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Reservable Servers

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Join Date: Aug 2003
Old 11-05-2004 , 16:19   Reservable Servers
Reply With Quote #1

A while ago, K2 offered his Nexus HardFought server to the general public for scrimmages/matches (until he converted the server over to RtCW... traitor!!! ). He created a web-site template that provided everything necessary to offer this in time-blocks. In fact, as the leader of Project X clan (-pX-), we used his server frequently for OGL (well before the bastardization of leagues like CAL).
Not many people are willing to provide a free and invaluable service to the CS community. Such a contribution is equal to the developers of MetaMod, AMXX Mod, and so forth. So, I personally thank you, K2, for letting us few players know there are people who actually give a shit about online gaming and it's respective communities. Well done, sir.

Anyways, I feel that this creation might be extendable into SourceMod. Now, although a web-based template will be more than necessary, a plugin to aid this service could prove invaluable. The plugin could handle various, menial options such as:
  • Customised information displays
    In-game URL link
    Daily/Weekly schedule display (for current reservations)
    HTML GUI (using web-server MySQL)

At this time, I will need more time to further iron out a lot of the details, but I was thinking this would have aided K2 immeasurably. Anyways, K2 could provide all the details regarding this sytem (if unknown to the AMX/AMXX/SourceMod team and, of course, if he is willing). I have a few other ideas, but I'm taking the time to sort them out before revealing them.
BL Clan Server
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DarkMind is offline
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Old 11-05-2004 , 16:44  
Reply With Quote #2

Sounds like a winner.
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Old 11-05-2004 , 18:45  
Reply With Quote #3

There allready are some plans for bookable servers... front-end is well on it's way; maybe we can swap ideas? Contact me if you're interested...
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Old 11-05-2004 , 20:40  
Reply With Quote #4

Aweome idea guys. I do a lot of web design and plugin modding so if you need any help give me a shot. I could also probably setup something for testing on my dedicated linux box.
FullThrottle is offline
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Old 11-06-2004 , 17:52  
Reply With Quote #5

Originally Posted by YoMama
Contact me if you're interested...
Sounds like a plan. Although I do admit my programming is at a beginner's level, I'm more than willing to aid you in any way necessary. I'll PM you with my personal e-mail address.

Originally Posted by FullThrottle
I do a lot of web design and plugin modding so if you need any help give me a shot.
Wanna make my clan's web-page? LoL There's always room for webbers who have Linux. If I'd get off my lazy ass and learn it, I could stop complaining about MS, huh?

Also, I believe K2 would definately be beneficial to this, as he already has a few years experience with this idea. And I think full credit should indeed be given to him and not me. It WAS his at one time afterall.
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Old 11-06-2004 , 21:28  
Reply With Quote #6

HEH ;) Hi DarkMind, thx for the kind words

Get this... already have a friend of mine (reg from Hardfought, name is Burzum) working on a reservation system for the Hardfought CS: Source match server that is much like what we had for original CS (PUPPY was the one who did the backend for our original system). He's got the frontend template almost done and will start in on the backend soon. I'll finish up the frontend once the fundamentals are done. The past reservation system was an .asp frontend that tied in with a VB backend, with all data stored in a *gag* msaccess dbase. The new one we're working on is still .asp, but will use MySQL for the dbase and C# as the backend. Would prefer .php for the frontend but Burzum is the man and it's what he knows best. Hey, if it works, it works, I aint too picky ;)

Bear in mind folks, I am not a coder by any means... I can tinker with existing scripts and such, and seem to have a knack for ideas, but that's the extent of my ability in this area.

This is how it worked and will work currently - players would access a calendar on my website. They'd pick a date, and the fields they had to fill out to reserve the match server were date/time, duration of reservation, username/password, valid email address, reason for reservation and desired join password. Once a reservation was made, that data was stored in the dbase and showed on the calendar frontend - it was impossible for reservations to accidentally overlap, plus we had a limit on how long you could reserve (3 hrs) and you couldnt make a reservation for a date/time already passed. At the time of a teams reservation, the VB backend would send a cmd to the server changing the join password to whatever was selected by the person making that reservation. Towards the end of the reservation, that same backend would send a warning (via adminmod) stating the reservation was almost up, and then at the very end would change the join password back to default until the next reservation came around. Only admins knew the default join password.

This system worked pretty well for the most part, with admins rarely having to spend time making sure reservations were made successfully.

Some things we're adding this time around:

- email validation
- reminder via email that reservation is about to start
- system will remember users, so you'd actually register with the reservation system (would love to intergrate this with my phpBB msgboard)
- backend will kick all users from server if they exceed their reservation after X amount of minutes w/ warning of such (this was when admins had to get 'hands-on' the most in the past)
- menu for reservation maker to chose from for pre-defined settings that the backend can send to the match server at time of reservation (map, time/round/frag limits, FF on/off, etc)
- allow person making reservation to specify an rcon password for the duration of their reservation, which will reset to default after reservation expires (I'm sure a better solution will be available with sourcemod regarding admin levels)

Now... if something even more robust could be made from sourcemod, like a plugin of some type, that would be great, would love to see that happen. At the very least, the backend should already be able via rcon to send a sourcemod command to change things like ff on/off, round time, time limits, map changes, and turn on/off various plugins.

Anyways... that's the template we had and the plans for what we're working on now. Hope this helps everybody and am looking forward to any ideas/suggestions/feedback to this.

- K2
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Old 11-07-2004 , 03:04  
Reply With Quote #7

Yes, like k2 said the time we needed to spend on the reservations was very low. With the new system being designed it should be less. It would be nice to see something designed along with source mod to do server reservations as it would allow our implementation to be much more scalable and probably easier.

doofy is offline
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Old 11-07-2004 , 11:35  
Reply With Quote #8

Sounds great.

Is he making the templates/pages generic? Or is he making it specifically to match your current web-site?

I only ask because I want to know if you'd be interested in providing a general download package for others to replicate this for their servers. If so, I'm more than willing to help out in anyway that I can.

By the way, I was j/k about leaving CS. Hell, the community was a bunch of whiney, snot-nosed brats then. Heck, there's still plenty around. Those little turd burglars.
BL Clan Server
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DarkMind is offline
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Old 11-07-2004 , 12:17  
Reply With Quote #9

You know, the more I think about this, the more I believe that handling almost everything could indeed be done while in-game. At least, once initial registration has been completed on a web-site that is.

Once you have all the information needed from a player, his/her clan, and what-not, all it would take is to display an HTML window that provides available slots. And with the press of a few buttons, they could select whatever slots are available and your server could handle the processions.

Let me put this in more detail.

1. Web-Site - Page 1: Application
- Clan name & tag, Members, Steam IDs, etc.
- Clan password (so that other members can reserve later on)
2. Web-Site - Page 2: Reservations
- Your calendar idea
3. In-game - Public Command /reserve
- Script checks if clan already has a reservation booked
*If reservation exists, message displayed:
Your clan already has a reservation for date/time.
*If none exist...
- Provides HTML GUI displaying current available slots
- Player presses keystrokes to match desired slot
- Server sends info to web-site to post info and confirm reservation

I know a lot of more technical specifics are needed, but I do feel this is indeed possible. Hell, I bet it would be possible with regular CS and it's current version of AMXX.

If ya need clarity on this idea, PM me and I'll do the best I can.
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Old 11-07-2004 , 16:22  
Reply With Quote #10

Aherm - correction to my original post. Our reservation system will be using C# instead of VB as the backend. Burzum pointed that out to me. My bad
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