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CSDM 2.1.3d KWo beta

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AMX Mod X Beta Tester
Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: Poland
Old 11-14-2006 , 18:29   CSDM 2.1.3d KWo beta
Reply With Quote #1

Here are some files I re-wrote for CSDM 2.1 . The changes are in *sma, csdm.inc, csdm.cfg , csdm_plugins.ini and *amxx. The module was changed since 2.1h version.

NOTE - this version is a BETA - please test it - but if You can see any troubles with it - immediately switch back to the official 2.1. It's not recommended to use it for long time on rented servers unless You MAKE SURE it works correctly without any troubles. This version IS NOT officially supported by CSDM Dev team, but I've got BAILOPAN's permission to post files here to get feedback if my crap is working. The majority of features it includes will be rejected for the next official version (because - like I got the info from BAILOPAN - they are against the design CSDM 2 comes and because of the baddly written code by me (even if it works 100% without any bugs/problems).
I need You use it on as many PC You can to give me the feedback if everything is OK. As You know I'm always trying to test things the best I can to prevent post completly bad and useless crap - but I really need more beta testers to help with this.
The version 2.1.3b was released only because of arkshine big work with finding solution to get CSDM2 working again after february 2013 steam update and because of big help I got from him with optimizing code to remove droped weapons.
The version 2.1.3d was released because of troubles with client commands used in CSDM plugins (in 2014 VALVE has included some limitations in executing client commands).

If someone will see the changes I did they are really usefull - please write it clearly in this topic.

Here is the full list of changes I did:

[csdm_amxx module]
(2.1h) Added the function csdm_remove_weaponbox; Changed the check for removing the dropped weapon if the player-owner is disconnected (the owner is NULL).
(2.1i) Removed one not necessary check for non-existing entity with the number maxplayers+1 (added in 2.1h)
(2.1.1j) Added Bailopan's changes to get the compatibility with AMX X 1.8.0 and solve some FreeBSD problems.
(2.1.2k) Added sawce's and Bailopan's changes to get the compatibility with the latest steam update.
(2.1.3b) Added arkshine's changes to get th compatibility with the latest steam update (feb 2013). Changed the way of finding weapons dropped by players to prevent looping through all entities (that should infulence the performance of the server - less CPU consumption) - big thanks again to arkshine.
(2.1.3c) Added arkshine's change to get th compatibility with the latest steam update (apr 2013). Big thanks again to arkshine.

+Fixed bug concerning to map specyfic weapons configuartion/restriction (more info about that You can read here
+The displaying in the menu of the CSDM state is changed - now it says clearly CSDM Enabled/ CSDM Disabled instead Enable/Disable)
+Added the command "sv_restartround 2" after changing the state of CSDM
+(2.1c) Added csdm_settings_menu() native and special menu for CSDM settings (there are such items as FFA enabled/disabled, Spawn Protection Enbaled/Disabled, Radar Scrambled/Disabled, Item Mode Enabled/Disabled etc).
+(2.1d) Added some items from the csdm.cfg for the part [settings] to the settings csdm menu.
+(2.1g) Fixed problem with say "/respawn" function
+(2.1h) Fixed problem with weapons not removed if dropped by bots or by disconnected player (requires the new csdm_amxx module included into beta pacake!!!). Please give me the feeedback if it loads and works on linux (tested only on windows!!!).
+(2.1h) Added the function to write to csdm.cfg any changes with CSDM settings from "CSDM Settings Menu". This is the most hated function by Bailopan I did (it's against the design). If You don't wish to save by any admin Your original settings from csdm.cfg You can mark this file as read-only. After enabling/disbling CSDM from the menu it saves this into csdm.cfg and changelevel is called (so there is no need to recreate entities or removig them during the game - when the map was already loaded).
+(2.1i) Added CSDM Main Settings Menu (with settings of this plugin) to the Settings Menu (sorted menu done in 2.1c).
+(2.1.3b) Small changes to beeter use FM_SetModel function (to use it also for dropped shield).
+(2.1.3d) Changed all client commands showing menus to console commands with shorter names of them.

+Added a check if there is any menu displayed - then wait (max 30s) to prevent owerwrite it (after that max time it's overwritten anyway).
+Added a check if item mode is enabled - if so - the gun menus aren't displayed
+(2.1c)Added the support for limit weapons/per map - for example if You want to have only 2 awp's on some map write the line in the section [item_restrictions]:
awp 2
+(2.1c)If You used some limited weapon before get killed, the Equip Menu doesn't let You use items 2 ("Previous selection") nor 3 ("2 + don't ask me again") - it would be unfair if You could use some limited gun every respawn - other players want to use them too...
+(2.1d) Added some items from the csdm.cfg for the part [equip] to the settings csdm menu
+(2.1f) Temporary fix for "Invalid player" error returned by cs_get_user_team
+(2.1g) If You write 0 for all secondary weapon (and also for primary weapons) - since this version if there is no any secondary weapon available and the secondary gun menu is not displayed at all. The same about primary gun. Added the temporary fix for menu allowing to use disabled items (I can remove it when AMX X 1.76d or higher will be as a requirement).
+(2.1h) Fixed problem with not displaying the same page of the menu after using some item from CSDM Settings Menu
+(2.1i) Added CSDM Equip Settings menu (with settings of this plugin) to the Settings Menu (sorted menu done in 2.1c).
+(2.1j) Reduced the delay between respawning and equiping the player by a gun (if he chose before 2 or 3).
+(2.1.3d) Changed all client commands showing menus to console commands with shorter names of them.

+Added support for team specyfic spawn points
+(2.1c) Merged spawn editor with spawn preset into one plugin (by BAILOPAN's decision)
In the part of spawn_editor these changes has been done in some previous beta I posted before:
+Added support for team specyfic spawn points
+(2.1c) Fixed BUG with deleting and editing the latest spawn (when there was only 1 spawn point remaining there was no way to delete/edit it)
+(2.1c) Fixed bug with displaying the closest spawn number (if the statistics says we have 1 spawn point - the closest one should have the number 1 instead 0 - it's for users - not for programmers)
+(2.1h) The player is now spawned at leats 500 units far away from enemies and it also takes care now about FFA mode.
+(2.1i) Fixed bug which would let anyone to open the spawns editor (regardless if he has or not the correct flag with the access).
+(2.1.3d) Changed all client commands showing menus to console commands with shorter names of them.

+Changed - the config is read also if CSDM is disabled
+Changed - Removing buyzones, bombsites, hostage/vip rescue points is possible also during the game - I mean if someone started the game with CSDM disabled, but then he enabled CSDM from the main CSDM menu (only hostages aren't removed - probably for that we need to hide them in the future release like it was in old CSDM 1.70.3xx)
+On maps where there is no buyzone entities - the buy icon is hidden if MAPSTRIP_BUY flag is active (that icon was still active in spawn points areas - it was annoying)
+(2.1d) Added some items from the csdm.cfg for the part [misc] to the settings csdm menu.
+(2.1e) Weapons existing on maps (on ground) are stripped now if in misc section You have setuped "b" flag in remove_objectives variable (it will not be added to the official version!!!)
+(2.1g) Since this version is possible to stop strp entities from the map if for the particular map (with per map config) the stripping (or CSDM at all) is disabled.
+(2.1h) Removing weapons on the ground, player_weaponstrip and game_player_equip - has been moved to the new plugin csdm_stripper.
+(2.1h) Added the possibility to always invoke gun menu under certain restriction. Fixed problem with not displaying the same page of the menu after using some item from CSDM Settings Menu.
+(2.1i) Removed hint "press buy" when buying is disabled (by Simon Logic).
+(2.1i) Added hide_money variable to csdm.cfg to disable showing money if buying is disabled (by Simon Logic).
+(2.1i) Added hide_timer variable to csdm.cfg to disable showing timer if all VIP/cs_/de_ objectives are removed (by Simon Logic).
+(2.1i) Added CSDM Misc Settings Menu (with settings of this plugin) to the Settings Menu (sorted menu done in 2.1c).
+(2.1j) Fixed some rarely problem with generating Run Time Errors when Money and Time was disabled to displaying (it appeared on listenservers for spectators).
+(2.1.3d) Changed all client commands showing menus to console commands with shorter names of them.

+(2.1h) Added new plugin which can read its-own section from csdm.cfg to remove from the map any entities You wish. These the most frequently used on some fun maps are listed already in the new csdm.cfg in 2.1h beta package.
+(2.1.3d) Changed all client commands showing menus to console commands with shorter names of them.

+(2.1c) Fixed bug with disabling spawn protection not working
+(2.1c) Added the possibility to switch on/off the spawn protection from CSDM Settings Menu.
+(2.1h) Fixed bug with settings for glowing after respawning (well - exactly the bug was in csdm.cfg)
+(2.1h) Fixed problem with not displaying the same page of the menu after using some item from CSDM Settings Menu.
+(2.1i) Added the option to switch on/off the glowing if someone wants to have protection enabled but without glowing.
+(2.1i) Added the separate glowing colour of spawned players when FFA is on.
+(2.1i) Changed the protection-off moment - now it's off when any of IN_ATTACK, IN_ATTACK2, IN_FORWARD, IN_BACK, IN_MOVELEFT, IN_MOVERIGHT
key is pressed (by Simon Logic).
+(2.1i) Added some code against other plugins controlling protection (to prevent interfere with such plugins).
+(2.1i) Added CSDM Protection Settings Menu (with settings of this plugin) to the Settings Menu (sorted menu done in 2.1c).
+(2.1.3d) Changed all client commands showing menus to console commands with shorter names of them.

+Added the option in csdm.cfg in ffa section - radar_disable - if it's 0 (default) the radar is scrambled, i it's 1 - the radar is hidden on the client side (but the discussion about possible issues with this You can read here)
+Changed - now csdm_ffa_ctrl says clearly how the status of ffa has been changed (before there was no info if it was switched to on or to off)
+(2.1c) Moved FFA enabling and Radar Disabling to CSDM Settings Menu
+(2.1h) Fixed problem with not displaying the same page of the menu after using some item from CSDM Settings Menu.
+(2.1i) Added the function to disable Fire In the Hole message if FFA is enabled (by Simon Logic)
+(2.1i) Added CSDM FFA Settings Menu (with settings of this plugin) to the Settings Menu (sorted menu done in 2.1c).
+(2.1.3d) Changed all client commands showing menus to console commands with shorter names of them.

+Added the menu for ticketing
+Added possibility to enable/disable the ticketing system from that menu
+Added possibility to increase /decrase the number of tickets per team from the menu.
+Added the possibility to choose from the menu the method of displaying tickets remaining (HUD or chat).
+(2.1c) Added ticketing for players against the standard ticketing for teams. To enable ticketing for players go to the csdm.cfg and find the line in [ticketing] section:
ticketing_player = 0
and change the default value (0 - team ticketing) to 1 (player ticketing)
+(2.1g) Fixed problem with say "/respawn" function blocked by this plugin
+(2.1h) Fixed few problems with mode for ticketing players.
+(2.1i) Moved CSDM Tickets Menu (with settings of this plugin) to the Settings Menu (sorted menu done in 2.1c).
+(2.1.3d) Changed all client commands showing menus to console commands with shorter names of them.

+Added the item editor !!! (I hope the menus I did they will be cool for You to easy add some items to the map )
+If item mode is enabled Equip menu is not displayed anymore (like it was in old CSDM 1.70.3xx)
+(2.1c) Added the possibility enable/disable item mode from the CSDM Settings Menu
+(2.1e) Weapons_stay <time> should work also in itemmode (but it may cause lags because of amount of entities - don't put it higher than 5 for item_mode!!!)
+(2.1e) Extending collision boxes for items and for grenade
+(2.1g) P90 works now correctly with smg_ammo; added p228 to the Item Editor.
+(2.1h) Fixed problem with not displaying the same page of the menu after using some item from CSDM Settings Menu.
+(2.1i) Fixed zero bounding box for non-grenade weapons (by Simon Logic).
+(2.1i) Added the new kind of drop pack in csdm.cfg - 0=disabled, 1=DM type (standard), 2=CS type (standard + armor and health included - by Simon Logic).
+(2.1i) Added to csdm.cfg the variable persistent_items (1) to prevent fall down items while respawning; (0) - items are falling down (by Simon Logic).
+(2.1i) Added to csdm.cfg 3 variables for nades - max_hnades, max_fnades, max_snades - they mean how many (max) nades each type the player can pickup and keep in his hands (by Simon Logic).
+(2.1i) Added the new parameter in the line of item configuration in ents_mapname.cfg - angle of the item (by Simon Logic).
+(2.1i) Changed - if pack is droped and weapon_stay is grater than 0, the pack doesn't include the weapon, because the weapon You can pickup anyway (by Simon Logic).
+(2.1i) Added - the messages are sent to the player when item_healthkit and item_battery are picked-up - to display the icon on the right side of the screen. To get it working correctly You need to have the fixed sprite 640hud2.spr (by Simon Logic).
+(2.1i) Fixed bug with drop_time not working correctly (found by Simon Logic).
+(2.1i) Fixed bug with not playing the sound when item_battery or item_medkit is picked-up (by Simon Logic).
+(2.1i) Added the possibility to pickup more health than 100 if the max_health changed by some plugin lets to use higher health (by Simon Logic).
+(2.1i) Changed - the help about using longjump is displayed once for a player per map (by Simon Logic).
+(2.1i) Changed - player can grab CSDM weapon as ammo bonus if carring the same weapon type (dropped weapons are not supported - use external plugin; by Simon Logic).
+(2.1i) Changed - death packs now got initial velocity based on players velocity during his
death (taken from original DM gameplay - by Simon Logic).
+(2.1i) Added to csdm.cfg the new variable no_gun_menu; 1 - in item mode no gun menu is displayed, 0 - the gun menu is still displayed (necessary if You want to put item config with ammo only and ammo_refill is 0).
+(2.1i) Added CSDM Items Settings Menu (with settings of this plugin) to the Settings Menu (sorted menu done in 2.1c).
+(2.1.3d) Changed all client commands showing menus to console commands with shorter names of them.

Have fun and please test it if You can and give me the feedback.

2.1i update - It was already 337 + 375 + 545 + 560 downloads before reaploading the new beta version...

2.1.2k update for the steam update (thanks to sawce and Bailopan) - it requires AMX X 1.8.x. Leaving for now 2.1i for those they still are using AMX X 1.76d.

2.1.3b update for the steam update feb 2013 (thanks to arkshine). It requires AMX X 1.8.2. Optimized the code for finding dropped weapons they need to be removed by CSDM - thanks again to arkshine to figure it out. The module uses now some functions coded in HAM module to get private data.

2.1.3c 2.1.3b update for the steam update apr 2013 (thanks to arkshine again).

2.1.3d update against limitations in client commands.
Attached Files
File Type: zip csdm_2.1.3d_KWo.zip (413.5 KB, 19339 views)
The Fullpack of podbot mm V3B22 - 24 apr 2012!!! is available here.
The All-In-One 3.2a package - 02 jun 2013 (AMX X 1.8.2 [with ATAC 3.0.1b , CSDM2.1.3c beta, CM OE 0.6.5, podbot mm V3B22c and mm 1.20) is available here.
The newest Beta V3B23a (rel. 28 august 2018!!!) is available here.

Last edited by KWo; 06-07-2014 at 07:07. Reason: update files
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Old 11-15-2006 , 00:02   Re: CSDM 2.1a beta
Reply With Quote #2

sounds like alot of work, im probably not going to update as mine is working perfectly fine atm, and last update kinda went haywire... but how have u fixed the map specific configs? Mine work fine, i just redirect in each map.cfg for the csdm reload.

Also did u address the issue that when u first joined, and say... got a m4 and deagle, then made it save ur weapon, then maybe 6 rounds later u try to get an ak and usp, it works only when the menu asks u, but after u hit 3 for the last time (i think it asks u 2x) it'll give u a m4 and deagle again (ur original layout)

Edit: oh might i make a suggestion

Put a limit on certain weapons. Awp gets whored to often and u cant limit it with regular plugins. I requested this before bail liked the idea, but so far i havent seen it implemented.. maybe u can add like a section in the config beside each weapon and 0 means no limit, 1 will limit 1 to each team, etc.

Last edited by pulpy; 11-15-2006 at 00:20.
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Location: Poland
Old 11-15-2006 , 03:48   Re: CSDM 2.1a beta
Reply With Quote #3

Originally Posted by pulpy
but how have u fixed the map specific configs? Mine work fine, i just redirect in each map.cfg for the csdm reload.
I've described the problem here.

Originally Posted by pulpy
Also did u address the issue that when u first joined, and say... got a m4 and deagle, then made it save ur weapon, then maybe 6 rounds later u try to get an ak and usp, it works only when the menu asks u, but after u hit 3 for the last time (i think it asks u 2x) it'll give u a m4 and deagle again (ur original layout)
After hitting first time item 3 (save and don't ask again) from the equip menu - did You use the say command "guns" or "/guns" to see the menu second time?

Originally Posted by pulpy
Put a limit on certain weapons. Awp gets whored to often and u cant limit it with regular plugins. I requested this before bail liked the idea, but so far i havent seen it implemented.. maybe u can add like a section in the config beside each weapon and 0 means no limit, 1 will limit 1 to each team, etc.
I can work on it, but I need to speak with BAILOPAN first how it should be done (the way/method only). But first I need to fix some bugs in podbot mm the people reported at podbot mm forum and release V3B16c, then I can try to take a look at the weapon limit problem. I think I need about 3-4 days for work on pb mm.
The Fullpack of podbot mm V3B22 - 24 apr 2012!!! is available here.
The All-In-One 3.2a package - 02 jun 2013 (AMX X 1.8.2 [with ATAC 3.0.1b , CSDM2.1.3c beta, CM OE 0.6.5, podbot mm V3B22c and mm 1.20) is available here.
The newest Beta V3B23a (rel. 28 august 2018!!!) is available here.
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Old 11-15-2006 , 04:28   Re: CSDM 2.1a beta
Reply With Quote #4

no problem, simply a request, and i just wanted to know ur issue with the csdm, simple enough, i just made 1 for awp maps, 1 for w/e named em awp.cfg in their own folders

As for the weapon problem, i used guns, not /guns
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AMX Mod X Beta Tester
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Old 11-19-2006 , 08:18   Re: CSDM 2.1b beta
Reply With Quote #5

I've re-upload the beta - fixed some minor issues, some features I've added they are coded better now (especially in csdm_equip.sma - big thanks to BAILOPAN for the function player_menu_info , csdm_ffa is rewritten after big disussion with BAILOPAN in that topic.
I hope the next beta will contain the limitation of ceratin weapons per map.
The Fullpack of podbot mm V3B22 - 24 apr 2012!!! is available here.
The All-In-One 3.2a package - 02 jun 2013 (AMX X 1.8.2 [with ATAC 3.0.1b , CSDM2.1.3c beta, CM OE 0.6.5, podbot mm V3B22c and mm 1.20) is available here.
The newest Beta V3B23a (rel. 28 august 2018!!!) is available here.
KWo is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2005
Old 11-26-2006 , 10:54   Re: CSDM 2.1b beta
Reply With Quote #6

Tickets menu works.
But (watch screen):
1.when I press ''5'', nothing happens
2.how to unlock first item?
Attached Thumbnails
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juventus the best

Last edited by csman4ik; 11-26-2006 at 10:57.
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AMX Mod X Beta Tester
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Old 11-26-2006 , 16:03   Re: CSDM 2.1b beta
Reply With Quote #7

As You can see on Your picture there is no item for "5" - so what should happen? I think that's OK. About Your second question - because You reached the limit of tickets by increasing them - You can decrase them only. Then the increasing (1) will be unlocked again.
The Fullpack of podbot mm V3B22 - 24 apr 2012!!! is available here.
The All-In-One 3.2a package - 02 jun 2013 (AMX X 1.8.2 [with ATAC 3.0.1b , CSDM2.1.3c beta, CM OE 0.6.5, podbot mm V3B22c and mm 1.20) is available here.
The newest Beta V3B23a (rel. 28 august 2018!!!) is available here.
KWo is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2005
Old 11-26-2006 , 17:21   Re: CSDM 2.1b beta
Reply With Quote #8

sry me 5=2 thx for your explanation
juventus the best

Last edited by csman4ik; 11-26-2006 at 17:30.
csman4ik is offline
AMX Mod X Beta Tester
Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: Poland
Old 11-26-2006 , 18:07   Re: CSDM 2.1c beta
Reply With Quote #9

The beta has been updated. A lot of changes You can see there (in parenthesies there is written (2.1c) - to show You what was changed in the latest beta. The latest changes in 2.1c are:
+Added the special menu for CSDM settings (as FFA, Spawn protection, Item mode etc...)

+Added the support for limit weapons/per map - for example if You want to have only 2 awp's on some map write the line in the section [item_restrictions]:
awp 2
+If You used some limited weapon before get killed, the Equip Menu doesn't let You use items 2 ("Previous selection") nor 3 ("2 + don't ask me again") - it would be unfair if You could use some limited gun every respawn - other players want to use them too...

+Moved FFA enabling and Radar Disabling to CSDM Settings Menu

+Added ticketing for players against the standard ticketing for teams. To enable ticketing for players go to the csdm.cfg and find the line in [ticketing] section:
ticketing_player = 0
and change the default value (0 - team ticketing) to 1 (player ticketing)

+Merged spawn editor with spawn preset into one plugin (by BAILOPAN's decision)

+Added the possibility enable/disable item mode from the CSDM Settings Menu

+Fixed bug with disabling spawn protection not working
+Added the possibility to switch on/off the spawn protection from CSDM Settings Menu.

Please update Your beta and give me the feedback if You like the changes and if they work correctly for You.
The Fullpack of podbot mm V3B22 - 24 apr 2012!!! is available here.
The All-In-One 3.2a package - 02 jun 2013 (AMX X 1.8.2 [with ATAC 3.0.1b , CSDM2.1.3c beta, CM OE 0.6.5, podbot mm V3B22c and mm 1.20) is available here.
The newest Beta V3B23a (rel. 28 august 2018!!!) is available here.
KWo is offline
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Location: Brights Grove, ON
Old 11-26-2006 , 18:23   Re: CSDM 2.1c beta
Reply With Quote #10

KWo, sounds interesting but for the weapon limit, is that per team, or just globally? Also, if u use a limited weapon, u say that the person cant press 2 or 3 so it gives others a chance, wat if the user just simply used it 1x, and suddenly bam, they cant for a while now, ppl tend to get annoyed when their choosing weapons and die because of it, and then the menu starts over again, so having say.. awpers choose a weapon every death, their of course going to try for the awp first, bam dead, damn, okay find ak, bam dead, ah finally ak.

lol, hopefully u followed that
pulpy is offline

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