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[CS] Ultimate Shop [Respawn]

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Old 04-01-2014 , 08:54   [CS] Ultimate Shop [Respawn]
Reply With Quote #1

Hello, there! In this thread I want to presetn you one shop plugin, which I'm making from long time ago. Тhere are some more things o add, so I'll update the new features regularly. This plugin is suitable for Respawn servers, because I used a check for the player spawn, instead of the round start check. The shop is payed by the money from the game and there are some cvars for convenience.
Shop items:
1. + <num> HP
/Adds some amount of HP on the player/
2. + <num> Armor
/Adds some amount of Armor on the player/
3. + <num> HP and Armor
/Adds some amount of Armor and HP on the player/
4. AWP
/gives AWP to the player/
5. Chameleon
/gives model from the other team to the player/
6. Speed
/increases the speed of the player/
7. G3SG1
/gives G3SG1 to the player/
8. Invisibility (70%)
/makes the player 70% invisible/
9. All Grenades
/gives all grenades to the player/

New Items ( v4.7 ):

10. М249 + Deagle
/gives M249 and Deagle to the player/
11. Gravity 60%
/makes the gravity of the player 60%/
12. Gravity 35%
/makes the gravity of the player 35%/

New Items ( v4.8 ):

13. Zombie Models
/sets a Zombie Model to the player/

New Items ( v5.3 ):

14. Silent Walk
/makes the footsteps of the player silent/
15. No Recoil
/no recoil on user/
16. Full Ammo
/fills the ammo of the current weapon of the player/
17. Double Damage
/the player makes double damage with any weapon/
These are the items for now, I'm going to add some more later and update the plugin.

1. Define the amount of HP and Armor items:
shop_hp_amount <num> (default: 200)
/Amount of HP for item №1/
shop_armor_amount <num> (default: 200)
/Amount of Armor for item №2/
shop_hp_and_armor_amount <num> (default: 255)
/Amount of HP and Armor for item №3/

2. Define if the No Recoil, Gravity and Speed items are for time, and if so - define the time:
-No Recoil
shop_no_recoil_for_time (default: 1)
/If the No Recoil is for time; 1 - for time; 0 - to next spawn/
shop_no_recoil_lenght <num> (default: 20)
/The No Recoil time if the cvar is on/

shop_speed_for_time (default: 1)
/If the Speed is for time; 1 - for time; 0 - to next spawn/
shop_speed_lenght <num> (default: 20)
/The Speed time if the cvar is on/

shop_gravity_for_time (default: 1)
/If the Gravity is for time; 1 - for time; 0 - to next spawn/
shop_gravity_lenght <num> (default: 20)
/The Gravity time if the cvar is on/
*The time ramaining till the item's removing appears in HUD in the upper left corner
*The Gravity cvar is for both types of gravity

3. Define the max items bought for spawn:
shop_max_items_for_spawn <num> (default: 0)
/0 - unlimited items per spawn/

4. Define the items' costs:
shop_hp_cost <num> (default: 5000$)
/cost of item №1 (+HP)/
shop_armor_cost <num> (default: 5000$)
/cost of item №2 (+Armor)/
shop_hp_and_armor_cost <num> (default: 12000$)
/cost of item №3 (+HP и Armor)/
shop_awp_cost <num> (default: 13000$)
/cost of item №4 (AWP)/
shop_chameleon_cost <num> (default: 16000$)
/cost of item №5 (Chameleon)/
shop_speed_cost <num> (default: 10000$)
/cost of item №6 (Speed)/
shop_g3sg1_cost <num> (default: 13000$)
/cost of item №7 (G3SG1)/
shop_invisible_cost <num> (default: 16000$)
/cost of item №8 (Invisible)/
shop_grenades_cost <num> (default: 2000$)
/cost of item №9 (All Grenades)/
shop_m249_deagle_cost <num> (default: 8000$)
/cost of item №10 (М249 + Deagle)/
shop_gravity_60%_cost <num> (default: 9000$)
/cost of item №11 (Gravity 65%)/
shop_gravity_35%_cost <num> (default: 15000$)
/cost of item №12 (Gravity 35%)/
shop_zombie_cost <num> (default: 5000$)
/cost of item №13 (Zombie Models)/
shop_silent_walk_cost <num> (default: 5000$)
/cost of item №14 (Silent Walk)/
shop_no_recoil_cost <num> (default: 15000$)
/cost of item №15 (No Recoil)/
shop_ammo_cost <num> (default: 6000$)
/cost of item №16 (Full Ammo)/
shop_dmg_x2_cost <num> (default: 15000$)
/cost of item №17 (Double Damage)/

NEW OPTION: VIP players' costs (flag "e" - slay)
First is the cvar to define if VIP costs are enabled (default: disabled):
vip_costs 0/1 (default: 0)

Next is to define the VIP players' costs. Default they are the same, but they can be changed with the following cvars:

shop_hp_vip_cost <num> (default: 5000$)
/Cost of item №1 (+HP) for VIP players/
shop_armor_vip_cost <num> (default: 5000$)
/Cost of item №2 (+Armor) for VIP players/
shop_hp_and_armor_vip_cost <num> (default: 12000$)
/Cost of item №3 (+HP и Armor) for VIP players/
shop_awp_vip_cost <num> (default: 13000$)
/Cost of item №4 (AWP) for VIP players/
shop_chameleon_vip_cost <num> (default: 16000$)
/Cost of item №5 (Chameleon) for VIP players/
shop_speed_vip_cost <num> (default: 10000$)
/Cost of item №6 (Speed) for VIP players/
shop_g3sg1_vip_cost <num> (default: 13000$)
/Cost of item №7 (G3SG1) for VIP players/
shop_invisible_vip_cost <num> (default: 16000$)
/Cost of item №8 (Invisible) for VIP players/
shop_grenades_vip_cost <num> (default: 2000$)
/Cost of item №9 (All Grenades) for VIP players/
shop_m249_deagle_vip_cost <num> (default: 8000$)
/Cost of item №10 (М249) + Deagle for VIP players/
shop_gravity_60%_vip_cost <num> (default: 9000$)
/Cost of item №11 (Gravity 65%) for VIP players/
shop_gravity_35%_vip_cost <num> (default: 15000$)
/Cost of item №12 (Gravity 35%) for VIP players/
shop_zombie_cost <num> (default: 5000$)
/Cost of item №13 (Zombie Models) for VIP players/
shop_silent_walk_vip_cost <num> (default: 5000$)
/Cost of item №14 (Silent Walk) for VIP players/
shop_no_recoil_vip_cost <num> (default: 15000$)
/Cost of item №15 (No Recoil) for VIP players/
shop_ammo_vip_cost <num> (default: 6000$)
/Cost of item №16 (Full Ammo) for VIP players/
shop_dmg_x2_vip_cost <num> (default: 15000$)
/Cost of item №17 (Double Damage) for VIP players/

3.Turn on/off items:
*Default all the items are enabled. Value 1 turns the item on, value 0 turns it off.*

/Turn on/off item №1/
/Turn on/off item №2/
/Turn on/off item №3/
/Turn on/off item №4/
/Turn on/off item №5/
/Turn on/off item №6/
/Turn on/off item №7/
/Turn on/off item №8/
/Turn on/off item №9/
/Turn on/off item №10/
/Turn on/off item №11/
/Turn on/off item №12/
/Turn on/off item №13/
/Turn on/off item №14/
/Turn on/off item №15/
/Turn on/off item №16/
/Turn on/off item №17/

If the item is disabled, it won't even appear in the shop menu!

These are the cvars to define the chat messages prefix:
shop_prefix "PREFIX" (default: [CS-MaxGaminG.iNFO])
/defines the chat messages prefix/
Example: shop_prefix "[ServerPrefix]"

shop_prefix_color <num> (default: 4)
/defines the chat message prefix color/
1 - default chat color
3 - team color - EXAMPLE
4 - green color - EXAMPLE

Chat Messages:
1. When you buy current item - EXAMPLE
2. When you are dead or spectator and try to buy something - EXAMPLE
3. When you don't have enough money - EXAMPLE
4. When you already have the current item - EXAMPLE
5. When you have already bought the max items allowed - EXAMPLE

Here is the еxterior of the plugin - Page №1 Page №2 Page №3

-------------Version 4.7--------------
-added items №10, 11 и 12
-reduced the size of the code
-------------Version 4.8--------------
-аdded item №13
-added VIP costs option
-reduced the size of the code
-------------Version 5.3--------------
-аdded many new items №14, 15, 16, 17
-added different way to disable items from shop - they directly disappear from the menu instead of chat message
-added the max items per spawn option
-added the time cvars for No Recoil, Speed and Gravity
-optimized the code a lot
-*Little after the release of this version, but too insignificant for new version*- Changed client_PreThink with a fakemeta forward for the no recoil option
ToDo List:
-Add a new HeadHunter option (HeadShot only)
-Add a point system! And there will be two different shops - money shop and points shop
*I hope you'll enjoy it! It took me a lot of time, so I expect you will like it. I'm waiting for your notes, opinions, reviews and remarks.
Attached Files
File Type: zip UltimateShop(v4.8)Models.zip (852.1 KB, 1944 views)
File Type: sma Get Plugin or Get Source (UltimateRespawnShop[v4.8].sma - 2549 views - 26.1 KB)
File Type: sma Get Plugin or Get Source (UltimateRespawnShop[v5.3].sma - 1542 views - 32.5 KB)

Last edited by Flick3rR; 05-15-2014 at 17:25.
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Old 04-01-2014 , 09:12   Re: [CS] Ultimate Shop [Respawn]
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Remove the .amxx file from the .zip file and attach the .sma seperatly.
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Old 04-01-2014 , 09:15   Re: [CS] Ultimate Shop [Respawn]
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Done. Sorry, this is my first plugin uploaded here and I'm not veri clear in this stuff ...
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Old 04-01-2014 , 16:05   Re: [CS] Ultimate Shop [Respawn]
Reply With Quote #4

Originally Posted by Flick3rR View Post
Done. Sorry, this is my first plugin uploaded here and I'm not veri clear in this stuff ...
did you bother to read this STICKY before you posted?

Read before posting new plugins. - Updated 12-05-08
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Old 04-01-2014 , 17:21   Re: [CS] Ultimate Shop [Respawn]
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Allright, the mistake is fixed... May we pay attention to the plugin -atleast it is the main purpose of the thread. Sorry, sorry, and sorry again!
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Old 04-02-2014 , 03:38   Re: [CS] Ultimate Shop [Respawn]
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That plugin will be good in deathrun server
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Old 04-02-2014, 07:26
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Old 04-02-2014, 08:17
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Old 04-19-2014 , 08:02   Re: [CS] Ultimate Shop [Respawn]
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Nothing to say GJ
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Old 04-23-2014, 18:30
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Old 04-23-2014 , 18:50   Re: [CS] Ultimate Shop [Respawn]
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Originally Posted by JuanPabloOlivosCordova View Post
are you going to help me?
Post the issue and maybe he can help?
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Old 04-25-2014 , 17:22   Re: [CS] Ultimate Shop [Respawn]
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He's asking me for another plugin and I don't know why is he posting in this topic... Please, the moderators, to delete these replies, because there are pointless.
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Old 04-26-2014 , 08:10   Re: [CS] Ultimate Shop [Respawn]
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Why do people keep releasing garbage like this? There are literally tens of shop menus in all three categories, that is approved/unapproved/submissions. The only difference between them is that some have better and universal code, so it's not a pain to add a new item to the menu.

You didn't even try to do that, your .sma is a pile of switch cases like any other trash in unapproved plugins.

Sorry for being so harsh but try to come up with something original.
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