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[REQ] Change Admin [HELP] Chat Color To Default (Yellow)

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Join Date: Oct 2014
Location: Asia
Old 08-20-2015 , 10:43   [REQ] Change Admin [HELP] Chat Color To Default (Yellow)
Reply With Quote #1

Its Admin_Tag_Color plugin, have different tags like [Head Admin] , [Admin] , [Mod] , [VIP] , [Help]
Tags & nicks are green in color while the chat color is white.

I want somebody to edit it that the chat color of admin [Help] should be the default color (Yellow)).

#include <amxmodx>
#include <amxmisc>

#define PLUGIN "Admin Chat Colors"
#define VERSION "2.2a"
#define AUTHOR "Arion/juan"


new message[192]
new sayText
new teamInfo
new maxPlayers

new g_MessageColor
new g_NameColor
new g_AdminListen

new strName[191]
new strText[191]
new alive[11]

new const g_szTag[][] = {
        "[Head Admin]",

public plugin_init()
        register_plugin(PLUGIN, VERSION, AUTHOR)

        g_MessageColor = register_cvar("amx_color", "3") // Message colors: [1] Default Yellow, [2] Green, [3] White, [4] Blue, [5] Red
        g_NameColor = register_cvar("amx_namecolor", "2") // Name colors: [1] Default Yellow, [2] Green, [3] White, [4] Blue, [5] Red, [6] Team-color
        g_AdminListen = register_cvar("amx_listen", "1") // Set whether admins see or not all messages(Alive, dead and team-only)

        sayText = get_user_msgid("SayText")
        teamInfo = get_user_msgid("TeamInfo")
        maxPlayers = get_maxplayers()

        register_message(sayText, "avoid_duplicated")

        register_concmd("amx_color", "set_color", ACCESS_LEVEL, "<color>")
        register_concmd("amx_namecolor", "set_name_color", ACCESS_LEVEL, "<color>")
        register_concmd("amx_listen", "set_listen", ACCESS_LEVEL, "<1 | 0>")
        register_clcmd("say", "hook_say")
        register_clcmd("say_team", "hook_teamsay")

public avoid_duplicated(msgId, msgDest, receiver)
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED

public hook_say(id)
        read_args(message, 191)

        // Gungame commands and empty messages
        if(message[0] == '@' || message[0] == '/' || message[0] == '!' || message[0] == '#' || message[0] == '$' || equal(message, "")) // Ignores Admin Hud Messages, Admin Slash commands
                return PLUGIN_CONTINUE

        new name[32]
        get_user_name(id, name, 31)

        new admin = 0, iFlags = get_user_flags(id)

        if(iFlags & HEADADMIN_CHAT_FLAG)
                admin = 1
        else if(iFlags & ADMIN_CHAT_FLAG)
                admin = 2
        else if(iFlags & VIP_CHAT_FLAG)
                admin = 3
        else if(iFlags & SMS_CHAT_FLAG)
                admin = 4
        else if(iFlags & HELP_CHAT_FLAG)
                admin = 5

        new isAlive

                isAlive = 1
                alive = "^x01"
                isAlive = 0
                alive = "^x01*DEAD* "

        static color[10]

                // Name
                        case 1:
                                format(strName, 191, "^x03%s %s%s", g_szTag[admin], alive, name)
                        case 2:
                                format(strName, 191, "^x03%s %s^x04%s ", g_szTag[admin], alive, name)
                        case 3:
                                color = "SPECTATOR"
                                format(strName, 191, "^x03%s %s^x03%s ", g_szTag[admin], alive, name)
                        case 4:
                                color = "CT"
                                format(strName, 191, "^x03%s %s^x03%s", g_szTag[admin], alive, name)
                        case 5:
                                color = "TERRORIST"
                                format(strName, 191, "^x03%s %s^x03%s", g_szTag[admin], alive, name)
                        case 6:
                                get_user_team(id, color, 9)
                                format(strName, 191, "^x03%s %s^x03%s", g_szTag[admin], alive, name)

                // Message
                        case 1:    // Yellow
                                format(strText, 191, "^x03%s", message)
                        case 2:    // Green
                                format(strText, 191, "^x03%s", message)
                        case 3:    // White
                                copy(color, 9, "SPECTATOR")
                                format(strText, 191, "^x03%s", message)
                        case 4:    // Blue
                                copy(color, 9, "CT")
                                format(strText, 191, "^x03%s", message)
                        case 5:    // Red
                                copy(color, 9, "TERRORIST")
                                format(strText, 191, "^x03%s", message)
        else     // Player is not admin. Team-color name : Yellow message
                get_user_team(id, color, 9)
                format(strName, 191, "%s^x03%s", alive, name)
                format(strText, 191, "%s", message)

        format(message, 191, "%s^x01 :  %s", strName, strText)

        sendMessage(color, isAlive)    // Sends the colored message

        return PLUGIN_CONTINUE

public hook_teamsay(id)
        new playerTeam = get_user_team(id)
        new playerTeamName[19]

        switch(playerTeam) // Team names which appear on team-only messages
                case 1:
                        copy(playerTeamName, 11, "Terrorists")

                case 2:
                        copy(playerTeamName, 18, "Counter-Terrorists")

                        copy(playerTeamName, 9, "Spectator")

        read_args(message, 191)

        // Gungame commands and empty messages
        if(message[0] == '@' || message[0] == '/' || message[0] == '!' || message[0] == '#' || message[0] == '$' || equal(message, "")) // Ignores Admin Hud Messages, Admin Slash commands
                return PLUGIN_CONTINUE

        new name[32]
        get_user_name(id, name, 31)

        new admin = 0, iFlags = get_user_flags(id)

        if(iFlags & HEADADMIN_CHAT_FLAG)
                admin = 1
        else if(iFlags & ADMIN_CHAT_FLAG)
                admin = 2
        else if(iFlags & VIP_CHAT_FLAG)
                admin = 3
        else if(iFlags & SMS_CHAT_FLAG)
                admin = 4
        else if(iFlags & HELP_CHAT_FLAG)
                admin = 5

        new isAlive

                isAlive = 1
                alive = "^x01"
                isAlive = 0
                alive = "^x01*DEAD* "

        static color[10]

                // Name
                        case 1:
                                format(strName, 191, "%s(%s) ^x03%s %s", alive, playerTeamName, g_szTag[admin], name)
                        case 2:
                                format(strName, 191, "%s(%s) ^x03%s ^x04%s", alive, playerTeamName, g_szTag[admin], name)
                        case 3:
                                color = "SPECTATOR"
                                format(strName, 191, "%s(%s) ^x03%s ^x03%s", alive, playerTeamName, g_szTag[admin], name)
                        case 4:
                                color = "CT"
                                format(strName, 191, "%s(%s) ^x03%s ^x03%s", alive, playerTeamName, g_szTag[admin], name)
                        case 5:
                                color = "TERRORIST"
                                format(strName, 191, "%s(%s) ^x03%s ^x03%s", alive, playerTeamName, g_szTag[admin], name)
                        case 6:
                                get_user_team(id, color, 9)
                                format(strName, 191, "%s(%s) ^x03%s ^x03%s", alive, playerTeamName, g_szTag[admin], name)

                // Message
                        case 1:    // Yellow
                                format(strText, 191, "^x03%s", message)
                        case 2:    // Green
                                format(strText, 191, "^x03%s", message)
                        case 3:    // White
                                copy(color, 9, "SPECTATOR")
                                format(strText, 191, "^x03%s", message)
                        case 4:    // Blue
                                copy(color, 9, "CT")
                                format(strText, 191, "^x03%s", message)
                        case 5:    // Red
                                copy(color, 9, "TERRORIST")
                                format(strText, 191, "^x03%s", message)
        else     // Player is not admin. Team-color name : Yellow message
                get_user_team(id, color, 9)
                format(strName, 191, "%s(%s) ^x03%s", alive, playerTeamName, name)
                format(strText, 191, "%s", message)

        format(message, 191, "%s ^x01:  %s", strName, strText)

        sendTeamMessage(color, isAlive, playerTeam)    // Sends the colored message

        return PLUGIN_CONTINUE

public set_color(id, level, cid)
        if(!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 2))
                return PLUGIN_HANDLED

        new arg[1], newColor
        read_argv(1, arg, 1)

        newColor = str_to_num(arg)

        if(newColor >= 1 && newColor <= 5)
                set_pcvar_num(g_MessageColor, newColor)

                if(get_pcvar_num(g_NameColor) != 1 &&
                        ((newColor == 3 &&  get_pcvar_num(g_NameColor) != 3)
                        ||(newColor == 4 &&  get_pcvar_num(g_NameColor) != 4)
                        ||(newColor == 5 &&  get_pcvar_num(g_NameColor) != 5)))
                        set_pcvar_num(g_NameColor, 2)

        return PLUGIN_HANDLED

public set_name_color(id, level, cid)
        if(!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 2))
                return PLUGIN_HANDLED

        new arg[1], newColor
        read_argv(1, arg, 1)

        newColor = str_to_num(arg)

        if(newColor >= 1 && newColor <= 6)
                set_pcvar_num(g_NameColor, newColor)

                if((get_pcvar_num(g_MessageColor) != 1
                        &&((newColor == 3 &&  get_pcvar_num(g_MessageColor) != 3)
                        ||(newColor == 4 &&  get_pcvar_num(g_MessageColor) != 4)
                        ||(newColor == 5 &&  get_pcvar_num(g_MessageColor) != 5)))
                        || get_pcvar_num(g_NameColor) == 6)
                        set_pcvar_num(g_MessageColor, 2)

        return PLUGIN_HANDLED

public set_listen(id, level, cid)
        if(!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 2))
                return PLUGIN_HANDLED

        new arg[1], newListen
        read_argv(1, arg, 1)

        newListen = str_to_num(arg)

        set_pcvar_num(g_AdminListen, newListen)

        return PLUGIN_HANDLED

public sendMessage(color[], alive)
        new teamName[10]

        for(new player = 1; player < maxPlayers; player++)

                if(alive && is_user_alive(player) || !alive && !is_user_alive(player) || get_pcvar_num(g_AdminListen) && get_user_flags(player) & ADMIN_LISTEN)
                        get_user_team(player, teamName, 9)    // Stores user's team name to change back after sending the message
                        changeTeamInfo(player, color)        // Changes user's team according to color choosen
                        writeMessage(player, message)        // Writes the message on player's chat
                        changeTeamInfo(player, teamName)    // Changes user's team back to original

public sendTeamMessage(color[], alive, playerTeam)
        new teamName[10]

        for(new player = 1; player < maxPlayers; player++)

                if(get_user_team(player) == playerTeam || get_pcvar_num(g_AdminListen) && get_user_flags(player) & ADMIN_LISTEN)
                        if(alive && is_user_alive(player) || !alive && !is_user_alive(player) || get_pcvar_num(g_AdminListen) && get_user_flags(player) & ADMIN_LISTEN)
                                get_user_team(player, teamName, 9)    // Stores user's team name to change back after sending the message
                                changeTeamInfo(player, color)        // Changes user's team according to color choosen
                                writeMessage(player, message)        // Writes the message on player's chat
                                changeTeamInfo(player, teamName)    // Changes user's team back to original

public changeTeamInfo(player, team[])
        message_begin(MSG_ONE, teamInfo, _, player)    // Tells to to modify teamInfo(Which is responsable for which time player is)
        write_byte(player)                // Write byte needed
        write_string(team)                // Changes player's team
        message_end()                    // Also Needed

public writeMessage(player, message[])
        message_begin(MSG_ONE, sayText, {0, 0, 0}, player)    // Tells to modify sayText(Which is responsable for writing colored messages)
        write_byte(player)                    // Write byte needed
        write_string(message)                    // Effectively write the message, finally, afterall
        message_end()                        // Needed as always
Thanks in advance!

Last edited by T0FF; 08-26-2015 at 18:33.
T0FF is offline

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