Neo Reloaded v1.4
Bullet Time - Slow Motion and Bullet Time, when using Neo you can stop bullets!
shconfig.cfg CVARS:
//Neo Reloaded
neor_level 9
neor_slowmotime 10 //Slow motion time in seconds
neor_cooldown 40 //Cooldown time in seconds
neor_dodge 40 //Chance out of 100 a bullet will be stopped
neor_radius 100 //Bullets stopped at this radius
neor_speed 100 //Speed of neo during slow motion
neor_bulletspeed 475 //Speed of neos bullet during slow motion
neor_nospeed 75 //Speed of non-neos during slow motion
neor_nobulletspeed 450 //Speed of non-neos bullet during slow motion
Neos will have:- Slow motion activation on key press
- Slightly faster speed than non-neos
- Slightly faster green bullets
- Bullet stopping of nearby bullets (if that neo has activated the slow motion)
- Free elites on key press
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Changes made to version 1.4 - vittu
* - Updated to use amxmodx 1.75 and up only. Converted to use fakemeta instead of engine.
* - Further optimized some of the code, removed a minor bit of useless code.
* - Changed start origin/orinetation of bullet creation based on PM's code and jtp's help.
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Changes made to version 1.3 - JTP10181
* - Rewrote most of the plugin, using same ideas and functions
* - Fixed tons of bugs and weird code
* - Removed a lot of useless code, and optimized the code that was left
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* Changes made to version 1.2
* -included feature of gaining XP when killing an enemy in slow motion
* -included feature of losing XP when killing an ally in slow motion
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* Changes made to version 1.1
* -Fixed the bug where people keep switching weapons on a new round
* -Fixed bullet models making some people freeze & stuck
* -Fixed people getting stucked at end of slow motion
* -Improved code to make for more efficient play (should not lag the server)
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-To Peckerhead for his continous support and help in testing my heroes on his server (
-To Scazzurs for his inspirational Matrix mod