*Simple* plugin which you can spawn any weapon and machine gun where you are looking or give weapon to player. Now with menu!
Some code is taken from [TF2] Pumpkins by pheadxdll and [L4D] Spawn Minigun by antihacker.
Servers with this plugin: Game-Monitor
If you like this plugin, please give me karma ;-)
Version >= 0.6 requires translation file (read installation)
L4D 1 version is made by Luki
- sm_spawnweapon [weapon_name] or sm_sw [weapon_name] (eg. sm_sw chainsaw)
- sm_giveweapon <#userid|name> [weapon_name] or sm_gw <#userid|name> [weapon_name] (eg. sm_gw @me chainsaw)
Targeting: SourceMod Wiki
- sm_spawnmachinegun or sm_smg - Spawn Machine Gun
- sm_removemachinegun or sm_rmg - Remove Machine Gun
- sm_spawnweapon_assaultammo - How much Ammo for AK74, M4A1, SG552 and Desert Rifle.
- sm_spawnweapon_smgammo - How much Ammo for SMG, Silenced SMG and MP5
- sm_spawnweapon_shotgunammo - How much Ammo for Shotgun and Chrome Shotgun.
- sm_spawnweapon_autoshotgunammo - How much Ammo for Autoshotgun and SPAS.
- sm_spawnweapon_sniperrifleammo - How much Ammo for the Military Sniper Rifle, AWP and Scout.
- sm_spawnweapon_grenadelauncherammo - How much Ammo for the Grenade Launcher.
- sm_spawnweapon_allowallmeleeweapons - Allow or Disallow all melee weapons on all campaigns. (Default 0, for All Melee Weapons HOWTO)
Max Ammo:
- AK74, M4A1, SG552 and Desert Rifle - 360
- SMG, Silenced SMG and MP5 - 650
- Shotgun and Chrome Shotgun - 56
- Autoshotgun and SPAS - 90
- Hunting Rifle - 150
- Military Sniper Rifle, AWP and Scout - 180
- Grenade Launcher - 30
- Put l4d2_weaponspawner_v*.smx to sourcemod/plugins
- Put weaponspawner.phrases.txt to sourcemod/translations
Weapon List:
Originally Posted by Weapon List
adrenaline, autoshotgun, chainsaw, defibrillator, fireworkcrate, first_aid_kit, gascan, gnome, grenade_launcher, hunting_rifle, molotov, oxygentank, pain_pills, pipe_bomb, pistol, pistol_magnum, propanetank, pumpshotgun, rifle, rifle_ak47, rifle_desert, rifle_sg552, shotgun_chrome, shotgun_spas, smg, smg_mp5, smg_silenced, sniper_awp, sniper_military, sniper_scout, vomitjar, cola_bottels
ammo_spawn, upgradepack_explosive, upgradepack_incendiary
Melee Weapon List: (for "Give Weapons")
Originally Posted by Melee Weapon List
baseball_bat, cricket_bat, crowbar, electric_guitar, fireaxe, frying_pan, katana, machete, tonfa, knife, cola_bottles
health, ammo
Special Zombie List:
Originally Posted by Special Zombie List
boomer, hunter, smoker, tank, spitter, jockey, charger, zombie, witch
Want more zombies? Use: [L4D2] Spawn uncommon Infected by AtomicStryker
To Do:
Add ammo to spawned weapons
Check which melee weapons could be used and add only those to menu
Machine Gun
[IMG]http://img691.**************/img691/7033/c1m3mall0001b.th.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img693.**************/img693/191/c1m3mall0005.th.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img693.**************/img693/2319/c1m3mall0003.th.jpg[/IMG]
[IMG]http://img693.**************/img693/5028/c1m3mall0002.th.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img693.**************/img693/8638/c1m3mall0004c.th.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img696.**************/img696/4259/c1m3mall0000q.th.jpg[/IMG]
Changelog: - v0.1
- v0.2
- v0.3
- Added Menu (in admin menu - Server Commands)
- Added sm_spawn
- v0.3a
- v0.4
- Menu now use own category on Admin Menu
- Added menu for "Give Weapons"
- Added menu for "Spawn Special Zombie"
- Added Laser Sights, Explosive Ammo, Incendiary Ammo, Health, Ammo Stack
- Rewrite menu "Spawn Weapon"
- Fix for: this (now you can use your nick in binds)
- Rename sm_spawn to sm_zspawn
- Code optimizations
- v0.5-beta
- Added Machine Gun spawning (credits for [L4D] Spawn Minigun author)
- Added missing witch and vomitjar
- Minor Fixes
- v0.6 (10.01.2010)
- Added ammo to spawned weapons (yey!)
- Added ammo cvars
- Automatically adding "weapon_" for sm_sw (eg. sm_sw rifle)
- Added multi-language support
- Added cola and knife (knife works only when you play with germans or when you mod your game)
- Added command to remove machine gun
- Added check which melee weapons could be used and add only those to menu
- Minor Fixes
- v0.7 (12.01.2010)
- Added missing stuff in "give menu" from v0.5-beta
- Fixed Ammo Stack spawning
- Fixed typos in translation file (thx for bearbear)
- Added second argument to sm_spawnweapon and sm_zspawn - amount of spawned items/zombies
- Fixed campaigns detection
- v0.7a (14.01.2010)
- Added missing "Full Health"
- Debug informations now are disabled by default
Versions maintained by McFlurry! (thanks)
- v0.7b
- Added "M60(only as spawn)"
- v0.7c
- Full "M60" support, excluding ammo cvar
- v0.7d
- v0.7e
- "Golf Club" is now The Passing exclusive
- Fixed precache model typos
- v0.7f
- Removed Electric Guitar from The Passing Melee weapons menu
- v0.8
- v0.9
- Added ability to spawn melee weapons(through menu only).
- Added Katana and Fireaxe to The Passing melee list
- Long ignored zombie mob added
- v1.0 ;-) (07.10.2010)
- Added melee lists for The Sacrifice and No Mercy
- Added explosive barrel for spawning use !sw explosive_barrel
- Added Laser sight box for spawn use !sw laser_sight for it
- v1.0a (18.10.2010)
- Added L4D1 Minigun
- Changed sm_smg to sm_smg # sm_smg 1 will spawn the l4d2 minigun and sm_smg 2 will spawn the l4d1 minigun
Last edited by Zuko; 10-18-2010 at 09:11.
Reason: New version