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[HELP] CSO All Star Kart Rider

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Join Date: Sep 2013
Old 11-25-2019 , 17:05   [HELP] CSO All Star Kart Rider
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Hi guys! I need help with Lie Flat because it's not working

OBS: I want to climb the ramps correctly!


AMX Mod X v1.9 or higher

#include <amxmodx>
#include <fakemeta>
#include <hamsandwich>
#include <engine>
#include <xs>

#define PLUGIN_NAME "[CSO] Kart Rider"
#define PLUGIN_VERSION "1.0"

#define is_user_valid(%0) (1 <= %0 <= MaxClients)
#define is_user_valid_connected(%0) (is_user_valid(%0) && is_user_connected(%0))
#define is_user_valid_alive(%0) (is_user_valid_connected(%0) && is_user_alive(%0))

#define NPC_CLASSNAME "npc_vehicle"
#define NPC_MINS Float:{-13.342067, -14.700000, -17.500000}
#define NPC_MAXS Float:{16.240000, 14.700000, 15.630000}
#define NPC_SPEED 300.0

#define CAM_CLASSNAME "npc_camera"
#define CAM_MINS Float:{-1.0, -1.0, -1.0}
#define CAM_MAXS Float:{1.0, 1.0, 1.0}


new g_Model[][] = { "models/allstar/allstarkartriderct/allstarkartrider_under.mdl", "models/rpgrocket.mdl" }
new g_Sound[MAX_ANIMATION][] = {


public plugin_precache() {
	new i
	for (i = 0; i < sizeof(g_Model); i++) precache_model(g_Model[i]);
	for (i = 0; i < sizeof(g_Sound); i++) precache_sound(g_Sound[i]);

public plugin_init() {
	RegisterHam(Ham_Spawn, "player", "fw_PlayerSpawn_Post", 1)
	register_forward(FM_Think, "fw_Think")
	//register_forward(FM_AddToFullPack, "fw_AddToFullPack_Post", 1)
	register_think(CAM_CLASSNAME, "cam_think")
	register_clcmd("say /npc", "clcmd_npc")
	register_clcmd("say_team /npc", "clcmd_npc")

public fw_PlayerSpawn_Post(id) {
	if (!is_user_valid_alive(id) || !pev_valid(g_NPC[id])) return HAM_IGNORED;
	set_pev(id, pev_takedamage, DAMAGE_NO)
	set_pev(id, pev_solid, SOLID_NOT)
	set_pev(id, pev_movetype, MOVETYPE_NOCLIP)
	set_pev(id, pev_rendermode, kRenderTransTexture)
	if (is_valid_ent(g_CAM[id])) attach_view(id, g_CAM[id]);
	else create_cam(id);

public clcmd_npc(id) {
	if (!is_user_valid_alive(id)) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE;
	if (!pev_valid(g_NPC[id])) {
		set_pev(id, pev_takedamage, DAMAGE_NO)
		set_pev(id, pev_solid, SOLID_NOT)
		set_pev(id, pev_movetype, MOVETYPE_NOCLIP)
		set_pev(id, pev_rendermode, kRenderTransTexture)
		g_NPC[id] = create_npc(id)
		g_CAM[id] = create_cam(id)
	else client_print_color(id, print_team_default, "^4[CSO]^1 Voce ja esta usando o ^3Kart");

public create_npc(id) {
	new Float:vOrigin[3]; pev(id, pev_origin, vOrigin);
	new Float:vAngles[3]; pev(id, pev_angles, vAngles);
	vAngles[0] = 0.0
	new iEnt = engfunc(EngFunc_CreateNamedEntity, engfunc(EngFunc_AllocString, "info_target"))
	if (!pev_valid(iEnt)) return 0;
	set_pev(iEnt, pev_classname, NPC_CLASSNAME)
	set_pev(iEnt, pev_owner, id)
	engfunc(EngFunc_SetModel, iEnt, g_Model[0])
	engfunc(EngFunc_SetSize, iEnt, NPC_MINS, NPC_MAXS)
	set_pev(iEnt, pev_origin, vOrigin)
	set_pev(iEnt, pev_angles, vAngles)
	set_pev(iEnt, pev_solid, SOLID_BBOX)
	set_pev(iEnt, pev_movetype, MOVETYPE_PUSHSTEP)
	set_anim(iEnt, ANIM_IDLE1)
	set_pev(iEnt, pev_nextthink, get_gametime())
	return iEnt

public create_cam(id) {
	new Float:vOrigin[3]; entity_get_vector(id, EV_VEC_origin, vOrigin);
	new Float:vAngles[3]; entity_get_vector(id, EV_VEC_angles, vAngles);
	new Float:vAngle[3]; entity_get_vector(id, EV_VEC_v_angle, vAngle);
	new iEntity = create_entity("info_target")
	if (!is_valid_ent(iEntity)) return 0;
	entity_set_string(iEntity, EV_SZ_classname, CAM_CLASSNAME)
	entity_set_edict(iEntity, EV_ENT_owner, id)
	entity_set_model(iEntity, g_Model[1])
	entity_set_size(iEntity, CAM_MINS, CAM_MAXS)
	entity_set_origin(iEntity, vOrigin)
	entity_set_vector(iEntity, EV_VEC_angles, vAngles)
	entity_set_vector(iEntity, EV_VEC_v_angle, vAngle)
	entity_set_int(iEntity, EV_INT_rendermode, kRenderTransTexture)
	entity_set_int(iEntity, EV_INT_solid, SOLID_NOT)
	entity_set_int(iEntity, EV_INT_movetype, MOVETYPE_NOCLIP)
	entity_set_float(iEntity, EV_FL_nextthink, halflife_time())
	attach_view(id, iEntity)
	return iEntity

public fw_Think(ent) {
	if (!pev_valid(ent)) return FMRES_IGNORED;
	static szClassName[MAX_NAME_LENGTH]; pev(ent, pev_classname, szClassName, charsmax(szClassName));
	if (!equali(szClassName, NPC_CLASSNAME)) return FMRES_IGNORED;
	new iOwner = pev(ent, pev_owner)
	if (!is_user_valid_alive(iOwner)) return FMRES_IGNORED;
	new iButton = pev(iOwner, pev_button)
	static Float:vAngles[3]; lie_flat(ent, vAngles);
	if (iButton & IN_FORWARD) {
		if (iButton & IN_MOVELEFT) vAngles[1] += 0.4;
		else if (iButton & IN_MOVERIGHT) vAngles[1] -= 0.4;
		set_pev(ent, pev_angles, vAngles)
		static Float:vAngle[3]; angle_vector(vAngles, ANGLEVECTOR_FORWARD, vAngle);
		xs_vec_mul_scalar(vAngle, NPC_SPEED, vAngle)
		static Float:vVelocity[3]; pev(ent, pev_velocity, vVelocity);
		vAngle[2] = vVelocity[2]
		set_pev(ent, pev_velocity, vAngle)
		if (pev(ent, pev_movetype) != MOVETYPE_PUSHSTEP) {
			emit_sound(ent, CHAN_BODY, g_Sound[6], VOL_NORM, ATTN_STATIC, 0, PITCH_NORM)
			set_pev(ent, pev_movetype, MOVETYPE_PUSHSTEP)
		set_anim(ent, ANIM_MOVE)
		emit_sound(ent, CHAN_BODY, g_Sound[1], VOL_NORM, ATTN_STATIC, 0, PITCH_NORM)
	else if (iButton & IN_BACK) {
		if (iButton & IN_MOVELEFT) vAngles[1] -= 0.4;
		else if (iButton & IN_MOVERIGHT) vAngles[1] += 0.4;
		set_pev(ent, pev_angles, vAngles)
		static Float:vAngle[3]; angle_vector(vAngles, ANGLEVECTOR_FORWARD, vAngle);
		xs_vec_mul_scalar(vAngle, -NPC_SPEED, vAngle)
		static Float:vVelocity[3]; pev(ent, pev_velocity, vVelocity);
		vAngle[2] = vVelocity[2]
		set_pev(ent, pev_velocity, vAngle)
		if (pev(ent, pev_movetype) != MOVETYPE_PUSHSTEP) {
			emit_sound(ent, CHAN_BODY, g_Sound[5], VOL_NORM, ATTN_STATIC, 0, PITCH_NORM)
			set_pev(ent, pev_movetype, MOVETYPE_PUSHSTEP)
		set_anim(ent, ANIM_BACKWARD)
		emit_sound(ent, CHAN_BODY, g_Sound[3], VOL_NORM, ATTN_STATIC, 0, PITCH_NORM)
	else {
		set_pev(ent, pev_angles, vAngles)
		set_pev(ent, pev_velocity, Float:{0.0, 0.0, 0.0})
		if (pev(ent, pev_movetype) != MOVETYPE_NONE) {
			new iOldButton = pev(iOwner, pev_oldbuttons)
			if (iOldButton & IN_FORWARD) emit_sound(ent, CHAN_BODY, g_Sound[2], VOL_NORM, ATTN_STATIC, 0, PITCH_NORM);
			else if (iOldButton & IN_BACK) emit_sound(ent, CHAN_BODY, g_Sound[4], VOL_NORM, ATTN_STATIC, 0, PITCH_NORM);
			set_pev(ent, pev_movetype, MOVETYPE_NONE)
		set_anim(ent, ANIM_IDLE1)
		emit_sound(ent, CHAN_BODY, g_Sound[0], VOL_NORM, ATTN_STATIC, 0, PITCH_NORM)
	set_pev(ent, pev_gravity, 1.0)
	set_pev(ent, pev_nextthink, get_gametime())

/*public fw_AddToFullPack_Post(es, e, ent, id) {
	if (!pev_valid(ent) || !is_user_valid_alive(id)) return FMRES_IGNORED;
	static szClassName[MAX_NAME_LENGTH]; pev(ent, pev_classname, szClassName, charsmax(szClassName));
	if (!equali(szClassName, NPC_CLASSNAME)) return FMRES_IGNORED;
	new iOwner = pev(ent, pev_owner)
	if (id == iOwner) {
		set_es(es, ES_RenderMode, kRenderTransAlpha)
		set_es(es, ES_RenderAmt, 150)

public cam_think(entity) {
	if (!is_valid_ent(entity)) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE;
	new iOwner = entity_get_edict(entity, EV_ENT_owner)
	if (!is_user_valid_alive(iOwner) || !pev_valid(g_NPC[iOwner])) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE;
	new iButton = entity_get_int(iOwner, EV_INT_button)
	static Float:vAngle[3], Float:vNewOrigin[3]
	static Float:vOrigin[3]; pev(g_NPC[iOwner], pev_origin, vOrigin);
	if (iButton & IN_FORWARD) pev(g_NPC[iOwner], pev_angles, vAngle);
	else entity_get_vector(iOwner, EV_VEC_v_angle, vAngle);
	for (new Float:i = 100.0; i >= 0.0; i -= 0.1) {
		vNewOrigin[0] = floatcos(vAngle[1], degrees) * -i
		vNewOrigin[1] = floatsin(vAngle[1], degrees) * -i
		vNewOrigin[2] = i - (i / 4)
		vNewOrigin[0] += vOrigin[0]
		vNewOrigin[1] += vOrigin[1]
		vNewOrigin[2] += vOrigin[2]
		if (PointContents(vNewOrigin) != CONTENTS_SOLID && PointContents(vNewOrigin) != CONTENTS_SKY) break;
	vAngle[0] = 20.0
	entity_set_origin(entity, vNewOrigin)
	entity_set_vector(entity, EV_VEC_angles, vAngle)
	entity_set_vector(entity, EV_VEC_v_angle, vAngle)
	entity_set_float(entity, EV_FL_nextthink, halflife_time())

public client_disconnected(id) {
	if (is_valid_ent(g_CAM[id])) {
		g_CAM[id] = 0
	if (pev_valid(g_NPC[id])) {
		engfunc(EngFunc_RemoveEntity, g_NPC[id])
		g_NPC[id] = 0

stock set_anim(ent, sequence, Float:framerate = 1.0) {
	set_pev(ent, pev_frame, 0.0)
	set_pev(ent, pev_framerate, framerate)
	set_pev(ent, pev_sequence, sequence)
	set_pev(ent, pev_animtime, get_gametime())

stock lie_flat(ent, Float:angles[3]) { // by Nomexous
	if (pev(ent, pev_flags) & ~FL_ONGROUND) return false;
	pev(ent, pev_angles, angles)
	angles[0] = 0.0
	angles[2] = 0.0
	static Float:vOrigin[3]; pev(ent, pev_origin, vOrigin);
	static Float:vVector[3]; xs_vec_sub(vOrigin, Float:{0.0, 0.0, 10.0}, vVector);
	engfunc(EngFunc_TraceLine, vOrigin, vVector, IGNORE_MONSTERS, ent, 0)
	static Float:fFraction; get_tr2(0, TR_flFraction, fFraction);
	if (fFraction == 1.0) return false;
	static Float:vAngle[3]; angle_vector(angles, ANGLEVECTOR_FORWARD, vAngle);
	static Float:vPlaneNormal[3]; get_tr2(0, TR_vecPlaneNormal, vPlaneNormal);
	if (vPlaneNormal[2] == 1.0) return false;
	static Float:vRight[3]; xs_vec_cross(vAngle, vPlaneNormal, vRight);
	static Float:vForward[3]; xs_vec_cross(vPlaneNormal, vRight, vForward);
	vector_to_angle(vForward, angles)
	static Float:vAngles[3]; vector_to_angle(vRight, vAngles);
	angles[2] = -1.0 * vAngles[0]
	return true

Thanks in advance!
By Eclipse*

Last edited by devilsquare; 11-25-2019 at 17:17.
devilsquare is offline

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