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Glittermod for SourceMM with Team-Balancing(PTBx like )

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Roger Devil
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Old 01-30-2006 , 11:02   Glittermod for SourceMM with Team-Balancing(PTBx like )
Reply With Quote #1

Glittermod contains
- Weaponrestrictions
. for winning-Team
. Max. count of Weapons for each team
. global restriction
- Automatic-Camper-Detection System :
. Camping is allowed when Bomb is planted
. Camping is allowed for Counters when Bomb is dropped
. Camping is allowed when player has less then gmp_camp_minhealth
. Camping is allowed when player has gmp_camp_credits left
. Camping will be shown with a beacon surrounding the player.
. Alternatively a Health-Slap can be activated by setting gmp_camp_healtslap xx

- Camping support for DOD-S added.
. Camping is allowed for Machine-Gunners.

- Bombtimer sounds available

Glittermod contains the following Modules :
- Weapon-Restrictions( CSS-Only )
- Camper Detection
- Team-Balancer( CSS-Only )
- Auto-Joiner( CSS-Only )

History 2007/05/15
Changes/Additions :

* Roundstats : cvar gmp_roundstats_kills to display player with the most kills
* Roundstats : cvar gmp_roundstats_damage to display player with the most damage
* Roundstats : cvar gmp_roundstats_accurate to display player with the bestaccuracy
* Camping : gmp_round_freezecounter Amount of campings per map, before player gets frozen 0=off
* Camping :gmp_round_freezetime Time in s the player gets frozen
* Teambalancer : Fixed crash on MapChange when Teambalancer is active
* Teambalancer : Fixed bug with gmp_tb_minplayers not counting correctly
* Teambalancer : cvar gmp_tb_bots to enable/disable bots to be balanced
* Teambalancer : cvar gmp_tb_switchpoint 0=Switch at RoundEnd, 1=Switch at RoundStart 2007/01/21
- Added mac10 and xm1014 to weapon-restrictions.

- added gmp_restrict_refund_onspawn "1" // Give the money back if weapon is removed at the start of the round

- Added gmp_camp_allow_weapons "" contains a list of weapons separated by commase.g. "awp,scout"
DOD-Source users have to define the following : gmp_camp_allow_weapons "mg42,30cal,spring,k98_scoped" as the old functionality is removed

- Changed the restriction output to show the name of the weapon restricted.

- Added Team-Aspect to camping :
You can define a radius and the amount of teammembers. If teammembers are present camping inside the specified ranges camping is allowed. Also an previous health-slap because of camping can be restored if Teammembers are in range.
//Radius in which Camping is allowed if enough Team-Members are inside. 200=2.5m or 8.2ft
gmp_camp_teamradius "400"

// Number of teammembers which must be inside of teamradiust
gmp_camp_teammembers "0"

//Health-Points that are restored every 2 seconds if near teammembers
gmp_camp_teamhealthrestore "4"
[update] 2006/12/30
- Fixed crash which can occur with team-balancing

[update] 2006/12/28
- Fixed bug with AdminInterface not working correctly
- Added option to specify class and adminflag for example :
gmp_tb_switchimmunity_flag "Immunity,j" // <Class>,<flag>
gmp_tb_switchimmunity_flag "Admin,g" // <Class>,<flag>
gmp_tb_switchimmunity_flag "g" // <flag> class="Admin"
update] 2006/12/20
- Added cvars to give money at round-start
- Added cvar and sound for teamkiller
- Added gmp_c4_mode to change the output of the bombtimer
gmp_c4_mode "0"          // 0=chat,1=lightgreen,2=green, 3=center, 4=hint 
gmp_givemoney_ct "0"     // Give the specified money at round-start to CT
gmp_givemoney_t "0"         // Give the specified money at round-start to T

//                Sounds
gmp_sound_tk ""  // name of the sound file in cstrike/sound e.g "teamkillorr.mp3
[update] 2006/12/13
- Fixed SwitchTeam without skin-choosing under windows, caused by latest update from valve
- added "camping" event to log-file. You can use it in HLStatsX by defining an action "camping" and make an award or substract some points for camping.
- added cvars gmp_restrictxxx_tmp to restrict the tmp
- added reserved slots-functionality
- added gmp_reserveslots.txt to define the reserved slots without having a admin-plugin works also for standalone

[update] 2006/11/30
- Removed messages for auto-joining when no auto-assign happens
- new cvar gmp_tb_switchtype 0/1 0=switchteams without dying and skin-selecection, 1=with skin-selection
- Metamod-Source-Only : Added support for BAT-Admin-Plugin with the following CVars :
gmp_camp_immunity_flag ""
gmp_tb_switchimmunity_flag ""
gmp_tb_joinimmunity_flag ""
[update] 2006/11/24
- new cvar gmp_overwin_mapchange "0"
// forces a map change on a certain amount of rounds won difference, 0=disabled
- gmp_tb_autojoin "1" is integrated to automatically join player to the right team. Also prevents players from switching to the winning-team.
- fixed bug with C4-Timer in Standalone-Version

- added Team-Balancing Module, details see gmp_settings.cfg
- changed the color of the weapon-restriction messages to be more visible
- each module can be activated separetly
Weapon-Restriction : gmp_restrict_enabled 0/1
Camping Detection : gmp_camp_punishtype 0/1/2/3
Team-Balancing : gmp_tb_ebnable 0/1
AutoJoining : gmp_tb_autojoin 0/1

How does the Team-Balancer work
All the players on each team are given a strength based on Kills/Deaths and each team receives a Team-Strength. The difference between the team strengths determines how balanced the teams are. If the difference is near zero, the teams are considered to be fair. If the difference increases and the maxstreaks( gmp_tb_maxstreak) and the score(gmp_tb_maxscore) differences execeed the given values, the team-balancing will start.

When performing a team switch, the team balancer first calculates the new strength of the teams when switching players.If they are nearly equal the players will be switched.
If the strength of the new team in all cases is greater than the strength of the winning team no switching will be done. This could happen if you have one Megaplayer with a very good K/D and all other players with bad K/D. If this player is switched to the other team, the other team has the advantage.

To prevent a player to be switched too often, gmp_tb_playernext is the rounds where the player will not be switched.
To keep the teamsizes nearly equal set gmp_tb_maxteamdiff "1".

And to avoid conflicts with the standard team-balancing set mp_autoteambalance "0"

The team balancer usually takes the best dead player on the team with a higher score and switches him or her with the worst dead player on the team with the lower score. This is not always the case. If the teams are not as imbalanced, players with more average scores will be switched. Minimization of team scores yields non-disruptive, fair switches.

How does the AutoJoiner work
- On the first rounds defined by gmp_tb_rounds the players are automatically switched to the team with less players, or if equal to CT
- After that the players are prevented to switch or join to the winning team.
Important :
All clients must have set cl_restrict_server_commands "0"

Todo :
As the Team-Balancer is totally new, post your suggestions on how to improve it.

Download Link Standalone and Metamod :

Last edited by Roger Devil; 05-15-2007 at 06:56. Reason: New Version released
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Old 01-30-2006 , 18:11  
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Rebell is offline
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Old 01-31-2006 , 01:14  
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Seems like a great plugin, but the anticamp did not work right at all. I rarely stop moving and it would just randomly start a beacon around me. Seems like it especially like to come on if you moved vertically.

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Roger Devil
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Old 01-31-2006 , 03:51  
Reply With Quote #4

You can specify when the camping is detected by specifying a radius and a time. Camping is detetected when a player only moves inside the radius in the given time. The movement is calculated is the distance between 2 Vectors and a Vector has 3 dimensions, so its not only vertical.
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Old 01-31-2006 , 03:54  
Reply With Quote #5

Originally Posted by Roger Devil
You can specify when the camping is detected by specifying a radius and a time. Camping is detetected when a player only moves inside the radius in the given time. The movement is calculated is the distance between 2 Vectors and a Vector has 3 dimensions, so its not only vertical.
Time was set 15 seconds. It seemed when I climbed on a roof or up it would detect that I was camping. I left the radius as it is preconfigured. I tried it twice...but it improperly detected me camping. It was happening to alot of people that were moving. The funny thing was I could sit still sometimes and it wouldn't go off.

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Roger Devil
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Old 01-31-2006 , 13:10  
Reply With Quote #6

I will check this, thx
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Roger Devil
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Old 02-10-2006 , 10:13  
Reply With Quote #7

New Version released with several bug-fixes :

- Fixed bug with loosing teamrestriction not works like expected.
- Completly reworked that issue. The cvars gmp_restrictteam_names and gmp_restrictteam_count are now obsolete!!!!
- Use the following CVars for Team-Restrictions :

gmp_restrictteam_sg552 -1 //Count of this weapon allowed per Team( -1=unlimited )
gmp_restrictteam_g3sg1 -1 //Count of this weapon allowed per Team( -1=unlimited )
gmp_restrictteam_awp -1 //Count of this weapon allowed per Team( -1=unlimited )
gmp_restrictteam_scout -1 //Count of this weapon allowed per Team( -1=unlimited )
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Old 02-10-2006 , 13:37  
Reply With Quote #8


How to configure only one awp per team and no awp for the winning team ???

Thanks rodger
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Roger Devil
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Old 02-11-2006 , 06:05  
Reply With Quote #9

// Only one AWP per Team
gmp_restrictteam_awp 1

// No AWP for the winning team won 2 Rounds more
gmp_restrict_awp 1
gmp_restrict_rounds 2

Thats it
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Old 02-14-2006 , 19:21  
Reply With Quote #10

How about an all snipers restrict/limit? (Scout not included, or a cvar to say whether scout is included) as such

gmp_snipers 0-X (X = max)
gmp_snipers_inc_scout 0/1

I just wish there was a sourcemm plugin w/ deathbeams (that wasn't an all in one, like mani)
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