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[TF2] Visible Laser Sight for Sniper Riffle

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Old 03-10-2014 , 21:20   [TF2] Visible Laser Sight for Sniper Riffle
Reply With Quote #1

Hello, I notice that in mvm, the robot sniper have very cool laser sight coming out of their riffles. Would someone be kind enough to make that feature into normal gameplay?
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Old 03-11-2014 , 16:15   Re: [TF2] Visible Laser Sight for Sniper Riffle
Reply With Quote #2

I'm just gonna put this here, if someone wanna finish it, go ahead !
You can download it here : https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?p=2121702
Want to check my plugins ?

Last edited by Arkarr; 04-10-2014 at 06:35.
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Old 03-11-2014 , 17:54   Re: [TF2] Visible Laser Sight for Sniper Riffle
Reply With Quote #3

Not sure if this will be an issue, but if you regconsolecmd on mapstart you're registering it multiple times. Not sure if it will make the command execute twice, but i would recommend on just making it OnPluginStart
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Dr. Greg House
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Old 03-11-2014 , 23:58   Re: [TF2] Visible Laser Sight for Sniper Riffle
Reply With Quote #4

What arkarr is doing is attaching a jerky sprite onto the base of the player model (aka between its feet). So it is not what the OP is looking for.
Best way would be to browse around in the particles, attributes, materials and textures of TF2 and also at the sniper rifle's model if there are any useful attachment point you can use (for research or directly to attach something to it). Might even be an extra entity with therefore accessible props.

I.e. from the datamaps:
CTFLaserPointer - tf_weapon_laser_pointer
- CTFWeaponBaseGunZoomOutIn (FunctionTable)(0 Bytes)
- CTFWeaponBaseGunZoomOut (FunctionTable)(0 Bytes)
- CTFWeaponBaseGunZoomIn (FunctionTable)(0 Bytes)
- CTFWeaponBaseFallThink (FunctionTable)(0 Bytes)
- m_flNextPrimaryAttack (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_flNextSecondaryAttack (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_flTimeWeaponIdle (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_bInReload (Save)(1 Bytes)
- m_bFireOnEmpty (Save)(1 Bytes)
- m_hOwner (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_iState (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_iszName (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_iPrimaryAmmoType (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_iSecondaryAmmoType (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_iClip1 (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_iClip2 (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_bFiresUnderwater (Save)(1 Bytes)
- m_bAltFiresUnderwater (Save)(1 Bytes)
- m_fMinRange1 (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_fMinRange2 (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_fMaxRange1 (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_fMaxRange2 (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_iPrimaryAmmoCount (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_iSecondaryAmmoCount (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_nViewModelIndex (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_nIdealSequence (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_IdealActivity (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_fFireDuration (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_bReloadsSingly (Save)(1 Bytes)
- m_iSubType (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_bRemoveable (Save)(1 Bytes)
- m_flUnlockTime (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_hLocker (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_pConstraint (Save)(0 Bytes)
- m_iReloadHudHintCount (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_iAltFireHudHintCount (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_bReloadHudHintDisplayed (Save)(1 Bytes)
- m_bAltFireHudHintDisplayed (Save)(1 Bytes)
- m_flHudHintPollTime (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_flHudHintMinDisplayTime (Save)(4 Bytes)
- CBaseCombatWeaponDefaultTouch (FunctionTable)(0 Bytes)
- CBaseCombatWeaponFallThink (FunctionTable)(0 Bytes)
- CBaseCombatWeaponMaterialize (FunctionTable)(0 Bytes)
- CBaseCombatWeaponAttemptToMaterialize (FunctionTable)(0 Bytes)
- CBaseCombatWeaponDestroyItem (FunctionTable)(0 Bytes)
- CBaseCombatWeaponSetPickupTouch (FunctionTable)(0 Bytes)
- CBaseCombatWeaponHideThink (FunctionTable)(0 Bytes)
- InputHideWeapon (Input)(0 Bytes) - HideWeapon
- m_OnPlayerUse (Save|Key|Output)(0 Bytes) - OnPlayerUse
- m_OnPlayerPickup (Save|Key|Output)(0 Bytes) - OnPlayerPickup
- m_OnNPCPickup (Save|Key|Output)(0 Bytes) - OnNPCPickup
- m_OnCacheInteraction (Save|Key|Output)(0 Bytes) - OnCacheInteraction
- m_flGroundSpeed (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_flLastEventCheck (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_bSequenceFinished (Save)(1 Bytes)
- m_bSequenceLoops (Save)(1 Bytes)
- m_nSkin (Save|Key|Input)(4 Bytes) - skin
- m_nBody (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - body
- m_nBody (Save|Key|Input)(4 Bytes) - SetBodyGroup
- m_nHitboxSet (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - hitboxset
- m_nSequence (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - sequence
- m_flPoseParameter (Save)(96 Bytes)
- m_flEncodedController (Save)(16 Bytes)
- m_flPlaybackRate (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - playbackrate
- m_flCycle (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - cycle
- m_pIk (Save)(0 Bytes)
- m_iIKCounter (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_bClientSideAnimation (Save)(1 Bytes)
- m_bClientSideFrameReset (Save)(1 Bytes)
- m_nNewSequenceParity (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_nResetEventsParity (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_nMuzzleFlashParity (Save)(1 Bytes)
- m_iszLightingOriginRelative (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - LightingOriginHack
- m_iszLightingOrigin (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - LightingOrigin
- m_hLightingOrigin (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_hLightingOriginRelative (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_flModelScale (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_flDissolveStartTime (Save)(4 Bytes)
- InputIgnite (Input)(0 Bytes) - Ignite
- InputIgniteLifetime (Input)(0 Bytes) - IgniteLifetime
- InputIgniteNumHitboxFires (Input)(0 Bytes) - IgniteNumHitboxFires
- InputIgniteHitboxFireScale (Input)(0 Bytes) - IgniteHitboxFireScale
- InputBecomeRagdoll (Input)(0 Bytes) - BecomeRagdoll
- InputSetLightingOriginRelative (Input)(0 Bytes) - SetLightingOriginHack
- InputSetLightingOrigin (Input)(0 Bytes) - SetLightingOrigin
- m_OnIgnite (Save|Key|Output)(0 Bytes) - OnIgnite
- m_fadeMinDist (Save|Key|Input)(4 Bytes) - fademindist
- m_fadeMaxDist (Save|Key|Input)(4 Bytes) - fademaxdist
- m_flFadeScale (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - fadescale
- m_flModelScale (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - modelscale
- InputSetModelScale (Input)(0 Bytes) - SetModelScale
- m_fBoneCacheFlags (Save)(2 Bytes)
- m_iClassname (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - classname
- m_iGlobalname (Global|Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - globalname
- m_iParent (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - parentname
- m_iHammerID (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - hammerid
- m_flSpeed (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - speed
- m_nRenderFX (Save|Key)(1 Bytes) - renderfx
- m_nRenderMode (Save|Key)(1 Bytes) - rendermode
- m_flPrevAnimTime (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_flAnimTime (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_flSimulationTime (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_nLastThinkTick (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_nNextThinkTick (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - nextthink
- m_fEffects (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - effects
- m_clrRender (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - rendercolor
- m_nModelIndex (Global|Save|Key)(2 Bytes) - modelindex
- touchStamp (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_aThinkFunctions (Save)(0 Bytes)
- m_ResponseContexts (Save)(0 Bytes)
- m_iszResponseContext (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - ResponseContext
- m_pfnThink (Save)(8 Bytes)
- m_pfnTouch (Save)(8 Bytes)
- m_pfnUse (Save)(8 Bytes)
- m_pfnBlocked (Save)(8 Bytes)
- m_pfnMoveDone (Save)(8 Bytes)
- m_lifeState (Save)(1 Bytes)
- m_takedamage (Save)(1 Bytes)
- m_iMaxHealth (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - max_health
- m_iHealth (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - health
- m_target (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - target
- m_iszDamageFilterName (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - damagefilter
- m_hDamageFilter (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_debugOverlays (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_pParent (Global|Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_iParentAttachment (Save)(1 Bytes)
- m_hMoveParent (Global|Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_hMoveChild (Global|Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_hMovePeer (Global|Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_iEFlags (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_iName (Save)(4 Bytes)
 Sub-Class Table (1 Deep): m_Collision - CCollisionProperty
 - m_vecMinsPreScaled (Global|Save)(12 Bytes)
 - m_vecMaxsPreScaled (Global|Save)(12 Bytes)
 - m_vecMins (Global|Save)(12 Bytes)
 - m_vecMaxs (Global|Save)(12 Bytes)
 - m_nSolidType (Save|Key)(1 Bytes) - solid
 - m_usSolidFlags (Save)(2 Bytes)
 - m_nSurroundType (Save)(1 Bytes)
 - m_flRadius (Save)(4 Bytes)
 - m_triggerBloat (Save)(1 Bytes)
 - m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMinsPreScaled (Save)(12 Bytes)
 - m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMaxsPreScaled (Save)(12 Bytes)
 - m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMins (Save)(12 Bytes)
 - m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMaxs (Save)(12 Bytes)
 - m_vecSurroundingMins (Save)(12 Bytes)
 - m_vecSurroundingMaxs (Save)(12 Bytes)
 Sub-Class Table (1 Deep): m_Network - CServerNetworkProperty
 - m_hParent (Global|Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_MoveType (Save)(1 Bytes)
- m_MoveCollide (Save)(1 Bytes)
- m_hOwnerEntity (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_CollisionGroup (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_pPhysicsObject (Save)(0 Bytes)
- m_flElasticity (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_flShadowCastDistance (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - shadowcastdist
- m_flDesiredShadowCastDistance (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_iInitialTeamNum (Save|Key|Input)(4 Bytes) - TeamNum
- m_iTeamNum (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_hGroundEntity (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_flGroundChangeTime (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_ModelName (Global|Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - model
- m_vecBaseVelocity (Save|Key)(12 Bytes) - basevelocity
- m_vecAbsVelocity (Save)(12 Bytes)
- m_vecAngVelocity (Save|Key)(12 Bytes) - avelocity
- m_rgflCoordinateFrame (Save)(48 Bytes)
- m_nWaterLevel (Save|Key)(1 Bytes) - waterlevel
- m_nWaterType (Save)(1 Bytes)
- m_pBlocker (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_flGravity (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - gravity
- m_flFriction (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - friction
- m_flLocalTime (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - ltime
- m_flVPhysicsUpdateLocalTime (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_flMoveDoneTime (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_vecAbsOrigin (Save)(12 Bytes)
- m_vecVelocity (Save|Key)(12 Bytes) - velocity
- m_iTextureFrameIndex (Save|Key)(1 Bytes) - texframeindex
- m_bSimulatedEveryTick (Save)(1 Bytes)
- m_bAnimatedEveryTick (Save)(1 Bytes)
- m_bAlternateSorting (Save)(1 Bytes)
- m_spawnflags (Save|Key)(4 Bytes) - spawnflags
- m_nTransmitStateOwnedCounter (Save)(1 Bytes)
- m_angAbsRotation (Save)(12 Bytes)
- m_vecOrigin (Save)(12 Bytes)
- m_angRotation (Save)(12 Bytes)
- m_vecViewOffset (Save|Key)(12 Bytes) - view_ofs
- m_fFlags (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_nSimulationTick (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime (Save)(4 Bytes)
- InputSetTeam (Input)(0 Bytes) - SetTeam
- InputKill (Input)(0 Bytes) - Kill
- InputKillHierarchy (Input)(0 Bytes) - KillHierarchy
- InputUse (Input)(0 Bytes) - Use
- InputAlpha (Input)(0 Bytes) - Alpha
- InputAlternativeSorting (Input)(0 Bytes) - AlternativeSorting
- InputColor (Input)(0 Bytes) - Color
- InputSetParent (Input)(0 Bytes) - SetParent
- InputSetParentAttachment (Input)(0 Bytes) - SetParentAttachment
- InputSetParentAttachmentMaintainOffset (Input)(0 Bytes) - SetParentAttachmentMaintainOffset
- InputClearParent (Input)(0 Bytes) - ClearParent
- InputSetDamageFilter (Input)(0 Bytes) - SetDamageFilter
- InputEnableDamageForces (Input)(0 Bytes) - EnableDamageForces
- InputDisableDamageForces (Input)(0 Bytes) - DisableDamageForces
- InputDispatchEffect (Input)(0 Bytes) - DispatchEffect
- InputDispatchResponse (Input)(0 Bytes) - DispatchResponse
- InputAddContext (Input)(0 Bytes) - AddContext
- InputRemoveContext (Input)(0 Bytes) - RemoveContext
- InputClearContext (Input)(0 Bytes) - ClearContext
- InputDisableShadow (Input)(0 Bytes) - DisableShadow
- InputEnableShadow (Input)(0 Bytes) - EnableShadow
- InputAddOutput (Input)(0 Bytes) - AddOutput
- InputFireUser1 (Input)(0 Bytes) - FireUser1
- InputFireUser2 (Input)(0 Bytes) - FireUser2
- InputFireUser3 (Input)(0 Bytes) - FireUser3
- InputFireUser4 (Input)(0 Bytes) - FireUser4
- m_OnUser1 (Save|Key|Output)(0 Bytes) - OnUser1
- m_OnUser2 (Save|Key|Output)(0 Bytes) - OnUser2
- m_OnUser3 (Save|Key|Output)(0 Bytes) - OnUser3
- m_OnUser4 (Save|Key|Output)(0 Bytes) - OnUser4
- CBaseEntitySUB_Remove (FunctionTable)(0 Bytes)
- CBaseEntitySUB_DoNothing (FunctionTable)(0 Bytes)
- CBaseEntitySUB_StartFadeOut (FunctionTable)(0 Bytes)
- CBaseEntitySUB_StartFadeOutInstant (FunctionTable)(0 Bytes)
- CBaseEntitySUB_FadeOut (FunctionTable)(0 Bytes)
- CBaseEntitySUB_Vanish (FunctionTable)(0 Bytes)
- CBaseEntitySUB_CallUseToggle (FunctionTable)(0 Bytes)
- CBaseEntityShadowCastDistThink (FunctionTable)(0 Bytes)
- m_hEffectEntity (Save)(4 Bytes)
- m_nModelIndexOverrides (Save)(16 Bytes)
Santa or Satan?

Watch out when you're paying people for private requests! Most stuff already exists and you can hardly assess the quality of what you'll get, and if it's worth the money.

Last edited by Dr. Greg House; 03-12-2014 at 00:01.
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Old 03-12-2014 , 01:49   Re: [TF2] Visible Laser Sight for Sniper Riffle
Reply With Quote #5

tf_weapon_laser_pointer = The Wrangler
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Old 03-12-2014 , 07:37   Re: [TF2] Visible Laser Sight for Sniper Riffle
Reply With Quote #6

Awwwww didn't want to reg the consoke on map start ! And well, this was made yesterday quickly. Anyway I forget to say thanks to Pelipoika for is usefull help.

PHP Code:
New Float:position_p[3];
Position_p[2] += 20;
//Arkarr: Doesn't work, beam still at foot
//Pelipoika:  ... You silly.
//Arkarr: ... 
//Arkarr: Sec please, gonna suicide and come back later with other genius questions... 
Gonna update this night.
Want to check my plugins ?
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Old 03-12-2014 , 09:27   Re: [TF2] Visible Laser Sight for Sniper Riffle
Reply With Quote #7

"m_vecOrigini" ?

Why not just use: http://docs.sourcemod.net/api/index....d=show&id=179&
Since you cant attach things to attachment points on the players with out it not being transmitted, it'd be alot of work arounds to get it to work.
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Old 03-12-2014 , 11:15   Re: [TF2] Visible Laser Sight for Sniper Riffle
Reply With Quote #8

Originally Posted by Mitchell View Post
"m_vecOrigini" ?

Why not just use: http://docs.sourcemod.net/api/index....d=show&id=179&
Since you cant attach things to attachment points on the players with out it not being transmitted, it'd be alot of work arounds to get it to work.
Because it was quickly written and late done. In fact I plane to rescript it.
Want to check my plugins ?

Last edited by Arkarr; 03-12-2014 at 13:10.
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Old 03-12-2014 , 12:03   Re: [TF2] Visible Laser Sight for Sniper Riffle
Reply With Quote #9

Originally Posted by Arkarr View Post
I'm just gonna put this here, if someone wanna and finish it, go ahead !
This gives me idea
There's a function called GetWeaponShootPos
1. Use it to get sniper rifle's bullet hole
2. make it shoot trace laser from there at the player's aim pos
Would look lovely imo
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Old 03-12-2014 , 13:14   Re: [TF2] Visible Laser Sight for Sniper Riffle
Reply With Quote #10

Originally Posted by Oshizu View Post
This gives me idea
There's a function called GetWeaponShootPos
1. Use it to get sniper rifle's bullet hole
2. make it shoot trace laser from there at the player's aim pos
Would look lovely imo
Machina shot effect for every sniper, basically ? Sounds fun !
Anyway, pretty sure you can do it with attributs.
Want to check my plugins ?

Last edited by Arkarr; 03-12-2014 at 13:15.
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