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Help on register_forward

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Join Date: Apr 2020
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Old 08-23-2020 , 11:55   Help on register_forward
Reply With Quote #1

Hey AM,

I wanted to know whether register_forward is hooked onto a player to detect something, or is it only called when someone carries out the action. For example:

register_forward( FM_Touch, "fwTouch" );

I was planning to use FakeMeta to detect touching a model, but was unsure whether it would be appropriate to use, because I don't want the function to called everytime, but only when a player touches the model. Should I use HamSandwich instead for this?

Best regards,
MaNaReaver is offline
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Old 08-23-2020 , 13:26   Re: Help on register_forward
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It triggers when whatever you are hooking occurs.

I would recommend using register_touch() from the engine module if you are looking to detect when a player touches something, since it allows you to specify both classnames, whereas using FM_Touch, you need to do further logic/conditions to react on only specific entities.

Last edited by Bugsy; 08-23-2020 at 13:27.
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Old 08-23-2020 , 14:11   Re: Help on register_forward
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Originally Posted by Bugsy View Post
It triggers when whatever you are hooking occurs.

I would recommend using register_touch() from the engine module if you are looking to detect when a player touches something, since it allows you to specify both classnames, whereas using FM_Touch, you need to do further logic/conditions to react on only specific entities.
I was working on rewriting this plugin, and I was unsure as to how I should use register_touch to work for a specific player. The code's attached below. Do you think this would be inefficient, and needs editing?

#include <amxmodx>
#include <fakemeta>
#include <fakemeta_util>

#pragma semicolon 1 

new g_bStopwatchStarted[33]; 

new g_iLocId[2][33]; 
new Float:g_fLoc[2][33][3];

new g_iMaxPlayers; 
new g_iSayText;

public plugin_init( ) 
    register_plugin( "Stopwatch", "1.1b", "SchlumPF*" );
    register_clcmd( "say /stopwatch", "menuDisplay" );
    register_menucmd( register_menuid( "\rStopwatch - SchlumPF^n^n" ), 1023, "menuAction" );
    register_forward( FM_Touch, "fwdTouch" );
    g_iSayText = get_user_msgid( "SayText" );
    g_iMaxPlayers = get_maxplayers( );

public menuDisplay( plr ) 
    static menu[2048];
    new keys = ( 1<<0 | 1<<1 | 1<<2 | 1<<9 );
    new len = format( menu, sizeof menu - 1, "\rStopwatch - SchlumPF^n^n" );
    len += format( menu[len], sizeof menu - len, "\r01. \wStart Loc^n" );
    len += format( menu[len], sizeof menu - len, "\r02. \wFinish Loc^n" );
    len += format( menu[len], sizeof menu - len, "\r03. \wReset Locs^n" );
    len += format( menu[len], sizeof menu - len, "\r04. \wReset Timer^n^n" );
    len += format( menu[len], sizeof menu - len, "\r00. \wExit" );
    show_menu( plr, keys, menu, -1 );
    return PLUGIN_HANDLED;

public menuAction( plr, key ) 
    switch( key )
        case 0:
            fnCreateLoc( plr, "start" );
            menuDisplay( plr );
        case 1: 
            fnCreateLoc( plr, "stop" );
            menuDisplay( plr );
        case 2: 
            fnResetLocs( plr );
            menuDisplay( plr );
        case 3:
            if( g_bStopwatchStarted[plr] )
                g_bStopwatchStarted[plr] = false;
            fnGreenChat( plr, "[Stopwatch] ^x01Your timer has been resetted!" );
            menuDisplay( plr );
        case 9: show_menu( plr, 0, "" );
    return PLUGIN_HANDLED;

public fnCreateLoc( plr, type[] ) 
    if( equali( type, "start" ) )
        if( g_iLocId[0][plr] )
            fnGreenChat( plr, "[Stopwatch] ^x01You have to delete the loc first" );
            return 0;
    else if( equali( type, "stop" ) )
        if( g_iLocId[1][plr] )
            fnGreenChat( plr, "[Stopwatch] ^x01You have to delete the loc first" );
            return 0;
    new Float:origin[3];
    pev( plr, pev_origin, origin );
    new ent = engfunc( EngFunc_CreateNamedEntity, engfunc( EngFunc_AllocString, "info_target" ) );
    set_pev( ent, pev_solid, SOLID_TRIGGER );
    set_pev( ent, pev_movetype, MOVETYPE_NONE );
    engfunc( EngFunc_SetModel, ent, "models/w_c4.mdl" );
    engfunc( EngFunc_SetSize, ent, Float:{ -16.0, -16.0, -16.0 }, Float:{ 16.0, 16.0, 16.0 } );
    engfunc( EngFunc_SetOrigin, ent, origin );
    if( equali( type, "start" ) )
        set_pev( ent, pev_classname, "start" );
        fm_set_rendering( ent, kRenderFxGlowShell, 0, 255, 0, kRenderNormal, 16 );
        g_iLocId[0][plr] = ent;
        g_fLoc[0][plr][0] = origin[0];
        g_fLoc[0][plr][1] = origin[1];
        g_fLoc[0][plr][2] = origin[2];
    else if( equali( type, "stop" ) )
        set_pev( ent, pev_classname, "stop" );
        fm_set_rendering( ent, kRenderFxGlowShell, 255, 0, 0, kRenderNormal, 16 );
        g_iLocId[1][plr] = ent;
        g_fLoc[1][plr][0] = origin[0];
        g_fLoc[1][plr][1] = origin[1];
        g_fLoc[1][plr][2] = origin[2];
    return 1;

public fnResetLocs( plr ) 
    if( g_iLocId[0][plr] )
        engfunc( EngFunc_RemoveEntity, g_iLocId[0][plr] );
        g_iLocId[0][plr] = 0;
    if( g_iLocId[1][plr] )
        engfunc( EngFunc_RemoveEntity, g_iLocId[1][plr] );
        g_iLocId[1][plr] = 0;

public fwdTouch( touched, plr ) 
    if( is_user_alive( plr ) )
        static Float:kztime[33];
        if( touched == g_iLocId[0][plr] && touched )
            kztime[plr] = get_gametime( );
            g_bStopwatchStarted[plr] = true;
            client_print( plr, print_center, "stopwatch started" );
        else if( touched == g_iLocId[1][plr] && touched && g_bStopwatchStarted[plr] )
            g_bStopwatchStarted[plr] = false;
            client_print( plr, print_center, "stopwatch stopped" );
            fnGreenChat( plr, "[Stopwatch] ^x01You have wasted %f seconds of time ", get_gametime( ) - kztime[plr] );

public client_connect( plr ) 
    g_bStopwatchStarted[plr] = false;
public client_disconnect( plr )
    fnResetLocs( plr );

// by fatalis 
fnGreenChat( plr, const message[], {Float,Sql,Result,_}:... )
    static msg[192];
    msg[0] = 0x04;
    vformat( msg[1], sizeof msg - 2, message, 3 );
    if( plr > 0 && plr <= g_iMaxPlayers )
        message_begin( MSG_ONE, g_iSayText, { 0, 0, 0 }, plr );
        write_byte( plr );
        write_string( msg );
        message_end( );
    else if( plr == 0 )
        for( new i = 1; i <= g_iMaxPlayers; i++ )
            if( !is_user_connected( i ) )
            message_begin( MSG_ONE, g_iSayText, { 0, 0, 0 }, i );
            write_byte( i );
            write_string( msg );
            message_end( );
    return 1;
Best regards,
MaNaReaver is offline
AMX Mod X Plugin Approver
Join Date: Sep 2013
Location: Romania
Old 08-23-2020 , 14:24   Re: Help on register_forward
Reply With Quote #4

I didn't look at your code, but based on your description you should be doing what Bugsy said. Use register_touch with classnames "player" and the classname of the entity you want to detect. Then check to see if the forward was triggered for the right player(assuming you have some kind of boolean or condition the player must pass).

Last edited by HamletEagle; 08-23-2020 at 14:24.
HamletEagle is offline

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