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Solved Behhh animation help

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Join Date: Mar 2022
Old 03-12-2022 , 16:55   Behhh animation help
Reply With Quote #1

I am currently rewritting some things in the Be the horsemann script and the "boo" animation is not working on my screen but my friends are able to see it.

#pragma semicolon 1

#include <sourcemod>
#include <sdktools>
//#include <sdkhooks>
#include <tf2_stocks>
#include <tf2items>
#include <tf2attributes>

#define PLUGIN_VERSION "1.4"

#define HHH "models/bots/headless_hatman.mdl"
#define AXE "models/weapons/c_models/c_bigaxe/c_bigaxe.mdl"
#define SPAWN "ui/halloween_boss_summoned_fx.wav"
#define SPAWNRUMBLE "ui/halloween_boss_summon_rumble.wav"
#define SPAWNVO "vo/halloween_boss/knight_spawn.mp3"
#define BOO "vo/halloween_boss/knight_alert.mp3"
#define ATTACK "vo/halloween_boss/knight_attack01.mp3"
#define ATTACK2 "vo/halloween_boss/knight_attack02.mp3"
#define ATTACK3 "vo/halloween_boss/knight_attack03.mp3"
#define ATTACK4 "vo/halloween_boss/knight_attack04.mp3"
#define PAIN "vo/halloween_boss/knight_pain01.mp3"
#define PAIN2 "vo/halloween_boss/knight_pain02.mp3"
#define LAUGH "vo/halloween_boss/knight_laugh01.mp3"
#define LAUGH2 "vo/halloween_boss/knight_laugh02.mp3"
#define LAUGH3 "vo/halloween_boss/knight_laugh03.mp3"
#define LAUGH4 "vo/halloween_boss/knight_laugh04.mp3"
#define DEATH "ui/halloween_boss_defeated_fx.wav"
#define DEATHVO "vo/halloween_boss/knight_death02.wav"
#define DEATHVO2 "vo/halloween_boss/knight_dying.wav"
#define LEFTFOOT "player/footsteps/giant1.wav"
#define RIGHTFOOT "player/footsteps/giant2.wav"
#define SND_AXEHITFLESH "Halloween.HeadlessBossAxeHitFlesh"
#define SND_AXEHITWORLD "Halloween.HeadlessBossAxeHitWorld"
#define SND_BOO "Halloween.HeadlessBossBoo"
#define Boo "Halloween_HeadlessBossBoo
#define SND_ALERT "Halloween.HeadlessBossAlert"
#define SND_LAUGH "Halloween.HeadlessBossLaugh"
#define SND_DYING "Halloween.HeadlessBossDying"
#define SND_DEATH "Halloween.HeadlessBossDeath"
#define SND_PAIN "Halloween.HeadlessBossPain"
#define SND_ATTACK "Halloween.HeadlessBossAttack"
#define SND_SPAWN "Halloween.HeadlessBossSpawn"
#define SND_SPAWNRUMBLE "Halloween.HeadlessBossSpawnRumble"
#define SND_FOOT "Halloween.HeadlessBossFootfalls"
#define SND_AXEHITFLESH "Halloween.HeadlessBossAxeHitFlesh"
#define SND_AXEHITWORLD "Halloween.HeadlessBossAxeHitWorld"

public Plugin:myinfo =
name = "[TF2] Be the Horsemann",
author = "FlaminSarge","Pelipoika", modified by gamerz103
description = "Be the Horsemann",
url = "http://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=166819"

new Handle:hCvarThirdPerson;
new Handle:hCvarHealth;
new Handle:hCvarSounds;
new Handle:hCvarBoo;
new bool:g_IsModel[MAXPLAYERS+1] = { false, ... };
new bool:g_bIsTP[MAXPLAYERS+1] = { false, ... };
new bool:g_bIsHHH[MAXPLAYERS + 1] = { false, ... };
new g_iHHHParticle[MAXPLAYERS + 1][3];
//new bool:g_bLeftFootstep[MAXPLAYERS + 1] = { 0, ... };

public OnPluginStart()
CreateConVar("bethehorsemann_version", PLUGIN_VERSION, "[TF2] Be the Horsemann version", FCVAR_NOTIFY | FCVAR_NONE | FCVAR_SPONLY);
hCvarHealth = CreateConVar("behhh_health", "750", "Amount of health to ADD to the HHH (stacks on current class health)", FCVAR_NONE);
hCvarSounds = CreateConVar("behhh_sounds", "1", "Use Horsemann sounds (spawn, death, footsteps; will not disable BOO)", FCVAR_NONE, true, 0.0, true, 1.0);
hCvarBoo = CreateConVar("behhh_boo", "2", "2-Boo stuns nearby enemies; 1-Boo is sound only; 0-no Boo", FCVAR_NONE, true, 0.0, true, 2.0);
hCvarThirdPerson = CreateConVar("behhh_thirdperson", "1", "Whether or not Horsemenn ought to be in third-person", FCVAR_NONE, true, 0.0, true, 1.0);
RegAdminCmd("sm_behhh", Command_Horsemann, ADMFLAG_ROOT, "It's a good time to run - turns <target> into a Horsemann");
HookEvent("post_inventory_application", EventInventoryApplication, EventHookMode_Post);
HookEvent("player_hurt", Event_PlayerHurt);
HookEvent("player_death", Event_Death, EventHookMode_Post);
public OnClientPutInServer(client)
public OnClientDisconnect_Post(client)
g_IsModel[client] = false;
g_bIsTP[client] = false;
g_bIsHHH[client] = false;
public OnPluginEnd()
for (new client = 1; client <= MaxClients; client++)
public OnMapStart()
PrecacheModel(HHH, true);
PrecacheModel(AXE, true);
PrecacheSound(BOO, true);
PrecacheSound(ATTACK, true);
PrecacheSound(ATTACK2, true);
PrecacheSound(ATTACK3, true);
PrecacheSound(ATTACK4, true);
PrecacheSound(PAIN, true);
PrecacheSound(PAIN2, true);
PrecacheSound(SPAWNRUMBLE, true);
PrecacheSound(SPAWN, true);
PrecacheSound(LAUGH, true);
PrecacheSound(LAUGH2, true);
PrecacheSound(LAUGH3, true);
PrecacheSound(LAUGH4, true);
PrecacheSound(SPAWNVO, true);
PrecacheSound(DEATH, true);
PrecacheSound(DEATHVO, true);
PrecacheSound(LEFTFOOT, true);
PrecacheSound(RIGHTFOOT, true);
// TF2Items_CreateWeapon(8266, "tf_weapon_sword", 266, 2, 5, 100, "15 ; 0 ; 26 ; 750.0 ; 2 ; 999.0 ; 107 ; 4.0 ; 109 ; 0.0 ; 62 ; 0.09 ; 205 ; 0.05 ; 206 ; 0.05 ; 68 ; -2 ; 236 ; 1.0 ; 53 ; 1.0 ; 27 ; 1.0 ; 180 ; -25 ; 219 ; 1.0", _, "models/weapons/c_models/c_bigaxe/c_bigaxe.mdl", true);

public EventInventoryApplication(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast)
new client = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event, "userid"));
if (g_bIsHHH[client])
AcceptEntityInput(client, "SetForcedTauntCam");
g_bIsHHH[client] = false;
public Event_Death(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast)
new client = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event, "userid"));
new deathflags = GetEventInt(event, "death_flags");
if (!(deathflags & TF_DEATHFLAG_DEADRINGER))
if (IsValidClient(client) && g_bIsHHH[client])
// DoHorsemannDeath(client);
if (GetConVarBool(hCvarSounds))
public Action:SetModel(client, const String:model[])
if (IsValidClient(client) && IsPlayerAlive(client))
AcceptEntityInput(client, "SetCustomModel");

SetEntProp(client, Prop_Send, "m_bUseClassAnimations", 1);

g_IsModel[client] = true;
public Action:RemoveModel(client)
if (IsValidClient(client) && g_IsModel[client])
AcceptEntityInput(client, "SetCustomModel");
g_IsModel[client] = false;
// return Plugin_Handled;
/*stock SwitchView (target, boolbserver, bool:viewmodel, bool:self)
SetEntPropEnt(target, Prop_Send, "m_hObserverTarget", observer ? target:-1);
SetEntProp(target, Prop_Send, "m_iObserverMode", observer ? 1:0);
SetEntProp(target, Prop_Send, "m_iFOV", observer ? 100 : GetEntProp(target, Prop_Send, "m_iDefaultFOV"));
SetEntProp(target, Prop_Send, "m_bDrawViewmodel", viewmodel ? 1:0);

if (self) AcceptEntityInput(target, "SetCustomModelVisibletoSelf");
g_bIsTP[target] = observer;
stock ClearHorsemannParticles(client)
TF2Attrib_SetByName(client, "SPELL: set Halloween footstep type", 0.0);
TE_ParticleToAll("halloween_boss_death", _, _, _, client);

for (new i = 0; i < 3; i++)
new ent = EntRefToEntIndex(g_iHHHParticle[client][i]);
if (ent > MaxClients && IsValidEntity(ent)) AcceptEntityInput(ent, "Kill");
g_iHHHParticle[client][i] = INVALID_ENT_REFERENCE;
stock DoHorsemannParticles(client)
new lefteye = MakeParticle(client, "halloween_boss_eye_glow", "lefteye");
if (IsValidEntity(lefteye))
g_iHHHParticle[client][0] = EntIndexToEntRef(lefteye);
new righteye = MakeParticle(client, "halloween_boss_eye_glow", "righteye");
if (IsValidEntity(righteye))
g_iHHHParticle[client][1] = EntIndexToEntRef(righteye);

TE_ParticleToAll("ghost_pumpkin", _, _, _, client);
stock MakeParticle(client, String:effect[], String:attachment[])
decl Float:pos[3];
decl Float:ang[3];
decl String:buffer[128];
GetEntPropVector(client, Prop_Send, "m_vecOrigin", pos);
GetClientEyeAngles(client, ang);
ang[0] *= -1;
ang[1] += 180.0;
if (ang[1] > 180.0) ang[1] -= 360.0;
ang[2] = 0.0;
// GetAngleVectors(ang, pos2, NULL_VECTOR, NULL_VECTOR);
new particle = CreateEntityByName("info_particle_system");
if (!IsValidEntity(particle)) return -1;
TeleportEntity(particle, pos, ang, NULL_VECTOR);
DispatchKeyValue(particle, "effect_name", effect);
AcceptEntityInput(particle, "SetParent", client, particle, 0);
if (attachment[0] != '\0')
AcceptEntityInput(particle, "SetParentAttachmentMaintainOffset", particle, particle, 0);
Format(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s_%s%d", effect, attachment, particle);
DispatchKeyValue(particle, "targetname", buffer);
SetEntPropEnt(particle, Prop_Send, "m_hOwnerEntity", client);
AcceptEntityInput(particle, "Start");
return particle;
public Action:Command_Horsemann(client, args)
decl String:arg1[32];
if (args < 1)
arg1 = "@me";
else GetCmdArg(1, arg1, sizeof(arg1));
if (!StrEqual(arg1, "@me") && !CheckCommandAccess(client, "sm_behhh_others", ADMFLAG_ROOT, true))
ReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] %t", "No Access");
return Plugin_Handled;
* target_name - stores the noun identifying the target(s)
* target_list - array to store clients
* target_count - variable to store number of clients
* tn_is_ml - stores whether the noun must be translated
new String:target_name[MAX_TARGET_LENGTH];
new target_list[MAXPLAYERS], target_count;
new bool:tn_is_ml;

if ((target_count = ProcessTargetString(
COMMAND_FILTER_ALIVE|(args < 1 ? COMMAND_FILTER_NO_IMMUNITY : 0), /* Only allow alive players. If targetting self, allow self. */
tn_is_ml)) <= 0)
/* if (strcmp(arg1, "@me", false) == 0 && target_count == COMMAND_TARGET_IMMUNE)
target_list[0] = client;
target_count = 1;
/* This function replies to the admin with a failure message */
ReplyToTargetError(client, target_count);
return Plugin_Handled;
for (new i = 0; i < target_count; i++)
LogAction(client, target_list[i], "\"%L\" made \"%L\" a Horseless Headless Horsemann", client, target_list[i]);
if (GetConVarBool(hCvarSounds))
return Plugin_Handled;

TF2_SetPlayerClass(client, TFClass_DemoMan);


new ragdoll = GetEntPropEnt(client, Prop_Send, "m_hRagdoll");
if (ragdoll > MaxClients && IsValidEntity(ragdoll)) AcceptEntityInput(ragdoll, "Kill");
decl String:weaponname[32];
GetClientWeapon(client, weaponname, sizeof(weaponname));
if (strcmp(weaponname, "tf_weapon_minigun", false) == 0)
SetEntProp(GetPlayerWeaponSlot(client, 0), Prop_Send, "m_iWeaponState", 0);
TF2_RemoveCondition(client, TFCond_Slowed);
TF2_SwitchtoSlot(client, TFWeaponSlot_Melee);
CreateTimer(0.0, Timer_Switch, client);
// TF2Items_GiveWeapon(client, 8266);
SetModel(client, HHH);
if (GetConVarBool(hCvarThirdPerson))
AcceptEntityInput(client, "SetForcedTauntCam");
TF2_RemoveWeaponSlot(client, 0);
TF2_RemoveWeaponSlot(client, 1);
TF2_RemoveWeaponSlot(client, 5);
TF2_RemoveWeaponSlot(client, 3);
TF2_SetHealth(client, 50000 + GetConVarInt(hCvarHealth)); //overheal, will seep down to normal max health... probably.
g_bIsHHH[client] = true;
// g_bIsTP[client] = true;
stock TF2_RemoveAllWearables(client)
new wearable = -1;
while ((wearable = FindEntityByClassname(wearable, "tf_wearable*")) != -1)
if (IsValidEntity(wearable))
new player = GetEntPropEnt(wearable, Prop_Send, "m_hOwnerEntity");
if (client == player)
TF2_RemoveWearable(client, wearable);

while ((wearable = FindEntityByClassname(wearable, "tf_powerup_bottle")) != -1)
if (IsValidEntity(wearable))
new player = GetEntPropEnt(wearable, Prop_Send, "m_hOwnerEntity");
if (client == player)
TF2_RemoveWearable(client, wearable);
TE_ParticleToAll(String:Name[], Floatrigin[3]=NULL_VECTOR, Float:start[3]=NULL_VECTOR, Float:angles[3]=NULL_VECTOR, entindex=-1,attachtype=-1,attachpoint=-1, bool:resetParticles=true)
// find string table
new tblidx = FindStringTable("ParticleEffectNames");
LogError("Could not find string table: ParticleEffectNames");

// find particle index
new String:tmp[256];
new count = GetStringTableNumStrings(tblidx);
new i;
for (i=0; i<count; i++)
ReadStringTable(tblidx, i, tmp, sizeof(tmp));
if (StrEqual(tmp, Name, false))
stridx = i;
LogError("Could not find particle: %s", Name);

TE_WriteFloat("m_vecOrigin[0]", origin[0]);
TE_WriteFloat("m_vecOrigin[1]", origin[1]);
TE_WriteFloat("m_vecOrigin[2]", origin[2]);
TE_WriteFloat("m_vecStart[0]", start[0]);
TE_WriteFloat("m_vecStart[1]", start[1]);
TE_WriteFloat("m_vecStart[2]", start[2]);
TE_WriteVector("m_vecAngles", angles);
TE_WriteNum("m_iParticleSystemIndex", stridx);
if (entindex!=-1)
TE_WriteNum("entindex", entindex);
if (attachtype!=-1)
TE_WriteNum("m_iAttachType", attachtype);
if (attachpoint!=-1)
TE_WriteNum("m_iAttachmentPointIndex", attachpoint);
TE_WriteNum("m_bResetParticles", resetParticles ? 1 : 0);
stock TF2_SetHealth(client, NewHealth)
SetEntProp(client, Prop_Send, "m_iHealth", NewHealth, 1);
SetEntProp(client, Prop_Data, "m_iHealth", NewHealth, 1);
public Action:Timer_Switch(Handle:timer, any:client)
if (IsValidClient(client))
stock GiveAxe(client)

TF2_RemoveWeaponSlot(client, TFWeaponSlot_Melee);
new Handle:hWeapon = TF2Items_CreateItem(OVERRIDE_ALL|FORCE_GENERA TION);
if (hWeapon != INVALID_HANDLE)
TF2Items_SetClassname(hWeapon, "tf_weapon_sword");
TF2Items_SetItemIndex(hWeapon, 266);
TF2Items_SetLevel(hWeapon, 100);
TF2Items_SetQuality(hWeapon, 5);
new String:weaponAttribs[256];
//This is so, so bad and I am so very, very sorry, but TF2Attributes will be better.
Format(weaponAttribs, sizeof(weaponAttribs), "264 ; 1.75 ; 263 ; 1.3 ; 15 ; 0 ; 26 ; %d ; 2 ; 999.0 ; 107 ; 4.0 ; 109 ; 0.0 ; 62 ; 0.70 ; 205 ; 0.05 ; 206 ; 0.05 ; 68 ; -2 ; 69 ; 0.0 ; 53 ; 1.0 ; 27 ; 1.0", GetConVarInt(hCvarHealth));
new String:weaponAttribsArray[32][32];
new attribCount = ExplodeString(weaponAttribs, " ; ", weaponAttribsArray, 32, 32);
if (attribCount > 0) {
TF2Items_SetNumAttributes(hWeapon, attribCount/2);
new i2 = 0;
for (new i = 0; i < attribCount; i+=2) {
TF2Items_SetAttribute(hWeapon, i2, StringToInt(weaponAttribsArray[i]), StringToFloat(weaponAttribsArray[i+1]));
} else {
TF2Items_SetNumAttributes(hWeapon, 0);
new weapon = TF2Items_GiveNamedItem(client, hWeapon);
EquipPlayerWeapon(client, weapon);

SetEntProp(weapon, Prop_Send, "m_iWorldModelIndex", PrecacheModel(AXE));
SetEntProp(weapon, Prop_Send, "m_nModelIndexOverrides", PrecacheModel(AXE), _, 0);
stock TF2_SwitchtoSlot(client, slot)
if (slot >= 0 && slot <= 5 && IsClientInGame(client) && IsPlayerAlive(client))
decl String:classname[64];
new wep = GetPlayerWeaponSlot(client, slot);
if (wep > MaxClients && IsValidEdict(wep) && GetEdictClassname(wep, classname, sizeof(classname)))
FakeClientCommandEx(client, "use %s", classname);
SetEntPropEnt(client, Prop_Send, "m_hActiveWeapon", wep);
public Event_PlayerHurt(Handle:hEvent, const String:strEventName[], bool:bDontBroadcast)
new iVictim = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(hEvent, "userid"));
new iAttacker = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(hEvent, "attacker"));
if(iVictim != iAttacker && iVictim >= 1 && iVictim <= MaxClients && IsClientInGame(iVictim) && iAttacker >= 1 && iAttacker <= MaxClients && IsClientInGame(iAttacker))
if(IsPlayerAlive(iVictim) && GetEventInt(hEvent, "health") > 0 && !TF2_IsPlayerInCondition(iVictim, TFCond_Dazed) && g_bIsHHH[iAttacker])
TF2_StunPlayer(iVictim, 1.5, _, TF_STUNFLAGS_GHOSTSCARE);
public Action:HorsemannSH(clients[64], &numClients, String:sample[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH], &entity, &channel, &Float:volume, &level, &pitch, &flags)
if (!IsValidClient(entity)) return Plugin_Continue;
if (!g_bIsHHH[entity]) return Plugin_Continue;

if (strncmp(sample, "player/footsteps/", 17, false) == 0)
switch(GetRandomInt(1, 2))
case 1: Format(sample, sizeof(sample), "player/footsteps/giant1.wav");
case 2: Format(sample, sizeof(sample), "player/footsteps/giant2.wav");
EmitSoundToAll(sample, entity);

new Float:clientPos[3];
GetClientAbsOrigin(entity, clientPos);

for (new i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++)
if (!IsClientInGame(i)) continue;
if (!IsPlayerAlive(i)) continue;
if (i == entity) continue;

new Float:zPos[3];
GetClientAbsOrigin(i, zPos);

new Float:flDistance = GetVectorDistance(clientPos, zPos);

if (flDistance < 500.0)
ScreenShake(i, FloatAbs((500.0 - flDistance) / (500.0 - 0.0) * 15.0), 5.0, 1.0);

return Plugin_Changed;
if(StrContains(sample, "knight_axe_miss", false) != -1 || StrContains(sample, "knight_axe_hit", false) != -1)
new Float:clientPos[3];
GetClientAbsOrigin(entity, clientPos);

for (new i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++)
if (!IsClientInGame(i)) continue;
if (!IsPlayerAlive(i)) continue;

new Float:zPos[3];
GetClientAbsOrigin(i, zPos);

new Float:flDistance = GetVectorDistance(clientPos, zPos);

if (flDistance < 500.0)
ScreenShake(i, FloatAbs((500.0 - flDistance) / (500.0 - 0.0) * 15.0), 5.0, 1.0);
else if(StrContains(sample, "sword_swing", false) != -1 || StrContains(sample, "cbar_miss", false) != -1)
switch(GetRandomInt(1, 4))
case 1: Format(sample, sizeof(sample), "vo/halloween_boss/knight_attack01.mp3v");
case 2: Format(sample, sizeof(sample), "vo/halloween_boss/knight_attack02.mp3");
case 3: Format(sample, sizeof(sample), "vo/halloween_boss/knight_attack03.mp3");
case 4: Format(sample, sizeof(sample), "vo/halloween_boss/knight_attack04.mp3");
EmitSoundToAll(sample, entity, SNDCHAN_VOICE, 95, 0, 1.0, 100);
TE_ParticleToAll("ghost_pumpkin", _, _, _, entity);

return Plugin_Changed;
else if(StrContains(sample, "vo/", false) != -1)
if(StrContains(sample, "_medic0", false) != -1)
Format(sample, sizeof(sample), "vo/halloween_boss/knight_alert.mp3");
return Plugin_Changed;
else if(StrContains(sample, "pain", false) != -1)
// Format(sample, sizeof(sample), "Halloween.HeadlessBossPain");
switch(GetRandomInt(1, 3))
case 1: Format(sample, sizeof(sample), "vo/halloween_boss/knight_pain01.mp3");
case 2: Format(sample, sizeof(sample), "vo/halloween_boss/knight_pain02.mp3");
case 3: Format(sample, sizeof(sample), "vo/halloween_boss/knight_pain03.wav");
return Plugin_Changed;
switch(GetRandomInt(1, 4))
case 1: Format(sample, sizeof(sample), "vo/halloween_boss/knight_laugh01.mp3");
case 2: Format(sample, sizeof(sample), "vo/halloween_boss/knight_laugh02.mp3");
case 3: Format(sample, sizeof(sample), "vo/halloween_boss/knight_laugh03.mp3");
case 4: Format(sample, sizeof(sample), "vo/halloween_boss/knight_laugh04.mp3");

return Plugin_Changed;

return Plugin_Continue;
decl Float:HorsemannPosition[3];
decl Float:pos[3];
new HorsemannTeam;

GetClientAbsOrigin(client, HorsemannPosition);
HorsemannTeam = GetClientTeam(client);
for (new i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++)
if (!IsValidClient(i) || !IsPlayerAlive(i) || HorsemannTeam == GetClientTeam(i))

GetClientAbsOrigin(i, pos);
if (GetVectorDistance(HorsemannPosition, pos) <= 500 && !FindHHHSaxton(i) && !g_bIsHHH[i])
stock bool:IsValidClient(client)
if (client <= 0) return false;
if (client > MaxClients) return false;
// if (!IsClientConnected(client)) return false;
return IsClientInGame(client);
stock bool:FindHHHSaxton(client)
new edict = MaxClients+1;
while((edict = FindEntityByClassname2(edict, "tf_wearable")) != -1)
decl String:netclass[32];
if (GetEntityNetClass(edict, netclass, sizeof(netclass)) && StrEqual(netclass, "CTFWearable"))
new idx = GetEntProp(edict, Prop_Send, "m_iItemDefinitionIndex");
if ((idx == 277 || idx == 27 && GetEntPropEnt(edict, Prop_Send, "m_hOwnerEntity") == client && !GetEntProp(edict, Prop_Send, "m_bDisguiseWearable"))
return true;
return false;
stock FindEntityByClassname2(startEnt, const String:classname[])
/* If startEnt isn't valid shifting it back to the nearest valid one */
while (startEnt > -1 && !IsValidEntity(startEnt)) startEnt--;
return FindEntityByClassname(startEnt, classname);
stock ScreenShake(target, Float:intensity=30.0, Float:duration=10.0, Float:frequency=3.0)
new Handle:bf;
if ((bf = StartMessageOne("Shake", target)) != INVALID_HANDLE)
BfWriteByte(bf, 0);
BfWriteFloat(bf, intensity);
BfWriteFloat(bf, duration);
BfWriteFloat(bf, frequency);

There is a lot of mistakes but I just want to figure out how to add the boo animation

Last edited by gamerz103; 03-25-2022 at 21:39.
gamerz103 is offline
PC Gamer
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Join Date: Mar 2014
Old 03-13-2022 , 03:00   Re: Behhh animation help
Reply With Quote #2

Welcome to the forum!

If you post code either attach it as an sp file or use the php tags under 'go advanced'.

Your code was missing the part where it swapped the 'Medic!' sound with the 'BOO' sound. I added it on the attached version of your code.
Attached Files
File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (horsemann.sp - 39 views - 23.3 KB)
PC Gamer is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2022
Old 03-13-2022 , 03:09   Re: Behhh animation help
Reply With Quote #3

The boo worked but the animation still didn't show up for some weird reason. My friend was able to see me do the animation for it but I can't see it.
gamerz103 is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2022
Old 03-13-2022 , 03:31   Re: Behhh animation help
Reply With Quote #4

also want to say I really appreciate you helping me. Im new to this kind of thing and not to sure how to really work this.
gamerz103 is offline
PC Gamer
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Join Date: Mar 2014
Old 03-13-2022 , 19:15   Re: Behhh animation help
Reply With Quote #5

Odd... I tested your plugin after the edits and the animation worked for me.

If you want to try something else I've attached a version of that plugin that I modified and use on my server. Maybe it will help you. Note: You may need to edit the HHH attributes to your liking. For example, in this version the HHH does 20X damage. Bosses on my server are pretty potent.
Attached Files
File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (behhh.sp - 46 views - 22.6 KB)
PC Gamer is offline
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Old 03-13-2022 , 19:26   Re: Behhh animation help
Reply With Quote #6

I have tried yours but the animations still don't work. Idk if its a map problem or a server problem.
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Old 03-13-2022 , 20:46   Re: Behhh animation help
Reply With Quote #7

PC Gamer, after you left the server, I left also and tried to unload and load hhh and the animations for the boo still didn't work
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Old 03-13-2022 , 21:11   Re: Behhh animation help
Reply With Quote #8

I wonder if there is a plugin I need to load animations onto my server or something.
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Old 03-14-2022 , 00:47   Re: Behhh animation help
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Check your error logs. They sometimes can give you a clue if something isn't working right. If you don't see anything in the logs then it is most likely that you are running a separate plugin that is causing a conflict.

Make sure you aren't running multiple plugins that all use the same !behhh command. That would definitely cause problems. Start removing your plugins to see which ones, if any, are causing the problem.
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Old 03-14-2022 , 07:46   Re: Behhh animation help
Reply With Quote #10

That still didn't work. I didn't see anything wrong in the errors either.
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