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HideNSeek Knife Round plugin

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Join Date: Dec 2009
Old 03-08-2023 , 03:04   HideNSeek Knife Round plugin
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Hi there.

This is actually the last plugin I need for my server in order for it to be 'finished'!

Im looking for a plugin that would create a knife round after 15 seconds of warmup (so everyone can connect) before the game actually starts. It would give all players only knifes and whichever team wins the knife round - starts automatically as Terrorists (Hiders)

The problem here is that the typical HnS plugin, mine as well, strips the knife from the Terrorists and they can see it but cannot use it. Im not sure If its possible everyone to have a knife (including Ts) for the Knife Round only and then, when it finishes, only the CTs will be left with knives and the Ts will continue to see their knifes but wont be able to use it.

My HnS plugin has the following codes for Ts knifes and one of them makes the knifes unusable:

public Action:OnPlayerRunCmd(iClient, &iButtons, &iImpulse, Float:fVelocity[3], Float:fAngles[3], &icWeapon){
	if(GetClientTeam(iClient)==3 && IsPlayerAlive(iClient)){
			fVelocity = Float:{0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
		if(iButtons & IN_ATTACK){
			new iWeapon = GetEntPropEnt(iClient, Prop_Send, "m_hActiveWeapon");
				new String:sWeapon[64];
				GetEntityClassname(iWeapon, sWeapon, sizeof sWeapon);
				if(StrContains(sWeapon, "knife") != -1){
					iButtons ^= IN_ATTACK;
					iButtons |= IN_ATTACK2;
		return Plugin_Changed;
	return Plugin_Continue;
	if(IsValidEntity(iWeapon) && iWeapon>MaxClients){
		new Float:fTime = GetGameTime();
		decl String:sWeapon[64];
		GetEntityClassname(iWeapon, sWeapon, sizeof sWeapon);
			new Float:fNextAttack = (StrContains(sWeapon, "knife") != -1) ? (fTime + 9001.0) : (fTime+g_fHnsCountDown);

			SetEntPropFloat(iWeapon, Prop_Send, "m_flNextPrimaryAttack", fNextAttack);
			SetEntPropFloat(iWeapon, Prop_Send, "m_flNextSecondaryAttack", fNextAttack);
			if(StrContains(sWeapon, "knife") != -1){
				SetEntPropFloat(iWeapon, Prop_Send, "m_flNextPrimaryAttack", fTime + 9001.0);
				SetEntPropFloat(iWeapon, Prop_Send, "m_flNextSecondaryAttack", fTime + 9001.0);
How can I implement what I want and is it even possible?

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