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[CS:GO] Player Skin (Flag + SQL Support)

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Veteran Member
Join Date: Feb 2015
Location: Fun servers
Plugin ID:
Plugin Version:
5.0.1 Build 4
Plugin Category:
Fun Stuff
Plugin Game:
Counter-Strike: GO
Plugin Dependencies:
    Servers with this Plugin:
    Plugin Description:
    Set's Player's skin from a menu.
    Old 02-12-2017 , 08:41   [CS:GO] Player Skin (Flag + SQL Support)
    Reply With Quote #1

    hi guys! there is already a plugin like this but it's way more simpler.
    How it work?
    very simple , all you need to do is install the plugin and config the skins list so they can be used.

    sm_pskin or sm_models or sm_skins --> will show skins menu.

    sm_pg_cfix (Default "1") --> Enable Included Arms Fix.
    sm_map_bomb (Default "0") --> If 1, then a bomb will be given to a random terror (only needed when sm_pg_cfix is 1)
    sm_map_classic (Default "0") --> Set This On Classic-Casual Maps (Gives Knife + Pistol + Previous Gun To Players)(only needed when sm_pg_cfix is 1)
    sm_map_awp (Default "0") --> Set This On AWP Maps (Give Knife + Awp To Players)(only needed when sm_pg_cfix is 1)
    sm_map_custom (Default "0") --> Set This On Custom Maps Like MG Maps That Saving Player's weapons is Required (Give Knife + Previous Weapon To Players)(only needed when sm_pg_cfix is 1)
    sm_map_custom2 (Default "1") --> Set This On Custom Maps Like Deathrun maps that player's weapons Should Not Be Saved (Give Knife To Players)(only needed when sm_pg_cfix is 1)

    sm_map_mstay (Default "0") --> If 1 then player's skins will stay on map change , otherwise it will be removed and need to be chosen again.
    sm_pskin_enable (Default "1") --> Enable/Disable command !pskin in chat (useful if you only want to use automatic admin skin set feature).
    sm_force_arms_change (Default "1") --> If true, the immediate arms will be set on skin choose.
    sm_cat_enable (Default "0") --> Enable/Disable categorie support via categories.ini file (see the configuration if your going to use this)
    sm_start_menu (Default "0") --> Enable/Disable showing menu to players on round start.
    sm_map_dstay (Default "0") --> If Enabled, player's skin will stay on disconnect so they will still get their skin on reconnect (using this may cause unwanted skins on different people)

    sm_model_check (Default "0") --> check if player's model have changed or not.
    sm_ask_arms (Default "1") --> If this is enabled, the plugin will ask about arms on each new skin selection or set (not on Auto-Skin Setting or Skin-Per-SteamID).

    sm_hide_options (Default "0") --> hide menu options that people does not have permissions to use..
    sm_max_use (Default "1") --> set how many times people can you !models or !pskin command.

    sm_hide_teams (Default "0") --> hide opposit team's skins to be shown in user menu..
    sm_save_setskins (Default "1") --> if this is enabled , saved skins are going to be applied on users even if saving is disabled.

    sm_save_skins (Default "0") --> if this is enabled , user's skins will be saved on selection to then return the user's skin on connect or mapchange you'll need to enable sm_save_setskins.
    sm_set_delay (Default "0.02") --> delay in seconds (must be in float format) which tell the plugin when it's safe to set the skin.

    sm_mapskins_enable (Default "1") --> let you choose whether you want map skins to be applied or not.
    sm_round_timeout (Default "20.0") --> restrict usage of !pskin after a time after round start (disable it by setting it to 0.0)

    Add an entry named "PlayerSkins" into database.cfg like this from version 5.0.0

        "driver_default"        "mysql"
        // When specifying "host", you may use an IP address, a hostname, or a socket file path
            "driver"            "default"
            "host"                "localhost"
            "database"            "sourcemod"
            "user"                "root"
            "pass"                ""
            //"timeout"            "0"
            //"port"            "0"
            "driver"            "sqlite"
            "database"            "sourcemod-local"
            "driver"            "sqlite"
            "database"            "PlayerSkins"
            "driver"            "sqlite"
            "host"                "localhost"
            "database"            "clientprefs-sqlite"
            "user"                "root"
            "pass"                ""
            //"timeout"            "0"
            //"port"            "0"
    Configurations For Skin.ini:
    well, let's get started!
    there is a file attached called skins.ini and you must set your skins into this file that might look like this:
    PHP Code:
    "Skins" {
    "Name"        "NAME TO DISPLAY IN MENU"
            "Skin"        "MODEL PATH"
            "Arms"        "ARMS MODEL PATH"
            "Team"        "TEAM WHICH THE SKIN IS FOR"
            "u_id"        "SKIN UNIQUE ID (this must be unique per skin)"
            "catgroup"    "cat_ID"
    "Name"        "Santa Girl [T]"
            "Skin"        "models/player/custom_player/kuristaja/cso2/natalie_santagirl/natalie.mdl"
            "Arms"        "models/player/custom_player/kuristaja/cso2/natalie_santagirl/natalie_arms.mdl"
            "Team"        "2"
            "Flag"          "z"
            "u_id"        "skin_santagirl"
            "catgroup"    "cat_female"
    let's explain but first you might asking your self what's that default option?
    That's a predefined menu item that is used to set a player's skins and arms to default models so you might want to remove it at all but i recommand that leaving it alone!
    ok let's get back to configs, i'll explain the keys:
    Name : Is the name of the skin that will be shown into skin menu.
    Skin : The skin model path that is requeired for model changing (careful about that!).
    Arms : It's your model's arm's path BUT if your model does not have arms just leave it empty like this:
    Arms     ""
    Team : you must set skin's team so to do that you might set it to 2 for Terrorists and 3 for Counter-Terrorist or just leave it empty to make it public.
    Flag : Use Sourcemod Admin Flags Like z or a or what flag you want the skin to be used for or just leave it empty for make it public , in addition i got the idea from [CS:GO] Players models from flags plugin from Boomix so big thanks to him!
    u_id : Is very important ! it must be unique for each skin you set so that menu can detect which skin is this.
    Configurations For admin_skin.ini
    This is a new feature availabe from version 2.3.6 and on let you to setup automatic skins for anyone who has access to an admin flag.
    okay let's explain, the normal file will look like this, read carefully cause i said some of the explanations over this file:
    PHP Code:
    "Admin_Skins" {
    //You can leave it empty if there is no default skin for the team on the current flag.
            "ArmsT"        "DEFAULT TERROR ARM PATH FOR THE FLAG"
    //It's a pre-defined config key that will be used for non-admin users.
    "SkinT"        "Default skin for non-admin users (T)"
            "ArmsT"        "Default arms for non-admin users (T)"
            "SkinCT"    "Default skin for non-admin users (CT)"
            "ArmsCT"    "Default arms for non-admin users (CT)"
    "SkinT"        "models/player/custom_player/kuristaja/deadpool/deadpool.mdl"
            "ArmsT"        "models/player/custom_player/kuristaja/deadpool/deadpool_arms.mdl"
            "SkinCT"    "models/player/custom_player/kuristaja/ak/batman/batmanv2.mdl"
            "ArmsCT"    "models/player/custom_player/kuristaja/ak/batman/batman_arms.mdl"

    USER_FLAG_CHAR : this is the acsess flag char that you need to set if you want your admins or vips or etc have the custom skin on spawn/join. (a b z r t whatever!).
    NOTE : The User_Flags_Char must not be empty otherwise you might see unwanted bugs.
    NOTE : You can use def option or ConVars , anyway if you use def option, then convars will be ignored and if you remove def option then the skins from convars will apear.

    SkinT: This is clear , just put skin's model path for Terrorists.

    : Like Skin, just put Skin's Arm Path
    for Terrorists.
    SkinCT: This is clear , just put skin's model path for Counter-terrorists.
    ArmsCT: Like Skin, just put Skin's Arm Path for Counter-terrorists.
    Configurations For categories.ini
    Okay, let's say this file is only needed when sm_cat_enable is "1" so if you're not gonna use this feature just ignore this part.
    Categories are the new feature available from version 2.7.5 and on letting you to have categories for your skins.
    how it works? it just uses your flags set in skin.ini and then create a menu of those skins with the correct skin flag as the one on categories.ini, so careful about configurating both!
    here just an example of how it's gonna look:
    PHP Code:
    "Categories" {
    "Name"        "MENU SHOWING NAME"
            "u_id"        "Menu Unique ID"
        "catgroup"    "cat_ID"
    "Name"        "Admins"
            "Flag"        "z"
            "u_id"        "menu_admin"
            "catgroup"    "cat_admin"
    "Name"        "Vips"
            "Flag"        "r"
            "u_id"        "menu_vip"
            "catgroup"    "cat_vip"
    "Name"        "Users"
            "Flag"        ""
            "u_id"        "menu_users"
            "catgroup"    "cat_normal"

    Name : This is the name of category that will be shown in menu.
    Flag : This is the flag if that admin that it's related skins will added to the menu on select.
    u_id : category unique id that is so important (you may already know what is it!).
    ********************************************* ************************
    - To use this feature just follow the instructions under the example file and you're done!
    - Just edit user_skins.ini and expect it to work!
    PHP Code:
    "userids" {
    "CT" //Team Number = 3 (for use in other modes and not csgo)
    "Skin"    "Model Path"
                "Arms"    "Arms Path"
    "T" //Team Number = 3 (for use in other modes and not csgo)
    "Skin"    "Model Path"
                "Arms"    "Arms Path"
    "Skin"    "models/player/custom_player/caleon1/harleyquinn/harleyquinn.mdl"
                "Arms"    "models/player/custom_player/caleon1/harleyquinn/harleyquinn_arms.mdl"
    "Skin"    "models/player/custom_player/kuristaja/cso2/natalie_santagirl/natalie.mdl"
                "Arms"    "models/player/custom_player/kuristaja/cso2/natalie_santagirl/natalie_arms.mdl"

    ********************************************* ************************
    Per Map Skins
    - To use this feature just follow the instructions under the example file and you're done!
    - Just edit mapskins.ini and expect it to work!
    PHP Code:
    "mapskins" {
    "Skin"        ""
                "Arms"        ""
    "Skin"        ""
                "Arms"        ""
    "Skin"        "models/player/custom_player/kuristaja/cso2/gsg9/gsg9.mdl"
                "Arms"        "models/player/custom_player/kuristaja/cso2/gsg9/gsg9_arms.mdl"
    "Skin"        "models/player/custom_player/kuristaja/cso2/gsg9/gsg9.mdl"
                "Arms"        "models/player/custom_player/kuristaja/cso2/gsg9/gsg9_arms.mdl"

    ********************************************* ************************
    NOTE : Use SM File Downloader/Precahcer file to make your models available for download in your server.
    NOTE: This Plugin Is Using The Arm's fix created by my self you can turn my fix off by setting the convar sm_pg_cfix to 0 , my fix removes player's weapon on round end and give them back on round start .
    Thanks to everyone.


    Custom Translations:

    ** French Translation By Schwarz **
    --> Download
    --> Copy into "translations/fr" in your sourcemod folder.

    ** French Translation V2 By Cripix **
    --> Download
    --> Copy into "translations/fr" in your sourcemod folder.

    ** Russian Translation By 3axap **
    --> Download
    --> Copy into "translations/ru" in your sourcemod folder.

    Checkout Github for latest releases :

    UPDATED! Version 1.7.6 ** 3/2/2017
    - Added support for allow some skins only from a flag.
    - Added some more report for players like tell them which skin they have choosen.

    UPDATED! Version 1.8.2** 3/6/2017
    -Added a new method for arms fix (So much thanks to EasSidezz this guy helped me alot)
    now player's weapons will not be removed and will be stored on round end and will be given back to them on round start after a short period of time.

    UPDATED! Version 1.8.5** 3/8/2017
    - Fixed Version 1.8.2 bug not getting players weapon after round end.

    - Fixed some small bugs.
    - Added new feature to make a skin public for both teams.

    UPDATED! Version 2.0.1** 3/11/2017
    -Added a new convar called sm_map_bomb.
    -Added a new convar called sm_ct_model.
    -Added a new convar called sm_ct_arm.
    -Added a new convar called sm_t_model.
    -Added a new convar called sm_t_arm.
    -Added a new convar called sm_map_classic.
    -Added a new convar called sm_map_awp.
    -Added a new convar called sm_map_custom.
    -Added a new convar called sm_map_custom2.
    -Fixed a bug on setting a skin to be used by both teams.

    UPDATED! Version 2.1.2** 3/13/2017
    -Improved Arms fix method to prevent overlapping.
    -Fixed some warning.

    UPDATED! Version 2.3.6**3/15/2017
    - Added a new system for automatic skin set.
    - Added colors to messages.
    - Added small console reporting messages.
    - Fixed some looping errors.

    UPDATED! Version 2.4.8** 3/16/2017
    - Fixed many bugs caused by wrong method on getting user flags.
    - Fixed player's skins was not staying on round restart.
    - Updated some used functions and cleaned some useless codes.
    Bug: This version of the plugin may have issues with Automatic user skin set by flag so use 2.5.5 if you have problems with this.

    UPDATED! Version 2.5.5** 3/21/2017
    - Added new method for automatic skin set.
    - Removed the old method for skin set (there is no looping though configuration file anymore).
    - Fixed some warning on plugin script.
    - Version 2.4.8 Bug is now fixed using the new method.

    UPDATED! Version 2.6.0**3/22/2017
    - Added a new convar called sm_map_mstay (See the original convar list for info)
    NOTE: use this version only if you have bug with skins after map change otherwise use 2.5.5

    UPDATED! Version 2.6.5**3/24/2017
    - Added a new convar called sm_pskin_enable.
    - Added a new default key called as "def" in admin_skins.ini.
    - Fixed some Handles was not closing.
    - Fixed some small bugs.

    UPDATED! Version 2.6.7**3/26/2017
    - Fixed weapons drop on each spawn.
    - Added a new convar called sm_force_arms_change (more info in first post).
    - Added immediate arms set on choosing new skin during the round.
    - Arms fix improved.

    UPDATED! Version 2.7.5**4/1/2017

    - Added a new ConVar called sm_cat_enable (more info in original convar list).
    - Added the def option as a default option that can't be removed.
    - Added categories support (See the configurations in first post).
    - Removed the def option from skin.ini.
    - Fixed some unwanted looping that caused server crash.

    UPDATED! Version 3.0.3**4/10/2017

    - Added a new system for auto map mode detect (this will make convars useless in your cfg files)
    - Added 2 aliases for !pskin (!skins and !models)
    - Added Map Modes name like MAP_35HP (It's not a native cuz i still can't make one !)
    - Added a download/precache file for you models download called download_list.ini
    - Fixed some bugs bypassing admins permissions on skin set (i had it on some of my tests but previous version may not have this bug)

    UPDATED! Version 3.0.5**4/27/2017
    - Added a new convar called sm_start_menu (see convar list)
    - Fixed some small bugs
    Bug : download_list.ini does not work for an unknown reason, i'll try to fix it soon.

    UPDATED! Version 3.0.8**5/1/2017
    - Added a new ConVar Called sm_auto_skin_set to take control over any skin setting's automation.
    - Added a new ConVar Called sm_map_dstay to enable or disable if skins should be removed on player disconnect.
    - Added a new method for menu skins admin flag detection to add support for multi flag on Flags key.
    - Changed a ConVar Called sm_start_menu to make a menu show to people on spawn.
    - Fixed a horrible mistake on Map AutoMod detection causing it to not work in a right way.
    NOTE : the new method for flags is just for menu using skins.ini and admin/vip skins are still single flag support.

    UPDATED! Version 3.1.7**5/23/2017
    - Added a new ConVar called sm_model_check to check if player's model have changed or not.
    - new Arms Fix included.
    - Fixed some small bugs and changed some codes.
    - Tried to fix download_list.ini file but haven't tested it.
    - Changed Auto Skin Set to the old method to work without bugs.

    UPDATED! Version 3.1.8** 5/24/2017
    - Removed sm_auto_skin_set ConVar causing troubles for auto skin set.

    UPDATED! Version 3.5.1**6/8/2017
    - Removed N Arms Fix, so you don't need it anymore.
    - Fixed up a bug with staying model on round restart.
    - Fixed up a bug with Auto Skin Set Feature.
    - Fixed serveral bugs with AutoMapMode Decetor to make it work like a charm.
    - Removed 4 plugin ConVars (sm_ct_model, sm_ct_arms, sm_t_model, sm_t_arms)
    - Auto Skin Set is now only dedicated to admins_skin.ini file.
    - Tried to fix download_list.ini , but still having bugs so it's still not usefull.
    - Tried looking for any possible bugs could happen but did not find any my self so if you had just report.
    - Planning on add Multi flag support for Auto Skin Set Feature on next release if this one goes well.

    UPDATED! Version 3.5.7** 7/20/2017
    - Added multi flag support for automatic skin set feature.
    - Fixed some bugs with skins getting removed after each spawn.
    - Fixed skins removed on map change (haven't tested if really fixed but it is 99%)
    NOTE : Multi-Flag Support uses flag bits to compare so you have to set skins path for each set of flags for example if you have 2 types of admin and same skin is required for both you need to set it twice in the config file with 2 different set of flags used.

    UPDATED! Version 3.6.3** 8/21/2017
    - Fixed invisible arms while no arm's path was defined.
    - Fixed some spawn errors.
    - Fixed most of plugin's errors.

    UPDATED! Version 3.6.5** 9/18/2017
    - Fixed a very small bug in plugin in functions caused skins set to flag Q not to work (Thanks to rale for letting me know).

    UPDATED! Version 3.7.4** 9/25/2017
    - Added a new convar called sm_check_gloves to check if the client have gloves or not then ask them if they want arms or not.
    - Added a new convar called sm_hide_options to hide menu options that people does not have permissions to use.
    - Added a new convar called sm_hide_teams to hide opposit team's skins to be shown in user menu.
    - Added a new system for skin-per-steamid to give specified skins to unique steamids. (like server owner or whatever!)

    UPDATED! Version 3.7.6** 9/25/2017
    - Fixed some bugs that made the new features useless (thanks to MorreJaa)

    UPDATED! Version 4.4.1** 10/9/2017
    - Added a new system for saving choosed skins via users.
    - Added a new cvar called sm_save_skins to enable or disable saving feature.
    - Channged sm_check_gloves via sm_ask_arms to ask for arms with or without gloves.
    - Optimized plugin saving path files to work with custom sourcemod installations.

    An SPECIAL Thanks to MorreJaa for helping me testing out and finding bugs.

    NOTE: as the keyvalue file loads once though your ram, it should not cause any lag if you are not out of ram.

    UPDATED! Version 4.4.9** 10/11/2017
    - Added translation file to support more languages.
    - Added a new ConVar Called sm_max_use To set how many times people can you !models or !pskin command (Default = 1).
    - Added automatic config creation and execution and save in cfg/sourcemod as configs.playerskin.cfg.
    - Fixed a reported bug on saving/loading skins database.
    - Fixed a bug caused gloves to overlap with the cuurent skin's arms (anyway if you **Have Your Own Or Choose** a glove from a glove plugin after the plugin have set your arms, it will overlap.)
    Note: I can probably fix this with forcing and set people arms to none but i'm not sure if it will get your GSLT banned or not so i won't risk it.

    UPDATED! Version 4.5.2** 1/14/2018
    -Fixed an issue with saving skins which made it impossible to disable saving operation (Thanks to MikesTooLz for reporting this).
    -Fixed some possible issue that may cause different team arms might be applied to the current team.

    UPDATED! Version 4.6.0** 1/18/2018
    - Fixed arms problem after changing team.
    - Fixed arms problem after selecting default skin.
    - Fixed arms problem when the arms path was empty.
    - Fixed gloves detection methods.
    - Added a new category system.

    NOTE: there shouldn't be any arms overlap in any case but still if you had one, just report.
    ** All tutorials have been declared through the plugin's configurations files inside the plugin's archive

    UPDATED! Version 4.6.0 fix8** 4/7/2018
    - Fixed an issue with user's permission being ignored and everyone was able to choose all skins from the menu.
    - Fixed an issue with saved skins which it's arms would not set.
    Note: delete automatic config generated for the plugin and let the plugin re-create it again.

    UPDATED! Version 4.6.1 fix1** 4/18/2018
    - Fixed permissions being denied which wasn't really fixed in previous version.
    - Fixed waiting message on round start going on a loop on every single rounds.
    - Added a new ConVar Called sm_save_setskins which will be used to control restoring skins, so if it's enabled people are going to get their saved skins and if it doesn't then even if the user has saved skins or saving is enabled, no skins are gonna apply (Enabled by default).
    - Did some code cleanup and will do more in next release.

    - Add Randomization to selected skins in skin.ini file which make it easy for operators to let everyone have a random skin each mapchange.
    - Remove non-required Cvars which making the code looking awful.
    - Add PerMapSkin to make it easier for operators with multi-mode servers to have specific skins on clients per map

    UPDATED! Version 4.6.2 fix4** 5/13/2018
    - Fixed an issue when you had a saved skin on the other team your chat would get spammed by server saying you're awating to get your skin on next round.
    - Added a per map skin support that will take place just after user spicifed skins if the new convar is enabled.
    - Added a new convar called sm_mapskins_enable which let you to choose if you want the map skins to be appiled.

    UPDATED! Version 5.0.0 Build 13** 1/1/2019
    - Added to new lines to translation file so you'll need to update it as well.
    - Added SQL support so that skins will be stored on being selected (This cannot be controlled anymore).

    - Removed a huge amount of useless commands which will be marked as depricated on the main post.
    - Removed AskArms menu for now (There will be an automatic detection soon)
    - Removed File database used for storing user's skins.
    - Removed MapMode Checker.
    - Removed Model Checker (Which was not working)
    - Removed Giving bomb on bomb maps.
    - Removed all hooks except player spawn.
    - Removed debug command sm_printi
    - Removed max use convar (There will be a time restriction added soon)

    - Fixed admin skins where not being set.
    - Cleaned up many junk code.

    UPDATED! Version 5.0.1 Build 4** 2/2/2019
    + Added a new ConVar called sm_round_timeout to restrict usage of !pskin after a time after round start
    + Fixed an issue with some databases caused them to not be able to save (like mariadb or mysql) Thanks to Extazy.

    Attached Files
    File Type: ini skin.ini (365 Bytes, 2378 views)
    File Type: ini admin_skin.ini (905 Bytes, 2116 views)
    File Type: zip PlayerSkin 3.6.5.zip (29.2 KB, 1534 views)
    File Type: zip PlayerSkin 3.7.6.zip (33.2 KB, 1098 views)
    File Type: zip PlayerSkin 4.4.1.zip (36.5 KB, 1097 views)
    File Type: zip PlayerSkin 4.4.9.zip (38.1 KB, 1298 views)
    File Type: zip PlayerSkin 4.6.0.zip (38.7 KB, 1272 views)
    File Type: zip PlayerSkin 4.6.2 fix4.zip (39.8 KB, 1665 views)
    File Type: zip PlayerSkin 5.0.0.zip (25.1 KB, 1314 views)
    File Type: zip PlayerSkin 5.0.1.zip (26.6 KB, 5576 views)

    Last edited by ambn; 03-24-2019 at 04:55.
    ambn is offline
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    Old 02-12-2017 , 09:21   Re: [CS:GO] Player Skin
    Reply With Quote #2

    "It triggers me how you mix syntax."
    you using old syntax with new Transitional Syntax
    use: #pragma newdecls required
    coding & free software
    shanapu is offline
    AlliedModders Donor
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    Old 02-12-2017 , 10:00   Re: [CS:GO] Player Skin
    Reply With Quote #3

    Originally Posted by shanapu View Post
    "It triggers me how you mix syntax."
    you using old syntax with new Transitional Syntax
    use: #pragma newdecls required
    Had some extra time so I said why not..

    Removed need for smlib and cstrike
    Converted syntax
    Fixed possible timer issue using client index and not userid

    Free bacon for all
    Attached Files
    File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (PlayerSkin.sp - 2504 views - 5.9 KB)
    Addicted. is offline
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    Old 02-12-2017 , 10:18   Re: [CS:GO] Player Skin
    Reply With Quote #4

    Originally Posted by oaaron99 View Post
    Had some extra time so I said why not..

    Removed need for smlib and cstrike
    Converted syntax
    Fixed possible timer issue using client index and not userid

    Free bacon for all
    Thanks dude! I Updated The Original Post!
    ambn is offline
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    Old 02-24-2017 , 14:56   Re: [CS:GO] Player Skin
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    can you specify a skins to flags ?
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    Old 03-02-2017 , 09:19   Re: [CS:GO] Player Skin
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    Why not? i can give it a try!
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    Old 03-02-2017 , 10:46   Re: [CS:GO] Player Skin
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    UPDATED! Version 1.7.6 ** 3/2/2017
    - Added support for allow some skins only from a flag.
    - Added some more report for players like tell them which skin they have choosen.
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    Old 03-06-2017 , 13:22   Re: [CS:GO] Player Skin (With flag support)
    Reply With Quote #8

    UPDATED! Version 1.8.2** 3/6/2017
    -Added a new method for arms fix (So much thanks to EasSidezz this guy helped me alot)
    now player's weapons will not be removed and will be stored on round end and will be given back to them on round start after a short period of time.
    Bug: if you kill someone and round ends, if you get his weapons , you won't get it on round start.
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    Old 03-07-2017 , 11:03   Re: [CS:GO] Player Skin (With flag support)
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    Bug: if you kill someone and round ends, if you get his weapons , you won't get it on round start.

    this mean only for ppl who use skins or?
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    Old 03-07-2017 , 11:22   Re: [CS:GO] Player Skin (With flag support)
    Reply With Quote #10

    Originally Posted by MAMAC View Post
    Bug: if you kill someone and round ends, if you get his weapons , you won't get it on round start.

    this mean only for ppl who use skins or?
    Use sm_pg_cfix 0

    Since it remove weapons and give you only knife in spawn. It should remember weapons removed and give you it again for next plugin updates.
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    Last edited by Franc1sco; 03-07-2017 at 11:23.
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