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Help with models

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Join Date: Oct 2012
Location: Hong Kong
Old 04-24-2013 , 10:23   Help with models
Reply With Quote #1

I kept on getting this error

player: UTIL_SetModel: not precached: models/player/mapeadores/morell/l4d/spitter/spitter.mdl )

Heres my models.txt
// ============================================================================
//                              ZOMBIE:RELOADED
//                            Model configuration
// See Model Configuration (3.5) section in the manual for detailed info.
// ============================================================================
// Attribute:   Description:
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// name     Name of model file, without extension.
// path     Path to model files. MUST end with "/".
// team     Model type:
//              "zombies"
//              "humans"
// access   Access type:
//              "public"        - Everyone can use the model.
//              "admins"        - Model can only be used by admins.    
//              "hidden"        - Model is excluded from public random selections.
//              "motherzombies" - Model can only be used by mother zombies.
//              "group"         - Use group authentication.
// group    If access is "group": A SourceMod group name. Otherwise blank ("").

        "name"      "zombie"
        "path"      "models/player/mapeadores/morell/zh/"
        "team"      "zombies"
        "access"    "public"
        "group"     ""
        "name"      "zh1fix"
        "path"      "models/player/mapeadores/kaem/zh/"
        "team"      "zombies"
        "access"    "public"
        "group"     ""
        "name"      "zh2fix"
        "path"      "models/player/mapeadores/kaem/zh/"
        "team"      "zombies"
        "access"    "public"
        "group"     ""
        "name"      "zh3fix"
        "path"      "models/player/mapeadores/morell/zh/"
        "team"      "zombies"
        "access"    "public"
        "group"     ""
		"name"		"spitter"
		"path"		"models/player/mapeadores/morell/l4d/spitter/"
		"team"		"zombies"
		"accesss"	"public"
		"group"		""
		"name"		"alien"
		"path"		"models/player/mapeadores/kaem/alien/"
		"team"		"zombies"
		"access" 	"public"
		"group"		""
		"name"		"grunt"
		"path"		"models/player/mapeadores/morell/amnesia/grunt/"
		"team"		"zombies"
		"access"	"admins"
		"group"		""
		"name"		"zombie"
		"path"		"models/player/mapeadores/morell/zh/"
		"team"		"zombies"
		"access"	"public"
		"group"		""
		"name"		"slow_5"
		"path"		"models/player/slow/zombie_package/"
		"team"		"zombies"
		"access"	"public"
		"group"		""
    // Special model examples:
    // -----------------------
    // Only admins can use this zombie model.
    //    "name"      "1337model"
    //    "path"      "models/player/adminmodels/"
    //    "team"      "zombies"
    //    "access"    "admins"
    //    "group"     ""
    // Only members of the zr_vip group in SourceMod can use this human model.
    //    "name"      "vipmodel"
    //    "path"      "models/player/vip/"
    //    "team"      "humans"
    //    "access"    "group"
    //    "group"     "zr_vip"
    // This model will be excluded from public random selections. Only classes
    // that use "random_hidden" or explicit specify this model will be able to use it.
    //    "name"      "hiddenmodel"
    //    "path"      "models/player/"
    //    "team"      "humans"
    //    "access"    "hidden"
    //    "group"     ""
And here is my playerclasses.txt
// ============================================================================
//                    Zombie:Reloaded Class configuration
// See Class Configuration (3.7) in the manual for detailed info.
// ============================================================================
// Attribute:               Values:     Description:
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// enabled                  yes/no      Enables or disables a class.
// team                     number      Specifies what team the class belongs to:
//                                      0 - Zombies
//                                      1 - Humans
//                                      2 - Admin mode classes (incomplete feautre!)
// team_default             yes/no      Marks the class as the default class in the team.
// flags                    number      Special class flags (bit field). To combine multiple flags
//                                      use a sum of the flag values. Available flags:
//                                      1 - Admins only
//                                      2 - Mother zombies only
// group                    text        Restrict class to member of this SourceMod group. Leave blank for no restriction.
// name                     text        The class name used in class menu.
// description              text        The class description used in class menu.
// model_path               text        Path to model to use. Relative to cstrike folder.
// alpha_initial            number      Initial transparency setting.
// alpha_damaged            number      Transparency when damaged.
// alpha_damage             number      How much damage to do before switching alpha.
// overlay_path             text        Overlay displayed at the player.
// nvgs                     yes/no      Give and turn on night vision.
// fov                      number      Field of view value. 90 is default.
// has_napalm               yes/no      Allows player to throw napalm grenades. Humans only.
// napalm_time              decimal     Napalm burn duration. Zombies only.
// immunity_mode            number      Sets the immunity mode.
// immunity_amount          decimal     Sets the immunity value.
// no_fall_damage           on/off      Disables fall damage.
// health                   number      How many health points to give.
// health_regen_interval    decimal     Sets the regeneration interval. 0 to disable.
// health_regen_amount      number      How much HP to give per interval.
// health_infect_gain       number      How much HP to give when the player infects someone. Zombies only.
// kill_bonus               number      How many points to give per kill. Zombies only.
// speed                    decimal     The player speed.
// knockback                decimal     Force of the knockback when shot at. Zombies only.
// jump_height              decimal     Multiplier of the players jump height. 0.0 means no jump boost, 1.0 is normal.
// jump_distance            decimal     Multiplier of the players jump distance. 0.0 means no forward jump boost, 1.0 is normal.

    // ------------------------------------------
    // Zombie classes
    // ------------------------------------------
        // General
        "enabled"               "yes"
        "team"                  "0"
        "team_default"          "no"
        "flags"                 "0"
        "group"                 ""
        "name"                  "經典殭屍"
        "description"           "血量 6000|速度 310|跳躍 1.25|跳距 1.1"
        // Model
        "model_path"            "models/player/mapeadores/kaem/zh/zh1fix.mdl"
        "alpha_initial"         "255"
        "alpha_damaged"         "255"
        "alpha_damage"          "0"
        // Hud
        "overlay_path"          "overlays/zr/zvision"
        "nvgs"                  "no"
        "fov"                   "90"
        // Effects
        "has_napalm"            "no"
        "napalm_time"           "10.0"
        // Player behaviour
        "immunity_mode"         "none"
        "immunity_amount"       "0"
        "no_fall_damage"        "no"
        "health"                "6000"
        "health_regen_interval" "5.0"
        "health_regen_amount"   "25"
        "health_infect_gain"    "25"
        "kill_bonus"            "2"
        "speed"                 "310"
        "knockback"             "4"
        "jump_height"           "1.25"
        "jump_distance"         "1.3"
        // General
        "enabled"               "yes"
        "team"                  "0"
        "team_default"          "no"
        "flags"                 "2"
        "group"                 ""
        "name"                  "Classic"
        "description"           "血量 13000|速度 355|跳躍 1.1|跳距 1.1"
        // Model
        "model_path"            "models/player/mapeadores/morell/zh/zombie.mdl"
        "alpha_initial"         "255"
        "alpha_damaged"         "255"
        "alpha_damage"          "0"
        // Hud
        "overlay_path"          "overlays/zr/zvision"
        "nvgs"                  "no"
        "fov"                   "90"
        // Effects
        "has_napalm"            "no"
        "napalm_time"           "10.0"
        // Player behaviour
        "immunity_mode"         "none"
        "immunity_amount"       "0"
        "no_fall_damage"        "no"
        "health"                "9000"
        "health_regen_interval" "5.0"
        "health_regen_amount"   "5"
        "health_infect_gain"    "25"
        "kill_bonus"            "2"
        "speed"                 "340"
        "knockback"             "4"
        "jump_height"           "1.2"
        "jump_distance"         "1.1"
        // General
        "enabled"               "yes"
        "team"                  "0"
        "team_default"          "no"
        "flags"                 "2"
        "group"                 ""
        "name"                  "Slow_mother"
        "description"           "Need brains!!! Arrrrggghh!"
        // Model
        "model_path"            "models/player/slow/zombie_package/slow_5.mdl"
        "alpha_initial"         "255"
        "alpha_damaged"         "255"
        "alpha_damage"          "0"
        // Hud
        "overlay_path"          "overlays/zr/zvision"
        "nvgs"                  "no"
        "fov"                   "90"
        // Effects
        "has_napalm"            "no"
        "napalm_time"           "10.0"
        // Player behaviour
        "immunity_mode"         "none"
        "immunity_amount"       "0"
        "no_fall_damage"        "no"
        "health"                "9000"
        "health_regen_interval" "5.0"
        "health_regen_amount"   "25"
        "health_infect_gain"    "25"
        "kill_bonus"            "2"
        "speed"                 "340"
        "knockback"             "4"
        "jump_height"           "1.2"
        "jump_distance"         "1.1"
        // General
        "enabled"               "yes"
        "team"                  "0"
        "team_default"          "yes"
        "flags"                 "0"
        "group"                 ""
        "name"                  "奔跑殭屍"
        "description"           "血量 5000|速度 330|跳躍 1.1|跳距 1.15"
        // Model
        "model_path"            "models/player/mapeadores/kaem/alien/alien.mdl"
        "alpha_initial"         "255"
        "alpha_damaged"         "255"
        "alpha_damage"          "0"
        // Hud
        "overlay_path"          "overlays/zr/zvision"
        "nvgs"                  "no"
        "fov"                   "90"
        // Effects
        "has_napalm"            "no"
        "napalm_time"           "5.0"
        // Player behaviour
        "immunity_mode"         "none"
        "immunity_amount"       "0"
        "no_fall_damage"        "no"
        "health"                "6000"
        "health_regen_interval" "5.0"
        "health_regen_amount"   "25"
        "health_infect_gain"    "25"
        "kill_bonus"            "2"
        "speed"                 "330"
        "knockback"             "3.5"
        "jump_height"           "1.1"
        "jump_distance"         "1.15"
        // General
        "enabled"               "yes"
        "team"                  "0"
        "team_default"          "no"
        "flags"                 "0"
        "group"                 ""
        "name"                  "重形殭屍"
        "description"           "血量 35000|速度 265|跳躍 1.25|跳距 1.0"
        // Model
        "model_path"            "models/player/mapeadores/morell/l4d/spitter/spitter.mdl"
        "alpha_initial"         "255"
        "alpha_damaged"         "255"
        "alpha_damage"          "0"
        // Hud
        "overlay_path"          "overlays/zr/zvision"
        "nvgs"                  "no"
        "fov"                   "90"
        // Effects
        "has_napalm"            "no"
        "napalm_time"           "15.0"
        // Player behaviour
        "immunity_mode"         "none"
        "immunity_amount"       "0"
        "no_fall_damage"        "no"
        "health"                "35000"
        "health_regen_interval" "5.5"
        "health_regen_amount"   "125"
        "health_infect_gain"    "25"
        "kill_bonus"            "2"
        "speed"                 "265"
        "knockback"             "3.5"
        "jump_height"           "1.25"
        "jump_distance"         "1.0"
        // General
        "enabled"               "yes"
        "team"                  "0"
        "team_default"          "no"
        "flags"                 "0"
        "group"                 ""
        "name"                  "重力殭屍"
        "description"           "血量 7000|速度 305|跳躍 1.3|跳距 1.1"
        // Model
        "model_path"            "models/player/mapeadores/morell/zh/zh3fix.mdl"
        "alpha_initial"         "255"
        "alpha_damaged"         "255"
        "alpha_damage"          "0"
        // Hud
        "overlay_path"          "overlays/zr/zvision"
        "nvgs"                  "no"
        "fov"                   "90"
        // Effects
        "has_napalm"            "no"
        "napalm_time"           "15.0"
        // Player behaviour
        "immunity_mode"         "none"
        "immunity_amount"       "0"
        "no_fall_damage"        "no"
        "health"                "9000"
        "health_regen_interval" "5.0"
        "health_regen_amount"   "25"
        "health_infect_gain"    "25"
        "kill_bonus"            "2"
        "speed"                 "305"
        "knockback"             "3.5"
        "jump_height"           "1.3"
        "jump_distance"         "1.1"
        // General
        "enabled"               "no"
        "team"                  "1"
        "team_default"          "no"
        "flags"                 "1"
        "group"                 ""
        "name"                  "Admin Human"
        "description"           "Admin"
        // Model
        "model_path"            "default"
        "alpha_initial"         "255"
        "alpha_damaged"         "255"
        "alpha_damage"          "0"
        // Hud
        "overlay_path"          ""
        "nvgs"                  "no"
        "fov"                   "90"
        // Effects
        "has_napalm"            "no"
        "napalm_time"           "0.0"
        // Player behaviour
        "immunity_mode"         "none"
        "immunity_amount"       "0"
        "no_fall_damage"        "no"
        "health"                "100"
        "health_regen_interval" "1.0"
        "health_regen_amount"   "10"
        "health_infect_gain"    "0"
        "kill_bonus"            "1"
        "speed"                 "300"
        "knockback"             "0"
        "jump_height"           "1.4"
        "jump_distance"         "1.4"
        // General
        "enabled"               "yes"
        "team"                  "1"
        "team_default"          "yes"
        "flags"                 "0"
        "group"                 ""
        "name"                  "+速度"
        "description"           "血量 100|速度 335|跳躍 1.1|跳距 1.3"
        // Model
        "model_path"            "default"
        "alpha_initial"         "255"
        "alpha_damaged"         "255"
        "alpha_damage"          "0"
        // Hud
        "overlay_path"          ""
        "nvgs"                  "no"
        "fov"                   "90"
        // Effects
        "has_napalm"            "no"
        "napalm_time"           "0.0"
             // Player behaviour
        "immunity_mode"         "none"
        "immunity_amount"       "0"
        "no_fall_damage"        "0"
        "health"                "100"
        "health_regen_interval" "0.0"
        "health_regen_amount"   "0"
        "health_infect_gain"    "0"
        "kill_bonus"            "1"
        "speed"                 "335"
        "knockback"             "0"
        "jump_height"           "1.1"
        "jump_distance"         "1.3"
        // General
        "enabled"               "yes"
        "team"                  "1"
        "team_default"          "no"
        "flags"                 "0"
        "group"                 ""
        "name"                  "+跳躍"
        "description"           "血量 100|速度 300|跳躍 1.25|跳距 1.15"
        // Model
        "model_path"            "default"
        "alpha_initial"         "255"
        "alpha_damaged"         "255"
        "alpha_damage"          "0"
        // Hud
        "overlay_path"          ""
        "nvgs"                  "no"
        "fov"                   "90"
        // Effects
        "has_napalm"            "no"
        "napalm_time"           "0.0"
        // Player behaviour
        "immunity_mode"         "none"
        "immunity_amount"       "0"
        "no_fall_damage"        "no"
        "health"                "100"
        "health_regen_interval" "0.0"
        "health_regen_amount"   "0"
        "health_infect_gain"    "0"
        "kill_bonus"            "1"
        "speed"                 "300"
        "knockback"             "0"
        "jump_height"           "1.25"
        "jump_distance"         "1.15"
Founder of Hours Played, Inc.

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Old 04-24-2013 , 10:48   Re: Help with models
Reply With Quote #2

Check SourceMod error logs. There might be a typo somewhere in models.txt or playerclasses.txt, ZR should notify you in that case.
Richard Helgeby

Zombie:Reloaded | PawnUnit | Object Library
(Please don't send private messages for support, they will be ignored. Use the forum.)
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