this is 2 plugins, one for Ts drone and the second one is for CTs drone. basicly made of amx apache plugin.
grav 1/0 // switch on or off gravity effect on CTs drone rockets. default 1.
drone_cost integer // Ts drone cost, CTs drone cost double allways. default 4000.
ctdrone // purchase CTs drone. CTs only.
tdrone // purchase Ts drone. Ts only.
Ts drone have half engin sound of CTs one.
Ts drone throw bombs, while CTs one launch rockets.
CTs drone rockets have X1.3 effect range than Ts drone bomb.
CTs drone rockets have X1.5 destructive effect than Ts drone bomb against cars.
movement keys for rotating.
attack key for attacking.
E for slowing down.
R for speeding up.
mouse for camera control.
destructible cars plugin