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[CS:GO] Retakes (v0.3.2, 2016-4-6)

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    Old 05-09-2015 , 20:25   [CS:GO] Retakes (v0.3.2, 2016-4-6)
    Reply With Quote #1

    CS:GO Retakes

    This is a CS:GO Sourcemod plugin that creates a competitive-minded gamemode called retakes. The idea is that the T players spawn in a bombsite with the bomb, while the CT spawn on rotation routes and try to retake the site and defuse the bomb.

    Note: this has been available on github for many months, but I'm only now getting around to posting it here as well.

    Please see the README on github as the primary source for information.

    ----------> Latest release readme <------
    Current development readme

    Reporting bugs/issues

    Always include as much relevant info as you can: the retakes plugin version, sourcemod version, and other plugins+extensions running on the server.
    Do not pm me for support.

    Installation issues?
    First check the error logs (addons/sourcemod/logs) for hints, and then re-read the installation instructions to see if you missed anything. Then post here.

    How are weapons distributed?

    You can see how weapons are given here: https://github.com/splewis/csgo-reta...gin-developers

    The short story is that very basic things are given by default, but another plugin can override it easily. For example, the provided retakes_standardallocator adds some M4A1/M4A4 choice and some grenades.

    Addon plugins

    Here are some retakes addon plugins written by others (usually to give weapons in a different way):
    Attached Files
    File Type: zip retakes_0.3.2.zip (166.9 KB, 5791 views)

    Last edited by splewis; 04-07-2016 at 17:41.
    splewis is offline
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    Old 06-09-2015 , 11:18   Re: [CS:GO] Retakes (v0.2.0, 2015-5-9)
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    Why no replies? I'm using the other retakes plugin atm but I'm wondering what this one has over that and if I should think about switching. Pictures of the UI would also be cool

    maningrey is offline
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    Old 06-25-2015 , 16:41   Re: [CS:GO] Retakes (v0.2.0, 2015-5-9)
    Reply With Quote #3

    Is there a way to get your ranking system implemented?
    jenson is offline
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    Old 07-07-2015 , 09:44   Re: [CS:GO] Retakes (v0.2.0, 2015-5-9)
    Reply With Quote #4

    Hello, im trying to get mysql to work with retake, but the data wont go into the database and table i have made.
    I followed the 1v1aim thread guideline and added a new table in the same database, that should work right?

    It looks like this:

    It includes the same values as the 1v1aim table:

    My database.cfg in the retake look like this:

    Privileges in mysql looks like this:

    Hope this is enough info to help me out!
    Thanks alot for any help.


    Last edited by spot; 07-07-2015 at 09:48.
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    Old 07-07-2015 , 12:07   Re: [CS:GO] Retakes (v0.2.0, 2015-5-9)
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    This plugin has no stats or database usage.
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    Old 07-07-2015 , 12:36   Re: [CS:GO] Retakes (v0.2.0, 2015-5-9)
    Reply With Quote #6

    Ahaa, then it makes sens :p
    - You have any eta? Could you not just use the same as 1v1multi?

    Thanks for fast answer.

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    Old 07-07-2015 , 14:14   Re: [CS:GO] Retakes (v0.2.0, 2015-5-9)
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    No, the simple elo ratings in multi1v1 do not work at all in other areas, especially the highly asymmetric gameplay in retakes.
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    Old 07-21-2015 , 17:50   Re: [CS:GO] Retakes (v0.2.0, 2015-5-9)
    Reply With Quote #8

    Originally Posted by splewis View Post
    CS:GO Retakes

    This is a CS:GO Sourcemod plugin that creates a competitive-minded gamemode called retakes. The idea is that the T players spawn in a bombsite with the bomb, while the CT spawn on rotation routes and try to retake the site and defuse the bomb.

    Note: this has been available on github for many months, but I'm only now getting around to posting it here as well.

    Please see the README on github as the primary source for information.

    ----------> Latest release readme <------
    Current development readme

    Reporting bugs/issues

    Always include as much relevant info as you can: the retakes plugin version, sourcemod version, and other plugins+extensions running on the server.
    Do not pm me for support.

    Installation issues?
    First check the error logs (addons/sourcemod/logs) for hints, and then re-read the installation instructions to see if you missed anything. Then post here.

    How are weapons distributed?

    You can see how weapons are given here: https://github.com/splewis/csgo-reta...gin-developers

    The short story is that very basic things are given by default, but another plugin can override it easily. For example, the provided retakes_standardallocator adds some M4A1/M4A4 choice and some grenades.

    Addon plugins

    Here are some retakes addon plugins written by others (usually to give weapons in a different way):


    i cant get the scramble teams to work ?
    Any idea on what the problem can be ?
    csgotalks is offline
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    Old 08-08-2015 , 00:58   Re: [CS:GO] Retakes (v0.2.0, 2015-5-9)
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    Here's where I'm at with trying to run this plugin/ server in general. I installed the plugin, sourcemod, metamod, created a server.cfg file and did all the files required by the csgo:ds wiki page. I'm at the point where I want to launch the server on the csgo community browser, but my server is not showing up. I'm hosting this on a windows 2012 R2 server, since this is hosted on my college campus all forwarding is just handled through the firewall on the machine. All of the ports on the firewall end is forwarded and we have two servers already live, however my retakes server is not showing up on the firewall list where as the others are. What am I doing wrong?

    edit: I also did all the web api authentication and have the .bat set to opening the se +mirage group of maps.

    Last edited by BootyJiggle; 08-08-2015 at 00:59.
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    Old 08-08-2015 , 01:07   Re: [CS:GO] Retakes (v0.2.0, 2015-5-9)
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    Originally Posted by csgotalks View Post

    i cant get the scramble teams to work ?
    Any idea on what the problem can be ?
    Nope. The behavior also depends on the cvars: sm_retakes_scramble_rounds and sm_retakes_random_teams.

    Originally Posted by BootyJiggle View Post
    Here's where I'm at with trying to run this plugin/ server in general. I installed the plugin, sourcemod, metamod, created a server.cfg file and did all the files required by the csgo:ds wiki page. I'm at the point where I want to launch the server on the csgo community browser, but my server is not showing up. I'm hosting this on a windows 2012 R2 server, since this is hosted on my college campus all forwarding is just handled through the firewall on the machine. All of the ports on the firewall end is forwarded and we have two servers already live, however my retakes server is not showing up on the firewall list where as the others are. What am I doing wrong?

    edit: I also did all the web api authentication and have the .bat set to opening the se +mirage group of maps.
    When I directed you here, I assumed you were having issues with the plugin itself, not steam in general :p

    Anywho, if you ask around here (https://forums.alliedmods.net/forumdisplay.php?f=130), people may be more useful. The plugin itself shouldn't matter with your issues. Since you have others working, one debugging strategy is just to disable things until the servers are the same, so you could copy the entire files of the others and try launching with the ip/port of the one supposed to be retakers later. You can also just try disabling metamod/sourcemod entirely since it takes some variables out of the equation.

    Another thing to check is the workshop start params. If the collection/map don't exist or the api key is wrong, I believe the server won't start. You can try removing the workshop params and seeing if it starts at all.

    You can also check server-status from the steam master list by using your ip in this url, which can be easier than checking the server browser in-game:


    Last edited by splewis; 08-08-2015 at 01:08.
    splewis is offline

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