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  1. bind:)
  2. [HELP] How I can do this?
  3. How to make customed hands and skin stay same after respawn
  4. How to block weapon animations?
  5. remove super admin
  6. error
  7. Global Variable - nemesis Aura
  8. Glow for nano
  9. How to make inf grenade ?
  10. Sqlite --> MySQL
  11. [Help] UJBM Simon Menu in JBextreme
  12. I search very good
  13. XP is not saved
  14. client_print_color problem
  15. Player models won't change and they get bugged.
  16. Server crashes without any errors [orpheu]
  17. Problem with code
  18. Error: Symbol already defined
  19. Problem with PrintToChatAll
  20. can somebody fix this (DAMAGE + LIGHTNING
  21. Save weapon animation
  22. Other colors for chat?
  23. help with welcome to server coding
  24. how to get each player's steamid and use each variable for player?
  25. Won't save XP after players disconnect
  26. How to make Monster
  27. Entity Problems [Collision]
  28. l4d2 survivor start rounds with full health help
  29. Explain Small part of "Show Admins Online" plugin
  30. Extra Damage problem
  31. Please explain For Loop
  32. Explain me Switch Statement
  33. Explain a part of "Knife Kill Bonus" plugin
  34. Explain a part of "Knife Kill Bonus" plugin
  35. Items from different menu pages
  36. RoundTime Message
  37. How to make every Knife class have different sound
  38. Save health of entity
  39. how to make things by timing
  40. small print
  41. Furien Mod
  42. motd help!!!
  43. Execute Ban Command From Server Console
  44. Custom animations when press key:)
  45. How to make comma in the HUD
  46. in plugind_end "for" operator, question
  47. Increase models brightness ?
  48. Tracing model crashes server - code improvement/fix.
  49. Question about Orpheu MSG_ReadBits
  50. if defined something, should I declare it in a function with "new"?
  51. [ HELP ] - (( 5: argument type mismatch<argument 2> )) - In Complie
  52. Player maximum speed problem
  53. [Help]
  54. [Help] Amx_who
  55. Getting Model Bodygroup Names
  56. Pawn Studio can't compile anymore.
  57. Script - Drop weapons
  58. How to give Multijump
  59. array problem
  60. Functions inside cases
  61. Player model replace.
  62. Chatcolor in a format line?
  63. Statsx - No Death Count
  64. Model replace - plugin error?! Help please :)
  65. [Question] Block Freelook
  66. Editing UWC3NG didnt work
  67. Transfer Menu
  68. Turn off semiclip on player with a command?
  69. Motd.txt and player resolution
  70. Player gibbed
  71. Is user in fov?
  72. random password
  73. JB Admin Menu Help!
  74. Ugly looking /dmg motd
  75. How to destroy a menu when player spawn?
  76. Removing abilities
  77. How to store or use server's ip in plugin
  78. [HELP] Bot Detector Problem
  79. [Help] Problem Jetlack.
  80. [Help] plugin unable to run colorchat error
  81. [Help] Hudmessage
  82. [Help] Function return
  83. Block suicide
  84. Error compile
  85. How to modify a code to make it depend of a command?
  86. Error ColorChat bug?
  87. [Help]
  88. amx_blind unwanted destroy
  89. Checking for several flags
  90. Setting model issue
  91. Ham_TraceAttack crashes server ?
  92. [NS] gave loose identation
  93. Compiler Errors 017 undefined symbols
  94. client_cmd(id,"kill")
  95. [ ENTITIES ] Fakemeta VS Engine
  96. Detect Player Movement
  97. Getting user custom flags
  98. [Help] Code-fixing
  99. Box entity
  100. Shield & Biohazard
  101. How to catch server cvar?
  102. Creating a CS 1.6 MOD
  103. Question about memory
  104. quakesounds help
  105. Setting models to a player
  106. Set Command Native on Point Based Plugin
  107. InterCommunication between c# and cs1.6
  108. Entity movement
  109. Camera
  110. [Orpheu] Getting a string
  111. INVALID Entity
  112. how at event for yourself to see message1, others to see message2
  113. Small help
  114. Question about "SendAudio" message.
  115. Menu characters maximum limit?
  116. plugin help please
  117. Lights aura for all players
  118. NST_Add_Player - need help
  119. Storing Strings
  120. How to make objectives for a player
  121. error 028: invalid subscript (not an array or too many subscripts)
  122. [ASK] How to change player body color ?
  123. Testing of unlock / completed
  124. .SMA Give errors...
  125. asdasdasd
  126. [Help] Login in my Deathrun
  127. [HELP] HELP With Callfunc Please
  128. Reading and using values
  129. [HELP] amx_ban & amx_banip
  130. [HELP] cs_weap_models_api.inc
  131. [CSSDK] Precache() - Causing crash
  132. Reliable forwards for spectator events?
  133. Changing entity size
  134. Difference between ML and direct printing in .sma
  135. [SQLITE] Error
  136. Knife hitplace don't get registered except headshot.
  137. Hook Changelevel Pre Orpheu
  138. Optmize And get more informations (HTTP Plugin)
  139. Frost Nade- Slow nade
  140. multi-dimensional arrays && structuring arrays
  141. [INS] Am I doing something wrong?
  142. Colorchat help
  143. Block Console Command
  144. [SQLITE-HELP] Table Problem
  145. create_cvar are set to default value when map changes?
  146. Shop Help
  147. Leap + He
  148. Check for dead Player
  149. best way to detect how many player are shooting
  150. Models precache
  151. [Help] Get entity model and owner
  152. Automatize array content
  153. Give zoom with ham
  154. [Code] Get player say in chat to log_amx
  155. [Amxx] Teleport To
  156. [Req][Help] Native & Set Player model :)
  157. [ZPXP] Problems saving levels.
  158. jCTF bug
  159. get_user_ammo
  160. get_user_origin on dead user
  161. clean hud
  162. u@ not showing for players
  163. Timelimit reset after restart round
  164. [Solved] Native: format_time dilemma.
  165. Throwing balls
  166. [SQLITE] Imput line too long
  167. [TFC] Hooking functions / Medic problems.
  168. [Req] Naruto models .. =)
  169. FIX Map Change PLEASE FAST
  170. [HELP]zp_vip_model have problems to compile
  171. Help about DeathMsg event
  172. Add a timeout (If plugin is in a wrong way)
  173. [ReQ] \Block & Allow Cmd /
  174. get_user_frags() always returns 33
  175. Permanent Hud
  176. Ammo Offsets
  177. [Help] Run a command from other plugin
  178. Add a bot to Terrorists
  179. [Question] Saving data for each player
  180. [CS:GO] Dead Spectating HUD
  181. Argument type mismatch
  182. Problem with tasks & players
  183. Bhop script
  184. Cvars
  185. kz_Ljs_XM
  186. Plugin Entity Follow a player Help
  187. Strange problem with register_concmd()
  188. About FM_Emitsound. Need Info.
  189. Update score table
  190. Forwards didn't switch off
  191. [Help] "if get_user_team"
  192. Quad-barrel error
  193. Confused[URGENT] Why? [Naruto-Mod]
  194. How to change Create_StatusText position?
  195. Cvars and defines
  196. MySQL Server has gone away - Change on what?
  197. sadasdasdasdas
  198. Voicerecord
  199. Team Semiclip
  200. Block cl_cmd ?? pls :)
  201. define question
  202. String Problems
  203. Limited name change
  204. Auto join, replace class menu properly
  205. func_bomb_target / info_bomb_target and defuse
  206. Edit spectate camera.
  207. Read From a file
  208. pev_body on ViewModel, Shoot Anim Problem.
  209. [EDIT] Scrpit zp_giveap
  210. Random Choice ? ..
  211. Deathrun timer HELP!
  212. please help
  213. Traceline & Groupinfo
  214. Braking after jump
  215. Little Help over here?
  216. [sqlite problem] problem for code on plugin
  217. I need some help please
  218. Autobhop jump height problem
  219. How to make a knife skin/sound change when selected?
  220. Hud Messages Sometimes Appear and Sometimes do Not
  221. Entity Teleport missing something ..
  222. Problem with csflags of commonbullet
  223. Team_winer Help !
  224. Run time error 3: stack error
  225. [Help] Switch player To T/Ct
  226. Help about dictionary
  227. Valid player problem
  228. How to check entity moved distance ?
  229. SQL_NumResults() returns 0
  230. MaxClients and get_players(func) | MAX_NAME_LENGTH and 32 definitions.
  231. Max characters of a string.
  232. Dimension quest
  233. sadasds
  234. Take damage from a certain player
  235. [Help] Set Damage To Entity + Disable Bool
  236. Help to start
  237. CFG fails to enable jm command
  238. Problem with this code ???
  239. [Help] get_user_flags
  240. [Help] Call function trough #emit opcodes
  241. Detect entity touches its owner
  242. [ORPHEU] Diffrent plugin CBasePlayer::SetAnimation on certain binaries/OS?
  243. Enemy team spawn origin
  244. [Help]Reset entities(button, multi_manager, ...)
  245. IP Shower (#Hidden)
  246. [Help] Show Hudmessage to Spectator
  247. [Question] How to drop weapon_ instead of weaponbox.
  248. Help me for level system zombie outstanding
  249. [Question] if and else
  250. What is the Fakemeta equivalent of get_entity_flags?