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Admin Color chat using basechat.sp

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official NinJa
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Old 01-16-2021 , 07:32   Admin Color chat using basechat.sp
Reply With Quote #1

Hi all i need some helps
can anyone help me for

<darkred>[Admins] <lightblue>PlayerName <darkred>%text%
(private to <darkred><playername> ): Admin Name <darkred>%text%
like this without using other plugins
here the codes:

* vim: set ts=4 :
* ============================================= ================================
* SourceMod Basic Chat Plugin
* Implements basic communication commands.
* SourceMod (C)2004-2008 AlliedModders LLC. All rights reserved.
* ============================================= ================================
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3.0, as published by the
* Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* As a special exception, AlliedModders LLC gives you permission to link the
* code of this program (as well as its derivative works) to "Half-Life 2," the
* "Source Engine," the "SourcePawn JIT," and any Game MODs that run on software
* by the Valve Corporation. You must obey the GNU General Public License in
* all respects for all other code used. Additionally, AlliedModders LLC grants
* this exception to all derivative works. AlliedModders LLC defines further
* exceptions, found in LICENSE.txt (as of this writing, version JULY-31-2007),
* or <http://www.sourcemod.net/license.php>.
* Version: $Id$

#pragma semicolon 1

#include <sourcemod>

#pragma newdecls required

public Plugin myinfo =
name = "Basic Chat",
author = "AlliedModders LLC",
description = "Basic Communication Commands",
url = "http://www.sourcemod.net/"

#define CHAT_SYMBOL '@'

char g_ColorNames[13][10] = {"White", "Red", "Green", "Blue", "Yellow", "Purple", "Cyan", "Orange", "Pink", "Olive", "Lime", "Violet", "Lightblue"};
int g_Colors[13][3] = {{255,255,255},{255,0,0},{0,255,0},{0,0,255}, {255,255,0},{255,0,255},{0,255,255},{255,128, 0},{255,0,128},{128,255,0},{0,255,128},{128,0 ,255},{0,128,255}};

ConVar g_Cvar_Chatmode;

EngineVersion g_GameEngine = Engine_Unknown;

public void OnPluginStart()

g_GameEngine = GetEngineVersion();

g_Cvar_Chatmode = CreateConVar("sm_chat_mode", "1", "Allows player's to send messages to admin chat.", 0, true, 0.0, true, 1.0);

RegAdminCmd("sm_say", Command_SmSay, ADMFLAG_CHAT, "sm_say <message> - sends message to all players");
RegAdminCmd("sm_csay", Command_SmCsay, ADMFLAG_CHAT, "sm_csay <message> - sends centered message to all players");

/* HintText does not work on Dark Messiah */
if (g_GameEngine != Engine_DarkMessiah)
RegAdminCmd("sm_hsay", Command_SmHsay, ADMFLAG_CHAT, "sm_hsay <message> - sends hint message to all players");

RegAdminCmd("sm_tsay", Command_SmTsay, ADMFLAG_CHAT, "sm_tsay [color] <message> - sends top-left message to all players");
RegAdminCmd("sm_chat", Command_SmChat, ADMFLAG_CHAT, "sm_chat <message> - sends message to admins");
RegAdminCmd("sm_psay", Command_SmPsay, ADMFLAG_CHAT, "sm_psay <name or #userid> <message> - sends private message");
RegAdminCmd("sm_msay", Command_SmMsay, ADMFLAG_CHAT, "sm_msay <message> - sends message as a menu panel");

public Action OnClientSayCommand(int client, const char[] command, const char[] sArgs)
int startidx;
if (sArgs[startidx] != CHAT_SYMBOL)
return Plugin_Continue;


if (strcmp(command, "say", false) == 0)
if (sArgs[startidx] != CHAT_SYMBOL) // sm_say alias
if (!CheckCommandAccess(client, "sm_say", ADMFLAG_CHAT))
return Plugin_Continue;

SendChatToAll(client, sArgs[startidx]);
LogAction(client, -1, "\"%L\" triggered sm_say (text %s)", client, sArgs[startidx]);

return Plugin_Stop;


if (sArgs[startidx] != CHAT_SYMBOL) // sm_psay alias
if (!CheckCommandAccess(client, "sm_psay", ADMFLAG_CHAT))
return Plugin_Continue;

char arg[64];

int len = BreakString(sArgs[startidx], arg, sizeof(arg));
int target = FindTarget(client, arg, true, false);

if (target == -1 || len == -1)
return Plugin_Stop;

SendPrivateChat(client, target, sArgs[startidx+len]);

return Plugin_Stop;


// sm_csay alias
if (!CheckCommandAccess(client, "sm_csay", ADMFLAG_CHAT))
return Plugin_Continue;

DisplayCenterTextToAll(client, sArgs[startidx]);
LogAction(client, -1, "\"%L\" triggered sm_csay (text %s)", client, sArgs[startidx]);

return Plugin_Stop;
else if (strcmp(command, "say_team", false) == 0 || strcmp(command, "say_squad", false) == 0)
if (!CheckCommandAccess(client, "sm_chat", ADMFLAG_CHAT) && !g_Cvar_Chatmode.BoolValue)
return Plugin_Continue;

SendChatToAdmins(client, sArgs[startidx]);
LogAction(client, -1, "\"%L\" triggered sm_chat (text %s)", client, sArgs[startidx]);

return Plugin_Stop;

return Plugin_Continue;

public Action Command_SmSay(int client, int args)
if (args < 1)
ReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] Usage: sm_say <message>");
return Plugin_Handled;

char text[192];
GetCmdArgString(text, sizeof(text));

SendChatToAll(client, text);
LogAction(client, -1, "\"%L\" triggered sm_say (text %s)", client, text);

return Plugin_Handled;

public Action Command_SmCsay(int client, int args)
if (args < 1)
ReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] Usage: sm_csay <message>");
return Plugin_Handled;

char text[192];
GetCmdArgString(text, sizeof(text));

DisplayCenterTextToAll(client, text);

LogAction(client, -1, "\"%L\" triggered sm_csay (text %s)", client, text);

return Plugin_Handled;

public Action Command_SmHsay(int client, int args)
if (args < 1)
ReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] Usage: sm_hsay <message>");
return Plugin_Handled;

char text[192];
GetCmdArgString(text, sizeof(text));

char nameBuf[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];

for (int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++)
if (!IsClientInGame(i) || IsFakeClient(i))
FormatActivitySource(client, i, nameBuf, sizeof(nameBuf));
PrintHintText(i, "%s: %s", nameBuf, text);

LogAction(client, -1, "\"%L\" triggered sm_hsay (text %s)", client, text);

return Plugin_Handled;

public Action Command_SmTsay(int client, int args)
if (args < 1)
ReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] Usage: sm_tsay <message>");
return Plugin_Handled;

char text[192], colorStr[16];
GetCmdArgString(text, sizeof(text));

int len = BreakString(text, colorStr, 16);

int color = FindColor(colorStr);
char nameBuf[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];

if (color == -1)
color = 0;
len = 0;

for (int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++)
if (!IsClientInGame(i) || IsFakeClient(i))
FormatActivitySource(client, i, nameBuf, sizeof(nameBuf));
SendDialogToOne(i, color, "%s: %s", nameBuf, text[len]);

LogAction(client, -1, "\"%L\" triggered sm_tsay (text %s)", client, text);

return Plugin_Handled;

public Action Command_SmChat(int client, int args)
if (args < 1)
ReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] Usage: sm_chat <message>");
return Plugin_Handled;

char text[192];
GetCmdArgString(text, sizeof(text));

SendChatToAdmins(client, text);
LogAction(client, -1, "\"%L\" triggered sm_chat (text %s)", client, text);

return Plugin_Handled;

public Action Command_SmPsay(int client, int args)
if (args < 2)
ReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] Usage: sm_psay <name or #userid> <message>");
return Plugin_Handled;

char text[192], arg[64], message[192];
GetCmdArgString(text, sizeof(text));

int len = BreakString(text, arg, sizeof(arg));
BreakString(text[len], message, sizeof(message));

int target = FindTarget(client, arg, true, false);

if (target == -1)
return Plugin_Handled;

SendPrivateChat(client, target, message);

return Plugin_Handled;

public Action Command_SmMsay(int client, int args)
if (args < 1)
ReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] Usage: sm_msay <message>");
return Plugin_Handled;

char text[192];
GetCmdArgString(text, sizeof(text));

SendPanelToAll(client, text);

LogAction(client, -1, "\"%L\" triggered sm_msay (text %s)", client, text);

return Plugin_Handled;

int FindColor(const char[] color)
for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(g_ColorNames); i++)
if (strcmp(color, g_ColorNames[i], false) == 0)
return i;

return -1;

void SendChatToAll(int client, const char[] message)
char nameBuf[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];

for (int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++)
if (!IsClientInGame(i) || IsFakeClient(i))
FormatActivitySource(client, i, nameBuf, sizeof(nameBuf));

if (g_GameEngine == Engine_CSGO)
PrintToChat(i, " \x01\x0B\x04%t: \x01%s", "Say all", nameBuf, message);
PrintToChat(i, "\x04%t: \x01%s", "Say all", nameBuf, message);

void DisplayCenterTextToAll(int client, const char[] message)
char nameBuf[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];

for (int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++)
if (!IsClientInGame(i) || IsFakeClient(i))
FormatActivitySource(client, i, nameBuf, sizeof(nameBuf));
PrintCenterText(i, "%s: %s", nameBuf, message);

void SendChatToAdmins(int from, const char[] message)
int fromAdmin = CheckCommandAccess(from, "sm_chat", ADMFLAG_CHAT);
for (int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++)
if (IsClientInGame(i) && (from == i || CheckCommandAccess(i, "sm_chat", ADMFLAG_CHAT)))
if (g_GameEngine == Engine_CSGO)
PrintToChat(i, " \x01\x0B\x04%t: \x01%s", fromAdmin ? "Chat admins" : "Chat to admins", from, message);
PrintToChat(i, "\x04%t: \x01%s", fromAdmin ? "Chat admins" : "Chat to admins", from, message);

void SendDialogToOne(int client, int color, const char[] text, any ...)
char message[100];
VFormat(message, sizeof(message), text, 4);

KeyValues kv = new KeyValues("Stuff", "title", message);
kv.SetColor("color", g_Colors[color][0], g_Colors[color][1], g_Colors[color][2], 255);
kv.SetNum("level", 1);
kv.SetNum("time", 10);

CreateDialog(client, kv, DialogType_Msg);

delete kv;

void SendPrivateChat(int client, int target, const char[] message)
if (!client)
PrintToServer("(Private to %N) %N: %s", target, client, message);
else if (target != client)
if (g_GameEngine == Engine_CSGO)
PrintToChat(client, " \x01\x0B\x04%t: \x01%s", "Private say to", target, client, message);
PrintToChat(client, "\x04%t: \x01%s", "Private say to", target, client, message);

if (g_GameEngine == Engine_CSGO)
PrintToChat(target, " \x01\x0B\x04%t: \x01%s", "Private say to", target, client, message);
PrintToChat(target, "\x04%t: \x01%s", "Private say to", target, client, message);
LogAction(client, target, "\"%L\" triggered sm_psay to \"%L\" (text %s)", client, target, message);

void SendPanelToAll(int from, char[] message)
char title[100];
Format(title, 64, "%N:", from);

ReplaceString(message, 192, "\\n", "\n");

Panel mSayPanel = new Panel();
mSayPanel.DrawItem("", ITEMDRAW_SPACER);
mSayPanel.DrawItem("", ITEMDRAW_SPACER);
mSayPanel.CurrentKey = GetMaxPageItems(mSayPanel.Style);
mSayPanel.DrawItem("Exit", ITEMDRAW_CONTROL);

for(int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++)
if(IsClientInGame(i) && !IsFakeClient(i))
mSayPanel.Send(i, Handler_DoNothing, 10);

delete mSayPanel;

public int Handler_DoNothing(Menu menu, MenuAction action, int param1, int param2)
/* Do nothing */
official NinJa is offline
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Old 01-21-2021 , 11:16   Re: Admin Color chat using basechat.sp
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void SendChatToAll(int client, const char[] message)
char nameBuf[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];

for (int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++)
if (!IsClientInGame(i) || IsFakeClient(i))
FormatActivitySource(client, i, nameBuf, sizeof(nameBuf));

if (g_GameEngine == Engine_CSGO)
PrintToChat(i, " \x01\x0B\x04%t: \x01%s", "Say all", nameBuf, message);
PrintToChat(i, "\x04%t: \x01%s", "Say all", nameBuf, message);

This is the part you're looking for. You mentioned using {COLORHERE} which CS:GO will not parse. That is part of colorlib which is a dependency you'll need to have in your includes if you are going to compile.

Color guides (if you don't want to use colorlib):
\x01 = White
\x02 = Dark Red
\x03 = White
\x04 = Dark Green
\x05 = Moss Green
\x06 = Lime Green
\x07 = Light Red

For example, mine reads:

"CPrintToChat(i, "{darkred}ADMIN | \x07%t : \x01%s", "Say all", nameBuf, message);"

Experiment a bit with that. I haven't tested it yet. You need to make sure that if you are using colorlib, you MUST call the color function. This means changing "PrintToChat" to "CPrintToChat" like above. Let me know if you have any other questions, I'll try my best to help you figure it out.
Certified_GSD is offline
official NinJa
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Old 01-22-2021 , 06:07   Re: Admin Color chat using basechat.sp
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Originally Posted by Certified_GSD View Post
void SendChatToAll(int client, const char[] message)
char nameBuf[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];

for (int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++)
if (!IsClientInGame(i) || IsFakeClient(i))
FormatActivitySource(client, i, nameBuf, sizeof(nameBuf));

if (g_GameEngine == Engine_CSGO)
PrintToChat(i, " \x01\x0B\x04%t: \x01%s", "Say all", nameBuf, message);
PrintToChat(i, "\x04%t: \x01%s", "Say all", nameBuf, message);

This is the part you're looking for. You mentioned using {COLORHERE} which CS:GO will not parse. That is part of colorlib which is a dependency you'll need to have in your includes if you are going to compile.

Color guides (if you don't want to use colorlib):
\x01 = White
\x02 = Dark Red
\x03 = White
\x04 = Dark Green
\x05 = Moss Green
\x06 = Lime Green
\x07 = Light Red

For example, mine reads:

"CPrintToChat(i, "{darkred}ADMIN | \x07%t : \x01%s", "Say all", nameBuf, message);"

Experiment a bit with that. I haven't tested it yet. You need to make sure that if you are using colorlib, you MUST call the color function. This means changing "PrintToChat" to "CPrintToChat" like above. Let me know if you have any other questions, I'll try my best to help you figure it out.

is this work for cs source , if not then i am looking for cs source
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Old 01-22-2021 , 07:32   Re: Admin Color chat using basechat.sp
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Then you should probably be looking in the SourceMod section instead of AMX Mod X. And please use [code] tags instead of forcing people to abuse their scroll wheel.
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