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[L4D & L4D2] Hats (1.51) [31-May-2024]

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SourceMod Plugin Approver
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: SpaceX
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Fun Stuff
Plugin Game:
Left 4 Dead
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    Plugin Description:
    Hats, using various models.
    Old 03-29-2011 , 06:21   [L4D & L4D2] Hats (1.51) [31-May-2024]
    Reply With Quote #1


    Not your average hats...

    • Mr.RuyC - For helping test the plugin on his server.
    • Ja-Forces - Creating an "error" free L4D1 hats config + bug reports. (found here)
    • bubbabyte - Testing 1.5 on their server and reporting several bugs.
    • Krevik - Lots of help testing 1.45.
    • Ja-Forces - L4D1 data config found here: https://forums.alliedmods.net/showpo...7&postcount=57
    • Don't Fear The Reaper - German translations.
    • Dragokas - Russian and Ukrainian translations.
    • pan0s and NoroHime - Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese translations.

    • Hats covering a players eyes can block the players "use" function (opening doors etc). - Install: Use Priority Patch plugin to fix.

    Changing Models:
    • The position, angles and model name is saved to l4d_hats.cfg in your servers \addons\sourcemod\data\ folder.
    • Each model has it's own section and each section is numbered from 1 to the current max of 128.
    • Each section has 3 keys. "mod" which is required and the path to the model / hat.
    • The 2 optional keys: "ang" and "pos" store the angle / position and can be set in-game with sm_hatang and sm_hatpos.
    • You can customise the hat names with the "name" key as seen in the example below.

    To edit models:
    1. You can view the model list and indexes by typing sm_hatlist.
    2. Use sm_hatadd to add a model to the config (must be the full model path as seen below).
    3. You can remove hats by typing sm_hatdel and part of the model name or the index number (1-64).

    To edit hat positions:
    1. Choose your hat with the sm_hat command.
    2. Use the command sm_hatload to load on all players.
    3. Use the commands sm_hatpos and sm_hatang.
    4. These affect all players (which is why I recommend using sm_hatload)
    5. Once you're happy with the pos/ang use the command sm_hatsave.

    To edit hat sizes:
    1. Choose your hat with the sm_hat command.
    2. Use the command sm_hatload to load on all players.
    3. Use the command sm_hatsize to set the size.
    4. This affects all players (which is why I recommend using sm_hatload)
    5. Once you're happy with the size use the command sm_hatsave.
    6. NOTE: Not all models can be resized.

    	"mod"		"models/infected/gibs/gibs.mdl"
    	"ang"		"0.000000 0.000000 0.000000"
    	"loc"		"2.000000 0.500000 0.500000"
    	"size"		"1.5"
    	"name"		"Hand Gib"

    Optional Translations for hat names:
    • If you want to translate hat names into multiple languages, save the following as hatnames.phrases.txt in your servers \addons\sourcemod\translations folder.
    • (Now included by default inside the plugins zip archive)


    PHP Code:
    // All players
    sm_hat         // Displays a menu of hats allowing players to change what they are wearing. Optional args: [0 - 128 or hat name or "random"]
    sm_hats        // Displays a menu to customize various settings for hats.
    sm_hatoff      // Toggle to turn on or off the ability of wearing hats.
    sm_hatshow     // Toggle to see or hide your own hat. Applies to first person view or third person using the optional command argument "tp" e.g. "sm_hatshow tp"
    sm_hatview     // ^^
    sm_hatshowon   // See your own hat. Applies to first person view or third person using the optional command argument "tp" e.g. "sm_hatshowon tp"
    sm_hatshowoff  // Hide your own hat. Applies to first person view or third person using the optional command argument "tp" e.g. "sm_hatshowoff tp"
    sm_hatall      // Toggles the visibility of everyone's hats.

    // Admins only (requires "z" flag):
    sm_hatclient   // Set a clients hat. Usage: sm_hatclient <#userid|name> [hat name or hat index: 0-128 (MAX_HATS)].
    sm_hatc        // Displays a menu listing players, select one to change their hat.
    sm_hatallc     // Toggle the visibility of all hats on specific players
    sm_hatoffc     // Toggle the ability of wearing hats on specific players.
    sm_hatrandom   // Randomizes all players hats.
    sm_hatrand     // ^^

    // Add and remove hat models with these commands.
    sm_hatadd      // Adds specified model to the config (must be the full model path).
    sm_hatdel      // Removes a model from the config (either by index or partial name matching).
    sm_hatlist     // Displays a list of all the hat models and indexs (for use with sm_hatdel).

    // These commands are useful for editing the hat appearances.
    sm_hatsave     // Saves the hat origin and angles to the data config.
    sm_hatload     // Changes all players hats to the one you have.
    sm_hatpos      // Displays a menu allowing you to adjust the hat position (affects all hats/players).
    sm_hatang      // Displays a menu allowing you to adjust the hat angles (affects all hats/players).
    sm_hatsize     // Shows a menu allowing you to adjust the hat size (affects all hats/players). 


    Saved to l4d_hats.cfg in your servers \cfg\sourcemod\ folder.

    PHP Code:
    // 0=Plugin off, 1=Plugin on.
    l4d_hats_allow "1"

    // Turn on the plugin in these game modes, separate by commas (no spaces). (Empty = all).
    l4d_hats_modes ""

    // Turn off the plugin in these game modes, separate by commas (no spaces). (Empty = none).
    l4d_hats_modes_off ""

    // Turn on the plugin in these game modes. 0=All, 1=Coop, 2=Survival, 4=Versus, 8=Scavenge. Add numbers together.
    l4d_hats_modes_tog ""

    // 0=Disallow bots from spawning with Hats. 1=Allow bots to spawn with hats.
    l4d_hats_bots "1"

    // 0=Off. Other value puts the player into thirdperson for this many seconds when selecting a hat.
    l4d_hats_change "1.3"

    // 0.0=Off. How often to detect thirdperson view. Also uses ThirdPersonShoulder_Detect plugin if available.
    l4d_hats_detect "0.3"

    // Specify admin flags or blank to allow all players to spawn with a hat, requires the l4d_hats_random cvar to spawn.
    l4d_hats_make ""

    // Specify admin flags or blank to allow all players access to the hats menu.
    l4d_hats_menu ""

    // How transparent or solid should the hats appear. 0=Translucent, 255=Opaque.
    l4d_hats_opaque "255"

    // Prevent pre-caching models on these maps, separate by commas (no spaces). Enabling plugin on these maps will crash the server.
    l4d_hats_precache ""

    // Attach a random hat when survivors spawn. 0=Never. 1=On round start. 2=Only first spawn (keeps the same hat next round).
    l4d_hats_random "1"

    // 0=Off, 1=Save the players selected hats and attach when they spawn or rejoin the server.
    l4d_hats_save "1"

    // When a player is in third person view, display their hat. Hide when in first person view.
    l4d_hats_third "1"

    // 0=Show hats glowing through walls, 1=Hide hats glowing when behind walls (creates 1 extra entity per hat).
    l4d_hats_wall "1"

    // Hats plugin version.

    1.51 (31-May-2024)
        - Fixed client not in game errors being thrown on player death. Thanks to "lzvs" for reporting.
        - Fixed invalid entity errors being thrown. Thanks to "Voevoda" for reporting.
        - Added Spanish translations. Thanks to "lechuga" for providing.
    1.50 (12-Mar-2024)
        - Added a thirdperson camera detection for "m_hViewEntity". Thanks to "Marttt" for reporting.
        - More fixes to keep the hat visible when changing between thirdperson modes (events, cvar, TP plugin). Thanks to "Yabi" for reporting.
    1.49 (27-Nov-2023)
        - Fixed the hat showing when being healed by someone else.
        - Fixed hats randomly showing in first person. Thanks to "Yabi" for reporting.
        - Fixed the "l4d_hats_random" value "2" not saving across map changes. Thanks to "Yabi" for reporting.
    1.48 (24-Nov-2023)
        - Fixed the hat showing after staggering when the stagger timer didn't reset (due to some plugins such as "Stagger Gravity").
    1.47 (22-Nov-2023)
        - Now shows hats in 3rd person view when healing someone, using a generator or opening a footlocker, and possibly more situations. Thanks to "Voevoda" for reporting.
        - Fixed invalid handle errors caused by the last update. Should have worked, seems to be some weirdness with SourceMod. Thanks to "Voevoda" for reporting and "HarryPotter" for help.
    1.46 (07-Nov-2023)
        - Now shows hats in 3rd person view when deploying upgrade ammo packs, staggering or recovering from a pounce/charge. Thanks to "Voevoda" for reporting.
    1.45a (27-Aug-2022)
        - Updated "Russian" translation file. Thanks to "A1ekin" for making changes.
    1.45 (29-May-2022)
        - Added public command "sm_hats" to display a menu of hat options. Thanks to "pan0s" for writing.
        - Added public command "sm_hatall" to toggle the visibility of everyone's hats. Requested by "LordVGames".
        - Added admin command "sm_hatallc" to toggle a clients visibility hats. Requested by "Krevik".
        - Added saving a players visibility of all hats from the new commands above.
        - Added changes by "pan0s" to save the first and third person view of hats status.
        - Added a new colors stock for printing text, supports {RED} and {BLUE} colors. Thanks to "pan0s" for providing.
        - Added support for the "Ready-Up" plugin to hide or show the panel when using the Hats menu. Requested by "Krevik".
        - Changed commands "sm_hatshow", "sm_hatshowon" and "sm_hatshowoff" to only affect 1st person view, and 3rd person view with an optional argument "tp".
        - Fixed crashing if a model was missing. Plugin now fails to load forcing a config fix. Thanks to "Dragokas" for reporting.
        - Fixed hats not saving depending on the "l4d_hats_make" cvar value.
        - Thanks to "Krevik" and "pan0s" for help lots of help and testing.
        - Thanks to "pan0s" for updating the Chinese translations.
        - Thanks to "Impact" for updating the German translations.
        - Thanks to "Dragokas" for updating the Russian and Ukrainian translations.
        - Translation files have updated. Please update or errors will occur and the plugin won't work.
    1.44 (15-Apr-2022)
        - Changed command "sm_hat" to accept 3 letter or smaller words for partial matching, e.g. "sm_hat saw".
        - Fixed command "sm_hatdel" not deleting the whole entry.
        - Fixed command "sm_hat" changing other players hats after using "sm_hatc" command. Thanks to "kot4404" for reporting.
        - Removed the "Big Helicopter" model from the data config. Too many reports of client-side glowing sprites remaining behind.
    1.43 (06-Feb-2022)
        - Added a hackish fix for L4D2 not precaching models properly which has been causing stutter when using a model for the first time.
        - Fixed menus closing when selecting a player with a userid greater than 999. Thanks to "Electr000999" for reporting.
    1.42 (16-Dec-2021)
        - Fixed simple mistake from last update causing wrong menu listing when not using a "hatnames" translation. Thanks to "Mi.Cura" for reporting.
    1.41 (14-Dec-2021)
        - Fixed spawning and respawning with a hat when it was turned off. Thanks to "kot4404" for reporting.
        - Changed the "hatnames.phrases.txt" translation file format for better modifications when adding or removing hats from the data config.
        - Now supports adding hats and breaking the plugin when missing from the "hatnames.phrases.txt" translations file.
        - New "hatnames" translations no longer uses indexes and only model names.
        - Still supports the old version but suggest upgrading to the new.
        - Included the script for converting the translation file based on the config. Search for "TRANSLATE CODE" in the source.
    1.40 (11-Dec-2021)
        - Fixed not saving hat angles and origins correctly when "l4d_hats_wall" was set to "0". Thanks to "NoroHime" for reporting.
        - Now saves when a hat was removed, if saving is enabled. Requested by "kot4404".
    1.39 (09-Dec-2021)
        - Changed command "sm_hat" to accept "rand" or "random" as a parameter option to give a random hat.
        - Updated the "chi" and "zho" translation "hatnames.phrases.txt" files to be correct. Thanks to "NoroHime".
    1.38 (03-Dec-2021)
        - Added "Off" option to the menu. Requested by "kot4404".
        - Fixed command "sm_hatadd" from not adding new entries. Thanks to "swiftswing1" for reporting.
        - Changes to fix warnings when compiling on SourceMod 1.11.
    1.37 (09-Sep-2021)
        - Plugin now deletes the client cookie and hat if they no longer have access to use hats. Requested by "Darkwob".
    1.36 (20-Jul-2021)
        - Removed cvar "l4d_hats_view" - recommended to use "ThirdPersonShoulder_Detect" plugin to turn on/off the hat view when in 3rd/1st person view.
    1.35 (10-Jul-2021)
        - Fixed giving random hats to players when the "l4d_hats_random" cvar was set to "0". Thanks to "XYZC" for reporting.
    1.34 (05-Jul-2021)
        - Fixed giving random hats on round_start when "l4d_hats_save" cvar was set to "1".
    1.33 (04-Jul-2021)
        - Fixed "sm_hatrand" and "sm_hatrandom" from not giving random hats. Not sure when this broke.
    1.32 (01-Jul-2021)
        - Added a warning message to suggest installing the "Attachments API" and "Use Priority Patch" plugins if missing.
    1.31 (03-May-2021)
        - Added Simplified Chinese (chi) and Traditional Chinese (zho) translations. Thanks to "pan0s" for providing.
        - Fixed not giving random hats to clients who have no saved hats. Thanks to "pan0s" for reporting.
    1.30 (28-Apr-2021)
        - Fixed client not in-game errors. Thanks to "HarryPotter" for reporting.
    1.29 (10-Apr-2021)
        - Added cvar "l4d_hats_bots" to allow or disallow bots from spawning with hats.
        - Added cvar "l4d_hats_make" to allow players with specific flags only to auto spawn with hats.
    1.28 (20-Mar-2021)
        - Added cvar "l4d_hats_wall" to prevent hats glowing through walls. Thanks to "Marttt" for the method and "Dragokas" for requesting.
        - Fixed personal hats not showing when changing hat in external view.
    1.27 (01-Mar-2021)
        - Fixed invalid client errors due to the last update. Thanks to "ur5efj" for reporting.
    1.26 (01-Mar-2021)
        - Now blocks showing hats when spectating someone in first person view. Thanks to "Alex101192" for reporting.
    1.25 (23-Feb-2021)
        - Fixed hats not hiding after being revived. Thanks to "Alex101192" for reporting.
    1.24 (01-Oct-2020)
        - Changed "l4d_hats_precache" cvar default value to blank.
        - Changed the way "l4d_hats_detect" works. Now also detects if reviving someone (events were unreliable and causing bugs).
        - Fixed 1st and 3rd person view of hats wrongfully toggling under certain conditions. Thanks to "Alex101192" for reporting.
        - Fixed some spelling mistakes in the "data/l4d_hats.cfg" hat names.
    1.23 (16-Jun-2020)
        - Added Russian and Ukrainian translations - Thanks to "Dragokas" for providing.
        - Fixed changing hats when "l4d_hats_save" and "l4d_hats_random" were set. Random is superseded by saved if present.
        - Fixed command "sm_hatclient" throwing an error when only a client was specified.
        - Fixed hat view "ThirdPersonShoulder_Detect" and "Survivor Thirdperson" plugins clashing.
    1.22 (10-May-2020)
        - Extra checks to prevent "IsAllowedGameMode" throwing errors.
        - Fixed not always loading client cookies before creating hats. Thanks to "Alex101192" for reporting.
        - Fixed potentially not translating some strings.
        - Fixed some functions not working for more than 100 hats.
        - Fixed hats affecting Survivor Thirdperson view under certain conditions.
        - Various changes to tidy up code.
        - Various optimizations and fixes.
    1.21 (30-Apr-2020)
        - Added cvar "l4d_hats_detect" to enable clients to see their own hat when 3rd person view is detected.
        - Optionally uses "ThirdPersonShoulder_Detect" plugin by "Lux" and "MasterMind420", if available.
        - Added bunch of maps to the default value of "l4d_hats_precache". Thanks to "Alex101192" for providing.
        - Increased "l4d_hats_precache" cvar length, max usable length 490 (due to game limitations).
    1.20 (01-Apr-2020)
        - Fixed "IsAllowedGameMode" from throwing errors when the "_tog" cvar was changed before MapStart.
        - Removed "colors.inc" dependency.
        - Updated these translation file encodings to UTF-8 (to display all characters correctly): German (de).
    1.19 (19-Dec-2019)
        - Added command "sm_hatclient" to set a clients hat, requested by "foxhound27".
    1.18 (23-Oct-2019)
        - Added commands "sm_hatshowon" and "sm_hatshowoff" to turn on/off personal hat visibility.
        - Fixed cvar "l4d_hats_precache" from modifying the allow cvar. Now correctly disables on blocked maps.
    1.17 (10-Sep-2019)
        - Added cvar "l4d_hats_precache" to prevent pre-caching models on specified maps.
    1.17b (19-Aug-2019)
        - Fixed ghosts from having hats.
    1.16 (02-Aug-2019)
        - Fixed "m_TimeForceExternalView not found" error for L4D1 - Thanks to "Ja-Forces" for reporting.
    1.15.0 (05-May-2018)
        - Converted plugin source to the latest syntax utilizing methodmaps. Requires SourceMod 1.8 or newer.
        - Changed cvar "l4d_hats_modes_tog" now supports L4D1.
    1.14 (25-Jun-2017)
        - Added "Reset" option to the ang/pos/size menus, requested by "ZBzibing".
        - Fixed depreciated FCVAR_PLUGIN and GetClientAuthString.
        - Increased MAX_HATS value and added many extra L4D2 hats thanks to "Munch".
    1.13 (29-Mar-2015)
        - Fixed the plugin not working in L4D1 due to a SetEntPropFloat property not found error.
    1.12 (07-Oct-2012)
        - Fixed hats blocking players +USE by adding a single line of code - Thanks to "Machine".
    1.11 (30-Jun-2012)
        - Fixed cvar "l4d_hats_random" from not working properly - Thanks to "Don't Fear The Reaper" for reporting.
    1.10 (20-Jun-2012)
        - Added German translations - Thanks to "Don't Fear The Reaper".
        - Small fixes.
    1.9 (22-May-2012)
        - Fixed multiple hat changes only showing the first hat to players.
        - Changing hats will no longer return the player to firstperson if thirdperson was already on.
    1.8 (21-May-2012)
        - Fixed command "sm_hatc" making the client thirdpeson and not the target.
    1.7 (20-May-2012)
        - Added cvar "l4d_hats_change" to put the player into thirdperson view when they select a hat, requested by "disawar1".
    1.6.1 (15-May-2012)
        - Fixed a bug when printing to chat after changing someones hat.
        - Fixed cvar "l4d_hats_menu" not allowing access if it was empty.
    1.6 (15-May-2012)
        - Fixed the allow cvars not affecting everything.
    1.5 (10-May-2012)
        - Added translations, required for the commands and menu title.
        - Added optional translations for the hat names as requested by disawar1.
        - Added cvar "l4d_hats_allow" to turn on/off the plugin.
        - Added cvar "l4d_hats_modes" to control which game modes the plugin works in.
        - Added cvar "l4d_hats_modes_off" same as above.
        - Added cvar "l4d_hats_modes_tog" same as above, but only works for L4D2.
        - Added cvar "l4d_hats_save" to save a players hat for next time they spawn or connect.
        - Added command "sm_hatsize" to change the scale/size of hats as suggested by worminater.
        - Fixed "l4d_hats_menu" flags not setting correctly.
        - Optimized the plugin by hooking cvar changes.
        - Selecting a hat from the menu no longer returns to the first page.
    1.4.3 (07-May-2011)
        - Added "name" key to the config for reading hat names.
    1.4.2 (16-Apr-2011)
        - Changed the way models are checked to exist and precached.
    1.4.1 (16-Apr-2011)
        - Added new hat models to the config. Deleted and repositioned models blocking the "use" function.
        - Changed the hat entity from prop_dynamic to prop_dynamic_override (allows physics models to be attached).
        - Fixed command "sm_hatadd" causing crashes due to models not being pre-cached, cannot cache during a round, causes crash.
        - Fixed pre-caching models which are missing (logs an error telling you an incorrect model is specified).
    1.4.0 (11-Apr-2011)
        - Added cvar "l4d_hats_opaque" to set hat transparency.
        - Changed cvar "l4d_hats_random" to create a random hat when survivors spawn. 0=Never. 1=On round start. 2=Only first spawn (keeps the same hat next round).
        - Fixed hats changing when returning from idle.
        - Replaced underscores (_) with spaces in the menu.
    1.3.4 (09-Apr-2011)
        - Fixed hooking L4D2 events in L4D1.
    1.3.3 (07-Apr-2011)
        - Fixed command "sm_hatc" not displaying for admins when they are dead/infected team.
        - Minor bug fixes.
    1.3.2 (06-Apr-2011)
        - Fixed command "sm_hatc" displaying invalid player.
    1.3.1 (05-Apr-2011)
        - Fixed the fix of command "sm_hat" flags not applying.
    1.3 (05-Apr-2011)
        - Fixed command "sm_hat" flags not applying.
    1.2 (03-Apr-2011)
        - Added command "sm_hatoffc" for admins to disable hats on specific clients.
        - Added cvar "l4d_hats_third" to control the previous update's addition.
    1.1.1a (03-Apr-2011)
        - Added events to show / hide the hat when in third / first person view.
    1.1.1 (02-Apr-2011)
        - Added cvar "l4d_hats_view" to toggle if a players hat is visible by default when they join.
        - Resets variables for clients when they connect.
    1.1 (01-Apr-2011)
        - Added command "sm_hatoff" - Toggle to turn on or off the ability of wearing hats.
        - Added command "sm_hatadd" - To add models into the config.
        - Added command "sm_hatdel" - To remove a model from the config.
        - Added command "sm_hatlist" - To display a list of all models (for use with sm_hatdel)
    1.0 (29-Mar-2011)
        - Initial release.

    1. Put this plugins .sp file into your \addons\sourcemod\scripting\ folder.
    2. Compile the plugin.

    1. Download the .zip and extract the files to their respective folders in your servers \addons\sourcemod\ folder.
    2. Install the Use Priority Patch plugin to prevent blocking +USE.
    3. Optionally install: ThirdPersonShoulder_Detect to enable viewing Hats when thirdperson view is detected.

    Updating from 1.35 or older:
    • New cvars have been added: use the Cvar Configs Updater, or delete the old cvars config or manually add them.

    Updating from 1.44 or older:
    • Translation files have been modified. Update them or the plugin will throw errors and not work.

    Current Translations: English (en), German (de), Spanish (es), Russian (ru), Ukrainian (ua), Simplified Chinese (chi) and Traditional Chinese (zho).
    Attached Files
    File Type: zip l4d_hats.zip (76.0 KB, 46 views)

    Last edited by Silvers; 05-31-2024 at 06:10.
    Silvers is offline
    Junior Member
    Join Date: Jan 2011
    Old 03-29-2011 , 09:36   Re: [L4D & L4D2] Hats
    Reply With Quote #2

    Very interesting mod, I just hope we do not have to idle for them ...
    kaybeebiscuits is offline
    Veteran Member
    Join Date: Feb 2010
    Location: 90's
    Old 03-29-2011 , 10:22   Re: [L4D & L4D2] Hats
    Reply With Quote #3

    hats are in tf2.
    hats are in css.
    hats are in l4d(2) now!
    hats are everywhere!
    Leonardo is offline
    Join Date: May 2010
    Old 03-30-2011 , 23:50   Re: [L4D & L4D2] Hats
    Reply With Quote #4

    LOVE IT !!!!!!!!!!!
    I just love what the people think when they join my server, their reactions are just priceless and they like it in my server.
    2 suggestions:

    1. Make it so you can actually see your own hat, liek when you get smoked or if you have 3rd person enabled
    2. Make it so you can have the option to not wear a hat
    ShanXin is offline
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    Old 03-31-2011 , 02:54   Re: [L4D & L4D2] Hats
    Reply With Quote #5

    yeah , thx for the plugin
    really funny
    alexip121093 is offline
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    Old 03-31-2011 , 20:19   Re: [L4D & L4D2] Hats
    Reply With Quote #6

    Could someone post a sample config for l4d1? I look in the model folder and all I see are .vtx files. Or could someone tell me where the folder location is of these mdl files?
    bzellinger is offline
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    Old 03-31-2011 , 20:49   Re: [L4D & L4D2] Hats
    Reply With Quote #7

    @ShanXin Tomorrow I'll release an update which lets you not wear hats (by sm_hatoff command). Do you want the hat visible automatically when you go into thirdperson / smoked etc? It's a good idea but maybe long, will have into it.

    @bzellinger I used hammer to view the models. Basically create a map, add a prop entity and when you select a model and click ok, it shows the full path.

    I made and tested this on L4D2 only so I assume some models will be missing when used in L4D1... if someone could post an L4D1 specific config that would be greatly appreciated.
    Silvers is offline
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    Old 03-31-2011 , 21:26   Re: [L4D & L4D2] Hats
    Reply With Quote #8

    Originally Posted by Silvers View Post
    @ShanXin Tomorrow I'll release an update which lets you not wear hats (by sm_hatoff command). Do you want the hat visible automatically when you go into thirdperson / smoked etc? It's a good idea but maybe long, will have into it.

    @bzellinger I used hammer to view the models. Basically create a map, add a prop entity and when you select a model and click ok, it shows the full path.

    I made and tested this on L4D2 only so I assume some models will be missing when used in L4D1... if someone could post an L4D1 specific config that would be greatly appreciated.
    Yeah, so you can see you're own hat
    ShanXin is offline
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    Old 03-31-2011 , 21:29   Re: [L4D & L4D2] Hats
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    You can currently toggle the hat visibility by typing !hatshow or !hatview but then it's either on or off, and not automatic when changing between thirdperson. Will that be enough or do you want the automatic stuff?
    Silvers is offline
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    Old 03-31-2011 , 23:02   Re: [L4D & L4D2] Hats
    Reply With Quote #10

    Originally Posted by Silvers View Post
    You can currently toggle the hat visibility by typing !hatshow or !hatview but then it's either on or off, and not automatic when changing between thirdperson. Will that be enough or do you want the automatic stuff?
    Its okay for me, but then it'll be a pain constantly doing this lol:
    Player: How do I see my hat? D: or What's my hat??
    Jason: TYPE /hatview PLZ

    So I guess either making it into a cvar whether it starts as on/off or making it automatic would be nice, so yeah

    Last edited by ShanXin; 03-31-2011 at 23:04.
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