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Server Rules , /ShowRules , By , Saam5

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Plugin Info:     Modification:   Counter-Strike        Category:   Server Management       
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Old 01-19-2007 , 12:53   Server Rules , /ShowRules , By , Saam5
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This is my first plugin and i will see what you like about it

Server Rules , /showrules
Works For CS , CZ.

Installing The Plugin.
1. Download The Plugins , ''showrules.amxx'' and ''showrules.sma''

2. Copy the ''showrules.amxx'' to your cs/cstrike/addons/amxmodx/plugins/
''showrules.amxx'' will be in the plugins dir.

3. Copy the ''showrules.sma'' to your cs/cstrike/addons/amxmodx/scripting/
''showrules.sma will be in the scripting dir.

4. Create ''rules.txt in your cs/cstrike ''rules.txt will be listed in the
Cstrike Dir .

5. Open the ''rules.txt'' and add your own server rules in there and
save and Close it.

6. Add ''showrules.amxx'' in your cs/cstrike/addons/amxmodx/configs/plugins.ini ''showrules.amxx will be
writed in plugins.ini

7. Open ''Cvars.ini'' in your cs/cstrike/addons/amxmodx/configs/cvars.ini
and add those :

rules_interval - interval between automatic rules display
rules_admin_only - disables say /showrules command from regular users
rules_join - if set 1 then players will see the rules automaticly when joining
rules_hudmessage_time - time how long hudmessage is displayed
rules_join_timeout - delay to show rules when joining to the server

Commands :
1.Players And Admins Will See The Rules When Writing : /showrules
in Chat !!
2. For (ADMINS) Write ''showrules_enable'' in console to enable/disable the plugin

showrules_enable 1 , to enable the plugin. showrules_enable 0 to disable the plugin

(ADMINS) - write in console ''rules_show'' to display the rules to players.

Restart Your Server And Enyoy!
Got Error/Problem , Contact me . [email protected]
Did i miss something ?? then contact me too
Thanks !!

Attached Files
File Type: sma Get Plugin or Get Source (showrules.sma - 973 views - 4.7 KB)
File Type: amxx showrules.amxx (1.2 KB, 218 views)
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Silver Dragon
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Old 01-19-2007 , 12:58   Re: Server Rules , /ShowRules , By , Saam5
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Whats the difference between this, and public server rules plugin by Priski?

Everything is the exact copy of his .sma.

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Old 01-19-2007 , 13:16   Re: Server Rules , /ShowRules , By , Saam5
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Your Plugin:
SHOW RULES 1.2 ( 2007-01-18 )
Plugin by Saam5.
Usage :
Put your own rules in rules.txt file in ''cstrike'' folder
Commands :
rules_show  - shows rules listed in rules.txt
showrules_enable - set this to 0 to disable automatic rules display
say /showrules  - displays rules to normal user
rules_interval  - interval between automatic rules display
rules_admin_only - disables say /showrules command from regular users
rules_join  - if set 1 displays rules after player have joined server
rules_hudmessage_time - time how long hudmessage is displayed
rules_join_timeout - delay to show rules when joining to the server
#include <amxmodx>
#include <amxmisc>
new base[] = "rules.txt"
new i, num, text[127], hudmsg[440] //max hudmessage length was 439 chars (?)
public plugin_init()
 register_plugin("AMXX Show Rules", "1.2", "The X Team")
 // register command
 register_concmd("rules_show", "rules", ADMIN_KICK, "- show rules to everybody")
 register_concmd("showrules_enable", "r_enable", ADMIN_KICK, "- <1|0> set automessagin on/off")
 register_cvar("rules_admin_only", "0")
 register_cvar("rules_join", "1")
 register_cvar("rules_join_timeout", "5")
 register_cvar("rules_hudmessage_time", "10")
 register_cvar("rules_interval", "600")
 register_clcmd("say /showrules", "clientrules", ADMIN_ALL, "- show rules")
public plugin_cfg() {
 if (!file_exists(base)) {
  write_file(base, "; This is the public rules file, put your rules below")
  write_file(base, "; Remember, max amount of characters is 439")
  console_print(0, "%s file not found. creating new ...", base)
public client_authorized ( id ) {
 // on join display rules
 if (get_cvar_num("rules_join")) {
  new tmp[1]
  tmp[0] = id
  set_task(1.0, "showrules",id,tmp,1)
  console_print(0, "[user %d] client auth!", tmp[0])
public showrules (pid[]) {
 new id = pid[0]
 if ( get_user_team(id) != 1 && get_user_team(id) != 2 ) {
  if (id) {
   new tmp[1]
   tmp[0] = id
   set_task(2.0, "showrules",id,tmp,1)  // not yet in server
   console_print(0, "[user %d] wait for joining team ...", id)
 new tmp[1]
 tmp[0] = id
 console_print(0, "[user %d] joined team : %d", id, get_user_team(id))
 console_print(0, "[user %d] printing rules after %d seconds", id, get_cvar_num("rules_join_timeout"))
 set_task(get_cvar_float("rules_join_timeout"), "printrules", id, tmp, 1)  // not yet in server
public printrules(pid[])
 new id = pid[0]
 if (file_exists(base))
  console_print(0, "[user] printing rules for user %d", id)
  set_hudmessage ( 200, 150, 0, 0.02, 0.25, 2, 0.1, get_cvar_float("rules_hudmessage_time"), 0.05, 1.0, 1)
  format(hudmsg, 439, "")
  // read all the rules
  for(i=0; read_file(base, i, text, 127, num); i++) {
   if (num > 0 && text[0] != ';') {
    // display with predefined delay
  // show hudmessages
  show_hudmessage(id, hudmsg)
public r_enable(id, level, cid)
 if (!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 0)) {  // NOT ADMIN
 new arg[3]
 read_argv(1, arg, 2)
 new value = str_to_num(arg)
 if (!isalnum(arg[0]))
  value = -1
 if (value == 0) {
  if (task_exists(2)) // close task
  console_print(id, "You have disabled automatic messages")
 if (value == 1) {
  // activate task, reload if already exist
  if (task_exists(2)) {
   change_task(2, get_cvar_float("rules_interval"))
   } else {
   set_task(get_cvar_float("rules_interval"), "rules", 2, "", 0, "b")
  console_print(id, "You have enabled automatic messages")
 if (task_exists(2)) {
  console_print(id, "automessages is ON.")
  } else {
  console_print(id, "automessages is OFF.")
 console_print(id, "showrules_enable <1|0> (1 = ON, 0 = OFF)")
public clientrules(id, level, cid) {
 new pID[1]
 pID[0] = id
 console_print(0,"[user %d]Print rules for me only",pID[0])
public rules(id, level, cid)
 new pID[1]
 pID[0] = id
 if (!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 0)) {  // NOT ADMIN
 // read file to all users
 pID[0] = 0
 console_print(0,"[user %d]Print rules for all",id)
 // Reset scheduled task after display
 if (get_cvar_float("rules_interval") > 0) {
  if (task_exists(2)) {
   change_task(2, get_cvar_float("rules_interval"))
   } else {
   set_task(get_cvar_float("rules_interval"), "rules", 200, "", 0, "b")
Plugin By Priski:
PUBLIC SERVER RULES 1.20 ( 2005-08-18 )
Plugin by Priski
Usage :
Put rules in rules.txt file in cstrike folder
and set rules_speed and rules_interval whatever you like
Commands :
rules_show  - shows rules listed in rules.txt
rules_enable  - set this to 0 to disable automatic rules display
say /rules  - displays rules to normal user
rules_interval  - interval between automatic rules display
rules_admin_only - disables say /rules command from regular users
rules_join  - if set 1 displays rules after player have joined server
rules_hudmessage_time - time how long hudmessage is displayed
rules_join_timeout - delay to show rules when joining to the server
Changelog :
1.20 / 2005-08-18
- removed client chat rules
- fixed major bugs
1.11 / 2005-08-15
- fixed some bugs
1.10 / 2005-08-14
- new CVARs : rules_hudmessage, rules_hudmessage_time
- Rules in hudmessage mode also
1.03 / 2005-08-12
- rules_enable command fix.
- new CVAR "rules_join" set 1 to show rules
to players when they join server
1.02 / 2005-08-11
- optimized code
- rules_enable is now a command 
- default interval is now 10 minutes
1.01 / 2005-08-11
- added rules_admin_only & say /rules command
- variables are global now
1.0 / 2005-08-11
- first release
#include <amxmodx>
#include <amxmisc>
new base[] = "rules.txt"
new i, num, text[127], hudmsg[440] //max hudmessage length was 439 chars (?)
public plugin_init()
 register_plugin("AMXX Public server rules", "1.20", "Priski")
 // register command
 register_concmd("rules_show", "rules", ADMIN_KICK, "- show rules to everybody")
 register_concmd("rules_enable", "r_enable", ADMIN_KICK, "- <1|0> set automessagin on/off")
 register_cvar("rules_admin_only", "0")
 register_cvar("rules_join", "1")
 register_cvar("rules_join_timeout", "5")
 register_cvar("rules_hudmessage_time", "10")
 register_cvar("rules_interval", "600")
 register_clcmd("say /rules", "clientrules", ADMIN_ALL, "- show rules")
public plugin_cfg() {
 if (!file_exists(base)) {
  write_file(base, "; This is the public rules file, put your rules below")
  write_file(base, "; Remember, max amount of characters is 439")
  console_print(0, "%s file not found. creating new ...", base)
public client_authorized ( id ) {
 // on join display rules
 if (get_cvar_num("rules_join")) {
  new tmp[1]
  tmp[0] = id
  set_task(1.0, "showrules",id,tmp,1)
  console_print(0, "[user %d] client auth!", tmp[0])
public showrules (pid[]) {
 new id = pid[0]
 if ( get_user_team(id) != 1 && get_user_team(id) != 2 ) {
  if (id) {
   new tmp[1]
   tmp[0] = id
   set_task(2.0, "showrules",id,tmp,1)  // not yet in server
   console_print(0, "[user %d] wait for joining team ...", id)
 new tmp[1]
 tmp[0] = id
 console_print(0, "[user %d] joined team : %d", id, get_user_team(id))
 console_print(0, "[user %d] printing rules after %d seconds", id, get_cvar_num("rules_join_timeout"))
 set_task(get_cvar_float("rules_join_timeout"), "printrules", id, tmp, 1)  // not yet in server
public printrules(pid[])
 new id = pid[0]
 if (file_exists(base))
  console_print(0, "[user] printing rules for user %d", id)
  set_hudmessage ( 200, 150, 0, 0.02, 0.25, 2, 0.1, get_cvar_float("rules_hudmessage_time"), 0.05, 1.0, 1)
  format(hudmsg, 439, "")
  // read all the rules
  for(i=0; read_file(base, i, text, 127, num); i++) {
   if (num > 0 && text[0] != ';') {
    // display with predefined delay
  // show hudmessages
  show_hudmessage(id, hudmsg)
public r_enable(id, level, cid)
 if (!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 0)) {  // NOT ADMIN
 new arg[3]
 read_argv(1, arg, 2)
 new value = str_to_num(arg)
 if (!isalnum(arg[0]))
  value = -1
 if (value == 0) {
  if (task_exists(2)) // close task
  console_print(id, "You have disabled automatic messages")
 if (value == 1) {
  // activate task, reload if already exist
  if (task_exists(2)) {
   change_task(2, get_cvar_float("rules_interval"))
   } else {
   set_task(get_cvar_float("rules_interval"), "rules", 2, "", 0, "b")
  console_print(id, "You have enabled automatic messages")
 if (task_exists(2)) {
  console_print(id, "automessages is ON.")
  } else {
  console_print(id, "automessages is OFF.")
 console_print(id, "rules_enable <1|0> (1 = ON, 0 = OFF)")
public clientrules(id, level, cid) {
 new pID[1]
 pID[0] = id
 console_print(0,"[user %d]Print rules for me only",pID[0])
public rules(id, level, cid)
 new pID[1]
 pID[0] = id
 if (!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 0)) {  // NOT ADMIN
 // read file to all users
 pID[0] = 0
 console_print(0,"[user %d]Print rules for all",id)
 // Reset scheduled task after display
 if (get_cvar_float("rules_interval") > 0) {
  if (task_exists(2)) {
   change_task(2, get_cvar_float("rules_interval"))
   } else {
   set_task(get_cvar_float("rules_interval"), "rules", 200, "", 0, "b")
I Seriously see no diffrence except for the authors name...

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Old 01-19-2007 , 17:07   Re: Server Rules , /ShowRules , By , Saam5
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Never do this again. You risk being banned by the admins.

For now, trashed.
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