Each new round a random player will be selected to be a super player. The player which is selected gets more HP, AP, speed and gravity.
//super player
super_health 200 //Health to set on super player. Set to 100 to disable
super_armor 200 //Armor to set on super player. Set to 100 to disable
super_speed 300 //Speed to set on super player. Set to 240 to disable
super_gravity 0.8 //1.0 = normal gravity 0.5 = half gravity
super_prefix 1 //Set to 0 to disable name prefix
super_announce 1 //Set to 0 to disable announcement for who is the super player
super_givehe 0 //set to 1 to give a he grenade to the super player
super_givesmoke 0 //Set to 1 to give a smoke grenade to the super player
super_giveflash 0 //Set to 1 to give 1, set to 2 to give 2. Higher than 2 is ignored and wont give any flash at all
super_heal 1 //Set to 0 to disable healing for the super player.
super_healpoints 50 //HP to heal each kill
super_advertise 1 //Enable/disable advertising. 1 enables, 0 disables.
super_glow 1 //Enable/disable glowing for the super players
/*Below only used if super_glow is set to 1*/
super_glowred 255 //How much red in the glow 255 is max
super_glowgreen 0 //How much green in the glow 255 is max
super_glowblue 0 //How much blue to glow 255 is max
At the top of the plugin code you will see a define:
PHP Code:
//comment out not to use sound
#define USE_SOUND
Comment it out like this:
PHP Code:
//comment out not to use sound
//#define USE_SOUND
Then the sound wont be downloaded by any clients, nor will it be played.
The sound is only played for the player who gets to be the super player.
When changing this define you need to recompile the code.
Credit goes to Exolent for fixing the code. I've also gotten some help from Drekes, Kreation and Matsi.
v. 2.0Beta 4: Added a cvar so you can search for servers using this plugin.
v. 2.0Beta 3: Changed the way advertising works, now uses plugin_cfg instead og plugin_init.
v. 2.0Beta 2: Changed the way it checks if the picked guy has just been a super player.
v. 2.0Beta: Added a check so the same person shouldn't be the super player twice now. I did not get to test the grenades but I added a debug. Each time a grenade should be given it should print a global message which says that the grenade is given. I can't really test it so I have to do it like this. So please, do test this for me and give me some feedback.
v. 1.9b: Fixed an issue where the server would crash if it is empty.
v. 1.9a: Fixed the announcement so it doesn't say CT player all the time.
v. 1.9: Added a glow for the super player. Cvar list updated. I am still waiting for feedback on if it works fine for good players or not.
v. 1.8: Added a new cvar: super_advertise. Added since I wanted to advertise this a bit. If you don't like it then just turn it off using the cvar. If you have it on, place the super.txt in the cstrike folder. Still waiting for feedback for version 1.7. To test it simply download super_player1.8.
v. 1.7: Changed a few minor things. It now chooses one CT and one T to become a super player, to even it out a bit. *NOTE* I haven't tested this version completely as I have no way to do so. Therefor the version 1.6 is still here until someone can confirm for me that 1.7 is working as intended without bugs.
v. 1.6: Added healing option for the super player.
v. 1.5: Corrected a few typos. Also optimized a bit.
v. 1.4: Added cvars to give flashbang, he grenade or smoke grenade.
v. 1.3: Added a define at top to choose if you want sound or not.
v. 1.2: Added a cvar check for the speed thanks to xPaw.
v. 1.1: Exolent fixed the code, also added cvars for each attribute to add.
v. 1.0: Beta version. A few stuff didn't work.
Servers running this plugin