Good Little Panda

, 11:28
Re: Kigen's Anti Cheat, v1.2.1.3
Commands:- kac_addcvar - Adds a CVar to be checked by KAC.
- Usage: kac_addcvar <cvar name> <comparison type> <action> <value> <value2 if bound>
- kac_removecvar - Removes a CVar from the list that KAC checks.
- Usage: kac_removecvar <cvar name>
- kac_cvars_status - Prints checking status of in-game clients for illegal CVars.
- kac_net_status - Prints checking status of in-game clients for Master Server bans.
- kac_addcmd - Adds a command to be blocked by KAC.
- Usage: kac_addcmd <command name> <ban (1 or 0)>
- kac_addignorecmd - Adds a command to be ignored by KAC, when the command spam feature is enabled.
- Usage: kac_addignorecmd <command name>
- kac_removecmd - Removes a command from the list that KAC blocks.
- Usage: kac_removecmd <command name>
- kac_removeignorecmd - Removes a command from the list of ignored commands.
- Usage: kac_removeignorecmd <command name>
- kac_status - Prints the status of KAC to the client's console.
ConVars:- kac_version - The current version of KAC.
- kac_client_enable - Enables the Client Protection module.
- kac_client_antirejoin - Disables the ability for clients to reconnect to respawn.
- kac_client_nameprotect - Protects the server from name crashes and hacks.
- kac_client_antispamconnect - Number of seconds to prevent someone from restablishing a connection to the server.
- kac_cvars_enable - Enables the CVar Detection module.
- kac_cmds_enable - Enables the Command module.
- kac_cmds_spam - The number of commands a client may send in one second before kicked. (0 ~ Disables)
- kac_cmds_log - If enabled, logs all commands issued by clients to /addons/sourcemod/logs/
- kac_eyes_enable - Enables the Eye Test module.
- kac_eyes_antiwall - Enables the Anti Wall Hack module.
- kac_rcon_crashprevent - Enables RCON Crash prevention module.
Engine Information:
- Command Engine
- Monitors command usage on the server to prevent abuse of commands. By default, protects against various exploitable commands that can crash the server, as well as monitor how many commands the player is entering in one second.
- ConVar Engine
- Allows the ability to dynamically add and remoev ConVars from the detection list, allowing full control over what cvars your server is protected against. In short, allows you to prevent certain cvar values from being used on your server.
- Eye Test Engine
- Checks to see if impossible eye angles are being sent from the client. By default, a client will never send eye angles past 90 and -90 degrees on the X or Z axis. This engine also features the Anti-Wallhack which checks to see if a target is supposed to be visible to a client, and if not, doesn't send information about that player's position, giving wallhacks no information.
- Network Engine
- Note: This engine is disabled in the No-Network version. Provides an auto-update feature (currently useless as Kigen does not support this plugin), as well as connects to Kigen's "Master Server" that contains a database of players banned for various reasons. If a player is banned on the "Master Server," they will be banned from your server as well.
- RCON Engine
- Useless on most games on the Orange Box engine as the issue was patched by Valve. For any game it does apply to, however, prevents RCON crashes and ensures that a client is out of the server before banning the IP.
- Translation Engine
- Kigen's proprietary solution to SourceMod's translation functionality. Basically allows translations to be updated upon update, rather than the default functionality of on Map Changes. Currently useless as Kigen doesn't maintain the plugin, thus no updates will be being pushed out.
Information:- Help! I've been banned from all KAC protected servers!
- First things first, you should try to file an appeal at Kigen's official site, http://kigenac.com/. When that fails, you have several options available:
- Get a new steam account.
- Find servers that have the Network feature disabled or get the server administrators to install it.
- Don't play on KAC protected servers
Last edited by thetwistedpanda; 05-09-2011 at 10:05.