Hello !
I have a big problem with servers for 6 months.
I have segmentation errors all the time but I see where it comes but I want to be sure.
I have owned a dedie server at OVH (KimSufi), I saw on full subject that it came from the main Kernel because of GRSecurity
And so I made a restore with the last kernel but I still have the same error so I wait for your help
I can not use Accelerator because OVH but if you can save reports locally I'm not against
PHP Code:
01 "[Source 2013] Custom Chat Colors" (3.1.0-CSGO) by Dr. McKay | Mitchell
02 "tVIP" (1.2) by Totenfluch
03 "Admin Menu" ( by AlliedModders LLC
04 "Reserved Slots" ( by AlliedModders LLC
05 "SourceBans++" ( by SourceBans Development Team, Sarabveer(VEER™)
06 "SM_Hosties v2" (2.2.3) by databomb & dataviruset & comando
07 "Admin Help" ( by AlliedModders LLC
08 "warden Sounds" (1.2) by .#Zipcore
09 "Bot Crash Prevention" (1.0) by Sylwester
10 "Web Shortcuts CS:GO version" (2.5) by Franc1sco franug and James "sslice" Gray
11 "Updater" (1.3.0) by GoD-Tony (Updated by jballou)
12 "OverwatchGunplant" (1.0) by Potatoz
13 "[ANY] Gifts" (2.3) by Zephyrus
14 "SM Hide Attacker" (b1.5) by Franc1sco Steam: franug
15 "TOG Clan Tags" (2.2.2) by That One Guy
16 "Remove Cash Messages (CS:GO)" (1.1) by blackhawk74/sneaK
17 "Heath.smx"
18 "Teleport Player" (1.6) by Headline, Snippents From : HyperKiLLeR
19 "open.smx"
20 "Fun Commands" ( by AlliedModders LLC
21 "CallAdmin: Steam module" (0.1.5) by Impact, Popoklopsi
22 "Weapon Restrict" (3.1.6) by Dr!fter
23 "SourceSleuth" ((SB++) by ecca, Sarabveer(VEER™)
24 "Basic Comm Control" ( by AlliedModders LLC
25 "Admin Stealth" (1.4) by necavi
26 "Thirdperson | Mirrow Mode" (1.11) by Zephyrus
27 "Rock The Vote" ( by AlliedModders LLC
28 "Game_Player_Equip Fix" (1.1.1) by Mitch
29 "Move Commands ( ResetScore, Switch, Spec )" (2.0.0) by Bara
30 "Last Request: Hp Fight" (1.3) by EGood
31 "Store - The Resurrection" (1.1) by Zephyrus
32 "GameVoting.smx"
33 "SimpleCSGOAntiAFK" (0.0.8) by Puppetmaster
34 "MapChooser" ( by AlliedModders LLC
35 "Client Preferences" ( by AlliedModders LLC
36 "Simple Chat Colors" (2.0.0) by Simple Plugins
37 "TOGs Console Colors" (1.2) by That One Guy
38 "SourceBans: Admin Config Loader" ((SB++) by AlliedModders LLC, Sarabveer(VEER™)
39 "Basic Commands" ( by AlliedModders LLC
40 "OverwatchDamage" (1.0) by Potatoz
41 "CT Bans" (1.5) by Addicted
42 "Advertisements" (2.0.2) by Tsunami
43 "Warden: Simple Markers" (1.2) by .#Zipcore
44 "Simple Chat Processor (Redux)" (2.1.0 (1.8 Syntax)) by Simple Plugins, Mini, 404 (abrandnewday)
45 "Store - Trade System" (1.0) by Zephyrus
46 "Connect Announce" (1.7) by Arg!
47 "OverwatchChat" (1.2.100) by Potatoz
48 "Join Team" (1.0) by Divin!
49 "Nextmap" ( by AlliedModders LLC
50 "Admin File Reader" ( by AlliedModders LLC
51 "SM File/Folder Downloader and Precacher" (1.4) by SWAT_88
52 "Basic Chat" ( by AlliedModders LLC
53 "CS:GO Bot Quota Fix" (2.0) by Otstrel.ru Team, DoPe^, nullb
54 "In-game Help Menu" (0.3) by chundo
55 "Information" (3.6) by ml/shavit
56 "Anti-Flood" ( by AlliedModders LLC
57 "CallAdmin" (0.1.5) by Impact, Popoklopsi
58 "SourceComms" ((SB++) by Alex, Sarabveer(VEER™)
59 "Paintball" (1.2.0) by otstrel.ru Team
60 "Toggle Map Music" (2.0) by Agent Wesker
61 "Player Commands" ( by AlliedModders LLC
62 "Sound Commands" ( by AlliedModders LLC
63 "wmenu.smx"
64 "Basic Info Triggers" ( by AlliedModders LLC
65 "!JoinTeamFix.smx"
66 "Always Weapon Skins" (2.2.5) by Neuro Toxin
67 "SourceBans Checker" ((SB++) by psychonic, Ca$h Munny, Sarabveer(VEER™)
68 "SM First Person View Models Interface" (3.1) by Franc1sco franug
69 "Basic Votes" ( by AlliedModders LLC
70 "Admin See All Chat" (1.0) by redwerewolf
71 "Fun Votes" ( by AlliedModders LLC
72 "Disable Radar" (1.2.2) by Internet Bully, some random guy
73 "Team Names" (1.1) by Internet Bully
74 "[ANY] Ban Disconnected Player" (2.0) by Headline, Original Plugin : mad_hamster
75 "Map Nominations" ( by AlliedModders LLC
76 "[CSGO] Team Limit Bypass" (1.1) by Zephyrus
77 "Custom Knife Models" (2.3.1) by Mr.Derp & Franc1sco franug
78 "Jailbreak Warden" (3.2.2) by ecca & .#zipcore
PHP Code:
[01] Automatic Updater ( Updates SourceMod gamedata files
[02] Webternet ( Extension for interacting with URLs
[03] Accelerator (2.3.1): SRCDS Crash Handler
[04] Equinox Console Cleaner (): Bite me alien boi
[05] CS Tools ( CS extended functionality
[06] BinTools ( Low-level C/C++ Calling API
[07] SDK Tools ( Source SDK Tools
[08] Regex ( Provides regex natives for plugins
[09] Top Menus ( Creates sorted nested menus
[10] SteamWorks Extension (1.2.1): Exposes SteamWorks functions to Developers
[11] SDK Hooks ( Source SDK Hooks
[12] <FAILED> file "steamtools.ext.so": /game1/Csgo-2/server/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
[13] <FAILED> file "curl.ext.so": /game1/Csgo-2/server/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
[14] Socket (3.0.1): Socket extension for SourceMod
[15] MessageBot (2.0): MessageBot Extension
[16] <FAILED> file "store_sm.ext.so": /game1/Csgo-2/server/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
[17] Client Preferences ( Saves client preference settings
[18] SQLite ( SQLite Driver
[19] GeoIP ( Geographical IP information
[20] GeoIPCity (1.1.2): Geographical IP information
[21] DHooks (2.0.6): Dynamic Hooks
[22] MySQL-DBI ( MySQL driver implementation for DBI
PHP Code:
./srcds_run: line 318: 30184 Segmentation fault (core dumped) $HL_CMD
BFD: Warning: /game1/Csgo-2/server/ is truncated: expected core file size >= 587300864, found: 1024000.
Cannot access memory at address 0xe7655928
Cannot access memory at address 0xe7655924
Python Exception <class 'gdb.MemoryError'> Cannot access memory at address 0xf2fa8100:
debug.cmds:1: Error in sourced command file:
Cannot access memory at address 0xf2fa8100
email debug.log to linux@valvesoftware.com
With Sourcemod
Metamod 1.10.6