Mini Duels System!
- Based in TF2 , allows the player to challenge another player to a duel.
- The plugin contain stats and top15 ( In the stats you can see the last day when you play duel , the last guy who you played in the last duel , if you win the last duel , etc )
- You can look the player who are you dueling with the glow declared in cvar ( only you can see )
- /duel (Send invitation to duel)
- /duelstats (Look player's stats online in server)
- /topduels ( top 15 stats from the database )
- This plugins must be in top of plugins.ini ( because it hook 'amx_kick' command )
- MySQL Server
You can change the glow of the teams , changing this cvar..
register_cvar( "dl_tt_glow", "255000000" );
register_cvar( "dl_ct_glow", "000000255" );
Parsing , is "REDGREENBLUE"
PS: The changes will be update in next spawn.
To change your values to MySQL :
new gTable[] = "duels";
static szHost[] = "";
static szUser[] = "";
static szPass[] = "";
static szDB[] = "";
DON'T LEAVE , always if you want to change anything , remember to add ; , or the plugin will not compile!.
The dueling is canceled if:
- One of the player dueling is kicked.
- If an admin change map.
- if both players are in the same team.
If the database doesn't have data , the /topduels didn't works , always should got any data to works, at least 2 players.
I can add a version with sprite in the head in both players like same than TF2 , but i dont have the sprites, if anyone want to make it , i will try to add it to the plugin!
- Version 1.0
- Initial Release
The actual ml's thread is
- [ES] ; lucas_7_94
- [EN] ; lucas_7_94
- [BP] ; rx1983
- [MY] ; JoKeR LauGh
- [PL] ; naXe
- [RO] ; tuty
- [DE] ; Mordekay
Enjoy it!.