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Hurdurr. Am I just stupid?

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Old 01-27-2009 , 13:09   Hurdurr. Am I just stupid?
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A day or so ago I decided to get SourceMod and MetaMod: Source for hosting my own listen CSS server and so far it's been working fine. I've pretty much looked at all the configs to work out how to add myself as unrestricted admin and other things (Flag 'z', though no immunity) because I run a variety of maps.

However, using sm_slay, sm_burn or ANY command related to killing, punishing, kicking or banning clients gives me a '[SM] You cannot target this player' message- Even when trying to set fire to myself. I just cannot figure out how to get this working. At first I used admins_simple.ini, adding myself as "!" with the 'z' flag and no immunity. Now I've resorted to using the admin.cfg instead, and the non-commented lines look like this;
        "auth"            "ip"
        "identity"        ""
        "flags"            "z"
        "immunity"        "0"
I've also tried using my SteamID to set myself as an admin AND using my nick and a password. No luck either way.

What am I doing wrong? As far as I know, I'm using the latest versions of both Metamod and SourceMod since I downloaded 'em yesterday. It's getting annoying not being able to kick/ban people, especially since I had an aimbotter on my server earlier. I had to disconnect and start the server up again, which made me lose most my players. ._.

EDIT: Uh. Doing sm_dump_admcache gives me a dumplog. Which says my admin flag is "", which I'm pretty sure means none. What does that mean?
EDIT2: Editing my "flags" to "abcdefghijklmnz" makes the dump read "abcdefghijklm?", for some reason. I've no idea what's going on anymore. ._.
EDIT3: Removing 'n' and 'z' from flags gets rid of the '?' and makes the dump look like I think it should. Though it's still not working. x_x
EDIT4: Feel free to rename the topic to be a bit more specific if needed.. Just realized it might be a little misleading. ._. Also, judging from other topics detailing this problem, I'm assuming I'm gonna get a 'No steam, no support' reply first. Feel free to skip those as I -do- have Steam. Feel free to request evidence.

Last edited by asaguda; 01-27-2009 at 15:35. Reason: Added information. Again.
asaguda is offline
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Old 01-27-2009 , 16:54   Re: Hurdurr. Am I just stupid?
Reply With Quote #2

If your immunity is 0, you can't target anyone...

Also, why are you doing admin as the localhost ip?
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Lebson506th is offline
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Old 01-27-2009 , 21:54   Re: Hurdurr. Am I just stupid?
Reply With Quote #3

If you have the "z" flag, immunity is never computed - you can target anyone. Aside from which immunity defaults to 0.
BAILOPAN is offline
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Old 01-28-2009 , 10:56   Re: Hurdurr. Am I just stupid?
Reply With Quote #4

Oh. Okay. But the config file said an immunity of 0 meant no immunity?
Also, using the exact same settings that did not work on a sv_lan 0 server seemed to work with a sv_lan 1 server. I slayed bots whenever I was getting bored of waiting..

But. I will try removing the immunity thing and see if I can go slay myself now. AFAIK somewhere in the changelog, it said that admins could always use commands on themselves regardless of immunity, which kinda neglects the '0 means you can't target anyone' since I should of been able to slay myself..

Localhost IP? I don't know. I figured that was easier to do since on a listen server, typing Status gives the host' STEAM_ID_PENDING, so I figured the game might not know my SteamID. ._. I was tired that day, so yeah. Now I'm doing it by SteamID though since I noticed it worked. Yay SteamIDs!

EDIT: ... The STEAM_ID_PENDING thing, that might very well be the problem. I read that it means that you can't ban or give admin to anyone and it's probably because my server cannot authenticate with the Steam servers.. Is this because I'm behind a router?

EDIT2: I've searched for hours now and tried everything to no avail. STEAM_ID_PENDING is, if not the, one of the reasons I'm unable to target people when my listen server goes sv_lan 0. I've also taken to time to figure out it means that I cannot connect to the master servers to authenticate SteamIDs, despite having done proper portforwarding. This means that formerly VAC Banned players can connect, which kindof makes sense of the amount of aimbotters on the server earlier. Steam Support searching gave me nothing for my issues with connecting to the master servers and neither did any other searching. Solutions appreciated but not needed;

In either case, consider this solved as I'm certain it will work after I fix whatever is making the STEAM_ID_PENDING issue. Thank you for taking your time to reply, however, and sorry for asking for help when it wasn't really a SourceMod problem.

Last edited by asaguda; 01-28-2009 at 14:15.
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