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[ANY] ConVars Anomaly Fixer

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    Plugin Description:
    Check in-game ConVars that differ from the cfg-files values (due to the Valve bug) and fix them before map start
    Old 05-25-2018 , 16:35   [ANY] ConVars Anomaly Fixer
    Reply With Quote #1

    Cfg Console Variables anomaly happens time by time, and caused by Valve bug:
    values can not be read from cfg-files and remains by default if you reach some limit
    of the number of lines in server.cfg / or cfg-files in total / or by chance.

    This problem is described more in the topic: https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=307696

    Also, this plugin check:
    - if some cfg files contain wrong values that exceed max/min value allowed or max. length.
    - unused (non-existent) ConVars.
    - duplicated ConVars.
    - "sm_convar_anomaly_show" - to compare values in cfg files with actual in-game Cvar to find anomalies/unused cvars.
    - "sm_convar_anomaly_fix" - to attempt to fix Cvar anomalies (log will be short - only info about fixes).

    By default, log-file is located at "addons/sourcemod/logs/CVar_Anomaly.log"
    Settings (ConVars):
    - "convar_anomaly_autofix" - fix Cvar anomaly automatically before each map start? (0 - off, 1 - on {default}).
    - "convar_anomaly_roundstart" - Do additional check/fix on each round start (0 - Disabled, 1 - Enabled)
    - "convar_anomaly_fix_nondefault" - Include all convars in fix even those who have non-default value, but different from cfg (0 - Fix default values only, 1 - Fix all)
    - "convar_anomaly_server_last" - 0 - process cfg files in default Valve order [server.cfg go first], 1 - broke rules and overwrite convars by server.cfg file). This include files in 'convar_cfg_files_include'
    - "convar_cvar_check_areas" - Areas to check for (-1 - All, 1 - difference in values, 2 - nonexistent convars, 8 - overflows, 16 - duplicate convars)
    - "convar_anomaly_logpos" - where to write log? (1 - client conlose, 2 - server console, 4 - file, 1+2+4=7 - all places).
    - "convar_cfg_files_include" - if you need more cfg-files to process, place them here, separated by star (*)
    - "convar_cfg_files_exclude" - if you need exclude some cfg-files from processing, place them here, separated by star (*)
    - "convar_cvar_names_exclude" - if you need concrete ConVars to exclude from processing, place them here, separated by star (*)
    Warning: some plugins / game specifically change its ConVars in-game process, so the final report is not necessarily accurate.

    For most cases, it's enough just to copy .smx file to addons/sourcemod/plugins
    Map configs plugins:
    - Extended Map configs by Milo, - if you using it, you have to set "convar_anomaly_roundstart" to 0
    - Map configs from berni - incompatible at all
    - some plugins may start to throw an error "Cannot create entity when no map is running". Fix for this error should come from plugin authors, not me.
    Recommended plugins:
    [ANY] Restart empty server
    Silvers - for initial parser and nice plugins I studied on.
    hmmmmm - for floating point operation tips.
    Neuro Toxin - for raw IsNumeric() function
    Related plugins:
    Buffer Overflow Fixer - Good to fix Cvar on earlier stage than my plugin, but require DHooks extensions and SM 1.8+
    Cvar Configs Updater - good for commenting unused convars in cfg files to decrease probability of issue
    Donates are very appreciated and welcomed for further inspiration, make me happy, and make next updates came out more often:
    - Patreon
    - BitCoin
    - Ю.Money
    Attached Files
    File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (sm_convar_anomaly.sp - 18 views - 34.7 KB)
    Expert of CMD/VBS/VB6. Malware analyst. L4D fun (Bloody Witch & FreeZone)
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    Last edited by Dragokas; 02-10-2025 at 15:07. Reason: update
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    Old 05-25-2018 , 16:39   Re: [ANY] ConVars Anomaly Fixer
    Reply With Quote #2

    Here is example of report by manual show/fix, using my plugin:


    2018-05-25, 22:22:26 - show

    [CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar value is different. Cfg: cfg/sourcemod/l4d_evil_witch.cfg, Cvar: l4d_witch_chance_followsurvivor, Value: 60.0 (default: 60.0), should be: 100.0
    [CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar is not used: l4d_cs_alltalk, cfg: cfg/sourcemod/l4d_cs.cfg
    [CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar is not used: l4d_cs_deadalltalk, cfg: cfg/sourcemod/l4d_cs.cfg
    [CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar is not used: l4d_cs_enable, cfg: cfg/sourcemod/l4d_cs.cfg
    [CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar is not used: l4d_cs_noinfected, cfg: cfg/sourcemod/l4d_cs.cfg
    [CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar is not used: l4d_cs_respawntime, cfg: cfg/sourcemod/l4d_cs.cfg
    [CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar is not used: l4d_cs_survivorglow, cfg: cfg/sourcemod/l4d_cs.cfg
    [CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar is not used: l4d_cs_teambalance, cfg: cfg/sourcemod/l4d_cs.cfg
    [CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar is not used: sm_configs_comment, cfg: cfg/sourcemod/sm_configs.cfg
    [CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar value is different. Cfg: cfg/sourcemod/l4dinfectedbots.cfg, Cvar: l4d_infectedbots_boomer_limit, Value: 1 (default: 1), should be: 2
    [CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar value is different. Cfg: cfg/sourcemod/l4dinfectedbots.cfg, Cvar: l4d_infectedbots_ghost_time, Value: 2 (default: 2), should be: 3
    [CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar value is different. Cfg: cfg/sourcemod/l4dinfectedbots.cfg, Cvar: l4d_infectedbots_lifespan, Value: 40 (default: 40), should be: 80
    [CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar value is different. Cfg: cfg/sourcemod/l4dinfectedbots.cfg, Cvar: l4d_infectedbots_max_specials, Value: 4 (default: 4), should be: 6
    [CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar value is different. Cfg: cfg/sourcemod/l4dinfectedbots.cfg, Cvar: l4d_infectedbots_smoker_limit, Value: 1 (default: 1), should be: 2
    [CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar value is different. Cfg: cfg/sourcemod/l4dinfectedbots.cfg, Cvar: l4d_infectedbots_spawn_time_max, Value: 30 (default: 30), should be: 25
    [CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar value is different. Cfg: cfg/sourcemod/l4dinfectedbots.cfg, Cvar: l4d_infectedbots_spawn_time_min, Value: 25 (default: 25), should be: 15
    [CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar value is different. Cfg: cfg/sourcemod/l4dinfectedbots.cfg, Cvar: l4d_infectedbots_spawns_disabled_tank, Value: 0 (default: 0), should be: 1
    [CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar value is different. Cfg: cfg/sourcemod/l4d_cvar_test.cfg, Cvar: l4d_cvar_test_notify, Value: 1 (default: 1), should be: 0
    [CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar is not used: sm_reserve_type, cfg: cfg/sourcemod/sourcemod.cfg
    [CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar is not used: sm_reserved_slots, cfg: cfg/sourcemod/sourcemod.cfg
    [CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar is not used: sm_hide_slots, cfg: cfg/sourcemod/sourcemod.cfg
    [CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar value is different. Cfg: cfg/sourcemod/sm_plugin_votemanager2.cfg, Cvar: l4d_vote_difficulty_access, Value: (default: ), should be: z
    [CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar value is different. Cfg: cfg/sourcemod/sm_plugin_votemanager2.cfg, Cvar: l4d_vote_level_access, Value: (default: ), should be: z
    [CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar value is different. Cfg: cfg/sourcemod/sm_plugin_votemanager2.cfg, Cvar: l4d_vote_restart_access, Value: (default: ), should be: z
    [CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar value is different. Cfg: cfg/sourcemod/sm_plugin_votemanager2.cfg, Cvar: l4d_vote_surv_restart_access, Value: (default: ), should be: z
    [CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar value is different. Cfg: cfg/sourcemod/sm_plugin_votemanager2.cfg, Cvar: l4d_vote_timeout, Value: 0 (default: 0), should be: 60
    [CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar value is different. Cfg: cfg/server.cfg, Cvar: z_tank_rock_debug, Value: 0 (default: 0), should be: 1
    [CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar is not used: log, cfg: cfg/server.cfg
    [CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar is not used: logaddress_add, cfg: cfg/server.cfg
    [CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar value is different. Cfg: cfg/server.cfg, Cvar: z_witch_speed, Value: 400 (default: 300), should be: 210
    [CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar is not used: plugins_reset_after_campaign, cfg: cfg/server.cfg
    [CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar value is different. Cfg: cfg/server.cfg, Cvar: z_hunter_lunge_distance, Value: 1500 (default: 750), should be: 950
    [CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar is not used: sm_swm_msgtype, cfg: cfg/server.cfg
    [CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar is not used: sm_swm_messagelines, cfg: cfg/server.cfg
    [CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar value is different. Cfg: cfg/server.cfg, Cvar: z_hunter_health, Value: 270 (default: 250), should be: 280
    [CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar is not used: sm_downloader_enabled, cfg: cfg/server.cfg
    [CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar is not used: sm_downloader_normal, cfg: cfg/server.cfg
    [CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar is not used: sm_downloader_simple, cfg: cfg/server.cfg
    [CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar is not used: sv_allow_dlfile, cfg: cfg/server.cfg
    [CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar is not used: director_no_human_zombies, cfg: cfg/server.cfg
    [CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar is not used: l4d_maxplayers, cfg: cfg/server.cfg
    [CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar is not used: mp_disable_autokick, cfg: cfg/server.cfg
    [CVar_Anomaly]: Cfg value is too big. Cfg: cfg/server.cfg, Cvar: net_maxfilesize, CfgValue: 128 (max: 64.000000)
    [CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar value is different. Cfg: cfg/server.cfg, Cvar: net_maxfilesize, Value: 16 (default: 16), should be: 128
    [CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar is not used: director_no_human_zombies, cfg: cfg/server.cfg
    [CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar is not used: l4d_maxplayers, cfg: cfg/server.cfg
    [CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar value is different. Cfg: cfg/server.cfg, Cvar: sv_maxupdaterate, Value: 100 (default: 60), should be: 66
    [CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar value is different. Cfg: cfg/server.cfg, Cvar: sv_minupdaterate, Value: 33 (default: 10), should be: 40
    [CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar is not used: cl_witch_light_brightness, cfg: cfg/server.cfg
    [CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar value is different. Cfg: cfg/server.cfg, Cvar: music_dynamic_witch_near_min, Value: 360 (default: 360), should be: 10
    [CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar value is different. Cfg: cfg/server.cfg, Cvar: music_dynamic_witch_near_max, Value: 1800 (default: 1800), should be: 100
    [CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar value is different. Cfg: cfg/server.cfg, Cvar: music_dynamic_witch_alert_interval, Value: 37 (default: 37), should be: 5
    [CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar value is different. Cfg: cfg/server.cfg, Cvar: z_witch_anger_rate, Value: 1 (default: 0.2), should be: 0.1
    [CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar value is different. Cfg: cfg/server.cfg, Cvar: z_witch_burn_time, Value: 55 (default: 15), should be: 75
    [CVar_Anomaly]: Total Files: 38 (ConVars: 351)

    2018-05-25, 22:224 - FIX

    [CVar_Anomaly]: Successfully changed convar: l4d_witch_chance_followsurvivor
    [CVar_Anomaly]: Successfully changed convar: l4d_infectedbots_boomer_limit
    [CVar_Anomaly]: Successfully changed convar: l4d_infectedbots_ghost_time
    [CVar_Anomaly]: Successfully changed convar: l4d_infectedbots_lifespan
    [CVar_Anomaly]: Successfully changed convar: l4d_infectedbots_max_specials
    [CVar_Anomaly]: Successfully changed convar: l4d_infectedbots_smoker_limit
    [CVar_Anomaly]: Successfully changed convar: l4d_infectedbots_spawn_time_max
    [CVar_Anomaly]: Successfully changed convar: l4d_infectedbots_spawn_time_min
    [CVar_Anomaly]: Successfully changed convar: l4d_infectedbots_spawns_disabled_tank
    [CVar_Anomaly]: Successfully changed convar: l4d_cvar_test_notify
    [CVar_Anomaly]: Successfully changed convar: l4d_vote_difficulty_access
    [CVar_Anomaly]: Successfully changed convar: l4d_vote_level_access
    [CVar_Anomaly]: Successfully changed convar: l4d_vote_restart_access
    [CVar_Anomaly]: Successfully changed convar: l4d_vote_surv_restart_access
    [CVar_Anomaly]: Successfully changed convar: l4d_vote_timeout
    [CVar_Anomaly]: Successfully changed convar: z_tank_rock_debug
    [CVar_Anomaly]: Successfully changed convar: z_witch_speed
    [CVar_Anomaly]: Successfully changed convar: z_hunter_lunge_distance
    [CVar_Anomaly]: Successfully changed convar: z_hunter_health
    [CVar_Anomaly]: FAILURE. Unable to fix value of convar: net_maxfilesize
    [CVar_Anomaly]: Successfully changed convar: sv_maxupdaterate
    [CVar_Anomaly]: Successfully changed convar: sv_minupdaterate
    [CVar_Anomaly]: Successfully changed convar: music_dynamic_witch_near_min
    [CVar_Anomaly]: Successfully changed convar: music_dynamic_witch_near_max
    [CVar_Anomaly]: Successfully changed convar: music_dynamic_witch_alert_interval
    [CVar_Anomaly]: Successfully changed convar: z_witch_anger_rate
    [CVar_Anomaly]: Successfully changed convar: z_witch_burn_time
    [CVar_Anomaly]: Total Files: 38 (ConVars: 351)

    2018-05-25, 22:228 - show

    [CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar is not used: l4d_cs_alltalk, cfg: cfg/sourcemod/l4d_cs.cfg
    [CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar is not used: l4d_cs_deadalltalk, cfg: cfg/sourcemod/l4d_cs.cfg
    [CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar is not used: l4d_cs_enable, cfg: cfg/sourcemod/l4d_cs.cfg
    [CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar is not used: l4d_cs_noinfected, cfg: cfg/sourcemod/l4d_cs.cfg
    [CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar is not used: l4d_cs_respawntime, cfg: cfg/sourcemod/l4d_cs.cfg
    [CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar is not used: l4d_cs_survivorglow, cfg: cfg/sourcemod/l4d_cs.cfg
    [CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar is not used: l4d_cs_teambalance, cfg: cfg/sourcemod/l4d_cs.cfg
    [CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar is not used: sm_configs_comment, cfg: cfg/sourcemod/sm_configs.cfg
    [CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar is not used: sm_reserve_type, cfg: cfg/sourcemod/sourcemod.cfg
    [CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar is not used: sm_reserved_slots, cfg: cfg/sourcemod/sourcemod.cfg
    [CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar is not used: sm_hide_slots, cfg: cfg/sourcemod/sourcemod.cfg
    [CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar is not used: log, cfg: cfg/server.cfg
    [CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar is not used: logaddress_add, cfg: cfg/server.cfg
    [CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar value is different. Cfg: cfg/server.cfg, Cvar: z_witch_burn_time, Value: 75 (default: 15), should be: 55
    [CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar is not used: plugins_reset_after_campaign, cfg: cfg/server.cfg
    [CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar is not used: sm_swm_msgtype, cfg: cfg/server.cfg
    [CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar is not used: sm_swm_messagelines, cfg: cfg/server.cfg
    [CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar is not used: sm_downloader_enabled, cfg: cfg/server.cfg
    [CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar is not used: sm_downloader_normal, cfg: cfg/server.cfg
    [CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar is not used: sm_downloader_simple, cfg: cfg/server.cfg
    [CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar is not used: sv_allow_dlfile, cfg: cfg/server.cfg
    [CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar is not used: director_no_human_zombies, cfg: cfg/server.cfg
    [CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar is not used: l4d_maxplayers, cfg: cfg/server.cfg
    [CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar is not used: mp_disable_autokick, cfg: cfg/server.cfg
    [CVar_Anomaly]: Cfg value is too big. Cfg: cfg/server.cfg, Cvar: net_maxfilesize, CfgValue: 128 (max: 64.000000)
    [CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar value is different. Cfg: cfg/server.cfg, Cvar: net_maxfilesize, Value: 64.000000 (default: 16), should be: 128
    [CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar is not used: director_no_human_zombies, cfg: cfg/server.cfg
    [CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar is not used: l4d_maxplayers, cfg: cfg/server.cfg
    [CVar_Anomaly]: ConVar is not used: cl_witch_light_brightness, cfg: cfg/server.cfg
    [CVar_Anomaly]: Total Files: 38 (ConVars: 351)
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    Old 05-25-2018 , 16:48   Re: [ANY] ConVars Anomaly Fixer
    Reply With Quote #3

    Just out of curiosity, how often does this bug occur? I haven't encountered this bug before.
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    Old 05-25-2018 , 17:01   Re: [ANY] ConVars Anomaly Fixer
    Reply With Quote #4

    I have 2 servers. Both show strange results on Cvars I sure not affected by another plugins / games / or original plugin itself. So their Cvar values should be exactly == as defined in .cfg file.

    But once I touch some thing on my server (like remove/update some plugin or .cfg), sm_convar_anomaly show that absolutely new ConVars became disobedient.

    Also, did you read previous topic, where 2 identical plugins with identical info in .cfg show different values of their Cvars? I reproduced that bug, and this plugin successfully fixed that case.
    Actually, I faced this problem long time ago, but I didn't know at that time what is the cause, and how to track it, especially because it is soooo random. Shit, Valve. So much headache.

    Anyway, you can install this plugin on your server and enter "sm_convar_anomaly_show" to see does your server have any problems.
    It will not fix anything until you enter "sm_convar_anomaly_fix" command or set "convar_anomaly_autofix" ConVar to 1. It not touch files, just in-game Cvars (volatile).

    Also, this (not only this) plugin show sometimes in client console complete garbage for unknown reason (another Valve bug ???). That's why we have here 3 options: display log in client / server console or to file.
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    Last edited by Dragokas; 05-25-2018 at 17:10.
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    Old 05-25-2018 , 23:33   Re: [ANY] ConVars Anomaly Fixer
    Reply With Quote #5

    I have 2 linux servers cfg sourcemod cfg's some don't execute. I have to put a bunch in server.cfg Have for a long time.
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    Old 05-26-2018 , 05:12   Re: [ANY] ConVars Anomaly Fixer
    Reply With Quote #6

    It's a linux srcds only issue on the only games l4d1+2. The linux srcds can't handle large cfg files without a buffer overflow.

    Last edited by Visual77; 05-26-2018 at 05:13.
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    Old 07-19-2018 , 10:58   Re: [ANY] ConVars Anomaly Fixer
    Reply With Quote #7

    Originally Posted by Visual77 View Post
    It's a linux srcds only issue on the only games l4d1+2. The linux srcds can't handle large cfg files without a buffer overflow.
    No, CSGO have this problem on all platforms. CSGO love change bot_quota, mp_match_restart_delay, mp_match_end_restart, sv_full_alltalk as he wants, and some many other server cvars.

    All of us know about CSGO's stuped bot_quota system.

    You have large gamemode_MODE_NAME_server.cfg? you have cvar problems!
    You have large server.cfg? you have cvar problems!
    You have csgo server at years? You know about this sh**t problems!!!

    Last edited by Allower; 07-19-2018 at 11:00. Reason: some
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    Old 07-19-2018 , 12:20   Re: [ANY] ConVars Anomaly Fixer
    Reply With Quote #8

    Updated to:

    1.1 (27-May-2018 )
    - Improved log format for fix/error msg a little bit.
    - Added "convar_cvar_check_areas" ConVar to choose the area you need to check for (1 - difference in values, 2 - nonexistent convars, 3 - overflows, 4 - All {by default}).
    - Little checks, like cfg file presence.

    For some reason, plugin sometimes could not read its own variable "convar_anomaly_autofix" with AutoExecConfigSmart(),
    so to activate plugin it's better to change line of code:
    g_hCvarAutoFix = CreateConVar(		"convar_anomaly_autofix",		"0" <------ change to 1.
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    Last edited by Dragokas; 07-19-2018 at 12:20.
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    Old 09-11-2018 , 04:30   Re: [ANY] ConVars Anomaly Fixer
    Reply With Quote #9

    Updated to:

    1.2 (07-Sep-2018 )
    - Fixed: log is not created when convar_anomaly_autofix == 0.
    - Removed dependency of <regexp> because it can't be compiled for SM v.1.7.3 (due to SM core bug).

    There are no more reasons to use this plugin in SM v1.8+. SilverShot wrote a replacement that work on more earlier stage: Buffer Overflow Fixer
    Still, this plugin is required for some servers, because "Buffer Overflow Fixer" not always work.

    Or, if you just would like to test/analyze your server for bugs with cfg, you can also use my plugin.
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    Last edited by Dragokas; 02-11-2019 at 01:04.
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    Old 02-11-2019 , 01:02   Re: [ANY] ConVars Anomaly Fixer
    Reply With Quote #10

    1.4 (24-Jan-2019)
    - I made attempt to reduce conflicts with 3-rd party plugins that specially change global convars to non-default values during the game.
    Such convars will no longer be fixed on map start (with the exception of convars that had been set to its defaults). To force fixing such convars (old behaviour), enable "convar_anomaly_fix_nondefault"
    - Added current map name to the log.
    - Corrected ArrayList buffer size and increased other buffers.
    - Integrated all command list to excludes when evaluating convar that are not exist. No more need to add cmds like "exec", "setmaster" to "convar_cvar_names_exclude".
    - "overflow" area check is expanded to cover: "Command too long" errors, which cause convar is completely ignored by server.
    - added new area to check: "duplicated convars".
    - Fixed the order of cfg files reading (according to Valve rules). 'server.cfg' is go first now. It will not overwrite convars if there are duplicated in cfg/sourcemod/ *.cfg files.
    If you prefer vice versa order (old behaviour of this plugin) to allow server.cfg convars overwrite another convars, set "convar_anomaly_server_last" to 1.
    - server.cfg is now not optional.
    - "convar_cvar_check_areas" for "overflows" is replaced by index 8.
    - Fixed case sensitivity errors like "z_difficulty (Value: Hard, should be: hard)".
    - It is recommended you remove "cfg/sourcemod/sm_convar_anomaly.cfg" file before installing this version.

    1.3 (13-Jan-2019)
    - Added additional ConVar check on round start.
    (some buggy servers known to change ALL convars to defaults after last player leave the game in the way even "command buffer overflow" Silver's fix doesn't help)
    Be attentive! It can conflict with another plugins. Disable it by "convar_anomaly_roundstart" convar if you ensure your server has no such bug. Tip: you can check it by "sm_convar_anomaly_show" command.
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    Last edited by Dragokas; 02-11-2019 at 01:06.
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