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  1. orpheu to rehlds DdoS / Query Flood
  2. [Solved] respawn weapons
  3. Limiting items
  4. Can a global variable change while being used inside a public?
  5. [ H3LP ] Player Jump
  6. [Solved] [ H3LP ] Check Running Mod
  7. [Solved] [callfunc_begin_i] Public function -1 is invalid
  8. [Solved] [H3LP] Cstrike Module
  9. Change Movement speed
  10. Weapon sounds change
  11. Basebuilder Need Auto Save ammo + AmmoPack System
  12. i Need Game Mode For Basebuilder! Like ZP!
  13. Holy Shield Skill diablo2
  14. Spawn Bug wen use transfer menu
  15. [Solved] AddToFullPack - Solid Prediction
  16. client_death error
  17. beam think multi-colors
  18. Using Clamp Function
  19. Semiclip
  20. [Solved] get next level XP
  21. [help] which one is best
  22. Reading File problem.
  23. billboard plugin
  24. i Need Help From Pro Basebuilder!
  25. VIP Menu HELP!
  26. Model changer
  27. i Need Donate AmmoPack for Basebuilder
  28. [Solved] get player spectating name
  29. [REQ]add swap option
  30. [Help] Remove beam when hit an entity.
  31. Calling a function/native from a module
  32. [Solved] Entity Index Prediction / Function post AttachPlayerItem post
  33. [ H3LP ] Get user aiming / Entity
  34. MultiMod GunGame FIX
  35. [Solved] MySql saving failure
  36. [ H3LP ] Player Damage depending on distance
  37. detect button
  38. CZ BOT with War3ft RC 13
  39. client_disconnect() post or pre?
  40. [REQ] Game Modes For Basebuilder!
  41. Plugin Commands
  42. Need Randomly Player Chosen if Round Started Have Laser AWP Cmd
  43. Flashing ShowSyncHudMsg, flashing and disappearing every 1 second.
  44. OnWeapon_Precache error
  45. See if it is pointed at a gun on the ground
  46. Write_Byte with CustomCrosshair
  47. Plugin error
  48. Error plugin
  49. [Solved] [ H3LP ] On Server Shutdown
  50. Compile error
  51. crosshiar menu
  52. I Need Like This Please
  53. [CSGO] How can I remove a taser
  54. Help
  55. Block player jump
  56. Help Scripting Furien MoD
  57. 1 random player in reapi include ?
  58. [Solved] Stupid Problem
  59. Trace hull custom box.
  60. Find Players problem menu
  61. [ H3LP ] Entity set sprite?
  62. return strcmp error
  63. i Need Pro Hud Message!
  64. get all players function?
  65. Prop Hunt Question
  66. [Solved] any tut for add model by cvar?
  67. Need a Revive Menu !
  68. [ayuda] ranges
  69. Compound Bow Bug
  70. [Solved] [ H3LP ] engclient_cmd
  71. Print Centre
  72. remove txt file
  73. Simple question About account Flags admin.sma
  74. How to execute console commands from metamod plugin?
  75. .ini read text
  76. Guns Menu in Basebuilder Not Opened Please Help ..
  77. /who Help
  78. [LEVEL %s] in Say
  79. [Solved] CTF Orpheu errors
  80. [Solved] register_clcmd only for admins..
  81. cvar problem
  82. [Solved] [ H3LP ] Hook SayText ChatToAll
  83. [Solved] Help With Resetscore Command
  84. [Solved] UTF-8 lang text document being ignored by the plugin?
  85. symbol as string
  86. [Solved] Get_gametime question
  87. colorchat grey
  88. [Solved] Help - Plugin ZP
  89. Using "any:..."
  90. [Help] I need cmd acces only once per round !
  92. Dance plugin error
  93. [ H3LP ] cs_set_user_plant?
  94. String Encrypting Method
  95. TrieSnapshots?
  96. Shell animation bug
  97. Preventing further forward executions
  98. Duello Plugin ERROR
  99. Zp_vip_menu problem
  100. not work with zombie plague 4.3 please help
  101. [Solved] [ H3LP ] Bomb site on all maps?
  102. [Solved] DispatchSpawn
  103. water gun sprites
  104. Moving from Fvault to SQL
  105. [ H3LP ] Ham_AddPlayerItem
  106. Very small sight for all weapons
  107. [ H3LP ] "FM_SetSprite" ?
  108. No decimal code
  109. HIT_HEAD Effect
  110. How to make a plugin like this?
  111. Saving Player Info to SQL
  112. [ H3LP ] Block weapon switch?
  113. L4D2 Combining Command functions into one command
  114. Color prefix plugin
  115. Simple quetsion, Mapchooser.
  116. Edit NPC plugin
  117. moving v_ model
  118. Team Management
  119. csgo mode cs 1.6 error
  120. How to check if player killed chicken?
  121. [Solved] Attack Teammate while ff is off
  122. [ H3LP ] Download .wav files without precaching
  123. [ H3LP ] Entity crossing another?
  124. [FAKEMETA] Invalid entity
  125. [Solved] How to convert char to int?
  126. Spinning and floating entity instead of on-ground entity
  127. [Solved] [ H3LP ] Change entity angle
  128. Get the gun owner
  129. [ H3LP ] CC4 Entity?
  130. [Solved] Remove ReSemiclip transperency effect
  131. Need help with precache model
  132. Map Areas
  133. get the value from stats
  134. [Solved] set_user_frags ..
  135. Sv_startsound not precached(0)
  136. The Commands
  137. dhud not showing some text
  138. Need some help block sound being played
  139. Block Round End
  140. No jumping & attacking while freezed
  141. Bullet hit solid entity
  142. Issue with plugin and sql database
  143. [Solved] Block Idle Animation
  144. register_message hook params
  145. Bug on primary and secondary weapon menu
  146. [Solved] Floatround to next integer
  147. trail edit
  148. color codes
  149. [Solved] Req Menu, menu_item_getinfo
  150. [HELP] Need Rank Plugin
  151. ㅤㅤ
  152. <font><font>배열 색인 <variable "jop"> 오류 및 질문이 하나 더 있습니다.</font></font>
  153. [Solved] Help Tag mismatch, on fm_set_user_health
  154. ZP 5.0 Countdown Help needed!
  155. [ H3LP ] Make entity move
  156. [Solved] Join Team detection
  157. Native not working
  158. Change Crosshair Sprite Frame
  159. [Solved] SyncHud for Dhud :| or SyncDhud
  160. Can you limit string length within translation files?
  161. Adminlib.inc
  162. Help ArrayGetString
  163. [Solved] EV_BYTE_controller
  164. [Solved] Must be a constant expression
  165. when zm respawned Zombie Class Menu Problem
  166. I Need Hook Only Build Time .
  167. [ H3LP ] Crowbar Hit
  168. entity-player collision
  169. changing weapon model for player model
  170. [ H3LP ] RegisterHam/register_forward.
  171. Random bomsite for de_dust2 and de_dust
  172. Ignore Waterfall effect | Sky Stuck objects
  173. Respawn Team Toucher
  174. [Solved] [CS:GO] Best way to store a specific Client Index globally
  175. skins by ranges
  176. [Solved] define replace
  177. Minigames Error
  178. 2 different menus for CT & T on round start... possible ?
  179. How can I make a plugin run only for me?
  180. Motd window plugin (showing random images)
  181. Errors Logs
  182. Stats GunGame: display the TOP on the whole screen
  183. [Solved] Confusing menu codes >.<
  184. Argument type Mismatch
  185. Can anyone fix it for me ? [Level System]
  186. gunxpmod Balrog9 unlock
  187. [ H3LP ] Check Friendly Attack
  188. Special Round Event
  189. [Solved] Model Sequance
  190. [Solved] [ H3LP ] Block Knife Secondary Attack
  191. [Solved] Need some correction in menu system for vip's
  192. [HELP] Server crashes from custom made plugin
  193. is it possible to change UI with .wad file ?
  194. [Solved] Tag mismatch error and not working code
  195. [ H3LP ] env_sprite/info_target
  196. Run time error 10: native error (native "cs_set_user_team")
  197. [Solved] [ H3LP ] More than 1 HUD on CS
  198. Save weapons
  199. Simple question
  200. prochat problem ?
  201. get_userweapon error "invalid weapon id 0"
  202. [ H3LP ] Event called on player connect
  203. [Solved] get_array last item has a wrong value
  204. I need help, cant compile this??
  205. [Solved] [HELP] How can i get clients speed (Units per second)
  206. AMXBans help (their forum is not helpful)
  207. [Solved] Weapon Knockback Power
  208. Models do not detect me
  209. EngFunc_TraceLine(IGNORE_MONSTERS) and custom entity
  210. Want to score on randome pub war
  211. emit_sound function
  212. Reset Ammo in change name !
  213. [ H3LP ] Orpheu
  214. [Solved] static or new for thinking entity
  215. [Solved] Executing TakeDamage doesn't work properly with some dmgbits
  216. [Solved] Some stupid question about movetype_fly[*]
  217. Players Model d'idnt work .
  218. [Solved] Need some correction in code for giving nades
  219. Host_Error: PF_precache_sound_I: Bad string '
  220. how set percent of invisibility by a cvar
  221. [Solved] Change player name without respawn
  222. Better way to create muzzleflash?
  223. Is this valid ?
  224. [Solved] tag mismatch
  225. please fix my plugin add command & add event in disconnect
  226. add one msg for cmdban
  227. [ H3LP ] SetUserWeapon
  228. flashbang hits a wall
  229. [Solved] diffrence between set_hudmessage and set_dhudmessage?
  230. [Solved] Current light
  231. GunXpMod - Unlock K1ASUS
  232. [HELP] cs_set_user_team / jointeam - joinclass
  233. how to set keys of show_menu function
  234. [ H3LP ] Easy Way Detect Aim at Items
  235. [Solved] Play directional sound to some of the clients only
  236. search all entities and eliminate them
  237. Need some correction in code for giving snipers
  238. save origin of entities and map name .ini
  239. Te_sprite_spray
  240. Invalid query Handle 0 (error: 4)
  241. Map spawns editor + Bad spawn preventer (conflict)
  242. [Solved] [HELP] Hold 'Shift' to Sprint
  243. [Solved] Prevent "demos" from being written
  244. How to detect if selection of a menu is complete
  245. Unreachable code!! HELP!!
  246. [HELP] Unreachable Code
  247. [Help] Creating Fake Viewmodels
  248. [Solved] [ H3LP ] Natives and any:..
  249. [Solved] [ H3LP ] Weapon Drop/Strip by slot
  250. Change player's weapons with fakemeta