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Multi-Lingual Translations

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Old 06-04-2012 , 12:48   Multi-Lingual Translations
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Whatever you guys got, I'd love for your languages.
Attached is the current ML tags in .txt format
Upload your addition, or just post it. either work.

Thanks in advance!

PURCHASE_FAIL_DEAD = !nYou can't buy Brass Knuckles when you're dead!
PURCHASE_FAIL_ALREADY = !nYou already have a pair of Brass Knuckles, don't get greedy!
PURCHASE_FAIL_MONEY = !nSorry. You don't have the $%d required to buy the 'knucks.

PURCHASE_ANNOUNCE = !t%s !nbought a pair of Brass Knuckles!
KNUCKLES_EQUIP = !nYou slipped on a pair of Brass Knuckles!
WELCOME_MSG = !nWelcome. You have %d frags!
TATTACK_MSG = Don't attack your team!

PU_STD = Powers(lvl %d)
PU_LOW = Low Punch
PU_NORMAL = Normal Punch
PU_SPEED = Speed
PU_GRAVITY = Speed, Gravity
PU_DAMAGE = Speed, Gravity, Damage
PU_INSTAKILL = Instant Kill

HELP_TITLE = Brass Knuckles Help:
HELP_ONE = !n    - Type /buybk in chat to purchase Brass Knuckles
HELP_TWO = !n    - Brass Knuckles cost $%d
HELP_THREE = !n    - bind f "say /buybk" in console to bind the purchase of bk to f key
HELP_FOUR = !n    - See your console for more information about the plugin.
CON_HELP_ONE =     %s plugin is running version %s
CON_HELP_TWO =     This mod has been customized by Liverwiz to muse his desires.
CON_HELP_THREE =     Original Brass Knuckles designed by Cheap_Suit, and is available on the allied modders 

CON_HELP_FOUR =     For more information contact Liverwiz on Allied Modders.

LEVEL_MSG = !nYou are on level !g%d.
FRAG_MSG = !nYou have !g%d !nfrags.
AUTH_FAIL_MSG = You are not currently authorized. Your frags will not be saved. 
FRAGS_SAVED = !nYour frags have been saved!
TARGET_NOT_FOUND = Sorry, player %s could not be found or targetted!
TARGET_NOT_RANGE = This player is no longer in range.
DB_CLEAN = The database has been cleaned of enteries older than %f days ago.

ROOT_SLEVEL = Set Player Level
ROOT_SFRAGS = Set Player Frags
ROOT_GFRAGS = Give Player Frags
ROOT_PRUNE = Prune Vault
SPLR_LVL_TITLE = BKF Set Player Level:
SPLR_FRG_TITLE = BKF Set Player Frags:
GPLR_FRG_TITLE = BKF Give Player Frags:
PRUNE_TITLE = BKF Prune Vault:
PRUNE_ONE = 1 Week
PRUNE_TWO = 2 Weeks

LVL0_KNIFE = Level 0 (Knife)
LVL1_BK = Level 1 (Brass Knuckles)
LVL2_RUN = Level 2 (Run Faster)
LVL3_JUMP = Level 3 (Jump Higher)
LVL4_DMG = Level 4 (Extra Damage)
LVL5_BA = Level 5 (Bad Ass)
LEVEL = Level %d
LEVEL_IK = Level %d (Insta-Kill)

FRAG = Frag
FRAGS = Frags
FRG_FL = %d Frags (full level)

ADMIN_SET_LVL = !t%s !n(level %d) has been set with %d frags.
WIN_FRAGS = !nYou gained %d frags for
LOSE_FRAGS = !nYou lost %d frags for
SC_FRAG_MSG = +1 extra frag. Supercharged Mode is active!
SET_LVL_MSG = !nYour level has been set to %d (%d frags) for
SET_FRAG_MSG = !nYour frags have been set to %d for 
RESET_LVL_MSG = !nYour level has been reset for 
LVL_UP_MSG = !t%s !ghas just leveled up! They are now on level !n%d!g!
LVL_UP_PVT_MSG = You have just leveled up! You are now on level !n%d!
DISABLED = Brass Knuckle Frags is disabled.
FRAGS_MSG_ON = Brass Knuckle Frags is enabled.
FRAGS_MSG_OFF = Brass Knuckle Frags is disabled. 
CMD_STATS_MSG = You are currently level !n%d!g. With !n%d/%d !gfrags untill your next level. (level !n%d!g)

ADMIN_GRANT = !nadmin grant
NO_REASON = !nno given reason
USER_TK = !nteam kill
USER_SUICIDE = !ncommiting suicide
KILL_STANDARD = !nkill an enemy
KILL_HS = !nheadshot
SC_WIN = !nwinning the round
BK_PURCHASE = !nbuying brass knuckles
LEVEL_UP = !nleveling up
BONUS_FRAGS = !nkilling a powerful enemy
DEFUSE_BOMB = !ndefusing the bomb
BOMB_EXPLODE = !nsuccesfully completing objective
Attached Files
File Type: txt fragsbrass.txt (13.1 KB, 90 views)
What an elegant solution to a problem that doesn't need solving....

Last edited by Liverwiz; 06-22-2012 at 19:27. Reason: Updated tags for new release
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Old 06-07-2012 , 11:17   Re: Multi-Lingual Translations
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PURCHASE_FAIL_DEAD = !nNo puedes comprar las Manoplas cuando estas muerto!
PURCHASE_FAIL_ALREADY = !nYa tienes un par de Manoplas, te seas avaro!
PURCHASE_FAIL_MONEY = !nDisculpa. No tienes los $%d requeridos para comprar las Manoplas.

PURCHASE_ANNOUNCE = !t%s !ncompraste un par de Manoplas!
KNUCKLES_EQUIP = !nEncontraste un par de Manoplas!
WELCOME_MSG = !nBienvenido. Tienes %d frags!

HELP_TITLE = Ayuda de Manoplas:
HELP_ONE = !n    - Escribe /buybk en el chat para comprar Manoplas
HELP_TWO = !n    - Las Manoplas cuestan $%d
HELP_THREE = !n    - Escribe bind f "say /buybk" en consola para comprar Manoplas con la tecla "F"
HELP_FOUR = !n    - Mira tu consola para mas informacion sobre este plugin.
CON_HELP_ONE =     %s plugin esta usando la version %s
CON_HELP_TWO =     Este mod ha sido modificado por Liverwiz para complacer su deseo.
CON_HELP_THREE =     Mod originalmente crado por Cheap_Suit, y esta disponible en el sitio de allied modders.
CON_HELP_FOUR =     Para mas informacion contacta a Liverwiz en Allied Modders.

LEVEL_MSG = !nEres nivel %d.
FRAG_MSG = !nTienes %d frags.
FRAGS_SAVED = !nTus frags han sido guardados!
TARGET_NOT_FOUND = Disculpa, el jugador %s no se ha encontrado o no puede ser marcado como objetivo!
TARGET_NOT_RANGE = Este jugador esta fuera del rango
DB_CLEAN = Los datos de la base de datos mas viejos que %f dias atras han sido borrados.

ROOT_SLEVEL = Establecer nivel a jugador.
ROOT_SFRAGS = Establecer frags a jugador.
ROOT_GFRAGS = Dar frags a jugador.
ROOT_PRUNE = Borrar datos.
SPLR_LVL_TITLE = BKF Establecer nivel a jugador:
SPLR_FRG_TITLE = BKF Establecer frags a jugador:
GPLR_FRAG_TITLE = BKF Dar frags a jugador:
PRUNE_TITLE = BKF Borrar datos:
PRUNE_ONE = 1 semana
PRUNE_TWO = 2 semanas

LVL0_KNIFE = Nivel 0 (Cuchillo)
LVL1_BK = Nivel 1 (Manoplas)
LVL2_RUN = Nivel 2 (Correr mas rapido)
LVL3_JUMP = Nivel 3 (Saltar mas alto)
LVL4_DMG = Nivel 4 (Daño extra)
LVL5_BA = Nivel 5 (Bad Ass)
LEVEL = Nivel %d
LEVEL_IK = Nivel %d (Matar instantaneamente)

FRAG = Frag
FRAGS = Frags
FRG_FL = %d Frags (Niveles completos)

ADMIN_SET_LVL = !t%s !n(nivel %d) ha sido establecido a %d frags.
WIN_FRAGS = !nGanaste %d frags por
LOSE_FRAGS = !nPerdiste %d frags por
SC_FRAG_MSG = +1 extra frag. Modo Supercargado activado!
SET_LVL_MSG = !nTu nivel ha sido establecido a %d (%d frags) por
SET_FRAG_MSG = !nTus frags han sido establecidos a %d por 
RESET_LVL_MSG = !nTu nivel ha sido reiniciado 
LVL_UP_MSG = %s ha subido de nivel! Ahora es nivel %d!
DISABLED = Frags con Manopla desactivado.

NO_REASON = !nno se a dado motivo#define ADMIN_GRANT "admin grant"
USER_TK = !nteam kill
USER_SUICIDE = !ncometio suicidio
KILL_STANDARD = !nMato a un enemigo
KILL_HS = !nheadshot
SC_WIN = !nGanando la ronda
BK_PURCHASE = !nComprando Manoplas
LEVEL_UP = !nSubiendo de nivel
BONUS_FRAGS = !nMata a un enemigo poderoso
DEFUSE_BOMB = !nDesactivando la bomba
BOMB_EXPLODE = !nCompletando objetivos satisfactoriamente
****--->Prune Vault<---**** Don´t know the meaning of the word prun in spanish.
I translate it like "clear data base" its ok?
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Old 06-07-2012 , 12:06   Re: Multi-Lingual Translations
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Originally Posted by Tallulah View Post
PURCHASE_FAIL_DEAD = !nNo puedes comprar las Manoplas cuando estas muerto!
PURCHASE_FAIL_ALREADY = !nYa tienes un par de Manoplas, te seas avaro!
PURCHASE_FAIL_MONEY = !nDisculpa. No tienes los $%d requeridos para comprar las Manoplas.

PURCHASE_ANNOUNCE = !t%s !ncompraste un par de Manoplas!
KNUCKLES_EQUIP = !nEncontraste un par de Manoplas!
WELCOME_MSG = !nBienvenido. Tienes %d frags!

HELP_TITLE = Ayuda de Manoplas:
HELP_ONE = !n    - Escribe /buybk en el chat para comprar Manoplas
HELP_TWO = !n    - Las Manoplas cuestan $%d
HELP_THREE = !n    - Escribe bind f "say /buybk" en consola para comprar Manoplas con la tecla "F"
HELP_FOUR = !n    - Mira tu consola para mas informacion sobre este plugin.
CON_HELP_ONE =     %s plugin esta usando la version %s
CON_HELP_TWO =     Este mod ha sido modificado por Liverwiz para complacer su deseo.
CON_HELP_THREE =     Mod originalmente crado por Cheap_Suit, y esta disponible en el sitio de allied modders.
CON_HELP_FOUR =     Para mas informacion contacta a Liverwiz en Allied Modders.

LEVEL_MSG = !nEres nivel %d.
FRAG_MSG = !nTienes %d frags.
FRAGS_SAVED = !nTus frags han sido guardados!
TARGET_NOT_FOUND = Disculpa, el jugador %s no se ha encontrado o no puede ser marcado como objetivo!
TARGET_NOT_RANGE = Este jugador esta fuera del rango
DB_CLEAN = Los datos de la base de datos mas viejos que %f dias atras han sido borrados.

ROOT_SLEVEL = Establecer nivel a jugador.
ROOT_SFRAGS = Establecer frags a jugador.
ROOT_GFRAGS = Dar frags a jugador.
ROOT_PRUNE = Borrar datos.
SPLR_LVL_TITLE = BKF Establecer nivel a jugador:
SPLR_FRG_TITLE = BKF Establecer frags a jugador:
GPLR_FRAG_TITLE = BKF Dar frags a jugador:
PRUNE_TITLE = BKF Borrar datos:
PRUNE_ONE = 1 semana
PRUNE_TWO = 2 semanas

LVL0_KNIFE = Nivel 0 (Cuchillo)
LVL1_BK = Nivel 1 (Manoplas)
LVL2_RUN = Nivel 2 (Correr mas rapido)
LVL3_JUMP = Nivel 3 (Saltar mas alto)
LVL4_DMG = Nivel 4 (Daño extra)
LVL5_BA = Nivel 5 (Bad Ass)
LEVEL = Nivel %d
LEVEL_IK = Nivel %d (Matar instantaneamente)

FRAG = Frag
FRAGS = Frags
FRG_FL = %d Frags (Niveles completos)

ADMIN_SET_LVL = !t%s !n(nivel %d) ha sido establecido a %d frags.
WIN_FRAGS = !nGanaste %d frags por
LOSE_FRAGS = !nPerdiste %d frags por
SC_FRAG_MSG = +1 extra frag. Modo Supercargado activado!
SET_LVL_MSG = !nTu nivel ha sido establecido a %d (%d frags) por
SET_FRAG_MSG = !nTus frags han sido establecidos a %d por 
RESET_LVL_MSG = !nTu nivel ha sido reiniciado 
LVL_UP_MSG = %s ha subido de nivel! Ahora es nivel %d!
DISABLED = Frags con Manopla desactivado.

NO_REASON = !nno se a dado motivo#define ADMIN_GRANT "admin grant"
USER_TK = !nteam kill
USER_SUICIDE = !ncometio suicidio
KILL_STANDARD = !nMato a un enemigo
KILL_HS = !nheadshot
SC_WIN = !nGanando la ronda
BK_PURCHASE = !nComprando Manoplas
LEVEL_UP = !nSubiendo de nivel
BONUS_FRAGS = !nMata a un enemigo poderoso
DEFUSE_BOMB = !nDesactivando la bomba
BOMB_EXPLODE = !nCompletando objetivos satisfactoriamente
****--->Prune Vault<---**** Don´t know the meaning of the word prun in spanish.
I translate it like "clear data base" its ok?
That is quite alright. Much thanks, your work is appreciated.
What an elegant solution to a problem that doesn't need solving....
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Old 06-17-2012 , 06:47   Re: Multi-Lingual Translations
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Slovak (SK)

PURCHASE_FAIL_DEAD = !nKed si mrtvy nemozes si kupit palciaky!
PURCHASE_FAIL_ALREADY = !nUz mas par palciakov, nebud chamtivy!
PURCHASE_FAIL_MONEY = !nNemas $%d potrebnych pre kupenie 'palciakov.

PURCHASE_ANNOUNCE = !t%s !nkupil par palciakov!
KNUCKLES_EQUIP = !nMozes sa posmyknut na pare palciakov!
WELCOME_MSG = !nVitaj. Mas %d fragov!

HELP_TITLE = Pomoc s palciakmi:
HELP_ONE = !n    - Napis /buybk do chatu pre nakup palciakov.
HELP_TWO = !n    - Palciaky stoja $%d
HELP_THREE = !n    - bind f "say /buybk" do konzoly pre rychlejsi nakup bk tlacidlom f 
HELP_FOUR = !n    - Pozri svoju konzolu pre viac informacii o tomto mode
CON_HELP_ONE =     %s plugin bezi na verzii %s
CON_HELP_TWO =     Tento mod upravil Liverwiz, podla svojich predstav.
CON_HELP_THREE =     Originalne palciaky navrhol Cheap_Suit, a je k dyspozicii na the allied modders web stranke.
CON_HELP_FOUR =     Pre viac informacii kontaktujte Liverwiz na Allied Modders.

LEVEL_MSG = !nTvoja uroven je %d.
FRAG_MSG = !nMas %d fragov.
FRAGS_SAVED = !nTvoje fragy boli ulozene!
TARGET_NOT_FOUND = Sorry, hrac %s sa nenasiel!
TARGET_NOT_RANGE = Tento hrac uz nie je v dosahu.
DB_CLEAN = Databaza zmazala zaznamy starsie ako %f dni.

ROOT_SLEVEL = Set Player Level
ROOT_SFRAGS = Set Player Frags
ROOT_GFRAGS = Give Player Frags
ROOT_PRUNE = Prune Vault
SPLR_LVL_TITLE = BKF Set Player Level:
SPLR_FRG_TITLE = BKF Set Player Frags:
GPLR_FRG_TITLE = BKF Give Player Frags:
PRUNE_TITLE = BKF Prerezavanie klenby:
PRUNE_ONE = 1 tyzden
PRUNE_TWO = 2 tyzdne

LVL0_KNIFE = Uroven 0 (Noz)
LVL1_BK = Uroven 1 (Palciaky)
LVL2_RUN = Uroven 2 (Rychly beh)
LVL3_JUMP = Uroven 3 (Velke skoky)
LVL4_DMG = Uroven 4 (Extra Poskodenie)
LVL5_BA = Uroven 5 (Zly Zadok)
LEVEL = Uroven %d
LEVEL_IK = Uroven %d (Insta-Kill)

FRAG = Frag
FRAGS = Fragy
FRG_FL = %d Fragy (plna uroven)

ADMIN_SET_LVL = !t%s !n(uroven %d) ziskal %d fragov.
WIN_FRAGS = !nZiskali ste %d fragov pre
LOSE_FRAGS = !nPrehral si %d fragov pre
SC_FRAG_MSG = +1 extra frag. Preplnovaci rezim je zapnuty!
SET_LVL_MSG = !nTvoja uroven bola zmenena na %d (%d fragov) pre
SET_FRAG_MSG = !nTvoje fragy boli nastavene na %d pre
RESET_LVL_MSG = !nTvoja uroven bola resetovana na
LVL_UP_MSG = %s dosiahol dalsej urovne. Jeho uroven je teraz %d!
DISABLED = Palciaky fragy su vypnute.

NO_REASON = !nnerozpoznalo given#define ADMIN_GRANT "admin grant"
USER_TK = !ntymove zabijanie
USER_SUICIDE = !nspachal samovazdu
KILL_STANDARD = !nzabil nepriatela
KILL_HS = !nhlava
SC_WIN = !nvyhrava kolo
BK_PURCHASE = !nkupil palciaky
LEVEL_UP = !nlevelovanie
BONUS_FRAGS = !nzabil silneho supera
DEFUSE_BOMB = !nzneskodnuje bombu
BOMB_EXPLODE = !nuspesne dokoncenie ciela
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Old 06-19-2012 , 13:11   Re: Multi-Lingual Translations
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PURCHASE_FAIL_DEAD = !nNu poti sa cumperi Brass Knuckles cand esti mort!
PURCHASE_FAIL_ALREADY = !nAveti deja o pereche de Brass Knuckles!
PURCHASE_FAIL_MONEY = !nNe pare rau. Nu aveti $%d pentru a cumpara 'knucks.

PURCHASE_ANNOUNCE = !t%s !na cumparat o pereche de Brass Knuckles!
KNUCKLES_EQUIP = !na aruncat o pereche de Brass Knuckles!
WELCOME_MSG = !nBun venit. Aveti %d fraguri!

HELP_TITLE = Brass Knuckles Ajutor:
HELP_ONE = !n - Scrie /buybk in chat pentru a achizitiona Brass Knuckles
HELP_TWO = !n - Brass Knuckles costa $%d
HELP_THREE = !n - bind f "say /buybk" in console pentru ati binda tasta .
HELP_FOUR = !n - Vezi in consola mai multe detalii despre pluign.
CON_HELP_ONE = %s plugin ruleaza pe versionea %s
CON_HELP_TWO = Acest mod este facut de Liverwiz si tradus de TzUcK.
CON_HELP_THREE = Original Brass Knuckles designed by Cheap_Suit, este valabil pe alliedmods.net si website.
CON_HELP_FOUR = Pentru mai multe informatii contact Liverwiz on Allied Modders.

LEVEL_MSG = !nEsti la nivelul %d.
FRAG_MSG = !nAi %d fraguri.
FRAGS_SAVED = !nFragurile dumneavostra au fost salvate!
TARGET_NOT_FOUND = Ne pare rau, jucatorul %s jucatorul nu exista pe server!
TARGET_NOT_RANGE = Acest jucator nu mai este in zona.
DB_CLEAN = Baza de date a fost curatata acuma %f zile inainte.

ROOT_SLEVEL = Seteaza nivelul jucatorului
ROOT_SFRAGS = Seteaza nivelul fragurilor
ROOT_GFRAGS = Ofera jucatorului fraguri
ROOT_PRUNE = Prune Vault
SPLR_LVL_TITLE = BKF Set Nivelul jucatorului:
SPLR_FRG_TITLE = BKF seteaza nivelul fragurilor:
GPLR_FRG_TITLE = BKF seteaza nivelul fragurilor primite:
PRUNE_TITLE = BKF Prune Vault:
PRUNE_ONE = 1 Saptamana
PRUNE_TWO = 2 Saptamani

LVL0_KNIFE = Level 0 (Cutit)
LVL1_BK = Level 1 (Brass Knuckles)
LVL2_RUN = Level 2 (Mergi repede)
LVL3_JUMP = Level 3 (Sari sus)
LVL4_DMG = Level 4 (Extra Damage)
LVL5_BA = Level 5 (Bad Ass)
LEVEL = Level %d
LEVEL_IK = Level %d (Moarte instanta)

FRAG = Frag
FRAGS = Frags
FRG_FL = %d Frags (level full)

ADMIN_SET_LVL = !t%s !n(level %d) a setat sa auba %d fraguri .
WIN_FRAGS = !nAi castigat %d frags pentru
LOSE_FRAGS = !nAi pierdut %d fragss pentru
SC_FRAG_MSG = +1 extra frag. Supercharged Mode avtivat!
SET_LVL_MSG = !nLevelul tau a fost setat la %d (%d frags) pentru
SET_FRAG_MSG = !nFragurile tale au fost setate la %d pentru
RESET_LVL_MSG = !nLevelul tau a fost resetat pentru ca
LVL_UP_MSG = %s Level UP! Ai ajuns la nivelul %d!
DISABLED = Brass Knuckle Frags oprit.

NO_REASON = !nno reason given#define ADMIN_GRANT "admin grant"
USER_TK = !nomoara echipa
USER_SUICIDE = !nSinucide-te
KILL_STANDARD = !nOmoara un inamic
KILL_HS = !nheadshot
SC_WIN = !ncastiga runda
BK_PURCHASE = !ncumpara brass knuckles
LEVEL_UP = !ncreste nivelul
BONUS_FRAGS = !nomoara un inamic puternic
DEFUSE_BOMB = !nDezamorseaza o boamba
BOMB_EXPLODE = !nai indeplinit obiectivele
In Romania Language .
My deathmatch server Dm.Kill4Fun.Ro Forum : - http://www.kill4fun.ro/forum
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Old 06-20-2012 , 22:41   Re: Multi-Lingual Translations
Reply With Quote #6

I really, truly, appreciate all your guys' work. But with my new release of the plugin, i have new ML tags. And a bunch of them changed, as well as new ones have been added. I'm so sorry to do this to you, but could you guys update to the new tags? please please pretty please?

Bacon for your efforts!
What an elegant solution to a problem that doesn't need solving....
Liverwiz is offline
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Old 06-21-2012 , 15:20   Re: Multi-Lingual Translations
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Originally Posted by Liverwiz View Post
I really, truly, appreciate all your guys' work. But with my new release of the plugin, i have new ML tags. And a bunch of them changed, as well as new ones have been added. I'm so sorry to do this to you, but could you guys update to the new tags? please please pretty please?

Bacon for your efforts!
Ih8u... ^_^
Could you just add the new tags so we don’t have to look for them?
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Old 06-22-2012 , 10:36   Re: Multi-Lingual Translations
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Originally Posted by Tallulah View Post
Ih8u... ^_^
Could you just add the new tags so we don’t have to look for them?
I did. also updated the .txt
Though the .txt has all the legacy foreign tags....you can do what you wish.
I really appreciate the work you guys do. You keep people happy. ^.^
What an elegant solution to a problem that doesn't need solving....
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Old 06-22-2012 , 16:02   Re: Multi-Lingual Translations
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Spanish edited.
PURCHASE_FAIL_DEAD = !nNo puedes comprar las Manoplas cuando estas muerto!
PURCHASE_FAIL_ALREADY = !nYa tienes un par de Manoplas, te seas avaro!
PURCHASE_FAIL_MONEY = !nDisculpa. No tienes los $%d requeridos para comprar las Manoplas.

PURCHASE_ANNOUNCE = !t%s !ncompraste un par de Manoplas!
KNUCKLES_EQUIP = !nEncontraste un par de Manoplas!
WELCOME_MSG = !nBienvenido. Tienes %d frags!
TATTACK_MSG = No ataques a tu equipo!

PU_STD = Poder(Nivel %d)
PU_LOW = Golpe bajo.
PU_NORMAL = Golpe Normal
PU_SPEED = Velocidad
PU_GRAVITY = Velocidad, Gravedad
PU_DAMAGE = Velocidad, Gravedad, Danio
PU_INSTAKILL = Matar de un golpe

HELP_TITLE = Ayuda de Manoplas:
HELP_ONE = !n    - Escribe /buybk en el chat para comprar Manoplas
HELP_TWO = !n    - Las Manoplas cuestan $%d
HELP_THREE = !n    - Escribe bind f "say /buybk" en consola para comprar Manoplas con la tecla "F"
HELP_FOUR = !n    - Mira tu consola para mas informacion sobre este plugin.
CON_HELP_ONE =     %s plugin esta usando la version %s
CON_HELP_TWO =     Este mod ha sido modificado por Liverwiz para complacer su deseo.
CON_HELP_THREE =     Mod originalmente crado por Cheap_Suit, y esta disponible en el sitio de allied modders.
CON_HELP_FOUR =     Para mas informacion contacta a Liverwiz en Allied Modders.

LEVEL_MSG = !nEres nivel %d.
FRAG_MSG = !nTienes %d frags.
AUTH_FAIL_MSG = No estas autorizado. Tus frags no se guardaran.
FRAGS_SAVED = !nTus frags han sido guardados!
TARGET_NOT_FOUND = Disculpa, el jugador %s no se ha encontrado o no puede ser marcado como objetivo!
TARGET_NOT_RANGE = Este jugador esta fuera del rango
DB_CLEAN = Los datos de la base de datos mas viejos que %f dias atras han sido borrados.

ROOT_SLEVEL = Establecer nivel a jugador.
ROOT_SFRAGS = Establecer frags a jugador.
ROOT_GFRAGS = Dar frags a jugador.
ROOT_PRUNE = Borrar datos.
SPLR_LVL_TITLE = BKF Establecer nivel a jugador:
SPLR_FRG_TITLE = BKF Establecer frags a jugador:
GPLR_FRG_TITLE = BKF Dar frags a jugador:
PRUNE_TITLE = BKF Borrar datos:
PRUNE_ONE = 1 semana
PRUNE_TWO = 2 semanas

LVL0_KNIFE = Nivel 0 (Cuchillo)
LVL1_BK = Nivel 1 (Manoplas)
LVL2_RUN = Nivel 2 (Correr mas rapido)
LVL3_JUMP = Nivel 3 (Saltar mas alto)
LVL4_DMG = Nivel 4 (Daño extra)
LVL5_BA = Nivel 5 (Bad Ass)
LEVEL = Nivel %d
LEVEL_IK = Nivel %d (Matar instantaneamente)

FRAG = Frag
FRAGS = Frags
FRG_FL = %d Frags (Niveles completos)

ADMIN_SET_LVL = !t%s !n(nivel %d) ha sido establecido a %d frags.
WIN_FRAGS = !nGanaste %d frags por
LOSE_FRAGS = !nPerdiste %d frags por
SC_FRAG_MSG = +1 extra frag. Modo Supercargado activado!
SET_LVL_MSG = !nTu nivel ha sido establecido a %d (%d frags) por
SET_FRAG_MSG = !nTus frags han sido establecidos a %d por 
RESET_LVL_MSG = !nTu nivel ha sido reiniciado 
LVL_UP_MSG = %s ha subido de nivel! Ahora es nivel %d!
LVL_UP_PVT_MSG = Has subido de nivel! Ahora estas en nivel !n%d!
DISABLED = Frags con Manopla desactivado.
FRAGS_MSG_ON = Frags con Manoplas activado.
FRAGS_MSG_OFF = Frags con Manoplas desactivado. 
CMD_STATS_MSG = Eres nivel !n%d!g. Con !n%d/%d !gfrags para subur al proximo nivel. (Nivel !n%d!g)

ADMIN_GRANT = !nadmin grant
NO_REASON = !nno se a dado motivo#define ADMIN_GRANT "admin grant"
USER_TK = !nteam kill
USER_SUICIDE = !ncometio suicidio
KILL_STANDARD = !nMato a un enemigo
KILL_HS = !nheadshot
SC_WIN = !nGanando la ronda
BK_PURCHASE = !nComprando Manoplas
LEVEL_UP = !nSubiendo de nivel
BONUS_FRAGS = !nMata a un enemigo poderoso
DEFUSE_BOMB = !nDesactivando la bomba
BOMB_EXPLODE = !nCompletando objetivos satisfactoriamente
damage = daño. But cs don’t have the ñ letter so I translate it like "danio" it’s the same.
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Old 06-22-2012 , 19:27   Re: Multi-Lingual Translations
Reply With Quote #10

Thanks so much, Tallulah!
What an elegant solution to a problem that doesn't need solving....
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