way too often... I eventually settles on only making it fire every third time it runs (every time was too much, every second time seemed to be too high damage).

If you don't want to try it on your own server and have a group of people to test it, you can also test it directly on my server (tf2.rbemrose.com:27015).

Edit: Word on the street is that this is still based on a user's cmdrate, just less so... going to try timers next and if that doesn't cut it (because 1/10 second is the quickest timers go), we'll fall back to OnGameFrame.

12-05-2013, 11:33
While we're on the subject of new things, here's a new Prop Hunt Data Pack (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BzWhQu3ujrMwTHllYkFEbEE1d1E/edit?usp=sharing).

Changes in this version are:

Replaces the Eureka Effect with the stock wrench instead of just stripping its attributes. This was necessary because hitting G to teleport still worked (whoops).
Crusader's Crossbow is now replaced with the Syringe Gun instead of outright blocked.
Added config file for ph_crater (see Maps post for map itself)

12-05-2013, 23:29
OK, lets try this flamethrower fly fix again.

Here's Prop Hunt Redux Beta 12. After beta 10 turned out to still be different for each client (but more often than the crit detection) and beta 11 didn't trigger often enough to work, I finally resorted to using OnGameFrame for beta 12.

This version appears to work, but further testing could help.

12-08-2013, 10:25
The version in your post immediately before this one has fixed the issue I was describing, where prophunt interfered with non-prophunt maps. It can now be left loaded and enabled while the server cycles through other mods and gametypes, then it comes to life when a ph_ map is selected without any intervention and goes to sleep when the map is finished.


If you could describe some of the bugs you wanted tested, I'd be happy to go through some of them with my guildies next time we play?

12-08-2013, 11:16
The version in your post immediately before this one has fixed the issue I was describing, where prophunt interfered with non-prophunt maps. It can now be left loaded and enabled while the server cycles through other mods and gametypes, then it comes to life when a ph_ map is selected without any intervention and goes to sleep when the map is finished.


If you could describe some of the bugs you wanted tested, I'd be happy to go through some of them with my guildies next time we play?

From the latest beta, I need people to check and make sure the flamethrower self-damage and fly ability is working and that the amount of damage is around the same what it used to be (for players not using a low framerate config).

12-10-2013, 15:00
I've updated the plugin from the first post but the version still shows as v3.0.0 beta 3, is that supposed to be like that?

12-10-2013, 16:34
I've updated the plugin from the first post but the version still shows as v3.0.0 beta 3, is that supposed to be like that?
I haven't updated the version in the first post for a while. The latest version is in this post and I'm actively working on a new version now.

12-12-2013, 15:15
So, I'm asking Gary Schwartz if he knows if there are any legal restrictions with his Kickstarter (http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/409938127/viola-spolins-theater-games-master-classes-online) voice recording and using said voice clip in server mods. Not that I know what I'd get Heavy or Demo to say in relationship to Prop Hunt.

Also, there's one last thing I want to get into PH Redux before I switch it over to 3.0.0 final... making it so if a Pyro dies within 3 seconds of being damaged by the last prop, the prop will be credited with either an assist or kill for it and thus heal back to full. The coding for this feature is "done" but I still need to test it with my two accounts and some bots as it also includes a restructure of the player_death event.

12-17-2013, 14:33
Good work.

12-17-2013, 16:04
Ah hell, I forgot to test the last changes I made to the last prop damage. Before it was playing the ding sound for damaging a player every time they used their flamethrower after a prop damaged them, so I updated the code to only apply it if the player would die...


12-17-2013, 20:26
Sooo.... up in the first post is Prop Hunt Redux 3.0.0. No beta this or that. The changelog in the first post should also be up to date.

There's a new PropHunt Data Pack (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BzWhQu3ujrMwRmlIc1NLNENYNEU/edit?usp=sharing). Changes since beta 11 aren't that big... basically, the Phlogistinator change has been reversed (it's no longer replaced by the Flamethrower) and it now includes a config file for ph_amazon.

The new PropHunt Map Essentials Pack is being uploaded as we speak. It replaces the PropHunt Resources Pack and includes the maps that tested well on my server (but I haven't put any new maps on lately, so new maps sadly aren't in there). Having said that, ALL Prop Hunt maps that I'm aware of are in the second post, and any map listed there has a config file in the PropHunt Data Pack.

12-20-2013, 15:39
While rewriting some code for the next version to reduce the amount of memory PropHunt Redux uses when non-PH maps are running, I noticed that PHR leaks 3 Handles on every map change.

I'll probably push a minor release to fix this soon.

Edit: And here it is: Prop Hunt Redux 3.0.2. 3.0.1 was skipped as mentioned in the changelog on the first post.

I'm not in a position to test this for several more hours, but it's a simple enough fix so it should work. Basically, instead of creating these 3 every map change, we instead create them at plugin start and clear them on map end.

First post will be updated once I'm able to do testing.

12-20-2013, 17:20
So, in addition to the new 3.0.2 release in the previous post, here's a new config file. The following changes have taken place:

The new Festive items now have the attributes of (or are blocked like) their normal versions.
The Wrangler and Festive Wrangler are now blocked... they're pointless since sentry guns are blocked.
The Short Circuit is now blocked. I could have sworn this was already blocked, but apparently not... and now it's basically a free way to kill Scouts without having to know where they are (seriously, it only takes 5 metal?). This now also means that all Engineer Secondaries are blocked.
The Scorch Shot and Manmelter had their self damage lowered to be in line with the other Pyro flare guns. Seriously, why would you use the Manmelter in Prop Hunt anyway? I'm considering raising the damage on the Manmelter, but...
The Spy's Sappers are now listed under PDAs for completeness.

12-22-2013, 10:21
Isn't it necessary to rename ph_chapel_rc1.cfg to ph_chapel.cfg in the map data?

12-23-2013, 12:00
Isn't it necessary to rename ph_chapel_rc1.cfg to ph_chapel.cfg in the map data?

Yes, I apparently derped there and didn't rename it.

(Sorry for the late response, not only was I sick, but had no power yesterday)

01-07-2014, 19:51
I get a File Not Found on the Medieval link in the individual maps post (#2).

01-07-2014, 19:54
I get a File Not Found on the Medieval link in the individual maps post (#2).

Should be working now with this link (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BzWhQu3ujrMwQmlPbU1SaGlEZkE/edit?usp=sharing)

01-08-2014, 17:56
Can anyone please be kind enough to rehost the map essentials pack to a link that I can wget? My connection is very slow and unstable.

Or any information how to wget that file from GDrive?

EDIT: Nvm, I figured it out :)

01-08-2014, 21:09
Can anyone please be kind enough to rehost the map essentials pack to a link that I can wget? My connection is very slow and unstable.

Or any information how to wget that file from GDrive?

EDIT: Nvm, I figured it out :)

I'd say to try https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id=0BzWhQu3ujrMwV0RqcExXRDVHVjg but I don't think that works either due to it being a larger file.

01-09-2014, 00:15
Yeah I've tried everything possible, but it's all good now.

I don't play this game mode that much so I'm not sure if these are normal?

At the start of the round there's a 10 second freezetime, voice-over saying "Mission ends in 10 seconds.."

If you're RED..

It then shows what prop you are twice..

You are now disguised as a: Large Barrel #1
You are now disguised as a: Large Barrel #1
Then another 30 seconds setup time to allow props to hide.
And it shows you what prop you are again, for the third time..
You are now disguised as a: Large Barrel #1

And when you're in BLU..

It shows this twice in chat:
Please wait while RED hide.
Please wait while RED hide.

01-09-2014, 00:17
Yeah I've tried everything possible, but it's all good now.

I don't play this game mode that much so I'm not sure if these are normal?

At the start of the round there's a 10 second freezetime, voice-over saying "Mission ends in 10 seconds.."
It then shows what prop you are twice..
Then another 30 seconds setup time to allow props to hide.
And it shows you what prop you are again, for the third time..

The double/triple display of the prop will be fixed in the next update. However, the "mission ends" part is (I think) played on the client side and is actually part of arena mode. You normally don't hear it because on normal Arena it's only 5 seconds long.

01-09-2014, 00:19
Ah, alright. Thanks, just wanted to double check. Just feels weird hearing "Mission ends.." at the start of each round.

01-09-2014, 00:20
Ah, alright. Thanks, just wanted to double check. Just feels weird hearing "Mission ends.." at the start of each round.

Yup, but that's how Valve has the arena start timer set up. You'd think it'd use the Mission begins sounds, but noooo.... I could try experimenting with it (assuming it shows up as a normal round timer in game) to see if I can change it, but no promises.

01-09-2014, 19:30
FYI for folks trying to wget files from Google drive, you can use this style of URL for any GDrive file: https://googledrive.com/host/0BzWhQu3ujrMwV0RqcExXRDVHVjg where the last component is the ID. Unfortunately this loses the filename.

If there's a better way that will keep the filenames I'd love to know as I couldn't get any other GDrive URLs to work with wget.

01-09-2014, 19:30
FYI for folks trying to wget files from Google drive, you can use this style of URL for any GDrive file: https://googledrive.com/host/0BzWhQu3ujrMwV0RqcExXRDVHVjg where the last component is the ID. Unfortunately this loses the filename.

If there's a better way that will keep the filenames I'd love to know as I couldn't get any other GDrive URLs to work with wget.

wget --content-disposition

01-09-2014, 19:31
wget --content-disposition

That's doesn't help because it simply isn't sending the filename at all... you'll see the same problem in IE, Firefox, and Chrome.

01-18-2014, 02:56
Hi, may I know, is the Pyro Fly and damage working?

Pyros aren't taking damage after using up their ammo, and they aren't able to fly...

01-18-2014, 14:43
Hi, may I know, is the Pyro Fly and damage working?

Pyros aren't taking damage after using up their ammo, and they aren't able to fly...

It should be working. It was the last time I checked PropHunt Redux on my test server. Are there any errors in your sourcemod logs?

Incidentally, what version of SourceMod are you running?

01-18-2014, 16:13
I'm unaware of how to use TF2Items is it possible you could paste the script I would put in for prophunt?

01-18-2014, 16:24
I'm unaware of how to use TF2Items is it possible you could paste the script I would put in for prophunt?

Tf2Items is just an extension that allows plugins to change weapon attributes. You download it from here (http://builds.limetech.org/?project=tf2items) (top row are the newest versions) and install it on your server.

The confusion is because the TF2Items extension comes with the similarly named TF2Items Manager plugin. PropHunt Redux doesn't need this plugin and will manage items using the extension on its own.

In theory, it's possible for TF2Items Manager and PropHunt Redux to have conflicts, but you'd have to install a TF2Items Manager config file for that.

01-18-2014, 16:32
So I don't have to config anything?

01-18-2014, 21:48
It should be working. It was the last time I checked PropHunt Redux on my test server. Are there any errors in your sourcemod logs?

Incidentally, what version of SourceMod are you running?

Version 1.5.3. Is there a config that I'm suppose to edit?

01-21-2014, 13:17
Thanks for updating this plugin. Just started using it. Will let you know if I find any issues.

Also: http://www.gamingmasters.org/prophunt/index.php?page=servers

^Fix link on front page.

01-21-2014, 14:09
Thanks for updating this plugin. Just started using it. Will let you know if I find any issues.

Also: http://www.gamingmasters.org/prophunt/index.php?page=servers

^Fix link on front page.
Oh right, I forgot they switched over to using .org now for their domains.

01-22-2014, 01:16
L 01/21/2014 - 22:06:53: [SM] Native "GetEntProp" reported: Entity -1 (-1) is invalid
L 01/21/2014 - 22:06:53: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "prophunt.smx":
L 01/21/2014 - 22:06:53: [SM] [0] Line 173, C:\Users\1\Desktop\new scripting\include\prophunt\stats2.inc::DbDeat hs()
L 01/21/2014 - 22:06:53: [SM] [1] Line 157, C:\Users\1\Desktop\new scripting\include\prophunt\stats2.inc::Player Killed()
L 01/21/2014 - 22:06:53: [SM] [2] Line 2877, prophunt.sp::Event_player_death()

My logs have been getting this error a lot. Also, for some reason I still get reports of props sometimes randomly getting a gun. Anyone else have this issue?

01-22-2014, 10:03
L 01/21/2014 - 22:06:53: [SM] Native "GetEntProp" reported: Entity -1 (-1) is invalid
L 01/21/2014 - 22:06:53: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "prophunt.smx":
L 01/21/2014 - 22:06:53: [SM] [0] Line 173, C:\Users\1\Desktop\new scripting\include\prophunt\stats2.inc::DbDeat hs()
L 01/21/2014 - 22:06:53: [SM] [1] Line 157, C:\Users\1\Desktop\new scripting\include\prophunt\stats2.inc::Player Killed()
L 01/21/2014 - 22:06:53: [SM] [2] Line 2877, prophunt.sp::Event_player_death()
My logs have been getting this error a lot.

stats2.inc isn't a public file (it's distributed solely by Geit and DarkImmortal), but assuming I have the correct version of it...

Basically, the current version of PropHunt Redux strips the Reserve Shooter from all players. This happened before I took over PropHunt (Ithink), but I can see why: The Reserve Shooter is a direct upgrade to the stock shotgun for Pyros because we limit the stock Pyro shotgun to 2 shot clips.

There are a few alternatives, but the RS is tricky because of how Valve implemented shotguns in the schema (each class's shotgun is separate).

Incidentally, the stats system doesn't like it when primary or secondary weapons are stripped from Pyros.

I may need to write some shotgun-specific code for the replacement system to take class into account.

L 01/21/2014 - 22:06:53: [SM] Native "GetEntProp" reported: Entity -1 (-1) is invalid
L 01/21/2014 - 22:06:53: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "prophunt.smx":
L 01/21/2014 - 22:06:53: [SM] [0] Line 173, C:\Users\1\Desktop\new scripting\include\prophunt\stats2.inc::DbDeat hs()
L 01/21/2014 - 22:06:53: [SM] [1] Line 157, C:\Users\1\Desktop\new scripting\include\prophunt\stats2.inc::Player Killed()
L 01/21/2014 - 22:06:53: [SM] [2] Line 2877, prophunt.sp::Event_player_death()
My logs have been getting this error a lot. Also, for some reason I still get reports of props sometimes randomly getting a gun. Anyone else have this issue?

I'm working on a new version of PropHunt Redux that moves when the Last Prop mode reset happens... right now, it only happens at round end and it really needs to happen at round start as well in case of map changes.

01-22-2014, 10:59
OK, so I'm going to be testing on a new version soon, which is intended to have the following fixes/changes:

Reset the Last Prop status on round start in addition to round end. This is to fix situations where it "sticks" into the next round for unknown reasons (or after map changes).
Player models are now removed before teams switch as another attempt to fix the "Pyros all appear as props!" bug some people see in high latency situations.
PropHunt Redux now waits to see if the current map is a PropHunt map before loading its prop configurations. This should reduce memory usage on multimod servers when PropHunt isn't active.
Prevent the Now Disguised message from displaying multiple times on round start.
New prop keyvalue: skin. This is to change a prop's skin to one other than the default. Untested, so it may not actually work.
Standardizes where player-specific values get reset so we can make sure they're always reset when a player spawns.
New cvar: ph_propmenurestrict. Defaults to 1. If set to 1, this restricts the propmenu command with args (i.e. "propmenu models/props_gameplay/cap_point_base.mdl") to only allows props that actually appear in the menu. THIS CVAR IS IGNORED ON RANKED SERVERS because ranked servers will always force this behavior on.
New file props_allmaps.txt that contains a list of props that appear on all maps. By default, this file only contains the control point prop.
New file prop_menu.txt that contains a list of props that appear in the propmenu on all maps. By default, this contains the pyro and ghost models.
New system to restrict weapon replacements to certain classes only.

The Reserve Shooter is now replaced by the stock shotgun for Pyros and allowed again for Soldiers. It was blocked for both classes.

This is to fix a 'Native "GetEntProp" reported: Entity -1 (-1) is invalid' on stats2.inc line 173, which was preventing Pyros with the Reserve Shooter from having their kills logged.

Hmm, there's more I need to test than I thought.

The values for the "replace_onlyclasses" keyword is additive:
Scout = 1
Sniper = 2
Soldier = 4
DemoMan = 8
Medic = 16
Heavy = 32
Pyro = 64
Spy = 128
Engineer = 256

01-22-2014, 11:26
OK thanks, looks good.

01-23-2014, 19:33
The things I could test seem to be working, but if someone else wants to help test the previous changes, here's Prop Hunt 3.1.0 beta 1.

(Side note: I didn't test "skins" because I was too lazy to see which props have different skins available.)

Oh, there is one last change not mentioned in the previous change log:

Fixed compilation issues in stats2.inc due to to missing constants in prophunt.sp. Apparently, these have been around for a while.

This means that prophunt.sp should now compile against stats2.inc without any changes. I'm surprised no one mentioned this was an issue before.

I've included a new PHDataPack with the new version of prophunt_config, and the new files (prop_menu.txt and props_allmaps.txt).

01-24-2014, 18:20
Crud, I forgot to include the new translation file in my previous post.

Testing on ph_propmenurestrict show it works as intended once your server has the new translation file.

01-26-2014, 10:14
I've noticed that the maps pack in post #2 does not include any config files for the maps.... anywhere we could get them?

01-26-2014, 10:57
I've noticed that the maps pack in post #2 does not include any config files for the maps.... anywhere we could get them?

Map configs are in the PHDataPack and it contains all of them (Heck, the entire PHDataPack is less than 100kb).

01-26-2014, 10:59
AH!, didn't know if you updated the pack with these new maps... thanks!

01-26-2014, 11:01
AH!, didn't know if you updated the pack with these new maps... thanks!

I think the last posted version in the first post may be slightly out of date with ph_snowworks config. It's in the 3.1.0 version I posted a few posts back, though. Just... the prophunt_config there probably doesn't work right in 3.0.2.

But yes, I update PHDataPack every time I add a new map to the maps post.

01-26-2014, 11:02
Yea I saw that one config link for that one map which is what threw me off... thanks alot powerlord for all the amazing work you've done on Prophunt!

01-26-2014, 11:03
Yea I saw that one config link for that one map which is what threw me off... thanks alot powerlord for all the amazing work you've done on Prophunt!

OK, one time I was too lazy to update PHDataPack. :P

01-26-2014, 15:20
// These are now parsed from the config file itself.

Finally! I can use custom sounds now!
I will use this "live to win" (https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/233940575/tf2_2/tf/sound/prophunt/livetowin.mp3) song. It's as long as the 'one and only'.

Btw sometimes i get some chat message twice.
Like "Please wait while RED hide." and "You are now disguised as a X"

Besides that, it's working like a charm in my multimod server, thanks!

Ohhh and one last thing, do you know the Ghost Mode redux?
Players love it in dodgeball and vs Saxton Hale but it doesn't seen to work in prophunt, sometimes the player becomes a ghost, but other it re-spawn as a civilian scout. It should work, deaths are handled like a normal arena mode, right?

Thanks for all the hard work!

01-26-2014, 16:19
Finally! I can use custom sounds now!
I will use this "live to win" (https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/233940575/tf2_2/tf/sound/prophunt/livetowin.mp3) song. It's as long as the 'one and only'.

Btw sometimes i get some chat message twice.
Like "Please wait while RED hide." and "You are now disguised as a X"
You are now disguised as X should have been fixed in 3.1.0. I haven't looked at the Please wait while RED hide message.

Ohhh and one last thing, do you know the Ghost Mode redux?
Players love it in dodgeball and vs Saxton Hale but it doesn't seen to work in prophunt, sometimes the player becomes a ghost, but other it re-spawn as a civilian scout. It should work, deaths are handled like a normal arena mode, right?

Thanks for all the hard work!

PropHunt is supposed to prevent players from respawning... I haven't checked how Ghost Mode Redux works, but I wouldn't be surprised if it works by respawning players with certain settings set.

01-27-2014, 11:27
Fresh off the presses, we have some new and updated maps for your PropHunting pleasure!

New for you today is:

007 Facility (a2 Link (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BzWhQu3ujrMwRDFURkY5YXhOVzA/edit?usp=sharing))! Based on the Facility multiplayer map from GoldenEye on the N64, it's an interesting medium-sized indoor map. It even has a few unusual props, such as the TF2 intelligence briefcase.

Updated maps today are:

Crater (a5 Link (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BzWhQu3ujrMwbWlGT0VUbEdjV3c/edit?usp=sharing)) - This has a few major changes, including adding a new building, a new secret room, fixing the skybox, adding cubemaps (fixes some graphical glitches), adding more props, and streamlining the map in general.
SnowWorks (a2 Link (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BzWhQu3ujrMwbzZoYms4MXpRRTg/edit?usp=sharing)) - Added a new health pack, shortened the round timer, and fixed Pyros being able to move before round start (this was already fixed in the config in the previous PHDataPack for 3.1.0).

While it's not really new any more, have you tried Laboratory (rc1 Link (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BzWhQu3ujrMwaDBIbTl0WS1yaWs/edit?usp=sharing)) yet?

Note that you need a new DataPack for some of these changes. A new version is attached to this post and in the thread's first post.

Warning: This DataPack include the 3.1.0 PropHunt config, which if used on PropHunt Redux 3.0.2 will allow Pyros to use the Reserve Shooter.

01-27-2014, 12:14
I have bombarding people with new versions, but here's 3.1.0 beta 2. Changes this time are:

Prevent the "Please wait while RED hide." message from displaying multiple times on round start.

Changing teams (during pre-round or via ph_switch/ph_pyro) will reset the Please wait and Now Disguised As status so that they display again after switching teams.
A successful propreroll or propmenu will reset the Now Disguised As status so that they display the new prop name.

Use it with the PHDataPack from the previous post.

Edit: Caught a last second error that I'm fixing before adding the attachments again.

Edit 2: Since no one downloaded it yet, lets swap it out with a version that doesn't do stuff in ph_pyro and ph_switch since player_team is fired anyway.

01-27-2014, 14:40
I will test it later, nice work!

Oh and, i was looking into the config file yesterday, and i'm not sure that every sound works rigth.

I replaced most sounds with custom sounds (the narrator form super smash bros brawl) and the only files that worked where the "found" and "theoneandonly". I tried reloading the config and restarting the server but it doesn't change nothing in game, i keep hearing the usual administrator form tf2(and clients download every sound).

Oh btw, why or what is !ph_internet? lol

01-27-2014, 14:47
I will test it later, nice work!

Oh and, i was looking into the config file yesterday, and i'm not sure that every sound works rigth.

I replaced most sounds with custom sounds (the narrator form super smash bros brawl) and the only files that worked where the "found" and "theoneandonly". I tried reloading the config and restarting the server but it doesn't change nothing in game, i keep hearing the usual administrator form tf2(and clients download every sound).

Oh btw, why or what is !ph_internet? lol

Remove the "game" or "broadcast" entries in the sounds if you're using custom sounds as PHRedux uses "game" / "broadcast" in preference to "sound" when they are present. If you have the ReadGameSounds extension loaded or they're sounds being sent to all players that is.

Edit: Oh right, I forgot... the Countdown and Remain sounds aren't used any more, as PHRedux pushed the counter logic over to TF2. Also, RoundStartProps and RoundStartHunters don't actually do anything, they were an idea I was messing around with but never implemented.

As for ph_internet... I just left it in there, it was there in Classic PropHunt, too.

01-27-2014, 14:57
You mean this:
"sound" "vo/announcer_am_gamestarting04.wav"
"game" "Announcer.AM_GameStarting04"

Into this:
"sound" "prophunt/readygo.mp3"
I already did that :/

Oh... i just read the new part of your comment, is there any way that you could add that feature again? I will love to use custom narrations.
(Is there any plugin to replace certain sounds in the core game like that?)

01-27-2014, 15:14
You mean this:

Into this:

I already did that :/

Oh... i just read the new part of your comment, is there any way that you could add that feature again? I will love to use custom narrations.
(Is there any plugin to replace certain sounds in the core game like that?)
Players can override the sounds on their side, but the countdown numbers are sadly client side so servers can't touch them.

And it was a lot of work to get the timer working properly... and in fact, it's the only reason we have Setup time now.

As for RoundStart, that's one that should currently be working, as we override the announcer's completely inappropriate round start quote and substitute our own.

Edit: You are doing this in the 3.1.0 betas, right? 'cause it definitely won't work in 3.0.2 because the logic isn't there to download/precache those sounds.

01-27-2014, 15:30
Yes, of course, that's why i have two sounds that already works :D

Thanks anyway, i will keep trying with the roundstart sounds!

01-27-2014, 16:11
Yes, of course, that's why i have two sounds that already works :D

Thanks anyway, i will keep trying with the roundstart sounds!
Does it just play nothing when the round starts, then? 'cause I'm looking in the code, and it does this

public OnSetupFinished(const String:output[], caller, activator, Float:delay)
// Other stuff here
PH_EmitSoundToAll("RoundStart", _, _, SNDLEVEL_AIRCRAFT);
// Other stuff here

PH_EmitSoundToAll(const String:soundid[], entity = SOUND_FROM_PLAYER, channel = SNDCHAN_AUTO, level = SNDLEVEL_NORMAL, flags = SND_NOFLAGS, Float:volume = SNDVOL_NORMAL, pitch = SNDPITCH_NORMAL, speakerentity = -1, const Float:origin[3] = NULL_VECTOR, const Float:dir[3] = NULL_VECTOR, bool:updatePos = true, Float:soundtime = 0.0)
decl String:sample[128];
// Other stuff here dealing with "game" and "broadcast" sounds
else if(GetTrieString(g_Sounds, soundid, sample, sizeof(sample)))
EmitSoundToAll(sample, entity, channel, level, flags, volume, pitch, speakerentity, origin, dir, updatePos, soundtime);
}Where g_Sounds is where it stores all the "sound" keys. We know this works, because the other sounds are played exactly the same way.

Actually, I should just get rid of that whole IsSoundPrecached section, since I actually precache them when the PropHunt config is loaded. Similarly, I should strip the unused sounds from the config file so it stops confusing people.

Edit: Wait, I just had a thought... what are the bits, kHz, and bitrate of the mp3? As I recall, Source doesn't support 48kHz sounds... and may be restricted to 128kbps bitrate, not sure.

01-27-2014, 16:23
Edit: Wait, I just had a thought... what are the bits, kHz, and bitrate of the mp3? As I recall, Source doesn't support 48kHz sounds... and may be restricted to 128kbps bitrate, not sure.
You are right, all of my files are in 128 but just the two that wok are in 44100HZ (and the rest in 48khz).
I will make new files (and rename them so the clients can download the new ones).

I will report if they are working later, thank you! :D

01-27-2014, 16:41
You are right, all of my files are in 128 but just the two that wok are in 44100HZ (and the rest in 48khz).
I will make new files (and rename them so the clients can download the new ones).

I will report if they are working later, thank you! :D
What's really weird is that vo/announcer_tournament_started1.wav through 4.wav are 48kHz files included with the game. TF2 can't play these files, though... I tried using them as part of MapChooser Extended Sounds and they just give you an error in the client console.

01-27-2014, 18:39
Awesome, now every sound works (besides countdowns) thanks :D

01-28-2014, 18:09
Courtyard has been updated to version 1_6 (briefly) and then hotfixed to version 1_65 (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BzWhQu3ujrMwUGR5bE1FaEl6TkE/edit?usp=sharing).

Closed off all 'window' rooms reducing areas required to be searched which are often forgotten about anyway.
Vastly reduced roof space so running around on the roofs is less of an option as you cannot hide over the lip of the roofs.
Removed the barrier separating top 'hut' into two sections - now just one room with an entrance at both ends.
Changed Blue Spawn > Now much smaller and is more of a corner rather than a whole empty corridor of wasted space.
Other minor changes around the map removing tiny corners in occluded areas which require time to get to with nothing around > Less time required to search places such as the stage
Added a second music button and fixed 'looping', music will now not continue after round end.
Fixed a freak lighting issue in 1_6

The cfg file hasn't changed.

01-31-2014, 13:49
007 Facility has been updated to version a4 (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BzWhQu3ujrMwRk1XTFlBTTJXNWc/edit?usp=sharing).

Removed prop...forest/woodpile.mdl
Increased time to 210 from 190
Broken some glass in the pipe areas to allow more running options
Added props here and there...hint 'theremaybeanaddedsecretortwo'
Added a couple more spots
Opened up both sides of 'Frog Area' under the control room and a chair to stop people getting stuck down there as hunters
Changed a music button from Persona 4 Reincarnation to a more tense 007 theme 'Pipeline' from The World Is Not Enough
Quickly added the swapped out music back in by popular demand - Now 4 music buttons total

You need the attached config file for the time and prop change.

Note: For those of you trying to connect to my test server, you might have noticed fastdownload and connecting to it by domain name wasn't working it. I apparently missed that my domain was expiring and I just renewed it this morning... but until DNS servers catch up, it may be broken.

01-31-2014, 14:15
Previous post was updated from version a3 to a4 (to the one person who downloaded it before I edited the post).

02-03-2014, 12:14
I'm getting reports that some of the new 2013 festive weapons don't work properly.

02-03-2014, 13:14
I'm getting reports that some of the new 2013 festive weapons don't work properly.
Really? The latest config file should have them configured identically to their non-festive counter-parts (or blocked like their non-festive counterparts; see Crusader's Crossbow).

Which festives in particular?

02-03-2014, 15:02
Hey, it's me again! i have some questions:

1.Could you add morecolors.inc support please? It's not that hard and that would be awesome!

2. I know that the "stats" part is reserved for trustworthy communities, but is there any way that you could change it to make local stats that only work in a single server?

3.When props use the !propreroll command, the line "!propreroll" shows in the chat, but that's not the case with the "/propreroll". I know that this is a sourcemod-side thing, but is there any way for you to keep the "!propreroll" away from the chat?

4.A new sound event for taunt kill maybe?

Thanks for your time, I'd appreciate your help :D

02-03-2014, 15:32
1.Could you add morecolors.inc support please? It's not that hard and that would be awesome!
Maybe. We'll see.

2. I know that the "stats" part is reserved for trustworthy communities, but is there any way that you could change it to make local stats that only work in a single server?
I started writing this, but it's taking more time than I thought it would. Hence why PropHunt Redux 3.1.0 (which I intend to release soon) will ship without it.

3.When props use the !propreroll command, the line "!propreroll" shows in the chat, but that's not the case with the "/propreroll". I know that this is a sourcemod-side thing, but is there any way for you to keep the "!propreroll" away from the chat?

As you said, this is a SourceMod core thing. It's possible to bypass it, but I'd rather not have to manually hook say/say_team/SayText2 UserMessages to deal with it, especially since there's a good chance that this will interfere with other plugins that are doing the same thing (Simple Chat Colors, for example).

A new sound event for taunt kill maybe?

Wouldn't it just be easier to have a separate plugin to do that?

02-03-2014, 16:48
Thanks for the quick response :)
1. For the first one it should be as easy as change some functions name plus the include. (I would do it myself but i don't want to do it in every update).
2. Take your time on this one, please :)
3. Never mind this, it's not that important, i will announce more the "/propreroll" thing in the server.
4. The thing is that if i use another plugin, the players will hear the "found" sound and also the 'tauntkill' sound. I would love something like:
found but alive-> found sound
found and dead-> another sound

02-05-2014, 11:45
In the BLU team pyros sometimes appears as props. It's a know bug?

02-09-2014, 14:16
The "final" version of 3.1.0 has been pushed to the first post in the thread. It's identical to 3.1.0 beta 2 except for the version number.

Make sure to install the latest PHDataPack as 3.1.0 beta 2 made some changes to it.

Incidentally, if you suddenly saw like 50 commits appear in the commit log, it's because I merged the nextversion branch back into master.

In the BLU team pyros sometimes appears as props. It's a know bug?

(I thought I replied to this earlier... whoops, guess not)

It's a bug that people with high latency seem to experience. I've tried several different methods of fixing it, including a new one in 3.1.0 (which removes the model before switching teams).

02-10-2014, 10:22
Had this happen in one of my mods.. I just loop over those clients every few seconds, grab their model strings, and if it doesn't strcontain /models/player == 0 do the whole setcustommodel "" bit on them to remove it.

Seems to mostly hit people with high ping, and admins. No idea why. It's always the same people. Does it in freak fortress too, when the boss spawns minions, those players get equipped late.

02-15-2014, 20:04
is 3.1.0 broken? the round never starts , releasing the hunters ..not sure if it is something I did wrong, but went from a working 3.02 and overwrote the gamedatapack and prophunt.smx

02-15-2014, 21:53
is 3.1.0 broken? the round never starts , releasing the hunters ..not sure if it is something I did wrong, but went from a working 3.02 and overwrote the gamedatapack and prophunt.smx

Not sure what to tell you, as it appears to be working fine on my own server.

Is it just the unfreeze part that never happens?

02-16-2014, 01:23
something at my end probably .. ill rinse and repeat

edited.. can you think of something I would be doing wrong that would explain it sometimes (or some maps?) running and other times the props release, but you don't get the countdown, clock, or release of the hunters? Saw it on 3.02 also

edited again.. ok for me right now, ph_northural_a2 and arena_brawl_b1 (and others) acts this way and doesn't start right but several other maps so far work fine

02-16-2014, 12:19
something at my end probably .. ill rinse and repeat

edited.. can you think of something I would be doing wrong that would explain it sometimes (or some maps?) running and other times the props release, but you don't get the countdown, clock, or release of the hunters? Saw it on 3.02 also

edited again.. ok for me right now, ph_northural_a2 and arena_brawl_b1 (and others) acts this way and doesn't start right but several other maps so far work fine

The round clock is started as soon as the Control Point Master calls the OnArenaRoundStart output (which is the same time as "arena_round_start" event is called).

I can't think of any reason it wouldn't be called on specific maps, though. If the Control Point Master doesn't exist in the map itself, Prop Hunt creates one on teamplay_round_start.

02-16-2014, 12:27
I'm on my wits end on this one. Coming from having run prop hunt ever since it came out. I have experienced this on 2 different servers. 1 Linux and the other 1 windows and they both act the same way.

it starts normally to release the props, but right after that, you should hear "Mission starts in 30 seconds" and you should see the clock timer count down and of course release the hunters and start the gamemode. and none of this happens.

What can I do to help myself on this??? Can I zip up my whole /addons and maybe have you take a peek???

also, I am not recompiling, I am just using the supplied .smx

02-16-2014, 14:53
I'm on my wits end on this one. Coming from having run prop hunt ever since it came out. I have experienced this on 2 different servers. 1 Linux and the other 1 windows and they both act the same way.

it starts normally to release the props, but right after that, you should hear "Mission starts in 30 seconds" and you should see the clock timer count down and of course release the hunters and start the gamemode. and none of this happens.

What can I do to help myself on this??? Can I zip up my whole /addons and maybe have you take a peek???

also, I am not recompiling, I am just using the supplied .smx

*sigh* You could do that, but I'm just going to start with standard diagnostics, like testing with all plugins on, then removing 1/3 to 1/2 of the plugins, etc...

Incidentally, my main test server is a Linux server and I double-checked to make sure I'm not having these issues on North Ural (screenshots: setup (http://steamcommunity.com/id/powerlord/screenshot/3300314195182611867), round (http://steamcommunity.com/id/powerlord/screenshot/3300314195182626148)) or brawl (screenshots: setup (http://steamcommunity.com/id/powerlord/screenshot/3300314195182681871), round (http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=228911810)).

02-16-2014, 17:42
i will build a new server and do a from new mm/sm with only prophunt, although I am pretty clean already with only stuff like spraytrace and teleport and radio above and beyond. But I need to start from beginning with only redux and nothing else and see what happens. Stay 1.5.3 newest? or go 1.6 dev?

02-16-2014, 17:59
i will build a new server and do a from new mm/sm with only prophunt, although I am pretty clean already with only stuff like spraytrace and teleport and radio above and beyond. But I need to start from beginning with only redux and nothing else and see what happens. Stay 1.5.3 newest? or go 1.6 dev?

I'd still stick with 1.5.3 devs. My test server still runs hg3954.

02-16-2014, 19:41
well this is damn weird. I just made a brand new server. Installed just MMv1.10.1 and SM v1.5.3 3997, tf2items-1.6.0-hg258-linux, steamtools.ext.so, and just used content from OP and it acts the same way. No other plugins than this and stock SM - no change, same behavior...

ill try 3954 I guess

02-16-2014, 20:11
why is so much stuff commented out in the sound section of prophunt_config.cfg??

"sound" "vo/announcer_am_gamestarting04.wav"
"game" "Announcer.AM_GameStarting04"
// "channel" "7"
// "soundlevel" "95"
// "RoundStartProps"
// {
// "sound" "vo/mvm_wave_start11.wav"
// "channel" "7"
// }
// "RoundStartHunters"
// {
// "sound" "vo/announcer_dec_missionbegins30s03.wav"
// "channel" "7"
// }
// "LastPlayer"
// {
// "sound" "vo/announcer_am_lastmanalive01.wav"
// "game" "Announcer.AM_LastManAlive01"
// }
"sound" "vo/mvm_bonus01.wav"
// "game" "Announcer.MVM_Bonus"
// "channel" "7"
"sound" "vo/pyro_positivevocalization01.wav"
"game" "Pyro.PositiveVocalization01"
"sound" "prophunt/snaaake.mp3"
"sound" "prophunt/found.mp3"
"sound" "prophunt/oneandonly.mp3"
// "Countdown30"
// {
// "sound" "vo/announcer_begins_30sec.wav"
// "game" "Announcer.RoundBegins30Seconds"
// }
// "Countdown20"
// {
// "sound" "vo/announcer_begins_20sec.wav"
// "game" "Announcer.RoundBegins20Seconds"
// }
// "Countdown10"
// {
// "sound" "vo/announcer_begins_10sec.wav"
// "game" "Announcer.RoundBegins10Seconds"
// }
// "Countdown5"
// {
// "sound" "vo/announcer_begins_5sec.wav"
// "game" "Announcer.RoundBegins5Seconds"
// }
// "Countdown4"
// {
// "sound" "vo/announcer_begins_4sec.wav"
// "game" "Announcer.RoundBegins4Seconds"
// }
// "Countdown3"
// {
// "sound" "vo/announcer_begins_3sec.wav"
// "game" "Announcer.RoundBegins3Seconds"
// }
// "Countdown2"
// {
// "sound" "vo/announcer_begins_2sec.wav"
// "game" "Announcer.RoundBegins2Seconds"
// }
// "Countdown1"
// {
// "sound" "vo/announcer_begins_1sec.wav"
// "game" "Announcer.RoundBegins1Seconds"
// }
// "Remain30"
// {
// "sound" "vo/announcer_ends_30sec.wav"
// "game" "Announcer.RoundEnds30seconds"
// }
// "Remain10"
// {
// "sound" "vo/announcer_ends_10sec.wav"
// "game" "Announcer.RoundEnds10seconds"
// }
// "Remain5"
// {
// "sound" "vo/announcer_ends_5sec.wav"
// "game" "Announcer.RoundEnds5seconds"
// }
// "Remain4"
// {
// "sound" "vo/announcer_ends_4sec.wav"
// "game" "Announcer.RoundEnds4seconds"
// }
// "Remain3"
// {
// "sound" "vo/announcer_ends_3sec.wav"
// "game" "Announcer.RoundEnds3seconds"
// }
// "Remain2"
// {
// "sound" "vo/announcer_ends_2sec.wav"
// "game" "Announcer.RoundEnds2seconds"
// }
// "Remain1"
// {
// "sound" "vo/announcer_ends_1sec.wav"
// "game" "Announcer.RoundEnds1seconds"
// }
// "TimeAdded"
// {
// "sound" "vo/announcer_time_awarded.wav"
// "game" "Announcer.TimeAdded"
// }
// "TimeAdded2"
// {
// "sound" "vo/announcer_time_added.wav"
// "game" "Announcer.TimeAwarded"
// }
// "ButtonDisabled"
// {
// "sound" "buttons/button10.wav"
// }
"sound" "buttons/button24.wav"
"sound" "buttons/button3.wav"

02-17-2014, 01:39
why is so much stuff commented out in the sound section of prophunt_config.cfg??

"sound" "vo/announcer_am_gamestarting04.wav"
"game" "Announcer.AM_GameStarting04"
// "channel" "7"
// "soundlevel" "95"
// "RoundStartProps"
// {
// "sound" "vo/mvm_wave_start11.wav"
// "channel" "7"
// }
// "RoundStartHunters"
// {
// "sound" "vo/announcer_dec_missionbegins30s03.wav"
// "channel" "7"
// }
// "LastPlayer"
// {
// "sound" "vo/announcer_am_lastmanalive01.wav"
// "game" "Announcer.AM_LastManAlive01"
// }
"sound" "vo/mvm_bonus01.wav"
// "game" "Announcer.MVM_Bonus"
// "channel" "7"
"sound" "vo/pyro_positivevocalization01.wav"
"game" "Pyro.PositiveVocalization01"
"sound" "prophunt/snaaake.mp3"
"sound" "prophunt/found.mp3"
"sound" "prophunt/oneandonly.mp3"
// "Countdown30"
// {
// "sound" "vo/announcer_begins_30sec.wav"
// "game" "Announcer.RoundBegins30Seconds"
// }
// "Countdown20"
// {
// "sound" "vo/announcer_begins_20sec.wav"
// "game" "Announcer.RoundBegins20Seconds"
// }
// "Countdown10"
// {
// "sound" "vo/announcer_begins_10sec.wav"
// "game" "Announcer.RoundBegins10Seconds"
// }
// "Countdown5"
// {
// "sound" "vo/announcer_begins_5sec.wav"
// "game" "Announcer.RoundBegins5Seconds"
// }
// "Countdown4"
// {
// "sound" "vo/announcer_begins_4sec.wav"
// "game" "Announcer.RoundBegins4Seconds"
// }
// "Countdown3"
// {
// "sound" "vo/announcer_begins_3sec.wav"
// "game" "Announcer.RoundBegins3Seconds"
// }
// "Countdown2"
// {
// "sound" "vo/announcer_begins_2sec.wav"
// "game" "Announcer.RoundBegins2Seconds"
// }
// "Countdown1"
// {
// "sound" "vo/announcer_begins_1sec.wav"
// "game" "Announcer.RoundBegins1Seconds"
// }
// "Remain30"
// {
// "sound" "vo/announcer_ends_30sec.wav"
// "game" "Announcer.RoundEnds30seconds"
// }
// "Remain10"
// {
// "sound" "vo/announcer_ends_10sec.wav"
// "game" "Announcer.RoundEnds10seconds"
// }
// "Remain5"
// {
// "sound" "vo/announcer_ends_5sec.wav"
// "game" "Announcer.RoundEnds5seconds"
// }
// "Remain4"
// {
// "sound" "vo/announcer_ends_4sec.wav"
// "game" "Announcer.RoundEnds4seconds"
// }
// "Remain3"
// {
// "sound" "vo/announcer_ends_3sec.wav"
// "game" "Announcer.RoundEnds3seconds"
// }
// "Remain2"
// {
// "sound" "vo/announcer_ends_2sec.wav"
// "game" "Announcer.RoundEnds2seconds"
// }
// "Remain1"
// {
// "sound" "vo/announcer_ends_1sec.wav"
// "game" "Announcer.RoundEnds1seconds"
// }
// "TimeAdded"
// {
// "sound" "vo/announcer_time_awarded.wav"
// "game" "Announcer.TimeAdded"
// }
// "TimeAdded2"
// {
// "sound" "vo/announcer_time_added.wav"
// "game" "Announcer.TimeAwarded"
// }
// "ButtonDisabled"
// {
// "sound" "buttons/button10.wav"
// }
"sound" "buttons/button24.wav"
"sound" "buttons/button3.wav"

The commented out sounds are ones that are handled client-side since PH 2.0. They're built into the timer logic.

02-18-2014, 18:23
well this is damn weird. I just made a brand new server. Installed just MMv1.10.1 and SM v1.5.3 3997, tf2items-1.6.0-hg258-linux, steamtools.ext.so, and just used content from OP and it acts the same way. No other plugins than this and stock SM - no change, same behavior...

ill try 3954 I guess

Did you ever get around to trying hg3954 and finding out if it was an SM issue with newer versions? The only other things I can think is that it could either be a server configuration difference (as in cvars and stuff in server.cfg) or timing issue. I thought PH Redux disabled any cvars that would cause issues (tf_arena_round_time, etc...).

02-18-2014, 18:40
I'm using SM 1.5.3-dev+3997, "prophunt_redux_version" = "3.0.2" and everything works fine as far as I can tell.

02-18-2014, 22:25
Did you ever get around to trying hg3954 and finding out if it was an SM issue with newer versions? The only other things I can think is that it could either be a server configuration difference (as in cvars and stuff in server.cfg) or timing issue. I thought PH Redux disabled any cvars that would cause issues (tf_arena_round_time, etc...).

I did try 3954 with no joy. I will try a totally stripped server.cfg I have no idea why this does what it does,, I continue to run original prop hunt, but wanted to move to what was kind of supported (most current) so far, I have no earthly idea why it is doing what it is.

3 servers now, just kinda stops with the game control right after the props are released on about 1/2 the maps. The ones that work, run fine. no errors anywhere I can find

02-20-2014, 15:07
Here's PropHunt Redux 3.1.1. It's a quick fix for multi-mod servers (or ones that alternate between PHR and normal maps... fapclan I'm looking at you) where PHR isn't removing its game description when the map ends.

BBG: I'll probably create a debug version of PHR soon to try to track down what exactly is going on for your server.

02-20-2014, 21:11
ill check with Wliu, but we could probably borrow the FF2 test server for a few days and put PHR on it and let you also have full access also. This is a dedicated server for bleeding edge of FF2 beta... ill upload all the ph maps onto that server tonight

02-21-2014, 11:37
ill check with Wliu, but we could probably borrow the FF2 test server for a few days and put PHR on it and let you also have full access also. This is a dedicated server for bleeding edge of FF2 beta... ill upload all the ph maps onto that server tonight

Hmm, well in the meantime here's a version of 3.1.1 with a few new logging messages added and compiled with LOG defined.

I'm particularly interested in if these messages ever appear in the sourcemod log for the maps where the round isn't starting:

"[PH] cpmaster spawned"
Any line starting with "[PH] setting up cpmaster"

Finding out whether these are printing or not will basically show me what I need to do next to seek a way ou... er... find out what's going on. Even if only one of the two prints that gives me a starting location (the first line will print even on non-PH maps for debugging reasons).

(Sorry, was playing the 999 / Virtue's Last Reward series again lately)

02-21-2014, 20:12
L 02/21/2014 - 20:20:10: SourceMod error session started
L 02/21/2014 - 20:20:10: Info (map "ph_watchtower_a1") (file "errors_20140221.log")
L 02/21/2014 - 20:20:10: [STEAMTOOLS] Server Gameplay Stats received with an unexpected eResult. (eResult = 20)
L 02/21/2014 - 20:21:53: Error log file session closed.
L 02/21/2014 - 20:21:59: SourceMod error session started
L 02/21/2014 - 20:21:59: Info (map "ph_headquarters_b3") (file "errors_20140221.log")
L 02/21/2014 - 20:21:59: [STEAMTOOLS] Server Gameplay Stats received with an unexpected eResult. (eResult = 20)


I have pmed you regarding access info. Hopefully this effort will help and I sure hope it is not something stupid I have done. If it is my fault, I sure hope it is obvious with not taking much of your time.

02-22-2014, 15:35
As we just found out the hard way, PropHunt Redux doesn't like it if you put mp_restartround (with a non-zero value) in server.cfg. I'm not exactly sure why this is, but it will cause some maps to start without the prophunt timers. Slaying all players will "fix" this by advancing to the second round.

I'll look into this to find out if there's something not being reset on round start that makes PHR think the round is still running, but it may be that the restart happens partway during PH load... not sure. That would explain why only some maps are affected by this.

02-23-2014, 18:47
thanks for the detective work!

Raceboat Racer X
02-24-2014, 16:56
Here's PropHunt Redux 3.1.1. It's a quick fix for multi-mod servers (or ones that alternate between PHR and normal maps... fapclan I'm looking at you) where PHR isn't removing its game description when the map ends.

Nice shoutout! Coincidently, I came here looking for that exact fix. You always have exactly what I need, Powerlord, thanks!

03-09-2014, 18:08
If anyone has these two maps can you please post them:



03-09-2014, 19:00
If anyone has these two maps can you please post them:



Google found me a link to download the former (http://ge.tt/6ek9BNX/v/0) (with an appropriate cfg file), but not the latter.

TFStats seems to think that Saxton Hell "PropHunt Hell" server is the only server that has ever played these maps, so they may be private maps for their server.

I'd rather not just add random maps to the main list unless I know for sure they're intended for public distribution.

03-09-2014, 21:58

Also the SnowWorks map you added to to second post the control point doesn't heal players.

Another thing I been getting complaints from my player saying the Spell Books need to be removed. I get reports saying if a person with a Spell Book equip spectates another prop it will show the Spell Book on that player. This makes it easier for that prop to be found. Not sure if this is just a issue with me or anyone else.

03-09-2014, 23:29

Also the SnowWorks map you added to to second post the control point doesn't heal players.

Hmm... I don't think I've ever tried SnowWorks. I'd have to take a look at it. In theory, it hooks the control point prop's Touch event using SDKHooks so if the point is visible, it should work...

Another thing I been getting complaints from my player saying the Spell Books need to be removed. I get reports saying if a person with a Spell Book equip spectates another prop it will show the Spell Book on that player. This makes it easier for that prop to be found. Not sure if this is just a issue with me or anyone else.

Spellbooks are supposed to be stripped. In fact, everything for RED players is supposed to be stripped. It appears to be working properly on my test server using the latest TF2Items 1.6.0 build (hg238 I think). During last prop logic, spellbooks are explicitly stripped.

Having said that, action items interact a bit weirdly with TF2Items, so I may have to do something more explicit to block them (i.e. remove them after spawn).

03-09-2014, 23:56
Hmm... I don't think I've ever tried SnowWorks. I'd have to take a look at it. In theory, it hooks the control point prop's Touch event using SDKHooks so if the point is visible, it should work...

Spellbooks are supposed to be stripped. In fact, everything for RED players is supposed to be stripped. It appears to be working properly on my test server using the latest TF2Items 1.6.0 build (hg238 I think). During last prop logic, spellbooks are explicitly stripped.

Having said that, action items interact a bit weirdly with TF2Items, so I may have to do something more explicit to block them (i.e. remove them after spawn).

Might want to check out that map. I did notice it seems like you sort of clip through the CP so maybe that's why idk.

File: tf2items.ext.2.ep2v.dll
Loaded: Yes (version 1.6.0)
Name: TF2Items (TF2 Item Modifier)
Author: Asherkin & AzuiSleet & Damizean (http://limetech.org/)
Binary info: API version 5 (compiled Nov 21 2013)
Method: Loaded by SourceMod, attached to Metamod:Source

That's my TF2Items version.

Dr. Greg House
03-21-2014, 22:19
Could it be that Valve utterly broke the rotation? I know there's no prop using it by default, but since the plugin offers the possibility I tried to add some new props:

-Rotations cannot be reset on respawn, so it sticks (I then played around with it a little further, it seems that there are states in game when you cannot set this - after the winpanel event I think, for example)
-CustomModelRotates does not seem to work

Maybe someone should email Valve about this. (I can't, they seem to have been ignoring me since ever. The flamethrower sound bug still isn't fixed)
My hope is that as the current prophunt maintainer you could have a chance reaching out to them as these things where actually added because of community requests (actually for prophunt to be exact).

03-22-2014, 15:09
Could it be that Valve utterly broke the rotation? I know there's no prop using it by default, but since the plugin offers the possibility I tried to add some new props:

-Rotations cannot be reset on respawn, so it sticks (I then played around with it a little further, it seems that there are states in game when you cannot set this - after the winpanel event I think, for example)
-CustomModelRotates does not seem to work

I haven't really done much with rotation. I had originally intended to use it with the coffin prop on ph_manor_event, but never got around to it.

Having said that, if CustomModelRotates didn't work, then proplock would be broken, as its the input proplock uses.

Anyway, I have no special pull with Valve.

Dr. Greg House
03-22-2014, 15:34
[...]Having said that, if CustomModelRotates didn't work, then proplock would be broken, as its the input proplock uses.[...]

Then it seems that the combination of both (+SetCustomModelRotation) doesn't work.
That and the other issue is that you cannot clear the rotation (or clear it manually/change it by using the respective input) in/after the arenawinpanel event (I assume this is because humiliation stuff fiddles around with it, idk). This results in the stock model to have the rotation/tilt.

[...]Anyway, I have no special pull with Valve.

I have sent them an email already today, but I don't have a special pull either.
However these inputs have been added because of community requests and exist specifically for prophunt. So I assume you could have a major influence when you present yourself as the current maintainer of this project. I think prophunt would greatly benefit from that and I (and I assume others of course) would be immensely thankful for you at least trying to reach out to them and try to pull some strings because of the role you currently have regarding prophunt. I have a devs mail-address if you like to have it (PM) but I am certain you'll get the addresses of a few more people by asking on the irc.

04-01-2014, 18:36
Also the SnowWorks map you added to to second post the control point doesn't heal players.

Hmm... I don't think I've ever tried SnowWorks. I'd have to take a look at it. In theory, it hooks the control point prop's Touch event using SDKHooks so if the point is visible, it should work...

It seems the mapper made the control point solid "0" instead of solid "6". I fixed this by using stripper to change it's value and it worked. Attached is the Stripper Source (https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=39439) .cfg if anyone else wants to use this map.

04-11-2014, 00:27
Just a quick question, do you know a plugin that shows who is spectating you? my friend saw this in a phr server the other day.
Also, my friend made this awesome pic about PH to use as a decal:

04-14-2014, 10:56
Then it seems that the combination of both (+SetCustomModelRotation) doesn't work.
That and the other issue is that you cannot clear the rotation (or clear it manually/change it by using the respective input) in/after the arenawinpanel event (I assume this is because humiliation stuff fiddles around with it, idk). This results in the stock model to have the rotation/tilt.
Hmm, I haven't tested in the code to see if this makes the non-prop players have weird rotations (i.e. if it applies to stock models).

Currently, we reset the rotation on prop players if no rotation is set in the config.

It seems the mapper made the control point solid "0" instead of solid "6". I fixed this by using stripper to change it's value and it worked. Attached is the Stripper Source (https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=39439) .cfg if anyone else wants to use this map.

I keep forgetting to report this to the author over on GamingMasters. Now that work is blocking their board, I have to do it while I'm at home.

Just a quick question, do you know a plugin that shows who is spectating you? my friend saw this in a phr server the other day.

This plugin may work in TF2, I'm not sure... I haven't tested it.

Also, my friend made this awesome pic about PH to use as a decal:
Ha, I like it.

I'd be tempted to put it in the first post as the Prop Hunt logo, but I'd have to ask your friend if that's OK first.

04-14-2014, 11:17
OK, now that I've cleared my pending stuff, here's Prop Hunt Redux 3.1.2.

Changes this time are:

Changed team switch time from 0.1 seconds before round end to 0.2 seconds before round end
Optimization: mp_bonusroundtime is now read as a Float (it has the above value subtracted from it, so it had to be converted to one anyway).

This is actually a regression fix. In 2.x versions, teams switched 0.2 seconds before round change. In 3.x versions, this was changed to 0.1 seconds.

However, 0.1 seconds is also the minimum timer accuracy in SourceMod and there is a slim chance that players wouldn't be switched until after the round changed, which causes all sorts of problems.

This is now controlled by a define in the code (#define TEAM_CHANGE_TIME) and set to 0.2 by default.

04-15-2014, 03:57
An interesting feature:

04-15-2014, 08:49
I just played it for quite a while now and the scouts seem to have a huge advantage.
I wouldn't prefer to see this in prophunt as props usually win already

04-15-2014, 12:31
An interesting feature:

I just played it for quite a while now and the scouts seem to have a huge advantage.
I wouldn't prefer to see this in prophunt as props usually win already

There's an ongoing conversation (http://www.gamingmasters.org/threads/prophunt-the-next-generation.9605/#post-192372) about this on the GamingMasters board.

General consensus so far is that people don't want it implemented.

04-15-2014, 12:35
yee I think it would be too hard to maintain for too little you would get out of it. That and the balance issues. So no go for me.

04-15-2014, 14:49
Allow the scout to disguise just once, and maybe it would work!

04-15-2014, 15:15
The issue is not the disguise switching. Propmenu and other stuff regarding this still exist. It is too unreliable, too random, and too unfair towards pyros who already lose in most cases. Why try so hard to make a game even harder and buggier? Then rather let the props pick their disguise once from the propmenu.

04-16-2014, 13:40
Ha, I like it.

I'd be tempted to put it in the first post as the Prop Hunt logo, but I'd have to ask your friend if that's OK first.

My friend just said that he would love if you use his pic in the first post :)

04-16-2014, 13:59
After I do some testing to make sure it doesn't break anything, PropHunt Redux 3.1.3 will probably be posted... this one is to do more stripping of action items since some servers are reporting that they're still around despite PHR blocking them using TF2Items...

The new version is only going to be blocking action items that are visible this way, though. I thought about blocking noisemakers and taunts too, but if someone wants to be dumb and make it easier to find them...

My friend just said that he would love if you use his pic in the first post :)
Does said friend have a name and/or link?

04-16-2014, 14:16
Does said friend have a name and/or link?


But right now he is traveling, so we barely talk since the last week.

04-16-2014, 15:58
Edit: On another subject, I've heard we'll see a fixed version of ph_snowworks soon.


But right now he is traveling, so we barely talk since the last week.
I wonder if your friend would be OK with me cropping it. I just noticed it has a lot of blank space around the edges and I want to keep around of space it uses down.

(I hope so, because I cropped the version I added to the first post)

Edit 2: BAH, I somehow only donloaded the 600x600 version instead of the 1024x1024 version... will fix soon.

unlucky ducky
04-16-2014, 17:20
So we recently ended up updating our server to 3.1.2 and we've noticed a few issues being present.

One where a prop spawned with a weapon and the server then kept "punishing" the player for having a weapon by constantly changing the player's prop, but did absolutely nothing about the weapon itself. Said issue has only happened once so far though so hopefully it's just a temporary fluke connected to the act of updating the server. I'll be sure to post again if it turns out to be a recurring issue.

Another issue we had was that weapons that deal bleed damage seemingly apply the bleed damage to the player that uses it as well. I've checked other 3.1.2 servers and they all seem to do the same thing so it's not just an issue with our server.

04-16-2014, 17:32
There's an ongoing conversation (http://www.gamingmasters.org/threads/prophunt-the-next-generation.9605/#post-192372) about this on the GamingMasters board.

General consensus so far is that people don't want it implemented.

Make natives for other plugins to pick the prop and set the prop for each players and make a cvar to disable the prop menu on spawn, if there already isnt one, i havent paid much attention to prop hunt though.

04-16-2014, 17:40
Incidentally, is anyone else seeing issues with spellbooks being visible to some players? I want to know before I actually update this code, although I suppose it couldn't *hurt* to have it.

So we recently ended up updating our servers to 3.1.2 and we've noticed a few issues being present.

One where a prop spawned with a weapon and the server then kept "punishing" the player for having a weapon by constantly changing the player's prop, but did absolutely nothing about the weapon itself. Said issue has only happened once so far though so hopefully it's just a temporary fluke connected to the act of updating the server. I'll be sure to post again if it turns out to be a recurring issue.

I think I need to throw in a TF2_RemoveAllWeapons call as it appears to be missing. Whoops.

Another issue we had was that weapons that deal bleed damage seemingly apply the bleed damage to the player that uses it as well. I've checked other 3.1.2 servers and they all seem to do the same thing.

Hmm... I know what's causing this and it should be any easy fix. It's been present since PropHunt Redux 3.0.0 at least. It likely didn't get caught because there are only two non-Scout weapons with bleed... Engineer's Southern Hospitality and Sniper's Tribalman's Shiv.

Make natives for other plugins to pick the prop and set the prop for each players and make a cvar to disable the prop menu on spawn, if there already isnt one, i havent paid much attention to prop hunt though.

That's not the only thing they changed, though... they also changed how the self-damage works.

unlucky ducky
04-16-2014, 17:49
I think I need to throw in a TF2_RemoveAllWeapons call as it appears to be missing. Whoops.
That would explain things. Thanks for the quick response :)

Hmm... I know what's causing this and it should be any easy fix. It's been present since PropHunt Redux 3.0.0 at least. It likely didn't get caught because there are only two non-Scout weapons with bleed... Engineer's Southern Hospitality and Sniper's Tribalman's Shiv.It's not a major issue, but some of our players seemingly like to use those weapons ^^;

unlucky ducky
04-16-2014, 18:08
Noticed yet another issue. For whatever reason we're having a rather annoying issue where the first round after a mapchange never really starts properly. The initial phase with props being able to respawn ends correctly and they start being able to move, but after that the next timer never starts and pyros are either frozen until they kill themselves or stuck behind spawn doors that never open.

Edit: Read the previous pages and I'm gonna have a look at our server config.

04-16-2014, 18:26
Noticed yet another issue. For whatever reason we're having a rather annoying issue where the first round after a mapchange never really starts properly. The initial phase with props being able to respawn ends correctly and they start being able to move, but after that the next timer never starts and pyros are either frozen until they kill themselves or stuck behind spawn doors that never open.

Edit: Read the previous pages and I'm gonna have a look at our server config.

Yeah, mp_restartround (or whatever it's named) causes problems with PropHunt.

unlucky ducky
04-16-2014, 18:28
Yeah, mp_restartround (or whatever it's named) causes problems with PropHunt.
Is the solution to set it to 0 or do you need to remove it altogether?

04-16-2014, 18:29
Is the solution to set it to 0 or do you need to remove it alltogether?

Remove it altogether.

Not sure why so many servers have it to be honest.

unlucky ducky
04-16-2014, 18:33
Remove it altogether.

Not sure why so many servers have it to be honest.
I'm not the maintenance guy for our servers so I'm not sure either, but it could possibly be a remnant from our other servers I think.

Thanks a lot for the help though! :)

04-17-2014, 15:40
I haven't been able to test the weapon punishment change, but the fix to bleed weapons appears to be working.

So, without further ado, here's PropHunt Redux 3.1.3.

Changes this time around include:

Regression fix: Bleed weapons no longer cause their owners to take bleed damage when they use them. Bug was introduced in PHR 3.0 beta 1 or so.
Regression fix: If a prop player is detected as having a weapons, we now attempt to strip their weapons instead of just blindly re-running the Equip timer. Bug was introduced in PHR 3.0 beta 1 or so.
Canteens and Spellbooks are now blocked twice since some servers were reporting the first method wasn't working.

Edit: Updated because I accidently put if IsClientInGame(entity) instead of IsClientInGame(owner)

Dr. Greg House
04-17-2014, 16:19
+public Action:OnBlockedPropItemSpawned(entity) +{ + if (!IsValidEntity(entity)) + return Plugin_Continue; + + new owner = GetEntPropEnt(entity, Prop_Send, "m_hOwnerEntity"); + if (owner < 1 || owner > MaxClients) + return Plugin_Continue; + + if (!IsClientInGame(entity)) + return Plugin_Continue; + + new team = GetClientTeam(owner); + if (team == _:TFTeam_Red) + return Plugin_Stop; + + return Plugin_Continue; +}Ahem. :p

Wtf? Anyway, just scroll until you see the bold part.

04-17-2014, 16:23
+public Action:OnBlockedPropItemSpawned(entity) +{ + if (!IsValidEntity(entity)) + return Plugin_Continue; + + new owner = GetEntPropEnt(entity, Prop_Send, "m_hOwnerEntity"); + if (owner < 1 || owner > MaxClients) + return Plugin_Continue; + + if (!IsClientInGame(entity)) + return Plugin_Continue; + + new team = GetClientTeam(owner); + if (team == _:TFTeam_Red) + return Plugin_Stop; + + return Plugin_Continue; +}

Ahem. :p

I'm not sure what happened with that quote (it's all bunched up on one line), but yeah, I'll fix that IsClientInGame check in a sec. Done, I'll attach new versions here.

I also replaced the version in the previous post (they were listed as having 0 views).

Dr. Greg House
04-17-2014, 16:24

04-18-2014, 09:23
ph_snowworks has been updated to version a3 (https://www.dropbox.com/sh/b6r0jutgdz7x9op/-VtD1ZwT8o).

Fixes this time include:

Small healthpack changed to medium healthpack
Added snow and icicles to the roofs
Fixed the CP not working
Added 4 music buttons:

Drawn to life - Snowy World theme
Agatha Christie's Poirot - Poirot theme
Banjo Kazooie - Mr Patch theme remix
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon - Frosty Grotto remix​

Note: I personally haven't tested it to make sure it's fixed, but...

Oh, right, the reason this is important is because the Control Point wasn't working properly before and it should now be fixed.

unlucky ducky
04-21-2014, 07:21
You might want to consider updating the prophunt_config.cfg you provide in the data pack. The current version supplied does not include the Fortified Compound meaning that props can be one-shot if it's not given the same damage reduction as the Huntsman already has.

"name" "The Fortified Compound"
"item_name" "#TF_FortifiedCompound"
"damage_hunters" "0.85"

04-21-2014, 09:43
You might want to consider updating the prophunt_config.cfg you provide in the data pack. The current version supplied does not include the Fortified Compound meaning that props can be one-shot if it's not given the same damage reduction as the Huntsman already has.

"name" "The Fortified Compound"
"item_name" "#TF_FortifiedCompound"
"damage_hunters" "0.85"
Whoops, you're right. I'll fix that before releasing 3.1.3 on the first page.

Edit: While we're at it, here's the new prophunt_config.cfg.

I found another bug in it: The Gold Botkiller Sniper Rifle Mk.II wasn't being blocked. Found this out while fixing all the Mk.I and Mk.II botkiller names and noticing that only one Sniper Rifle was a Mk.II when there should have been two (Silver and Gold).

04-22-2014, 16:21
First post has been updated with 3.1.3 and the new PHDataPack that includes the config file mentioned above.

04-24-2014, 13:57

I have a quick question for you regarding the redux version of PH since I am FINALLY getting off my lazy @$$ and updating from the original (non-redux) version.

Firstly, I am currently running PH along side DB with no issues. Have there been any major changes that could compromise this stability in running both mods on the same server? (Different maps of course. I am using a map cfg plugin as a secondary measure to make sure all PH maps have the db enabling cvar set to 0, and the same, all DB maps have the ph enabling cvar set to 0) I know you might not be able to “guarantee” that no issues can arise from this but you haven’t seen any conflicts with this yet have you?

Also, I think I need some clarification on the uses of the different prop text files. I believe I have it SOMEWHAT figured out but I wanted to be sure if/when I ever added/removed props, etc.

prop_common.txt (used as a list of ALL props available to the plugin, their Proper Names, and any offsets that the prop requires)

prop_menu.txt (list of all props available in the prop menu on ALL MAPS)

props_allmaps.txt (list of all props that are available for the reroll option and in random selection on round start across ALL MAPS)

*mapname*.cfg (list of all props that are available for the reroll option in random selection on round start for THIS MAP ONLY)

So, if I understand this correctly. Unless the cvar is enabled AND the player manually types the prop name for selection (/propmenumodels/something/something.mdl), then the only props the plugin will be looking at (first) are the ones listed in prop_common.txt?

All props in the prop_menu.txt file will be available within the prop menu across all maps but WILL NOT be considered when randomly applying a prop to a player?

Only props listed within props_allmaps.txt will be considered when the plugin is applying a random prop (whether on round start or on reroll) to a player?

And ofcourse *mapname*.cfg expands the list of props considered when applying a random prop (whether on round start or reroll) to a player, but only for specific map?

Do I have that correct? I hope so….

04-24-2014, 14:40

I have a quick question for you regarding the redux versionof PH since I am FINALLY getting off my lazy @$$ and updating from the original(non-redux) version.

Firstly, I am currently running PH along side DB with noissues. Have there been any major changes that could compromise this stabilityin running both mods on the same server? (Different maps ofcourse. I am using amap cfg plugin as a secondary measure to make sure all PH maps have the db enablingcvar set to 0, and the same, all DB maps have the ph enabling cvar set to 0) Iknow you might not be able to “guarantee” that no issues can arise from thisbut you haven’t seen any conflicts with this yet have you?

PHR no longer unloads itself when it's disabled (meaning that it can now be switched back on without a map change). Having said that, it sets cvars on map start (if its enable cvar is 1) and sets them back to previous values on disable/map end. It also sets the game description when enabled and sets it back to "Team Fortress" when disabled. If you have SteamTools installed that is.

Also, I think I need some clarification on the uses of thedifferent prop text files. I believe I have it SOMEWHAT figured out but Iwanted to be sure if/when I ever added/removed props, etc.

prop_common.txt (used as a list of ALL props available tothe plugin, their Proper Names, and any offsets that the prop requires)

prop_menu.txt (list of all props available in the propmenuon ALL MAPS)

props_allmaps.txt (list of all props that are available forthe reroll option and in random selection on round start across ALL MAPS)

*mapname*.cfg (list of all props that are availablefor the reroll option in random selection on round start for THIS MAP ONLY)

So, if I understand this correctly. Unless a the cvar isenable AND the player manually types the propname for selection (/propmenumodels/something/something.mdl) then the only props the plugin will be lookingat (first) are the ones listed in prop_common.txt?

All props in the prop_menu.txt file will be available withinthe propmenu across all maps but WILL NOT be considered when randomly applyinga prop to a player?

Only props listed within props_allmaps.txt will beconsidered when the plugin is applying a random prop (whether on round start oron reroll) to a player?

And ofcourse *mapname*.cfg expands the list of propsconsidered when applying a random prop )whether on round start or reroll) to aplayer, but only for specific map?

Do I have that correct? I hope so….

Everything looks correct here... props_common.txt came about mainly so I could standardize where prop offsets were stored, but then it occurred to me that I could put all the propnames there too and only have a single config file. They're grouped mainly by directory to find them easier, but ph

Anyway, there is one problem at the moment...

So, if I understand this correctly. Unless a the cvar isenable AND the player manually types the propname for selection (/propmenumodels/something/something.mdl) then the only props the plugin will be lookingat (first) are the ones listed in prop_common.txt?

Using the propmenu command while typing in a propname is controlled by the ph_propmenurestrict cvar. If it's set to 1 (the default), they can only use props that are in the current map's prop list, props_allmaps.txt, or prop_menu.txt.

I really need to rework on how ph_propmenurestrict works. Specifically, I need to test if FileExists currently works on map-embedded props. For that matter, it's not clear if map-embedded props work for actually setting the player model (this is something I need to monkey around with on ph_kakariko)... if it DOESN'T, that would make this moot and I could just call FileExists on the requested prop and fix it that way instead and change the default value of ph_propmenurestrict to 0.

04-24-2014, 16:32
(Giant wall of text answering KiRRAs questions)

Thanks Powerlord! I already have all the files packed up into a nice install package so as soon as I get home I'll update to the redux version and see how everything goes. Thanks again for clearing all that up, and sorry for the giant wall of text that even Star Wars would be jealous of.

Just curious: Do you happen to have any experience with the tNoUnlocksPls (https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=140045) plugin? If so, is there anyway I could send you a PM, as to not go too off topic in the PHR thread as I'm unsure if it's a conflict with PH or there's something in PH that might be causing a lingering cvar change or something on my mixed mod PH/DB server in regards to weapon attributes. If you'd rather not I understand, figured I'd ask first. Thanks again!

04-24-2014, 18:00
Thanks Powerlord! I already have all the files packed up into a nice install package so as soon as I get home I'll update to the redux version and see how everything goes. Thanks again for clearing all that up, and sorry for the giant wall of text that even Star Wars would be jealous of.

Just curious: Do you happen to have any experience with the tNoUnlocksPls (https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=140045) plugin? If so, is there anyway I could send you a PM, as to not go too off topic in the PHR thread as I'm unsure if it's a conflict with PH or there's something in PH that might be causing a lingering cvar change or something on my mixed mod PH/DB server in regards to weapon attributes. If you'd rather not I understand, figured I'd ask first. Thanks again!

I know very little about tNoUnlocksPls. PHR itself does very little in the way of changing weapon attributes... damage changes are actually done in the actual damage calculation (using SDKHooks's OnTakeDamage). Having said that, what bug are you seeing with it?

04-25-2014, 17:42
ph_snowworks has been updated to version a3 (https://www.dropbox.com/sh/b6r0jutgdz7x9op/-VtD1ZwT8o).

Fixes this time include:

Small healthpack changed to medium healthpack
Added snow and icicles to the roofs
Fixed the CP not working
Added 4 music buttons:

Drawn to life - Snowy World theme
Agatha Christie's Poirot - Poirot theme
Banjo Kazooie - Mr Patch theme remix
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon - Frosty Grotto remix​

Note: I personally haven't tested it to make sure it's fixed, but...

Oh, right, the reason this is important is because the Control Point wasn't working properly before and it should now be fixed.

West: Hey, when you updated ph_snowworks, I think the maker of the map forgot to add a texture in
West: http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/487822565170439982/22A8EC9E14ABB72AC9EB727E92075BEDDE2BB18C/
West: http://cloud-3.steampowered.com/ugc/487822565171131960/0416AD4D959C9B4FD2E4CB9B62CBF5D905533BC3/
West: Mind letting him know for me?
Could you please inform the map maker of this issue?

04-26-2014, 00:04
West: Hey, when you updated ph_snowworks, I think the maker of the map forgot to add a texture in
West: http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/487822565170439982/22A8EC9E14ABB72AC9EB727E92075BEDDE2BB18C/
West: http://cloud-3.steampowered.com/ugc/487822565171131960/0416AD4D959C9B4FD2E4CB9B62CBF5D905533BC3/
West: Mind letting him know for me?
Could you please inform the map maker of this issue?

I've mentioned it in this thread (http://www.gamingmasters.org/threads/ph_snowworks.9152/)

04-26-2014, 21:58
Heya Powerlord, so I updated PH to your new version and firstly let me say....DEAR LORD, love all the changes now that I see em all.

I have only run into (1) single problem and I'm hoping maybe you can point me in the right direction. The ph_propreroll cvar, I have it set to "0" and my override set to "" for all players. Unfortunately, only admins can still use that command, any idea?

EDIT: Actually after some testing I guess I can't use overrides on either of the propmenu or propreroll commands to limit access or give access to anyone. =(

I have my propmenu set to override with flag "o" and my propreroll to "" but nothing. I have both cvars set (in config) to "0". Any ideas?

Everything else, runs PERFECTLY!

04-27-2014, 00:15
Heya Powerlord, so I updated PH to your new version and firstly let me say....DEAR LORD, love all the changes now that I see em all.

I have only run into (1) single problem and I'm hoping maybe you can point me in the right direction. The ph_propreroll cvar, I have it set to "0" and my override set to "" for all players. Unfortunately, only admins can still use that command, any idea?

EDIT: Actually after some testing I guess I can't use overrides on either of the propmenu or propreroll commands to limit access or give access to anyone. =(

I have my propmenu set to override with flag "o" and my propreroll to "" but nothing. I have both cvars set (in config) to "0". Any ideas?

Everything else, runs PERFECTLY!
Speaking of which, I need to update the cvar descriptions on the first page as they act like 1 is still a valid value for that cvar.

Anyway, I can't say why the overrides aren't working... as of Redux, these commands are registered as Admin commands (RegAdminCmd). This is because the old system was no longer working as of SourceMod 1.5 because overrides can now apply to anything (so setting ph_propmenu to 1 had the same effect as 0). This is the first time I've heard of the overrides for propmenu and propreroll not working.

04-27-2014, 00:29
Speaking of which, I need to update the cvar descriptions on the first page as they act like 1 is still a valid value for that cvar.

Anyway, I can't say why the overrides aren't working... as of Redux, these commands are registered as Admin commands (RegAdminCmd). This is because the old system was no longer working as of SourceMod 1.5 because overrides can now apply to anything (so setting ph_propmenu to 1 had the same effect as 0). This is the first time I've heard of the overrides for propmenu and propreroll not working.

Apparently I'm just semi-tarded. I had another one of our server admins look into it and I guess it's just how the overrides need to be called out. I'm so used to including the prefixes in overrides that it became habit.

propmenu and propreroll work, but I used ph_propmenu and ph_propreroll just out of habit. So there are NO problems....just my mistake. So....plugin is perfect! XD

04-27-2014, 00:31
Apparently I'm just semi-tarded. I had another one of our server admins look into it and I guess it's just how the overrides need to be called out. I'm so used to including the prefixes in overrides that it became habit.

propmenu and propreroll work, but I used ph_propmenu and ph_propreroll just out of habit. So there are NO problems....just my mistake. So....plugin is perfect! XD

Actually, I wouldn't say perfect as I discovered some bugs in ph_airblast and ph_preventfalldamage since 3.1.3 was released... they're safe to use, but if you don't have the TF2Attributes plugin installed, you'll see an error in the console when you use them.

04-27-2014, 14:13
Just curious: Do you happen to have any experience with the tNoUnlocksPls (https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=140045) plugin? If so, is there anyway I could send you a PM, as to not go too off topic in the PHR thread as I'm unsure if it's a conflict with PH or there's something in PH that might be causing a lingering cvar change or something on my mixed mod PH/DB server in regards to weapon attributes. If you'd rather not I understand, figured I'd ask first. Thanks again!

I have a Multi-Mod server, with DB, PHR and a modified version of that plugin (to prevent players from air-blasting each other) and I use it without problems with "sm_tnounlockspls_enable 1" in the DB cfg and in zero, in the PHR cfg (I use UMC to change between mods). I don't use tNoUnlockPls in Ph, maybe that's the problem.

04-27-2014, 14:43
I have a Multi-Mod server, with DB, PHR and a modified version of that plugin (to prevent players from air-blasting each other) and I use it without problems with "sm_tnounlockspls_enable 1" in the DB cfg and in zero, in the PHR cfg (I use UMC to change between mods). I don't use tNoUnlockPls in Ph, maybe that's the problem.

Not meaning to go off topic and hijack the thread at all but..I do try to make sure that the PH config I use actually unloads the tNoUnlockPls plugins (all of them) and the DB maps would reload em and then call the config. The issue SEEMS to have cleared up though after updating TO PHR from the old PH version so might have been something in the old coding? Not sure, or just a coincidence. I'm gonna do a bit more testing and hopefully it's all cleared up now though. Didn't change anything minus upgrading to PHR.

*shrugs* Cross your fingers for me. Otherwise I don't know what it is. The issue I WAS having though was that the tNoUnlocksPls would work at stripping weapons to vanilla on both teams but the attributes it should be giving them as well was only being applied to Blu team, and Red team received no additional attributes. *So Red could still airblast players but Blu couldn't* But hopefully fixed....HOPEFULLY.

unlucky ducky
04-27-2014, 15:08
This might be a rather selfish request, but would it be possible to add an option for ph_reroll so that it can only be used once per map instead of once per round?

05-04-2014, 00:12
Just a random idea from a friend: Is it possible to make that, when a scout runs, hi loses health? But just after the game started.

05-04-2014, 11:54

L 05/04/2014 - 18:25:27: [SM] Native "TF2Attrib_SetByName" reported: TF2Attrib_SetByName: Invalid entity index 1 passed
L 05/04/2014 - 18:25:27: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "prophunt.smx":
L 05/04/2014 - 18:25:27: [SM] [0] Line 757, D:\tf2server\plugins\prophunt\addons\sourcemo d\scripting\prophunt.sp::OnFallDamageChanged( )

05-04-2014, 16:50

L 05/04/2014 - 18:25:27: [SM] Native "TF2Attrib_SetByName" reported: TF2Attrib_SetByName: Invalid entity index 1 passed
L 05/04/2014 - 18:25:27: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "prophunt.smx":
L 05/04/2014 - 18:25:27: [SM] [0] Line 757, D:\tf2server\plugins\prophunt\addons\sourcemo d\scripting\prophunt.sp::OnFallDamageChanged( )

Hmm... I'll look into this.

Actually, do you have TF2Attributes installed? There's another bug related to this code being called even when TF2Attributes isn't installed which is scheduled to be fixed next version.

Edit: I'm an idiot and I'm not checking if the player is connected before calling this. Derp.

05-05-2014, 08:10
L 05/05/2014 - 16:03:41: [SM] Native "SDKHooks_TakeDamage" reported: Invalid entity index 10 for attackerr
L 05/05/2014 - 16:03:41: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "prophunt.smx":
L 05/05/2014 - 16:03:41: [SM] [0] Line 2261, D:\tf2server\plugins\prophunt\addons\sourcemo d\scripting\prophunt.sp::DoSelfDamage()
L 05/05/2014 - 16:03:41: [SM] [1] Line 2215, D:\tf2server\plugins\prophunt\addons\sourcemo d\scripting\prophunt.sp::OnGameFrame()


05-05-2014, 08:15
L 05/05/2014 - 16:03:41: [SM] Native "SDKHooks_TakeDamage" reported: Invalid entity index 10 for attackerr
L 05/05/2014 - 16:03:41: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "prophunt.smx":
L 05/05/2014 - 16:03:41: [SM] [0] Line 2261, D:\tf2server\plugins\prophunt\addons\sourcemo d\scripting\prophunt.sp::DoSelfDamage()
L 05/05/2014 - 16:03:41: [SM] [1] Line 2215, D:\tf2server\plugins\prophunt\addons\sourcemo d\scripting\prophunt.sp::OnGameFrame()


Hmm... can you go up one more line in the log and copy the actual error? Looking at the 3.1.3 code, I can only tell that the error is in SDKHooks_TakeDamage and guess at what's causing the error.

05-05-2014, 08:27
Full logs

05-05-2014, 08:29
Full logs

Trying to access that tells me "This document is available only to its owner."

05-05-2014, 08:31
Trying to access that tells me "This document is available only to its owner."
sorry, try again

05-05-2014, 08:33
sorry, try again

OK, I can see it now.

The actual error is:
"L 05/05/2014 - 16:03:41: [SM] Native "SDKHooks_TakeDamage" reported: Invalid entity index 10 for attackerr

I'm on my way out the door and will have to look at it in a bit.

05-05-2014, 14:02
I checked & I've got the same:
L 04/27/2014 - 18:43:41: SourceMod error session started
L 04/27/2014 - 18:43:41: Info (map "ph_maze_a4") (file "errors_20140427.log")
L 04/27/2014 - 18:43:41: [SM] Native "SDKHooks_TakeDamage" reported: Invalid entity index 2 for attackerr
L 04/27/2014 - 18:43:41: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "prophunt.smx":
L 04/27/2014 - 18:43:41: [SM] [0] Line 2261, D:\tf2server\plugins\prophunt\addons\sourcemo d\scripting\prophunt.sp::DoSelfDamage()
L 04/27/2014 - 18:43:41: [SM] [1] Line 2215, D:\tf2server\plugins\prophunt\addons\sourcemo d\scripting\prophunt.sp::OnGameFrame()
L 04/27/2014 - 18:49:16: Error log file session closed.
"[TF2] TF2Attributes" (1.1.1) by FlaminSarge
"PropHunt Redux" (3.1.3) by Darkimmortal and Powerlord

05-05-2014, 15:29
I checked & I've got the same:
L 04/27/2014 - 18:43:41: SourceMod error session started
L 04/27/2014 - 18:43:41: Info (map "ph_maze_a4") (file "errors_20140427.log")
L 04/27/2014 - 18:43:41: [SM] Native "SDKHooks_TakeDamage" reported: Invalid entity index 2 for attackerr
L 04/27/2014 - 18:43:41: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "prophunt.smx":
L 04/27/2014 - 18:43:41: [SM] [0] Line 2261, D:\tf2server\plugins\prophunt\addons\sourcemo d\scripting\prophunt.sp::DoSelfDamage()
L 04/27/2014 - 18:43:41: [SM] [1] Line 2215, D:\tf2server\plugins\prophunt\addons\sourcemo d\scripting\prophunt.sp::OnGameFrame()
L 04/27/2014 - 18:49:16: Error log file session closed."[TF2] TF2Attributes" (1.1.1) by FlaminSarge
"PropHunt Redux" (3.1.3) by Darkimmortal and Powerlord
This is happening in the Flamethrower's self-damage code. Since the only time the attacker and client values are different are in last prop mode, I have to assume that it's a corner case that can only happen when the players on both teams die at the exact same time, although that doesn't explain why Graffiti is seeing it repeatedly...

Anyway, I'll add IsClientInGame and IsPlayerAlive checks to the prop player to prevent this issue. Expect it to show up in the next version.

05-05-2014, 21:28
Sorry for repeating myself (my post was the lat one in the last page) , but is there any easy way to add damage to the scout when he runs? (Only after the round started and pyros can move).

05-07-2014, 22:31

I have a quick question/concern of sorts that I just noticed while spectating our server running PHR. I noticed that in first person view, some of the viewmodels that are showing for props are actually pyros. Is there something I missed that changed what class the props were technically spawned as? Or are the viewmodels just incorrect? I do believe they are still scouts, as at the end of the round I think they get scout weapons still...but the viewmodels seem to always show a pyro with the fireaxe equipped.

I JUST noticed this little graphical glitch the other day so not sure if it's just my computer showing a false representation of the player but I will ask others who play to confirm that they are seeing this too or not.

unlucky ducky
05-08-2014, 12:49
I have a quick question/concern of sorts that I just noticed while spectating our server running PHR. I noticed that in first person view, some of the viewmodels that are showing for props are actually pyros. Is there something I missed that changed what class the props were technically spawned as? Or are the viewmodels just incorrect? I do believe they are still scouts, as at the end of the round I think they get scout weapons still...but the viewmodels seem to always show a pyro with the fireaxe equipped.
From what I can tell the viewmodel is just a visual glitch that doesn't actually represent the actual class the prop spawned as. The props are all still scouts and when there's just one prop alive it always gets scout weapons.

Someone I talked to a while ago suspected it might have to do with the method used to strip weapons from players on the prop team.

05-08-2014, 13:03
Sorry for repeating myself (my post was the lat one in the last page) , but is there any easy way to add damage to the scout when he runs? (Only after the round started and pyros can move).

It's possible, I'm just not sure I want to add it to the main version of PHR.

From what I can tell the viewmodel is just a visual glitch that doesn't actually represent the actual class the prop spawned as. The props are all still scouts and when there's just one prop alive it always gets scout weapons.

Someone I talked to a while ago suspected it might have to do with the method used to strip weapons from players on the prop team.

It could be due to how props are stripped... odd how I haven't run into this viewmodel bug myself, though.

Does switching to third person and back fix it?

05-08-2014, 13:08
It's possible, I'm just not sure I want to add it to the main version of PHR.

It could be due to how props are stripped... odd how I haven't run into this viewmodel bug myself, though.

Does switching to third person and back fix it?

Unfortunately not, I've switched between first person and back to third person multiple times with no luck. And when I am spectating players I've switched between the views and even changed my spec targets but with no luck. It's not game breaking in the least so it hasn't really BOTHERED anyone, just confusing at first. No biggie....

05-09-2014, 22:58
So, I think the next version of PropHunt is ready for testing. I'm not aware of any bugs in the new features, but it never hurts to have other people take a look at it before I post it as a full new version.

PropHunt Redux 3.2 changes are currently being done in a separate Github branch (https://github.com/powerlord/sourcemod-prophunt/tree/3.2.0).

Without further ado, here's the changelist.

Version 3.2.0 beta 1:

The main PropHunt stats page now uses the !phstats command instead of just the unobvious !help.
Prop Hunt Redux now supports morecolors and all colors in the plugin were moved to the translation file. All colors in the translation file were converted to their colors/morecolors equivalents. morecolors.inc is now a mandatory requirement to compile PropHunt.
New cvar: ph_setuplength. How many seconds long should setup time be? Default is 30, valid values are 30-120. Note to mapmakers, your map config's map time should include 30 seconds for setup time... this is for compatibility reasons with older PropHunt versions which didn't have a separate setup time.
Prop Hunt Redux now checks if a model exists before letting you manually change to it via "propmenu modelname" and tosses an error if it doesn't. Requires new translation file.
Prop Menu Restrict is now off by default due to the above fix. Note: it doesn't update your existing config file so you have to edit your prophunt_redux.cfg to disable it if you created a new config file since 3.1.2.
Bugfix: Props are given their weapons for 0.1 seconds before they are stripped at the start of a round. This is to prevent RED players from being given the wrong viewmodel for first-person view. This is ONLY done at round start to prevent issues with visible weapons (note: RED cosmetics are always stripped.)
Fixed some issues with the TF2Attributes optional dependency. It should no longer throw errors when you change ph_preventfalldamage or ph_airblast.
The Flamethrower self-damage logic now checks if a prop is alive during last prop mode. This should fix some rare issues where it was tossing errors.
The pregame timer no longer causes the announcer to say "Mission Ends in 10 seconds" and doesn't start announcing the count until 5 seconds before setup begins. Unfortunately, the siren at the end of this timer can't be fixed as it's hard-coded in the client code.

Things that aren't fixed:

If you're team scrambled to RED by GScramble, you end up not having a prop model until Setup begins. This should be caught by the player_spawn handler and isn't... I'll have to look at it more in-depth.

05-21-2014, 20:10
Hey Power, has anyone reported seeing red and blue spawn together? not on the beta above but from using files on OP

05-21-2014, 22:02
Hey Power, has anyone reported seeing red and blue spawn together? not on the beta above but from using files on OP

In 3.1.3? Not that I'm aware of. I think 3.1.2 and earlier had some reported issues with that, though.

Edit: It was because of a possible race condition between SourceMod and the game server itself.

Honestly, I've been trying to find a better way for the server to switch team by manipulating the CTeamplayRoundBasedRules's bSwitchTeams, but we can't seem to do that directly from SourcePawn because we only have access to the proxy entity instead of the actual C++ side object. The proxy doesn't have any of the logic for team switching.

05-22-2014, 17:36
I'm going to test out some experimental changes to how teams are switched at round change using the DHooks extension... here's hoping it works.

(Basically, I'm overriding SetWinningTeam's bSwitchTeams to always be true.)

Right now, these changes live in the 3.2.0-dhooks branch (https://github.com/powerlord/sourcemod-prophunt/tree/3.2.0-dhooks) in my repository and use a new gamedata file.

05-22-2014, 22:13
OK, so that worked pretty much on the first try, but I added a bunch of code to make it actually work with multimod stuff and to add some logging data.

Anyway, here's PropHunt Redux 3.2.0 beta 2. This version adds a new Optional Dependency on DHooks. If DHooks is present, it will be used to override the team switch behavior instead of relying on the (unreliable) timer method. Otherwise, if DHooks isn't loaded or it couldn't find the gamedata or hook it properly, it will fall back to the timer method that prior versions use.

There is also a new define in PropHunt itself...
#define DHOOKS

There's not much point to undefining this except if you're running DHooks and the SetWinningTeam offset (in CTeamplayRoundBasedGameRules) has changed, but no one has found the new one yet.

Note: tf2-roundend.games.txt goes in the gamedata folder.

Note 2: DHooks has a known issue where it will crash the game server on unload.

Edit: Use attachments in my next post as I fixed a bug since these were posted.

05-23-2014, 17:04
L 05/23/2014 - 17:02:06: SourceMod error session started
L 05/23/2014 - 17:02:06: Info (map "ph_northural_a2") (file "errors_20140523.log")
L 05/23/2014 - 17:02:06: [SM] Plugin encountered error 21: Native is not bound
L 05/23/2014 - 17:02:06: [SM] Native "DHookGamerules" reported:
L 05/23/2014 - 17:02:06: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "prophunt.smx":
L 05/23/2014 - 17:02:06: [SM] [0] Line 722, D:\tf2server\plugins\prophunt\addons\sourcemo d\scripting\prophunt.sp::RegisterDHooks()
L 05/23/2014 - 17:02:06: [SM] [1] Line 1220, D:\tf2server\plugins\prophunt\addons\sourcemo d\scripting\prophunt.sp::SetCVars()
L 05/23/2014 - 17:02:06: [SM] [2] Line 1270, D:\tf2server\plugins\prophunt\addons\sourcemo d\scripting\prophunt.sp::OnConfigsExecuted()

05-23-2014, 17:15
L 05/23/2014 - 17:02:06: SourceMod error session started
L 05/23/2014 - 17:02:06: Info (map "ph_northural_a2") (file "errors_20140523.log")
L 05/23/2014 - 17:02:06: [SM] Plugin encountered error 21: Native is not bound
L 05/23/2014 - 17:02:06: [SM] Native "DHookGamerules" reported:
L 05/23/2014 - 17:02:06: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "prophunt.smx":
L 05/23/2014 - 17:02:06: [SM] [0] Line 722, D:\tf2server\plugins\prophunt\addons\sourcemo d\scripting\prophunt.sp::RegisterDHooks()
L 05/23/2014 - 17:02:06: [SM] [1] Line 1220, D:\tf2server\plugins\prophunt\addons\sourcemo d\scripting\prophunt.sp::SetCVars()
L 05/23/2014 - 17:02:06: [SM] [2] Line 1270, D:\tf2server\plugins\prophunt\addons\sourcemo d\scripting\prophunt.sp::OnConfigsExecuted()
Judging from the error I'm going to assume you're running it without DHooks. Which isn't a bad thing as it needs to be tested. I thought I had tested it, but I must have thought the logs I was looking at were from a previous test... the fun of having a server in a different timezone as oneself.

Anyway, it'd probably be a good idea if InitializeDHooks*, RegisterDHooks, and UnregisterDhooks checked if DHooks was actually loaded at the top and exited out if it wasn't. That code existed at one point in RegisterDHooks (before Initialize and Unregister existed) but must have gotten lost during code refactoring (whoops).

So, lets fix that and bump the beta version up to beta 3.

Incidentally, I'm trying to track down (or at least help track down) the crashes DHooks gets on shutdown. I think I tracked down one already, I just need to test the fix then work on the other shutdown crash I spotted.

* Actually, Initialize doesn't need that check, but lets throw it in anyway as a boolean check takes so little processor time there's virtually no loss doing it and it could help if code gets refactored again later.

Edit: Powerlord is dumb and forgot to save the file before uploading. *uploads again*

05-23-2014, 17:59
power, the .sp says it is beta3

#define PL_VERSION "3.2.0 beta 3"

but using the .smx it says it is beta2 in the game description of server list

05-23-2014, 18:22
power, the .sp says it is beta3

#define PL_VERSION "3.2.0 beta 3"

but using the .smx it says it is beta2 in the game description of server list

I thought I fixed that before anyone downloaded it... I forgot to increment the version number in the first upload. If you give me a minute, I can recompile it again and make sure I got the right version number this time.

Edit: AUGH, sorry, I got distracted by friends.

Edit 2: Word on the street is that trainsawlaser for PropHunt is coming along well.

05-23-2014, 18:46
no worries sir, I could have compiled it of course.. was just trying to not put any variables into the testing (ie, my compiling)

05-23-2014, 23:40
I hate to toss another beta at you guys so soon, but this one is necessary for DHooks as I found out that removing a DHook on plugin end has a good chance of crashing the server when it's shutting down.

So, here's Beta 4, which now only installs hooks when PropHunt mode starts (map start or switch from another gamemode) and manually removes hooks when PropHunt switches to a different gamemode.

06-03-2014, 01:04
Could you please add if a player is taking damage it blocks them from changing their prop? This i for servers that allow for prop switching during the round. If a prop is on fire and changes their prop it will remove the fire effects from that prop.

06-05-2014, 11:18
Has anyone seen any problems with 3.2.0 beta 4? I want to know if its OK to push it out as 3.2.0 final before moving onto further versions.

I'm not seeing any errors in my test server's logs while running it with DHooks, nor did I see any while playing, but I only test on Linux using SM 1.5.3.

Speaking of DHooks, if Drifter doesn't post a new version soon, I will. We fixed a few bugs in it just recently:

Fixed shutdown crash when SDKHooks unloads before DHooks
Fixed memory leak on DHoooks shutdown.
Discovered unload crash was caused by the SM handle system and was fixed in SM 1.6 already (maybe in recent 1.5.x builds too?).

Could you please add if a player is taking damage it blocks them from changing their prop? This i for servers that allow for prop switching during the round. If a prop is on fire and changes their prop it will remove the fire effects from that prop.
If I do, it won't show up until next version.

06-06-2014, 11:51
OK, since no one is reporting any problems, I'm going to release 3.2.0 to the world at large. The only changes to it since beta 4 is the updating of the file's copyright notice, a slight rewording of ph_setuplength's description, and actually including the LICENSE file like I should have been doing all along.

Updating from 3.1.x to 3.2.0

If you want to install DHooks, unzip it into the addons directory (*not* the game directory).
Download and install the updated translation file and gamedata manually:

tf2-roundend.games.txt goes in addons/sourcemod/gamedata/
prophunt.phrases.txt goes in addons/sourcemod/translations/

Note that for convenience reasons, the GitHub v3.2.0 release (https://github.com/powerlord/sourcemod-prophunt/releases/tag/v3.2.0) has the plugin, source, and PHDataPack files all as a single .zip.

Changes from 3.1.3 to 3.2.0:

Now requires morecolors.inc to compile. Builds posted on this site will be compiled against this version (https://forums.alliedmods.net/showpost.php?p=2128587&postcount=390).
Now requires dhooks.inc to compile. Current builds are compiled against this version (https://bitbucket.org/Drifter321/dhooks/raw/acf0920b8d3957382a3fb478c61cab0dba28ef64/sourcemod/scripting/include/dhooks.inc)

DHooks is a new optional, but recommended dependency. It disables the manual team switching mechanic PropHunt normally uses at round end and instead activates automatic team switching (i.e. TF2 switches the teams, much like it does on Payload maps). This fixes a timing issue PropHunt was having on some servers.

Bugfix: Props are given their weapons for 0.1 seconds before they are stripped at the start of a round. This is to prevent RED players from being given the wrong viewmodel for first-person view. This is ONLY done at round start to prevent issues with visible weapons (note: RED cosmetics are always stripped.)
Bugfix: Fixed some issues with the TF2Attributes optional dependency. It should no longer throw errors when you change ph_preventfalldamage or ph_airblast.
Bugfix: The Flamethrower self-damage logic now checks if a prop is alive during last prop mode. This should fix some rare issues where it was tossing errors.
Prop Hunt Redux now checks if a model exists before letting you manually change to it via "propmenu modelname" and tosses an error if it doesn't. Requires new translation file.

Prop Menu Restrict (ph_propmenurestrict) is now off by default due to the above fix. Note: it doesn't update your existing config file so you have to edit your prophunt_redux.cfg to disable it if you created a new config file since 3.1.2.
Stats-tracked servers now have access to ph_propmenurestrict.

All color codes were moved into the translation file to make it easier for servers to customize the translation colors. Translation messages can now use any colors defined by morecolors.inc.
The pregame timer no longer causes the announcer to say "Mission Ends in 10 seconds" and doesn't start announcing the count until 5 seconds before setup begins. Unfortunately, the siren at the end of this timer can't be fixed as it's hard-coded in the client code (We know this thanks to the Source SDK 2013).
New command: !phstats. This brings up the PropHunt main stats, used by stats tracked servers. Used to be (and still is) registered as !help
New cvar: ph_setuplength. Number of seconds that setup time should last. Default is 30 seconds, valid values are 30-120. Note to map makers: Your maps "round" time includes 30 seconds of setup time for compatibility reasons with PropHunt classic.

I will also update the Steam PropHunt Server Setup guide (http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=266709157) as soon as I have access to it (blocked from work).

06-06-2014, 15:21
Just a heads up... I may actually release a new version later today after noticing that the code dealing with the ReadGameSounds extension doesn't fall back to standard sounds like it's supposed to.

...actually, that took less time than I thought.

Here's PropHunt Redux 3.2.1, which on top of the changes in the previous release adds:

Fixes single-target sounds (like CPBonus) not working if they have a "game" section in the prophunt_config and ReadGameSounds isn't installed.

06-07-2014, 02:04
Hi, bear with me for this very stupid question

But how do you remove the flag for the command !propreroll?
I want the public to use it without having the flag.

Thanks in advance!

06-07-2014, 02:09
Hi, bear with me for this very stupid question

But how do you remove the flag for the command !propreroll?
I want the public to use it without having the flag.

Thanks in advance!

Actually, it's funny, because that question actually appears in the Steam Guide (http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=266709157) in the "Prop Menu and Prop Reroll" section. Unfortunately, I can't link directly to the appropriate section.

06-07-2014, 14:03
Hi, bear with me for this very stupid question

But how do you remove the flag for the command !propreroll?
I want the public to use it without having the flag.

Thanks in advance!

"propreroll" ""

with an empty "" in the overrides config file :D

06-08-2014, 17:01
Here's a new ph_courtyard.cfg file. It removes a few of the (cheap) smaller props and increases the map time by 20 seconds.

It has also been updated in the PropHuntDataPack file in the first post and the 3.2.1 release (https://github.com/powerlord/sourcemod-prophunt/releases/tag/v3.2.1) zip on GitHub.

06-08-2014, 18:49
I've also updated the Steam Guide. It's now much more comprehensive and includes directions on setting up each of the Required and Recommended extensions (TF2Items, SteamTools, DHooks).

06-10-2014, 02:13
I've been doing some experimenting with multi-round arena maps... it works other than one minor issue: doors don't reset when the round is won via point capture.

Unfortunately, the method PropHunt uses to make RED win if BLU doesn't kill them is considered a point capture.

So, if you make a multi-round PropHunt Map (which should be officially supported in PropHunt Redux 3.3), make sure to include a relay that closes all spawn doors on the map and then call it from either each team_control_point_round entity's OnEnd output or a logic_auto's OnMultiNewRound output (assuming that works in TF2 for arena mode, I'll have to do testing).

The 3.3 branch contains a sample arena vmt for a 2-round arena map. It's not pretty, but it worked as a proof of concept. I'll eventually retool it into a proper sample map for PropHunt with the appropriate relay input and stuff.

Dr. Greg House
06-10-2014, 14:03
Good luck trying to implement mapping standards for PH. GM has horribly failed at it.

06-10-2014, 15:33
Good luck trying to implement mapping standards for PH. GM has horribly failed at it.
I can give recommendations, nothing more.

Well, no, I could force people to do things my way if I so felt like it, but I don't think that'd work very well.

At some point, I'll write up a TF2 PropHunt Mapping Guide alongside a thing on writing a config file for said map. It'll cover such things that are currently missed such as the control point prop needing its solid type set to VPhysics.

Edit 2: Oh, and it'll probably mention the new "setup" tag in map configs where you can specify the amount of setup time your map should have.

Anyway, I'm modifying my multi-round support right. Basically, initial support was to make maps with odd number of rounds switch teams every round. Maps with an even number of rounds play all rounds before switching teams.

The code I'm writing now will check if the round order is randomized* and continue switching teams every round if it is.

*Randomized (in round terms) only refers to the order of the rounds. All rounds must be played before any rounds will repeat. It actually refers to the priority of the team_control_point_round entity, where identical priority rounds can happen in any order. You can see this behavior in the place where nobody goes... tc_hydro, where the center matchups are chosen at random once CP ownership is determined (which is done during a full map reset). It will skip any rounds where all the points are owned by a single team, but in arena/prophunt, the control point is owned by no one.

Edit: I also need to do further testing to see if ph_kakariko has team_control_point_round entities on it that are just disabled.

Dr. Greg House
06-10-2014, 16:04
[...]team_control_point_round entities on it that are just disabled.

I don't recall any. In hammer all "logic" stuff was placed around the cp and there was no team_control_point_round.
Also I would never have added maps to the pack which wouldn't comply with the standards. I would have renamed the some keyvalues myself, but I would have rather not added those maps at all. Incompatibility. If mappers are creative enough to name the spawn doors for the hunters in ph_target "soldier"-something, they might as well use their creativity somewhere else on the map.

06-10-2014, 16:57
I don't recall any. In hammer all "logic" stuff was placed around the cp and there was no team_control_point_round.
Also I would never have added maps to the pack which wouldn't comply with the standards. I would have renamed the some keyvalues myself, but I would have rather not added those maps at all. Incompatibility. If mappers are creative enough to name the spawn doors for the hunters in ph_target "soldier"-something, they might as well use their creativity somewhere else on the map.
I don't by habit decompile PH maps and see if something's wrong with it.

Having said that, ph_kakariko caused issues previously because it apparently has a team_round_timer on it left over from when it was a cp map. A logging compile of PHR 3.3.0 alpha 3 will log how many rounds are located and whether we will be switching every round.

For instance, this was in my log after switching to ph_kakariko_b1:
L 06/10/2014 - 15:41:33: [prophunt.smx] [PH] Map has 1 round(s), Switch teams every round: 1and this after switching to arena_box_2round_a2
L 06/10/2014 - 15:43:30: [prophunt.smx] [PH] Map has 2 round(s), Switch teams every round: 0...which just goes to show you that I need to fix the code that checks that because "Switch teams every round" should be 1 there.

Pre-post Edit: I'd used == instead of !=... alwaysSwitch should be disabled if the priorities differ, not if they're the same. Whoops. Now it tells me what I want.

L 06/10/2014 - 15:50:36: [prophunt.smx] [PH] Map has 2 round(s), Switch teams every round: 1As it stands right now, PropHunt only really looks for one thing on the map by name and only if you tell it to look... it looks for a logic_relay named "hidingover" if your map config includes "relay" "1".

The use of this relay will go in any mapping guide that gets added as it should be used instead of "freeze" "1" to control the BLU team.

Incidentally, I learned how to make very nice doors when creating my test arena map even if they don't reset properly when RED wins.

As for what PropHunt looks for: Several objects are hooked by classname when they spawn... team_control_point_master, for instance. We also check if it has a name and set it if it doesn't (due to ph_devilscanyon not giving it one)... we use this name from our team_round_timer to make RED win.

Speaking of team_round_timer... any timer except the one we create has its countdown silenced in order to mute the pregame timer. We use some input trickery to unmute it when it hits 10 seconds. And due to the pre-round timer being a standard team_round_timer, we can't just kill any timers that aren't ours.