Originally Posted by Mofforg
1. I want to define few word's for lag function.
Am i doing write?
PHP Code:
if ( contain(szMessage, "lag") != -1 )
PHP Code:
if ( contain(szMessage, "lag") != -1 || contain(szMessage, "problem") != -1 || contain(szMessage, "delay") != -1 )
2. It would be perfect to do a new function.
To check symbol's in player name if there are symbols expect english/russian letters, !@#$%^&*()_-=\/<>?~, then change player name to 'I have bad nickname'.
Example of bad symbols: "+" "`"
3. bool:IsNameValid( const szName[ ] )
This function check if there are 12 "." ":" symbols in name?
4. Why in "public message_SayText() " there are player names detection? How saytext connected with nickname change?
1. it's fine... but do remember that if too many people chat at once, then adding too many keywords can cause lag on slow computers.
2. that's a custom thing. but thanks for that because one of the symbols is really irritating... i.e. the Console key '~' ... that symbol should never be used in a name because that prevents the admins to kick certain players mannually as just on pressing the button, the console of admin closes...
3. It checks all ASCII characters that lie b/w them.
4. I did not want to make another function for name detection. so put saytext for the same work.
Extra Information - Name Change detection is checked in 2 ways...
1st - when the player just connects (pre name)....
2nd - when the player changes name within the game (post name).
I have noticed that when a false-name (ip spam) player joins a server, most of the spam detection plugins keep the player undetected unless he spawns. Each round may take time upto 2 minutes at minimum on a normal pub and in case of clans, can extend upto 4-5 minutes... during that time, if a player is a professional spammer and is not spawned, he can time the name spams pretty well before his spawn... i had undergone a spammer like that... and i must say, he's been able to inspire me into this stuff...