For MySQL database you will need to add this to your sourcemod databases.cfg
PHP Code:
[B]Warmod convars:[/B]
wm_active "1", "Enable or disable WarMod as active"
wm_warmod_safemode "0", "This disables features that usually break on a CS:GO update"
wm_chat_prefix "WarMod_BFG", "Change the chat prefix. Default is WarMod_BFG"
wm_rcon_only "0", "Enable or disable admin commands to be only executed via RCON or console"
wm_lock_teams "1", "Enable or disable locked teams when a match is running"
wm_min_ready "10", "Sets the minimum required ready players to Live on 3"
wm_max_players "10", "Sets the maximum players allowed on both teams combined, others will be forced to spectator (0 = unlimited)"
wm_match_config "warmod/ruleset_mr15.cfg", "Sets the match config to load on Live on 3"
wm_reset_config "warmod/on_match_end.cfg", "Sets the config to load at the end/reset of a match"
wm_prac_config "warmod/prac.cfg", "Sets the config to load up for practice"
wm_half_time_break "0", "Pause game at halftime for a break, No break = 0, break = 1"
wm_over_time_break "0", "Pause game at overtime for a break, No break = 0, break = 1"
wm_round_money "1", "Enable or disable a client's team mates money to be displayed at the start of a round (to him only)"
wm_ingame_scores "1", "Enable or disable ingame scores to be showed at the end of each round"
wm_require_names "0", "Enable or disable the requirement of set team names for lo3"
wm_show_info "1", "Enable or disable the display of the Ready System to players"
wm_auto_ready "1", "Enable or disable the ready system being automatically enabled on map change"
// Demos
wm_auto_record "1", "Enable or disable auto SourceTV demo record on Live on 3"
wm_save_dir "warmod", "Directory to store SourceTV demos and WarMod logs"
// Stats logs
wm_prefix_logs "1", "Enable or disable the prefixing of \"_\" to uncompleted match SourceTV demos and WarMod logs"
wm_stats_enabled "1", "Enable or disable statistical logging"
wm_stats_method "2", "Sets the stats logging method: 0 = UDP stream/server logs, 1 = WarMod logs, 2 = both"
wm_stats_trace "0", "Enable or disable updating all player positions, every wm_stats_trace_delay seconds"
wm_stats_trace_delay "5", "The ammount of time between sending player position updates"
wm_competition "WarMod BFG", "Name of host for a competition. eg. ESEA, Cybergamer, CEVO, ESL"
wm_event "scrim", "Name of event. eg. Season #, ODC #, Ladder"
// Warmup
wm_warmup_config "warmod/ruleset_warmup.cfg", "Sets the config to load up for warmup"
wm_warmup_respawn "0", "Enable or disable the respawning of players in warmup"
wm_block_warm_up_grenades "0", "Enable or disable grenade blocking in warmup"
// Knife Round
wm_auto_knife "0", "Enable or disable the knife round before going live"
wm_knife_auto_start "0", "Enable or disable after knife round to be forced lived"
wm_knife_hegrenade "0", "Enable or disable giving a player a hegrenade on Knife on 3"
wm_knife_flashbang "0", "Sets how many flashbangs to give a player on Knife on 3"
wm_knife_smokegrenade "0", "Enable or disable giving a player a smokegrenade on Knife on 3"
wm_knife_zeus "0", "Enable or disable giving a player a zeus on Knife on 3"
wm_knife_armor "1", "Enable or disable giving a player Armor on Knife on 3"
wm_knife_helmet "0", "Enable or disable giving a player a Helmet on Knife on 3 [requires armor active]"
// FTP Upload stuff
wm_autodemoupload_enable "1", "Automatically upload demos when finished recording."
wm_autodemoupload_bzip2 "9", "Compression level. If set > 0 demos will be compressed before uploading. (Requires bzip2 extension.)"
wm_autodemoupload_delete "0", "Delete the demo (and the bz2) if upload was successful."
wm_autodemoupload_ftptargetdemo "demos", "The ftp target to use for uploads."
wm_autodemoupload_ftptargetlog "logs", "The ftp target to use for uploads."
wm_autodemoupload_completed "1", "Only upload demos when match is completed."
// Pause and Unpause stuff
wm_pause_confirm "1", "Wait for other team to confirm pause: 0 = off, 1 = on"
wm_unpause_confirm "1", "Wait for other team to confirm unpause: 0 = off, 1 = on"
wm_auto_unpause "1", "Sets auto unpause: 0 = off, 1 = on"
wm_auto_unpause_delay "180", "Sets the seconds to wait before auto unpause"
wm_pause_limit "1", "Sets max pause count per team per half"
// Veto stuff
wm_pugsetup_maplist_file "configs/maps.txt", "Maplist to read from. The file path is relative to the sourcemod directory."
wm_pugsetup_randomize_maps "1", "When maps are shown in the map vote/veto, should their order be randomized?"
wm_veto "1", "Veto Style: 0 = off, 1 = Bo1, 2 = Bo2, 3 = Bo3"
wm_veto_bo3 "0", "Veto Style: 0 = Normal, 1 = New"
wm_veto_random "0", "After the vetoing is done, will a map be picked at random?"
[B]Client commands[/B]
score - ConsoleScore
wm_version - WMVersion
wm_readylist - ReadyList
wmrl - ReadyList
wm_cash - AskTeamMoney
sm_ready - ReadyUp, "Readies up the client"
sm_r - ReadyUp, "Readies up the client"
sm_rdy - ReadyUp, "Readies up the client"
sm_unready - ReadyDown, "Readies down the client"
sm_ur - ReadyDown, "Readies down the client"
sm_urdy - ReadyDown, "Readies down the client"
sm_info - ReadyInfoPriv, "Shows ready info"
sm_i - ReadyInfoPriv, "Shows ready info"
sm_score - ShowScore, "Shows score to client"
sm_s - ShowScore, "Shows score to client"
sm_stay - Stay, "Stay command for knife round"
sm_switch - Switch, "Switch command for knife round"
sm_pause - Pause, "Pauses the match"
sm_unpause - Unpause, "Resumes the match"
/* Veto cmds */
sm_vetobo1 - Veto_Bo1, "Ask for a Bo1 Veto"
sm_vetoBo1 - Veto_Bo1, "Ask for a Bo1 Veto"
sm_vetobo3 - Veto_Bo3, "Ask for a Bo3 Veto"
sm_vetoBo3 - Veto_Bo3, "Ask for a Bo3 Veto"
sm_veto - Veto_Setup, "Ask for Veto"
sm_Veto - Veto_Setup, "Ask for Veto"
sm_vetomaps - Veto_Bo3_Maps, "Veto Bo3 Maps"
[B]Sourcemod admin o flag[/B]
knife or ko3 - KnifeOn3 - Remove all weapons except knife and lo3
cancelknife or ck - CancelKnife - Declares knife not live and restarts round
forceallready or far - ForceAllReady - Forces all players to become ready
lo3, forcestart or fs - ForceStart - Starts the match regardless of player and ready count
forceallunready or faur - ForceAllUnready - Forces all players to become unready
forceend or fe - ForceEnd - Ends the match regardless of status
notlive, nl, cancelhalf or ch - NotLive - Declares half not live and restarts the round
cancelmatch or cm - CancelMatch - Declares match not live and restarts round
forceallspectate or fas - ForceAllSpectate - Forces all players to become a spectator
aswap - SwapAll - Swap all players to the opposite team
active - ActiveToggle - Toggle the wm_active console variable
readyup or ru - ReadyToggle - Starts or stops the ReadyUp System
readyon or ron - ReadyOn - Turns on or restarts the ReadyUp System
readyoff or roff - ReadyOff - Turns off the ReadyUp System if enabled
minready - ChangeMinReady - Set or display the wm_min_ready console variable
maxrounds - ChangeMaxRounds - Set or display the wm_max_rounds console variable
t - ChangeT - Changes the terrorists name - Designed for score purposes
ct - ChangeCT - Changes the counter-terrorists name - Designed for score purposes
sst - SetScoreT - Setting terrorists score
ssct - SetScoreCT - Setting counter-terrorists scores
prac - Practice - Puts server into a practice mode state
warmup - WarmUp - Puts server into a warm up state