Veteran Member
Join Date: Nov 2017
Location: Ukraine on fire

, 16:39
Re: [ANY] ConVars Anomaly Fixer
Here is example of report by manual show/fix, using my plugin:
2018-05-25, 22:22:26 - show
[CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar value is different. Cfg: cfg/sourcemod/l4d_evil_witch.cfg, Cvar: l4d_witch_chance_followsurvivor, Value: 60.0 (default: 60.0), should be: 100.0
[CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar is not used: l4d_cs_alltalk, cfg: cfg/sourcemod/l4d_cs.cfg
[CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar is not used: l4d_cs_deadalltalk, cfg: cfg/sourcemod/l4d_cs.cfg
[CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar is not used: l4d_cs_enable, cfg: cfg/sourcemod/l4d_cs.cfg
[CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar is not used: l4d_cs_noinfected, cfg: cfg/sourcemod/l4d_cs.cfg
[CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar is not used: l4d_cs_respawntime, cfg: cfg/sourcemod/l4d_cs.cfg
[CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar is not used: l4d_cs_survivorglow, cfg: cfg/sourcemod/l4d_cs.cfg
[CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar is not used: l4d_cs_teambalance, cfg: cfg/sourcemod/l4d_cs.cfg
[CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar is not used: sm_configs_comment, cfg: cfg/sourcemod/sm_configs.cfg
[CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar value is different. Cfg: cfg/sourcemod/l4dinfectedbots.cfg, Cvar: l4d_infectedbots_boomer_limit, Value: 1 (default: 1), should be: 2
[CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar value is different. Cfg: cfg/sourcemod/l4dinfectedbots.cfg, Cvar: l4d_infectedbots_ghost_time, Value: 2 (default: 2), should be: 3
[CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar value is different. Cfg: cfg/sourcemod/l4dinfectedbots.cfg, Cvar: l4d_infectedbots_lifespan, Value: 40 (default: 40), should be: 80
[CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar value is different. Cfg: cfg/sourcemod/l4dinfectedbots.cfg, Cvar: l4d_infectedbots_max_specials, Value: 4 (default: 4), should be: 6
[CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar value is different. Cfg: cfg/sourcemod/l4dinfectedbots.cfg, Cvar: l4d_infectedbots_smoker_limit, Value: 1 (default: 1), should be: 2
[CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar value is different. Cfg: cfg/sourcemod/l4dinfectedbots.cfg, Cvar: l4d_infectedbots_spawn_time_max, Value: 30 (default: 30), should be: 25
[CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar value is different. Cfg: cfg/sourcemod/l4dinfectedbots.cfg, Cvar: l4d_infectedbots_spawn_time_min, Value: 25 (default: 25), should be: 15
[CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar value is different. Cfg: cfg/sourcemod/l4dinfectedbots.cfg, Cvar: l4d_infectedbots_spawns_disabled_tank, Value: 0 (default: 0), should be: 1
[CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar value is different. Cfg: cfg/sourcemod/l4d_cvar_test.cfg, Cvar: l4d_cvar_test_notify, Value: 1 (default: 1), should be: 0
[CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar is not used: sm_reserve_type, cfg: cfg/sourcemod/sourcemod.cfg
[CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar is not used: sm_reserved_slots, cfg: cfg/sourcemod/sourcemod.cfg
[CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar is not used: sm_hide_slots, cfg: cfg/sourcemod/sourcemod.cfg
[CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar value is different. Cfg: cfg/sourcemod/sm_plugin_votemanager2.cfg, Cvar: l4d_vote_difficulty_access, Value: (default: ), should be: z
[CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar value is different. Cfg: cfg/sourcemod/sm_plugin_votemanager2.cfg, Cvar: l4d_vote_level_access, Value: (default: ), should be: z
[CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar value is different. Cfg: cfg/sourcemod/sm_plugin_votemanager2.cfg, Cvar: l4d_vote_restart_access, Value: (default: ), should be: z
[CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar value is different. Cfg: cfg/sourcemod/sm_plugin_votemanager2.cfg, Cvar: l4d_vote_surv_restart_access, Value: (default: ), should be: z
[CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar value is different. Cfg: cfg/sourcemod/sm_plugin_votemanager2.cfg, Cvar: l4d_vote_timeout, Value: 0 (default: 0), should be: 60
[CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar value is different. Cfg: cfg/server.cfg, Cvar: z_tank_rock_debug, Value: 0 (default: 0), should be: 1
[CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar is not used: log, cfg: cfg/server.cfg
[CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar is not used: logaddress_add, cfg: cfg/server.cfg
[CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar value is different. Cfg: cfg/server.cfg, Cvar: z_witch_speed, Value: 400 (default: 300), should be: 210
[CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar is not used: plugins_reset_after_campaign, cfg: cfg/server.cfg
[CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar value is different. Cfg: cfg/server.cfg, Cvar: z_hunter_lunge_distance, Value: 1500 (default: 750), should be: 950
[CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar is not used: sm_swm_msgtype, cfg: cfg/server.cfg
[CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar is not used: sm_swm_messagelines, cfg: cfg/server.cfg
[CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar value is different. Cfg: cfg/server.cfg, Cvar: z_hunter_health, Value: 270 (default: 250), should be: 280
[CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar is not used: sm_downloader_enabled, cfg: cfg/server.cfg
[CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar is not used: sm_downloader_normal, cfg: cfg/server.cfg
[CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar is not used: sm_downloader_simple, cfg: cfg/server.cfg
[CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar is not used: sv_allow_dlfile, cfg: cfg/server.cfg
[CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar is not used: director_no_human_zombies, cfg: cfg/server.cfg
[CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar is not used: l4d_maxplayers, cfg: cfg/server.cfg
[CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar is not used: mp_disable_autokick, cfg: cfg/server.cfg
[CVar_Anomaly]: Cfg value is too big. Cfg: cfg/server.cfg, Cvar: net_maxfilesize, CfgValue: 128 (max: 64.000000)
[CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar value is different. Cfg: cfg/server.cfg, Cvar: net_maxfilesize, Value: 16 (default: 16), should be: 128
[CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar is not used: director_no_human_zombies, cfg: cfg/server.cfg
[CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar is not used: l4d_maxplayers, cfg: cfg/server.cfg
[CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar value is different. Cfg: cfg/server.cfg, Cvar: sv_maxupdaterate, Value: 100 (default: 60), should be: 66
[CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar value is different. Cfg: cfg/server.cfg, Cvar: sv_minupdaterate, Value: 33 (default: 10), should be: 40
[CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar is not used: cl_witch_light_brightness, cfg: cfg/server.cfg
[CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar value is different. Cfg: cfg/server.cfg, Cvar: music_dynamic_witch_near_min, Value: 360 (default: 360), should be: 10
[CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar value is different. Cfg: cfg/server.cfg, Cvar: music_dynamic_witch_near_max, Value: 1800 (default: 1800), should be: 100
[CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar value is different. Cfg: cfg/server.cfg, Cvar: music_dynamic_witch_alert_interval, Value: 37 (default: 37), should be: 5
[CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar value is different. Cfg: cfg/server.cfg, Cvar: z_witch_anger_rate, Value: 1 (default: 0.2), should be: 0.1
[CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar value is different. Cfg: cfg/server.cfg, Cvar: z_witch_burn_time, Value: 55 (default: 15), should be: 75
[CVar_Anomaly]: Total Files: 38 (ConVars: 351)
2018-05-25, 22:22 4 - FIX
[CVar_Anomaly]: Successfully changed convar: l4d_witch_chance_followsurvivor
[CVar_Anomaly]: Successfully changed convar: l4d_infectedbots_boomer_limit
[CVar_Anomaly]: Successfully changed convar: l4d_infectedbots_ghost_time
[CVar_Anomaly]: Successfully changed convar: l4d_infectedbots_lifespan
[CVar_Anomaly]: Successfully changed convar: l4d_infectedbots_max_specials
[CVar_Anomaly]: Successfully changed convar: l4d_infectedbots_smoker_limit
[CVar_Anomaly]: Successfully changed convar: l4d_infectedbots_spawn_time_max
[CVar_Anomaly]: Successfully changed convar: l4d_infectedbots_spawn_time_min
[CVar_Anomaly]: Successfully changed convar: l4d_infectedbots_spawns_disabled_tank
[CVar_Anomaly]: Successfully changed convar: l4d_cvar_test_notify
[CVar_Anomaly]: Successfully changed convar: l4d_vote_difficulty_access
[CVar_Anomaly]: Successfully changed convar: l4d_vote_level_access
[CVar_Anomaly]: Successfully changed convar: l4d_vote_restart_access
[CVar_Anomaly]: Successfully changed convar: l4d_vote_surv_restart_access
[CVar_Anomaly]: Successfully changed convar: l4d_vote_timeout
[CVar_Anomaly]: Successfully changed convar: z_tank_rock_debug
[CVar_Anomaly]: Successfully changed convar: z_witch_speed
[CVar_Anomaly]: Successfully changed convar: z_hunter_lunge_distance
[CVar_Anomaly]: Successfully changed convar: z_hunter_health
[CVar_Anomaly]: FAILURE. Unable to fix value of convar: net_maxfilesize
[CVar_Anomaly]: Successfully changed convar: sv_maxupdaterate
[CVar_Anomaly]: Successfully changed convar: sv_minupdaterate
[CVar_Anomaly]: Successfully changed convar: music_dynamic_witch_near_min
[CVar_Anomaly]: Successfully changed convar: music_dynamic_witch_near_max
[CVar_Anomaly]: Successfully changed convar: music_dynamic_witch_alert_interval
[CVar_Anomaly]: Successfully changed convar: z_witch_anger_rate
[CVar_Anomaly]: Successfully changed convar: z_witch_burn_time
[CVar_Anomaly]: Total Files: 38 (ConVars: 351)
2018-05-25, 22:22 8 - show
[CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar is not used: l4d_cs_alltalk, cfg: cfg/sourcemod/l4d_cs.cfg
[CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar is not used: l4d_cs_deadalltalk, cfg: cfg/sourcemod/l4d_cs.cfg
[CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar is not used: l4d_cs_enable, cfg: cfg/sourcemod/l4d_cs.cfg
[CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar is not used: l4d_cs_noinfected, cfg: cfg/sourcemod/l4d_cs.cfg
[CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar is not used: l4d_cs_respawntime, cfg: cfg/sourcemod/l4d_cs.cfg
[CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar is not used: l4d_cs_survivorglow, cfg: cfg/sourcemod/l4d_cs.cfg
[CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar is not used: l4d_cs_teambalance, cfg: cfg/sourcemod/l4d_cs.cfg
[CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar is not used: sm_configs_comment, cfg: cfg/sourcemod/sm_configs.cfg
[CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar is not used: sm_reserve_type, cfg: cfg/sourcemod/sourcemod.cfg
[CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar is not used: sm_reserved_slots, cfg: cfg/sourcemod/sourcemod.cfg
[CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar is not used: sm_hide_slots, cfg: cfg/sourcemod/sourcemod.cfg
[CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar is not used: log, cfg: cfg/server.cfg
[CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar is not used: logaddress_add, cfg: cfg/server.cfg
[CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar value is different. Cfg: cfg/server.cfg, Cvar: z_witch_burn_time, Value: 75 (default: 15), should be: 55
[CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar is not used: plugins_reset_after_campaign, cfg: cfg/server.cfg
[CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar is not used: sm_swm_msgtype, cfg: cfg/server.cfg
[CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar is not used: sm_swm_messagelines, cfg: cfg/server.cfg
[CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar is not used: sm_downloader_enabled, cfg: cfg/server.cfg
[CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar is not used: sm_downloader_normal, cfg: cfg/server.cfg
[CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar is not used: sm_downloader_simple, cfg: cfg/server.cfg
[CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar is not used: sv_allow_dlfile, cfg: cfg/server.cfg
[CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar is not used: director_no_human_zombies, cfg: cfg/server.cfg
[CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar is not used: l4d_maxplayers, cfg: cfg/server.cfg
[CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar is not used: mp_disable_autokick, cfg: cfg/server.cfg
[CVar_Anomaly]: Cfg value is too big. Cfg: cfg/server.cfg, Cvar: net_maxfilesize, CfgValue: 128 (max: 64.000000)
[CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar value is different. Cfg: cfg/server.cfg, Cvar: net_maxfilesize, Value: 64.000000 (default: 16), should be: 128
[CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar is not used: director_no_human_zombies, cfg: cfg/server.cfg
[CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar is not used: l4d_maxplayers, cfg: cfg/server.cfg
[CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar is not used: cl_witch_light_brightness, cfg: cfg/server.cfg
[CVar_Anomaly]: Total Files: 38 (ConVars: 351)