View Full Version : A stale process was found for daemon

07-30-2013, 21:17
I am installing this plugin on a CSGO ubuntu server and am running into an issue.
./run_hlstats start

HLstatsX:CE daemon control
Attempting to start HLstatsX:CE daemon on port 27500...
Daemon successfully started on port 27500When I do status:
./run_hlstats status
HLstatsX:CE daemon control
A stale process was found for daemon on port 27500. It has been removed.
I set debug to 3 and this is the output I get in a log file.

2013-07-31 01:10:02: - MYSQL: Connecting to MySQL database 'xxxxx' on 'xxxxxx.net' as user 'xxxxxx' ... connected ok
2013-07-31 01:10:02: - CONFIG: Reading database config...
Config parameter 'version' = '1.6.19'
Config parameter 'DNSResolveIP' = '1'
Config parameter 'DNSTimeout' = '3'
Config parameter 'Rcon' = '1'
Config parameter 'RconIgnoreSelf' = '1'
Config parameter 'RconRecord' = '0'
Config parameter 'MailTo' = ''
Config parameter 'MailPath' = '/usr/sbin/sendmail'
Config parameter 'Mode' = 'Normal'
Config parameter 'SkillMaxChange' = '25'
Config parameter 'SkillMinChange' = '2'
Config parameter 'PlayerMinKills' = '50'
Config parameter 'DeleteDays' = '28'
Config parameter 'UseTimestamp' = '0'
Config parameter 'AllowOnlyConfigServers' = '1'
Config parameter 'TrackStatsTrend' = '1'
Config parameter 'GlobalBanning' = '0'
Config parameter 'LogChat' = '1'
Config parameter 'LogChatAdmins' = '0'
Config parameter 'GlobalChat' = '0'
Config parameter 'SkillRatioCap' = '0'
Config parameter 'UseGeoIPBinary' = '1'
Config parameter 'rankingtype' = 'skill'
Config parameter 'Proxy_Key' = 'a4360ae1a9eb719e563915c1'
2013-07-31 01:10:03: - CONFIG: I have found the following server configs in database:
2013-07-31 01:10:03: - S_CONFIG:
2013-07-31 01:10:03: - ERROR: GeoIP method set to binary file lookup but Geo::IP::PurePerl module NOT FOUND
2013-07-31 01:10:03: - HLSTATSX: HLstatsX:CE 1.6.19 starting...

Can't setup UDP socket on Address already in useI notice the Port already in use and when I do a stop:
Attempting graceful shutdown of HLstatsX:CE daemon on port 27500
No daemon running on port 27500 or PID file is missing.
I even tried to change the port to 27501 in the config but it still tries to run on 27500.

netstat -tulpn shows:
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State PID/Program name
udp 0 0* -but no PID to kill the service. Not sure if this stale process has anything to do with it and not sure why things are not working. Any ideas?

Thanks for the help

Oh by the way, I am running the web server on pagodabox (https://pagodabox.com/) and the daemon is running on the same ubuntu machine that CSGO server is running on.

07-30-2013, 21:18
I am guessing that you are looking in the ps list for HLX or HLXCE daemon ect... but it will only show up as Perl so .....check again

07-30-2013, 21:30
I do a lsof -n -i

and get:
srcds_lin 3294 ubuntu 7u IPv4 318150 0t0 UDP

but this has the same PID 3294 as my CSGO server. So I can't kill it without killing both?

Even still I restart the ubuntu machine, start the CSGO server, and start the deamon and get the same stale issue along with 0/0 players on the web interface.

I am at a loss.

07-30-2013, 22:07
No that process has nothing to do HLX:CE

07-30-2013, 22:30
any idea why when I try to change the port in the config file it still tries to use the same one?

08-07-2013, 15:09
I am having the same issue oddly after restarting the entire web server box..

I have 10 daemons running for other clans... and all of a sudden they are all trying to use 27500, when they all have different ports set in their .conf files.