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[L4D] KrX's Survivor Upgrades (Latest v1.1.6: 6 September 2009)

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    Plugin Description:
    Gives Survivors Upgrades in L4D, e.g. Laser Sights, Incendiary Ammo, Self-Revive, Adrenaline
    Old 08-15-2009 , 09:28   [L4D] KrX's Survivor Upgrades (Latest v1.1.6: 6 September 2009)
    Reply With Quote #1

    KrX's Survivor Upgrades
    Latest Version: 1.1.6 (6 September 2009 2339h +8GMT)
    Latest (English) Translation File: Compatible from v1.1.5 to v1.1.6 (Last updated 1 September 2143h +8GMT)
    Latest Other Translation zip File: Compatible from v1.1.5 to v1.1.6 (Last updated 6 September 1136h +8GMT)

    A rewrite of Jerrith's original Survivor Upgrades, with fixes and loads of added features!


    What does it do?
    This plugin gives Survivors Upgrades to help them in the game. Specific Upgrades can be disabled by ConVars and you can also configure which gamemodes to enable Survivor Upgrades for. By default, Survivor Upgrades is only enabled on coop and survival, disabled for versus because of balance issues.
    Survivors can get upgrades at the following times:
    • When the player starts the game (Default 3 upgrades at spawn)
    • When a tank spawns or dies (primary attacker can get extra upgrade)
    • When a witch spawns or dies or dies by being cr0wned (headshot-killed) (primary attacker can get extra upgrade)
    • When a survivor kills a number of infected. (Default 100)
    • When a survivor heals another survivor with a configurable minimum amount of health to heal (Default 50 hp)
    • When a survivor heals himself with the same configurable minimum amount of health to heal (Disabled by default, to encourage teamwork)
    • When survivors reach the saferoom
    • Not implemented yet: When a survivor rescues another survivor from a closet
    • Not implemented yet: Every x minutes, can be configured for Survival gamemode only
    All these can be enabled or disabled by configuring the ConVars.
    Additional configurations: (Please see KrX_surup.cfg for full convar descriptions)
    • Reloader Upgrade
      • Time in seconds for which guns take to reload (Default 0.5)
        [surup_upgrade_reloader_speed "0.5"]
      • Time in seconds for which shotguns take to reload (Default 0.5)
        [surup_upgrade_reloader_shotgunspeed "0.5"]
    • Incendiary Ammo Upgrade
      • Whether Incendiary Ammo lights up Tank on VS and non-VS gamemodes
        [surup_upgrade_incendiary_ignitetank_nonvs "1"][surup_upgrade_incendiary_ignitetank_vs "0"]
      • Whether Incendiary Ammo lights up Special Infected, for Versus and non-Versus gamemodes
        [surup_upgrade_incendiary_ignitespecial_nonvs "1"][surup_upgrade_incendiary_ignitespecial_vs "0"]
    • SpecialAmmotypes (Incendiary and Hollow Point Ammo)
      • Whether there is limited Special Ammunition
      • How much Ammo to give every time a Survivor gets a SpecialAmmotype upgrade, or when he kills a certain number of infected.
        [surup_upgrade_specialammo_count "120"][surup_upgrades_kill_award "0"]
    • Reset on:
      • MapChange
        [surup_reset_on_mapchange "0"]
      • MissionLost
        [surup_reset_on_missionlost "0"]
      • PlayerDeath
        [surup_reset_on_death "0"]
    • Whether bots get upgrades
      • 0=No, 1=Lasers-Only(to see where bots are aiming, LaserSights upgrade must be enabled), 2=Yes
        [surup_upgrade_bots "2"]

    Available Upgrades
    1. Kevlar Body Armor (Reduced Damage)
      This body armor absorbs some damage from the infected
    2. Raincoat (Ignore Boomer Vomit) [Single Use]
      This raincoat stops boomer vomit from hitting you, however it is ruined in the process and only good for one use.
    3. Climbing Chalk (Self Ledge Save) [Single Use]
      This chalk allows you to get a good enough grip to pull yourself up from a ledge without help, however there's only enough to do it once.
    4. Second Wind (Self Revive) [Single Use]
      This allows you to attempt to stand up by yourself, once, after being incapacitated. Damage taken while getting up may cause the attempt to fail.
    5. Goggles (See through Boomer Vomit)
      This allows you to still see clearly after being vomited on. Does not prevent infected from swarming!
    6. Hot Meal (Health Bonus)
      Don't you feel better after a good hot meal? Raises your health to 150.
    7. Laser Sight (Bright Red Beam)
      The laser helps you aim more accurately at your targets.
    8. Combat Sling (Reduced Recoil)
      This reduces the effects of recoil when firing your weapons.
    9. Large Clip (Increase ammo clip capacity)
      This provides an increase in the number of shots you can take before having to reload.
    10. Hollow Point Ammo (Increased bullet damage)
      This ammo allows you to deal more damage to the infected you shoot at. Common infected die in an explosion of blood.
    11. Knife (Escape Hunter or Smoker restraint) [Single Use]
      This knife allows you to escape from a hunter or smoker that has trapped you, however it is ruined in the process.
    12. Smelling Salts (Fast Revive of other players)
      These smelling salts allow you to revive another player faster than normal.
    13. Ointment (Increased Run Speed when injured)
      This ointment reduces the pain in your wounds, allowing you to run faster while you are injured.
    14. Reloader (Fast Reload)
      This reloader allows you to reload your weapons much faster than normal.
    15. Incendiary Ammo (Bullets cause fire)
      This ammo allows you to set on fire any infected you shoot with it.
    16. Adrenaline (Increased movement speed)
      This upgrade increases Adrenaline production in your blood to increase oxygen transported to muscles, thus increasing movement speed.

    See /cfg/sourcemod/KrX_surup.cfg for full ConVar configuration and description. The file will be created on first run of plugin.
    Sample configuration file for KrX's Survivor Upgrades v0.5.2
    * When updating, please close server and delete old config file.
    Confused with the kills upgrade settings? Here's an example scenario for surup_upgrades_kill_award 1 setting.

    Admin Commands
    - <Upgrade #> <name|userid|@all> <name|userid>
    - Gives Upgrade by number to specified user, or to all if "@all" is used.
    - <Upgrade #> <name|userid|@all> <name|userid>
    - Removes Upgrade by number to specified user, or to all if "@all" is used.

    - <name|userid|@all> <name|userid>
    - Removes all upgrades of given player
    - <Upgrade #> <name|userid|@all> <name|userid>
    - Gives specified number of random upgrades to specified user, or to all if "@all" is used.
    - Lists all enabled upgrades with Upgrade Numbers on the left, for easier selection of upgrade in above commands
    - <name|userid|@all> <name|userid>
    - Lists all upgrades that the specified user has. Also shows amount of SpecialAmmo left.
    Client Commands
    /upgrades OR /listupgrades
    - Lists upgrades the client has on Chat.
    - Toggles LaserSights on/off if client has the upgrade

    - Shows the Ammunition panel which tracks SpecialAmmo and lets the player select which ammotype to use
    - Panel can be persistent and track ammo usage by setting Persistent Menu to 1 in the menu itself.
    - 1, 2 or 3
    - Shows help for KrX's Survivor Upgrades. 1 = Commands help, 2 = When do I get upgrades?, 3 = Upgrades Settings
    Plugin feature: Preprocessor directives
    If you do not use a feature of the plugin, you can save some server load by not loading these features into the server, by instructing the preprocessor to not compile parts of the plugin you do not use.
    For example, if you want to use KrX's Survivor Upgrades on all gamemodes, open up the source file using PawnStudio, Notepad or your favourite plain-text editor, and change the value of "1" in
    PHP Code:
    #define BOOL_SELECTIVE_GAMEMODES    1        // Compile GameMode Checks? 
    to "0". This will instruct the compiler to not compile all parts pertaining to checking of the current gamemode.
    Similarly for the other available preprocessor directives. Read the descriptions at the right of each directive to understand what it affects.
    Additionally, the plugin tag (the tag which appears at the start of every chat line) can be changed with directive "PLUGIN_TAG_C". It is colour-coded - seek assistance if you do not know how to change.
    *Please only change the values if you know what you are doing. If unsure, seek clarification on this thread or leave the value at "1"

    Additional Notes
    This plugin will automatically set motd_enabled to "1", to fix servers having the issue of the MOTD panels not showing.
    Both hollowpoint and incendiary ammo can be given to a person (not a bug)
    As this plugin relies on the l4d built-in convar survivor_upgrades, other plugins which adjust its value will most likely cause undesired effects on this plugin. If so, please remove the conflicting plugins.
    Additionally, the plugin [L4D] Glow (with pulse) has been found by some to cause the configs of some or all plugins to not load. As such, if you find that changes in the config file of plugins do not take effect, please try removing that plugin and see how it goes.

    Of course, thanks Jerrith for the original Survivor Upgrades plugin.
    Thanks testers: Chaotic Llama, alicia, Talonrages, AngryVag, Naow, buckminst, olj
    Thanks to olj for his way of doing the Adrenaline stuff in his Pills Addiction plugin. You guys should try his Pills Addiction plugin, too! Its quite fun

    Put KrX_surup.phrases.txt into the /sourcemod/translations/ folder.
    Download other_translations.zip for other languages and put them in your respective subfolders within /sourcemod/translations/.
    Current available translations:
    - English
    - Russian (thanks olj!)
    - German (thanks 0cube!)
    - Simplified Chinese (thanks gupo!)
    - Traditional Chinese (thanks gupo!)

    Latest Changes:
    * Version 1.1.6
    *  - Fixed listplayerupgrades admin command showing wrong specialammo
    *  - Fixed KrXsurupIsEnabled native not working: BOOL_SELECTIVE_GAMEMODES
    *  - Removed BOOL_ON_LASER_SIGHTS, replaced by surup_laser_default_state
    *  - Persistent Menu setting now resets for Versus so it doesn't show for
    *     Infected. This is done as opposed to adding checks everytime before 
    *     showing ammotype panel to reduce serverload
    *  - Fixed upgrades retaining after a versus round
    *  - Fixed upgrade errors due to some laser checkings at mapchange
    *  - Added checks for if player is bot before sending panel via WeaponFire
    *  - Added surup_versus_announce_to_all
    *  - Removed BOOL_OFF_PERSISTENT_MENU, replaced by
    *     surup_upgrade_specialammo_panel_state "0"
    *  - Fixed removeupgrade admin command not removing specialammo
    *  - removeallupgrades admin command now can remove for specific target.
    *     to remove for all, use "removeallupgrades @all"
    *  - listplayerupgrades admin command can now have many targets, or @all
    *  - Added extra loop check for setting survivor_upgrades to fix rare bug
    Please post up any problems or errors you encounter with the plugin! Include your config file as either an attachment or codebox, and error logs if any.

    Full Changelog viewable on next post. Changes from Jerrith's original Survivor Upgrades and changes from my previous Survivor Upgrades_K v1.4k3 also available.
    Previous Releases can be found here.

    Gentle reminder to Put KrX_surup.phrases.txt into the /sourcemod/translations/ folder.
    Total Previous Downloads:
    Attached Files
    File Type: txt KrX_surup.phrases.txt (13.9 KB, 7335 views)
    File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (KrX_surup.sp - 13635 views - 128.2 KB)
    File Type: zip Other Translations.zip (18.4 KB, 4683 views)

    Last edited by Whosat; 06-27-2011 at 03:22. Reason: Updated broken URLs
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    Old 08-15-2009 , 09:29   [L4D] KrX's Survivor Upgrades - Changelogs
    Reply With Quote #2

    * Version 1.0.0
    *  - Initial Release
    * Version 1.0.1
    *  - Fixed versus issues as reported by Chaotic Llama and olj
    *  - Fixed SpecialAmmo counter showing for Infected's attack2.
    * Version 1.0.2
    *  - Fixed Server Print message always showing that its enabled
    *     (Thanks Chaotic Llama)
    *  - Fixed bug where SpecialAmmo count will decrease if throwing nades 
    *     or eatin' pills (Thanks edoom)
    *  - Fixed Tank HP sometimes dropping to 150hp (thanks olj)
    *     If you're not getting that error, change BOOL_FIX_TANKHP to 0
    *  - Fixed some precompiler directives throwing out errors 
    *     (thanks chunXray)
    *  - Added options for SpecialAmmo tracking: surup_upgrade_specialammo_show
    *     0 to not show, 1 for CenterText, 2 for HintText, 3 for ChatText
    * Version 1.0.3
    *  - Moved gamemode convar caching into OnConfigsExecuted for reliability
    *  - Fixed Tank workaround (thanks olj)
    *  - Added verbosity checks to announcing (thanks quadhog)
    * Version 1.0.4
    *  - Fixed announcement that bots still get upgrades from killing events
    *  - Added amount to deduct from a shotgun shot for SpecialAmmo:
    *     surup_upgrade_specialammo_minussg
    *  - Added more checks before giving upgrades to hopefully fix tank
    * Version 1.0.5
    *  - Added bot checks to all announcement statements
    *  - Added check to ensure that SpecialAmmo does not go below 0
    *  - Added checks for team for Player Replaced Bot and viceversa
    *  - Added check for KillsCount & Amount in InfectedDeath (thanks voiderest)
    * Version 1.1.0
    *  - Fixed bots getting upgrades even when surup_upgrade_bots disables it
    *  - Added new upgrade event: Reaching safe room (Mimics L4D's def. system)
    *     surup_upgrades_reach_saferoom (Default 1)
    *  - Added check for bad convar value for Shotgun specialammo
    *  - Edited line for /upghelp 3 to reflect Shotgun specialammo.
    *  - Changed default value for surup_upgrades_kill_award to 1
    *  - Removed workaround for tank's 150hp, bugfixed
    *  - Code optimizations
    *  *- This release requires you to update your KrX_surup.phrases.txt!
    * Version 1.1.1
    *  - Fixed messages still showing for bots dying if upgrades disabled
    *  - Fixed InfectedDeath spamming errors in log
    *  - Messages about survivors receiving upgrades when there are no human
    *     survivors showing no longer show...
    *  - Added feature to ignite tanks for vs, nonvs or both (similar to SI)
    *     surup_upgrade_incendiary_ignitetank_nonvs "1"
    *     surup_upgrade_incendiary_ignitetank_vs "0"
    *  - Added German translation by 0cube
    *  - Removed convar surup_upgrade_incendiary_ignitetank
    * Version 1.1.2
    *  - Added new upgrade: Adrenaline (adapted from olj's pills addiction)
    *     Gives the player a speed boost, 1.35x by default
    *     surup_upgrade_adrenaline_multiplier "1.35"
    *     surup_allow_adrenaline "1"
    *  - Added new feature: Individual tracking of ammo
    *     Allows a player to choose one specialammo to use, switching to next 
    *     ammotype or returning to normal once finished
    *  - Added new feature: Ammunition Menu Tracker
    *     Allows a player to track his ammunition left as he shoots
    *     Can be turned on or off by player
    *     Usage: Say /ammotype
    *  - Plugin Optimizations
    *  *- This release requires you to update your KrX_surup.phrases.txt!
    * Version 1.1.3
    *  - Panel now shows 9999 SpecialAmmo if server has infinite ammo defined
    *  - Panel no longer disappears if Persistent Menu is on when using Normal
    *  - Panel now refreshes when more ammo is added
    *  - Panel now decays faster if you do not shoot (10s instead of 30s)
    *  - Fixed the other SpecialAmmotype being removed when switching ammotype
    *  - Player being fully upgraded now shows only if Verbosity is > 2
    *  - Player can now choose whether he wants the ammocounter to appear 
    *     through the /ammotype panel.
    *  - Text to inform player of saying /ammotype now appears as a Hint, and
    *     is now translatable.
    *  - Bots now use SpecialAmmo (switches to last given specialammo)
    *  - Its worth mentioning that a player can now only use one specialammo
    *     at a time, but can hold both and switch anytime by saying/ammotype
    *      Also note that the Persistent Menu option is to help in quickswitch
    *  - Removed BOOL_TRACK_SPECIALAMMO directive
    *  *- This release requires you to update your KrX_surup.phrases.txt!
    * Version 1.1.4
    *  - Panel does not show by default for each player
    *     Or otherwise through directive BOOL_OFF_PERSISTENT_MENU
    *  - Added new Panel option: Autoswitch. If On, switches to specialammo
    *     when you receive it (On by default)
    *  - Added Plugin Compatibility: PillsAddiction by olj
    *  - Added funcs for KrX_surup. To use, open .sp and see 'Plugin Natives'
    *  - Fixed Adrenaline resetting every mapchange bug
    *  - Fixed bots not changing to Incendiary Ammo when they get the upgrade
    *  *- This release requires you to update your KrX_surup.phrases.txt!
    * Version 1.1.5
    *  - Added hint text for laser toggle
    *  - Laser sights are on by default, but can be turned off by default
    *     by setting BOOL_ON_LASER_SIGHTS
    *  - Laser sights for bots can always be on by setting BOOL_FORCE_BOT_LASER
    *  - On versus, players receiving upgrades announcement should now be seen
    *     by all players, infected included
    *  - Fixed PlayerDeath messages not firing
    *  - On PlayerDeath, his kills counter now resets
    *  - RemoveAllUpgrades now removes Adrenaline as well
    *  - Fixed new clients after a map taking over the ammopanel settings of 
    *     the previous player
    *  - Fixed infinite Hollow Point ammo bug
    *  - Fixed some versus-specific check bugs
    *  - Change default value of adrenaline multiplier to 1.25
    *  - Added more natives: AddUpgrade, RemoveUpgrade and KrXsurupIsEnabled
    *  - Added valid client and team checks for natives
    *  *- This release requires you to update your KrX_surup.phrases.txt!
    * Version 1.1.6
    *  - Fixed listplayerupgrades admin command showing wrong specialammo
    *  - Fixed KrXsurupIsEnabled native not working: BOOL_SELECTIVE_GAMEMODES
    *  - Removed BOOL_ON_LASER_SIGHTS, replaced by surup_laser_default_state
    *  - Persistent Menu setting now resets for Versus so it doesn't show for
    *     Infected. This is done as opposed to adding checks everytime before 
    *     showing ammotype panel to reduce serverload
    *  - Fixed upgrades retaining after a versus round
    *  - Fixed upgrade errors due to some laser checkings at mapchange
    *  - Added checks for if player is bot before sending panel via WeaponFire
    *  - Added surup_versus_announce_to_all
    *  - Removed BOOL_OFF_PERSISTENT_MENU, replaced by
    *     surup_upgrade_specialammo_panel_state "0"
    *  - Fixed removeupgrade admin command not removing specialammo
    *  - removeallupgrades admin command now can remove for specific target.
    *     to remove for all, use "removeallupgrades @all"
    *  - listplayerupgrades admin command can now have many targets, or @all
    *  - Added extra loop check for setting survivor_upgrades to fix rare bug
    Changes from Jerrith's plugin:
    • Fixed witch forever burning bug
    • Fixed extra (unnotified) upgrade being given at start of every map due to L4D's built-in Survivor Upgrades mechanism
    • Fixed upgrades spamming after finale vehicle leaves due to tank griefing
    • Fixed warning messages during mapchanges
    • Fixed dead players getting upgrades
    • Added options to adjust whether incendiary ammo lights the tank and other special infected classes
    • Fixed Survivors not getting their upgrades after going AFK
    • Added limited special ammunition
    • Added Reloader upgrade speed adjustment
    • Added Adrenaline upgrade
    • Added upgrade on heal (others as well as self)
    • Added upgrade on x infected kills, giving option to give only more Special Ammo OR random upgrades OR SpecialAmmotypes then random upgrades
    • Added upgrade on reaching saferoom
    • Added option to reset upgrades on: Mission Lost, Map Change, Player Death
    • Added option to not give upgrades to bots, except lasersights
    • Added notification to all players connected that Survivor Upgrades is enabled, advertising.
    • Added option to enable Survivor Upgrades only on specific gamemodes
    • Added minimum/maximum values and FCVAR_NOTIFY flag to all ConVars
    • Added primary attacker's name to witch and tank kills
    • Added ability for Incendiary Ammo to not light up Tank or/and Special Infected
    • Major code optimizations
    • Feature to not compile certain serverop-selected parts of the plugin which is not needed (e.g. If a serverop wants to use the plugin on all gamemodes, he can change the #DEFINE in the .sp to not compile all gamemode checks)
    • Feature to track SpecialAmmo usage, and a player can only hold one specialammo at one time
    • Added natives for other plugins to call
    Changes from Survivor Upgrades_K v1.4k3
    • *Removed: Obsolete*
    Known Bugs
    • Players may still get the effects of the Hot Meal upgrade even if its disabled due to L4D's in-built Survivor Upgrades code. [Report 1] [Report 2]
    • Kevlar Body Armor and Ointment have been reported to not work (Valve's internal bug - cannot be helped) [Report 1] [Report 2]

    Planned Features
    • Add special sounds to gunfire for specialammotypes. Anyone has any good ones that are included by default in l4d? (l4d doesn't allow clients to download stuff off the server, so custom sounds are not allowed )
    • Possibly add options to give items as upgrades - first aid kits, pain pills and the like.
    • Possibly make ammo stashes or coffee tins restock SpecialAmmo as well. (Probably random amount per ammo stash to balance)

    For Coders/Developers:
    KrX_surup.inc last updated September 01 2009 1403h for v1.1.5
    Working with the plugin's Natives
    (Include file attached to this post)
    (See Include file for full list of functions)
    // How To Use:
    // Of course, include the library. 
    //   #include <KrX_surup>
    // First, check if the KrX_surup library exists.
    //   LibraryExists("KrX_surup");
    // Then, if you use a recently added native, check for the version
    //   decl String:theVersion[12];
    //   KrXsurupVersion(theVersion);
    //   if(strcmp(theVersion, "1.1.4") == 1)
    // Once you're sure the function exists, do what you want.
    // For Example, check if client 3 has the Adrenaline (Index 15) upgrade:
    //   if(KrXsurupHasUpgrade(3, 15))
    // Or For Example, check how much Incendiary Ammo(SAIndex 2) client 6 has
    //   ClientIAAmount = KrXsurupGetSpecialAmmo(6, 2);
    Current available natives:
    PHP Code:
    // Available natives.
    // for ammoType, 0=Normal, 1=HollowPoint, 2=Incendiary
    // upgrade Indexes start from 0
    // Common causes of failures: wrong ammoType
    * Function list:
     * -> 
    Version 1.1.5
    Attached Files
    File Type: inc KrX_surup.inc (3.8 KB, 1659 views)

    Last edited by Whosat; 09-06-2009 at 12:46. Reason: Version 1.1.6
    Whosat is offline
    Join Date: Aug 2009
    Old 08-15-2009 , 10:17   Re: [L4D] KrX's Survivor Upgrades (Latest v1.0.0: 15 August 2009)
    Reply With Quote #3

    Whoah Getting started on getting it in asap. My servers up so i'll let u know quickly
    Kraizen is offline
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    Old 08-15-2009 , 10:20   Re: [L4D] KrX's Survivor Upgrades (Latest v1.0.0: 15 August 2009)
    Reply With Quote #4

    Originally Posted by Kraizen View Post
    Whoah Getting started on getting it in asap. My servers up so i'll let u know quickly
    Hope it works fine!
    Whosat is offline
    Join Date: Aug 2009
    Old 08-15-2009 , 10:34   Re: [L4D] KrX's Survivor Upgrades (Latest v1.0.0: 15 August 2009)
    Reply With Quote #5

    Okay, director wouldnt spawn any player controlled special infected apart from tank.

    Just going to change the bot spawn method in infected bots.

    Edit: Okay, changed the spawn method in infected bots to the director, rather than the plugin.
    It got the SI's and bots spawning.

    The problem seemed to be that the player SI's would ghost indefiniately with the bots' plugin method.

    Edit: Versus

    Last edited by Kraizen; 08-15-2009 at 10:41.
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    Old 08-15-2009 , 10:38   Re: [L4D] KrX's Survivor Upgrades (Latest v1.0.0: 15 August 2009)
    Reply With Quote #6

    In? Versus? Or l4dvsinfectedbots Coop?

    I haven't tested it with that, tell me if it works

    Although I have absolutely no idea why that will happen except that maybe Valve put some more unexpected code which will trigger when survivor_upgrades is set to 1 (like the motd bug for instance) :O
    Whosat is offline
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    Old 08-15-2009 , 10:44   Re: [L4D] KrX's Survivor Upgrades (Latest v1.0.0: 15 August 2009)
    Reply With Quote #7

    this what people usually type "!laser". I don't know anythign about scripting but how to change commands from "/laseron" to "!laseron"?
    turktheturd is offline
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    Old 08-15-2009 , 10:44   Re: [L4D] KrX's Survivor Upgrades (Latest v1.0.0: 15 August 2009)
    Reply With Quote #8

    Here's Russian translation file. Should be put in translations/ru folder. Clarified to be working by friend who runs dedicated server.

    As for plugin - it works great on my modified versus, except for few misc problems (like ammo counter being overrided by broadcast messages), ofc i didnt tested all commands yet.

    Anyway, gj Whosat. You made us all happy
    Attached Files
    File Type: zip KrX_surup.phrases.zip (4.2 KB, 995 views)
    olj is offline
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    Old 08-15-2009 , 10:45   Re: [L4D] KrX's Survivor Upgrades (Latest v1.0.0: 15 August 2009)
    Reply With Quote #9

    In versus
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    Old 08-15-2009 , 10:57   Re: [L4D] KrX's Survivor Upgrades (Latest v1.0.0: 15 August 2009)
    Reply With Quote #10

    Originally Posted by turktheturd View Post
    this what people usually type "!laser". I don't know anythign about scripting but how to change commands from "/laseron" to "!laseron"?
    Hmm I'll need to capture everyone's chat messages if I want to do that. It doesn't work?
    the '/' in front of commands was automatically implemented by SourceMod. You can run client console commands by saying /<command> <parameter> just as you would in the console.

    Originally Posted by olj View Post
    Here's Russian translation file. Should be put in translations/ru folder. Clarified to be working by friend who runs dedicated server.

    As for plugin - it works great on my modified versus, except for few misc problems (like ammo counter being overrided by broadcast messages), ofc i didnt tested all commands yet.

    Anyway, gj Whosat. You made us all happy
    Thanks olj!
    Attached to first post.
    As for the ammo counter being overwritten on the centertext, that cannot be helped unless you want to put the ammo counter as a HintText.
    But I always thought CenterText was the most practical.
    Anyhoo, I'll make it an option in the future

    Originally Posted by Kraizen View Post
    In versus
    Crap. Could you try setting this ConVar
    vs_max_team_switches to 9999 see if it works. In server.cfg
    EDIT: Just saw your edit. Great!
    Whosat is offline

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