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Solved How do I set a client's buttons?

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Old 07-02-2021 , 00:51   How do I set a client's buttons?
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So I did some looking around on this topic, and I eventually found this helpful thread. I followed Powerlord's suggestion, and I wound up with the following code:

If you're curious, IsValidMulti is a custom stock that checks if a client is valid, as well as if they meet various conditions depending on what's passed to it. In this case, I use it to make sure the possessed player is alive, and to make sure the possessor is both alive and a boss (this is meant as part of a Freak Fortress ability pack).
public Action:possessed(client) //PreThink hook, used to set the client's buttons each frame.
	if (IsValidMulti(client, true, true, false) && IsValidMulti(possession_Possessor[client]) && FF2_HasAbility(FF2_GetBossIndex(possession_Possessor[client]), SPOOK, POSSESSION))
		new buttons = GetClientButtons(possession_Possessor[client]); //Grab the buttons of whoever is controlling this player
		SetClientButtons(client, buttons); //Set the possessed player's buttons in accordance with the above

public void SetClientButtons(int client, int buttons) //Borrowed from entity_prop_stocks and modified
	if (IsValidClient(client))
		char datamap[32];
		GameData gc = new GameData("core.games");
		bool exists = gc.GetKeyValue("m_nButtons", datamap, sizeof(datamap));
		delete gc;

		if (!exists)
			strcopy(datamap, sizeof(datamap), "m_nButtons");

		SetEntProp(client, Prop_Data, datamap, buttons);
The code is successful in letting me control when the possessed player shoots or uses alt-fire, but it doesn't do anything else. Does anyone have any ideas?
Professional retard. I might borrow some code, but I always try to give credit when I do! If you've noticed I've borrowed some of your code, and you have a problem with that, please add me on Steam and let me know so I can correct the problem as soon as possible!

Last edited by LordHotPocketHomicide; 07-07-2021 at 23:17.
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Old 07-02-2021 , 01:27   Re: How do I set a client's buttons?
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Would suggest doing "static GameData gc" and checking if "gc != null" before reading the gamedata, especially if this stock is being used over and over.

Anyway, have a look at "OnPlayerRunCmd" and set client buttons there? That should give full control I think.
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Old 07-02-2021 , 23:31   Re: How do I set a client's buttons?
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Originally Posted by Silvers View Post
Would suggest doing "static GameData gc" and checking if "gc != null" before reading the gamedata, especially if this stock is being used over and over.

Anyway, have a look at "OnPlayerRunCmd" and set client buttons there? That should give full control I think.
Thanks, man! Turns out I was already using OnPlayerRunCmd, I just thought it wasn't working; turns out my validity checks were wrong, so it wasn't doing anything. Anyway, I fixed up the validity checks and added the following:

public Action OnPlayerRunCmd(int client, int &buttons, int &impulse, float vel[3])
	if (IsValidMulti(client, true, true, false) && IsValidMulti(possession_Possessor[client])) //If the client running the command is possessed, replace their buttons with the possessor's.
		buttons = GetClientButtons(possession_Possessor[client]);
		CPrintToChatAll("{purple}Attempting to set %N's buttons to that of %N...", client, possession_Possessor[client]);
		return Plugin_Changed;
	else if (IsValidMulti(client) && IsValidMulti(possession_Host[client], true, true, false)) //If the client running the command is a boss using this ability, force their inputs on their "host" (player they are possessing).
		CPrintToChatAll("{purple}Attempting to force %N's buttons on %N...", client, possession_Host[client]);
		SetClientButtons(possession_Host[client], buttons);
I also went ahead and removed the PreThink hook, then fixed up SetClientButtons as you suggested. The result was an improvement: in addition to controlling when the host fires or uses alt-fire, it now allows the possessor to control when their host jumps, crouches, or uses their special attack, though there is a small delay. However, it doesn't allow the possessor to control the victim's movement or control when the victim switches weapons, which sort of renders the whole thing useless. I was thinking I could probably do some manual movement control using velocity, then mess around with m_hActiveWeapon to fix the weapon swap issue, but I feel like this would be somewhat hacky and would look/feel weird in-game. Any ideas?
Professional retard. I might borrow some code, but I always try to give credit when I do! If you've noticed I've borrowed some of your code, and you have a problem with that, please add me on Steam and let me know so I can correct the problem as soon as possible!
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Old 07-03-2021 , 07:23   Re: How do I set a client's buttons?
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AFAIK you can't detect some buttons with these fuctions, like pressing 1 2 3 4 or Q to swap weapons
In this case, you would have to check the active weapon and its slot and force it on the "possessed" client
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