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origin of entity

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Saint Sinner
Senior Member
Join Date: Feb 2016
Old 02-25-2018 , 15:38   origin of entity
Reply With Quote #1

I tried to make second origin for entity and shows me only one why? something wrong?

I know I can do:

new const szInfo[2][INFO] =
    { "35hp_2", 1066.52, -1025.00, -551.00},
    { "35hp_2", 1066.52, -1075.00, -551.00}
if i have 2 entitys in 35hp_2 is not possible to detect only one becouse :

is the distance between player and g_Origin

The red selection is what i change

#include <amxmodx>
#include <engine>
#include <fakemeta>

#define PLUGIN "Crear Entity"
#define VERSION "1.0"
#define AUTHOR "xPaw & Luqqas'"

enum _:INFO
new Entity
new Float:g_Origin[3],  Float:x_Origin[3]

new const DATE[] = "models/test.mdl"

new const szInfo[1][INFO] =
    { "35hp_2", 1066.52, -1025.00, -551.00}


new const xzInfo[1][INFO] =
    { "35hp_2", 1066.52, -1075.00, -551.00}


new maxplayers
public plugin_init() {
    register_plugin(PLUGIN, VERSION, AUTHOR)
    register_think("NiceArbol","Think_NiceArbol" );
    register_clcmd("say /origins", "origins")
    maxplayers = get_maxplayers()

public Think_NiceArbol(Ent)
    entity_set_float( Ent, EV_FL_nextthink, halflife_time() + 0.01 )
    new Float:PlayerOrigin[3]
    new Float:fDistance, Float:xDistance 
    for(new i = 1 ; i <= maxplayers; i++)
        pev(i, pev_origin, PlayerOrigin)
        fDistance = get_distance_f( g_Origin, PlayerOrigin )
        xDistance = get_distance_f( x_Origin, PlayerOrigin )
        if( fDistance <= 100.0)
            client_print(i , print_center, "Distance to entity: %.2f", fDistance )
        if( xDistance <= 100.0)
            client_print(i , print_center, "Distance to entity: %.2f", fDistance )
public origins(id)
    new Get_Origins[3]
    pev(id , pev_origin, Get_Origins)
    client_print(id, print_chat, "%0.2f - %0.2f - %0.2f", Get_Origins[0], Get_Origins[1], Get_Origins[2])
public plugin_precache() 
    static map[20]
    get_mapname(map, charsmax(map))
    for( new i = 0 ; i < 2 ; i++)
        if( equal( map, szInfo[i][MAP] ))
            g_Origin[0] = szInfo[i][X]
            g_Origin[1] = szInfo[i][Y]
            g_Origin[2] = szInfo[i][Z]

            CreateEntity( 0 , g_Origin)
    for( new j = 0 ; j < 2 ; j++)
        if( equal( map, xzInfo[j][MAP] ))
            x_Origin[0] = xzInfo[j][X]
            x_Origin[1] = xzInfo[j][Y]
            x_Origin[2] = xzInfo[j][Z]

            CreateEntity( 0 , x_Origin)


CreateEntity( id,  Float:Origin[3] = { 0.00, 0.00 , 0.00 })
    if( !id && Origin[0] == 0.00 && Origin[1] == 0.00 && Origin[2] == 0.00 )
    Entity = create_entity( "info_target" );

     //assert is_valid_ent(Entity)
    if( is_valid_ent(Entity) )
        entity_set_string( Entity , EV_SZ_classname, "NiceArbol");
        entity_set_float( Entity, EV_FL_nextthink, halflife_time() + 0.01 )
        entity_set_int( Entity , EV_INT_solid, SOLID_BBOX);
        entity_set_model( Entity , DATE );
        entity_set_size( Entity , Float:{ -320.0, -220.0, 0.0 }, Float:{ 320.0, 220.0, 10.0 } );        
        server_print("* Entidad creada en las coordenadas %0.2f %0.2f %0.2f", Origin[0], Origin[1], Origin[2] );

        entity_set_origin( Entity, Origin );

Last edited by Saint Sinner; 02-25-2018 at 15:48.
Saint Sinner is offline
Senior Member
Join Date: Dec 2017
Old 02-26-2018 , 14:30   Re: origin of entity
Reply With Quote #2

for( new j = 0 ; j < 2 ; j++)
        if( equal( map, xzInfo[j][MAP] ))
            x_Origin[0] = xzInfo[j][X]
            x_Origin[1] = xzInfo[j][Y]
            x_Origin[2] = xzInfo[j][Z]

            CreateEntity( 0 , x_Origin)
Here you rewrite the same cell every cycle of the loop.
It should be something like this: (one array entry for each entity.)
for( new j = 0 ; j < 2 ; j++)
        if( equal( map, xzInfo[j][MAP] ))
            x_Origin[j][0] = xzInfo[j][X]
            x_Origin[j][1] = xzInfo[j][Y]
            x_Origin[j][2] = xzInfo[j][Z]

            CreateEntity( 0 , x_Origin)
Obviously, you must change the method of checking the distance.
My English is A0
E1_531G is offline
Old 02-27-2018, 07:42
This message has been deleted by KiLLeR.. Reason: I didn't read the first post...

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