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[CS:GO] MyJailShop (a redux rewrite of Jail Shop) [1.5.0 / 20-08-18]

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Join Date: Sep 2016
Location: Paris, France
Old 01-17-2017 , 18:56   Re: [CS:GO] MyJailShop (a redux rewrite of Jail Shop) [1.2.1 / 18-12-16]
Reply With Quote #41

 * MyJailShop Plugin.
 * by: shanapu
 * https://github.com/shanapu/MyJailShop
 * Based on: https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=247917
 * Credits to original author: Dkmuniz
 * Include code by bacardi https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=269846
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
 * the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3.0, as published by the
 * Free Software Foundation.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
 * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
 * details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
 * this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.


#include <sourcemod>
#include <sdktools>
#include <sdkhooks>
#include <cstrike>
#include <clientprefs>
#include <colors>
#include <smlib>
#include <autoexecconfig>
#include <myjailshop>
#include <mystocks>

//Optional Plugins
#include <smartjaildoors>
#include <myjailbreak>
#include <CustomPlayerSkins>
#include <warden>
#include <myicons>

//Compiler Options
#pragma semicolon 1
#pragma newdecls required

#define VERSION "1.2.1-<COMMIT>"
#define URL "https://github.com/shanapu/MyJailShop"

//Console Variables
//Shop Settings
ConVar gc_bEnable;
ConVar gc_bCreditSystem;
ConVar gc_iCreditsMax;
ConVar gc_iCreditsKillCT;
ConVar gc_iCreditsKillT;
ConVar gc_bCreditsWinAlive;
ConVar gc_iCreditsWinCT;
ConVar gc_iCreditsWinT;
ConVar gc_iCreditsVIPWinCT;
ConVar gc_iCreditsVIPWinT;
ConVar gc_iCreditsLR;
ConVar gc_iCreditsVIPKillCT;
ConVar gc_iCreditsVIPKillT;
ConVar gc_iCreditsVIPLR;
ConVar gc_bCreditsSave;
ConVar gc_bOnlyT;
ConVar gc_bWelcome;
ConVar gc_bMySQL;
ConVar gc_bCreditsWarmup;
ConVar gc_iMinPlayersToGetCredits;
ConVar gc_fCreditsTimeInterval;
ConVar gc_iCreditsTime;
ConVar gc_iCreditsVIPPerTime;
ConVar gc_fBuyTime;
ConVar gc_bBuyTimeCells;
ConVar gc_bEventdays;
ConVar gc_bNotification;
ConVar gc_bRemoveWeapon;
ConVar gc_bClose;
ConVar gc_bTag;
ConVar gc_bLogging;
ConVar gc_bRemoveOnLR;
ConVar gc_bBuyOnLR;

//Shop Items
ConVar gc_iFroggyJumpOnlyTeam;
ConVar gc_iWallhackOnlyTeam;
ConVar gc_iGravOnlyTeam;
ConVar gc_iBhopOnlyTeam;
ConVar gc_iReviveOnlyTeam;
ConVar gc_iHealOnlyTeam;
ConVar gc_iNoDamageOnlyTeam;
ConVar gc_iHealthExtraOnlyTeam;
ConVar gc_bInvisible;
ConVar gc_fInvisibleTime;
ConVar gc_bAWP;
ConVar gc_bNoDamage;
ConVar gc_fNoDamageTime;
ConVar gc_bOpenCells;
ConVar gc_bVampire;
ConVar gc_fVampireSpeed;
ConVar gc_fVampireDamageMultiplier;
ConVar gc_bHealth;
ConVar gc_iHealthExtra;
ConVar gc_bDeagle;
ConVar gc_bKnife;
ConVar gc_iThrowKnifeCount;
ConVar gc_bHeal;
ConVar gc_bMolotov;
ConVar gc_bFakeModel;
ConVar gc_sModelPathFakeGuard;
ConVar gc_bPoisonSmoke;
ConVar gc_bBird;
ConVar gc_iBird;
ConVar gc_bTeleportSmoke;
ConVar gc_bRevive;
ConVar gc_bFireHE;
ConVar gc_bBhop;
ConVar gc_bGravity;
ConVar gc_fGravValue;
ConVar gc_bTaser;
ConVar gc_bNoClip;
ConVar gc_fNoClipTime;
ConVar gc_bThrowKnife;
ConVar gc_bWallhack;
ConVar gc_fWallhackTime;
ConVar gc_bFroggyJump;
ConVar gc_iPaperClip;
ConVar gc_iPaperClipAmount;

//Custom Commands
ConVar gc_sCustomCommandShop;
ConVar gc_sCustomCommandGift;
ConVar gc_sCustomCommandRevive;
ConVar gc_sCustomCommandCredits;
ConVar gc_sCustomCommandMassCredits;

//Extern Plugins
ConVar g_bHandcuff;

bool g_bInvisible[MAXPLAYERS+1] = false;
bool g_bFly[MAXPLAYERS+1] = false;
bool g_bFakeGuard[MAXPLAYERS+1] = false;
bool g_bNoDamage[MAXPLAYERS+1] = false;
bool g_bPoison[MAXPLAYERS+1] = false;
bool g_bVampire[MAXPLAYERS+1] = false;
bool g_bSuperKnife[MAXPLAYERS+1] = false;
bool g_bTeleportSmoke[MAXPLAYERS+1] = false;
bool g_bFireHE[MAXPLAYERS+1] = false;
bool g_bOneBulletAWP[MAXPLAYERS+1] = false;
bool g_bOneMagDeagle[MAXPLAYERS+1] = false;
bool g_bBhop[MAXPLAYERS+1] = false;
bool g_bMolotov[MAXPLAYERS+1] = false;
bool g_bHealth[MAXPLAYERS+1] = false;
bool g_bWallhack[MAXPLAYERS+1] = false;
bool g_bFroggyJump[MAXPLAYERS+1] = false;
bool g_bNoClip[MAXPLAYERS+1] = true;
bool g_bThrowingKnife[MAXPLAYERS+1] = true;
bool g_bDBConnected = false;
bool g_bAllowBuy = true;
bool g_bCellsOpen = true;
bool g_bIsLR = true;

bool gp_bSmartJailDoors = false;
bool gp_bMyJailBreak = false;
bool gp_bCustomPlayerSkins = false;
bool gp_bWarden = false;
bool gp_bMyIcons = false;

int g_iBeamSprite = -1;
int g_iHaloSprite = -1;
int g_iCredits[MAXPLAYERS+1];
int g_iFroggyJumped[MAXPLAYERS + 1];
int g_iKnifesThrown[MAXPLAYERS + 1] = 0;

Handle g_hTimerCredits;
Handle g_hCookieCredits = INVALID_HANDLE;
Handle gF_hOnPlayerGetCredits;
Handle gF_hOnPlayerBuyItem;
Handle g_hTimerDelay[MAXPLAYERS+1];
Handle g_hThrownKnives;

Handle gF_hOnGetCredits;
Handle gF_hOnSetCredits;

char g_sSQLBuffer[1024];
char g_sModelPathPrevious[MAXPLAYERS+1][256];
char g_sModelPathFakeGuard[256];
char g_sPurchaseLogFile[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
char g_sGiftLogFile[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];

public Plugin myinfo = {
	name = "MyJailShop",
	author = "shanapu",
	description = "MyJailShop provide you a high customizable shop with credits system intended for jailbreak server",
	version = VERSION, 
	url = URL

public void OnPluginStart()
	// Translation
	g_hCookieCredits = RegClientCookie("Credits", "Credits", CookieAccess_Private);
	//Client Commands
	RegConsoleCmd("sm_jailshop", Command_Menu_OpenShop, "Open the jail shop menu");
	RegConsoleCmd("sm_jailcredits", Commands_Credits, "Show your jail shop credits");
	RegConsoleCmd("sm_jailgift", Command_SendCredits, "Gift jail credits to a player - Use: sm_jailgift <#userid|name> [amount]");
	RegConsoleCmd("sm_revive", Command_Revive, "Use shop item revive");
	RegConsoleCmd("sm_showjailcredits", Command_ShowCredits, "Show jail credits of all online player");
	RegConsoleCmd("drop", Command_ToggleFly, "Change the flymode 'be a bird'-item");
	//Admin Commands
	RegAdminCmd("sm_jailgive", AdminCommand_GiveCredits, ADMFLAG_ROOT, "Give jail shop credits to a player - Use: sm_jailgive <#userid|name> [amount]");
	RegAdminCmd("sm_jailset", AdminCommand_SetCredits, ADMFLAG_ROOT, "Set jail shop credits of a player - Use: sm_jailgift <#userid|name> [amount]");
	AutoExecConfig_SetFile("Settings", "MyJailShop");
	AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_jailshop_version", VERSION, "The version of this MyJailShop SourceMod plugin", FCVAR_SPONLY|FCVAR_REPLICATED|FCVAR_NOTIFY|FCVAR_DONTRECORD);
	gc_bEnable = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_jailshop_enable", "1", "0 - disabled, 1 - enable the MyJailShop SourceMod plugin", _, true, 0.0, true, 1.0);
	gc_bCreditSystem = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_jailshop_credits_system", "1", "1 - MyJailShop Credits, 0 - Zephrus store or 'SM Store' or FrozDark shop (need extra support plugin)", _, true, 0.0, true, 1.0);
	gc_bCreditsSave = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_jailshop_credits_save", "1", "0 - disabled, 1 - Save credits on player disconnect", _, true, 0.0, true, 1.0);
	gc_bMySQL = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_jailshop_mysql", "0", "0 - disabled, 1 - Should we use a mysql database to store credits", _, true, 0.0, true, 1.0);
	gc_iCreditsMax = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_jailshop_credits_max", "50000", "Maximum of credits to earn for a player");
	gc_iMinPlayersToGetCredits = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_jailshop_minplayers", "4", "Minimum players to earn credits", _, true, 0.0);
	gc_bCreditsWarmup = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_jailshop_warmupcredits", "1", "0 - disabled, 1 - enable players get credits on warmup", _, true, 0.0, true, 1.0);
	gc_iCreditsKillT = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_jailshop_credits_kill_t", "150", "0 - disabled, amount of credits a prisoner earns when kill a Guard ()", _, true, 0.0);
	gc_iCreditsVIPKillT = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_jailshop_credits_kill_t_vip", "200", "0 - disabled, amount of credits a VIP prisoner earns when kill a Guard", _, true, 0.0);
	gc_iCreditsKillCT = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_jailshop_credits_kill_ct", "15", "0 - disabled, amount of credits a guard earns when kill a prisoner", _, true, 0.0);
	gc_iCreditsVIPKillCT = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_jailshop_credits_kill_ct_vip", "20", "0 - disabled, amount of credits a VIP guard earns when kill a prisoner", _, true, 0.0);
	gc_iCreditsWinT = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_jailshop_credits_win_t", "50", "0 - disabled, amount of credits a prisoner earns when win round", _, true, 0.0);
	gc_iCreditsVIPWinT = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_jailshop_credits_win_t_vip", "100", "0 - disabled, amount of credits a VIP prisoner earns when win round", _, true, 0.0);
	gc_iCreditsWinCT = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_jailshop_credits_win_ct", "50", "0 - disabled, amount of credits a guard earns when win round", _, true, 0.0);
	gc_iCreditsVIPWinCT = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_jailshop_credits_win_ct_vip", "100", "0 - disabled, amount of credits a VIP guard earns when win round", _, true, 0.0);
	gc_bCreditsWinAlive = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_jailshop_credits_win_alive", "1", "0 - disabled, 1 - only alive player get credits when team win the round", _, true, 0.0, true, 1.0);
	gc_iCreditsLR = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_jailshop_credits_lr", "300", "0 - disabled, amount of credits for reach last request as prisoner (only if hosties is available)", _, true, 0.0);
	gc_iCreditsVIPLR = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_jailshop_credits_lr_vip", "400", "0 - disabled, amount of credits for reach last request as prisoner (only if hosties is available)", _, true, 0.0);
	gc_iCreditsTime = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_jailshop_credits_per_time", "5", "0 - disabled, how many credits players receive every x seconds 'sm_jailshop_credits_time_interval'", _, true, 0.0);
	gc_fCreditsTimeInterval = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_jailshop_credits_per_time_interval", "120", "Time in seconds a player recieved credits per time", _, true, 0.0);
	gc_iCreditsVIPPerTime = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_jailshop_credits_per_time_vip", "10", "0 - disabled, how many credits VIP players receive for 'sm_jailshop_credits_time_interval", _, true, 0.0);
	gc_bWelcome = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_jailshop_welcome", "1", "0 - disabled, 1 - welcome messages on spawn", _, true, 0.0, true, 1.0);
	gc_bNotification = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_jailshop_notification", "1", "0 - disabled, 1 - enable chat notification everytime player get credits", _, true, 0.0, true, 1.0);
	gc_fBuyTime = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_jailshop_buytime", "180", "0 - disabled, Time in seconds after roundstart shopping is allowed", _, true, 0.0);
	gc_bBuyTimeCells = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_jailshop_buytime_cells", "0", "0 - disabled, 1 - only shopping until cell doors opened (only if smartjaildoors is available)", _, true, 0.0, true, 1.0);
	gc_bBuyOnLR = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_jailshop_buy_lr", "1", "0 - disabled, 1 - restrict shopping on Last lequest", _, true, 0.0, true, 1.0);
	gc_bRemoveOnLR = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_jailshop_remove_lr", "1", "Remove the bought perks on a last request. (bought weapons will stay)", _, true,  0.0, true, 1.0);
	gc_bOnlyT = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_jailshop_access", "0", "0 - shop available for guards & prisoner, 1 - only prisoner", _, true, 0.0, true, 1.0);
	gc_bEventdays = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_jailshop_myjb", "1", "0 - disable shopping on MyJailbreak Event Days, 1 - enable shopping on MyJailbreak Event Days (only if myjb is available)(show/gift/... credits is still enabled)", _, true,  0.0, true, 1.0);
	gc_bRemoveWeapon = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_jailshop_removeweapon", "1", "0 - disabled, 1 - When a player already got a prim/sec weapon and buy deagle or awp the current weapon disappear", _, true,  0.0, true, 1.0);
	gc_bClose = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_jailshop_close", "1", "0 - disabled, 1 - enable close menu after action", _, true,  0.0, true, 1.0);
	gc_bTag = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_jailshop_tag", "1", "Allow \"MyJailShop\" to be added to the server tags? So player will find servers with MyJailShop faster. it dont touch you sv_tags", _, true,  0.0, true, 1.0);
	gc_bLogging = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_jailshop_log", "1", "Allow MyJailShop to log purchases and gifts in logs/MyJailShop", _, true,  0.0, true, 1.0);
	gc_sCustomCommandShop = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_jailshop_cmds_shop", "jbshop,jbstore,jailstore", "Set your custom chat commands for shop menu(!jailshop (no 'sm_'/'!')(seperate with comma ', ')(max. 12 commands)");
	gc_sCustomCommandGift = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_jailshop_cmds_gift", "gbgift,send", "Set your custom chat commands for gifting credits(!jailgift (no 'sm_'/'!')(seperate with comma ', ')(max. 12 commands)");
	gc_sCustomCommandRevive = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_jailshop_cmds_revive", "revive,jbrevive,alive", "Set your custom chat commands for revive(!jailrevive (no 'sm_'/'!')(seperate with comma ', ')(max. 12 commands)");
	gc_sCustomCommandCredits = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_jailshop_cmds_credits", "points,credits", "Set your custom chat commands to see you credits (!jailcredits (no 'sm_'/'!')(seperate with comma ', ')(max. 12 commands)");
	gc_sCustomCommandMassCredits = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_jailshop_cmds_showcredits", "showpoints,allcredits,showcredits", "Set your custom chat commands for see all online players credits(!showjailcredits (no 'sm_'/'!')(seperate with comma ', ')(max. 12 commands)");
	AutoExecConfig_SetFile("Items", "MyJailShop");
	gc_bOpenCells = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_jailshop_openjails_price", "800", "0 - disabled, price of the 'Open jails' shop item", _, true, 0.0);
	gc_bHeal = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_jailshop_heal_price", "250", "0 - disabled, price of the 'Heal' shop item", _, true, 0.0);
	gc_iHealOnlyTeam = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_jailshop_heal_access", "1", "0 - guards only, 1 - guards & prisoner, 2 - prisoner only ", _, true, 0.0, true, 2.0);
	gc_bHealth = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_jailshop_armor_hp_price", "1500", "0 - disabled, price of the 'Armor & HP' shop item", _, true, 0.0);
	gc_iHealthExtra = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_jailshop_health_extra", "150", "How many HP get extra with the armor", _, true, 0.0);
	gc_iHealthExtraOnlyTeam = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_jailshop_health_extra_access", "1", "0 - guards only, 1 - guards & prisoner, 2 - prisoner only", _, true, 0.0, true, 2.0);
	gc_bRevive = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_jailshop_revive_price", "8000", "0 - disabled, price of the 'Revive' shop item", _, true, 0.0);
	gc_iReviveOnlyTeam = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_jailshop_revive_access", "1", "0 - guards only, 1 - guards & prisoner, 2 - prisoner only  ", _, true, 0.0, true, 2.0);
	gc_bVampire = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_jailshop_vampire_price", "4000", "0 - disabled, price of the 'Vampire' shop item", _, true, 0.0);
	gc_fVampireSpeed = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_jailshop_vampire_speed", "1.5", "Ratio for how fast the player will walk (1 - normal)", _, true, 0.5);
	gc_fVampireDamageMultiplier = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_jailshop_vampire_multiplier", "0.5", "Multiplier how many heatlh per damage  (e.g. 100damage * 0.5 = 50HP extra)", _, true, 1.0);
	gc_bBhop = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_jailshop_bhop_price", "5000", "0 - disabled, price of the 'Bunny Hop' shop item", _, true, 0.0);
	gc_iBhopOnlyTeam = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_jailshop_bhop_access", "1", "0 - guards only, 1 - guards & prisoner, 2 - prisoner only ", _, true, 0.0, true, 2.0);
	gc_bFroggyJump = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_jailshop_froggyjump_price", "4000", "0 - disabled, price of the 'Froggy Jump' shop item", _, true, 0.0);
	gc_iFroggyJumpOnlyTeam = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_jailshop_froggyjump_access", "1", "0 - guards only, 1 - guards & prisoner, 2 - prisoner only ", _, true, 0.0, true, 2.0);
	gc_bGravity = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_jailshop_gravity_price", "2500", "0 - disabled, price of the 'Low Gravity' shop item", _, true, 0.0);
	gc_fGravValue= AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_jailshop_gravity_value", "0.6", "Ratio for Gravity (1.0 earth, 0.5 moon)", _, true, 0.1, true, 1.0);
	gc_iGravOnlyTeam = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_jailshop_gravity_access", "1", "0 - guards only, 1 - guards & prisoner, 2 - prisoner only ", _, true, 0.0, true, 2.0);
	gc_bInvisible = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_jailshop_invisible_price", "8000", "0 - disabled, price of the 'Invisible' shop item", _, true, 0.0);
	gc_fInvisibleTime = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_jailshop_invisible_time", "10.0", "Time in seconds how long the player is invisible", _, true, 1.0);
	gc_iPaperClip = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_jailshop_paperclip_price", "500", "0 - disabled, price of the 'PaperClips' shop item (only if myjb is available)", _, true, 0.0);
	gc_iPaperClipAmount = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_jailshop_paperclip_amount", "2", "Amount of paperclips a player get (only if myjb is available)", _, true, 1.0);
	gc_bNoDamage = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_jailshop_nodamage_price", "1500", "0 - disabled, price of the 'NoDamage' shop item", _, true, 0.0);
	gc_fNoDamageTime = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_jailshop_nodamage_time", "20.0", "Time in seconds how long the player got nodamage", _, true, 1.0);
	gc_iNoDamageOnlyTeam = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_jailshop_nodamage_access", "1", "0 - guards only, 1 - guards & prisoner, 2 - prisoner only", _, true, 0.0, true, 2.0);
	gc_bNoClip = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_jailshop_noclip_price", "9000", "0 - disabled, price of the 'No Clip' shop item", _, true, 0.0);
	gc_fNoClipTime = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_jailshop_noclip_time", "5.0", "Time in seconds how long the player has noclip", _, true, 1.0);
	gc_bWallhack = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_jailshop_wallhack_price", "25000", "0 - disabled, price of the 'Wallhack' shop item (only if CustomPlayerSkins is available)", _, true, 0.0);
	gc_fWallhackTime = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_jailshop_wallhack_time", "10.0", "Time in seconds how long the player has wallhack", _, true, 1.0);
	gc_iWallhackOnlyTeam = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_jailshop_wallhack_access", "1", "0 - guards only, 1 - guards & prisoner, 2 - prisoner only", _, true, 0.0, true, 2.0);
	gc_bBird = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_jailshop_bird_price", "1500", "0 - disabled, price of the 'Be a Bird' shop item", _, true, 0.0);
	gc_iBird = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_jailshop_bird_mode", "1", "1 - Chicken / 2 - Pigeon / 3 - Crow", _, true, 1.0, true, 3.0);
	gc_bFakeModel = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_jailshop_fakeguard_price", "9000", "0 - disabled, price of the 'Fake guard model' shop item", _, true, 0.0);
	gc_sModelPathFakeGuard = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_jailshop_fakeguard_model", "models/player/ctm_gign_variantc.mdl", "Path to the model for fake guard.");
	gc_bTeleportSmoke = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_jailshop_teleportsmoke_price", "7000", "0 - disabled, price of the 'Teleport smoke' shop item", _, true, 0.0);
	gc_bPoisonSmoke = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_jailshop_poisonsmoke_price", "2500", "0 - disabled, price of the 'Poison smoke' shop item", _, true, 0.0);
	gc_bFireHE = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_jailshop_firehe_price", "3000", "0 - disabled, price of the 'Fire Grenade' shop item", _, true, 0.0);
	gc_bAWP = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_jailshop_awp_price", "8000", "0 - disabled, price of the 'One bullet AWP' shop item", _, true, 0.0);
	gc_bDeagle = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_jailshop_deagle_price", "10000", "0 - disabled, price of the '7 bullets Deagle' shop item", _, true, 0.0);
	gc_bKnife = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_jailshop_knife_price", "4000", "0 - disabled, price of the 'One hit knife' shop item", _, true, 0.0);
	gc_bThrowKnife = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_jailshop_throw_knife_price", "12000", "0 - disabled, price of the 'Throwing one hit knife' shop item", _, true, 0.0);
	gc_iThrowKnifeCount = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_jailshop_throw_knife_count", "2", "how many knifes a prisoner can throw", _, true, 1.0);
	gc_bTaser = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_jailshop_taser_price", "6000", "0 - disabled, price of the '3 bullets Taser' shop item", _, true, 0.0);
	gc_bMolotov = AutoExecConfig_CreateConVar("sm_jailshop_molotov_price", "2500", "0 - disabled, price of the 'Molotov & flashs' shop item", _, true, 0.0);
	HookEvent("player_death", Event_PlayerDeath);
	HookEvent("smokegrenade_detonate", Event_SmokeGrenadeDetonate, EventHookMode_Post);
	HookEvent("player_hurt",Event_PlayerHurt, EventHookMode_Pre);
	HookEvent("round_end", Event_RoundEnd);
	HookEvent("round_start", Event_RoundStart);
	HookEvent("player_disconnect", Event_PlayerDisconnect, EventHookMode_Pre);
	HookEvent("weapon_fire", Event_WeaponFire);
	HookConVarChange(gc_sModelPathFakeGuard, OnSettingChanged);
	gc_sModelPathFakeGuard.GetString(g_sModelPathFakeGuard, sizeof(g_sModelPathFakeGuard));
	if (!g_bDBConnected && gc_bMySQL.BoolValue)
	if (gc_bCreditsSave.BoolValue)
		LoopValidClients(client, false, true)
			if (gc_bMySQL.BoolValue)
			else if (AreClientCookiesCached(client))
	g_hThrownKnives = CreateArray();
	SetLogFile(g_sPurchaseLogFile, "purchase", "MyJailShop");
	SetLogFile(g_sGiftLogFile, "gift", "MyJailShop");


//ConVarChange for Strings
public int OnSettingChanged(Handle convar, const char[] oldValue, const char[] newValue)
	if (convar == gc_sModelPathFakeGuard)
		strcopy(g_sModelPathFakeGuard, sizeof(g_sModelPathFakeGuard), newValue);

public void OnConfigsExecuted()
	if (gc_bTag.BoolValue)
		ConVar hTags = FindConVar("sv_tags");
		char sTags[128];
		hTags.GetString(sTags, sizeof(sTags));
		if (StrContains(sTags, "MyJailShop", false) == -1)
			StrCat(sTags, sizeof(sTags), ", MyJailShop");
	//Set custom Commands
	int iCount = 0;
	char sCommands[128], sCommandsL[12][32], sCommand[32];
	//Shop menu
	gc_sCustomCommandShop.GetString(sCommands, sizeof(sCommands)); //Get new commands
	ReplaceString(sCommands, sizeof(sCommands), " ",""); //Remove the spaces " "
	iCount = ExplodeString(sCommands, ",", sCommandsL, sizeof(sCommandsL), sizeof(sCommandsL[])); //Split commands to single command and count
	for (int i = 0; i < iCount; i++) //Loop the counted single commands
		Format(sCommand, sizeof(sCommand), "sm_%s", sCommandsL[i]); //Add sm_ for console command
		if (GetCommandFlags(sCommand) == INVALID_FCVAR_FLAGS)  //if command not already exist
			RegConsoleCmd(sCommand, Command_Menu_OpenShop, "Open the jail shop menu"); //set new command
	//Shop show credits
	gc_sCustomCommandCredits.GetString(sCommands, sizeof(sCommands));
	ReplaceString(sCommands, sizeof(sCommands), " ","");
	iCount = ExplodeString(sCommands, ",", sCommandsL, sizeof(sCommandsL), sizeof(sCommandsL[]));
	for (int i = 0; i < iCount; i++)
		Format(sCommand, sizeof(sCommand), "sm_%s", sCommandsL[i]);
		if (GetCommandFlags(sCommand) == INVALID_FCVAR_FLAGS)  //if command not already exist
			RegConsoleCmd(sCommand, Commands_Credits,"Show your jail shop credits");
	//Shop revive
	gc_sCustomCommandRevive.GetString(sCommands, sizeof(sCommands));
	ReplaceString(sCommands, sizeof(sCommands), " ","");
	iCount = ExplodeString(sCommands, ",", sCommandsL, sizeof(sCommandsL), sizeof(sCommandsL[]));
	for (int i = 0; i < iCount; i++)
		Format(sCommand, sizeof(sCommand), "sm_%s", sCommandsL[i]);
		if (GetCommandFlags(sCommand) == INVALID_FCVAR_FLAGS)  //if command not already exist
			RegConsoleCmd(sCommand, Command_Revive, "Use jail shop item revive");
	//Shop show all credits menu
	gc_sCustomCommandMassCredits.GetString(sCommands, sizeof(sCommands));
	ReplaceString(sCommands, sizeof(sCommands), " ","");
	iCount = ExplodeString(sCommands, ",", sCommandsL, sizeof(sCommandsL), sizeof(sCommandsL[]));
	for (int i = 0; i < iCount; i++)
		Format(sCommand, sizeof(sCommand), "sm_%s", sCommandsL[i]);
		if (GetCommandFlags(sCommand) == INVALID_FCVAR_FLAGS)  //if command not already exist
			RegConsoleCmd(sCommand, Command_ShowCredits, "Show jail shop credits of all online player");
	//Shop send gift credits
	gc_sCustomCommandGift.GetString(sCommands, sizeof(sCommands));
	ReplaceString(sCommands, sizeof(sCommands), " ","");
	iCount = ExplodeString(sCommands, ",", sCommandsL, sizeof(sCommandsL), sizeof(sCommandsL[]));
	for (int i = 0; i < iCount; i++)
		Format(sCommand, sizeof(sCommand), "sm_%s", sCommandsL[i]);
		if (GetCommandFlags(sCommand) == INVALID_FCVAR_FLAGS)  //if command not already exist
			RegConsoleCmd(sCommand, Command_SendCredits, "Gift jail shop credits to a player - Use: sm_jailgift <#userid|name> [amount]");


public Action Commands_Credits(int client, int args)
	if (client == 0) //if client is server/serverconsole
		CReplyToCommand(client, "%t", "Command is in-game only");
		return Plugin_Handled;
	if (!gc_bEnable.BoolValue) //if plugin is disbaled
		CReplyToCommand(client, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_disabled");
		return Plugin_Handled;
	//Show credits in chat
	CReplyToCommand(client, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_credits", Forward_OnGetCredits(client));
	return Plugin_Handled;

public Action Command_Menu_OpenShop(int client, int args)
	if (!gc_bEnable.BoolValue) //if plugin is disbaled
		CReplyToCommand(client, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_disabled");
		return Plugin_Handled;
	if (gp_bMyJailBreak && !gc_bEventdays.BoolValue) //Check if myjailbreak is available and if shop is allowed on eventdays
		if (MyJailbreak_IsEventDayRunning())
			CReplyToCommand(client, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_disabled");
			return Plugin_Handled;
	if (gc_bOnlyT.BoolValue) //shop only for terror?
		if (GetClientTeam(client) != 2)
			CReplyToCommand(client, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_tonly");
			return Plugin_Handled;
		else Menu_OpenShop(client);
	else Menu_OpenShop(client);
	return Plugin_Handled;

public Action Command_Revive(int client, int args)
	if (client == 0) //if client is server/serverconsole
		CReplyToCommand(client, "%t", "Command is in-game only");
		return Plugin_Handled;
	if (!gc_bEnable.BoolValue) //if plugin is disbaled
		CReplyToCommand(client, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_disabled");
		return Plugin_Handled;
	if (gc_iReviveOnlyTeam.IntValue == 2 && GetClientTeam(client) == CS_TEAM_CT) //shopitem only for terror?
		CReplyToCommand(client, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_onlyt");
		return Plugin_Handled;
	if (gc_iReviveOnlyTeam.IntValue == 0 && GetClientTeam(client) == CS_TEAM_T) //shopitem only for counter-terror?
		CReplyToCommand(client, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_onlyct");
		return Plugin_Handled;
	Item_Revive(client, "Revive");
	return Plugin_Handled;

//drop weapon button
public Action Command_ToggleFly(int client, int args)
	if (g_bFly[client]) //if player is a bird
		MoveType movetype = GetEntityMoveType(client); 
		if (movetype != MOVETYPE_FLY)
			SetEntityMoveType(client, MOVETYPE_FLY);
		else SetEntityMoveType(client, MOVETYPE_WALK);
	return Plugin_Continue;

public Action Command_SendCredits(int client, int args)
	if (client == 0) //if client is server/serverconsole
		CReplyToCommand(client, "%t", "Command is in-game only");
		return Plugin_Handled;
	if (!gc_bEnable.BoolValue) //if plugin is disbaled
		CReplyToCommand(client, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_disabled");
		return Plugin_Handled;
	if (args < 2) // Not enough parameters
		CReplyToCommand(client, "%t Use: sm_jailgift <#userid|name> [amount]", "shop_tag");
		return Plugin_Handled;
	char arg2[10];
	GetCmdArg(2, arg2, sizeof(arg2));
	int amount = StringToInt(arg2);
	char strTarget[32]; GetCmdArg(1, strTarget, sizeof(strTarget));
	char strTargetName[MAX_TARGET_LENGTH];
	int TargetList[MAXPLAYERS], TargetCount;
	bool TargetTranslate;
	if ((TargetCount = ProcessTargetString(strTarget, client, TargetList, MAXPLAYERS, COMMAND_FILTER_CONNECTED|COMMAND_FILTER_NO_IMMUNITY,
		strTargetName, sizeof(strTargetName), TargetTranslate)) <= 0)
		ReplyToTargetError(client, TargetCount);
		return Plugin_Handled;
	for(int i = 0; i < TargetCount; i++)
		int iClient = TargetList[i];
		if (IsClientInGame(iClient) && amount > 0)
			if (client != iClient)
				if (Forward_OnGetCredits(client) < amount)
					ReplyToCommand(client, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_missingcredits", Forward_OnGetCredits(client), amount);
					Forward_OnPlayerGetCredits(iClient, amount);
					CPrintToChat(client, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_give", amount, iClient);
					CPrintToChat(iClient, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_get", amount, client);
					if (gc_bLogging.BoolValue) LogToFileEx(g_sGiftLogFile, "Player %L has gift %i credits to %L ", client, amount, iClient);
			CPrintToChat(client, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_giftyourself");
	return Plugin_Handled;

public Action Command_ShowCredits(int client, int args) 
	if (!gc_bEnable.BoolValue) //if plugin is disbaled
		CReplyToCommand(client, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_disabled");
		return Plugin_Handled;
	char sName[MAX_NAME_LENGTH], sUserId[10];
	Menu menu = CreateMenu(Handler_ShowCredits);
	SetMenuTitle(menu, "%t","shop_menu_playercredits");
	LoopValidClients(i, false, true)
		GetClientName(i, sName, sizeof(sName));
		IntToString(GetClientUserId(i), sUserId, sizeof(sUserId));
		char buffer[255];
		Format(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s: %d", sName, Forward_OnGetCredits(i));
		AddMenuItem(menu, sUserId, buffer, ITEMDRAW_DISABLED );
	menu.ExitButton = true;
	menu.Display(client, 20);
	return Plugin_Handled;

public int Handler_ShowCredits(Menu menu, MenuAction action, int param1, int param2){}

public Action AdminCommand_SetCredits(int client, int args)
	if (client == 0) //if client is server/serverconsole
		CReplyToCommand(client, "%t", "Command is in-game only");
		return Plugin_Handled;
	if (!gc_bEnable.BoolValue) //if plugin is disbaled
		CReplyToCommand(client, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_disabled");
		return Plugin_Handled;
	if (args < 2) 
		CReplyToCommand(client, "%t Use: sm_jailset <#userid|name> [amount]", "shop_tag");
		return Plugin_Handled;
	char arg2[10];
	GetCmdArg(2, arg2, sizeof(arg2));
	int amount = StringToInt(arg2);
	char strTarget[32]; 
	GetCmdArg(1, strTarget, sizeof(strTarget));
	char strTargetName[MAX_TARGET_LENGTH];
	int TargetList[MAXPLAYERS], TargetCount;
	bool TargetTranslate;
	if ((TargetCount = ProcessTargetString(strTarget, client, TargetList, MAXPLAYERS, COMMAND_FILTER_CONNECTED, strTargetName, sizeof(strTargetName), TargetTranslate)) <= 0)
		ReplyToTargetError(client, TargetCount);
		return Plugin_Handled;
	for(int i = 0; i < TargetCount; i++)
		int iClient = TargetList[i];
		if (IsClientInGame(iClient))
			Forward_OnSetCredits(iClient, amount);
			Forward_OnPlayerGetCredits(iClient, amount);
			CPrintToChat(client, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_set", amount, iClient);
			CPrintToChat(iClient, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_getset", amount, client);
			if (gc_bLogging.BoolValue) LogToFileEx(g_sGiftLogFile, "Admin %L set %L credits to %i ", client, iClient, amount);
	return Plugin_Handled;

public Action AdminCommand_GiveCredits(int client, int args)
	if (client == 0) //if client is server/serverconsole
		CReplyToCommand(client, "%t", "Command is in-game only");
		return Plugin_Handled;
	if (!gc_bEnable.BoolValue) //if plugin is disbaled
		CReplyToCommand(client, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_disabled");
		return Plugin_Handled;
	if (args < 2) 
		CReplyToCommand(client, "%t Use: sm_jailgive <#userid|name> [amount]", "shop_tag");
		return Plugin_Handled;
	char arg2[10];
	GetCmdArg(2, arg2, sizeof(arg2));
	int amount = StringToInt(arg2);
	char strTarget[32]; GetCmdArg(1, strTarget, sizeof(strTarget));
	char strTargetName[MAX_TARGET_LENGTH];
	int TargetList[MAXPLAYERS], TargetCount;
	bool TargetTranslate;
	if ((TargetCount = ProcessTargetString(strTarget, client, TargetList, MAXPLAYERS, COMMAND_FILTER_CONNECTED, strTargetName, sizeof(strTargetName), TargetTranslate)) <= 0) 
		ReplyToTargetError(client, TargetCount); 
		return Plugin_Handled; 
	for(int i = 0; i < TargetCount; i++) 
		int iClient = TargetList[i];
		if (IsClientInGame(iClient))
			Forward_OnPlayerGetCredits(iClient, amount);
			CPrintToChat(client, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_give", amount, iClient);
			CPrintToChat(iClient, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_get", amount, client);
			if (gc_bLogging.BoolValue) LogToFileEx(g_sGiftLogFile, "Admin %L gifted %i credits to %L ", client, amount, iClient);
	return Plugin_Handled;


public Action Event_PlayerDeath(Event event, const char [] name, bool dontBroadcast)
	int attacker = GetClientOfUserId(event.GetInt("attacker")); //get victim & attacker
	int client = GetClientOfUserId(event.GetInt("userid"));
	if (!gc_bEnable.BoolValue) return; //if plugin is disbaled
	//Start timer: show !revive chat hint if enought credits & enabled
	if ((Forward_OnGetCredits(client) >= gc_bRevive.IntValue) && (gc_bRevive.IntValue != 0)) CreateTimer(2.0, Timer_DeathMessage, client);
	if (g_bFly[client]) //if player was a bird reset model, thirdperson and flymode
		g_bFly[client] = false;
		ClientCommand(client, "firstperson");
		SetEntityModel(client, g_sModelPathPrevious[client]);
		SetEntityMoveType(client, MOVETYPE_WALK);
	if (!attacker)
	if (attacker == client)
	if (gc_iCreditsKillCT.IntValue == 0 && gc_iCreditsVIPKillCT.IntValue == 0)
	if (gc_iCreditsKillT.IntValue == 0 && gc_iCreditsVIPKillT.IntValue == 0)
	if (GetAllPlayersCount() >= gc_iMinPlayersToGetCredits.IntValue && (gc_bCreditsWarmup.BoolValue || GameRules_GetProp("m_bWarmupPeriod") != 1)) 
		if (GetClientTeam(attacker) == CS_TEAM_CT)
			if (IsPlayerReservationAdmin(attacker))
				Forward_OnPlayerGetCredits(attacker, gc_iCreditsVIPKillCT.IntValue);
				Forward_OnPlayerGetCredits(attacker, gc_iCreditsKillCT.IntValue);
		if (GetClientTeam(attacker) == CS_TEAM_T)
			if (IsPlayerReservationAdmin(attacker))
				Forward_OnPlayerGetCredits(attacker, gc_iCreditsVIPKillT.IntValue);
				Forward_OnPlayerGetCredits(attacker, gc_iCreditsKillT.IntValue);
	if (Forward_OnGetCredits(attacker) > gc_iCreditsMax.IntValue)
		Forward_OnSetCredits(attacker, gc_iCreditsMax.IntValue);
		CPrintToChat(attacker, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_maxcredits", Forward_OnGetCredits(attacker));
	if (!gc_bNotification.BoolValue)
	if (GetAllPlayersCount() >= gc_iMinPlayersToGetCredits.IntValue && (gc_bCreditsWarmup.IntValue != 0 || GameRules_GetProp("m_bWarmupPeriod") != 1)) 
		if (GetClientTeam(attacker) == CS_TEAM_CT)
			if (IsPlayerReservationAdmin(attacker)) CPrintToChat(attacker, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_killedt", Forward_OnGetCredits(attacker), gc_iCreditsVIPKillCT.IntValue, client);
			else CPrintToChat(attacker, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_killedt", Forward_OnGetCredits(attacker), gc_iCreditsKillCT.IntValue, client);
		if (GetClientTeam(attacker) == CS_TEAM_T)
			if (IsPlayerReservationAdmin(attacker)) CPrintToChat(attacker, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_killedct", Forward_OnGetCredits(attacker), gc_iCreditsVIPKillT.IntValue, client);
			else CPrintToChat(attacker, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_killedct", Forward_OnGetCredits(attacker), gc_iCreditsKillT.IntValue, client);

public Action Event_PlayerHurt(Event event, const char [] name, bool dontBroadcast)
	int victim = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event,"userid")); //get victim & attacker
	int attacker = GetClientOfUserId(event.GetInt("attacker"));
	if (attacker == 0 || !g_bFireHE[attacker] || g_bIsLR) 
	if (victim != attacker && attacker !=0 && attacker <MAXPLAYERS)
		char sWeaponUsed[50];
		if (StrEqual(sWeaponUsed,"hegrenade")) IgniteEntity(victim, 5.0);
	g_bFireHE[attacker] = false;

public Action Event_SmokeGrenadeDetonate(Event event, const char [] name, bool dontBroadcast)
	float DetonateOrigin[3];
	DetonateOrigin[0] = event.GetFloat("x"); 
	DetonateOrigin[1] = event.GetFloat("y"); 
	DetonateOrigin[2] = event.GetFloat("z");
	int client = GetClientOfUserId(event.GetInt("userid"));
	if (g_bTeleportSmoke[client])
		g_bTeleportSmoke[client] = false;
		if (IsClientInGame(client))
		SetClientViewEntity(client, client);
		TeleportEntity(client, DetonateOrigin, NULL_VECTOR, NULL_VECTOR);
	if (!g_bPoison[client])
	int iEntity = CreateEntityByName("light_dynamic");
	if (iEntity == -1)
	DispatchKeyValue(iEntity, "inner_cone", "0");
	DispatchKeyValue(iEntity, "cone", "80");
	DispatchKeyValue(iEntity, "brightness", "5");
	DispatchKeyValueFloat(iEntity, "spotlight_radius", 96.0);
	DispatchKeyValue(iEntity, "pitch", "90");
	DispatchKeyValue(iEntity, "style", "6");
	DispatchKeyValue(iEntity, "_light", "0 255 0");
	DispatchKeyValueFloat(iEntity, "distance", 256.0);
	SetEntPropEnt(iEntity, Prop_Send, "m_hOwnerEntity", client);
	CreateTimer(17.0, Timer_Delete, iEntity, TIMER_FLAG_NO_MAPCHANGE);
	TE_SetupBeamRingPoint(DetonateOrigin, 99.0, 100.0, g_iBeamSprite, g_iHaloSprite, 0, 15, 20.0, 10.0, 220.0, {50, 255, 50, 255}, 10, 0);
	TE_SetupBeamRingPoint(DetonateOrigin, 99.0, 100.0, g_iBeamSprite, g_iHaloSprite, 0, 15, 20.0, 10.0, 220.0, {50, 50, 255, 255}, 10, 0);
	TeleportEntity(iEntity, DetonateOrigin, NULL_VECTOR, NULL_VECTOR);
	AcceptEntityInput(iEntity, "TurnOn");
	CreateTimer(1.0, Timer_CheckDamage, iEntity, TIMER_FLAG_NO_MAPCHANGE|TIMER_REPEAT);
	g_bPoison[client] = false;

public Action Event_RoundEnd(Event event, const char [] name, bool dontBroadcast)
	int winner = event.GetInt("winner");
	bool AliveValue;
	if (gc_bCreditsWinAlive.BoolValue) AliveValue = false;
	else  AliveValue = true;
	if (winner == CS_TEAM_T)
		LoopValidClients(i, false, AliveValue) if (GetAllPlayersCount() >= gc_iMinPlayersToGetCredits.IntValue && (gc_bCreditsWarmup.BoolValue || GameRules_GetProp("m_bWarmupPeriod") != 1)) 
			if (IsPlayerReservationAdmin(i) && gc_iCreditsVIPWinT.IntValue != 0)
				if (gc_bNotification.BoolValue) CPrintToChat(i, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_win", Forward_OnGetCredits(i), gc_iCreditsVIPWinT.IntValue);
				Forward_OnPlayerGetCredits(i, gc_iCreditsVIPWinT.IntValue);
			else if (gc_iCreditsWinT.IntValue != 0)
				if (gc_bNotification.BoolValue) CPrintToChat(i, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_win", Forward_OnGetCredits(i), gc_iCreditsWinT.IntValue);
				Forward_OnPlayerGetCredits(i, gc_iCreditsWinT.IntValue);
	if (winner == CS_TEAM_CT)
		LoopValidClients(i, false, AliveValue) if (GetAllPlayersCount() >= gc_iMinPlayersToGetCredits.IntValue && (gc_bCreditsWarmup.BoolValue || GameRules_GetProp("m_bWarmupPeriod") != 1)) 
			if (IsPlayerReservationAdmin(i) && gc_iCreditsVIPWinCT.IntValue != 0)
				if (gc_bNotification.BoolValue) CPrintToChat(i, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_win", Forward_OnGetCredits(i), gc_iCreditsVIPWinCT.IntValue);
				Forward_OnPlayerGetCredits(i, gc_iCreditsVIPWinCT.IntValue);
			else if(gc_iCreditsVIPWinCT.IntValue != 0)
				if (gc_bNotification.BoolValue) CPrintToChat(i, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_win", Forward_OnGetCredits(i), gc_iCreditsWinCT.IntValue);
			 	Forward_OnPlayerGetCredits(i, gc_iCreditsWinCT.IntValue);
	LoopValidClients(i, false, true)
		if (gc_bMySQL.BoolValue) DB_WriteCredits(i);
	g_bIsLR = true;

public Action Event_RoundStart(Event event, const char [] name, bool dontBroadcast)
	g_bAllowBuy = true;
	g_bCellsOpen = false;
	g_bIsLR = false;
	if (gc_fBuyTime.FloatValue != 0) CreateTimer (gc_fBuyTime.FloatValue, Timer_BuyTime);

public void Event_WeaponFire(Event event, char [] name, bool dontBroadcast)
	char weapon[20];
	event.GetString("weapon", weapon, sizeof(weapon));
	if (StrContains(weapon, "knife", false) == -1 ) return;
	int client = GetClientOfUserId(event.GetInt("userid"));
	if (!g_bThrowingKnife[client]) return;
	g_hTimerDelay[client] = CreateTimer(0.0, Timer_CreateKnife, client);

                   FUNCTIONS LISTEN

// Check for optional Plugins
public void OnAllPluginsLoaded()
	gp_bSmartJailDoors = LibraryExists("smartjaildoors");
	gp_bMyJailBreak = LibraryExists("myjailbreak");
	gp_bCustomPlayerSkins = LibraryExists("CustomPlayerSkins");
	gp_bWarden = LibraryExists("warden");
	gp_bMyIcons = LibraryExists("myicons");
	g_bHandcuff = FindConVar("sm_warden_handcuffs");

public void OnLibraryRemoved(const char[] name)
	if (StrEqual(name, "smartjaildoors"))
		gp_bSmartJailDoors = false;
	if (StrEqual(name, "myjailbreak"))
		gp_bMyJailBreak = false;
	if (StrEqual(name, "CustomPlayerSkins"))
		gp_bCustomPlayerSkins = false;
	if (StrEqual(name, "warden"))
		gp_bWarden = false;
	if (StrEqual(name, "myicons"))
		gp_bMyIcons = false;

public void OnLibraryAdded(const char[] name)
	if (StrEqual(name, "smartjaildoors"))
		gp_bSmartJailDoors = true;
	if (StrEqual(name, "myjailbreak"))
		gp_bMyJailBreak = true;
	if (StrEqual(name, "CustomPlayerSkins"))
		gp_bCustomPlayerSkins = true;
	if (StrEqual(name, "warden"))
		gp_bWarden = true;
	if (StrEqual(name, "myicons"))
		gp_bMyIcons = true;

public void OnMapStart()
	g_iBeamSprite = PrecacheModel("materials/sprites/laserbeam.vmt", true);
	g_iHaloSprite = PrecacheModel("materials/sprites/halo.vmt", true);
	if (!g_bDBConnected && gc_bMySQL.BoolValue) DB_Connect();
	if (gc_bMySQL.BoolValue) LoopValidClients(i, false, true)
	if (gc_iCreditsTime.IntValue != 0) g_hTimerCredits = CreateTimer(gc_fCreditsTimeInterval.FloatValue, Timer_Credits, _, TIMER_REPEAT);

public void OnClientDisconnect(int client)
	if (!gc_bCreditsSave.BoolValue)
		g_iCredits[client] = 0;
	if (gc_bMySQL.BoolValue)
		if (!g_bDBConnected) DB_Connect();
	else if (AreClientCookiesCached(client))
		char CreditsString[12];
		Format(CreditsString, sizeof(CreditsString), "%i", Forward_OnGetCredits(client));
		SetClientCookie(client, g_hCookieCredits, CreditsString);

public void OnClientCookiesCached(int client)
	if (!gc_bCreditsSave.BoolValue) return;
	if (gc_bMySQL.BoolValue)
		if (!g_bDBConnected) DB_Connect();
		char CreditsString[12];
		GetClientCookie(client, g_hCookieCredits, CreditsString, sizeof(CreditsString));
		g_iCredits[client] = StringToInt(CreditsString);
	if (!gc_bCreditSystem.BoolValue)
		g_iCredits[client] = Forward_OnGetCredits(client);

public void OnPluginEnd()
	if (!gc_bCreditsSave.BoolValue) return;
	LoopValidClients(i, false, true) OnClientDisconnect(i);

public void OnEntityCreated(int iEntity, const char [] classname) 
	if (StrEqual(classname, "smokegrenade_projectile"))
		SDKHook(iEntity, SDKHook_SpawnPost, Hook_OnEntitySpawned);

public void Hook_OnEntitySpawned(int iGrenade)
	int client = GetEntPropEnt(iGrenade, Prop_Send, "m_hOwnerEntity");
	if (IsValidClient(client, true, true) && g_bTeleportSmoke[client])
		SetClientViewEntity(client, iGrenade);

public void OnClientPostAdminCheck(int client)
	g_bNoDamage[client] = false;
	g_bInvisible[client] = false;
	g_bFireHE[client] = false;
	g_bSuperKnife[client] = false;
	g_bPoison[client] = false;
	g_bVampire[client] = false;
	g_bFly[client] = false;
	g_bFakeGuard[client] = false;
	g_bNoClip[client] = false;
	g_bThrowingKnife[client] = false;
	g_bFroggyJump[client] = false;
	g_bWallhack[client] = false;
	g_bOneBulletAWP[client] = false;
	g_bOneMagDeagle[client] = false;
	g_bTeleportSmoke[client] = false;
	g_bBhop[client] = false;
	g_bMolotov[client] = false;
	g_bHealth[client] = false;

public void OnClientPutInServer(int client)
	SDKHook(client, SDKHook_OnTakeDamage, Hook_OnTakeDamage);
	SDKHook(client, SDKHook_WeaponCanUse, Hook_OnWeaponCanUse);
	g_bNoDamage[client] = false;
	g_bInvisible[client] = false;
	g_bPoison[client] = false;
	g_bVampire[client] = false;
	g_bSuperKnife[client] = false;
	g_bTeleportSmoke[client] = false;
	g_bNoClip[client] = false;
	g_bThrowingKnife[client] = false;
	g_bFroggyJump[client] = false;
	g_bWallhack[client] = false;
	g_bFireHE[client] = false;
	g_bBhop[client] = false;
	g_bMolotov[client] = false;
	g_bHealth[client] = false;
	g_bOneBulletAWP[client] = false;
	g_bOneMagDeagle[client] = false;
	if (gc_bWelcome.BoolValue) CreateTimer(5.0, Timer_WelcomeMessage, client);

public Action Hook_OnTakeDamage(int victim, int &attacker, int &inflictor, float &damage, int &damagetype)  //todo clean up a bit
	if(attacker > 0 && attacker <= MaxClients && victim > 0 && victim <= MaxClients)
		if (g_bNoDamage[victim] || g_bNoClip[attacker])
			damage = 0.0;
			return Plugin_Changed;
		else if (IsValidClient(victim, true, false)|| attacker == victim || IsValidClient(attacker, true, false))
			ConVar g_bFF = FindConVar("mp_friendlyfire");
			if ((g_bVampire[attacker] && GetClientTeam(victim) != GetClientTeam(attacker)) || (g_bVampire[attacker] && g_bFF.BoolValue))
				int newHP = RoundToFloor(damage * gc_fVampireDamageMultiplier.FloatValue);
				newHP += GetClientHealth(attacker);
				SetEntityHealth(attacker, newHP);
			if (g_bSuperKnife[attacker])
				char weaponName[255];
				GetClientWeapon(attacker, weaponName, sizeof(weaponName));
				if (StrEqual(weaponName, "weapon_knifegg"))
					damage = 1000.0;
					return Plugin_Changed;
	return Plugin_Continue;

public Action OnPlayerRunCmd(int client, int &buttons, int &impulse, float vel[3], float angles[3], int &weapon)
	int water = GetEntProp(client, Prop_Data, "m_nWaterLevel");
	// Last button
	static bool bPressed[MAXPLAYERS+1] = false;
	if (IsPlayerAlive(client))
		// Reset when on Ground
		if (GetEntityFlags(client) & FL_ONGROUND)
			g_iFroggyJumped[client] = 0;
			bPressed[client] = false;
			// Player pressed jump button?
			if (buttons & IN_JUMP)
				if (water <= 1)
					if (!(GetEntityMoveType(client) & MOVETYPE_LADDER))
						SetEntPropFloat(client, Prop_Send, "m_flStamina", 0.0);
						if (!(GetEntityFlags(client) & FL_ONGROUND) && g_bBhop[client]) buttons &= ~IN_JUMP;
				if (!g_bFroggyJump[client]) return Plugin_Continue;
				// For second time?
				if (!bPressed[client] && g_iFroggyJumped[client]++ == 1)
					float velocity[3];
					float velocity0;
					float velocity1;
					float velocity2;
					float velocity2_new;
					// Get player velocity
					velocity0 = GetEntPropFloat(client, Prop_Send, "m_vecVelocity[0]");
					velocity1 = GetEntPropFloat(client, Prop_Send, "m_vecVelocity[1]");
					velocity2 = GetEntPropFloat(client, Prop_Send, "m_vecVelocity[2]");
					velocity2_new = 200.0;
					// calculate new velocity^^
					if (velocity2 < 150.0) velocity2_new = velocity2_new + 20.0;
					if (velocity2 < 100.0) velocity2_new = velocity2_new + 30.0;
					if (velocity2 < 50.0) velocity2_new = velocity2_new + 40.0;
					if (velocity2 < 0.0) velocity2_new = velocity2_new + 50.0;
					if (velocity2 < -50.0) velocity2_new = velocity2_new + 60.0;
					if (velocity2 < -100.0) velocity2_new = velocity2_new + 70.0;
					if (velocity2 < -150.0) velocity2_new = velocity2_new + 80.0;
					if (velocity2 < -200.0) velocity2_new = velocity2_new + 90.0;
					// Set new velocity
					velocity[0] = velocity0 * 0.1;
					velocity[1] = velocity1 * 0.1;
					velocity[2] = velocity2_new;
					// Double Jump
					SetEntPropVector(client, Prop_Send, "m_vecBaseVelocity", velocity);
				bPressed[client] = true;
			else bPressed[client] = false;
	return Plugin_Continue;

public Action Hook_OnWeaponCanUse(int client, int weapon)
	if (g_bInvisible[client])
		char sClassname[32];
		GetEdictClassname(weapon, sClassname, sizeof(sClassname));
		if (!StrEqual(sClassname, "weapon_knife"))
		return Plugin_Handled;
	if (g_bFly[client])
		char sClassname[32];
		GetEdictClassname(weapon, sClassname, sizeof(sClassname));
		if (!StrEqual(sClassname, "weapon_knife"))
		return Plugin_Handled;
	return Plugin_Continue;

public int OnAvailableLR(int Announced)
	g_bIsLR = true;
	if (gc_bBuyOnLR.BoolValue) g_bAllowBuy = false;
	LoopValidClients(i, false, false) if (GetClientTeam(i) == CS_TEAM_T && gc_bEnable.BoolValue)
		if (GetAllPlayersCount() >= gc_iMinPlayersToGetCredits.IntValue) 
			if (IsPlayerReservationAdmin(i) && gc_iCreditsVIPLR.IntValue != 0)
				Forward_OnPlayerGetCredits(i, gc_iCreditsVIPLR.IntValue);
				if (gc_bNotification.BoolValue) CPrintToChat(i, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_lastrequest", Forward_OnGetCredits(i), gc_iCreditsVIPLR.IntValue);
			else if (gc_iCreditsLR.IntValue != 0)
				Forward_OnPlayerGetCredits(i, gc_iCreditsLR.IntValue);
				if (gc_bNotification.BoolValue) CPrintToChat(i, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_lastrequest", Forward_OnGetCredits(i), gc_iCreditsLR.IntValue);
		if (gc_bRemoveOnLR.BoolValue)
			SetEntityGravity(i, 1.0);
			SetEntPropFloat(i, Prop_Data, "m_flLaggedMovementValue", 1.0);

public void SJD_DoorsOpened(int caller, int activator)
	if (gc_bBuyTimeCells.BoolValue && g_bAllowBuy)
		g_bAllowBuy = false;
		CPrintToChatAll("%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_buytime");
	g_bCellsOpen = true;

public void SJD_DoorsClosed(int caller, int activator)
	g_bCellsOpen = false;

public void OnEntityDestroyed(int entity)
	if(!IsValidEdict(entity)) return;
	int index = FindValueInArray(g_hThrownKnives, EntIndexToEntRef(entity));
	if(index != -1) RemoveFromArray(g_hThrownKnives, index);


stock void DealDamage(int victim,int  damage,int  attacker = 0,int  damagetype = DMG_GENERIC, char [] weapon = "")
	if (victim > 0 && IsValidEdict(victim) && IsClientInGame(victim) && IsPlayerAlive(victim) && damage > 0)
		int EntityPointHurt = CreateEntityByName("point_hurt");
		if (EntityPointHurt != 0)
			char sDamage[16];
			IntToString(damage, sDamage, sizeof(sDamage));
			char sDamageType[32];
			IntToString(damagetype, sDamageType, sizeof(sDamageType));
			DispatchKeyValue(victim, "targetname", "hurtme");
			DispatchKeyValue(EntityPointHurt, "DamageTarget", "hurtme");
			DispatchKeyValue(EntityPointHurt, "Damage", sDamage);
			DispatchKeyValue(EntityPointHurt, "DamageType", sDamageType);
			if (!StrEqual(weapon, "")) DispatchKeyValue(EntityPointHurt, "classname", weapon);
			AcceptEntityInput(EntityPointHurt, "Hurt", (attacker != 0) ? attacker : -1);
			DispatchKeyValue(EntityPointHurt, "classname", "point_hurt");
			DispatchKeyValue(victim, "targetname", "donthurtme");

public Action Hook_SetTransmit(int entity, int client)
	if (entity != client)
		return Plugin_Handled;
	return Plugin_Continue;

public Action ResetPlayer(int client)
	if (g_bFly[client])
		g_bFly[client] = false;
		ClientCommand(client, "firstperson");
		SetEntityModel(client, g_sModelPathPrevious[client]);
		SetEntityMoveType(client, MOVETYPE_WALK);
	if (g_bFakeGuard[client])
		g_bFakeGuard[client] = false;
		SetEntityModel(client, g_sModelPathPrevious[client]);
	if (g_bInvisible[client])
		g_bInvisible[client] = false;
		SDKUnhook(client, SDKHook_SetTransmit, Hook_SetTransmit);
	if (gp_bCustomPlayerSkins) UnhookWallhack(client);
	if(gp_bMyIcons) MyIcons_BlockClientIcon(client, false);
	g_bNoDamage[client] = false;
	g_bPoison[client] = false;
	g_bVampire[client] = false;
	g_bTeleportSmoke[client] = false;
	g_bFireHE[client] = false;
	g_bSuperKnife[client] = false;
	g_bThrowingKnife[client] = false;
	g_bFroggyJump[client] = false;
	g_bWallhack[client] = false;
	g_bBhop[client] = false;
	g_bOneBulletAWP[client] = false;
	g_bOneMagDeagle[client] = false;
	g_bMolotov[client] = false;
	g_bHealth[client] = false;


public Action Menu_OpenShop(int client)
	char info[124];
	Menu menu = CreateMenu(Handler_Menu_OpenShop);
	SetMenuTitle(menu, "%t","shop_menu_title", Forward_OnGetCredits(client));
	if (GetClientTeam(client) == CS_TEAM_T)
			Format(info, sizeof(info), "%T","shop_menu_openjail", client, gc_bOpenCells.IntValue);
			if (SJD_IsCurrentMapConfigured())
				if (Forward_OnGetCredits(client) >= gc_bOpenCells.IntValue && gc_bOpenCells.IntValue != 0 && g_bAllowBuy && !g_bCellsOpen) AddMenuItem(menu, "Doors", info);
				else if (gc_bOpenCells.IntValue != 0) AddMenuItem(menu, "Doors", info, ITEMDRAW_DISABLED);
		Format(info, sizeof(info), "%T","shop_menu_heal", client, gc_bHeal.IntValue);
		if (gc_iHealOnlyTeam.IntValue >= 1 && Forward_OnGetCredits(client) >= gc_bHeal.IntValue && gc_bHeal.IntValue != 0 && g_bAllowBuy && IsPlayerAlive(client)) AddMenuItem(menu, "Heal", info);
		else if (gc_iHealOnlyTeam.IntValue >= 1 && gc_bHeal.IntValue != 0) AddMenuItem(menu, "Heal", info, ITEMDRAW_DISABLED);
		Format(info, sizeof(info), "%T","shop_menu_health", client, gc_bHealth.IntValue, gc_iHealthExtra.IntValue);
		if (gc_iHealthExtraOnlyTeam.IntValue >= 1 && Forward_OnGetCredits(client) >= gc_bHealth.IntValue && gc_bHealth.IntValue != 0 && g_bAllowBuy && !g_bHealth[client] && IsPlayerAlive(client)) AddMenuItem(menu, "Health", info);
		else if (gc_iHealthExtraOnlyTeam.IntValue >= 1 && gc_bHealth.IntValue != 0) AddMenuItem(menu, "Health", info, ITEMDRAW_DISABLED);


		Format(info, sizeof(info), "%T","shop_menu_bhop", client, gc_bBhop.IntValue);
		if (gc_iBhopOnlyTeam.IntValue >= 1 && Forward_OnGetCredits(client) >= gc_bBhop.IntValue && gc_bBhop.IntValue != 0 && g_bAllowBuy && IsPlayerAlive(client) && !g_bFroggyJump[client]) AddMenuItem(menu, "Bhop", info);
		else if (gc_iBhopOnlyTeam.IntValue >= 1 && gc_bBhop.IntValue != 0) AddMenuItem(menu, "Bhop", info, ITEMDRAW_DISABLED);
		Format(info, sizeof(info), "%T","shop_menu_froggyjump", client, gc_bFroggyJump.IntValue);
		if (gc_iFroggyJumpOnlyTeam.IntValue >= 1 && Forward_OnGetCredits(client) >= gc_bFroggyJump.IntValue && gc_bFroggyJump.IntValue != 0 && g_bAllowBuy && IsPlayerAlive(client) && !g_bBhop[client]) AddMenuItem(menu, "FroggyJump", info);
		else if (gc_iFroggyJumpOnlyTeam.IntValue >= 1 && gc_bFroggyJump.IntValue != 0) AddMenuItem(menu, "FroggyJump", info, ITEMDRAW_DISABLED);
		Format(info, sizeof(info), "%T","shop_menu_teleportsmoke", client, gc_bTeleportSmoke.IntValue);
		if (Forward_OnGetCredits(client) >= gc_bTeleportSmoke.IntValue && gc_bTeleportSmoke.IntValue != 0 && g_bAllowBuy && !g_bTeleportSmoke[client] && IsPlayerAlive(client)) AddMenuItem(menu, "TeleportSmoke", info);
		else if (gc_bTeleportSmoke.IntValue != 0) AddMenuItem(menu, "TeleportSmoke", info, ITEMDRAW_DISABLED);
		Format(info, sizeof(info), "%T","shop_menu_poisonsmoke", client, gc_bPoisonSmoke.IntValue);
		if (Forward_OnGetCredits(client) >= gc_bPoisonSmoke.IntValue && gc_bPoisonSmoke.IntValue != 0 && g_bAllowBuy && !g_bPoison[client] && IsPlayerAlive(client)) AddMenuItem(menu, "PoisonSmoke", info);
		else if (gc_bPoisonSmoke.IntValue != 0) AddMenuItem(menu, "PoisonSmoke", info, ITEMDRAW_DISABLED);
		Format(info, sizeof(info), "%T","shop_menu_firegrenade", client, gc_bFireHE.IntValue);
		if (Forward_OnGetCredits(client) >= gc_bFireHE.IntValue && gc_bFireHE.IntValue != 0 && g_bAllowBuy && !g_bFireHE[client] && IsPlayerAlive(client)) AddMenuItem(menu, "FireGrenade", info);
		else if (gc_bFireHE.IntValue != 0) AddMenuItem(menu, "FireGrenade", info, ITEMDRAW_DISABLED);
		Format(info, sizeof(info), "%T","shop_menu_awp", client, gc_bAWP.IntValue);
		if (Forward_OnGetCredits(client) >= gc_bAWP.IntValue && gc_bAWP.IntValue != 0 && g_bAllowBuy && !g_bOneBulletAWP[client] && IsPlayerAlive(client)) AddMenuItem(menu, "AWP", info);
		else if (gc_bAWP.IntValue != 0) AddMenuItem(menu, "AWP", info, ITEMDRAW_DISABLED);
		Format(info, sizeof(info), "%T","shop_menu_deagle", client, gc_bDeagle.IntValue);
		if (Forward_OnGetCredits(client) >= gc_bDeagle.IntValue && gc_bDeagle.IntValue != 0 && g_bAllowBuy && !g_bOneMagDeagle[client] && IsPlayerAlive(client)) AddMenuItem(menu, "Deagle", info);
		else if (gc_bDeagle.IntValue != 0) AddMenuItem(menu, "Deagle", info, ITEMDRAW_DISABLED);
		Format(info, sizeof(info), "%T","shop_menu_knife", client, gc_bKnife.IntValue);
		if (Forward_OnGetCredits(client) >= gc_bKnife.IntValue && gc_bKnife.IntValue != 0 && g_bAllowBuy && IsPlayerAlive(client) && !g_bSuperKnife[client]) AddMenuItem(menu, "Knife", info);
		else if (gc_bKnife.IntValue != 0) AddMenuItem(menu, "Knife", info, ITEMDRAW_DISABLED);
		if (GetUserFlagBits(client) & (ADMFLAG_CUSTOM1) == (ADMFLAG_CUSTOM1))
			Format(info, sizeof(info), "%T","shop_menu_molotov", client, gc_bMolotov.IntValue);
			if (Forward_OnGetCredits(client) >= gc_bMolotov.IntValue && gc_bMolotov.IntValue != 0 && g_bAllowBuy && !g_bMolotov[client] && IsPlayerAlive(client)) AddMenuItem(menu, "Molotov", info);
			else if (gc_bMolotov.IntValue != 0) AddMenuItem(menu, "Molotov", info, ITEMDRAW_DISABLED);
			Format(info, sizeof(info), "%T","shop_menu_bird", client, gc_bBird.IntValue);
			if (Forward_OnGetCredits(client) >= gc_bBird.IntValue && gc_bBird.IntValue != 0 && g_bAllowBuy && IsPlayerAlive(client)) AddMenuItem(menu, "Bird", info);
			else if (gc_bBird.IntValue != 0) AddMenuItem(menu, "Bird", info, ITEMDRAW_DISABLED);
			Format(info, sizeof(info), "%T","shop_menu_gravity", client, gc_bGravity.IntValue);
			if (gc_iGravOnlyTeam.IntValue >= 1 && Forward_OnGetCredits(client) >= gc_bGravity.IntValue && gc_bGravity.IntValue != 0 && g_bAllowBuy && IsPlayerAlive(client)) AddMenuItem(menu, "Gravity", info);
			else if (gc_iGravOnlyTeam.IntValue >= 1 && gc_bGravity.IntValue != 0) AddMenuItem(menu, "Gravity", info, ITEMDRAW_DISABLED);
			Format(info, sizeof(info), "%T","shop_menu_invisible", client, gc_bInvisible.IntValue, RoundToCeil(gc_fInvisibleTime.FloatValue));
			if (Forward_OnGetCredits(client) >= gc_bInvisible.IntValue && gc_bInvisible.IntValue != 0 && g_bAllowBuy && IsPlayerAlive(client)) AddMenuItem(menu, "Invisible", info);
			else if (gc_bInvisible.IntValue != 0)AddMenuItem(menu, "Invisible", info, ITEMDRAW_DISABLED);
			Format(info, sizeof(info), "%T","shop_menu_nodamage", client, gc_bNoDamage.IntValue, RoundToCeil(gc_fNoDamageTime.FloatValue));
			if (gc_iNoDamageOnlyTeam.IntValue >= 1 && Forward_OnGetCredits(client) >= gc_bNoDamage.IntValue && gc_bNoDamage.IntValue != 0 && g_bAllowBuy && IsPlayerAlive(client)) AddMenuItem(menu, "NoDamage", info);
			else if (gc_iNoDamageOnlyTeam.IntValue >= 1 && gc_bNoDamage.IntValue != 0) AddMenuItem(menu, "NoDamage", info, ITEMDRAW_DISABLED);
			Format(info, sizeof(info), "%T","shop_menu_noclip", client, gc_bNoClip.IntValue, RoundToCeil(gc_fNoClipTime.FloatValue));
			if (Forward_OnGetCredits(client) >= gc_bNoClip.IntValue && gc_bNoClip.IntValue != 0 && g_bAllowBuy && IsPlayerAlive(client)) AddMenuItem(menu, "NoClip", info);
			else if (gc_bNoClip.IntValue != 0) AddMenuItem(menu, "NoClip", info, ITEMDRAW_DISABLED);
			Format(info, sizeof(info), "%T","shop_menu_vampire", client, gc_bVampire.IntValue);
			if (Forward_OnGetCredits(client) >= gc_bVampire.IntValue && gc_bVampire.IntValue != 0 && g_bAllowBuy && IsPlayerAlive(client)) AddMenuItem(menu, "Vampire", info);
			else if (gc_bVampire.IntValue != 0) AddMenuItem(menu, "Vampire", info, ITEMDRAW_DISABLED);
			Format(info, sizeof(info), "%T","shop_menu_revive", client, gc_bRevive.IntValue);
			if (gc_iReviveOnlyTeam.IntValue >= 1 && Forward_OnGetCredits(client) >= gc_bRevive.IntValue && gc_bRevive.IntValue != 0 && !IsPlayerAlive(client) && !g_bIsLR && GetAliveTeamCount(GetClientTeam(client)) > 1) AddMenuItem(menu, "Revive", info);
			else if (gc_iReviveOnlyTeam.IntValue >= 1 && gc_bRevive.IntValue != 0) AddMenuItem(menu, "Revive", info, ITEMDRAW_DISABLED);
			Format(info, sizeof(info), "%T","shop_menu_taser", client, gc_bTaser.IntValue);
			if (Forward_OnGetCredits(client) >= gc_bTaser.IntValue && gc_bTaser.IntValue != 0 && g_bAllowBuy && IsPlayerAlive(client)) AddMenuItem(menu, "Taser", info);
			else if (gc_bTaser.IntValue != 0) AddMenuItem(menu, "Taser", info, ITEMDRAW_DISABLED);
			Format(info, sizeof(info), "%T","shop_menu_throwingknife", client, gc_bThrowKnife.IntValue, RoundToCeil(gc_fNoClipTime.FloatValue));
			if (Forward_OnGetCredits(client) >= gc_bThrowKnife.IntValue && gc_bThrowKnife.IntValue != 0 && g_bAllowBuy && IsPlayerAlive(client) && !g_bThrowingKnife[client]) AddMenuItem(menu, "ThrowingKnife", info);
			else if (gc_bThrowKnife.IntValue != 0) AddMenuItem(menu, "ThrowingKnife", info, ITEMDRAW_DISABLED);
			Format(info, sizeof(info), "%T","shop_menu_model", client, gc_bFakeModel.IntValue);
			if (Forward_OnGetCredits(client) >= gc_bFakeModel.IntValue && gc_bFakeModel.IntValue != 0 && g_bAllowBuy && IsPlayerAlive(client)) AddMenuItem(menu, "FakeModel", info);
			else if (gc_bFakeModel.IntValue != 0) AddMenuItem(menu, "FakeModel", info, ITEMDRAW_DISABLED);
			if (gp_bCustomPlayerSkins)
				Format(info, sizeof(info), "%T","shop_menu_wallhack", client, gc_bWallhack.IntValue);
				if (gc_iWallhackOnlyTeam.IntValue >= 1 && Forward_OnGetCredits(client) >= gc_bWallhack.IntValue && gc_bWallhack.IntValue != 0 && g_bAllowBuy && IsPlayerAlive(client)) AddMenuItem(menu, "Wallhack", info);
				else if (gc_iWallhackOnlyTeam.IntValue >= 1 && gc_bWallhack.IntValue != 0) AddMenuItem(menu, "Wallhack", info, ITEMDRAW_DISABLED);
			if (gp_bWarden)
				if (g_bHandcuff != null)
						Format(info, sizeof(info), "%T","shop_menu_paperclip", client, gc_iPaperClip.IntValue, gc_iPaperClipAmount.IntValue);
						if (Forward_OnGetCredits(client) >= gc_iPaperClip.IntValue && gc_iPaperClip.IntValue != 0 && g_bAllowBuy && IsPlayerAlive(client)) AddMenuItem(menu, "PaperClip", info);
						else if (gc_iPaperClip.IntValue != 0) AddMenuItem(menu, "PaperClip", info, ITEMDRAW_DISABLED);
	else if (GetClientTeam(client) == CS_TEAM_CT)
		Format(info, sizeof(info), "%T","shop_menu_heal", client, gc_bHeal.IntValue);
		if (gc_iHealOnlyTeam.IntValue <= 1 && Forward_OnGetCredits(client) >= gc_bHeal.IntValue && gc_bHeal.IntValue != 0 && g_bAllowBuy && IsPlayerAlive(client)) AddMenuItem(menu, "Heal", info);
		else if (gc_iHealOnlyTeam.IntValue <= 1 && gc_bHeal.IntValue != 0) AddMenuItem(menu, "Heal", info, ITEMDRAW_DISABLED);
		Format(info, sizeof(info), "%T","shop_menu_health", client, gc_bHealth.IntValue, gc_iHealthExtra.IntValue);
		if (gc_iHealthExtraOnlyTeam.IntValue <= 1 && Forward_OnGetCredits(client) >= gc_bHealth.IntValue && gc_bHealth.IntValue != 0 && g_bAllowBuy && !g_bHealth[client] && IsPlayerAlive(client)) AddMenuItem(menu, "Health", info);
		else if (gc_iHealthExtraOnlyTeam.IntValue <= 1 && gc_bHealth.IntValue != 0) AddMenuItem(menu, "Health", info, ITEMDRAW_DISABLED);
		Format(info, sizeof(info), "%T","shop_menu_bhop", client, gc_bBhop.IntValue);
		if (gc_iBhopOnlyTeam.IntValue <= 1 && Forward_OnGetCredits(client) >= gc_bBhop.IntValue && gc_bBhop.IntValue != 0 && g_bAllowBuy && IsPlayerAlive(client) && !g_bFroggyJump[client]) AddMenuItem(menu, "Bhop", info);
		else if (gc_iBhopOnlyTeam.IntValue <= 1 && gc_bBhop.IntValue != 0) AddMenuItem(menu, "Bhop", info, ITEMDRAW_DISABLED);
		Format(info, sizeof(info), "%T","shop_menu_froggyjump", client, gc_bFroggyJump.IntValue);
		if (gc_iFroggyJumpOnlyTeam.IntValue <= 1 && Forward_OnGetCredits(client) >= gc_bFroggyJump.IntValue && gc_bFroggyJump.IntValue != 0 && g_bAllowBuy && IsPlayerAlive(client) && !g_bBhop[client]) AddMenuItem(menu, "FroggyJump", info);
		else if (gc_iFroggyJumpOnlyTeam.IntValue <= 1 && gc_bFroggyJump.IntValue != 0) AddMenuItem(menu, "FroggyJump", info, ITEMDRAW_DISABLED);
		if (GetUserFlagBits(client) & (ADMFLAG_CUSTOM1) == (ADMFLAG_CUSTOM1))
			Format(info, sizeof(info), "%T","shop_menu_gravity", client, gc_bGravity.IntValue);
			if (gc_iGravOnlyTeam.IntValue <= 1 && Forward_OnGetCredits(client) >= gc_bGravity.IntValue && gc_bGravity.IntValue != 0 && g_bAllowBuy && IsPlayerAlive(client)) AddMenuItem(menu, "Gravity", info);
			else if (gc_iGravOnlyTeam.IntValue <= 1 && gc_bGravity.IntValue != 0) AddMenuItem(menu, "Gravity", info, ITEMDRAW_DISABLED);
			Format(info, sizeof(info), "%T","shop_menu_nodamage", client, gc_bNoDamage.IntValue, RoundToCeil(gc_fNoDamageTime.FloatValue));
			if (gc_iNoDamageOnlyTeam.IntValue <= 1 && Forward_OnGetCredits(client) >= gc_bNoDamage.IntValue && gc_bNoDamage.IntValue != 0 && g_bAllowBuy && IsPlayerAlive(client)) AddMenuItem(menu, "NoDamage", info);
			else if (gc_iNoDamageOnlyTeam.IntValue <= 1 && gc_bNoDamage.IntValue != 0) AddMenuItem(menu, "NoDamage", info, ITEMDRAW_DISABLED);
			Format(info, sizeof(info), "%T","shop_menu_revive", client, gc_bRevive.IntValue);
			if (gc_iReviveOnlyTeam.IntValue <= 1 && Forward_OnGetCredits(client) >= gc_bRevive.IntValue && gc_bRevive.IntValue != 0 && !IsPlayerAlive(client) && !g_bIsLR && GetAliveTeamCount(GetClientTeam(client)) > 1) AddMenuItem(menu, "Revive", info);
			else if (gc_iReviveOnlyTeam.IntValue <= 1 && gc_bRevive.IntValue != 0) AddMenuItem(menu, "Revive", info, ITEMDRAW_DISABLED);
			if (gp_bCustomPlayerSkins)
				Format(info, sizeof(info), "%T","shop_menu_wallhack", client, gc_bWallhack.IntValue);
				if (gc_iWallhackOnlyTeam.IntValue <= 1 && Forward_OnGetCredits(client) >= gc_bWallhack.IntValue && gc_bWallhack.IntValue != 0 && g_bAllowBuy && IsPlayerAlive(client)) AddMenuItem(menu, "Wallhack", info);
				else if (gc_iWallhackOnlyTeam.IntValue <= 1 && gc_bWallhack.IntValue != 0) AddMenuItem(menu, "Wallhack", info, ITEMDRAW_DISABLED);
	menu.ExitButton = true;
	menu.Display(client, MENU_TIME_FOREVER);
	return Plugin_Handled;

public int Handler_Menu_OpenShop(Menu menu, MenuAction action, int client, int itemNum) 
	if (action == MenuAction_Select)
		if (g_bAllowBuy && gc_bEnable.BoolValue)
			if (gp_bMyJailBreak && !gc_bEventdays.BoolValue)
				if (MyJailbreak_IsEventDayRunning())
					CReplyToCommand(client, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_disabled");
			char info[32];
			menu.GetItem(itemNum, info, sizeof(info));
			if (strcmp(info,"Invisible") == 0)
				Item_Invisible(client, info);
			else if (strcmp(info,"AWP") == 0)
				Item_AWP(client, info);
			else if (strcmp(info,"NoDamage") == 0)
				Item_NoDamage(client, info);
			else if (strcmp(info,"Doors") == 0)
				Item_Doors(client, info);
			else if (strcmp(info,"Vampire") == 0)
				Item_Vampire(client, info);
			else if (strcmp(info,"Health") == 0)
				Item_Health(client, info);
			else if (strcmp(info,"Deagle") == 0)
				Item_Deagle(client, info);
			else if (strcmp(info,"Knife") == 0)
				Item_Knife(client, info);
			else if (strcmp(info,"Heal") == 0)
				Item_Heal(client, info);
			else if (strcmp(info,"Molotov") == 0)
				Item_Molotov(client, info);
			else if (strcmp(info,"FakeModel") == 0)
				Item_FakeModel(client, info);
			else if (strcmp(info,"PoisonSmoke") == 0)
				Item_PoisonSmoke(client, info);
			else if (strcmp(info,"Bird") == 0)
				Item_Bird(client, info);
			else if (strcmp(info,"TeleportSmoke") == 0)
				Item_TeleportSmoke(client, info);
			else if (strcmp(info,"FireGrenade") == 0)
				Item_FireGrenade(client, info);
			else if (strcmp(info,"Bhop") == 0)
				Item_Bhop(client, info);
			else if (strcmp(info,"Gravity") == 0)
				Item_Gravity(client, info);
			else if (strcmp(info,"Taser") == 0)
				Item_Taser(client, info);
			else if (strcmp(info,"NoClip") == 0)
				Item_NoClip(client, info);
			else if (strcmp(info,"Revive") == 0)
				Item_Revive(client, info);
			else if (strcmp(info,"Wallhack") == 0)
				Item_Wallhack(client, info);
			else if (strcmp(info,"ThrowingKnife") == 0)
				Item_ThrowingKnife(client, info);
			else if (strcmp(info,"FroggyJump") == 0)
				Item_FroggyJump(client, info);
			else if (strcmp(info,"PaperClip") == 0)
				Item_PaperClip(client, info);
			if (!gc_bClose.BoolValue)
		else CPrintToChat(client, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_buytime");


void Item_Invisible(int client, char [] name)
	if (IsPlayerAlive(client))
		SDKHook(client, SDKHook_SetTransmit, Hook_SetTransmit);
		g_bInvisible[client] = true;
		CreateTimer(gc_fInvisibleTime.FloatValue, Timer_Invisible, client);
		GivePlayerItem(client, "weapon_knife");
		Forward_OnPlayerBuyItem(client, name);
		if(gp_bMyIcons) MyIcons_BlockClientIcon(client, true);
		CPrintToChat(client, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_invisible", RoundToCeil(gc_fInvisibleTime.FloatValue));
		CPrintToChat(client, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_costs", Forward_OnGetCredits(client), gc_bInvisible.IntValue);
		if (gc_bLogging.BoolValue) LogToFileEx(g_sPurchaseLogFile, "Player %L bought: Invisible", client);
	else CPrintToChat(client, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_alive");

void Item_AWP(int client, char [] name)
	if (g_bOneBulletAWP[client])
		CPrintToChat(client, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_max");
	else if (IsPlayerAlive(client))
		int weapon;
		if ((weapon = GetPlayerWeaponSlot(client, CS_SLOT_PRIMARY)) != -1)   //if player has already a weapon
			SDKHooks_DropWeapon(client, weapon, NULL_VECTOR, NULL_VECTOR);
			if (gc_bRemoveWeapon.BoolValue) AcceptEntityInput(weapon, "Kill");
		int iAWP = GivePlayerItem(client, "weapon_awp");
		g_bOneBulletAWP[client] = true;
		SetPlayerWeaponAmmo(client, iAWP, 1, 0);
		Forward_OnPlayerBuyItem(client, name);
		CPrintToChat(client, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_awp");
		CPrintToChat(client, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_costs", Forward_OnGetCredits(client), gc_bAWP.IntValue);
		if (gc_bLogging.BoolValue) LogToFileEx(g_sPurchaseLogFile, "Player %L bought: AWP", client);
	else CPrintToChat(client, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_alive");

void Item_NoDamage(int client, char [] name)
	if (IsPlayerAlive(client))
		g_bNoDamage[client] = true;
		CreateTimer(gc_fNoDamageTime.FloatValue, Timer_NoDamage, client);
		Forward_OnPlayerBuyItem(client, name);
		CPrintToChat(client, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_nodamage", RoundToCeil(gc_fNoDamageTime.FloatValue));
		CPrintToChat(client, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_costs", Forward_OnGetCredits(client), gc_bNoDamage.IntValue);
		if (gc_bLogging.BoolValue) LogToFileEx(g_sPurchaseLogFile, "Player %L bought: No Damage", client);
	else CPrintToChat(client, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_alive");

void Item_Doors(int client, char [] name)
	if (!g_bCellsOpen)
		Forward_OnPlayerBuyItem(client, name);
		CPrintToChat(client, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_opencell");
		CPrintToChat(client, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_costs", Forward_OnGetCredits(client), gc_bOpenCells.IntValue);
		CPrintToChatAll("%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_opencellall", client); 
		if (gc_bLogging.BoolValue) LogToFileEx(g_sPurchaseLogFile, "Player %L bought: Open cells", client);
	else CPrintToChat(client, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_alreadyopen");

void Item_Vampire(int client, char [] name)
	if (IsPlayerAlive(client))
		SetEntPropFloat(client, Prop_Data, "m_flLaggedMovementValue", gc_fVampireSpeed.FloatValue);
		Forward_OnPlayerBuyItem(client, name);
		g_bVampire[client] = true;
		CPrintToChat(client, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_vapire");
		CPrintToChat(client, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_costs", Forward_OnGetCredits(client), gc_bVampire.IntValue);
		if (gc_bLogging.BoolValue) LogToFileEx(g_sPurchaseLogFile, "Player %L bought: Vampire", client);
	else CPrintToChat(client, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_alive");

void Item_Health(int client, char [] name)
	if (g_bHealth[client])
		CPrintToChat(client, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_max");
	else if (IsPlayerAlive(client))
		Forward_OnPlayerBuyItem(client, name);
		int health = (GetClientHealth(client) + gc_iHealthExtra.IntValue);
		SetEntityHealth(client, health);
		GivePlayerItem( client, "_assaultsuit");
		SetEntProp( client, Prop_Send, "m_ArmorValue", 100, 1 );
		g_bHealth[client] = true;
		CPrintToChat(client, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_health", gc_iHealthExtra.IntValue);
		CPrintToChat(client, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_costs", Forward_OnGetCredits(client), gc_bHealth.IntValue);
		if (gc_bLogging.BoolValue) LogToFileEx(g_sPurchaseLogFile, "Player %L bought: Health", client);
	else CPrintToChat(client, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_alive");

void Item_Deagle(int client, char [] name)
	if (g_bOneMagDeagle[client])
		CPrintToChat(client, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_max");
	else if (IsPlayerAlive(client))
		int weapon;
		if ((weapon = GetPlayerWeaponSlot(client, CS_SLOT_SECONDARY)) != -1)   //if player has already a weapon
			SDKHooks_DropWeapon(client, weapon, NULL_VECTOR, NULL_VECTOR);
			if (gc_bRemoveWeapon.BoolValue) AcceptEntityInput(weapon, "Kill");
		int iDeagle = GivePlayerItem(client, "weapon_deagle");
		g_bOneMagDeagle[client] = true;
		SetPlayerWeaponAmmo(client, iDeagle, 7, 0);
		Forward_OnPlayerBuyItem(client, name);
		CPrintToChat(client, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_deagle");
		CPrintToChat(client, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_costs", Forward_OnGetCredits(client), gc_bDeagle.IntValue);
		if (gc_bLogging.BoolValue) LogToFileEx(g_sPurchaseLogFile, "Player %L bought: Deagle", client);
	else CPrintToChat(client, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_alive");

void Item_Knife(int client, char [] name)
	if (IsPlayerAlive(client))
		int currentknife = GetPlayerWeaponSlot(client, 2);
		if (IsValidEntity(currentknife) && currentknife != INVALID_ENT_REFERENCE)
			RemovePlayerItem(client, currentknife);
		int iKnife = GivePlayerItem(client, "weapon_knifegg");
		EquipPlayerWeapon(client, iKnife);
		g_bSuperKnife[client] = true;
		Forward_OnPlayerBuyItem(client, name);
		CPrintToChat(client, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_knife");
		CPrintToChat(client, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_costs", Forward_OnGetCredits(client), gc_bKnife.IntValue);
		if (gc_bLogging.BoolValue) LogToFileEx(g_sPurchaseLogFile, "Player %L bought: One hit knife", client);
	else CPrintToChat(client, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_alive");

void Item_Heal(int client, char [] name)
	if (IsPlayerAlive(client))
		int health = GetEntProp(client, Prop_Send, "m_iHealth");
		if (health >= 100)
			CPrintToChat(client, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_fulllive");
			SetEntityHealth(client, 100);
			Forward_OnPlayerBuyItem(client, name);
			CPrintToChat(client, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_heal");
			CPrintToChat(client, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_costs", Forward_OnGetCredits(client), gc_bHeal.IntValue);
			if (gc_bLogging.BoolValue) LogToFileEx(g_sPurchaseLogFile, "Player %L bought: heal", client);
	else CPrintToChat(client, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_alive");

void Item_Molotov(int client, char [] name)
	if (g_bMolotov[client])
		CPrintToChat(client, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_max");
	else if (IsPlayerAlive(client))
		GivePlayerItem(client, "weapon_molotov");
		GivePlayerItem(client, "weapon_flashbang");
		GivePlayerItem(client, "weapon_flashbang");
		g_bMolotov[client] = true;
		Forward_OnPlayerBuyItem(client, name);
		CPrintToChat(client, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_molotov");
		CPrintToChat(client, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_costs", Forward_OnGetCredits(client), gc_bMolotov.IntValue);
		if (gc_bLogging.BoolValue) LogToFileEx(g_sPurchaseLogFile, "Player %L bought: Molotov", client);
	else CPrintToChat(client, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_alive");

void Item_FakeModel(int client, char [] name)
	if (IsPlayerAlive(client))
		Forward_OnPlayerBuyItem(client, name);
		g_bFakeGuard[client] = true;
		GetEntPropString(client, Prop_Data, "m_ModelName", g_sModelPathPrevious[client], sizeof(g_sModelPathPrevious[]));
		SetEntityModel(client, g_sModelPathFakeGuard);
		CPrintToChat(client, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_model");
		CPrintToChat(client, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_costs", Forward_OnGetCredits(client), gc_bFakeModel.IntValue);
		if (gc_bLogging.BoolValue) LogToFileEx(g_sPurchaseLogFile, "Player %L bought: FakeModel", client);
		if(gp_bMyIcons) MyIcons_BlockClientIcon(client, true);
	else CPrintToChat(client, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_alive");

void Item_PoisonSmoke(int client, char [] name)
	if (IsPlayerAlive(client))
		Forward_OnPlayerBuyItem(client, name);
		GivePlayerItem(client, "weapon_smokegrenade");
		g_bPoison[client] = true;
		CPrintToChat(client, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_poisensmoke");
		CPrintToChat(client, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_costs", Forward_OnGetCredits(client), gc_bPoisonSmoke.IntValue);
		if (gc_bLogging.BoolValue) LogToFileEx(g_sPurchaseLogFile, "Player %L bought: Poison smoke", client);
	else CPrintToChat(client, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_alive");

void Item_Bird(int client, char [] name)
	if (IsPlayerAlive(client))
		Forward_OnPlayerBuyItem(client, name);
		SetEntityMoveType(client, MOVETYPE_FLY);
		ClientCommand(client, "thirdperson");
		GetEntPropString(client, Prop_Data, "m_ModelName", g_sModelPathPrevious[client], sizeof(g_sModelPathPrevious[]));
		if (gc_iBird.IntValue == 1) SetEntityModel(client, "models/chicken/chicken.mdl");
		if (gc_iBird.IntValue == 2) SetEntityModel(client, "models/pigeon.mdl");
		if (gc_iBird.IntValue == 3) SetEntityModel(client, "models/crow.mdl");
		g_bFly[client] = true;
		CPrintToChat(client, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_bird");
		CPrintToChat(client, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_costs", Forward_OnGetCredits(client), gc_bBird.IntValue);
		if (gc_bLogging.BoolValue) LogToFileEx(g_sPurchaseLogFile, "Player %L bought: be a bird", client);
		if(gp_bMyIcons) MyIcons_BlockClientIcon(client, true);
	else CPrintToChat(client, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_alive");

void Item_TeleportSmoke(int client, char [] name)
	if (IsPlayerAlive(client))
		GivePlayerItem(client, "weapon_smokegrenade");
		Forward_OnPlayerBuyItem(client, name);
		g_bTeleportSmoke[client] = true;
		CPrintToChat(client, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_teleportsmoke");
		CPrintToChat(client, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_costs", Forward_OnGetCredits(client), gc_bTeleportSmoke.IntValue);
		if (gc_bLogging.BoolValue) LogToFileEx(g_sPurchaseLogFile, "Player %L bought: Teleport smoke", client);
	else CPrintToChat(client, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_alive");

void Item_FireGrenade(int client, char [] name)
	if (IsPlayerAlive(client))
		GivePlayerItem(client, "weapon_hegrenade");
		Forward_OnPlayerBuyItem(client, name);
		g_bFireHE[client] = true;
		CPrintToChat(client, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_firegrenade");
		CPrintToChat(client, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_costs", Forward_OnGetCredits(client), gc_bFireHE.IntValue);
		if (gc_bLogging.BoolValue) LogToFileEx(g_sPurchaseLogFile, "Player %L bought: Fire HE", client);
	else CPrintToChat(client, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_alive");

void Item_Gravity(int client, char [] name)
	if (IsPlayerAlive(client))
		Forward_OnPlayerBuyItem(client, name);
		SetEntityGravity(client, gc_fGravValue.FloatValue);
		CPrintToChat(client, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_gravity");
		CPrintToChat(client, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_costs", Forward_OnGetCredits(client), gc_bGravity.IntValue);
		if (gc_bLogging.BoolValue) LogToFileEx(g_sPurchaseLogFile, "Player %L bought: Gravity", client);
	else CPrintToChat(client, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_alive");

void Item_Bhop(int client, char [] name)
	if (IsPlayerAlive(client))
		Forward_OnPlayerBuyItem(client, name);
		g_bBhop[client] = true;
		CPrintToChat(client, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_bhop");
		CPrintToChat(client, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_costs", Forward_OnGetCredits(client), gc_bBhop.IntValue);
		if (gc_bLogging.BoolValue) LogToFileEx(g_sPurchaseLogFile, "Player %L bought: Bhop", client);
	else CPrintToChat(client, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_alive");

void Item_Taser(int client, char [] name)
	if (IsPlayerAlive(client))
		Forward_OnPlayerBuyItem(client, name);
		int iTaser = GivePlayerItem(client, "weapon_taser");
		SetEntProp(iTaser, Prop_Send, "m_iPrimaryReserveAmmoCount", 0);
		SetEntProp(iTaser, Prop_Send, "m_iClip1", 3);
		CPrintToChat(client, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_taser");
		CPrintToChat(client, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_costs", Forward_OnGetCredits(client), gc_bTaser.IntValue);
		if (gc_bLogging.BoolValue) LogToFileEx(g_sPurchaseLogFile, "Player %L bought: Taser", client);
	else CPrintToChat(client, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_alive");

void Item_NoClip(int client, char [] name)
	if (IsPlayerAlive(client))
		g_bNoClip[client] = true;
		SetEntityMoveType(client, MOVETYPE_NOCLIP);
		CreateTimer(gc_fNoClipTime.FloatValue, Timer_NoClip, client);
		Forward_OnPlayerBuyItem(client, name);
		CPrintToChat(client, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_noclip", RoundToCeil(gc_fNoClipTime.FloatValue));
		CPrintToChat(client, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_costs", Forward_OnGetCredits(client), gc_bNoClip.IntValue);
		if (gc_bLogging.BoolValue) LogToFileEx(g_sPurchaseLogFile, "Player %L bought: No clip", client);
	else CPrintToChat(client, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_alive");

void Item_ThrowingKnife(int client, char [] name)
	if (g_bThrowingKnife[client])
		CPrintToChat(client, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_max");
	else if (IsPlayerAlive(client) && !g_bThrowingKnife[client])
		g_bThrowingKnife[client] = true;
		g_iKnifesThrown[client] = 0;
		Forward_OnPlayerBuyItem(client, name);
		CPrintToChat(client, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_throwingknife");
		CPrintToChat(client, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_costs", Forward_OnGetCredits(client), gc_bThrowKnife.IntValue);
		if (gc_bLogging.BoolValue) LogToFileEx(g_sPurchaseLogFile, "Player %L bought: Throw knife", client);
	else CPrintToChat(client, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_alive");

void Item_Revive(int client, char [] name)
	if (!IsPlayerAlive(client))
		if(!g_bIsLR && GetAliveTeamCount(GetClientTeam(client)) > 1)
			if (Forward_OnGetCredits(client) >= gc_bRevive.IntValue)
				Forward_OnPlayerBuyItem(client, name);
				CPrintToChatAll("%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_revived", client);
				if (gc_bLogging.BoolValue) LogToFileEx(g_sPurchaseLogFile, "Player %L bought: Revive", client);
			else CPrintToChat(client, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_missingcredits", Forward_OnGetCredits(client), gc_bRevive.IntValue);
	else CPrintToChat(client, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_dead");

void Item_FroggyJump(int client, char [] name)
	if (IsPlayerAlive(client))
		if (Forward_OnGetCredits(client) >= gc_bFroggyJump.IntValue)
			g_bFroggyJump[client] = true;
			Forward_OnPlayerBuyItem(client, name);
			CPrintToChat(client, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_froggyjump", client);
			if (gc_bLogging.BoolValue) LogToFileEx(g_sPurchaseLogFile, "Player %L bought: FroggyJump", client);
		else CPrintToChat(client, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_missingcredits", Forward_OnGetCredits(client), gc_bFroggyJump.IntValue);
	else CPrintToChat(client, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_alive");

void Item_PaperClip(int client, char [] name)
	if (IsPlayerAlive(client))
		if (Forward_OnGetCredits(client) >= gc_iPaperClip.IntValue)
			warden_handcuffs_givepaperclip(client, gc_iPaperClipAmount.IntValue);
			Forward_OnPlayerBuyItem(client, name);
			CPrintToChat(client, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_paperclip", gc_iPaperClipAmount.IntValue);
			if (gc_bLogging.BoolValue) LogToFileEx(g_sPurchaseLogFile, "Player %L bought: Paperclip", client);
		else CPrintToChat(client, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_missingcredits", Forward_OnGetCredits(client), gc_iPaperClip.IntValue);
	else CPrintToChat(client, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_alive");

void Item_Wallhack(int client, char [] name)
	if (IsPlayerAlive(client))
		if (Forward_OnGetCredits(client) >= gc_bWallhack.IntValue)
			g_bWallhack[client] = true;
			LoopClients(i) Setup_WallhackSkin(i);
			CreateTimer (gc_fWallhackTime.FloatValue, Timer_Wallhack, client);
			Forward_OnPlayerBuyItem(client, name);
			CPrintToChat(client, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_wallhack", client);
			if (gc_bLogging.BoolValue) LogToFileEx(g_sPurchaseLogFile, "Player %L bought: Wallhack", client);
		else CPrintToChat(client, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_missingcredits", Forward_OnGetCredits(client), gc_bWallhack.IntValue);
	else CPrintToChat(client, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_alive");

//Perpare client for wallhack
void Setup_WallhackSkin(int client)
	char sModel[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
	GetClientModel(client, sModel, sizeof(sModel));
	int iSkin = CPS_SetSkin(client, sModel, CPS_RENDER);
	if (iSkin == -1)
	if (SDKHookEx(iSkin, SDKHook_SetTransmit, OnSetTransmit_Wallhack))
		Setup_Wallhack(iSkin, client);

//set client wallhacked
void Setup_Wallhack(int iSkin, int client)
	int iOffset;
	if (!iOffset && (iOffset = GetEntSendPropOffs(iSkin, "m_clrGlow")) == -1)
	SetEntProp(iSkin, Prop_Send, "m_bShouldGlow", true, true);
	SetEntProp(iSkin, Prop_Send, "m_nGlowStyle", 0);
	SetEntPropFloat(iSkin, Prop_Send, "m_flGlowMaxDist", 10000000.0);
	int iRed = 60;
	int iGreen = 60;
	int iBlue = 60;
	if (GetClientTeam(client) == CS_TEAM_CT) iBlue = 240;
	if (GetClientTeam(client) == CS_TEAM_T) iRed = 240;
	SetEntData(iSkin, iOffset, iRed, _, true);
	SetEntData(iSkin, iOffset + 1, iGreen, _, true);
	SetEntData(iSkin, iOffset + 2, iBlue, _, true);
	SetEntData(iSkin, iOffset + 3, 255, _, true);

//Who can see wallhack if vaild
public Action OnSetTransmit_Wallhack(int iSkin, int client)
	if (!IsPlayerAlive(client))
		return Plugin_Handled;
		if (!CPS_HasSkin(target))
		if (GetClientTeam(target) == GetClientTeam(client))
		if (EntRefToEntIndex(CPS_GetSkin(target)) != iSkin)
		if (g_bWallhack[client])
		return Plugin_Continue;
	return Plugin_Handled;

//remove wallhack
void UnhookWallhack(int client)
	if (IsValidClient(client, true, true))
		char sModel[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
		GetClientModel(client, sModel, sizeof(sModel));
		SDKUnhook(client, SDKHook_SetTransmit, OnSetTransmit_Wallhack);

//awesome code by bacardi https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=269846
public Action KnifeHit(int knife, int other)
	if(0 < other <= MaxClients) // Hits player index
		int victim = other;
		AcceptEntityInput(knife, "DispatchEffect");
		AcceptEntityInput(knife, "Kill");
		int attacker = GetEntPropEnt(knife, Prop_Send, "m_hThrower");
		int inflictor = GetPlayerWeaponSlot(attacker, CS_SLOT_KNIFE);
		if(inflictor == -1)
			inflictor = attacker;
		float victimeye[3];
		GetClientEyePosition(victim, victimeye);
		float damagePosition[3];
		float damageForce[3];
		GetEntPropVector(knife, Prop_Data, "m_vecOrigin", damagePosition);
		GetEntPropVector(knife, Prop_Data, "m_vecVelocity", damageForce);
		if(GetVectorLength(damageForce) == 0.0) // knife movement stop
		// damage values and type
		float damage = 200.0;
		int dmgtype = DMG_SLASH|DMG_NEVERGIB;
		// create damage
		SDKHooks_TakeDamage(victim, inflictor, attacker, damage, dmgtype, knife, damageForce, damagePosition);
		// blood effect
		int color[] = {255, 0, 0, 255};
		float dir[3];
		TE_SetupBloodSprite(damagePosition, dir, color, 1, PrecacheDecal("sprites/blood.vmt"), PrecacheDecal("sprites/blood.vmt"));
		// ragdoll effect
		int ragdoll = GetEntPropEnt(victim, Prop_Send, "m_hRagdoll");
		if(ragdoll != -1)
			ScaleVector(damageForce, 50.0);
			damageForce[2] = FloatAbs(damageForce[2]); // push up!
			SetEntPropVector(ragdoll, Prop_Send, "m_vecForce", damageForce);
			SetEntPropVector(ragdoll, Prop_Send, "m_vecRagdollVelocity", damageForce);
	else if(FindValueInArray(g_hThrownKnives, EntIndexToEntRef(other)) != -1) // knives collide
		SDKUnhook(knife, SDKHook_Touch, KnifeHit);
		float pos[3], dir[3];
		GetEntPropVector(knife, Prop_Data, "m_vecOrigin", pos);
		TE_SetupArmorRicochet(pos, dir);
		DispatchKeyValue(knife, "OnUser1", "!self,Kill,,1.0,-1");
		AcceptEntityInput(knife, "FireUser1");


public Action Timer_BuyTime(Handle timer)
	if (g_bAllowBuy && gc_bEnable.BoolValue)
		g_bAllowBuy = false;
		CPrintToChatAll("%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_buytime");

public Action Timer_NoClip(Handle timer, any client)
	g_bNoClip[client] = false;
	SetEntityMoveType(client, MOVETYPE_WALK);
	CPrintToChat(client, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_noclipend");
	return Plugin_Stop;

public Action Timer_WelcomeMessage(Handle timer, any client)
	if (gc_bWelcome.BoolValue && IsClientInGame(client) && gc_bEnable.BoolValue) CPrintToChat(client, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_welcome");

public Action Timer_DeathMessage(Handle timer, any client)
	if (IsClientInGame(client) && !g_bIsLR && GetAliveTeamCount(GetClientTeam(client)) > 1 && gc_bEnable.BoolValue) CPrintToChat(client, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_revivehint", gc_bRevive.IntValue);

public Action Timer_Delete(Handle timer, any entity)
	if (IsValidEdict(entity)) AcceptEntityInput(entity, "kill");

public Action Timer_CheckDamage(Handle timer, any iEntity)
	if (!IsValidEdict(iEntity))
		return Plugin_Stop;
	int client = GetEntPropEnt(iEntity, Prop_Send, "m_hOwnerEntity");
	if (!IsValidClient(client, true, false))
		return Plugin_Stop;
	float fSmokeOrigin[3], fOrigin[3];
	GetEntPropVector(iEntity, Prop_Send, "m_vecOrigin", fSmokeOrigin);
	LoopValidClients(i, true, true)
		if (GetClientTeam(i) != GetClientTeam(client))
			GetClientAbsOrigin(i, fOrigin);
			if (GetVectorDistance(fSmokeOrigin, fOrigin) <= 220) DealDamage(i, 75, client, DMG_POISON, "weapon_smokegrenade");
	return Plugin_Continue;

public Action Timer_Credits (Handle timer)
	LoopValidClients(i, false, true) if (GetClientTeam(i) != CS_TEAM_SPECTATOR && gc_bEnable.BoolValue)
		if (GetAllPlayersCount() >= gc_iMinPlayersToGetCredits.IntValue && (gc_bCreditsWarmup.BoolValue || GameRules_GetProp("m_bWarmupPeriod") != 1)) 
			if (IsPlayerReservationAdmin(i))
				if (gc_bNotification.BoolValue) CPrintToChat(i, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_playtime", gc_iCreditsVIPPerTime.IntValue);
				Forward_OnPlayerGetCredits(i, gc_iCreditsVIPPerTime.IntValue);
				if (gc_bNotification.BoolValue) CPrintToChat(i, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_playtime", gc_iCreditsTime.IntValue);
				Forward_OnPlayerGetCredits(i, gc_iCreditsTime.IntValue);

public Action Timer_NoDamage(Handle timer, any client)
	if (IsClientInGame(client) && IsPlayerAlive(client))
		CPrintToChat(client, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_unnodamage");
		g_bNoDamage[client] = false;

public Action Timer_Wallhack(Handle timer, any client)
	if (IsClientInGame(client) && IsPlayerAlive(client))
		CPrintToChat(client, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_unwallhack");
		g_bWallhack[client] = false;
		LoopClients(i) if(g_bWallhack[i]) return;
		LoopClients(iC) UnhookWallhack(iC);

public Action Timer_Invisible(Handle timer, any client)
	if (IsClientInGame(client) && IsPlayerAlive(client))
		g_bInvisible[client] = false;
		CPrintToChat(client, "%t %t", "shop_tag", "shop_visible");
		SDKUnhook(client, SDKHook_SetTransmit, Hook_SetTransmit);
		if(gp_bMyIcons) MyIcons_BlockClientIcon(client, false);

//awesome code by bacardi https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=269846
public Action Timer_CreateKnife(Handle timer, any client)
	g_hTimerDelay[client] = INVALID_HANDLE;
	int slot_knife = GetPlayerWeaponSlot(client, CS_SLOT_KNIFE);
	int knife = CreateEntityByName("smokegrenade_projectile");
	if (g_iKnifesThrown[client] > gc_iThrowKnifeCount.IntValue) return;
	if(knife == -1 || !DispatchSpawn(knife))
	// owner
	int team = GetClientTeam(client);
	SetEntPropEnt(knife, Prop_Send, "m_hOwnerEntity", client);
	SetEntPropEnt(knife, Prop_Send, "m_hThrower", client);
	SetEntProp(knife, Prop_Send, "m_iTeamNum", team);
	// player knife model
	char model[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
	if(slot_knife != -1)
		GetEntPropString(slot_knife, Prop_Data, "m_ModelName", model, sizeof(model));
		if(ReplaceString(model, sizeof(model), "v_knife_", "w_knife_", true) != 1)
			model[0] = '\0';
		else if(ReplaceString(model, sizeof(model), ".mdl", "_dropped.mdl", true) != 1)
			model[0] = '\0';
	// model and size
	SetEntProp(knife, Prop_Send, "m_nModelIndex", PrecacheModel(model));
	SetEntPropFloat(knife, Prop_Send, "m_flModelScale", 1.0);
	// knive elasticity
	SetEntPropFloat(knife, Prop_Send, "m_flElasticity", 0.2);
	// gravity
	SetEntPropFloat(knife, Prop_Data, "m_flGravity", 1.0);
	// Player origin and angle
	float origin[3], angle[3];
	GetClientEyePosition(client, origin);
	GetClientEyeAngles(client, angle);
	// knive new spawn position and angle is same as player's
	float pos[3];
	GetAngleVectors(angle, pos, NULL_VECTOR, NULL_VECTOR);
	ScaleVector(pos, 50.0);
	AddVectors(pos, origin, pos);
	// knive flying direction and speed/power
	float player_velocity[3], velocity[3];
	GetEntPropVector(client, Prop_Data, "m_vecVelocity", player_velocity);
	GetAngleVectors(angle, velocity, NULL_VECTOR, NULL_VECTOR);
	ScaleVector(velocity, 2250.0);
	AddVectors(velocity, player_velocity, velocity);
	// spin knive
	float spin[] = {4000.0, 0.0, 0.0};
	SetEntPropVector(knife, Prop_Data, "m_vecAngVelocity", spin);
	// Stop grenade detonate and Kill knive after 1 - 30 sec
	SetEntProp(knife, Prop_Data, "m_nNextThinkTick", -1);
	char buffer[25];
	Format(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "!self,Kill,,%0.1f,-1", 1.5);
	DispatchKeyValue(knife, "OnUser1", buffer);
	AcceptEntityInput(knife, "FireUser1");
	int color[4] = {255, ...}; 
	TE_SetupBeamFollow(knife, PrecacheModel("effects/blueblacklargebeam.vmt"), 0, 0.5, 1.0, 0.1, 0, color);
	// Throw knive!
	TeleportEntity(knife, pos, angle, velocity);
	SDKHookEx(knife, SDKHook_Touch, KnifeHit);
	PushArrayCell(g_hThrownKnives, EntIndexToEntRef(knife));


public void OnMapEnd ()
	if (g_hTimerCredits != INVALID_HANDLE)
		g_hTimerCredits = INVALID_HANDLE;
	if (!g_bDBConnected && gc_bMySQL.BoolValue)
	LoopValidClients(i, false, true)
		if (gc_bMySQL.BoolValue ) DB_WriteCredits(i);

public void OnClientAuthorized(int client, const char [] auth)
	if (!g_bDBConnected && gc_bMySQL.BoolValue) DB_Connect();
	if (gc_bMySQL.BoolValue && !IsFakeClient(client))

public Action Event_PlayerDisconnect(Event event, const char [] name, bool dontBroadcast) // EVENT OR FORWARD
	int client = GetClientOfUserId(event.GetInt("userid"));
	if (gc_bMySQL.BoolValue && client > 0 && !IsFakeClient(client))
		if (!g_bDBConnected && gc_bMySQL.BoolValue) DB_Connect();
	if (gp_bCustomPlayerSkins) UnhookWallhack(client);
	return Plugin_Continue;

stock int GetAllPlayersCount()
	int iCount = 0;
	LoopValidClients(clients, false, true) iCount++;
	return iCount;

stock bool IsPlayerReservationAdmin(int client)
	if (CheckCommandAccess(client, "Admin_Reservation", ADMFLAG_RESERVATION, false))
		return true;
	return false;

 * Attempts to connect to the database.
 * Creates the credits table (TABLE_NAME) ifneeded.
 * 'Cleans' the database eliminating players with a very small number of wins+losses. (meant to reduce database size)
public void DB_Connect()
	char error[255];
	g_hDB = SQL_Connect("MyJailShop", true, error, sizeof(error));
		g_bDBConnected = false;
		LogError("Could not connect: %s", error);
		// create the table
		g_bDBConnected = true;

static void CreateTables()
	Format(g_sSQLBuffer, sizeof(g_sSQLBuffer), "CREATE TABLE if NOT EXISTS myjs_credits (accountID INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY default 0, steamid varchar(64) NOT NULL default '', name varchar(64) NOT NULL default '', credits INT NOT NULL default 0);");
	SQL_FastQuery(g_hDB, g_sSQLBuffer);

 * Generic SQL threaded query error callback.
public void SQLErrorCheckCallback(Handle owner, Handle hndl, const char [] error, any data)
	if (!StrEqual("", error))
		g_bDBConnected = false;
		LogError("Last Connect SQL (error: %s)", error);

 * Adds a player, updating their name ifthey already exist, to the database.
public void DB_AddPlayer(int client)
		int id = GetSteamAccountID(client);
		// player name
		char name[64];
		GetClientName(client, name, sizeof(name));
		char sanitized_name[64];
		SQL_EscapeString(g_hDB, name, sanitized_name, sizeof(name));
		// steam id
		char steamid[64];
		GetClientAuthId(client, AuthId_Steam2, steamid, sizeof(steamid));
		// insert ifnot already in the table
		Format(g_sSQLBuffer, sizeof(g_sSQLBuffer),
			"INSERT IGNORE INTO myjs_credits (accountID,steamid,name,credits) VALUES (%d, '%s', '%s', 0);", id, steamid, sanitized_name);
		SQL_TQuery(g_hDB, SQLErrorCheckCallback, g_sSQLBuffer);
		// update the player name
		Format(g_sSQLBuffer, sizeof(g_sSQLBuffer),
			"UPDATE myjs_credits SET name = '%s' WHERE accountID = %d", sanitized_name, id);
		SQL_TQuery(g_hDB, SQLErrorCheckCallback, g_sSQLBuffer);

 * Reads a player credits from the database.
 * Note that this is a *SLOW* operation and you should not do it during gameplay
public void DB_FetchCredits(int client)
	int credits = 0;
		Format(g_sSQLBuffer, sizeof(g_sSQLBuffer),
			"SELECT credits FROM myjs_credits WHERE accountID = %d", GetSteamAccountID(client));
		Handle query = SQL_Query(g_hDB, g_sSQLBuffer);
		if (query == INVALID_HANDLE)
			char error[255];
			SQL_GetError(g_hDB, error, sizeof(error));
			LogError("Failed to query (error: %s)", error);
			g_bDBConnected = false;
		else if (SQL_FetchRow(query)) credits = SQL_FetchInt(query, 0);
		else LogMessage("Couldn't fetchcredits for %N, probably it is first connection of client", client);
	g_iCredits[client] = credits;

 * Writes the credits to the database.

public void DB_WriteCredits(int client)
	Format(g_sSQLBuffer, sizeof(g_sSQLBuffer), "UPDATE myjs_credits set credits = %d WHERE accountID = %d", Forward_OnGetCredits(client), GetSteamAccountID(client));
	SQL_TQuery(g_hDB, SQLErrorCheckCallback, g_sSQLBuffer);


//Register Natives
public APLRes AskPluginLoad2(Handle myself, bool late, char[] error, int err_max)
	gF_hOnPlayerGetCredits = CreateGlobalForward("MyJailShop_OnPlayerGetCredits", ET_Ignore, Param_Cell, Param_Cell);
	gF_hOnPlayerBuyItem = CreateGlobalForward("MyJailShop_OnPlayerBuyItem", ET_Ignore, Param_Cell, Param_String);
	gF_hOnGetCredits = CreateGlobalForward("MyJailShop_OnGetCredits", ET_Event, Param_Cell);
	gF_hOnSetCredits = CreateGlobalForward("MyJailShop_OnSetCredits", ET_Event, Param_Cell, Param_Cell);
	CreateNative("MyJailShop_SetCredits", Native_SetCredits);
	CreateNative("MyJailShop_GetCredits", Native_GetCredits);
	if (GetEngineVersion() != Engine_CSGO)
		SetFailState("Game is not supported. CS:GO ONLY");
	return APLRes_Success;

public int Native_GetCredits(Handle plugin, int argc)
	int client = GetNativeCell(1);
	if (!IsValidClient(client, false, true))
		return -1;
	return g_iCredits[client];

public int Native_SetCredits(Handle plugin, int argc)
	int client = GetNativeCell(1);
	if (!IsValidClient(client, false, true))
		return 0;
	int iCredits = GetNativeCell(2);
	if (0 > iCredits)
		iCredits = 0;
	if (iCredits > gc_iCreditsMax.IntValue)
		iCredits = gc_iCreditsMax.IntValue;
	g_iCredits[client] = iCredits;
	Forward_OnPlayerGetCredits(client, iCredits);
	return g_iCredits[client];

                   FORWARDS CALL

void Forward_OnPlayerGetCredits(int client, int extraCredits)

void Forward_OnPlayerBuyItem(int client, char [] item)

int Forward_OnGetCredits(int client)
	int credits = 0;
	if (!gc_bCreditSystem.BoolValue)
	else credits = g_iCredits[client];
	return credits;

void Forward_OnSetCredits(int client, int credits)
	if (!gc_bCreditSystem.BoolValue)
	else g_iCredits[client] = credits;
I've tried to put out the smlib from the include, but i've 26 errors :

extra/clients.inc(458) : error 139: could not find type "AdminId"
extra/clients.inc(467) : error 139: could not find type "AdminId"
extra/clients.inc(477) : error 139: could not find type "AdminFlag"
extra/clients.inc(487) : error 139: could not find type "AdminFlag"
extra/console.inc(479) : error 139: could not find type "AdminId"
plugin.sp(241) : error 017: undefined symbol "ADMFLAG_ROOT"
plugin.sp(242) : error 017: undefined symbol "ADMFLAG_ROOT"
plugin.sp(1578) : error 017: undefined symbol "ADMFLAG_CUSTOM1"
plugin.sp(1665) : error 017: undefined symbol "ADMFLAG_CUSTOM1"
plugin.sp(2763) : error 017: undefined symbol "ADMFLAG_RESERVATION"
plugin.sp(2897) : error 017: undefined symbol "CreateGlobalForward"
plugin.sp(2897) : warning 213: tag mismatch
plugin.sp(2898) : error 017: undefined symbol "CreateGlobalForward"
plugin.sp(2898) : warning 213: tag mismatch
plugin.sp(2900) : error 017: undefined symbol "CreateGlobalForward"
plugin.sp(2900) : warning 213: tag mismatch
plugin.sp(2901) : error 017: undefined symbol "CreateGlobalForward"
plugin.sp(2901) : warning 213: tag mismatch
plugin.sp(2905) : error 017: undefined symbol "CreateNative"
plugin.sp(2906) : error 017: undefined symbol "CreateNative"
plugin.sp(2922) : error 017: undefined symbol "GetNativeCell"
plugin.sp(2933) : error 017: undefined symbol "GetNativeCell"
plugin.sp(2938) : error 017: undefined symbol "GetNativeCell"
plugin.sp(2960) : error 017: undefined symbol "Call_StartForward"
plugin.sp(2961) : error 017: undefined symbol "Call_PushCell"
plugin.sp(2962) : error 017: undefined symbol "Call_PushCell"
plugin.sp(2963) : error 017: undefined symbol "Call_Finish"
plugin.sp(2969) : error 017: undefined symbol "Call_StartForward"
plugin.sp(2970) : error 017: undefined symbol "Call_PushCell"
plugin.sp(2971) : error 017: undefined symbol "Call_PushString"

Compilation aborted.
26 Errors.
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Old 01-18-2017 , 08:37   Re: [CS:GO] MyJailShop (a redux rewrite of Jail Shop) [1.2.1 / 18-12-16]
Reply With Quote #42

The code you posted above compiles fine for me. With and without smlib.
Be sure you got all the includes.

The errors looks like you missed bracket or you have an formatting problem.
I recommend to use a sourcepawn syntax highlighter.

and just use:
PHP Code:
    if (GetUserFlagBits(client) & (ADMFLAG_CUSTOM1))
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Old 01-18-2017 , 09:05   Re: [CS:GO] MyJailShop (a redux rewrite of Jail Shop) [1.2.1 / 18-12-16]
Reply With Quote #43

Even with the include (i check 3 times), and your syntax, i've the same error... i tried with https://spider.limetech.io too, same error. But thanks you to take care of my problems =)
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Old 01-18-2017 , 11:50   Re: [CS:GO] MyJailShop (a redux rewrite of Jail Shop) [1.2.1 / 18-12-16]
Reply With Quote #44

Fix ! Great job Shanapu !! Thanks you so much !
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Old 02-18-2017 , 13:22   Re: [CS:GO] MyJailShop (a redux rewrite of Jail Shop) [1.3.0 / 18-02-17]
Reply With Quote #45

New Update: MyJailShop 1.3.0
[1.3.0] - Sale, VIP Items & teamgames support

  • Sale - Discount all items with x percent on a sale - sale end on mapchange
  • new command - sm_sale - Toggle Sale - discount all items
  • new cvars - sm_jailshop_sale_multi - How many percent discount on a sale!
  • new cvars - sm_jailshop_**ITEMNAME**_flag - Set flag for admin/vip must have to get access to a item. No flag = is available for all players!
  • remove item perks (not the guns/nades) on TeamGames game start.
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Old 02-19-2017 , 19:07   Re: [CS:GO] MyJailShop (a redux rewrite of Jail Shop) [1.3.0 / 18-02-17]
Reply With Quote #46

Here is polish "pl" translation.
Attached Files
File Type: txt MyJailShop.phrases.txt (7.4 KB, 56 views)
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Old 02-20-2017 , 11:14   Re: [CS:GO] MyJailShop (a redux rewrite of Jail Shop) [1.3.0 / 18-02-17]
Reply With Quote #47

Originally Posted by Masterofks View Post
Here is polish "pl" translation.
Thank you very much! Added to latest builds.
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Old 02-23-2017 , 00:30   Re: [CS:GO] MyJailShop (a redux rewrite of Jail Shop) [1.3.0 / 18-02-17]
Reply With Quote #48


Throwing Knives doesn't work if you have NoBlock enabled :/. Is it possible to solve?

NoBlock Plugin:

Best Regards.

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Old 02-23-2017 , 03:38   Re: [CS:GO] MyJailShop (a redux rewrite of Jail Shop) [1.3.0 / 18-02-17]
Reply With Quote #49

Originally Posted by plock View Post

Throwing Knives doesn't work if you have NoBlock enabled :/. Is it possible to solve?

NoBlock Plugin:

Best Regards.
please try "sm_noblock_nades" "0" - Removes player vs. nade/flash/smoke collisions. (Default: 1)
If this don't work for you, please tell me and I will go deeper into it.
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Old 02-23-2017 , 21:17   Re: [CS:GO] MyJailShop (a redux rewrite of Jail Shop) [1.3.0 / 18-02-17]
Reply With Quote #50

Originally Posted by shanapu View Post
please try "sm_noblock_nades" "0" - Removes player vs. nade/flash/smoke collisions. (Default: 1)
If this don't work for you, please tell me and I will go deeper into it.
Didn't work :/

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